The Daily Campus Serving the Storrs Community Since 1896

VoL LLXXXIXNo. 33 The University of Connecticut Tuesday, Oct 22, 1985 Town parking tickets face extinction here By Paul Parker Daily Campus Staff Students may no longer have to pay $10 parking tickets to Mansfield under a proposal which Town Council candidate Scott Earl Murray will announce today. The Republican hopeful will announce the plan at 1:30 p. m on the south steps of the library along with student government President Jay Stolfi and state Sen Jim Giuletti (R-Vernon). Murray has consulted with Stolfi and Giuletti about the proposal as well as speaking with Mansfield Town Manager Mar- tin Berliner and Harry Hartley, UConn's vice president for finance and administration Murray termed these consultations "preliminary discussions," but said a firm plan could be ready as early as next week. The plan calls for, in part, doing away with the dual ticketing process Illegally parked cars with UConn stickers get a $5 ticket which is collected by the university. Illegally parked cars without the stickers are ticketed $10 by the town of Mansfield In an interview earlier this month, Murray said 88.7 percent of the Mansfield tickets are not paid About 90 percent of UConn's tickets are paid he said Monday night The difference in success JUST FOR KICKS—Two members of the Karate club practice a few moves at Hawley See page 4 Armory (Lisa Hanson photo). // commission approves plan Politicians participate Apartments may open by fall in financial aid forum By Paul Thlel facilities, 70 acres for housing and 12 acres for By Beth King Daily Campus Staff roads. The remaining land will be open space or If the Town of Mansfield rezones ConnTech's Campus Correspondent farmland "The most important players in the area of financial aid" U.S 390-acre parcel of land north of campus this Goldberg expressed his desire that the com- winter, additional off-campus housing may be Congressman Sam Gejdenson said Monday at a financial aid mission pass the rezoning proposal sometime forum "are the people around the country who are affected" available for fall occupancy, according to Paul this winter, which would allow his company, Goldberg the developer of the ConnTech He urged students, their families, and faculty to write to their ConnTech Development Co., to follow a timet- congressmen and let them know there's a need for financial aid. research park able by which construction would begin in Goldberg officially presented plans for the Most mail, he said asks for spending cuts. the spring. Gejdenson was joined by U.S. Department of Education's Bill $120 million project to the Mansfield Planning If that happens, the roads and utilities would Reilly, state rep. Jonathon Pelto and others at the forum held in and Zoning Commission Monday night, which be completed by the end of the summer, as the Student Union The Undergraduate Student Government and the board voted unanimously to receive A would some of the "simpler" buildings—like the Public Interest Research Group sponsored the conference, public hearing was scheduled for Nov. 20 at 7:30 apartment complexes, Goldberg said Con- which about 40 people attended Federal state and university p.m in the Audrey P. Beck Building struction of the major building would start in student financial aid issues were presented followed by a ques- According to Goldberg's plans, 30 acres are the early fall, he said. tion and answer session and a reception designated for the hoteV conference center, ♦ The town indicated its general approval of 200 acres for research and light industrial Reilly said he had planned to speak on proposed reforms for See page 4 financial aid programs but that "Washington did not approve" Veronica O'Dette, director of financial aid said one proposed change involves the definition of an independent student one See page 4 Israeli head wants end of Mideast strife UNITED NATIONS (AP)—Prime Minister Shimon Peres told the General Assembly s 40 th anniversary session Monday that he is willing to go to Jordan to negotiate peace in the Middle East Most Arab delegations including Jordan's walked out when Peres took the podium their customary reaction when Israeli leaders speak. The delegation from Egypt which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979. remained in the halL " I hereby proclaim- The state of war between Israel and Jordan should be terminated immediately," Peres said "Israel declares this readily in the hope that King Hussein is willing to reciprocate this step." Peres suggested negotiations that "can take place before the end of this year, in Jordan Israel or any location as mutually agreed upon We will be pleased to attend an open meeting in Amman" Jordan's capital. He was one of 20 speakers Monday, including President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua who said he would not remove the suspen- HANDS ON EXPERIENCE—Laura Senior spends a late night working on a project for sion of civil rights imposed last week until the United States ends her photography class (Mark Caswell photo). "state terrorism" against his Central American country. NT Inside Today: Weather Forecast:

I Identifying the dead are their speciality. See page 7. Partly cloudy today with tem- peratures in the 50s Clouds increasing towards evening with temperatures UConn students help Hartford students learn. See page 5. ....I.I.I.'.;.; ;.;.;!■.■.•.•■•.;.'■"■"■!•■• ■'■'''■'■'* ■•'■ dropping into the 40 s J < P«ge2 The Daily Campus, Tuesday, October 22. 1985 ALMANAC STATE NATION WORLD Northeast Utilities Union files suit to free Former Italian premier proposes rate hike anti-nuclear protesters to form government HARTFORD (AP)—Northeast Utilities Chairman PROVIDENCE RL (AP)—The state chapter of the ROME (AP)— Bettino Craxi was asked to form a William B. Ellis said Monday that at least some of the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit Monday to new government Monday, four days after he resigned $25 million in costs his company incurred as a result free five protesters jailed for turning their backs on a as prime minister. Politicians expect him to try to of Hurricane Gloria should be borne by customers. judge after he sent five of their fellow anti-nuclear resurrect the same coalition that fell apart over the He said that while the request would not be made activists to prison for one year. Achille Lauro hijacking this year, he expected it would be made in a future The ACLU maintains Superior Court Judge John P. "I will immediately start work to resolve the politi- rate-increase application before the Department of Bourcier grossly overstepped his authority Friday by cal crisis, which does not lend itself to easy Public Utility Control. ordering five supporters of the Trident il Plowshares solutions," Craxi told reporters after President Fran- cesco Cossiga named him premier-designate "In the past, we have requested this and received to spend 10 days at the Adult Correctional Institu- tions for contempt of court . Politicians said Craxi would try to form a govern- it," Ellis told members of the General Assembly's A state Supreme Court hearing on the suit was set ment with the same four parties that joined his Energy and Public Utilities Committee, which is for Thursday. The supporters staged the brief Socialists in the former coalition—the Christian studying power companies' responses to the storm 1 It has been found "reasonable"in the past and would demonstration at the rear of Bourcier s courtroom Democrats, Republicans, Social Democrats and probably be sought on an amortized basis, he after the judge imposed maximum sentences and Liberals. added $500 fines on the Plowshares, who had pleaded no Hopes for a solution to the latest of many govern- contest to a misdemeanor charge of malicious ment crises in postwar boosted prices on the The hurricane which struck Connecticut on Sept damage Milan Stock Exchange Shares regained two-thirds of 27, caused the worst power outages in state history, The demonstrators raided the Electric Boat plant the six percent they lost after Craxfs resignation affecting about 718,000 customers. Some were at Quonset on Oct 1,1984, and damaged six Trident Thursday. without power for more than a week. submarine missile tubes with hammers, paint and The success of Craxfs effort appeared to depend Rep. Christine M Niedermeier, D-Fairfield said NU blood The Plowshares admitted to the acts, but largely on his talks with Defense Minister Giovanni should have had insurance to cover storm damages called them a legal, justified attempt to prevent SpadolinPs Republican Party, which precipitated the and that seeking higher rates would be "grossly nuclear war. collapse by withdrawing its three ministers from the unfair to ratepayers." The year- long sentences apparently took about 50 26-month-old Cabinet supporters in the courtroom by suprise. prompting Ellis replied that insurance was no longer available the back-turning by five, two women from Vermont, Craxfs previous government was the 44th since He said NU had such coverage up until July 1, when it two Connecticut men and a New York City womaa World War II and in another month would have been was canceled He said no other utility company in In issuing the contempt citations, Bourcier said the the longest-lived New has hurricane-damage insurance five disrupted the proceedings and exposed the Political sources said another five-party coalition He said the only companies that still have it are courtroom "to an extremely volatile situation" headed by Craxi would be the most realistic way of those whose policies have not yet come up for Attempts to reach Bourcier by telephone Monday obtaining a comfortable parliamentary majority and renewal. Ellis said NU had sought coverage from were unsuccessful A clerk said he was on the fending off Communist Party attempts to gain a companies and consortiums around the world bench foothold in the government "Nothing was available" he said Ellis said NU was The ACLU suit says Bourcier should not have used Italy's Communist Party is the largest in the West looking into setting up a mutual insurance company his contempt power "to compel citizens to exhibit and the second most powerful political force behind with other power companies. fawning respect" for the court the Christian Democrats. IN OTHER NEWS GREENWICH (AP)—A man was struck and NEW YORK (AP)—Leon Klinghoffer was the JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP)-Black killed by an Amtrak passenger train early Monday in victim of "a Holocaust of one" and his murder moos, divided on how to confront apartheid, what rail officials said was this month's third fatality aboard a Mediterranean cruise liner hijacked by four fought each other in Soweto with spears, rocks, on tracks in Fairf ield County. Metro-North Commuter Palestinians defies understanding, a rabbi said today hatchets, fire bombs and handguns on Monday. Railroad spokesman Tito Davila identified Monday's at memorial services for the 69-year-old New Elsewhere in South Africa, 16 opponents of white rule victim as William J. Tobin, 54, of the Old Greenwich Yorker. ^ went on trial on charges of treason section of Greenwich ^ SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Former Supervisor HARTFORD (AP)—Earthquakes, such as the Dan White, who shot and killed Mayor George PRESTON, England (AP)—Thirteen people ones that were felt by some Connecticut residents Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk in their City were killed Monday when about a dozen vehicles Monday and Saturday, are not considered a problem Hall offices in 1978, committed suicide Monday, city collided on a highway in northwest England A bus for the state a civil preparedness official said officials said was engulfed in flames and 35 people were injured in Earthquakes are considered such an unlikely White killed himself by carbon monoxide poison- what police described as the worst accident ever on occurence in Connecticut that the civil preparedness ing by attaching a garden hose to the exhaust pipe of the country's intercity highways. office does not consider earthquake planning to be his car and passing the other end into the passenger The final toll consisted of three adults killed in the that important compartment said Police Chief Cornelius Murphy. bus and six in three other cars, police said \ UCONN WEATHER TRIVIA Was Avery Point the only Partly sunny north and branch of UConn estab- mostly cloudy south Tuesday, lished in the New London highs in the mid to upper area? 50s. Mostly cloudy Tuesday No, UConn had a branch at night lows in the mid to Fort Trumbull in New London upper 40 s. in 1946 to help accomodate a Mostly sunny Wednesday, surge of students due to high 60 to 65 returning World War II vet- Fair Thursday. Partly erans. The branch closed cloudy with a chance of in 1950. showers Friday. Who you gonna call? OMBUDSTERS Call John Yearwood: 486-5980

