Dr. Noelle K. Zeiner-Carmichael College of Charleston, SC
[email protected] (843) 953-8062 EDUCATION PhD (December 2002) Classics / Indiana University, Bloomington MA (July 1998) Classics / Indiana University BA (May 1996) Latin / Mary Washington College, Summa cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa POSITIONS 2009 – Present Associate Professor, College of Charleston 2003 – 2009 Assistant Professor, College of Charleston 2002 – 2003 Visiting Assistant Professor, UMASS, Boston 2000 – 2002 Lecturer, University of New Hampshire, Durham 1996 – 2000 Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington RESEARCH INTERESTS 1) Early Roman Imperial Literature 2) Greek and Roman Epistolary Literature 3) Roman Material Culture 4) Theoretical Applications to Classics 5) Translation and Translation Theory COURSES TAUGHT AT COFC 2003-PRESENT Latin: LATN 101-202 Elementary-Intermediate Latin LATN 301 Introduction to Roman Authors LATN 321 Cicero LATN 322 Vergil LATN 323 Latin Prose: Biography: Suetonius LATN 323 Latin Prose: Biography: Cornelius Nepos LATN 323 Roman Historiography: Tacitus LATN 323 Roman Historiography: Sallust LATN 390 Special Topic: Latin Prose Composition LATN 390 Special Topic: Horace LATN 390 Special Topic: Roman Verse Letters: Horace and Ovid LATN 390 Special Topic: Roman Letters: Cicero, Seneca, Pliny LATN 496/590 Graduate Seminar/Special Topic: Statius’ Silvae LATIN 622 Graduate Seminar: Vergil LATIN 624 Graduate Seminar: Horace and Catullus Greek: GREK 201 Intermediate Greek GREK 323/372 Greek History: Herodotus GREK 321 Greek Oratory: