David Cardamone:

I live in Little Silver, with my wife, Julie, and our daughter, Darby June—and our black lab, Bentley. We are also a licensed Foster Home—so we may have foster children living with us from time to time. I work as an attorney in Red Bank.

We first came to Tower Hill in early 2013, as we had just moved to the area and were looking for a which was the right fit for us. When we heard Jason’s sermon, we both walked out knowing we had found the church for us.

Tower Hill provides a second family/home for us. We have built great friendships through the church, and it serves as an anchor in our lives. When we miss a week, we feel like we were gone forever. We also recognize how important the church is for the community, offering individuals and families a place to find peace and joy and comfort.

I previously served as a , including as the Moderator in the last year of my term. My wife and I have helped out with Sunday school—and I was planning on attending the youth mission trip this year as a Leader before it was cancelled.

The most gratifying mission experience has been helping to load cars with turkeys/hams and trimmings at Thanksgiving and Easter and the Lunch Break Christmas Toy Distribution event. These sorts of outreach events for our friends and neighbors who are not necessarily members are a wonderful example of the impact we can make as a church community.

Knowing the potential our church has to make an impact throughout our community motivates me to continue to serve, as I strongly believe that once we get an individual or a family to walk through our doors for the first time, we will make a lasting, positive impact on their lives.

Mark Del Priore:

Tower Hill Church has served as bookends in my faith development to date. Growing up on the Peninsula, first in Little Silver and then in Rumson, I attended Nursery School and Sunday school at Tower Hill in my early years. Fast forward 30 years, after moving back to Rumson and attending services at dozens of churches throughout Monmouth County, the Lord led my wife and I back to Tower Hill when a friend suggested we come to a service with their new Pastor. We attended a few services and immediately knew that Tower Hill was the place for us to worship and advance our family’s faith. We officially joined the congregation in 2014.

As a regular commuter and father of three active children, I have been hesitant to serve the church when asked in the past. I was fearful that I would not be able to fulfill my duty while working and spending weekends throughout the Mid-Atlantic region at various sporting events. However, after witnessing my wife Meghan juggle her busy schedule to serve as a Deacon for the church, I realized I could do more than just serve the church in a support role to her. I am humbled to have been asked to serve as an Elder and hope to bring the leadership qualities that I’ve developed as a corporate executive in the business world to the Tower Hill community.

Ken Ellsworth:

I live in Middletown NJ and came to Tower Hill when my two sons were young. I don’t remember the exact date but it was probably early 2000’s. Tower Hill had a great kids program and we found that we were at Tower Hill more than the church we were going to at the time. Tower Hill became my church home and I really feel that I am at home each Sunday. My faith is very important to me and something that I want to continue to grow.

I have served in the church as a deacon and on guest services. I enjoy and continue to help usher, serve communion and help with the prayer corner. I want to continue to grow in my faith and help others in their faith journey as well as help out the church where I can. I have seen how faith can turn someone’s life around and I believe the church is critical to a positive and healthy community.

My day job is working as a systems engineering manager at Nokia in Murray Hill NJ. I grew up in Prescott Arizona, got my Systems Engineering degree from the University of Arizona and started my first job with AT&T Bell Labs in 1983. I still work for the same company, although there have been a number of spin-offs and mergers since that time, with the appropriate number of company name changes. I still enjoy the work and have a number of good friends in the company that also attend Tower Hill.

I am a single dad with two great sons. Phillip is 27, graduated from the Naval Academy and is currently serving on the USS New Hampshire submarine out of Norfolk Virginia. Brian is 25 and a graduate from Rutgers University with degrees in Physics and Electrical Computer Engineering. I am very proud of them both.

Kevin Keeshen:

I live in Monmouth Beach with my wife Barbie and my agility partner O'Neill. I work for Shorelands Construction, a company my wife and I started in 1996. I am active in the Monmouth Beach Fire Company and Monmouth Beach EMS for the past 40 years. I came to Tower Hill when my sons were 8 and 6 years old. Our first visit was on Youth Sunday, and we decided we wanted a church with a strong youth program.

I was brought up Catholic, but when I was 18 years old, I gave my life to Christ at a youth rally in my then girlfriend's church, where she was a Sunday School Teacher. I have served as Deacon here at Tower Hill, was an advisor for JC & Co and traveled to the DR on several mission trips with Tower Hill.

On a Sunday morning when my sons and their families are sitting alongside me in church, I am grateful. Knowing how God has blessed and continues to bless me, I feel it is time to give back in excepting the responsibilities of Elder.

Under the leadership of Pastor Jason, I am excited to share and help in the growth and outreach of Tower Hill.

Susan Kindya:

I live in Long Branch. Although raised Roman Catholic, I decided to start attending Tower Hill in 1995 based on the recommendation of several women in my BSF group. I joined in the late 90’s and have been a member ever since.

I have always been seeking the Lord although have fallen off the path many times and in many ways. However, after my daughter died in 2007, the church community really held me up and I recommitted to being a more faithful follower. Part of doing that was in serving.

I have volunteered extensively over the years with Missions and ushering among other things and then served as a Deacon a couple of years ago for an abbreviated term.

This opportunity to serve as an Elder is extremely humbling and the only reasons I am accepting is because I think it is a direct answer to prayer and because our CNC team has assured me I can do it.

Outside the church I work full-time as a software sales person, and as anyone in sales knows, it is a very demanding job. But I do love it and feel very blessed as it enables me to help support Tower Hill and other causes that are important to me as well as help my family as needed.

I have a 34-year-old daughter who lives in Richmond, VA with her boyfriend and works in a non-profit as well as her own LCSW practice. I also have a huge extended family which keeps me busy as well as wonderful friends. I

am looking forward to the beach this summer and also traveling to Italy as soon as I can reschedule a planned vacation that ended up cancelled due to COVID.


Dave Boyer

I live in Oceanport. When my family moved here in 1984 and were looking for a church, we came to Tower Hill. Church helps to focus me and provides a community of believers to learn with. I have served as a member of the contemporary band. As a recently retired person, I was looking for some positive things to do with my extra time. Being a Deacon seemed to be a good way to do this. I am also taking music lessons, playing and writing music, biking, paddle boarding, reading, studying and birdwatching. My wife, Cindy, is also retired. Our son, Matt is also at home and works for a local engineering company. Our daughter Amanda lives in Morristown and works for Siemens.

Kim Falzone:

I live in Belford. I have been attending Tower Hill my entire life and been a member for 20+ years. Previously I was a Deacon from 2000-2003 and served on ushering and manna committees in addition to being secretary for two years. I grew up attending youth groups at Tower Hill, as well as singing in the choir and ringing in various handbell choirs from 3rd grade through senior year of high school and alumni groups. I was a chaperone for a high school handbell tour as well as a youth group leader for middle school for many years.

I currently work at IPPC Pharmacy in Morganville and have been there for over 15 years where I am a data entry technician for long term care facilities, such as assisted livings and group homes. I also am a pet sitter for several friends. In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, watching baseball and football, cross stitching frames for gifts and my Etsy shop and traveling to Wisconsin to visit my four-year-old niece, Reagan Joy.

Bruce Gourlie:

My family and I have lived in Little Silver for the last 11 years. We were motivated to find a church home to provide our children with the foundation for a life of faith. Our children attended Tower Hill’s Vacation School in the summer of 2012, and we began regular attendance at Tower Hill later that year, shortly before Hurricane Sandy. I had set aside active participation in religion as an adult before coming to Tower Hill. Although I came back to church for my children, the greatest has been my own return to faith. With the support of the , staff, and friends at Tower Hill, I put my faith in . The church has become an increasingly important part of my life, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in my faith.

I have served as a confirmation leader for the last three years. I ushered regularly during the first few months of the nine o’clock contemporary service and have also ushered at the traditional and 10:30 contemporary services. I helped cook for the last few “continuous pancake” events. My gratitude for the support and love my family has received at Tower Hill motivates me to find new ways to serve. I retired from the FBI in 2018, after 21 years of service as a Special Agent. I am currently the director of security at Community Medical Center in Toms River.

Valentina Hantke:

I live in Middletown with my husband and 3 children. I was raised in Monmouth County in Millstone Twp. I grew up as a member of The United Presbyterian Church of Millstone. My parents were very involved in the church my whole life. The church was a second home for us and the members are our second family.

When I started a family of my own in 2009, finding the right Presbyterian Church was very important to me. My husband was raised Catholic and attended Catholic School from Kindergarten – High School. Raising our children in a Christian household was and is important to us, however raising our family in a Presbyterian Church was very important to me. I wanted my children to feel the love, acceptance and support that I had felt from my church family that I grew up with and still keep in touch with to this day.

As we went to the several different Presbyterian Churches in the area I knew right away that Tower Hill was the place for me and our family. Since becoming a member back in 2010 and having our 3 children baptized at Tower Hill, I have had the joy of being involved on the Next Gen Team as a Sunday school teacher. I have also volunteered as a Vacation Bible School teacher, and participated in the Christmas Toy Charity Event with Lunch Break.

I am excited at the prospect of being a Deacon and I am looking forward to helping and volunteering in a new way. With this new opportunity, I am looking forward to continuing to give back to the church the community and follow the path that God has for me.

I am an entrepreneur and started my company back in 2002, The Art Farm NYC. The Art Farm is a private nature based early childhood program in Manhattan which offers preschool programming, camps, birthday parties, toddler classes and more. I have a background in Music Education – vocal studies, and taught in the NYC Board of Education before I started my company. Given my background in elementary education and music education, I have created and oversee The Art Farm’s entire original curriculum. Being an Entrepreneur requires one to be brave, take risks and have a lot of faith. My faith in God and Jesus really help me navigate my business and life style.

My husband and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children. Chase who is getting ready to enter Thorne Middle School 6th Grade, Carter who will be at New Monmouth Elementary School for 3rd Grade in the Fall and Chelsea who will be starting Kindergarten this Fall at New Monmouth. Tower Hill has been a loving and nurturing environment for our children. They are always excited to go and the Next Gen Curriculum and meeting spaces are so refreshing and relevant for our children. I am so thankful for Tower Hill and everything it offers my family and myself.

Barbara Keeshen:

I live in Monmouth Beach. When looking for a church many years ago, we happened to visit Tower Hill on Youth Sunday. My sons were 6 and 8 years old at the time and attending a church with a solid youth program at the time was important to us.

When I was 9, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a Christian Summer Camp. I was fortunate to have a mom who taught Sunday School, sang in the choir, led music for Bible School and knew Jesus. She was my example of putting feet to faith. So, as I grew, I too taught Sunday School, taught Bible School, sang in the choir and went to Youth Group. When my sons were attending Kirk Club, JC & Co. and Campus Club, I was an advisor for JC & Co. along with my husband. During that time, I was hired to assist the Youth Pastor at Tower Hill. Presently I am privileged to teach Sunday School and Bible School where my grandchildren attend, and there is nothing better than to watch your grandchildren along with all children learn and come to know Jesus in a personal way.

Serving the church as Deacon is only one way to give back after all that it has given me and my family. My sons grew up at Tower Hill making lifelong friends along the way and provided a safe place one night a week and Sundays where they could be with their Christian friends and learn more about putting their own faith into action through mission trips, worship and fellowship. I appreciate Pastor Jason’s vision for this church and the importance of outreach.

Joan Lennon

Unavailable at time of publication

Paul and Louise Manganiello:

We live in Eatontown. We moved to New Jersey from Pennsylvania 3 years ago to be closer to one of our daughters and son-in-law and their 2 children. Jessica has been a member of Tower Hill church and her children attend the children’s program. We knew it was the right church for us the first time we attended the contemporary service. We got involved in the church by ushering and are currently hosting a small group Bible study.

Paul is a retired Pennsylvania State Policeman and is currently a part time associate with C & A Financial serving clients with their life insurance needs. Louise worked with special needs children and currently works part time in the Wall School District. We are married 46 years having four children and six grandchildren.

Karen Peet:

My name is Karen Peet. I currently live in Shrewsbury, NJ and I came to Tower Hill in 2017 after relocating from Brooklyn, NY! My faith has always been an important part of my life. I grew up in a Presbyterian church in Brooklyn where I served as an elder, a Sunday School teacher, and then Sunday School Superintendent. I also served as a Youth Group Leader for 5 Presbyterian churches in my neighborhood. At Tower Hill, I have had a lot of fun teaching Sunday School to the wonderful children here at our church, volunteering and being a part of the amazing VBS programs, as well as serving our community through organizations such as Young at Heart. Teaching is something that has always been a passion for me; I was a Kindergarten teacher for 20 years and loved every minute of it. I was forced to retire in 2015 after I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that had metastasized into my spine. In my spare time I love baking, making chocolate pretzels for my Tower Hill family, and most importantly spending time with my family! I am married to Chris Peet and we have two creative and fun children, Jenna and Joshua. Living in NJ and being connected to Tower Hill has been a great experience and has given us a sense of community!


Billy Duffy:

I was born and raised in Fair Haven and am a lifelong member of this church, as well as a distinguished graduate of Tower Hill Preschool. I have served in minor roles at church here and there, but I am looking forward to serving in a bigger way. Tower Hill has meant so much to my family for many years. From growing up here to now having my own children and wife involved in all aspects of the church. Tower Hill, and the Lord, are a big part of our lives.