Postmaster Send form 3579 to Connecticut Daily Campus. H Second CUM Postage paid at Dug 1-ane, Storrs. Conn 06268 Storrs. Conn %2t)8 Published by Hie Connecticut Daily Campus is the Connecticut Daily Campus, an associate member o( the Box U-189. Monday through Associated Press which is «► Police arrest a woman outside of South Africa house In London Saturday. Up to 2,000 Friday 9/2-12/9. 1/26-5/5. clusrvely entitled to reprint protestors blocked the road In a sit down strike that led to over 100 arrests. Telephone 429-9384 material published herein (UPI photo) The Dally Campus, Tuesday, October 22, 1985 Page 3 sNewSi SUBOG wants to get funny

By Dave Clark ium for the Winter Weekend Daily Campus Staff concert The board voted to The Student Union Board of allocate $48,000 to hire a per- Governors voted at Monday's former for two shows meeting to allocate money to bring a major comedian to In other business, the campus for the Winter board voted to spend $500 on Weekend concert in Febru- advertising for a "name ary. game" for students to name No one has been booked the fast-food restaurant that |yet. Concert Committee is being built in the old Chairman Rob RePass said, Commons Cash Food Oper- but the board has decided to ations, the developers of the try to get a comedian for Win- project, have offered to give ter Weekend this year be- prizes to the student whose cause not many bands tour in suggestion is chosen, Barb the winter. Poremba, vice president for "If they do," RePass said communications, said The ' they may only do one or two Communication council will lates in the northeast—in a now finalize details and begin arge arena" the contest soon The res- February 8 has been re- taurant is scheduled to open served at Jorgensen Auditor- early next semester. Conservation awards available from NWF The National Wildlife Wildlife Federation, 1412 16th Federation is calling for Street N.W., Washington, DC applications for its Environ- 20036-2266. The deadline for mental Conservation Fellow- applications is Nov. 30, 1985. ships and Publication Awards Announcement of awards is Programs for the 1986-87 made following the NWF academic year. annual meeting in March, Applicants for the Environ- 1986. All applicants must be mental Conservation Fellow- citizens of the United States, ships must be pursuing grad- , or Mexico. uate degrees and have been The National Wildlife The university's fleet of mail delivery trucks rests Federation, which will be 50 accepted for the fall semester outside the university mall room Monday night Come day of the 1986-87 academic year. years old next year, is the Delivery First year graduate students nation's largest conservation break, the trucks will be busy traveling about the involved primarily in course organization, with more than university delivering the day's mall (Mark Caswell work should not apply. 4.5 million members and sup- As an Environmental Con- porters and 51 affiliate organ- break photo). servation Fellow, a graduate izations nationwide student can receive a max- imum grant of $4,000 a year to do research in fields relating I o to wildlife natural resources 429-4850 Discover on no type management and protection Family Style Zooy -4 Mora P^icassing, inc. of environmental quality. The "/

Publication Awards each •. •-■■' - JCoon Buunwu Sloe* carry a cash gift of as much ij

President John Casteen is TH6 ITALIAN. QB * THIEF OP urging all members of the J university community to visit STALLION * "" the Red Cross Bloodmobile, which will be here Oct 28 to EVERY TUESDAY Nire, 8-10 PM. 31. "I hope you will find time to visit the Bloodmobile," he said "It won't take you long FOR WOMEN ONLY!! and you will be providing a (Us abouh fimej) valuable service There is always a critical need for blood, and it is important that All Drinks Q9<£ we respond to that need" Top 40 Music, Danci ng The Bloodmobile will be at For All- 10-Closina 8- IO PM the St Thomas Aquinas "THUMPERS,ROUTB \Q5, STOkRS, COMN.^ fORMtRLY ROSALS^-W-IOV Center. Page 4 The Daily Campus, Tuesday. October 22. 1985 News* Woman charged in forgery zoning may create housing An employee of Mansfield Loomis. a patient, police From front page the project would be handled "fairly," and not Training School was arrested said the plan last year in a resolution supporting the rushed by other business, according to Aline Monday and charged with After credit union officials project, so it is anticipated that the proposal will Booth, chairwoman of the board third-degree forgery and suspected Loomis had not eventually be passed. "If s one of the biggest projects we have had fourth- and sixth-degree signed for the withdrawal, The commission voted to have the public and probably will have for a long time" she larceny for allegedly making they notified him, police said. hearing on ConnTech in a special meeting so said unauthorized withdrawals Loomis said he had not given from a patient's account Moore the authority to make Diane Moore 30, of the withdrawal, police said. Mansfield, withdrew $200 Moore was released was aid discussed at forum from a Connecticut State released on $1,500 non- surety Employee Credit Union bond pending an OcL 29 court From front page must be made but that it congressmen to deal unreal- account belonging to David appearance who does not have to report shouldn't penalize the isticalty with the federal debt his parents' earnings and independent student under by cutting non-defense assets when applying for 22 years old spending, which he said is not federal aid It is proposed that When asked about possible now. ...$10 tickets may go only students over age 22 be students with well-off parents A decline in the ability of From front page allowed independent status. who don't contribute to their middle- and lower-income rates (90 percent compared to 11.3 percent) is largely because Reilly agreed with a woman education, Reilly said "It's the students to get a college UConn attaches unpaid parking tickets to student fee bills. in the audience who said the parents' first responsibility to education has resulted from Giuletti said he supports the idea because it will "shift the proposal would create confu- send the child to school, not the decrease in federal stu- burden of collecting taxes to the part of government that's more sion because a person is con- the federal government's" dent financial aid since 1980, efficient at doing it" sidered an adult at 18, but But, Gejdenson said that President John Casteen said The higher return on the lower $5 fee will result in increased would still be dependent if financial aid allowing more Also, over the last five years revenues, Giuletti said "Half a loaf is better than none" he going to college people to get a college educa- state aid has increased, as said Reilly also said there could tion is crucial to the country's well as the percentage of To make up for the town's lost revenue which estimated at be problems for people "ability to compete econom- UConn students whose needs $ 170,000 per year, the u niversity will either pay the town directly already accepted as indepen- ically, militarily, and in every are met He also said the or provide goods or services, Giuletti said dent if a phase-in program other way." He also said "The average income of a UConn's A fringe benefit, according to Giuletti, will be the creation of a were not used product of our universities student's family is increasing parking and road fund with the increased revenue This will lead O'Dette said she agrees and colleges determine the at double the rate of to improved parking on campus, he said He and Murray were not that a tightening of the defini- winner." Gejdenson predicted inflation prepared to say how Monday night tion of independent students continuing attempts by some Pelto said the state's role in financial aid is rising. He said that as federal financial aid £•*■*•* ^MM**********.***^ has decreased from 83 per- cent of all financial aid in 1980, to 78 percent now, the state TENNIS TOURNAMENT HE NT A has been introducing new for aid programs QUALITY USED CAR OR VAN John Siegrist, director of GRAD STUDENTS financial aid at the Depart- * at affordable USED CAR PRICES ment of Higher Education, said that a new loan program Sunday, October 27, 1985 allows any student enrolled in a Connecticut college to AS LOW borrow the money necessary 9:00 am (starting time) AS PER DAY for the cost of his education, Tennis Courts on Stadium Road provided that he can pay it Daily, weekly, and long-term rales back. O'Dette said financial aid is also available. Mixed supposed to end financial Men's Doubles * Women's Doubles Era raw ra barriers to students' attend- * Doubles ing the college of their choice * The federal government has «j( Registration Fee $ 1.00 Atkins Action Auto Sales 423-6093 tightened aid funds made Terry's Transmission, Ashford 429-6571 drastic cuts and increased J Information and Registration at drad Council Office jj 'Weekly-rate or longer Mileage, insurance and regulations making many jj Room 318 (486-3907)* sales tax not Included students ineligible for aid ** Whetten Grad Center M New proposals bring with QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE RENTALS them new problems, she said ****••*••*•**•*•**•* "Voice your opinion loud and strong to Congress Your The 3rd Annual Mr. and Miss Black UCONN future is at stake," she said IN HARTFORD She said one proposal is Bushnell Memorial Hall Pageant Saturday, November 9th, that it be proven students MAZE with PFTFR 1985 at 7:00 p.m actually attend classes before Applications due Friday, getting the money. The best FRANKIE Pp'j*UL estimate of attendance, BEVERLY * October25, at4:00 p.m. O'Dette said, wouldn't be and special guesl OL For more information drop by the Center possible until around mid- NATALIE COLE MARY or call Uston Flryaw or Cassandra Wilson terms She said the proposal at 486-3433 would "create a nightmare and a hardship for students involved" Moffett Music and Magic Night rally

Thurs. Oct. 24th 7 p.m Monday Toby Moffet former US SU. Ballroom Congressman from the 5 th district, will hold a rally on the October 2.1 al 8:00 PM October 24 at 8 00 PM ri< UTSIII ■ mj»i< v> steps of the Student Union on SPEND A NIGHT WITH WKSS SPEND A NIGHT WITH WDRC Monday at noon, I i M PRODI I noNS according to Jennifer Moran, Featuring Fernhill, Grand Central spokeswoman for the College COMING SOON Donna Gershman, Mike Mosher Young Democrats. Moffet November 22 at 8:00 PM & Chris Marquette said he will announce his can- ARLO GUTHRIE, didacy for governor next ..\* JOHN SEBASTIAN DAVID BROMBFRG month. Free Admission & Refreshments.- - Moffet, who will challenge TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT: Gov. William A O'Neill for the BUSHNELL BOX OFFICE 246-6807 TELETHON 1800-922 2030 '.PONSORED Bv Democratic nomination, is 3J3J5- seeking student support, brianalden|MICHELOB Moran said He appeared at Yale University Monday night =Life/Style The Dally Campus, Tuesday, October Ll, I y»:> Page 5 Students tutor Hartford children Niantic woman gives

