FVV Informatik 02 - 06 May 2020

Poll results Table of contents

Welcome! SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools SLIDE: Corona-Semester: Proctored Exams SLIDE: #3 Livestream or pre-recorded? SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? FINAL SURVEY SLIDE: Last week we sent a lecture independent survey regarding digital teaching to all informatics students. How do you feel about such surveys? Thank you for participating! Wordcloud poll

Welcome! 1 0 9

digitale prüfungen sind ok servus #neinzuprüfungen exzellenzwochen neinzuzoom viva la revolution kiwi galileo twitch exzelllent exams remote first prüfungenmatrix in tum de winfo yes sebis penguin rindistvegan squad nein chair working zensur good terrible sound fsmpi zu viele tools :penguin: präsenz digitalen 1 streams neinzudigitalenprüfungenundzensur professional countdown <3 live recorded livestreams präsenzveranstaltungen Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (1/6)

BigBlueButton 88 %

Zoom 75 %

TUM.live / RBG-Streams 66 %

Panopto 66 %

YouTube 20 % Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (2/6)

BlueJeans 0 %

Artemis 41 %

Moodle 81 %

Moodle-Forum 42 %

TeleTeachingTool 12 % Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (3/6)

Lecturio 17 %

Zulip 36 %

BitBucket 22 %

Matrix 6 %

DFNConf 1 % Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (4/6)

Slack 38 %

Google Hangouts 0 %

Tweedback 45 %

RocketChat 39 %

Mumble 1 % Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (5/6)

Piazza 23 %

Telegram 5 %

Signal 1 %

Discord 14 %

Jitsi 5 % Multiple-choice poll (Multiple answers)

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (1/5) 2 3 4 Which Platforms are being used for digital teaching by your courses? (6/6) chair websites 20 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (1/6)

BigBlueButton 57 %

Zoom 27 %

TUNM.live / RBG 0 %

PanOpto 0 %

YouTube 1 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (2/6)

BlueJeans 0 %

Artemis 2 %

Moodle 1 %

Moodle-Forum 0 %

TeleTeachingTool 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (3/6)

Lecturio 0 %

Zulip 0 %

BitBucket 0 %

Matrix 1 %

DFNconf 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (4/6)

Slack 0 %

Google Hangouts 0 %

Tweedback 0 %

RocketChat 0 %

Mumble 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (5/6)

Piazza 1 %

Telegram 0 %

Signal 0 %

Discord 6 %

Jitsi 2 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (2/5) 2 1 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE EVENTS IN SMALL GROUPS so far? (6/6) chair website 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (1/6)

BigBlueButton 19 %

Zoom 10 %

TUM.live / RBG 48 %

PanOpto 5 %

YouTube 11 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (2/6)

BlueJeans 0 %

Artemis 1 %

Moodle 0 %

Moodle-Forum 0 %

TeleTeachingTool 1 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (3/6)

Lecturio 1 %

Zulip 0 %

BitBucket 0 %

Matrix 0 %

DFNconf 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (4/6)

Slack 0 %

Google Hangouts 0 %

Tweedback 0 %

RocketChat 0 %

Mumble 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (5/6)

Piazza 0 %

Telegram 0 %

Signal 0 %

Discord 0 %

Jitsi 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (3/5) 2 1 2 Which of the following tools is your favourite for LIVE STREAMS OF BIG EVENTS so far? (6/6) chair website 1 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (1/6)

BigBlueButton 5 %

Zoom 5 %

TUM.live / RBG 5 %

PanOpto 6 %

YouTube 3 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (2/6)

BlueJeans 0 %

Artemis 2 %

Moodle 26 %

Moodle-Forum 8 %

TeleTeachingTool 1 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (3/6)

Lecturio 0 %

Zulip 8 %

BitBucket 0 %

Matrix 1 %

DFNconf 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (4/6)

Slack 10 %

Google Hangouts 0 %

Tweedback 2 %

RocketChat 2 %

Mumble 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (5/6)

Piazza 7 %

Telegram 1 %

Signal 0 %

Discord 6 %

Jitsi 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (4/5) 2 0 8 Which of the following tools is your favourite for ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITHIN COURSES so far? (6/6) chair website 0 % Rating poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: E-Learning Tools (5/5) 1 6 3 How would you rate your digital teaching experience of this semester so far?

Score: 3.6






1 2 3 4 5 Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: Proctored Exams (1/3) 2 2 7 Do you see an unfair advantage for those writing exams digitally over those writing exams in person, or the other way around? digital exams provide an unfair advantage over personal exams 56 % there is no unfair advantage of one over the other 27 % personal exams provide an unfair advantage over digital exams 11 % something else 6 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: Proctored Exams (2/3) 2 3 5 Should we prioritize creating an option to write exams, even if this means the usual data protection standards cannot be guaranteed? (1/2) yes, prioritize exams over data protection at all cost 15 %

It's okay if data protection suffers, as long as proctored exams are voluntary and there is an equal alternative (aside from lost time) at a later point in time. Personal Hardware may be used. 34 %

It's okay if data protection suffers, as long as proctored exams are voluntary and there is an equal alternative (aside from lost time) at a later point in time. The University must provide the hardware. 16 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: Proctored Exams (2/3) 2 3 5 Should we prioritize creating an option to write exams, even if this means the usual data protection standards cannot be guaranteed? (2/2) no, data protection standards must be upheld at all cost 33 % something else 2 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: Corona-Semester: Proctored Exams (3/3) 2 3 6 Would you prefer ungraded exams over graded ones? yes, I would generally perfer ungraded exams 28 % yes, but only for digital exams 28 % no 38 % something else 6 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #3 Livestream or pre-recorded? (1/2) 2 8 2 In lectures with >100 students, would you rather…

...join a livestream and ask questions in the chat? 48 %

...listen to a streamed recording, questions being answered in the chat? 15 %

...have a recorded lecture on Moodle and separate Q&A sessions with the lecturer? 38 % Rating poll

SLIDE: #3 Livestream or pre-recorded? (2/2) 2 0 6 What proportion of your lectures with >100 students uses live streams? (many stars = many livestreams, few stars = many pre-recorded lectures)

Score: 2.6

28% 27%

22% 20%


1 2 3 4 5 Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? (1/2) 2 3 9 If it were possible to order printed lecture scripts online, how many scripts would you order (1/2)

I generally don't use printed scripts 59 %

I'd rather print the scripts myself 6 %

0 3 %

1 8 %

2 9 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? (1/2) 2 3 9 If it were possible to order printed lecture scripts online, how many scripts would you order (2/2)

3 7 %

4 5 %

5 1 %

>5 3 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? (2/2) 2 3 8 Setting up the infrastructure to send out printed scripts may take several weeks. How far into the semester would you still want to buy printed scripts? (1/3)

I wouldn't buy printed notes anyway 63 %

3 Weeks 8 %

4 Weeks 5 %

5 Weeks 5 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? (2/2) 2 3 8 Setting up the infrastructure to send out printed scripts may take several weeks. How far into the semester would you still want to buy printed scripts? (2/3)

6 Weeeks 3 %

7 Weeks 1 %

8 Weeks 3 %

9 Weeks 0 % Multiple-choice poll

SLIDE: #6 What about lecture notes? (2/2) 2 3 8 Setting up the infrastructure to send out printed scripts may take several weeks. How far into the semester would you still want to buy printed scripts? (3/3)

10 Weeks 2 %

15 Weeks 0 % doesn't matter, since I only use them to study for exams 11 % Multiple-choice poll

FINAL SURVEY SLIDE: Last week we sent a 1 8 2 lecture independent survey regarding digital teaching to all informatics students. How do you feel about such surveys? (1/2)

I would like to be provided with a lecture independent survey on a regular basis (once a month). 31 %

I would like to be provided with a lecture independent survey on a regular basis (once a semester). 13 %

I would like to be provided with a lecture independent survey whenever a new important topic arises. 45 %

I generally don't fill out surveys. 5 % Multiple-choice poll

FINAL SURVEY SLIDE: Last week we sent a 1 8 2 lecture independent survey regarding digital teaching to all informatics students. How do you feel about such surveys? (2/2)

I don't care. 7 % Wordcloud poll

Thank you for participating! 0 0 2

session q&a online
