r Ncw«l»»P« Devoted Complete News Pictaret t|,c Community Interest Prrwnled Fairly, dearly Full I^** And Impartially Each Week

XXXVIH--NO. 8 (EartmCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAYt, MAY 29, 1959 •nterMI u tad nut Man •t r. 0, Cmrtcrri, N. i PRICE TEN CENTS Carteret High School Marking End of Activities N. Y. Port Sweetness For Year; Pick Valedictorian and Salulatorian\i\rc* • 1 To Honoj- War Dead and CARTERET—Hrrman E. Horr^ principal nr the Carteret High School, has announced that Geraldlne Clkn and Mary Ann Hllft IIBVP been chosen as valedictorian and talutatorlan, Light respectively, of the class of 1959. £ta To Speak At Memorial Rites Miss Clko, daughter of boroulflJPa fwliool board auditor GREOORT .lolm J. Clko and Mrs. Clko, 20 Chrstopher Street, was a fli*l- Mayor, (ioiinril anrlj isl in the National Merit Scholarship program and is program chiiii man of the National Honor Society, co-editor of the Trading Citizens to „ ^Iward J. Dolan V'' Annscott News, drum majorette of the high school band, and Get I'rogrm Report president of the German Club, She Is a member of the Stu- In Tomorrow ,icstkinabiy taken :() dent Council, A Cappella Choir, Mixed Chorus and Opera CARTERET—Mayor Edward ;„,• step in asking Guild and was a delegate to the 1958 Qlrls' Citizenship Insti- .1. Oolan. tlio Carteret Coun- CARTERET—Memorial Day, tute, student director of the Junior play, and was In the rust strangely disturbing holiday ,,,,. tor of tlie Pleas cil, and 45 other leading citi- u of the Senior play. In September she will attend Cornell Uni- zens of Carteret, W Invited toChurch to Break Groundmixture of stern patriotism, , , :irscx County to versity, where she will major In nuclear chemistry. hoar n progress report Wednes- nif memories, family j; picnics and devotion to yard .. thorough inves- Miss Hlla, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew J. Hila of day, June 3, on the activities a 101 Linden Street, Is a cheerleader, president of the Future of The Port of New York Au- For New Edifice June 14 and garden rolls around to* :-,,f the highly seri- Teachers of America, and treasurer of the National Honor thority during the past four morrow. •ars, The group will meet at CARTERET — This SundayiBuildlng Committee of the , (1,;r.s concerning Society and the Carteret Live. Y'ers. She 1* a member of the There will be a parade to to- Annscott News staff, Student Council, A Cappella Choir, P. M. at the American Le- e First United Presbyterian Church that Rround breaking mind Carteret residents of th» ( ,1 break-down of Mixed Chorus, Opera Guild, and cast of the Junior and Senior :ion Hall, Roosevelt Avenue, hurch will celebrRte the Pres- for the new church sanctuary day's stirring origins: of th» yterlan and Reformed Jubilee will take place on Sunday, ,.h,,r,'iiirnt in Car- plays. She was a delegate to 1958 Girls' State and Is first aid Carteret, rituals to remind them of tn* Instructor to Girl Scout Troop 68. In September she will attend both the 8:30 and 11:00 June 14, at 3:00 P.M. Members price others have paid for th* The evening's speaker, An- rvlces. The minister will of the community are cordially Georgian Court College, where she will major In education. MISS MARY ANN HILA -hony F. Maurlello, of the Au- lberty they enjoy, and serrnoni ireach the sermon, "The Serv- Invited to attend this cere- thority's Community Relations to remind them that freedom int Lord and His Servant Peo- mony. It was also announced niiiiiunity, whose Department, will discuss the is never inexpensive. ile". The Church School will ;hat a Country Fair will be expansion work carried on at The exercises are being spon- •K mark in recent Faculty Honors