Gallium Study: performed to detect or localize areas of chronic infection or tumors

 There are no preparations needed for this exam; although it would be beneficial if the patient is well-hydrated and only if it does not interfere with other testing or procedures.  If a scan is needed, it should be done before any tests that use barium (such as a barium enema). Taking a medicine (such as Pepto-Bismol) that contains bismuth can also interfere with a .  In some cases, patients may be required to do a mild bowel prep prior to or upon completion of this study.  If the patient is under the age of 50 and has NOT had a hysterectomy, a urine test will be required at no charge to the patient. The patient needs to arrive 30 minute prior to the appointment time for the pregnancy test to be administered.

If the patient is breast feeding, please consult the department for further instruction.

 The duration of this exam can range from six to 72 hours.  The patient is injected with a in the vein.  The patient returns to the department six hours after the time of the injection.  The patient lies on the imaging table and is scanned from the head to mid-thigh or over a particular area of interest.  Imaging takes about 1 hour.  The patient returns at 24 hours and again at 48 hours to repeat the scan. The patient may also need to return after 72 hours for another scan.  The patient is asked to bring any prior films or reports of x-rays, ultrasound, MRI or CT scans ONLY if the studies were NOT performed at United Regional.