Tfre Vexations
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By LOCAL STHLETESIIST PROFIT Old Judge Rumhauser Less Light On the Subject Tad ILLS THE STIES II ONE AOOoT-- e OGVFtfO TOMB GoV BUT SCORE IS RHO CAME HOME EfllE 111 Ml CVJE Ml&Jfr. irLosiurarai i . All-Boun- Unique d Athletes Are Needed on Junior Hexathlon Bowler of Telephone League Establishes Eecord Team to Win International Championship; Target Hard for Local Bowlers to Believe; Records Show Throw Cannot Be Slighted If Locals Would Win; No Similar Score; Wednesday Night's Games Stars Are Defeated by Pluggers in All Events. at the Cactus Club Seasoned With Ginger. WOODS Is putting up a no fear of any other occasion ever Br nov EMIK. making him lose his nerve. Wednes- of the Junior in five events, out of a possible 600. ART to old time bowlers at the day night's scores Jump, 21 follow: MEMBERS stand an excellent In the broad he went points club. "W. A. Bradshaw CACTUS CLUB. over the standard for this class, and 11 one game to win International r, rolled strikes In and The Big Lesgne. in the snap-unde- 15 points above W. G. Co 1 they scored 290," Is what Woods is saying Wall championships tor Faso it the standard. While no present mem- R. li Lucker..... 117 137 192 504 Sire their attention to the matter of ber of the class has equaled Edward's to the old heads as they arrive at the W. Doak 155 111 IX 515 point getting. marks of 1917, with a good score on club. Then the man spoken to gen- J. M. Ridley 13 U3 1( Kt the target throw. In which Edwards erally looks Art closely to see If C T. Waltams.... ITS 171 147 44 "When a man is a candidate for failed. It will be possible to equal at E. L. Clark IS 2 iti 73 election, be wants votes. No matter the 1917 record by members of the there is any outer sign of mental de- "SlS j:$ 1749 where they come from, they all count. class. rangement and says: "What's the JS The entrants, and marks by them matter. Art, are you crazy with the CKy National Bank If a team expects to win In a Hexa- year Sl-9- 5 " Jack Adams 147 154 SOS 503 this in the class, follow: HIS lASJTE GAUS HiM heat?" thlon meet, must have points. No High Jump: J. C. Holford, 4 feet. rW W. A. Johnston... 157 149 174 450 it ) One of the first things a bowler 1S5 S5S 6 inches; V. 2; H. McGIn-nl- s. AWPOl- - CAt-- C COVAJAJ 12 R a Anderson... IK matter In what event points are Harlow. learns Is that whoever rolls strikes Harry 1STli M7 171 1 2; A. Buchanan, 1; Moore, Carr 5S scored, they all count. Paso lost J. UK THIS" AND 3UiT j in one game has arperfect score, G. Cole 18J 113 193 t19 an international championship In 1317 4; W. Lassiter, 8: E. Lowman. 6; which is 20O. Naturally it is hard to a G. 6; 6. HGT because members of the Junior teams Fuckett, C Green. AS HE" GOT V? understand how a player could roll 12 194 S 9: 2(73 Snap-unde- r: 7 J 5 290. refused to give proper attention to J. C Holford, feet. stalght ones and still score only Points won W&lx Co. 4. target throwing 2 inches; W. Lassiter. 3; A. Bu- r . After the matter has been explained the throw. Because r I High game Clark 23C a baseball at a target did not seem chanan, V. Harlow. 2; 1L is. iuf to them, old men at the game agree Hlch total Clark 75. very much like athletics, local mem- J. Moore, 4; C Adams, that the score made by Bradshaw is 9; G. Old Guards bers let event take care of It- Fuckett, the most unique in the history of local Treat) 17 191 512 that Target bowling-- J. A. er 155 self, but when the points were being throw: J. C Holford, score and several who were Identi- Ed. Sshntz 1 113 544 counted to decide who was the great- 86; J. Moore. 75; W. Lassiter, 65; V. fied with other prominent metropoli- Hart Wood : 171tt 15 SJ est athlete In the world, among the Harlow, 50; R. Lowman, 56; C Green, tan clubs, say that they have never W. D. Stiatten ... 191 159 1U t0 Juniors, that event took care of El 55; J. Meers, 45; G. Fuckett. 25. heard of another similar case. Scott Whtte 14 111 311 SSI Faso sent the championship else- Broad Jump: J. C Holford. 7 feet Bad Finger Dlt It. where se of neglect by local 6 inches; J. Moore, 5; V. Harlow, Bradshaw, who plays with the 197 W I7S 2741 athletes. 5; W. Lassiter, 7; A. Buchanan, Telephone league, started a game Southern Motor Co. 1: G. Fuckett, 8; C. Wilson. 