By Debbie Dupont self and you can do things for Engdahl feels that this is an nuclear training Daily Campus Staff other people" said Laurie important step. "It's harder The old yellow school bus Engdahl, a senior who has for them to do something leaves the Student Union at 6 tutored for three semesters. against the norm than for peo- GROTON (AP)—When the Navy first offered enlisted women every Tuesday night taking Both Guglietta and Engdahl ple in other (social) groups" the chance to get nuclear-power training in 1978, Christy almost 60 UConn students to began tutoring in Sazama's she said "If they keep excell- Tomlins jumped at the opportunity to do something technical a dark brick building in introductory level economics ing they won't be accepted by and new. Hartford's North End There, classes, but continued for their own culture" Now Tomlins, 27, is the Navy's first female nuclear-qualified they meet with minority and personal reasons Guglietta said "They start chief petty officer. low income children, to help "They always ask me if I'm out with a dream then they "I went into it mostly because I was always interested in them with their homework coming back," Guglietta said see so many people faiL" technical fields, and this was something new to women," said and often, just to talk. of the Hartford childrea UConn tutors feel that they Tomlins, who works in the training department of the radiologi- The Revitalization tutoring " They get a sense of pride in make a difference to these cal controls division at the Navy Submarine Base program has existed since the having their tutors come children "There's got to be a Qualified to operate a nuclear reactor, she spends most of her early seventies, said Dr. Jerry back," Engdahl said reason they keep coming time writing lesson plans, giving training lectures administering exams to others trying to qualify and and grading exams, she Sazama, a UConn economics Kyle Elliott, a senior, back every week," Engdahl professor. Many of the tutors tutored when he was a fresh- said said are students of Sazama's man and has just begun doing Elliott said," I offer them my "The most important function of nuclear-qualified people is upper and lower division it again this semester. "I had operating the plants at sea" in surface and submarine combat lifestyle as an alternative, a vessels, she said But the Navy does not allow women to serve in economics classes no special kid that I saw every possibility, not their only one combat stations. Sazama runs his classes on week," he said of his freshman but one that they can see" "Thaf s a major shortfall for women in the program right now," the basis of a contract grading experience "so I felt no This is not always easy. system—students who pass obligation to the program Guglietta said that on their Tomlins said the mid-term and final exams Now r m seeing the same kid, a first trip, "a lot of tutors don't However, work on nuclear power plants when ships are in port as well as do an extra unit of thirteen-year-old boy, a fresh- even want to get off the bus in and other activities can keep plenty of women busy, the Niantic work,are guaranteed of a B. man in high school, and we the North End of Hartford" resident said One option for an extra unit have a really nice friend- The children "are strong "For nuclear-qualified people who aren't at sea there are is to tutor for the Revitaliza- ship." they're so independent places here..where we do the maintenance on submarines. In tion Center, a Hartford Elliott said that tutoring "is These kids aren't afraid to addition to that, the only place a woman right now gets to work as organization that aids low almost like a Big Brother pro- stick up for themselves," an at the prototypes where classes are trained and income families by helping gram. The grade's not impor- Guglietta said people initially become qualified," she said them to find jobs and rentals tant to me any more." Elliott agrees, "The boys Tomlins said she does not know why the Navy opened its nuclear power program to women and providing them with Guglietta feels that "you are tough at an early age You opportunities they might not have to have a different point have to break down the But in the late 1970s, around the height of efforts to promote normally have—such as pro- of view with these kids, to be barrier before you can talk to the Equal Rights Amendment the Navy initiated bonuses for those who went into the nuclear power program and for those viding tutors for children their friend I've seen tutors them" he said who re-enlisted. Most UConn students, patronize them I try to just "At first they're nervous Sazama said, "come here hang around with them not used to seeing someone Tomlins said after boot camp and basic electronic technicians' school, she and two other women were accepted to the nuclear largely from suburban high sometimes." older and from another walk schools, certainly out of Guglietta tries to do more power program. She was far from re-enlisting and too busy train- of life You talk to them and ing at the time to think much about the incentives, she added. academic backgrounds." than just help the children they get used to you They Sazama said that the tutor- with their homework. During While the three qualified as the first class of enlisted women at look forward to your coming" the prototype nuclear power training program in Ballston Spa, ing experience helps them to the summer she has taken he said NY, one has since left the Navy and the other has gone into the "understand economic them miniature golfing and Together, Guglietta and Navy Reserve officer enlisted program. reality," that they have to roller skating "They just took Engdahl tutor four childrea "have some immersion in " me by the hand and taught me Tomlins now plans to re- enlist for five years today and to make "We need a lot of people" the Navy a career, she said another aspect of the to roller skate" she said Guglietta said "We shouldn't A native of South Dayton, NY, Tomlins is scheduled to economic structure to under- Even the academic aspect be sitting with four, it should transfer in April to Ballston Spa and become a nuclear power stand it "It helps them to of the program goes beyond be one on one There's a lot of experience different econo- training program instructor. The work will be more demanding just helping out with home jealousy when you let some she said, because it will entail on-the job training with students mic class differences. It work. At least once each year, one else sit with you" on equipment involves them more in what the situations are reversed She said that this is due to they're learning" he said and the children come to the close friendships the At the end of the semester, UConn children often form with students are required to write "They get to see what their tutors a three page paper answering college really is," Elliott said, "You really get attached to the question "What did you "and some of them talk about them" she said "and they get learn about economics as a 'When I go to college'." attached to you." result of doing this?" From 7 - 9 pm And the students do learn a Strawberry Daiquiri lot Tutoring is something that ^~* Roses 99C Pumpkin Balloons many of them do for more Strawberry Margarita than simply a grade and ® -*. campus Chi - CHPs credits Ann Guglietta, a senior, has been tutoring for $1.00 four years. "I love the kids," * florist' she said People who tutor find that Helium Balloon Bouquets the personal rewards are Delivered from $9.95 w*m Oscar's many." It makes you feel good Pizza, Restaurant & Lounge about yourself, like you're not Halloween Balloon Bouquets available now! ■Route 44 Storrs For Delivery always doing things for your- Rt. 195 Downtown Storrs 487. j ] 93 Ffc\ (NexttoA^P) Call 429-8854 (ntxt to Pours Pizza; X UCONN STUDENTS EDWARD A H0RRIGAN JR Present College I. D. And Receive A 2 Month Membership PRESIDENT AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF And FREE T-SHIRT For 5 4 0.00 Aerobic Bikes R.J. REYNOLDS INDUSTRIES, INC. Modern Exercise Equipment WILL SPEAK ON Nautilus Personalized Training MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Natural Juice Bar Health Foods STUDENT UNION BALLROOM Colorful Workout Apparel Coming Soon: Suntanning Center OCTOBER 22, 1985 3:30-4:45 P. M. IBIONI 646-3131 FREE ADMISSION HOURS FIRST ANNUAL'ALUMNI RETURN TO CAMPUS" PROGRAM IN M-F8 am-9:30pm MANCHESTER.CT Sat 9 am-4 pm. SPONSORED BY: SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. AND Sun 9 am 3 pm BETA GAMMA SIGMA 1 519 L Middle Turnpike Rte 44 | "^ ALL STUDENTS WELCOME Page6 The Dally Campus, Tuesday, October 22. 1985


