Functional Ingredients for Food Design: Advance.Dk · Photography: Kurtadvance.Dk · Photography: Rodahl · Repro: Design

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Functional Ingredients for Food Design: Advance.Dk · Photography: Kurtadvance.Dk · Photography: Rodahl · Repro: Design

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Danisco A/S Head Office Langebrogade 1 DK-1001 Copenhagen K Denmark Telephone: +45 32 66 20 00 Telefax: +45 32 66 21 59 [email protected]

Visit for details of your local Danisco office PB 2-8e · 07.05

FFIFF_Cover_14.07.05.inddIFF_Cover_14.07.05.indd 1 001/08/051/08/05 115:23:275:23:27 Contents



IIntroduction.inddntroduction.indd 1 002/08/052/08/05 10:27:0010:27:00 Danisco capabilities – a comprehensive guide

Introduction 3

IIntroduction.inddntroduction.indd 2 002/08/052/08/05 10:27:0710:27:07 Innovation

Danisco Innovation Many food manufacturers find that partly outsourc- As retailers and consumers relentlessly demand ing their product development is a faster, better more new products, an efficient development pro- and more cost-effective way to a successful result. gramme is critical to winning the race for space on Danisco Innovation represents a global network of store shelves. expertise that specialises in creative and technical In addition to product development, Danisco development. For specific customer projects, the Innovation generates new knowledge through its network can supply a tailor-made team of specialists ongoing research and development programme. that together have the necessary food ingredient and Much of this knowledge is shared with custom- application skills for the task in hand. The team works ers during training courses and seminars. A unique closely and confidentially with customers, optimis- knowledge management system makes all relevant ing the development process and bringing new and and up-to-date information easily accessible to improved products rapidly to the market. Danisco’s entire global organisation.

IInnovation.inddnnovation.indd 1 001/08/051/08/05 13:28:5713:28:57 Application centres Within the global innovation network, each region strating to manufacturers new possibilities for has its own application set-up. The application product innovation to optimise taste and texture. centres are specialists in their field, providing manu- To drive new advances within an application facturers with expert ingredient know-how and area, a series of knowledge development teams processing assistance when developing food prod- are in operation. The teams, with their industry ucts for a given industrial sector, such as beverage, insight and application processing knowledge, par- , dairy or ice cream. At the same ticipate in customer development projects, where time, through an awareness of regional and global they secure product solutions with the right consumer trends, the centres carry out proactive quality and price and optimal up-scaling from pilot development of inspirational concepts – demon- to commercial production.

Regional application centres

India Europe Mexico USA South China South-East Australia/ America Asia New Zealand

Bakery • • • • • •

Beverages • • • • •

Confectionery • • • • • •

Culinary • • • • •

Dairy • • • • • •

Flavours • • • • • • • •

Fruit • • • • • •

Frozen desserts • • • • • •

Meat • •

Oils & fats • • •

Plastics •

Research and development Biotechnology Danisco Innovation dedicates a major part of its The ability to understand food functionality on a resources to generating knowledge through research molecular level and to translate this knowledge and development. Research into basic food mecha- into new food ingredients is a key competence of nisms and the development of new ingredients, Danisco Innovation. In this, biotechnology plays a technology and applications are important focus key role. areas that call for highly skilled employees and the Biotechnology allows molecules to be designed use of sophisticated analysis and pilot plant equip- with precise structures – providing the basis for ment. Collaboration with leading external scientists ingredients with highly specific functional proper- and institutes complements this work. ties. Within enzyme development, for example, facilities for screening new enzyme candidates,

Innovation 5

227854_Innovation.indd7854_Innovation.indd 2 118/07/058/07/05 11:39:0311:39:03 designing enzymes by protein engineering and sible for functionality testing and analysis as well as expressing them in suitable carrier systems are providing global production and application support. essential capabilities leading up to the commercial Another area of research focuses on under- production of innovative enzyme products. standing ingredient functionality and interactions in food. Using analytical R&D, it is possible to inves- Health and nutrition tigate even the smallest food molecules. This knowl- The metabolism of the largely undefined micro- edge enables the development of highly functional bial community in the intestine and the interac- ingredients and innovative flavourings. tion between food and food ingredients and the Each development laboratory is characterised immune system have a broad influence on human by high-level technological expertise. Flavour inno- health and well-being. Danisco Innovation has vation, for example, is performed using advanced developed technologies to study and characterise extraction, distillation and fractionation methods. the complicated intestinal ecosystem, while in vivo In the emulsifier laboratory, reaction calorimeter, and in vitro models are used to investigate the instrumental and chemical analysis techniques are effects of food ingredients on the immune system. employed. This use of the latest technology secures The results of this research are put to active use accurate analyses and highly functional new products. in the development of new ingredients, such as probiotic cultures and food ingredients with health Sensory optimisation benefits. Innovation specialists employ their scientific and creative skills to combine technological solutions Ingredient innovation with food industry needs to produce the food Work to innovate new ingredients and the related products consumers prefer. This process of sen- processing technology takes place in the develop- sory optimisation ensures new ingredients provide ment laboratories, which work closely with each all-round functionality in terms of taste, texture, product division. The laboratories are also respon- storage properties and processing ease.

6 Innovation

227854_Innovation.indd7854_Innovation.indd 3 118/07/058/07/05 11:39:0311:39:03 Knowledge management system Research and development, application trials and projects carried out by the global innovation net- work produce a wealth of valuable knowledge. Via the knowledge management system, Danisco staff at any location can look up a given subject and extract relevant information for a current project – reducing work replication and making customer projects fully traceable. Customers can access Danisco knowledge through:

• Partnerweb – an online customer centre provid- ing a broad range of business-to-business infor- mation • The Danisco website – general company facts and information of interest to the public

Training and on-site support Danisco customer training courses and seminars provide up-to-date information about food ingre- dients and how they work. All training activities are tailored to the needs of the participants, whether representatives from a customer group or the technical staff of a single customer. market and generally add value to customer busi- Technical support in the form of trouble-shoot- nesses. To this end, the strictest rules of confiden- ing and processing assistance is available to custom- tiality are exercised when exchanging knowledge ers either on their own premises or at a Danisco with customers. application centre. A spirit of mutual trust and cooperation pro- vides the ideal basis for a formal partnership agree- Confidentiality and ment. Reinforcing supplier-customer ties in this partnership agreements way promotes mutual skill sharing and even more Close customer relationships make it possible to streamlined product development – a major benefit optimise development projects, reduce the time to already enjoyed by a number of larger customers.

227854_Innovation.indd7854_Innovation.indd 4 118/07/058/07/05 11:39:1111:39:11 Bakery

Danisco’s tailor-made ingredients are present in one in every fourth loaf of bread produced by the bakery industry today. As the bakery industry becomes more and more industrialised, the need for extended shelf life and improved dough handling is increasing. Danisco’s strong technology platform within emulsifiers and enzymes can provide the necessary support. For cakes, pastry, biscuits and crackers, Danisco also produces complete solutions – including ingre- dients for fillings, glazes and custard. Local service and development support is available from Danisco’s global network of bakery laboratories, with centres of bakery expertise in operation in Brazil, China, Denmark, Malaysia, Mexico, the UK and the USA. In Denmark, a brand new 1,500m2 test bakery and flour labo- ratory contains the latest equipment for simulating bakery conditions from industrial bakeries all over the world.

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 1 003/08/053/08/05 112:54:042:54:04 Baker’s custard

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Texture GRINDSTED® Alginate BC • Texture development over time • Sliceable texture

Stability GRINDSTED® Alginate BC • Bake stability • Freeze/thaw stability

Pumpability GRINDSTED® Alginate BC

Mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Alginate BC

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, other brown and dairy flavourings

Bread, plain and wholegrain, bread improvers and bakery mixes

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Dough strengthening PANODAN® DATEM • Increased tolerance towards mechanical handling GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Increased tolerance towards variations in mixing, Lactylates resting and proofing time GRINDAMYL™ S Bakery Enzymes • Volume increase GRINDAMYL™ H Bakery Enzymes • Crumb structure improvement GRINDAMYL™ POWERBake Bakery Enzymes GRINDAMYL™ SUREBake Bakery Enzymes FIBREX®

Shelf life extension DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crumb softening GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Crumb structure improvement Lactylates • Retarded staling GRINDAMYL™ MAX-LIFE Bakery Enzymes • Moisture retention GRINDAMYL™ POWERSoft Bakery Enzymes • Growth control of yeasts and moulds GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® PRO 45 Emulsifier & Propionate System Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX® GRINDSTED® LBG GRINDSTED® Alginate GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR® MicroGARD™ Fermentates NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial

Quality improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crumb structure improvement PANODAN® DATEM • Crust colour improvement GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Crispy crust Lactylates GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems

Bakery 9

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 2 114/07/054/07/05 13:04:5313:04:53 Bread, plain and wholegrain, bread improvers and bakery mixes (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Facilitated production GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Improved dough extensibility • Reduced dough contraction

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim • Fat reduction Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Reduction of glycaemic load Xylitol

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Bread, malt and yeast flavourings Fructofin® Fructose


Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved volume GRINDSTED® GA Emulsifier Blends • All-in mixing procedure DIMODAN® HP 85-S6 Distilled Monoglyceride • Aeration improvement GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems • Crumb structure improvement

Crumb structure stabilisation GRINDSTED® Xanthan Prevent fruit sinking GRINDSTED® LBG Production waste reduction Improved tolerance towards process and raw materials variations