6; with a friend. The finger on his J. J. BarefcL 19 1S7 109 IM Wonderful Athlete 4. first 114 141 161 45 Falls. R. Lowman, right hand was injured some time ago BDly Ward In 1917 Ben Edwards was local One potato race: C. F. Sleeam t4 17J 171 499 champion in T. 1L J. Holford. and since that time he has invariably R. ..V.. 151 17 21 SSI the C A. class 4 5 seconds; 4; V. W. Fort embracing boys 81 to 95 pounds. J. Moore. Har suffered some pain and generally gone Joe Bryan 157 171 213 541 from low, 4; W. Lassiter. A. TImm. high jump, snap-unde- r, wild with the first ball he sends down In the broad jump, 5; H. McGInnls, 2; It. Lowman, 2. one potato race, and four po- the alley. After that be generally IH SIS 99 2(12 Four potato race: J. C Holford, plays in good form. On the occasion won Old Gcards 3: Southern tato race the marks made by Ed 23 23; Foists wards were unequaled by any boy of seconds; V. Harlow. A. Bu of making the remarkable score, the Motor 1. chanan. 23 3; J. Moore, 23 4; G. first ball "poodled" rolled off the High tame Stratloa 29.- - nat class in toe world, let fie was 24 3: cham Fuckett. 24; F Lowman. W. side and touched not a single pin. Hlzh total Stratton M. beaten for the International Lassiter. 24 3; C Green, 25. Naturally the next only counted a Tonlcht the Smelter league. piocshlp because he had neglected For the purpose of comparison, last spare. Bradshaw continued to make the target throw ana failed to score year's high marks In the events are clean sweeps until he had rolled 12 in that event. High Jump, 4 2; snap-unde- r. given: I strikes but had a score of only 296. Prefers Cardinals Boys of the Junior Hexathlon 3 target throw. 65; Beresford Chosen Taft Is Referee Possibly in the history of bowling should understand that the tar- standing broad Jump, 2; one HOLD similar scores may have been made 2; is get throw must not be scorned potato race, four potato race S3 Tl IET ir at rare Intervals but so tar bowlers to College Team if they expect to win the Inter- seconds. Baseball Captain In Boxing Match at the club have been unable to find national tropby. Is ten- Here's an odd one: Clifton Heath-cot- e, There a Lose Good Men. m Boulder, Colo 21. Chicago, 21. H. anything like it In the records, nor - Feb. Howard HL. Feb. William "collegian." recently- signed by dency this year to sporn the Some good men have been lost In Denver, has any member found thus far ever event. If the Janlor athletes the unlimited class, which necess- Beresford. of a senior. Was Taft former president of the United witnessed a similar occurrence. Art the St. Louis Cardinals for an out- persist ignoring chosen captain of the University of field try. never played a game of col- in this event itates the greatest effort on the part ST s Colorado suc- States, officiated as a referee of a Woods, manager of the Cactus club, now. will lgrore them In of team, weight, IE! 1 baseball team today, closely bowl- lege ball in bis lite. He made such it the this season's in that I ceeding Frank HIckey, also of Den- boxing contest at the Great Lakes has been Identified with finals, as It did Inst year when to bring home the bacon. Richard ver, ing for 14 years last past and says a fine showing in independent and El Faso sorely needed a few more Tlghe has advanced to the Senior who did not return to college naval training station today. Jackles that during that time he remembers no high school circles around York. Pa this year. Beresford plays first base. Lamaro Bouche. pair 142 Fenn points to have as international Hex. as has also Herman SHverberg Connecticut Golf Associa Several of Shaw, Aspen. and a of similar record. that the baseball directors of champlon- - I the Army's Best William of Colo, was pounders, were the contestants, and The will be taken up by lo- State college induced him to enter and F. Broaddus. Leo Rosenstein, matter chosen captain of the track team. He " 31en Xeeded. allround chaplon of 1917, has left the Decides to the match was witnessed by several cal bowlers with acknowledged au- the institution last fall, promising1 tion Hold Its Athletes Will Appear at is a senior and specializes In the pro- scoot The local Juniors have a fine body city, being located at Lordsburg, K.