Some people are hard to satisfy'. They invent Making new things and making them better. I nucd lechnolagiei meant something revolutionary, like wireless telegra- Pratt & Whitney, H.imilr»n There are 25,000 engineers already with us, Standard, Otia, Carrier, phy, and it doesn't even slow them down. They but we always need new talent. New men and Automotive Croup, L'mred keep making it better. Stretching it farther. women who wouldn't be satisfied if they'd in- Tec hm ilooiei Micnielec tr. ink - Cjoing on to short-wave communications with Center, Nnnien, ( vented the wheel. They'd go on and invent the Systemi Euex, Stkonky, ships at sea. axle. We need some more Marconis. Mottek and I Inited Teehnul- iigies Reiearch Center. United Technologies would like a few of those. And we know you're there, and reading this. We're the world's largest maker of aircraft en- Shouldn't you stop by the campus place- An equal opportunity gines, helicopters, air conditioners, elevators, ment office and ask some questions? Or write tor employer, and escalators, hut that's not half the storv. more information and a reprint of this ad to Microelectronics. Fiber optics. Spacesuits. If it's United Technologies, PO. Box !J79, Hartford modern technology, we're there .it the center. CT06145. UNITED TECHNOLOGIES =Lifestyle === The Dally Campus, Tuesday, October 22, 1985 P*«e7 Modern steamboat Professors identify corpses By Derek Gray "If someone played the clarinet" Laughlin cruises Missouri River Daily Campus Staff said "we can tell by their front teeth If someone CHAMBERLAIN, S.D. (AP)—The Missouri River Trader's pair Human bones and pictures of skeletons are was a cobbler, we can tell by their worn of 190- horsepower diesel engines growled and groaned to scattered across the table where two men talk knees" launch the 18-ton pontoon boat on another cruise cheerfully over a cup of coffee The first is tall Laughlin and Harper have helped in many But once on the Missouri River near Chamberlain, the new and lean, with a bearded, yet boyish, face The diverse types of cases ranging from identifying a tourist attraction glided effortlessly on the glass- smooth surface, other, older and shorter, smokes a pipe missing child to identifying several bodies hemmed in by the rolling bluffs that rise from the water's Despite the picture of Sherlock Holmes on the burned in a fire edge first's coffee mug, the duo shuns the stereotype "No two are alike" Laughlin said "You get away from it all," said passenger Holland of a modern-day Holmes and Watson Spreckels of Chamberlain "I normally don't think of myself as a detec- The pair's first case together in 1970 involved One passenger compared the ride to thick cream being tive" the first one said the identifying of 13 Russian sailors who had poured out of a bottle—smooth, slow, gentle But detectives are just what they are gotten their throats cut and were buried in a pit Chamberlain insurance salesman Joel Schneider, 38, opened Albert Harper, the taller man, and William in the Aleutian Islands in 1764. the business this summer from the landing just north of the Laugh I in, both UConn professors of ecology and Interstate 90 bridge across the Missouri River. Each day, he runs evolutionary biology, are the men the state calls In another case a man got off a train from seven cruises aboard the two-deck boat On Saturday nights, he when medical examiners fail and a corpse needs New York in New Canaan and was never seen hires a band and hosts a party as the boat floats up and down the to be identified They have worked on about 150 again The body was found two years later, but river. On Sundays, brunch is served on board cases of unidentified bodies over the past 15 the insurance company would not pay unless it "To me if s a natural thing to have in this location I enjoy the years Harper and Laughlin are the only team of was proven that the man died while he was still river," said Schneider. "It's designed to be just a kind of relaxing this kind in the state insured, since his policy had run out during the time where you can go and enjoy yourself and look at the beauti- Whether the corpse is five-days-oid or 5,000 two years. The widow desperately needed the ful scenery." years-old they can tell you who it is. money to keep her two daughters in college By He hopes to eventually remodel the 15-year-old vessel and examining leaf and insect accumulation install a paddle wheel to make the boat more authentic Recently, the two have been working on the Laughlin and Harper proved he had died while Schneider expects to offer cruises through October and search for the body of Barbara Jean Monaco, a insured perhaps into November. He hopes to also use the boat to host Derby resident who police believe was mur- business meetings and maybe even hunting trips dered while on vacation in Virginia in 1978. The "We're glad the evidence protected the A Chamberlain couple has been married on board and Daniel case has been reopened by the Connecticut mother and two daughters," Laughlin said Johan, a musician from Sioux Falls who played for one of the state police after more than six years Saturday night cruises, has written a song about the river But their findings are not always sc fortunate boat "This is one of the more unusual cases," said it indeed, any death can be considered fort- The first steamboat in South Dakota arrived at Fort Pierre in Harper, who received his PhD from UConn in unate 1831, completely revolutionizing the fur trade according to the 1970. "It's in a different state and we've got to "There is a certain amount of tragedy and a "Robinson Encylopedia of South Dakota," published in 1925. find her body first That's unusual.We're usually good deal of anguish" Laughlin said "But we'd The discovery of gold in Montana brought more and more given the body first But what we do to her body like to help the next of kin get answers" steamboats to the river, but travel died down once the railroad is the same procedure as for someone who's Sometines Laughlin and Harper can't identify reached Bismarck, ND, in 1871. been dead 200 years." the corpses. The discovery of gold in the Black Hills in 1876 revived steam- "There are lots of bodies that tum up in boat traffic, and it peaked in the next five years. Laughlin and Harper are waiting for infra-red Connecticut that will never be identified," In 1880,15 steamboats docked at Yank ton for the winter, but aerial photographs and maps from the Coast Harper said most were destroyed the next spring by ice flows Guard of the 50-acre area in Virginia By looking Many bodies are those of "drifters", Harper Schneider said he named the 60-foot boat the Missouri River for changes in vegetation caused by excess nit- said and their lack of personal history makes it Trader because it symbolizes the kind of vessel that once rogen in the soil, the "most likely spots" of the difficult to identify their corpses operated on the river. "There's so many queens and belles," he body can be pin-pointed Harper said that the current Monaco inves- said smiling Then those spots will be excavated and if a tigation would not be finished until "several His 60-and90-minute cruises go up the river past Chamberlain body is found the pair will study the skeletal months into the future" and then tum around to go south of town The 90-minute cruise remains Laughlin and Harper's "public service to the covers about 12 miles. From the bones, Laughlin and Harper can dis- state" has developed into an interesting career On a recent cruise Schneider related some history of Cham- tinguish the body's sex age size and ethnicity. alongside their professional duties berlain and the U.S Army Corps of Engineers' project to dam the They can also use other individual characteris- " If we do this another 15 years," Laughlin sakt Missouri River. tics of the skeleton to make a positive ident- "we'll become a state landmark" He pointed out an unusual rock formation on the east bank of ification the river. Local legend has it that a coal deposit burned in the rock for 174 years, finally going out seven years ago, he said A boat bobbed in the distance " He's probably walleye fishing" Schneider told the passengers. Deer along the river lifted their heads, curious but not Navy Gold: spooked as the boat glided by them "You always see them right there" said deck-hand Tami Schindler. Forged in a Tradition El of Excellence Because the Officers wearing it are the best Florist in the world at what they do Mixed Bouquets from $3.99 ... they have to be RED ROSES 99

For the finest hairsfyling, perms and hair care products, it's the Scissor Wizards 10 Dog Lane Storrs We hire talent We want to be your haircare headquarters while you're here at UConn, and we're anxious to show you | norfhorn why we have the best reputation In the area telecom for quality work at a reasonable price itt fry us! You won't be disappointed! Appointments or Walk-ins MANUFACTURING PLANTS & RESEARCH FACILITIES: Ann Arbor, Ml • Atlanta, GA • Concord, NH • Creedmoor, NC • Marlton, NJ • 487-0747 Minneapolis, MN • Morton Grove, IL • Mountain View, CA • Nashville, TN • Raleigh, NC • Dallas, TX • San Diego, CA • Santa Tue.-Fri., 9:00-5:00; Sat 8:30-3:00 Clara, CA • West Palm Beach, FL Free Coffee served til noon MC/Visu The Dally Campus Tuesday. October 22, 1985 ^Marketplace Page 11 RIDE NEEDED to Central NJ leaving Mature experienced responsible For Sale 1980 CHEVETTE 37000 miles. 4 Roommates/ Friday 10/25, returning Sunday person to care for two small door, 4 speed AM/FM w/ 10/27. Please call Diane at 487- children a few hours a week to FOR SALE - Honda CM400T. Two cassette good tires, brakes, new Housemates 7070. RBI0/23 start In Coventry. Terry - helmets Included. 6.300 miles. battery. Reliable and economical 742-5587. HWI0/26 S825 Call 487-5401. Ask for transportation Call 487-8846 Roommate wanted Serious stu- Ride needed to Long Island Will Matt. FSI1 /22 $2800. FSI 0/24 dent nonsmoker 170/mo plus ADVERTISING DEPOSIT. OWN BEDROOM REST share expenses Leave Friday. SALES REP October 25th and Returning No exp necessary - we will train 1970 VW Bug for sale Runs well CONCERT TICKETS APARTMENT FURNISHED. Best offer. Call 429-8538. FSIO/ WOOHDAVEN PARKAPTS Storrs, October 27th Please Call Tom, Work In close proximity to HEART 487-7212 RBI 0/25 24 In New Haven 487-0879 MALE ONLY. RHI0/ Univ. of Conn Opening act John Pair 22 Freshmen sophomores and SMITH CORONA ULTRASONIC Sat Nov. 16 Help Wanted Juniors ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER Ex- Call 429-9301 ext 23 Chris In Wanted Car helpful cellent condition. Will sell for $ 150 911. FSI0/23 Work around your schedule -Call429-8360. FSI0/22 Wanted Watterlng position Will $4.00 per Hour Part Time $7 25/hr. or commission work anytime any day. Available Positions We need people to You choose 1976 HONDA CMC It runs! 1979 Honda CVCC 4 Speed Immediately. Please call George at work our outdoor locations selling Call collect (617) 238-9900. Ask $ I 50. Call 429-5307. best to try Needs a little work, but runs well 429-8642. Leave message Wl 0 flowers Work Friday. Saturday or for Jim early In the morning or around Call 429-9431. FSI 0/22 23 Sundays CAR needed No Invest- METRO MARKETING GROUP 5:30. FSI 0/23 ment on your part Full Days only HWI0/25 Enhance your resume! Many SDR Enterprises 742-9965 HWI2/I2 FOR SALE Volvo 145 S New For Rent positions open on Board of direc- SPRINGBREAK86 Exhaust For parts or whole. Needs Clean furnished room In private tors for Students Against MS Campus Rep Organise Sailing Full Time Position Audio Visual major engine work. Drive-train, home $195.00 desk, utilities Please attend meeting Thurs.. Oct Charters Equipment Company has an entry transmission, body OK $150.00 Included Phone xtra No smoking 24 at 3:30 pm In SU 217. Call487- Ft Lauder dale Bahamas level position available for a Call 429-4350. FSI 0/25 no visitors Must be clean con- 0147. Wl 0/23 Commission & Free Cruise siderate responsible person dependable hardworking In- Write or Call Captain Williams Lease security, 487-1551. FRI0/ dividual Duties Include assisting 37 Hendricks Isle Ft Lauderdale CANON 50 mm 1.8 lens case 24 Ride Board technicians In building AV systems 33301 $90.00 EDIXA VX 50 mm 2.0 work with audio tape shipping/ 305-523-9259. HW10/28 I need a ride to and from Syracuse receiving Individual must work Zeiss, 135 mm Schneider. 35 mm Immediate Occupancy for one or or that area this weekend or ANY well with hands Call Rick Allen at 2.5 Angenleux, Case Phone 42 3 two people In one bedroom of $60.00 PER HUNDRED PAID for 5782. FSI 0/22 weekend Willing to share expen- 487-1330. HW10/24 remallng letters from home! Send Two bedroom apartment In Car- ses) PLEASQ! Call Dee 487-5919 riage House Rent Negotiable self-addressed, stamped en- RBI 0/22 CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES 1970 Lincoln Continental Mark III October rent free CaH 429-4731. velope for Information/ NEEDED TO SELL HI-FI COM- Old Fashioned Luxury, power, FRI 0/22 application Associates, Box 95-B. btack/red leather. Looks sharp Ride DESPERATELY needed to PONENTS JBL BOSE MANY Roselle NJ 07203. HW10/22 runs well Good transportation Binghamton NY or vicinity. Can MORE SEND $10.00 SECURITY Furnished rent 3 rooms win- leave Thursday afternoon or Friday TO "HI-FI HOUSE' BOX 2435. Many extras. Make offer over terized lake front cottage Suitable Federal State and CMI Service Oct 25th Return Sun. 27th WHI VERNON CT 06066 FOR PRICE $1.000 423-3413. FSI 0/23 for couple no children no pets Jobs now available In your area For share expenses PLEASE CALL SHEETS HW10/24 Info Call (602) 837-3401 Dept $350 per month Call 684-7306. KRISTEN 487-6999. RBI 0/24 Please buy my carl It runs well just FRI 0/24 505. HWIO/22 passed emissions test 1981 Pon- Business for faculty, students or riac T-1000. Only 40.000 miles Ride offered to PEN N STATE Great those Interested In TAX FREE In- FOR RENT - PRIVATE ENTRANCE chance to visit friends. Leaving come Minimum return 12%-20V Personals Call 487-5411. Asking $3,000. TO NICE ROOM AND SEPARATE Friday, 10/25. Returning Sunday, Minimum Investment varies IN- SOPHIE EDNA and GERT. one FSI0/25 KITCHEN/LOUNGE ROOM 10/27. Call Jim 487-8574. (Ifs SURED INCOME 423-5770 for more test and we are Boston COMPLETELY FURNISHED BATH. PENN STATES homecoming appointment HWI0/25 bound hang In there! Sophie CANON F-BQL Camera 50 mm HEAT. AND HOT WATER RT. 195 weekend) RBI 0/23 Where do they practice Ice hoc- 1.8 lens, case - $90.00; EDIXA VX MORNING AND AFTER 5:00 PM PART TIME OR FULL TIME key? HH Bound Love ya EUNICE Camera 50 mm 2.0 Zebs, 135 872-0035. FRI0/24 mm Schneider. 35 mm 2.5 An- Ride OFFERED To UMASS Leaving Sales Excellent pay - base plus To my burning fan I'd Ike to help Fri 10/25 afternoon or Saturday commission Water and Air. Ver- genleux. case - $90.00. Phone Apartment 330/ma 1 bedroom you with your pyrosis (heartburn), 423-5782. FSI 0/23 10/26 morning Returning Sunday non 875-6300. HWIO/25 however I already have a " primary available now. Walk to Campus 10/27 afternoon Call 487-6777. 487-1191. Frl0/24 care patient" and he needs all my Informal Living Room Group Two RBI0/23 IBM in Hamden wants upper divi- attention! TR ROLAIDSII The sion Acct and Fnce majors for spr- sofas, loveseat ottomans All Immediate Occupancy for one or Goalie Matching Beige herculon Ride needed to Lehlgh or UPenn ing semester Cooperative Educa- two people In one bedroom of Friday Oct 25, back Sunday. Will tion positions Contact Priscllla Jennifer. Excellent Condition $350.00 or two bedroom apartment In Car- Happy 21 still Oh and happy 21 st Best Offer. Honda Moped share expenses Call Molly 487- EJsass. 3rd Floor. Wilbur Cross riage House October rent free 4729. Please!! RBI 0/23 Building 486-2795. HWI0/25 to WooWe tool $300.00.871 -8006 Before 8 PM Call 429-4731. FRI 0/28 Love Sand FSI 0/23 Seepage 12 FLUTE DeFord student model fair condition $85.00 Call Unda at 487-9120. FSI 0/28