Shelf life extension GRINDSTED® GA Emulsifier Blends • Crumb softening DIMODAN® HP 85-S6 Distilled Monoglyceride • Retarded staling GRINDAMYL™ MAX-LIFE Bakery Enzymes • Moisture retention GRINDAMYL™ POWERSoft Bakery Enzymes • Delay of oxidative rancidity GRINDSTED® LBG • Moisture resistant decoration GRINDSTED® Alginate • Growth control of yeasts and moulds GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR® FIBREX® Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial MicroGARD™ Fermentates NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems

10 Bakery

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 3 114/07/054/07/05 13:05:4313:05:43 Cakes (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim • Fat reduction Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Reduction of glycaemic load Xylitol

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, butter, various fruit, other brown and citrus flavourings Fructofin® Fructose

Crackers, biscuits, cookies, pancakes, wafers, cones and cereal bars

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Facilitated production PANODAN® DATEM • Machinability improvement GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Improved distribution and emulsification of ingredients Lactylates • Improved homogeneity of dough GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Dough sheets flexibility Litesse® Polydextrose • Reduced dough contraction • Baking time reduction

Quality improvement PANODAN® DATEM • Crispiness and texture improvement GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Reduced checking and blister formation FIBREX® • Crust colour improvement

Calorie reduction PANODAN® DATEM • Fat reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Litesse® Polydextrose • Reduction of glycaemic load Lactitol Xylitol

Shelf life extension GRINDSTED® Xanthan • Delay of oxidative rancidity Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial • Moisture retention MicroGARD™ Fermentates • Growth control of yeasts and moulds NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems GRINDOX™ Antioxidants GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract EMBANOX™ Antioxidants

Bakery 11

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 4 114/07/054/07/05 13:06:1013:06:10 Crackers, biscuits, cookies, pancakes, wafers, cones and cereal bars (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Water migration delay GRINDSTED® BARRIER SYSTEM Acetic Acid Esters Blends

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, dairy, various fruit, citrus and spice flavourings Fructofin® Fructose

Dry yeast

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Yield increase GRINDSTED® SMS Sorbitan Monostearates

Extruded starch and cereal products

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Quality improvement PANODAN® DATEM • Homogeneous structure DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crispiness improvement FIBREX® • Stickiness reduction

Facilitated production DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Friction reduction • Stickiness reduction • Uniform cut

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Dairy, various fruit, spice and various brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

12 Bakery

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 5 114/07/054/07/05 13:06:1413:06:14 Flour

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Flour optimisation GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes Flour standardisation GRINDAMYL™ POWERBake Bakery Enzymes • Increased extraction rate • Cost reduction

Frozen dough, retarded dough and par-baked bread

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Dough strengthening GRINDSTED® POWERFreeze • Freezing tolerance improvement PANODAN® DATEM • Improved tolerance towards mechanical handling GRINDAMYL™ FD Bakery Enzymes • Volume increase FIBREX® • Crumb structure improvement Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of yeasts and moulds

Taste and flavour profiling Bread, malt and yeast flavourings Fructofin® Fructose

Sweet doughs, pastries and donuts

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Dough strengthening PANODAN® DATEM • Increased tolerance towards mechanical handling GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Increased tolerance towards variations in mixing, Lactylates resting and proofing time GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Volume increase GRINDAMYL™ SUREBake Bakery Enzymes • Crumb structure improvement GRINDAMYL™ POWERBake Bakery Enzymes

Bakery 13

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 6 003/08/053/08/05 112:57:512:57:51 Sweet doughs, pastries and donuts (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Shelf life extension DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crumb softening GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Retarded staling Lactylates • Moisture retention GRINDAMYL™ MAX-LIFE Bakery Enzymes • Growth control of yeasts and moulds GRINDAMYL™ POWERSoft Bakery Enzymes GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® PRO 45 Emulsifier & Propionate System Litesse® Polydextrose GRINDSTED® LBG GRINDSTED® Alginate GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR® MicroGARD™ Fermentates NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial

Quality improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crumb structure improvement GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Crust colour improvement GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim • Fat reduction Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Reduction of glycaemic load Xylitol

Improved lamination and flakiness of pastry PANODAN® DATEM DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes GRINDSTED® Xanthan

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Bread, malt and yeast flavourings Fructofin® Fructose

Steamed bread

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Quality improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Crumb softening PANODAN® DATEM • Crumb structure improvement GRINDSTED® SSL/CSL Sodium or Calcium Stearoyl • Crumb whitening Lactylates • Product surface improvement (smooth/white) GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Volume improvement Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of yeasts and moulds MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Bread, malt and yeast flavourings Fructofin® Fructose

14 Bakery

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 7 114/07/054/07/05 13:06:2813:06:28 Tin grease emulsions

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Excellent release properties GRINDSTED® OX Emulsifier Specialties GRINDSTED® PS Emulsifier Specialties GRINDSTED® PGPR Polyglycerol Polyricinoleates


Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Facilitated production PANODAN® DATEM • Machinability improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Improved dough handling properties GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Dough stickiness reduction GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems • Translucency reduction GRINDSTED® Alginate FIBREX®

Shelf life extension DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Increased water retention GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes • Retarded staling GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems • Growth control of yeasts and moulds GRINDSTED® Alginate Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Quality improvement PANODAN® DATEM • Rollability and flexibility improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Reduced sticking of packed products GRINDAMYL™ Bakery Enzymes GRINDSTED® FSB Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Alginate

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Taste and flavour profiling Bread, malt and yeast flavourings

Bakery 15

IIN_Bakery.inddN_Bakery.indd 8 226/07/056/07/05 10:49:4210:49:42 Beverages

Danisco’s solutions for beverages are developed in response to global and local trends and are based on an in-depth understanding of how functional ingredients influence new and traditional beverage systems. Part of the prod- uct portfolio targets the health and nutrition area, providing a series of physiological effects. Danisco ingredients give beverages the following key functionalities:

• Taste and aroma • Texture and mouthfeel • Stabilisation • Health and nutrition benefits • Protection against microbiological spoilage

16 Beverages

IIN_Beverage.inddN_Beverage.indd 1 226/07/056/07/05 11:00:2511:00:25 Alcoholic drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan

Emulsification GRINDSTED® SSL P 55 VEG Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate Stabilisation DIMODAN® HR Distilled Monoglyceride

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts spoilage (in sweet wines) Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Taste and flavour profiling DANISCO NATUROME™ Extracts Cream, , various fruit, malt, spirits, coffee, vanilla, beer and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours

Bottled water

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Fibre source/bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Taste and flavour profiling DANISCO NATUROME™ Extracts Various fruit, citrus and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours and Aura™ Flavours

Carbonated drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Pectin Fruit pulp and juice stabilisation GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan MEYPRODOR®

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Clouding agent Cloudifiers

Cloudifying properties GRINDSTED® MCT Glyceryl Tricaprylate-caprate

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Fibre source/bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, citrus, cola and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours and Aura™ Flavours

Beverages 17

227854_IN_Beverage.indd7854_IN_Beverage.indd 2 114/07/054/07/05 13:33:0313:33:03 Dilute to taste drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Pectin Fruit pulp and juice stabilisation GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan MEYPRODOR® 50

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Clouding agent Cloudifiers

Cloudifying properties GRINDSTED® MCT Glyceryl Tricaprylate-caprate

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, citrus, cola and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours

Hot beverages

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Xanthan 200 MEYPRODYN®

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, milk, cream, chocolate, various fruit, honey, , coffee, nut, , other brown and functional flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

18 Beverages

IIN_Beverage.inddN_Beverage.indd 3 226/07/056/07/05 11:05:1011:05:10 Nectars and 100% juices

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Pectin Fruit pulp and juice stabilisation GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan MEYPRODOR®

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Taste and flavour profiling DANISCO NATUROME™ Extracts Other natural fruit flavourings

Powdered drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Pectin Fruit pulp and juice stabilisation GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan Ultra MEYPRODYN® 200 MEYPRODOR® 50

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Clouding agent Cloudifiers

Cloudifying properties GRINDSTED® MCT Glyceryl Tricaprylate-caprate

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, citrus, cola, brown and functional powdered flavourings

Protein-containing drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Stabiliser Systems

Stabilisation of protein GRINDSTED® Pectin AMD

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage in Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial pasteurised and UHT products Shelf life extension

Beverages 19

227854_IN_Beverage.indd7854_IN_Beverage.indd 4 114/07/054/07/05 13:33:1413:33:14 Protein-containing drinks (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Fibre source/bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, citrus, nut, brown and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours

Still drinks

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Improved mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Pectin Fruit pulp and juice stabilisation GRINDSTED® JU Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan MEYPRODOR® 50

Sweetening Fructofin® Fructose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Clouding agent Cloudifiers

Cloudifying properties GRINDSTED® MCT Glyceryl Tricaprylate-caprate

Facilitated production Beverage compounds (flavour and juice)

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, citrus, cola and functional flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours

20 Beverages

IIN_Beverage.inddN_Beverage.indd 5 226/07/056/07/05 11:06:4311:06:43 Confectionery

Confectionery manufacturers can look to Danisco for unique, all-round support when developing sugar confectionery, chocolate and with new flavours, textures, extended shelf life and process- ing benefits. In addition, many of Danisco’s proactive confectionery concepts address health and nutrition issues, enabling the development of products with, for example, a low sugar and fat content or dental benefits. Danisco is recognised for its broad expertise in ingredient functionality in confectionery applications. Over the years, the company’s confectionery experts have become frequent speakers at international con- fectionery conferences.

