"Mother's Helperday Care Centers Find Favor As More Women Flock

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED b78 890 PS 005 920 AUTHOR Hutchinson, Shauneen, Comp.. TITLE (Major Aspects of Day Care: Statements-and Articles._ INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Congressional Research *Service.. PUB DATE 27' Oct 71 NOTE 64p. EDRS PRICE 24F-$0 . 65 HC.43. 29 DESCRIPTORS *Child Care; *Day Care Programs; *Day Care Services; *Federal Legislation; Foreign Countries; Industry; Mothers; *Publications; Working Parents ABSTRACT Published material concerned with various types of day care are provided..The material has been separated into four different sections: (1) General, which describes underlying policy, trends, and the present status of day care in the United States; (2) Working Mothers, covering daycare arrangements made by women in the labOr force; (3) Foreign, describing various types of day care in operation outside the United States; and: -(4) Corporate, which describes the growing interest ofbusiness inday care. Other material. that is relevant is cited and briefly discussed. The articles provided are: 'Way Care Centers: Hype or Hope?" by Gilbert Y.- Steiner,- "Federal-ChildCare Corporation" a Senate Finance Committee Print, "Child Carew a Senate Finance Committee Print, "Mother's HelperDay Care CentersFindFavor as More Women Flock into Work Service" an article in the Wall Street Journal, *Child Care Arrangements inOtherCountries: Sweden', from the Congressional Record, "Child Care Arrangements in Other Countries: Francew from the Congressional Record, *Minding Their P's and Q's: In Day Care, Profit and Quality Go Hand-in-Hand" from-Barrons, "The Children's Hour: Day Care Centers are wWunderkinders on Main and Wall Streets. from Barrons, "Learning Their ABC's: Making the Grade in Day-Care Centers Isnot Always Easy" from Barron, and "Corporate Care for Kids* from Fortune,_(Several articles that appear in the Table of Contents are not available for reproduction at this time; however, an availability statement is provided for each ore.)(DB) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction GENERAL =Day Care inirhe 1970's: =Planningfor Expansion- Child Welfare 1 Day Care Centers:Hype or Hcipet - Transaction 5 --fFederal Child Cate Corporation- -Senate:Finance Committee Print 13 Child Senate' Finance-Committee Print 23 ,WORKING MOTHERS _ Working =Mothers and Th-eirChildren=T. Manposier- 39 Mothees Helper_ -_Day CareCenters Find lravor as-MOre W_ oolen Flock--into Work Service-, WallStreet Journal 45 Children of Woolen-in the Labor,FOrde-- Monthly Labor Review 47 FOREIGN-DAY -CANE _--Who'lRaises_RusstalsChildren T, Saturday Review 54 Child Care Arrangements in Other-Countries:Sweden - Congres- -SiOna1 Record 58 Child Care Arrangements in- _ __ _ Other COuntries: .. France - Congtes-. -- sionia =Record 61 Day Care?In- France Ites a Science -- The New York-Times 63 China's Factories Miethe -Children- The New York Times 64 CORPORATE _ -:_-_Kientucky Fried Children:The' Day Care Problem- The New -Republic 65 Minding Their P's and--Q's:In Day Care, Profit and Quality Go = Hand-An-Hand - Barron's,. 70 -_The Children's Hour: Day -Care Centeriare "Wunderkinder" on -Main and Wall Streets Barron's'- 75 -Learning Their ABC's:Making -the Grade=in Day,Care Centers Isn't Always Eat*,- Barron's 80 --Corporate-Care for Kids Fortune 84 . t . MAJOR ASPECTS OF DAY CARE: STATEMENTS AND ARTICLES Introduction The collection or articles :.ontained in this multilith. has been compiled in response to a growing interest in vartbus aspects of day -care. Concern with day care has expanded during the past few years, as a result of-three separate occurrences.The first is the-rapidli _increasing-A=6er of women With children who are-returning to the labor force. The second is the fact that day care is more and more freqUently cited as a key ingredient in attempts t0 check he growing number of female-headed families on-the nation's welfare rolls. In order to enable a female family head to seek and obtainemployment, day care for her -children must be provided.And the third development is a growing belief that early childhood education may be a major leans ofpreventinglater social problems. In oz.-der to deacribe the various types of day care presently in . =use, the articles selected have been divided into four different sections: 1) General, which describes underlying policy, trends and the present status of day care in the United States; 2) Working Mothers, covering day care arrangements made by Women in the labor force; 3) Foreign, describing various types of day care in operation outside of the United States; and, 4) Corporate, which describes the growing interest of business in day care. -Of further relevance in connectionlath thae articles are the following publications: -1) General -U.S. Congress. Senate.Committee on Finance. Child Care Data and Materials. 92nd-Cong., 1st sess., Wash., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., June 16, 1971. 