I am married to Suzanne who is the Director of Communications and Guest Services. I have 2 daughters, Addison (13) and Reagan (9). I work for Deutsche Bank in NYC and in my spare time love going to the beach, playing golf and watching my girls play soccer.

Jerry Burke:

Jerry will be serving for his third year on the audit team. He joined the church in 1997. He lives in Holmdel with his wife Lisa.

Kenny King

Unavailable at time of publication

Rob Sanders:

Thank you for the honor of your request & nomination to serve on the Audit committee. We came to Tower Hill church in 2015 and joined as officially joined as members in Jan. 2016. Growing up in Rumson with parents who retired in the home we grew up on Buena Vista Ave. I have been familiar with Tower Hill and members for many years. Having heard Pastor Jason deliver a message at another local church along with neighbors & friends we were motivated and inspired to come. I feel as the lord has & does bless us W too are called to bless others in Jesus name. I feel the Lord calls me to "pick up my mat" and walk forward. I retired early in 2014 from a long banking career as a loan officer being blessed to have commercial and residential properties that enabled this to happen. I am a current member of the Red Bank Rotary Club .since 2004 where I have served as Sergeant of Arms, Vice President, President-elect, Chairman of the Membership committee and Board of Directors. At Rotary we work to support many organizations including some Tower Hill supports such as Lunch Break and Love Thy Neighbor. I live in Oceanport with my beautiful wife Joan Throckmorton.


Meghan Del Priore:

My family and I live in Rumson and have been members of Tower Hill since 2014. I grew up attending Tower Hill with my parents and 4 sisters. My husband Mark and I came back to Tower Hill with our children in 2014 as we were looking for a church to call home. We found it here.

My faith in Jesus Christ has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. it is crucial for Mark and I to have that love and faith instilled in our children’s hearts as well. We delight in having our kids in Tower Hill Sunday school and small groups. I have served as a Deacon and as a member of the CNC as well as volunteering where needed. My children love to tag along when they can as well to help greet or stand behind the visitors desk in the Narthex. I would be delighted to serve again on the CNC.

Outside of Church, I live a very active life. I am the mother to 3 kids 12, 10 and 8. We are very involved in sports, community events and friends. I have a small interior design company that I operate from my home. I have also started to serve on the Monmouth Medical Center Foundation Board of Trustees.

God has planted a seed in my heart to serve and share his love.

Jessica Gilman:

I currently reside in Little Silver, with my husband Sam, our two girls, Olivia (3) and Samantha (1), our dog Luna and two cats. I am a homemaker as well as a freelance event planner - working with nonprofit clients on their annual galas and fundraising events. We enjoy daily neighborhood walks and spending our time at the beach as a family! We came to Tower Hill Church in December 2016, when we moved back to the area. We wanted to grow our faith; having it be a foundation for our growing family.

Most recently, I helped with the Embrace Grace mission, assisting with the Princess Day (pampering day for the moms to be) as well as organizing and setting up the Baby Shower held at Tower Hill Church with Wendy Kramer. I am also involved on the leadership team with Tower Hill Mops and am a chair for the Bears Helping Bears Fund at the Tower Hill School.

Having faith to me means that I am surrendering to God. When faced with big obstacles in life, I find a comfort and peace knowing that I can "let go" and it is in God's hands. No matter the outcome, it is all part of His plan. Being called upon to serve is just God's way of having a better and bigger plan for me - allowing me "show up" for others in my life.

Lisa Karcher:

I have been a member of Tower Hill since 2013, when I joined the Danita’s Children Haiti team. I recently served as a Deacon and was a member of the Music Director Search Committee. I am part of the Guest Services team, helped with the Pan Am group, assisted in the toddler room on Sunday mornings, and was a member of the Sarah Circle. I have two children: Hailey, who lives in Seattle, and Lindsay, who resides in Chicago. I grew up in Little Silver and raised my family there, and now lives in Red Bank and works for Accenture in Human Resources. I am looking forward to serving the church in this role.

Carol Moser:

I am a resident of Monmouth Beach, and I joined Tower Hill Church in 1985 when my son Jeremy was 2 years old. When he was younger, I taught Sunday School classes and helped with serving dinners at Youth Group. I have served as a Deacon, an Elder and a member of the Church Nominating Committee. As a previous elder, I chaired the Mission Team and currently am co-chair of this team. Over the years I have been involved in many of the church’s mission events and projects, including serving meals and distributing clothing at Pan Am, serving breakfast at Lunch Break, taking children from Aslan on a picnic hike through Hartshorne Woods, planting gardens and hosting barbecues for HABcore residents, chairing the Toy Distribution at Christmas for Lunch Break, and many other events. I am an active member of the Hannah Circle, and currently oversee getting ushers each week for the contemporary service. For the past year, I have co-chaired the small group, Singles-- Meet, Greet and Eat.