Garrard Turntable For Sale Z-100. RECEPTION Semi-Automatic Zero Tracking ~rrp& FOR Deficiency. Good Condition. $40 423-7950. FSI 0/24 The sisters of SINGLE PARENT/STUDENTS

For Sale 1980 I lOOcc Suzuki Pi Beta Phi Wednesday, October 23 rd Good condition Blue Book Value cordially invite all interested women 4 to 7 p.m $1800.00 asking $900.00 Must sell Immediately Call 429-0691 to an informal rush party on The Women's Center Before 8 PM FSI 0/24 Wednesday, October 23 rd Call 486-4738 for more Information 77 Dodge Aspen mechanical I at6:30 pm excellent six cylinder posltraction AC PS PB AM/ FM tinted windows, in Student Union Rm 217 standard with overdrive Gets 25 mpg New snows, no rust original owner $1395.00 or BO RUSH It's a 742-0458. FSI 0/24 for more info call 429-2423 Great Day JOBS JOBS JOBS ATTENTION! J0BS J0BS J°B? $$ for a PHARMACY, CHEMISTRY, AND BIOLOGY $$ J Get 3kS%&6y3iUwatiut MAJORS $$ $$ mwm The American Hospital Supply Corporation is $$ offering an exciting $$ Research and Development Summer Position $$ for May-June 1986. $$ $$ SALARY: $1350/month plus housing costs $$ $$ "Any one of our 18 different Submit Resume/Transcript to $$ kinds of sandwiches can be $$ made into a salad!" The Office of Off-Campus Employment ALAS* AMONG CRAB $$ 1—9f ^JfXlAL 3rd floor Wilbur Cross Building U-204 TUNA $$ ROAST BEEF ITAUAN^fJtPRlSS MAM BY NOV. 4!! $$ Msmm SAUSAGE MEATBALL $$ PtPPBCNI There will be on-campus interviews on: GENOA CHTESE $$ BOLOGNA SALAD NOV. 19 55$$ | EXPERIENCE!!!!! EXPERIENCE!! N Eagieviiie Rd & South Campus Page 12 The Daily Campus, Tuesday, October 22, 1985 Marketplaces Kat and Tracey - You looked hot To the blonde guy I saw In the QQUICKSDRAW: No Way... think shades white sweater, leans and To the girl who tried to pour beer HI Kitten. I LOVE YOU enough In those boxer shorts to you're sly ROMANCIN Bubaboy? black soccer sneakers at the gas on my head at Teds Friday after- melt the plar Ice caps! Tracey. any noon - Sorry to get beer all over Hey slick In Tolland 2 net May your Babe FOREVER you'll be my one station next to Storr 24 yesterday and only partner. Can we ride off subliminal messages In your your purple sweater! Maybe we birthday bring you beer, girls, your apparel or just coincidental? around 3, You smiles and waved at Into the Sunset together? Love someone behind me but all I kept can get together and drink a beer waterbed, and vh. More beer, sometime Reply In personals- The more girts, and a good night's rest you Love you Love you ... Love thinking was I wish you wer waving you Love Bubaboy STEVE. JUUE CHRIS. DAW. TOM guy you sang Ruby Tuesday with have a hell of a night Egg Scoot KIT. KEN. KEEP UP THE GOOD to met Do you always have this effect on girls? Reply In personals Touche, Farmer Ted WORK. REMEMBER I CAN SEE ALL quad squad; Kathy happy 19th Birthday Lefs -The girl In the car next to you go out and celebrate How about a YOURS TRUELY STELLA Til send you a personal if you To Lisa, Eddy 3rd Here's your Per- GIMME A COOKIE FIRST! picnic? Remember though you'll To the owner of the tan tercel and sonal When we gonna go out? Little Chink, Things are finally look- beanie queenle have to respect me In the morning your Blonde friend in Wheeler B.. Rely soon With Love. Guess ing up! Aren't you glad you ar en t a Love Dan Saw you In Thumpers Wanna Who? goose? I AMI I Love you the mos- Party? From two rowdy girls In an Marge - Infidel you are tempting test Moe Mike L You've been Impeachedl Scott So the Whalers got lucky ad|acent Wheeler. Waiting for fate Watch your step the first time You're right the Whalers are the your reply was Just a warning We are the. Sorry, Forget Watson 6th Bob T. Reports early today show that the The real Pre*, of the ML Fan Club Greatest team (that will not make Power, nothing cna stop us not the playoffs) rill the next game duck population on Minor Lake Laurie Sorry about Friday. I enter a even Vogon Poetry. Your Time Is has vanished Lieutenant LB Peep plea of temporary Insanity, just coming: Next time It will be closer To Sue A. lefferson Happy Dan of the Sheep Police attributes the think now I can ask you if you are Birthday, have a great one you to home The Visa Squad disappearance to a roving band of mad at me Love Guess Who? deserve the best Love us. Your if you think that way about us then killer sheep which has been "on- Chung (Ellsworth) you sexual Friends Forever you don't know us Have you the- lam" since the weekend death made an effort to fulfill the area Dear John (the Triangle Surfer) - being! If that's not the pot calling of a young couple Happy Birthday Big Brother. So the kettle black! Love to watch You AARON - CALL ME SOMETIME! goal of achieving Inter-staff com- what's the celebration Hke this wiggle and Jiggle! P.S We Love WHERE ARE YOU? -|ILL munication? I ten to think not Why don'tyou try talking to us about It- MACHO GERMAN SHEPARDS year? (Should I ask? I) Have a great embarrassment right?! Love Yal one! Love MEP AP. RA To Sue c Russell CONGRATS on Brian LTTCHF1ELD/TOLLAND you MOTTS are the best but ifs making top ten I know you'll be STAFF mating season and LASSIE Is wait- WIMPMcMahon I NYou'reOKfor the best homecoming queer ing In the doghouse THAT s where Lisa: What happened to lunch last RED HERO want to play sometime Tve been THE PUP Wednesday? Lefs GET a girl but may all the dorm find UCONN ever had You make a sis- your true Identity -PUD ter Proud -Love Linda BLACK BMW ORGANIZED RSVP Dave S VIRGIL- Good luck on your pro(ect MR. X By R Scalzo and exam WORK FT Baby. I know you can dolt

Chrlssy and Maggie, a late "thanks" for our Washington Excursion You guy*' are great! A. MTWLE! Here's to Beefsteak's. Bathrooms. Tourists. Changing Lanes and mos- f- THAT WTNO tly to LEZAI! f ST&t® O^AU THB Barb, I missed you this weekend Hope you had a nice time at home Lets get together - Soonl Maybe Wednesday 6:30 am? Love your Rosebud dyl

Dear John Happy 21st! Be pre- pared to celebrate tomorrow. Your Astl and me - What a lucky man you are! Love Kathy

(ILL Shall we get together for a "Cup O Sun"? We can feed your ' rabbits and weather my staff (stick). WHITNEY, (apprentice wizard) GUT By Rick Sutton TO THE" ROGUE" WIRE EDITOR. A CHALLENGE: MHINGI A DUEL 0KAT\ PHIL, AS typTAWl IT'S NOT GLAMOROUS, 1 HEAD TO HEAD THIS TIME, TO l ©JT GOT! MoeODH TEN THOUSAND POINTS THE OF IHlS TEAM I'M $vT TH6Rc 5 A LOT ( ON THIS TfcAM 6VF.N, OP rWONSieillTV S. W1Z PUTTING YOU (N THE INVOLVED IN ACCOUNTING OWS A BAi!! STACIA Happy 18th Ifs about BAT-6o>f FOR. eAO* OF r-Tr- time you grew up! Ifs time for a POSITION. road trip Don't CELEBRATE too THlS TEAM'S \4\ much! Love Airhead and EATS. Boo-Boo

Stacia. Happy 18th Birthday! We love you! RGR DKR LLR and CR XXXXOOOO

O Omega Rho So we've finally done It! We've captured "the ~Uf/ y.<^ rock!" Get psyched for rush It will be the best Don't forget the Hallo- ween Party!


HEATHER you ludt and lacMous 7 « woman! these whipped cream If and honey episodes must stop! Thb fettlsh Is ridiculousl Does |lmmy approve? Signed - some- one who knows all about It TOM* BIRTHDAY GODESS ON EDDY 5. YES. YOU LAURIE We know you've been waiting for this for By Steve and Joe such a long time, and ft flnaly hap- ROOM 424 pened Anticipation has been building, your wildest desires have ryov HEAR AQoUT been fulfilled Can you handle it? THIS KtND OF THfNG 4*^ So, here It is your first personal I TH£ TiMC , BUT VOJ hope It was good for you! So. Happy Birthday - and anyone who COULD MPfff* knows Laurie should gtve her a TO Y°£ special abirthday wish Love The 5th Floor Crew

Happy 19th Birthday JULIET. Thanks far being a great friend even though you' re not ARG Have a super day. Love |ohn

Pokey. Void ton premier personal fespere cft/on a un bon vacance chez tot avec tous les Hmles" |e r attend avec Impatience Je f alme Gumby 1 =Marketplace The Daily Campus, Tuesday, October 22, 1985 Page 13 MICHAEL PAUL I cant thank you on the 26th of October - A Honey. I can't believe how lucky I NER1MAN TAILORING & Have we got a deal for youll enough for the 2 best years of my Saturday am to have you In my life I'll never ALTERATIONS One Day Service Aspen Colorado over winter life You've made me so happy. I Derby Players will have their way stop loving youl Here's to a won- Available Monday - Friday 8 am to break Jan 8-15. Roundtrip airfare can only say that the bet Is yet to Red and white steamers on the derful Ifle together! Love your pookle XOXOX 6 pm Sat 8 am to I pm 146 Hunt- 7 nts lodging, 6 days of fantastic come, an what a future It will be I ground ing Lodge Storrs, Conn 429-1444 POWDER skiing. Your skis will wouldn't want to live It without Not a happy Ansonla fan to be NexttoUCona Ml 2/12 never have had It so good $599 you I Love Youl Donna found lefflner - Happy 21 st!l We wanted ($549 If $150 deposit down by For it will come true - the worst to send this personal in PINK, but It Frats, Teams. Clubslll We wlU knit Nov. I st) Sign up and Info at SU TO THE STRAWBERRY-BLONDE of fears was obviously I mpossible so you' II CUSTOM RUGBY JERSEYS for you tables 10/15. 10/16 (12-2,, 10/ And all of Ansonla will shed have to settle for BLACKJ We hope BODYBUILDER: I stopped In to say In any color or stripe part era $32 21. I 0/25 (12-4) or call487-8669 hello, but you weren't there Til try some tears you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a Terrific Day. We LoveYall Sandi*. each Stevenson USA, 82 Broad or 486-3705 for details. El 0/25 again, though - the memory of Sharon. Nancy. Gene St. Flemlngton. N) 08822 Ml I / those biceps will keep me coming Derby Rules Liz 15 •••Catch The Spirit of Snow"' back) The Admirer Brown Eyes, "Brown Hair". Band- aid 24X33. etc From "Brown eyes The UConn Ski Club will be holding also" last week. Where are you? RECORD SETTERS an Informaltonal meeting on its DD, I Love you more than I can John In Merrttt Monday was chic- D.J. Service winter break trips to Stowe VT( Jan say. R.W. ken, oh wed maybe next next time We were on the same wave length on Friday. Where are you now??? Dances-Parties Light Show 12-1 7) and Aspen. CO(Jan 7-14). Too bad you're going home this 487-5760 Dave Will be taking deposits to reserve Guess who - Cute sarcasm Dinner weekend We were going to send Eileen and Patty - Was It Oscar's or Ml 0/22 your spot Will be also taking new Friday? 1/2 lb food Just 4 U Res- out see you soonl |. D. memberships on 10/23/85 HRM pond In person No visit no date A the Twilight Zone? Either way It was run) Hilltops East Haven WORD PROCESSING at reason- 143 at 6:30. El 0/22 Promise ME 264 Students We have been able rates. Papers, resumes, etc pushed around long enough Be at women are great! Love Diane P.S For quality work call 456-2169. ORANGE CARNATIONS FOR D| Have a Happy Birthday. |abba TEDS Wed 3:00 after the No Winnie-the-Pooh? (deep The Final Word Ml 0/23 HALLOWEEN! ORANGE CAR- also wishes you one Luv you Babe massacre sigh) NATIONS FOR HALLOWEENI Or- you are so special io ma |) WORD PROCESSING SPECIALIST To the AWESOME BLOND wear- David (?) (McMahon Dance) What ders taken In the library Tuesday. Resumes. Termp Papers. Disser- Oct 22. and Wednesday. Oct 23. NOT P. P. not miss not you not love ing dark blue sweater studying an Incredible dancer! You made my night! Thanks - An admirer tations. Free pick up and delivery 7-10 PM Deflvery on Wednesday, not puffle Chemistry In 24 hr room on 10/21 available Calb 871-2890. MI0/ about 10:15 am Available? Oct 30. $1 each Sponsored by 23 BattersonC El0/23 Remember cutte. Keep smiling Admirer also studying Chemistry MY LITTLE ONE - HAPPY LA. CK BIRTHDAY!! 20. huh? Maybe you'll T-SHIRTS-SWEATS IMPORTANT: Anyone Interested TO JACKIE^ CHRIS - TWO PEOPLE cathc up to me "Kid". Thanks for Screen printed with your DORM in Joining Students Against MS. To the fine pledges of Alpha Phi WHO BRING SMILES SORRY FOR EVERYTHING All my love YOUR KNIGHT or FRAT Design and slogan. Lowest please attend meeting Thurs. Oct Alpha DWAYNL MIKE. TODDand WENDNESDAY NIGHT. WE HAD A prices around Call Conn. Advertis- REALLY GOOD TIME THRUSDAY 24 at 3:30 pm In SU 217. Positions JAMES Good Luck gentlemen, ing Services West Sufflekt CT668- open on Board of Directors Call NIGHT AND I WONT FORGET IT. we're with you all the way! From Miscellaneous I 158. Ml 1/11 487-0147. El 0/22 your most "gracious" HALOSI LOVE DOM D| SERVICE - SOUND ON TAP The CLOTHING SALflll CLOTHING Dear K G J, and Cor. Here's to Mr. Dan. I can't print something I don't D) for your next dorm party or Events SALHI CLOTHING SALEII! STU- know about Maybe if you Had Church who started this tradition semlformal Large System avail- GAY STRAIGHT RAP: Drop-in dis- DENT UNION LOBBY, TUESDAY called Sat nite this personal would ... if he only knew) I only hope that able for quad parties Leave cussion group on gay Issues. Every OCTOBER 22. ALL DAY!! COTTON have been different! Have a good Mr. Church's brother Mr. DH. Mr message 487-9095. Ml 2/12 Wednesday. 7:0 pm Basement SWEATERS ATHLETIC WWEAR Ad Mr. Anthropology, Mr. day. Luv Babs Earl Russ - Earf s traveling Disc - see Conference room of Health Ser- NAME BRANDS AND DESIGNER Wheeler. Mr. Shirt Mr. Eyes. Mr. request dancing music On Cam- vice (Use west door). Info 486- CLOTHES AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Wheeler II. Mr. T.A. Mr. Bump Mr. TO THE HOBBITS (Bill and Mike). pus Student Rate Starting at $85. 4707. El 2/11 DON'T MISS OUTII RUN ON INTO Sorry about the misunderstanding Fair field. Mr. Bryant and Tom's THE STUDENT UNION TODAY! number I through VII will bring us Call 423-1 508. Ml 2/12 Thurs night Next time the pizza's ELECTRIC BOAT ENGINEERING SPONSORED BY HILLEL El 0/23 on us Save some "gingerale"! much enjoyment! As Bosco would $10-5360 Weekly/Up Mailing OPPORTUNITIES PRESENTATION. Love N&.A say "Have a peachy day." I love Circulars! No quotas! Sincerely Oct 24. 1985. 12-5 PM Student ALL WELCOME PSI CHI SPEAKER you all lots! Sincerely. Mrs NOT Interested rush self-addressed Union South Rm 260. MR RAY PALMER. "CAREERS IN Ken PS Be good AL (IN ALLEN) WHERES MY envelope: Success, PO Box Interested Engineers Are Wel- THE SOCIAL SCIENCE' AND TAPE?? 470CEG Woodstock. IL 60098. come El 0/23 "RESUME WRITING". WEDNES Ml 1/4 r DAY. OCT. 23 7 PM PSYCH BLDG SHORT CIRCUIT BY BOB MONAHAN Crew Club meeting Tuesday ROOM 190. El 0/23 October 22. Student Union Room THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 102. Ordering of T-shirts/sweat- ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS shirts will begin. Also education for MAJORS Procter and Gamble THKES m Thursdays display workers. EI0/ speaker on Strategic marketing POSSIBLE WAV 22 Wed 10/23 6:30 SU 218A Sponsored by Marketing Assoc "HOT TUBS!!" ALL INVITED! El 0/23 SL£Bp TOMORROW. Be one of the I st 50 people to sign up for the UConn ski club's trip to PROCTER AND GAMBLE speaker - StowvT(Jan 12-17) and get a Free Bill Lyon. district Manager, on HOT TUB PARTY. Trip Includes 5 Analysis of marketing Problems nts condo lodging 5 day lift &. par- encountered Wednesday Oct 23 ties you'll never forget Sign up &. 6:30 StudentUnton Room218A A Infor at the SU tables 10/14. 10/ MUST FOR ALL BUSINESS 16(12-2): 10/21.10/24 (12-4) or MAJORS Sponsored by the call 486-3705 or 742-7719 for Marketing Assoc Members be details El 0/25 that at 6KX). El 0/23