Boy Scout Pack leet at 9:30. The Junior HI held on Friday evening and Jewish Center Launches the' agency's 21 facilities since sored Jointly by Carteret Pod 1 fellowship will have their Saturday. September 18 and ; tin domination 1955, when Carteret was the 263, American Legion, and Star egular meeting at 2:30 on 19. The proceeds from the fair AD communist of subject of a special radio salute Landin^Post, 1234, Veterans of Two Teachers Final Drive for Funds Tours Academy; lunday to discuss "The Lamb will benefit the building fund. by the Authority. He will illus- Foreign wBTsv John DeAngelO union in whose if God". The Senior Hi Fel- The faculty of the Vacation CARTERET — A joint preliminary plans of the pro- trate his talk with slides show- U chairman for the Legion and iwship will have a Campflre Bible School will meet this ..i,•(! I lie economic message was Issued by Dr. posed Center building were Ends Busy Season ing these up-to-date advances Michael Hlrlak, chairman for Soon to Retire lngsplration at the home of Leon Greenwald, president submitted to the Building as well as future plans. Monday evening at 7:30 In the the V.F.W. ,.;• sufh a large CARTERET—The Columbus CARTERET — Cub Pack he Youth Directors, Mr. and of the Carteret Jewish Cen- Committee, In addition the Many Achievements Church. The Vacation School ,>s people, was School faculty honored Mrs, 181, sponsored by the United rs. Donald De Row,' will have two departments, prl- The complete program M* Margaret Lloyd and Mrster., and Max Oruhln, cam- enthuslam expressed and Hebrew Sisterhood of Carteret lows: ,1 and distressed During the four-year period It was Announced by the (Continued on Page 2) Blanche Harris »t a luncheon paign chairman, today. They shown in the adoption of the held itfl final general pac' since the Carteret radio salute 8:30 A. M.—Joint Committee revelation that yesterday noon. They are re- stated that new sub-commit- new Constitution and elec- meeting of the season, at the the Port Authority has opened Services—Carteret Boat Basin, tiring from the teaching profes- tees will be formed to canvas tion was an indication of ,. "ambling had ^Congregation of Loving Justice, to traffic the »95 million Thir A. M.—Assembly of Vet- sion on June 19. the remaining families who overwhelming community in- Thursday night. Tube of the Lincoln Tunne USMR Honors Qosing Donor erans of Foreign Wars with have not made a contribu- terest and support for this ,1:1,ntcrs here. Car- Quests were:,Mrs. Alice Sheri A trip was made to the Val carried out construction on it Gold Star Mothers and Fatheri tion or pledge for the con- project. In concluding they ,drills, industri- dan, chairman of the teacher' ley Forge Academy at Wayne, revolutionary plans for a Ter and Ceremonial Squad at Sol- struction of the proposed mentioned that a starting 26 Employes for committee; Superintendent and Pa., and 33 cubs were present. mtftal City at New York Inter Dinner Is Held diers and Sailors Monument In .; self-respecting center building. date for the construction of Mrs. E. 8. Quln, Mrs. John Con They were allowed to make a national Airport and begun fhi Soldiers and Sailors Memorial .•,,'!! a whip-lash nally, a retiree. The following They urged the complete the Center would be an- ground work for adding a lowe; Park. beside the above were present {complete tour of the academy. Service Record By Sisterhood support by the community nounced at the end of the deck to the George Washlngtoi 9:15 A. M.