In June 2015 I retired from the Little Silver School District. I had taught special education for 39 years, about 30 of them in Little Silver. I love to read mystery novels and binge on British crime dramas. I have been active in tennis, volleyball, and currently love pickleball. For the past 5 years, I have been the Varsity Volleyball Coach for Trinity Hall High School. I am grateful to be called as a CNC Nominee and look forward to serving Christ and this wonderful church community.

Beth Richey:

Faith in the Lord sustains and strengthens me, day to day, to be able to talk with God and depend on Him. The church family helps me in my understanding of God and in my faith journey. I feel it is one of our purposes, as a church family to help each other grow in faith and it is a joy and privilege to be a part of it. I have served the church as a Sunday School teacher, Deacon, Lunch Break volunteer, and Small Group co-leader. I feel called by the Lord to serve His church.

I live in Colts Neck with my husband John. We have been attending Tower Hill for about 23 years now (I also attended Tower Hill as a child/teenager). We have two grown children who live out of state, one is a High School teacher in Phoenix and the other is a PhD candidate in Nashville. Our children grew up in the church. Outside of church, I work full time as an engineer at Nokia.

Delaine Sarraf:

Delaine Sarraf has attended Tower Hill Church since 1990 and became a member in 1993. She sang in the Tower Hill Choir and Joyful Noise and rang handbells in Bethany Ringers for many years. She has fond

memories of chaperoning the Calvin and Chapel Ringers seven times on their summer tours. Delaine has served as a Deacon, on the Nurture Team, and on the web team. She has volunteered in the church office, worked on the Prayer List, been a member of the Phoebe and Faith Circles, and participated in Bible studies. Delaine helped found the Harbour Lights Singles Ministry where she met her now husband, Steve!

Delaine lives in Fair Haven with her husband of nearly 19 years. Renovating their old home and traveling fill up their non-working time. Delaine works full-time at Monmouth University, currently in the Graduate Studies office. Other MU jobs over the last 17+ years have been in the Annual Fund, the library, and the President’s Office. Delaine enjoys walking, reading, music, and time with friends.

Delaine grew up in church and remembers accepting Jesus into her heart after watching a Billy Graham crusade on TV at age 6 or 7. She values the importance of volunteerism and is so honored to be asked to join the CNC. She looks forward with excitement to recruiting future church leaders to serve here at Tower Hill Church.

Carl Sohl:

I live with my wife Kathleen in Eatontown, NJ. We (I) came to TH about 48 years ago, after attending another church in Red Bank. I had proposed to my future wife (lucky me-she said yes) and we were in need of a new church. The Sunday we attended TH, Dr. Webster’s sermon was on Enthusiasm. We were sold and in December of 1972 Dr. Webster married us.

As the 23 Psalm states “The Lord is my shepherd....” and as good shepherd He has looked after me as if I were His only sheep-I have truly been blessed. The Pastors we have had over the years have each been Remarkable in their own way, too and including our interim. This church has been blessed.

Over the past three decades I have been a Deacon 3 or 4 times mostly as head usher, where I may have called many of our parishioners too often or maybe too late...please forgive me. In the past 4 or 5 years I have moved away from many commitments I had made outside of the church (planning bd., school bd., town council, environmental) I feel my Shepherd calling me.

I am happy to say I’m retired (more time for sailing). Most of my career after college has been in sales, the last 17 years with Ace Electronics where I was sales manager- we engineered and mfg. cable assemblies. Lastly, we have 2 daughters (Ashley & Morgan) one in Baltimore the other just outside DC. Ashley, BTW was married at TH 10/17 by Pastor Jason.

Steve Warrenburg

My wife, Gail Kolflat, and I joined Tower Hill in 1994. We moved to Little Silver in 1987 and I worked as a research psychologist at International Flavors & Fragrances until retiring in 2016. Our two daughters were raised in the church and are living and working at home in Little Silver during this Covid shutdown. I have felt led to participate in church and functions and missions since the 1990s. If I’m not doing something, I hear nudging during prayer! Over the years I have been a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, Deacon, Elder, Bible Study leader, Clerk of Session, and hospital visitor. Gail and I love to attend traditional worship and are inspired by the music, liturgy and sermon.
