Ref: 18.89.001 File: GR:sm 26 July 2019 Regions SA Primary Industries and Regions SA GPO Box 167 ADELAIDE SA 500 Via email to:
[email protected] Re: Regional Development Strategy Discussion Paper – Alexandrina Council Submission Alexandrina Council is one of the State’s largest regional Councils, as well as one of the State’s fastest growing communities. We believe a focus on regional development by all three levels of government is essential to both the wellbeing of our community, but also the prosperity of the State, and we welcome the renewed focus and energy being directed toward regional development by the Government of South Australia. The following table provides a snap shot of Alexandrina Council and what our district contributes to the Fleurieu region and the State of South Australia. ALEXANDRINA AT A GLANCE … Federal Electorate of Mayo State Electorates of Finniss, Heysen, Hammond and Mawson Home of ‘Storm Boy’ and the Coorong, Home of the SA Wooden Boat Festival at Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth the iconic Goolwa Wharf One of the largest regional Councils in SA Population of 27,000 residents at average with approximately $50 million annual growth rate of 1.3% (sea change and tree turnover change impacts) $1 billion local economy driven by Ageing region with a median age of 51 agriculture, tourism, health and social years (being 11 years above the State services average of 40 years). Strong social capital with 28% volunteerism High seasonal visitation to pristine natural rates attractions and appealing destinations Service Provision Whilst the core, essential service needs of any community are very similar no matter where they are located, the unique geography and demographics of a particular region will have significant implications for the optimal method and mechanisms of service delivery.