Confectionery 21

IIN_Confectionery.inddN_Confectionery.indd 1 001/08/051/08/05 13:55:0913:55:09 Aerated confectionery

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Whippability increase DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® SMS Sorbitan Monostearates

Foam stabilisation GRINDSTED® FB Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Pectin Litesse® Polydextrose

Texture modification GRINDSTED® FB Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Pectin

Sugar reduction or replacement Lactitol • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Xylitol • Calorie reduction Minolac™ Milk Powder Substitute • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets) Litesse® Polydextrose • Sweetness enhancement

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, dairy, vanilla, other brown and sensation flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings


Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Aw control and organic osmolytes Betafin® Betaine Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Humectance improvement Litesse® Polydextrose Xylitol Fructofin® Fructose

Water migration control GRINDSTED® BARRIER SYSTEM Acetic Acid Esters Blends Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Fat replacement Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Shelf life extension BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Betafin® Betaine DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides Litesse® Polydextrose Xylitol

22 Confectionery

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 2 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:4914:40:49 Bars (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Elasticity improvement BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Betafin® Betaine DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides Litesse® Polydextrose Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, dairy, vanilla and other brown flavourings Sweetness reduction Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol

Caramels, toffee &

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Cold flow control GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CS

Texture modification GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CS

Stickiness reduction DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® MONO-DI Mono-diglycerides

Dispersion improvement GRINDSTED® CITREM Citric Acid Esters DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® MONO-DI Mono-diglycerides

Light colouring PANODAN® DATEM

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load Fructofin® Fructose (diabetic or carbohydrate-controlled diets)

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Caramel, toffee, fudge, nut, vanilla, other brown and dairy flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

Confectionery 23

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 3 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:4914:40:49 Chewing gum & gum base

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Softening improvement GRINDSTED® MONO-DI Mono-diglycerides Flavour release improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides Anti-tackiness GRINDSTED® ACETEM Acetic Acid Esters Juiciness improvement

Improvement of bubble size and formation GRINDSTED® ACETEM Acetic Acid Esters

Sweetening Lactitol Xylitol

Calorie reduction Litesse® Polydextrose Sugar replacement in dental health care and Lactitol sugar-free products Xylitol Dental benefits • Active effect on bacterial flora and reduction in caries

Cooling sensation Xylitol

Humectance improvement Litesse® Polydextrose

Sensitivity to humidity reduction Lactitol

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants EMBANOX™ Antioxidants

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit and flavourings

Chocolate & compounds

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Flow properties improvement GRINDSTED® PGPR Polyglycerol Polyricinoleates Fat reduction Process optimisation Water tolerance increase, particularly in ice cream coatings

Flow properties improvement GRINDSTED® CITREM Citric Acid Esters GMO-lecithin replacer

24 Confectionery

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 4 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:5014:40:50 Chocolate & compounds (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Shelf life extension GRINDSTED® STS Sorbitan Tristearates Anti-bloom agents GRINDSTED® SMS Sorbitan Monostearates Improved tolerance towards storage conditions GRINDSTED® LACTEM Lactic Acid Esters

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Fat replacement Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, other brown, dairy, citrus and mint flavourings FIBREX®

Fillings & spreads

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Flow properties improvement GRINDSTED® PGPR Polyglycerol Polyricinoleates Fat reduction Process optimisation

Flow properties improvement GRINDSTED® CITREM Citric Acid Esters GMO-lecithin replacer

Oil separation reduction DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® PS Emulsifier Specialties

Stickiness reduction DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® MONO-DI Mono-diglycerides

Dispersion improvement GRINDSTED® CITREM Citric Acid Esters DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® MONO-DI Mono-diglycerides

Gelling agents GRINDSTED® Pectin CF Formulation variations facilitated Process optimisation Flavour release improvement

Impart long cohesive texture GRINDSTED® Pectin pH range extension

Texture modification GRINDSTED® Filling Stabiliser System

Confectionery 25

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 5 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:5114:40:51 Fillings & spreads (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Calorie reduction BENEFAT® Reduced Calorie Triglycerides – Salatrim Fat replacement Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Cooling sensation Xylitol

Growth control of yeasts and moulds MicroGARD™ Fermentates Shelf life extension

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, dairy, vanilla, other brown, herb/floral and Sweetness reduction sensation flavourings Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol

Gummies, jellies, liquorice & chews

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Consistent texture GRINDSTED® Pectin CF Improved tolerance towards process variations Process optimisation Clear products with high flavour release

For a longer and more cohesive texture GRINDSTED® Pectin LA

Jellies with a pH > 4 GRINDSTED® Pectin LA

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Speciality sugar Fructofin® Fructose

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, dairy, vanilla, other brown, herb/floral and sensation flavourings

26 Confectionery

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 6 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:5214:40:52 Halawa

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Oil stabilisation (Tahina) DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® PS Emulsifier Specialties

Whippability increase GRINDSTED® SMS Sorbitan Monostearates

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol


Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Cooling sensation Xylitol

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit, dairy, vanilla, other brown, herb/floral, mint Sweetness reduction and sensation flavourings Commonsense™ Flavours Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol

Confectionery 27

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 7 115/07/055/07/05 14:40:5214:40:52 Tablets & lozenges

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Sugar reduction or replacement Xylitab® Directly Compressible Xylitol • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Finlac™ Directly Compressible Lactitol • Calorie reduction Lactitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Xylitol controlled diets) • Prebiotic

Dental benefits Xylitab® Directly Compressible Xylitol • Active effect on bacterial flora and reduction in caries Finlac™ Directly Compressible Lactitol – only applies for Xylitab® and xylitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various powder flavourings

Other confectionery applications (pastilles, dragees)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Cooling, sanding and coating Lactitol Acid resistant sanding Xylitol

Moisture management Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Sweetness enhancement Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Sugar reduction or replacement Litesse® Polydextrose • Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Lactitol • Calorie reduction Xylitol • Reduction of glycaemic load (diabetic or carbohydrate- Fructofin® Fructose controlled diets)

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose Lactitol Xylitol

Taste and flavour profiling Various fruit and brown flavourings

28 Confectionery

227854_IN_Confectionery.indd7854_IN_Confectionery.indd 8 115/07/055/07/05 14:41:1914:41:19 Culinary

Convenience, lifestyle and ethnic trends are key drivers of the culinary industry. Danisco’s solutions contribute to easy processing, an extended shelf life and an appealing taste and texture. And, as health and convenience go increasingly hand in hand, Danisco has successfully transformed, for example, full-fat mayonnaise and dressings into reduced-fat versions. The Danisco culinary technology lab is equipped to simulate virtually all the processes involved in manu- facturing culinary products. This is supplemented by special analyses of particle size distribution to ensure the right mouthfeel, viscosity measurements and an in-house taste panel.

Culinary 29

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 1 001/08/051/08/05 14:06:5014:06:50 Deli salads (hot and cold processing)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification Heat stability improvement Egg yolk/whole egg replacement Controlled setting Water absorption capacity increase Improvement of body and creaminess

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification Creaminess

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® Alginate Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Emulsification GRINDSTED® VEG PRO Vegetable Protein Replacement of other protein-based emulsifiers

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, egg, lemon, mustard, acid and other masking fl avourings

Dips (hot and cold processing)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Heat stability improvement GRINDSTED® Guar Good adhesion to snack MEYPRODOR® Egg yolk/whole egg replacement Creaminess Partial fat replacement Starch free

Emulsification GRINDSTED® VEG PRO Vegetable Protein Replacement of other protein-based emulsifiers Ingredients of 100% vegetable origin

30 Culinary

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 2 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:2216:37:22 Dips (hot and cold processing) (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Growth control of Gram-positive and MicroGARD™ Fermentates Gram-negative spoilage Shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, mustard, seafood, meat, acid and other masking flavourings

Dressings (hot and cold processing)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Heat stability improvement GRINDSTED® Guar Excellent flow properties MEYPRODOR® Egg yolk/whole egg replacement Creaminess Starch free

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Creaminess GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® Alginate Texture modification GRINDSTED® Carrageenan Stabilisation of herb and spice dispersion GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar

Emulsification GRINDSTED® VEG PRO Vegetable Protein Replacement of other protein-based emulsifiers Ingredients of 100% vegetable origin

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Growth control of Gram-positive and Gram-negative spoilage MicroGARD™ Fermentates Shelf life extension

Culinary 31

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 3 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:2316:37:23 Dressings (hot and cold processing) (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, egg, mustard, seafood, meat, acid and other masking flavourings

Egg products, liquid

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems MEYPROGEN® Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Taste and flavour profiling Egg flavourings

Ketchup (hot and cold processing)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Excellent flow properties GRINDSTED® Xanthan Pulpiness increase Tomato paste reduction

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® Alginate Texture modification GRINDSTED® Carrageenan GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® LBG MEYPRODOR®

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Tomato, pizza, herb and spice flavourings

32 Culinary

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 4 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:2316:37:23 Mayonnaise

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Heat stability improvement GRINDSTED® Guar Egg yolk/whole egg replacement MEYPRODOR® Controlled setting Water absorption capacity increase Improvement of body and creaminess

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Creaminess MEYPRODOR®

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® Alginate Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Emulsification GRINDSTED® VEG PRO Vegetable Protein Replacement of other protein-based emulsifiers Ingredients of 100% vegetable origin

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants EMBANOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, egg, lemon, mustard, acid and other masking fl avourings

Culinary 33

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 5 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:2416:37:24 Mustard

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® FF Stabiliser Systems Texture modification MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Syneresis reduction GRINDSTED® Xanthan

