INTERPRETATION OF THE 67Gd PHOTOSCAN Steven M. Larson, Michael S. Milder, and Gerald S. Johnston National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland Gallium-67 citrate is used to locate sites of of these investigators was not achieved, several im tumor involvement throughout the body. In or portant observations were made. The distribution of der to make proper use of this new agent, a carrier-free "7Ga was predominantly found within knowledge of the normal ' t.u distribution and the liver, spleen, kidney, and bone in rats. The addi physiological variations is necessary. For this tion of stable gallium caused a progressive increase report, over 400 whole-body rectilinear scans in relative concentration within the skeleton and a using 35 fid/kg "~Ga citrate were reviewed. At relative decrease in soft tissue concentration. As a 48 hr, normal 6~Ga activity is concentrated in result of this early work, ^Ga with a carrier was the axial skeleton, liver, spleen, and around the later evaluated as a bone scanning agent, and it was large joints. Foci of uptake are often seen in while scanning the bones of a patient with Hodgkin's the salivary, lacrimal, and mammary glands. disease that the tumor-specific properties of 67Ga- Activity is also found in the region of the naso citrate were discovered (2). pharynx. Under certain physiological condi The distribution of 07Ga in humans has subse tions, intense localisation may occur within the quently been studied (77-73). When carrier-free breast, bowel, and long bones. These variations 07Ga-citrate is injected intravenously, the majority may mimic malignant tumors.
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