SAM MEETING Important! Enter Raquetball Tournament! Sat Wednesday October 23rd 6:30 Oct 26 and Sun Oct 27 $100 In pm SU 216A At 8:00 pm CO-OP prizes only a $4 entry fee sign up Panel Students talk about 10/23 - 10/24 6-9 Ubrary Lobby experiences In CO-OP Jobs All are sponsored by Delta Sgma PI welcome! El 0/23 Pledge Class El0/23 Come see Clint Eastwood In "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" Wed "Man can enter the kingdom of Oct 23. 6:30 and 9:00 at LS 154. heaven while still In the physical Only $1.50. El 0/23 body" -Harold Klemp Open Dis- cussion Class on ECKANKAR. the ancient science of sould travel Wed Oct 23 at 7:30 In ArJona BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 345. El 0/23 WELLIKN.I'U. JUST Lost and Found m SORRY, STEVE... LOOK, TZLIMRYONE THEN I'LL I JUST CANT ALLOW BLUBBER HOW YOU L00KEP TELL EVERY- - Lost - Set of 4 Keys Key ring Is No YOUR MOTHER 10 SNOW.. I. pale lime green glow In the arm IN m ROM IIL ASK IT OHNOM dark, ugly kind of thing Please trs Mf... JUST ONCE return to RA at Wheeler C LFI0/ PERSONAL SPACE' MORE- LAST MUCH. WONT// 23

Eyeglasses In blue case Monteith 303 on bulletin board LFI0 23

Lost gold woman'swatch If found please call 487-1987 Reward LFIO 23


LOST A Gold |ewlsh Star on a Gold Chain. Great Sentimental Value Reward Offered Please Call 487- 8557 With Any Information. LFI0/ 24 Page 14 The Daily Campus, Tuesday, October 22. 1985 Sports^ ...Men's basketball schedule for '85-'86 Marathon From back page Tues., Jan 21, Seton Hall at UConn (Storrs, CT). 7 pm, ESPN and Sat. Nov. 23, Puerto Rico Nation Team at UConn(Exhib.) (Storrs, WTXX-TV coverage favorite CT), 8 p.m Sat, Jan. 25, UConn at Syracuse( Syracuse NY). 8 p. m, WTXX-TV Tues., Nov. 26, Yale at UConn (Storrs, CT), 8 pm, WTXX-TV coverage. coverage. Wed, Jan. 29, Central Connecticut at UConn (Storrs, CT). 8 losing some Sat, Nov. 30, St Peter's at UConn (Storrs, CT), 8 p.m. pm Wed. Dec 4, UConn at Massachusetts (Amherst MA), 7:30 Wed, Feb. 5, Georgetown at UConn (Hartford CQ, 8 p.m, WTXX- p.m TV coverage inspiration Sat, Dec. 7, Boston University at UConn (Storrs, CT), 8 p.m Sun, Feb. 9, UConn at Villanova (Villanova, PA), 2 pm, WTXX-TV NEW YORK (AP)— Tues., Dec 10, UConn at Fairfield (NH Coliseum), 8 p.m coverage Sat, Dec 14, UConn at Rhode Island (Kingston, RI), 2 p.m Tues., Feb. 11, Pittsburgh at UConn (Storrs, CT), 8pm Norway's Crete Waitz admit- tedly has lost some of her Sat, Dec 21, Minnesota at UConn (Hartford CC), 1 p.m Thurs., Feb. 13, UConn at Holy Cross (Worcester, MA), 7:30 "killer instinct" Fri, Dec 27, CONNECTICUT MUTUAL CLASSIC (Hartford CC) p.m Sat, Feb. 15, UConn at St John's (Jamaica, NY), 8 p.m, WTXX- "Ifs getting tougher and Duquesne vs. Northeastern, 7 p.m tougher every year to get UConn vs. St Francis (PA), 9 pm TV coverage Tues., Feb 18, UConn at Seton Hall (East Rutherford NJ- motivated," said the 32-year- Sat, Dec 28. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL CLASSIC (Hartford CQ old Waitz, the favorite to be Third Place Game, 7 p.m. Meadowlands), 9 p.m, USA coverage Championship Game, 9 p.m Sat, Feb. 22, Providence at UConn (Hartford CQ, 8 pm the first woman's finisher in Sunday's New York City Sat, Jan. 4, UConn at Boston College (Chestnut HilL MA), 8 p.m, Mon, Feb 24, UConn at Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 7:30 p.m, WTXX-TV coverage ESPN coverage Marathon She is seeking her fourth victory and her seventh Wed, Jan. 8, UConn at Georgetown(Landover, MD), 8 pm, USA Wed, Feb 26, UConn at Providence (Providence RI), 8 p.m, and WTXX-TV coverage WTXX-TV coverage triumph in the past eight years Sat, Jan. 11, Boston College at UConn(Storrs, CT), 8 pm, WTXX- Sat, Mar. 1, Syracuse at UConn (Hartford CQ, 8 p.m in the 26-mile 385-yard TV coverage Wed-Sat, Mar. 5-8, at Big East Tournament (Madison Square event Mon, Jan. 13, Villanova at UConn (Hartford CQ, 8 pm, ESPN Garden-NY) "I still enjoy running" coverage A total of 15 regular season games will be played at "home" (8 added Waitz, who also has Sat, Jan 18, St John's at UConn (Hartford CC), 8 pm in the Hartford Civic Center, 7 in the UConn Field House). A total won the London Marathon of 12 games will be on the road once, the World Cross Coun- try Championship five times, the marathon in the inaugural World Track and Field Cham- pionships in 1983, and numerous other road races at shorter distances. CHEVROLET "But I ask myself a lot, 'Haven't you had enough?'" PEUGEOT Why does Waitz continue running? AMC/JEEP "I still know that I can improve and run faster. That's my inspiration," she said "If I RENAULT can stay healthy and injury- free, I will be around for a while" Waltz's health now is a pro- 106 STORRS ROAa WILU/MANT1C PHONE 423 1603 blem She has been suffering from a bad cold since leaving Oslo on Oct 15, and it cost her a couple of days of important training The Time To Lease is Now! Waitz said that as she has gotten older, she has been seeing running from another angle "If I lost a race seven or High Residual Values-Low eight years ago, it would be the end of the world," she said " But now, I look at it from Interest Rates a different perspective because I have other interests outside running "Losing was hard to handle when I was younger and 1986 Chevy C-10 Pick-up 1986 Chevy Cavalier ambitious A lot of young only $ 178.99 per month athletes live only in the only $ 178.99 per month society of the running world They don't realize there is a world around the running world" Waitz, conceding that "win- ning still is important," added, "I still have the killer instinct 1986 Renault Alliance but it is not so intense perhaps because I feel I have only $ 135.00 per month achieved so much TTie hunger for victory is not as big as it was 10 years ago." One of Waitz* s new inter- ests is a video," Running Creat With Grete Waitz," which will be released this week. She said that making the video, which runs nearly an hour, was more difficult than running a marathon Renault Alliance "It was like going to the starting line for my first 1986 Chevy Celebrity 1986 Nissan 300 2X marathon," she explained "I only $ 199.00 per month only $399.00 per month didn't know what to expect I had never done anything like that before I didn't know how Absolutely No Down Payment Required at Gem it would be accepted among Chevrolet! the runners and the people in the sport" call Mike Dupont AKA MR LEASE The video, "for inter- for an appointment 456-0008 mediate runners who want to improve" required Waitz to work eight to 10 hours a day for more than a week on the filming Then she had to All Payments for 48 months - Tax and Registration extra spend time in the studio doing voice-overs. The Dally Campus. Tuesday, October 22. 1985 ■Sports— Page 15 NFL leaders emerge Implications of the dreaded tarp...

