cc Page 24 Echo Lifestyle Ireland’s Minstrel Boy gets his encore By Michael P. Quinlin
[email protected] William Blake. Phase one of the Moore project is slat- BOSTON — Ireland’s first mega star ed to go live this November, when the wrote poetry, history tomes and political Hypermedia Archive will be launched polemics that made him the talk of the at a conference in Galway, according to town in his native Dublin as well as in Ryder. London, Boston and New York. “By next year, we should have all the We’re not talking about Bono here, ‘Irish Melodies’ available online as texts, but rather Thomas Moore, whose patri- manuscript facsimiles and musical files, otic-imbued writings earned him the with commentary,” he said. The interest in Moore is enhanced by / Irish Echo May 21-27, 2008 titles Bard of Erin and Ireland’s National Poet. two new biographies, including one It was Moore’s lyrics to ancient Irish published last month by Ronan Kelly airs that brought him fame and notoriety entitled, “The Bard of Erin: the Life of during his lifetime and beyond. His Thomas Moore,” which Ryder says is famous collection, “Moore’s Melodies,” superb. was admired by the likes of Beethoven Like Ryder, Professor Flannery in and Lord Byron, and translated into six Atlanta never lost faith in Moore’s languages. importance in Irish history as a song- “Moore’s Melodies” was a ten-vol- writer, a literary influence and a nation- ume set of 124 songs published between alist figure.