

Brian Buccellato,Francis Manapul | 176 pages | 19 Jan 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401257491 | English | United States Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky HC

Batman Detective Comics HC Vol 7 Anarky A plane has crash-landed at Gotham International Airport, but the passengers and crew inside appear to have been dead for years, their corpses seemingly decayed. Batman - Detective Comics: Anarky» Batman - Detective Comics: Anarky #1 - Volume 7 released by DC Comics on January Summary Short summary describing this issue. Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky Paperback – Illustrated, August 2, by Brian Buccellato (Author), Francis Manapul (Author) out of 5 stars 35 ratings. Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 7: Anarky

Batman: Detective Comics () Vol. 7: Anarky Kindle & comiXology by Francis Manapul (Author, Illustrator, Artist), Brian Buccellato (Author), (Author). The seventh volume of the relaunched Detective Comics title is an interesting assortment of Batman tales, highlighted by the New 52 update of Anarky. The book opens with a two-part story dealing with a plane crashing into Gotham Terminal. The Dark Knight and Detective Harvey Bullock have the pieces-Anarky, Mad Hatter, a human trafficker and six dead children-but there's little time to connect them all before their city is consumed by total chaos! Collects issues DETECTIVE COMICS #, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and DETECTIVE COMICS: FUTURES END #1. Detective Comics, Vol. 7: Anarky review

The seventh volume of the relaunched Detective Comics title is an interesting assortment of Batman tales, highlighted by the New 52 update of Anarky. The book opens with a two-part story dealing with a plane crashing into Gotham Terminal. Gotham City is decending into chaos at the hands of Anarky and his quest for revenge on both the villains and protectors of the city in these tales from DETECTIVE COMICS #, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and DETECTIVE COMICS: FUTURES END #1! Batman must team up with Harvey Bullock of the Gotham City PD to find Anarky’s true motivation for. Batman Detective Comics TP Vol 7 Anarky Paperback – 2 Aug Batman Detective Comics TP Vol 7 Anarky. Paperback. – 2 Aug Note: This item is eligible for click and collect. Details. Pick up your parcel at a time and place that suits you. Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 7: Anarky

DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. 7: ANARKY. Gotham City is decending into chaos at the hands of Anarky and his quest for revenge on both the villains and protectors of the city in these tales from DETECTIVE COMICS #, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and DETECTIVE COMICS: FUTURES END #1!. The seventh volume of the relaunched Detective Comics title is an interesting assortment of Batman tales, highlighted by the New 52 update of Anarky. The book opens with a two-part story dealing with a plane crashing into Gotham Terminal. Gotham City is decending into chaos at the hands of Anarky and his quest for revenge on both the villains and protectors of the city in these tales from DETECTIVE COMICS #, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and DETECTIVE COMICS: FUTURES END #1! Batman must team up with Harvey Bullock of the Gotham City PD to find Anarky’s true motivation for.

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