(AP)—The halfway point of to Philadelphia while ByJ.F. Harris the National Football League Lawrence Taylor woke up for two. I hear they may call it on Tarps" and make it big with Campus Correspondent Michael Madden's proposal season is still a week away, the Giants who should be 6-1 I was wondering what VTnce "Don't Let the Tarp Go Down but a clear pattern to the divi- instead of 4-3, a game "The World According to On Me" Coleman's recent run-in with Tarp." sion races is starting to behind Dallas. the St Louis tarpaulin is going Of course the traditional- emerge The quality teams NFC CENTRAL National Enquirer will jump ists will be heard from "Getj to lead to. After all, the fastest on the bandwagon with have begun moving up and Chicago, 6-0 going into man in baseball was robbed of machines and artificial tur pretenders began sinking Monday night's game with "Tommy Linguine Lasorda out of baseball." they'll shout the childhood dream of play- Suspected in Tarp Plot" The Here is how the division Green Bay, is simply- the best ing in a World Series by a one "It should take 20 guys tol races shape up after seven team in the NFL right now. Surgeon General warning roll out a tarp, not one to push mph tarp. The immediate "this tarpaulin may be det- weeks: The Packers Vikings and future may find some a button'" AFC EAST. Lions are all inconsistently rimental to your health," will Maybe they're right But id Missourian grounds crew be pegged on every tarp from Despite Miami"s loss to the respectable and the Bucs workers in the unemploy- there had been no button Jets and Sunday's 41-38 don't seem much worse— Boston to California Jane pushing and this didn't hap- except that they lose every ment line But what about the Fonda will come Out with escape against Tampa Bay, long term effects? pen fans wouldn't have Tarp the Dolphins, tied with New week. "Jane Fonda's Tarpaulin and Me as their baseball com- NFC WEST The way I see it players will Workout" A St Louis-based York at 5-2, still seem the class be looking for a Tarp-Clause panion this winter. Imagine of the division The Jets will The Rams are the reverse of rock group will change their that the Bucs They don't look very in their contracts If 11 be name to "Vinny and The push them although not insurance against tarp acci- without the brittle Freeman good they just win—enough to be four games out in front dents, and it will cost the McNeil, who missed Sunday's owners Now, knowing the 20-13 loss to New England of the division after seven ,..Takes Coleman out games owners, they won't pay it The New England Patriots, There'll be disputes and dis- 4-3, may contend for a wild- 'Tm not happy that we're cussions, and the agents and card spot with more consis- not moving the ball and scor- owners will do all they can to of World Series Classic tency and Colts and Bills will ing points but Tm happy that settle it But the end result will contend for a few more we're winning" quarterback Dieter Brock said after the be Major League Player's victories Strike 1986. ST. LOUIS (AP)—Examinations of injured St Louis Cardinal AFC CENTRAL Rams gained only 184 yards but the defense picked off six Before long there'll be outfielder VTnce Coleman revealed a bone chip in his left knee The Cleveland Brown, 4-3, studies on the psychological Monday and Dr. Stan London, the club physician, said Cole and Pittsburgh Steelers, 3-4 passes in a 16-0 win over Kansas City. damage of untimely tarpaulin man will miss the remainder of the World Series after a brutal early schedule incidents, and UConn psych St Louis leads Kansas 2-0 in the best-of-seven series with are the contenders in a divi- The 3-4 49ers, the same team that won the Super Bowl labs will be doing "Tarp Reac- Game 3 scheduled for Tuesday night sion which can probably be tion Time" experiments Coleman was injured when his leg was caught in the won again with a 9-7 record last season and went 18-1, probably will be making their Private practices with Tarp automatic tarpaulin machine as the field at Busch Stadium Cincinnati, 2-5, just doesn't Therapy will spring up and was being covered prior to last Sunday's third game of the have enough defense and last stand in Anaheim against the Rams next Sunday. there'll be group sessions for National League playoffs against . Houston, also 2-5, can be those with Tarp Anxiety. X-rays at first revealed no fractures and the Cardinals said troublesome but little more "It seems like week after week I have to stand here and Vlnce Coleman and a ghost he had suffered only bruises and contusions But Coleman AFC WEST > riter will take in millions with was unable to put weight on the leg and London made more Still a balanced division congratulate our opponent for playing a good game for 1 arp and Me; The Real Story. extensive studies of him when the team returned home The Los Angeles Raiders, ". he made-for-TV movie will Monday. still a class operation, have not making mistakes and for taking advantage of ours" j ar Billy Dee Williams and "The prescribed medication is six weeks' rest" London won four straight by doing the lould be out in a month or said little things that winners do- Coach Bill Walsh said after a like Sunday's 8-yard fourth- 23-21 loss Sunday to Detroit down game-winning TD pass in Cleveland from Marc •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A-** Wilson to Todd Christensen They're tied for first at 5-2 with Denver, which won a bru- Sffl tal 13-10 overtime game from •tWti'OTUHMtW: Seattle to knock the Seahawks * " THE PIT" a game back. Those three last year's * Uconn's Newest Nightclub playoff teams, figure to be in * the race to the end although presents all have problems par- ticularly on offense Kansas City, 3-4, has troubles both on the field and off and San Diego has too many new parts to be quite ready. 8 TO THE BAR NFC EAST Last year's four-team race suddenly looks like two—the .jt When: Friday Oct. 25,1985 9 pm-12:30 am Cowboys and Giants, with the Eagles, of all teams, looking r Where: R.0.T.G Hangar like the third best The Cards can't seem to get things •k How: Tickets may be purchased TODAY, li^«i together in St Louis without offensive coordinator Rod M through Frl, In Room S258 ^^ Dowhower, now the Indiana- ■¥■ from 9:00 am-4:00 pm 3JSL Z polis Colts' coach and Si** Washington simply seems to _^i .^..J^aMAaA** have lost a little too much to £ Price: $2.00 per ticket stay in the top class Special thanks to Hartford Distributors, Anheuser-Busch Tom Landry blamed com- * placency for Dallas' 16-14 loss ** Eagle Snacks,snacks, Veryvery Fine Products and The UConn MarchingMarcnina BandBana ^ *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••******** ISRAEL STUDY PROGRAM SKORA'S BARBER STYLING SHOP Are you interested in STUDYING IN ISRAEL for a semester REAR OF SHOPPERS PLAZA or a year in 1986 or 1987 Rt 195 Consider the wide range of exciting study programs in (TUES - SAT. 8:30 - 5:00) ISRAEL while receiving college credit on the UConn-Israel 429-3829 Study Program. • PROFESSIONAL HAIRSTYLISTS FOR MEN, WOMEN, & CHILDREN WITH THE LATEST Come to meet Dr. Stephen Bdner. Coordinator for Study RtfrMfHTMnts will M MTVML in Israd at the Office of the Center for |udaic Studies and RSVP by October 25. 1985 to Center for |udaic Studles| TECHNIQUES Contemporary |ewish Life. and Contemporary Jewish Ufe. U-145 L 341 Mansfield WE ALSO CARRY RAFFLER PRODUCTS DATE; Wednesday. October 30.1985 Road Storrs. CT 06268 (203)486-2271 42894423 TIME; 3:30- 5:00 p.m I plan to attend the session on October 30. 1985 FOR HAIR & SKIN CARE PLACE; H.R. Monteith( Social Sciences). Room 206 at 3:30 This will be an informal opportunity to explore the possi- I would like an appointment with Or. Belner. ' APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS WELCOME bilities of spending a semester or a year studying at one I can't make It but please put me on your mailing list of IsraeTs major universities or college-level programs. Name (Print): Campus Address: 'GREAT HAIRSTYLISTS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Telephone The Daily Campus o<& Tuesday, October 22, 1985 svInterest in basketball is 'genuine' Channel 20 schedules 10 men's hoop games

A total of 10 men's basketball games will be its games among the top nine college basketball televised by Channel 20 WTXX-TV in Water- telecasts of the month Tuesday Digest bury during the coming 1985-86 season "The interest in Connecticut basketball and Working in conjunction with UConn and the the Big East Conference makes this package of Big East Conference WTXX will broadcast five 10 games on WTXX most attractive because it Blue Jays' Cox resigns nine Big East battles involving the Huskies as will bring to the residents of our state several well as the regular season opener in Storrs key road games against Big East opponents," against Yale (Nov. 26). added Toner. (AP)—Manager Bobby Cox, who led the "We are pleased and excited about our pac- Of the 10 games on Channel 20, six will be Big Toronto Blue Jays to 99 victories and the American League kage of 10 televised games with WTXX-TV," said East road games and three others will be con- East Division title this year, is leaving the team to join the Director of Athletics John L Toner. "Officials at ference games in Storrs (2) and Hartford (1). Atlanta Braves as general manager, Jays General Manager Pat Channel 20, headed by Vice President and Production of all 10 games on Channel 20 will Gillick said Monday. General Manager Geoff Rose, once again have be coordinated by the Big East Conference "He's gone," said Gillick, who is in St Louis for the World taken a genuine interest in Connecticut basket- which will be responsible for original produc- Series. "It will be announced Tuesday." ball and we feel this continuing working agree- tions to local affiliates throughout the nine Cox could not be reached for comment Monday night ment with WTXX will prove most beneficial to member conference The Braves had asked the Jays for permission to talk to the our institution, to Channel 20 and especially to The only non-Big East UConn game to be 44-year-old Cox last Friday, just two days after Toronto had our great fans." televised on Channel 20 will be the UConn-Yale been eliminated in the AL playoffs by the Kansas City Royals in During the 1984-85 season, UConn basketball game in the Storrs Field House on Tuesday, Nov. seven games. on Channel 20 was highly regarded in the all- 26. That contest will be UConn's 1985-86 regular Gillick wouldn' t reveal terms of the Braves' offer, but said he important area of ratings. During the February season opener. The other nine televised games thought it was for " five years and a lot money." 1985 rating period for NCAA Basketball, UConn on WTXX will take place during January and A Braves spokesman reached in Atlanta Monday night Basketball had three of the top four college bas- February. refused to confirm the report, although he said there was an ketball telecasts in the state according to Arbit- Following is the latest up-to-date schedule for announcement planned for Tuesday and there was a "strong re >n ratings. The Feb. 25 Connecticut at Boston the 1985-86 UConn basketball team. This possibility" Cox would be coming to the Braves. College game (won by UConn 74-68) was the schedule should remain accurate as all Big East No. 1 college basketball telecast of the entire television commitments for the coming season month—on any channel in the state In the are now established Photographer sentenced Nielsen ratings, UConn basketball placed four of See page 14 for selling coke to players Women's tennis left hanging PITTSBURGH (AP)—An unemployed photographer characterized by his attorney "a minor league dealer among major league users," was sentenced Monday to 12 years in federal prison for selling cocaine mainly to big league baseball players. U.S. District Judge Barron McCune imposed no fine or court costs against Dale M Sniff man who pleaded guilty Aug 19 to 20 counts of cocaine distribution from 1982 to 1984, mostly to former Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Rod Scurry and former Pirates Parrot mascot Kevin Koch Sniff man, 33, of suburban Upper St Clair, will be eligible for parole at the discretion of the federal parole board McCune said meaning it is likely he will serve only a fraction of his sentence The government Monday dropped 91 other cocaine dis- tribution charges brought when Shiftman and six other Pennsylvania men were indicted by a federal grand jury May 31 of dealing cocaine to major league players. Six of the seven men have been convicted of various drug- related charges, and the case against the seventh, Jeffrey Mosco, 30, of Pittsburgh, is pending Shiftman's attorney, William Lyttoa said his client was guilty mainly of immaturity in supplying cocaine to people "who were his idols." The sentencing of Curtis Strong 39, a Philadelphia caterer convicted last month of dealing drugs to various major leaguers also was scheduled Monday. But it was delayed due to the illness of Strong's attorney, Adam 0. Renfroe Jr. NFL result Bears defeat Packers 23- 7 STOIIIQtmrTWwrtrTrt^^ Husky tennis player Patty Plorkowskl participates In practice. Yesterday's match against Springfield proved to be just practice as well as all results were unofficial in the Sports today suspended contest (Maria DeAngelis photo). Women's tennis Trayers 7-6, 6-4; Pam Nunez det Marilcate The women's tennis team's match with The women s tennis team will host NEW HAMPSHIRE at the Murren (UC) 3-6, 6-2, 6-4; Cindy Ulasky (UQ, UConn tennis courts at 3 p.m Springfield College yesterday afternoon at the UConn courts was suspended due to dark- won by default; Tina Cressent (UC) det Sue Women's soccer ness. Levesque 6-1, 6-3; Stephanie MacBurnie def. Springfield held a 4-3 advantage at the time of Maureen McKane (UC) 6-3, 6-3; Megan The women's soccer team will host BOSTON COLLEGE suspension but all the results of the match will McDowell det Patty Piorkowski (UQ 6-3, 6-3. today at the UConn soccer field beginning at 3 p. m The game be unofficial The Huskies, who entered the Doubles—Beth Lucci and Kathy McCarthy will be UConn's final home contest of the year. match at 6-5, remain at 6-5 while Springfield det Tina Cressent and Maureen McKane( UQ 7- stays at 9-2-1. 6, 7-6; Marilcate Murren and Ulasky (UQ- On the air The match will not be resumed at a later Stephanie Travers and Pam Nunez 6-3, 4-6 date suspended due to darkness; Dena Cocozza and WHUS Radio, 91.7 FM, will broadcast the women's soccer Results (unofficial): Patty Piorkowski (UQ-Sue Levesque and game vs. BC five Singles—Dena Cocozza (UC) det Stephanie Stephanie MacBurnie 7-5, 5-7 suspended due to darkness.