XL Game Guide Unofficial

Copyright 2017 by Chala Dar Third Edition, License Notes

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This product is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the Original Copyright Owner(s), nor have they been reviewed, tested or certified by either. This is an unofficial guide. This guide is to be used as a reference. This does not modify or alter the game in any way and is not a software program.

Presented by HiddenStuffEntertainment.com Table of Contents

Mortal Kombat XL Game Guide Unofficial Preface Tips Strategies Conclusion Free Bonus for our Readers


Straight Jump

It’s a basic movement, yet many players tend to ignore it, or not know proper use of it. This applies when you jump straight into the air. When doing so, Press Y to hit your opponent into the ground before moving back. It’s perfect for starting or combo continuation!

Learn Two Longer Combos

You may be tempted to focus on sharpening 1 single combo, but if that is all you have, then you are in trouble. Your combo may do a lot of damage, even over 35%, but all the practice invested into it is useless if the combo is block-able. Thus, learn 2 long combos, and you will be unpredictable!

Training Mode

This is what you should do if you are trying to perfect your moves, of if you want to learn how to counter and block attacks. Approach training mode, especially to sharpen your timing. Also, it’s good for the creation of wall combos, which aid a lot in locking a win for you!

Train with 3 Characters

You’ll be meeting a lot of individuals when playing online, including , Sub- Zero, , and . You can play against those people to train. Yet, do note that they have similar fighting styles, which should be easy. The difficulty training against them comes in numbers, as it pressures on you to perfect timing.

Spamming Blocks

If you have played Mortal Kombat on the internet before, then you definitely know what it means to block spam attacks. For example, you may have to deal with the distance shots of Erron Black. You also have the rocket fires of . A lot of characters have moves they can spam for match win. If you want to learn how to stop spammers, simply get close and combo them mercilessly. Take into consideration that a lot of in-game spammers actually suck at the game, and are easily defeated.

Throw/EX Moves

A lot of people actually believe that throw moves are cheap. We really don’t know why this misconception exists. Its main purpose is to prevent your opponent from avoiding continuous blocking of your moves. When someone is blocking, you can simply keep tossing them around until they stop their blocking.

EX moves on the other hand should be used for those who fans of low kicks (duck and kick). EX moves tend to provide temporary invincibility on execution, so their attack with usually not cancel yours in the process.

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