History Folio #1, Section 1: 1958
The Anchor•re Dally Newt J• n· Thursday, l=ell. 22, 1962 o ·Ie Icebreaker-Cargo Ship To Plow Area Waters Testifies The Port of Anchorage com· Other items handled at the An· 1( pleted * first year of operation chorage port were airplane parts with a net operating profit of apphanc,es, baggage, beer, boats: On Shipping $47,608, according to the p~rt's bulldmg materials, .export tanks, annual report. canned fish, msulatmg materials, SEATTLE liP) - The Port . lumber, · oil exploration equip- of Anchorage, Alaska had sat THE REPORT STATES that the ment, petroleum bunkers, plumbj isfactory service from North gros> income for the nine month ers goods, gun powder, vans, con· · -land Freight Lines and· t h e ·period from May, the time the tamers, velucle parts. ' Wagner Tugboat Co. last year port opened, through December / A, total ~~ 198 vesse ls used the and i~ "entitled to have-it con was $189,998. ports facilities. They included tinued this summer," Henry ·:During th r t 1191 Amencan ships and baraes Roloff, Ancliorage port· direc h'indled 38 ~59Ir~o:.ear 'r t~e port and one ship each from Canada, 0 tor, told a Federal Maritime andc.Jomestic carao ~F · oreJgu Denmark, Japan, Liberia~lld Nor· ' o . ~ . oreign car· way. T Commission examiner today. ,o brought. mto the report in· Roloff was on the stand six elude~. fr~Ight, fertilizer, fish, · THE $8 MILLION port's esti· hours yesterday and today. He Igroce11es, Iron and steel articles, mated revenue for 1962 is $248. appeared at the hearing start news,pnnt a!ld wallboard.
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