2) Working Mothers - Ruderman, Florence A. Child Care and Working Mothers:A Study of Arrangements Made for Daytime Care of Children. New York, Child Welfare League of America, 1968 3) Foreign - Chandler, Caroline A.,Reginald S. Lourie, Ann Dehuff Peters, and Laura'L. Dittman, -eds.Early Child.Care: The new perspectives. New York,.Atherton Press, 1968. A bill providing for the funding of comprehensivechild development programs by the Secretary of Health, Education;and Welfare through a system of prime sponsors has recently been paSsed byboth the Senate and the House of Representativesas an amendment to the 1971 Economic Opportunity Amend- meats (S. 2007). The House and Senate versions differ somewhatand remain to be reconciled by a Conference committee. - Other legislation involving daycare is H.R. 1, the Social Security . Amendments-of 1971, which, includes provision-forchild care services for _. families receiving assistance who need them inorder to participate in employment or training programs,,anda liberalization of the income tax treatment of child care expenses for familieswith incomes up to $12,000 per year. This bill was reported by the Committeeon Ways. and Means on May 26, 1971 and passed the Houseon June 22. It is presently before the Senate Finance Committee. In the 91st Congress, the welfare bill reported by the Senate Finance Committee, contained provision for the establishment of a federal child care corporation which is more fully discussed within this selection of articles. NOTE: Pages 1-4 area not available for reproduction at this time. The article, "Day Care in the 1970s: Planning for Expansion;" by William L. Pierce is available in the journal, Child Welfare, vol. Lnch 3, March 1971: 160-163. CRS-5 Day Careenterp: Hy or Hope? Gilbert Y. Steiner By the end of the 1960sit was evident that under themost unemployment ftgure_was_hoiering arounda record low 3.4 -prosperous of conditions, public assistance was-not about percent, and there was serious talk among economists about to _wither-away. A considerable fraction ofthe population the possible need; for a higher rate of unemploymentto was still Outside the- sweep of social security's oldage counteraCtinflation. But the average monthly number of pensions, sun/ilk:ors' benefits, or disability insurance, and AFDC recipients-in 1968 was up. to 5.7 million, almost 4.4 also outside the sweep of the country's praiperity."It million of whom were children. In 1969 the monthly becomes increasingly clear," the New York-Times editorial. recipient -total -averaged 6.7 million, and for the first six ized after the Overall level of unemployment in NewYtirk mOntht of-1970 it was 7.9_million. City declined to 3;2 percent of the civilian labor force while -,- Public assistance-ahohas a_ separate life outside thi at-the same time the number of welfaie-Clients in the city growth-Z-01_16 economy. The gross national productwas climbed to one millions "that the welfare rolls havea_ life of $520 billion-. in 1961; in 1969 it-was $932 billion. One of _their own detached frcim the mettopolitari job market." the :things not expected to rise under thoseprosperous it is detached from the national job market as:well. In conditions was -payments to relief recipients. Yet total 1961, When there were 3.5 Million AFDC recipients, payments in AFDC alone in 1961 were $1,149 million; in unemployment -is- a percent oft the _civilian labor force. 1969 total *merits were 83,546 million_ andrising _nationally_ was a high 6.7 Octant.By1968 the national rapidly. This ankle is an excerpt from The_itese of Werisre by Gilbert Y. To-put all this another way, it is roughly accurateto say Steiner, 01971 The Biooldap 'mikados, 1771 Manx -Wow= Ave., that during the 1960s the unemployment rate Waii!ington, D. C:20036 was halved, recipients increased by almosttiro-thirds, and AFDC . oonstqSOURCE; Transaction, vol. 8, nos. 9-10, Jul/August 1971: 50-765, 111101° Reproduced by the Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, November 5, 1971. Reproduced with permission of Transaction. i/ COPY. 4 -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONSOPERATING IN. UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THO NATIONAL STITUTE Or EDUCATION. FURTHERREP1r- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEMRE, QUIRES PERMISSION OF THECOPYRIGHT DINNER." "4 CRS-6 money payments doubled. Whatever the relationship be- Griffiths. Mrs. Griffiths was especially indignant over the tween,workfare and welfare, it is not the simple one of conditions imposed on AFDC mothers. reduced unemployment making for reduced dependency. I find the hypocrisy of those who are now demanding HoW has government responded to ihii confounding news? freedomof-choice to work or not to work for welfare -For the most pan over the past ien years it has mothers., beyond belief. The truth is these women never responded by tirelessly tinkering with the, old welfare have had freedom of choice. They have never been free system. Special emphasis has- been_placed on preparing the to work. Their exmcation has been inadequate and the welfare population emotionally and Vocationally-for partici- market has bean- unable to absorb their talents ...
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