Corella,2008, 32(2): 35-37 LONGEVITYOF THE CRESTEDTERN Sterna bergiilN SOUTHAUSTRALIA M. WATERMAN'andM. D. MURRAY'3 r"DebmarPark", 28 GordonAvenue, St. Agnes, South Australia 5097 '17 AshmoreAvenue. Pvmble. New SouthWales 2073 'Correspondingauthor Received:25 January2007 Recoveriesof aliveand deadCrested Terns Stema bergii, banded as chicksat the colonieson Stonywell,Hallway, Troubridgeand Penguinlslands in SouthAustralia, have shown that birdscan surviveas longas 32 years.Although mostbirds were breeding between ,&-18 years old, several breeding birds ol 19-29years were also captured. INTRODUCTION Watermane, al. (2003)described two typesof dispersalof Crested Tem Stema bergii chicks from their natal islands in SouthAustmlia. Recoveriesfrom the southemcolonies were mainly eastwardsaround southeasternAustralia to as far nofh as southemQueensland, whereas those from coloniesaround the Gulf St.Vincent and Spencer Gulf weremostly within these gulf regions.Chicks were bandedregularly at two localities: Stonywell Island and Halfway Island in the south of the Coorong from 1962-1983, and Troubridge Island at the southem end of the Yorke Peninsulafrom 1966-1975 afi 1985-2003.These colonies were also searchedfor banded breedingadults, and the dataobtained ftom the retapped birds, together with those from other recoveries of birds banded as chicks,from theseand other colonies,have given information on the longevity of Crcsted Terns. METHOD Birds were bandedwith aluminium bandssupplied by the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme.Banded breeding adults were capturedwith a hand-netwhen sitting on eggs dudng late incubationor on youngchicks beforc they disperced aroundthe colony. At Stonywell and Halfway Islands searchesfor bandedadults were madein 17 of the 22 years.Howevel intensivesearches were not attemptedbecause the islands were visited when it was best for banding chicks, and brceding birds were not accustomed to the presenceof humans.At Troubddge Island searches Figure 1.
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