TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM

Trenton Garmon

Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc.

Trenton Garmon Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 9:02 PM To: , Andrew Jones , Jim McClendon , , , Dan Roberts , , , [email protected], Tom Butler , Linda Coleman- Madison , , , [email protected], Tom Whatley , William Beasley , Donnie Chesteen , , , , Chris lliott , , Jack Williams , , , , , , , Cc: Joseph Jody Willoughby , Judge William Ogletree , [email protected] Bcc: [email protected]

Alabama Senate

Re: THC, CBN, CBD & Terpenes

Dear Senate,

Graces and peace to you.

First, let me thank you all for dutifully serving the people of Alabama. I assure you I realize that your positions and "ministries" (which is what your public service is) often brings undue criticism and unjustified critique. So "we the people" do appreciate your willingness to be a leader and maintain as best you are able a balanced perspective in approaching Law.

Second, I do want to encourage you to be mindful that the "Law of Nature and Nature's God" is the Philosophy of Law our nation has adopted. Meaning when evaluating any potential law, our Founders understood the goodness and sufficiency of creation to self-sustain humanity was understood. Radical Protestant thinking and agendas are dangerous to natural law.

Third, please be mindful that an approach to Law which de facto adopts a prohibition of a natural substance is no law but rather a sacrilege. Cicero made clear that "right…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 1 of 6 TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM

reason" and "natural law" bear witness for themselves and any law that does balance both is a sacrilege. In my opinion, any continued effort to ban Delta 8 is in fact a push against the laws of nature.

Inserted below is the accepted medical recommendation among the majority and dominant number of States and their medical community regarding the elements THC, CBD and the related terpenes. These are MINIMUM recommendations of same. Rather than encourage "abstinence" or prohibition of these natural elements the medical community has and is adopting actual minimums.

To wit:

If you recall from history, George Washington, died from "bloodletting" which was performed by a medical doctor and accepted as "modern medicine" at the time. Clearly, we now know that "bloodletting" was doing the opposite of what physicians intended and rather than drain "infection" the "doctors" medical recommendation and method was draining life giving blood.

Be mindful that history, science and medicine in years to come will only affirm actions taken to oppose THC, CBD, CBN and terrpines as a form of mental and physical "bloodletting" of the people.

Chocolate, poppy seeds, pepper, tyne, hops in beer, lavender and the like all deliver some or all of these natural elements to the human body. For God sake, breastmilk contains endocannabinoid delivering elements as naturally created by the mother's body.

I am certain not one of you is seeking to bring harm or therapeutic/medicine oppression of the people. But continued efforts to oppose access by "we the people"…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 2 of 6 TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM

to these elements will go down in history as just that - the oppression of natural and medically recommended elements. There is no basis for the same other than power and control rooted in a lack of information in my opinion. As you may be aware, even the US Government owns a patent in a strain of Cannabis finding at the time its elements to be beneficial and valuable.

Thus, we (you) face a potential conflict of Law and would be creating a conflict with natural law if the efforts continue. The majority of states accept what the world considers natural and therapeutic elements of the Earth to be given for a purpose. Please do not create "bad law" which will have sweeping unintended consequences. It's closed minded and politically selfish.

While it may "feel" like new laws is a "good thing", the hemp industry and the people have a liberty right to natural elements.

Thus, be encouraged that taxation or age-based restrictions to ensure proper utilization may be appropriate. Not likely, but maybe. But a ban is absolutely unconstitutional.

I am certainly not saying you as a body of lawmakers could not successfully create more "bad law", but that certainly is what it would be. And thus, I encourage you to not capitulate to radical unnatural propaganda.

Again - Tax and age restrict, if anything, these natural elements. Yet there are ZERO deaths linked and ZERO adverse medical responses to these elements. Also consider if you as a Body maintain a criminalize natural elements approach, consider these poisonous 8 berries given it follows the same peculiar logic. Perhaps you get the point of Philosophy of Law.

So God forbid creating yet another web of unnecessary, unnatural Law which binds up peaceful, hard working Alabamians. And then the Courts and DAs have to deal with it.

I challenge any proponent to a good faith Lincoln-Douglas Debate or alternatively I offer 5-15 minutes of my time to share a prepared legal perspective regarding the issue.

Thank you again for your willingness to bear the political weight representing your constituents. And working to "secure" our God-given rights to life, liberty and the…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 3 of 6 TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM

pursuit of happiness". I pray this is received in and with humility and neighborly care.

Roll tide, War Eagle, Go Trojans, etc! For you and with...

Warm regards, ~Trent


Ancient Near East perspective regarding natural elements: Exodus 30:22-29 - 29&version=ESV


Exodus 30:24 - "aromatic cane" and "cassia" ~ Cannabis plant utilized by Moses in perfuming the Holy Anointing Oil.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


Cicero - "For there is a true law: right reason. It is in conformity with nature, is diffused among all men, and is immutable and eternal; its orders summon to duty; its prohibitions turn away from offense . . . . To replace it with a contrary law is a sacrilege; failure to apply even one of its provisions is forbidden; no one can abrogate it entirely."

______…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 4 of 6 TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM


This figure is based on several sources including Florida MMTC dispensary websites. dosagesandcompositions2018.pdf - A REVIEW OF MEDICAL CANNABIS STUDIES RELATING TO CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS AND DOSAGES FOR QUALIFYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS

GW Pharmaceuticals package insert of medical marijuana medication. Id at

Karst M, Wippermann S. Cannabinoids against pain. Efficacy and strategies to reduce psychoactivity: a clinical perspective. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2009;18(2):125-133.19236260 Efficacy_and_strategies_to_reduce_psychoactivity_A_clinical_perspective

GW Pharmaceuticals package insert of medical marijuana medication. Id at - Cannabinoids against pain. Efficacy and strategies to reduce psychoactivity: a clinical perspective Based on the Karst study.

Respectfully, TRENT, Esquire* Trenton Garmon Garmon & Associates, PLLC A Civil Rights & Injury Firm Main Office: Birmingham…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 5 of 6 TRENTON GARMON & Associates Mail - Natural Law & Therapeutic Remedies - Delta 8, etc. 4/21/21, 5:01 PM

Call or Text: 855-99-TRENT Fax: 855-998-EFAX Direct: 205-753-3998

*Licensed in all Alabama State Courts, multiple Federal Courts & eligible for pro hac entry in numerous other state courts.

Associated by agreement with Attorneys located in Alabama, Virginia, Florida, & Tennessee.

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CORRESPONDENCE FORMAT: Garmon & Associates, PLLC 2024 Third Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35203 Telephone: 855-998-7368 Facsimile: 855-998-3329

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Member & Active Supporter of American Autism Society and Catholic Charities of America.

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Pro Hac Disclaimer: The term means "for this occasion" or "for this event" (literally, "for this turn"), and refers to a practice in common law, whereby a lawyer who has not been admitted to practice in a certain jurisdiction is allowed to participate in a particular case in that jurisdiction. Per the, American Bar Association, pro hac vice admission is available in every American jurisdiction. Associate Attorneys directly and independently provide legal services to their clients and Garmon is only licensed in Alabama. *Garmon may be invited into a case outside Alabama wherein the matter is "for this occasion" or pro hac vice which is a method to ensure the general public has access to quality legal services in areas of the law local counsel decline or to which local counsel are not committed to the ends of justice, given the parties involved which are typically cases involving abuse of power or corruption by "Big Government", major stronghold corporations or "powerful"/"connected" individuals.…g-a%3Ar7496407904359741573&simpl=msg-a%3Ar7496407904359741573 Page 6 of 6