Portland Daily Press
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. June Established — 23, 1862. Vol. 10. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1871 ._ — ■ Jerms $8-°° ■ _- ___---_I annum, in advance. The roriiiina Dally Press MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. MILLINERY, &C. fa published every day EDUCATIONAL. (Sundays excepted) by mumHifun *'•*? vase flowers—and twists tiie DAILY PRESS. the witli““t Portland Publishing Co., Fa ton slightest' dea'V'ih “*,par.(-"t'y. Family School PORTLAND. talks are seldom overwfL l* JomJ- {l'4 At 109 Exchange Btreet, Portland. MILLINERY! meeting is,hrown ATLANTIC^” POR A BOYS. Terms tew remarks are Eight Dollars a Tear in advance. sometimes m.de the WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER aud the by Insurance IMPERIAL We invite attention to our Stock ot Maine. 8,1871. brethren, meeting is then closed with Mutual Aorridgewock, a Tlie Maine state Press Oomp’y rousing song of praise. The whole service -AND FALL & WINTER (ORGANIZED IN seldom exceeds one hoar,—Letter 1842.) t8 Robert Tooiuba. to hoatoii Is published every Thursday Morning at asaHoue l!T‘‘8ei ”n«|naled advantages Journal. Wall corner Sc“°°1'Srhnni™ lor particularsad.lr.sg *2.50 a year; if in at $2.00 a 51 st., of William,, New York. From Atlanta Correspoudenca oi Cincinnati Com- paid advanoe, II.F. EATON. A year. Insures Marine and Inland lVIilliuery Goods, ocSldlw mercial. Pelygawaua HHwkvM. _ Against Navigation Risks. ----Principal. AS l.M'KKIOlt bonnets, hats, ■i.on'ERx, No one cculd have been at tlie VIBW OF UOKMO.V LIFE. Rates of Advertising.—One inch of space, And will issue Policies making Loss payable in Euglaud. Firemen’s Fu nd ST. j Kimball UGUST1NM The Salt Lake of the In length of column, constitutes a square.” PEATIIEK VELVETS, House for the past few days without noticing City correspondent $1.60 per square first week. 75 cents Cincinnati in a of daily K IK Ac. Beard that the was a marked charac- Commercial, long report week three or $1.00; BANS, At, and among guests per after; insertions, less, Its Assets for the of its Policies arc more than Insurance kg Day School the trial of the Mormon Hawkins for continuing every other day after first week, 50 Security $13,000,000.00] Companies, ter. Every night a stout, thick, heavy man polyga- cents. --4«*-- EASTnAM & for BOYS ! my, [draws this of the The HAVE CETTS, would in the rotunda of the picture polygamous l'roflie of the Company rcrerf to the and nre dir appear hotel; Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; assured, ided nununlly, upon No, 45 Danfort!, pair: the Premium* terminnled si., borne down his one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. duriue the tear, certificates for which are ieeurd, bearing in lo. 1 u. s. Hotsl Building. Portland, Me. long uncombed locks by additional. Ten Millions In a chair sat Mrs. a Special Notices, one third ort-et aalil redeemed. M°"Jay S«P‘ »• slouch hat to his very eyes, big mouth, a Hawkins, dark-haired, Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per l^rrift|ndsMonr“ppiy,4f*taottKEV. black-eyed woman from where Moob1!i*<1 Vice-PTest. John lasrer. *• ... small of thin hair Birmingham, three insertions or leBS $1.50. D. Jokes, President. ^PGd.i patch long chin-whiskers, square per week; J. D. Hewlett,3d Vice-Preet. Chakles Vice-President or ATWELL Sc Middle Street, Advertise- she was converted to thir- Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Dekhi*, GOLD, CO., 174$ well with and a face that lit Moimouism about d H.Ohafhah, 8ecretu<. ments inserted in in Maine ami sprinkled gray, papers through- years aud State Press” (which has a large circulation ,ut the at the lowes rates. ty ago, married to Hawkins, also a, W. To Protect their Policy-Holders. country publisher's up with a wealth of intelligence whenever an- in every part of the State) for $1.00 per square JOHN HUNGER, Correspondent, Mormon at the in an imated in time, English parish for first and 50 cents per square for conversation. This man was Gen- insertion, Office, 1GG Pore Street. Por c’Vand. Agricultural Implements A Seeds. church. Mrs, Hawkins wears a each subsequent insertion. S. Cook eral Robert one of the first intellects plain bonnet, L, TWOMBLY, SAWYER & No. 24 Market Square Wanted. Toombs, Address all communications to ^_dlm-eodllm&wGw WOODFORD, a delaine dress, and her H’s all over the at tba of the South, say what you will. He is vastly drops PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. AGENT, A subscriber’s, No floor. She refers to Hawkius as “my ’us- Agencies 'or Sewing Machines. popular with his and FESSENDEN. personal acquaintances, band,” and seems thoroughly aroused to the REAL ESTATE. W. S. 158 Middle St oror H. H. A! UI'V'-'lllw_FRANCIS DYER, Hay’B. has friends the Ul\VO«l W1 VtiW IXVICA* 30 Exchange st., Upstairs. by thousands. The moment fcj ICVIIUQ kinds of Machines for sale and to let. Uepauing he leaves BUSINESS CARDS. Oct 21-dtf Wanted. his room he is surrounded by a Lions of bis malurer age. In snort, Mrs. Haw- all HAY and at 187 crowd, eager to be in his and kins has two suits anaiust Thomas. This one Fire. Bakers. rPRESSED STRAW, Com. street presence Geo. ft. Davis & Co.’s Mfatciucut after the € hicago .l s. Roberts. hear every word that falls from his He is for aud the next will be lor di- W. O. COBB, NO. 12 Pearl Street. o 'sTnw lips adultery, II. may begin talking with a and in voce. Mrs. Hawkins is her Peyret Ac Go B ULLLTIX. Office No. 175 Broadway. friend, five accoinanpied by minutes he will have a dozen Lizzie a embarrass- Booksellers and Stationers. House Wanted listeners, and laughter, Hawkins, timid, IMPORTERS OF Immediately, the crowd will increase if he does aud contain 8 2 until, not ed gill ol about sixteen years, while the & rooms, stories, centrally located break he To Loan U l HOYT, FOGG BREED, 92 Middle Street. away, will soon find himself address- mother is a and rather $20,000 TOPrice cot to exceed $:!,W)0. Any person having prompt bright witness, such a house can hear of a csslt customer ing a.respectahly-sized audience. He talks the is We by apply- daughter measurally dumb. The are prepared to loau money la huiim ptyiug tit City in a fluent flow of words and GERMANIA Book-Binders. Employment Office, 351* Congress st. ideas, possess* daughter never saw anything wrong; she from $100 to amount ou ftrst *nov7-3t of any detrfred, WM. A. Room 11 Printei’s ing something the graphic conversational knew Elizabeth Mear’s French QUINCY. Exchange,s children were her la- Wines cIuwm in Portland, Cape Eliza- Ill attributed to uioi'lgttgvH No. ExchaugeStreet. powers Dr. Samuel Johuson. ther’s. because they called him lather, blit Wenlbrook. or Pnrtica tie- Fire the old Wholesale & Retail beth, Drciriug. Insurance Co., SMALL A SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. Indeed, gruff lexicographer is brought she never saw anything in the Mears and Da- MirouK of bnildinjg can alno be accomm- to my mind whenever I see Toombs. vis end ol the because nOTifiui 948 CONCHKSS STREET. house, she never went odated with lonuN. NEW YORK, October II, 1671. The is on a Bonnet and Hat Bleacher?. General now here iu attendance up- there except visit in daytime. (.EO. R. DAVIS & CO.. E. BOARDERS on the federal court. He has as Thomas Hawkins looks like one H. UNDERWOOD, No. Slot Congress Street, extensive who might Real Entate & Broken*. law JO Mortgage Fash B. SAWYER A 131 Middle practice as any lawyer iu the State. In- enjoy married life and yet be a rather mean GEORGE D. ST, sep24tt Capital UO., Bleachers, utreet. WANTED. deed, lie says he has got mom than he can at- husband. A square Knglish bead, bulging iu FEW Boarders can USE ON WINTER STREET FOR RENT.— $500,000 be accommodated with good tend and more than he wants. His the dwarf’s Carpenters and Builders* A Board at to, big, high, loreheatl, plastered A HO 2J Rtory house, 15 rooms, bathing room, gas, WHITNEYjfr Pearl speeches at the bar are line specimens of for- stra'ght actoss from ear to ear with thiu, and all moderate Fine fruit MEANS, st, opposite the Park. 20» water, improvements. Assets October ’71, Congress st-, opp. the Park. ensic eloquence. Yet it is sahl that lie is not long, yellow hair, which haJf his garden on the premises. Will he leased fer a term of 1, permits pale Algo pleasant rooms to le: Without a close little bead to stand naked in Fresco yrars. House is tor and will be lat to one board. student, spending time among front and still be no Painter arranged House. Rye _ family F. 0-UQ.-U_ his law books, and over the a animal which only. 14 SYMONDS, India St., l adies Cloaks cleansod or giving prepara- baldhead; light-blue, eje, to GEO U DAVIS $1,135,333 Apply & Co., dyed for one dollar. tions of his cases to other bauds. It is iu the woUd pick out a woman quickest in a land- 136 Middle cc20-eod3w Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. Tenement to Let. st., Up Stairs, TO PROPERTY OWNERS: court-house that his talent shines out con- scape; not an atheletic body, and that clad iu Tlentififg and convenient house to rent to Tenements lor •mall 4 spicuotisly, and there lie overrides all ight, worn clothes j.sileut, attentive, and at _oc28U__ Rent. PRESCRIBED B* Inquiries concerning the standing of Insur- PLEASANTliiinily, No.