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Taste and flavour profiling Mustard flavourings

Sauces and gravies

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Heat stability improvement GRINDSTED® Guar Excellent flow properties MEYPRODOR® Creaminess Skin formation reduction

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification GRINDSTED® Alginate Creaminess GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Heat stability improvement PANODAN® DATEM Skin formation reduction

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, egg, mustard, meat, acid and other masking flavourings

34 Culinary

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 6 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:3016:37:30 Soups and broths (hot and cold processing)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Heat stability improvement Creaminess

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification GRINDSTED® Xanthan Creaminess GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® Xanthan Texture modification GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Heat stability improvement PANODAN® DATEM

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life improvement MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, dairy, mustard, meat, seafood, spices and aromatic plants, acid and other masking flavourings

Pasta and noodles

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Quality improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Anti-sticking and texture improving agents GRINDAMYL™ SUREBake Bakery Enzymes • Uniform colour Litesse® Polydextrose • Reduced leakage of starch during cooking FIBREX®

Facilitated production DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides • Impeded starch gelling GRINDAMYL™ SUREBake Bakery Enzymes • Dough-handling properties Litesse® Polydextrose • Machinability improvement

Growth control of Gram-positive and Gram-negative spoilage MicroGARD™ Fermentates Shelf life extension NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems

Growth control of yeasts and moulds MicroGARD™ Fermentates Shelf life extension

Fibre enrichment and prebiotic Litesse® Polydextrose FIBREX®

Culinary 35

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 7 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:3116:37:31 Potato flakes

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Quality improvement DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides Consistency improvement Stickiness reduction Texture improvement

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Taste and flavour profiling Dairy and savoury flavourings

Ready meals

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Emulsification GRINDSTED® FF Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Viscosity and stability increase MEYPROGEN® MS Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Texture modification Heat stability improvement Excellent flow properties Creaminess Skin formation reduction

Viscosity and stability increase GRINDSTED® LBG Texture modification GRINDSTED® Alginate Creaminess GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Heat stability improvement PANODAN® DATEM Skin formation reduction

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage NovaGARD™ Antimicrobial Systems Safety improvement and shelf life extension

Gram-positive pathogens risk reduction Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage

Delay of oxidative rancidity GUARDIAN™ Rosemary Extract Shelf life extension GRINDOX™ Antioxidants

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose MEYPRODOR®

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, egg, mustard, acid and other masking fl avourings

36 Culinary

IIN_Culinary.inddN_Culinary.indd 8 114/07/054/07/05 16:37:3116:37:31 Danisco’s dairy expertise ranges from recombined milk and cream systems to fresh dairy products and cheeses. The comprehensive product portfolio includes an extensive range of high-quality cultures for fermented fresh dairy products and the world’s broadest range of cultures for cheese ripening. Functionalities available to the dairy sector include: Dairy • Taste and texture development in yogurt and other fermented fresh dairy products • Characteristic taste and texture attributes for cheese ripening • Stabilisation of dairy food systems • Protection against unwanted micro-organisms, spoilage and pathogens • Healthy and nutritional benefits via reduced sugar and fat formulations and pre/probiotic ingredients

Dairy 37

IIN_Dairy.inddN_Dairy.indd 1 226/07/056/07/05 11:53:5611:53:56 Butter

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Acidification and flavour formation BS cultures Butter from non-acidified cream Media Culture concentrate permeate

Acidification and flavour formation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Butter from acidified cream

Colour Rocou

Cheese, blue veined

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Fermentation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Acidification and flavour formation

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media Optimised fermentation BS cultures

Formation of holes CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Listeria risk reduction HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Safety improvement

Cheese, cheddar and American cheese

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Fermentation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Acidification

Flavour enhancement Accelase® Ripening Enzymes Added value to end product

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media BS cultures

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Shelf life extension

38 Dairy

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 2 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:0516:43:05 Cheese, cheddar and American cheese (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures FLAVOGARD® Savorase® Ripening Enzymes

Cheese, hard

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Acidification CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Flavour, texture and appearance development

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media Optimised fermentation BS cultures

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Taste and flavour profiling CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures

Cheese, semi-hard, continental/yellow cheese

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Fermentation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Acidification Eye, flavour and texture formation Flavour, texture and appearance development

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Shelf life extension

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Dairy 39

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 3 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:0716:43:07 Cheese, semi-hard, continental/yellow cheese (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Listeria risk reduction HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Safety improvement

Taste and flavour profiling CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures

Cheese, soft ripened

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Acidification and flavour formation (direct format) CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Rind and flavour formation

Acidification (bulk set format) Media BS cultures

Listeria risk reduction HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Safety improvement

Taste and flavour profiling CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures

40 Dairy

IIN_Dairy.inddN_Dairy.indd 4 226/07/056/07/05 11:57:0211:57:02 Cheese, soft, unripened

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Fermentation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Acidification and flavour formation

Optimised texture and stabilised structure GRINDSTED® BK Stabiliser Systems (mouthfeel, body, creaminess, syneresis stability) GRINDSTED® Carrageenan GRINDSTED® Alginate GRINDSTED® LBG GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

Acidification in bulk starter form Media Media for bulk starter cultures growth BS cultures

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures

Listeria risk reduction HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Safety improvement

Bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, nut, herb and various fruit flavourings

Cheese, pasta filata

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Coagulation Rennet Liquid Carlina Marzyme® Calciol

Fermentation CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures Acidification

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media Optimised fermentation BS cultures

Improved yield GRINDSTED® CH Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CH

Browning control DairyHOX™ Enzymes

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Dairy 41

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 5 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:1816:43:18 Cheese, processed

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Optimised texture and stabilised structure GRINDSTED® Carrageenan (mouthfeel, body, creaminess) GRINDSTED® Alginate Controlled melting properties GRINDSTED® CH Stabiliser Systems DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage and pathogens Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension and safety improvement

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension

Improved taste for EMC application Savorase® Ripening Enzymes

Taste and flavour profiling Cheese, cream, milk and herb flavourings

Cream products

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Optimised texture and stabilised structure (emulsion stability, GRINDSTED® LACTEM Lactic Acid Esters viscosity, foam stiffness, mouthfeel, creaminess) DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides Freeze-thaw and storage stability PANODAN® DATEM Controlled air incorporation GRINDSTED® WP Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems CREMODAN® MOUSSE Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems GRINDSTED® Carrageenan

Bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling Milk, cream, honey, various fruit, chocolate, caramel, coffee, nut and other brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

Dairy drinks, low pH

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Stabilisation of protein GRINDSTED® Pectin AMD Optimisation of viscosity and mouthfeel GRINDSTED® Stabiliser Systems

Acidification and flavour formation YO-MIX™ Yogurt Cultures CHOOZIT™ Cheese Cultures

CO2, flavour and alcohol formation Kefir D-range

Probiotic effect in end product HOWARU™ Exclusive Probiotics NCFM®

42 Dairy

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 6 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:1816:43:18 Dairy drinks, low pH (continued)

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Media for bulk starter cultures growth Media Fermentation optimisation

Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, honey, various fruit and other brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings, Aura™ Flavours and Commonsense™ Flavours

Dairy drinks, neutral pH

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Stabilisation of emulsion RECODAN™ Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems Prevention of fat separation and sedimentation GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CL Controlled mouthfeel and viscosity GRINDSTED® Xanthan

Sugar free/no added sugar/reduced sugar Litesse® Polydextrose Fructofin® Fructose

Fibre enrichment Litesse® Polydextrose

Calorie reduction Fructofin® Fructose Balanced sweetness

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, chocolate, caramel, coffee, honey, nut, various fruit and other brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings and Commonsense™ Flavours

Dairy 43

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 7 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:1916:43:19 Desserts, aerated

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Optimised texture and stabilised structure CREMODAN® MOUSSE Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems (mouthfeel, body, creaminess, syneresis stability) GRINDSTED® LACTEM Lactic Acid Esters Controlled air incorporation DIMODAN® Distilled Monoglycerides GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CL GRINDSTED® Alginate GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® LBG GRINDSTED® Xanthan

Calorie reduction Fructofin® Fructose Balanced sweetness Xylitol

Bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, milk, cream, chocolate, various fruit, honey, toffee, coffee, nut, caramel and other brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

Desserts, non-aerated

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Optimised texture and stabilised structure GRINDSTED® PF Stabiliser Systems (gel strength, mouthfeel, body, creaminess, syneresis stability, GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CL viscosity control for filling, thixotropy for multilayered) GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CP Clarity (water jellies) GRINDSTED® Carrageenan CW GRINDSTED® Alginate GRINDSTED® Pectin GRINDSTED® LBG GRINDSTED® Xanthan GRINDSTED® Guar MEYPRODOR®

Calorie reduction Fructofin® Fructose Balanced sweetness Xylitol

Bulking Litesse® Polydextrose

Growth control of Gram-positive spoilage Nisaplin® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Growth control of yeasts and moulds Natamax® Natural Antimicrobial Shelf life extension MicroGARD™ Fermentates

Taste and flavour profiling Vanilla, milk, cream, chocolate, various fruit, honey, toffee, coffee, nut, caramel and other brown flavourings CREMAROME Flavourings

44 Dairy

227854_IN_Dairy.indd7854_IN_Dairy.indd 8 114/07/054/07/05 16:43:1916:43:19 Fermented, fresh dairy

Functionalities/Benefits Danisco products

Optimised texture and stabilised structure GRINDSTED® SB Stabiliser Systems (mouthfeel, body, creaminess, syne

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