—Veterans of For- ••,,',• not only did Mrs. Catherine Williams, Mrs A picnic will be held on June CARTERET—Twenty-six em- for this project. They point- fund drive and upon ap- Bridge. Also of outstanding lm CARTERET — The nfth an- eign Wars Memorial Ritual at 9, in the Carteret Park. The ployes of the U. S. Metals Re- .. i but which they rene Kovacs, Mrs. Mary Czaya ed out that a contract with proval of the architect's portance to the Port Di&tric nual donor dinner of the United Monument. Mrt, Ann Wisely, Mrs. Amell invitation was extended to the fining Company were presented • ii:d not deserve. the architect was signed, and plans. welfare during this time ha 9:30 A. M—Parade assembly Fritz, Mrs. Lucille Ulman. whole family. with service button awards Hebrew Sisterhood of Carteret been the agency's waterfron Also, Mrs. Dorothy Chodasl Mrs, Joseph Miller's den en- during the month of May. was held at the Avon Caterers, Mrs. Helen Mangan, Mrs. Sy itertained for the evening with development in Elizabeth an _ ..•v arc entitled Newark, N. J., and Brooklyi ia Welsman, Mn Elizabeth Athletic Teams School Building a square dance. Both cubs and master mechanic, 50 The invocBtlon ^ j,ven by N. Y. Plans for the redevelo th k L, ^ r<] — by a full, Sufchlnsky, Mrs. Ann -Sack brownies participated. This den Street, Carteret, received a 40- . Restenbwm. Mrs. helm, Mn. Helen Zazula, Mn. ment of LaGuardla Airport Mrs Al Carteret Avenue to Cy- ; utirl indepen- also served, the refreshments year button. wa« the piano accom- Edna Mlnnls, Mrs. Mary Oreen- To be Honored Program Backed (Continued on Page. 2> preM street, to Washington for the evening. Thirty-year buttons were panlst. Mrs. Edward Miller • i, Ration — ofy, Mrs. Marlon Ryan, Mrs. CARTERET — The regular Avenue, nortnoth om Washington CARTERET—Final Mr. Al Peters thanked the given to Vernon Etheridge donor chairman welcomed the Avenue, to Roosevelt Avenue, A.th which this Kathryn Sullivan, and Mrs. M. meeting of the Parkview Demo- cubs for doing an excellent job loni are being made for the foreman in Handling and guesguestt s anndd introducteitdtd d MrMs ,t oh Roosevelt Avenue tto J. Dowllnc Also. Miss Stella cratic Club was held Tuesday of marching on May 23, in the Calvary Baptist ea liiiiation is sur- Carteret Sportsmen Associa- Transportation Dept.; Stephen Irving Levlte, past president south on Cmjkowsfci, Miss Floyce Brown, evening at Falcon Hall. American Legion parade. He pershlng Avenue, outh This apparently Miss Winifred Hundemann, ion's dinner-dance honoring Wasilek, set watcher In Tough Mn. Sam Breslow, president, pershing Avenue to Cooke Ave* Ellsworth O'Donnell spoke notified them that they will Pitch Dept., 65 Third Street, spoke on the alms of the Sister- Miss Barbara Sakor. Miss Alice and march again in the Memorial Picnic T( Pitch Dept 65 Third Street spoke o th ims f th Sit on cooke Avenui : intention, the athletic teams of Carteret on the school building Port Reading; Clarence Ma- hood. t0 Avenue, east on Nicholson, Miss Ethel Arnquiit to replacement program The Day parade. CARTBRBT — The Calvary i : hi' oiily question Also, Miss Wanda Knorr, Miss High School guire, head of Micro-Filming A pin wag presented to Mrs Washington Avenue to Roose- voted fc Dept., 297 W. Hazelwood Ate- OflMvieve Kramer, Mil* JulU nual family picnlo, tomorrow. Levitz in recognition of her velt Avenue, south on Roose- •is now is theMachyshyn. Alao, Mr.-. Julius the American Lofton Memorial. this program. wolf, Joel Albert, Rob- nue. Rahway, and Michael ert Kublca. Richard Drenberg, Car's will leave from the church past service to the organiza- velt Avenue to Penning Ave- of colle; Welsman, Mr. William OTJon- The dinner will begin at 6: Edward Bradr and Mn, Shomsky, crane operator (In- tion. Mrs. Phillip Drour extend- nue, east and north on Persh- Steven Flrsichbaum, Jeffery at 8 A. M. The picnic will be side), Tank House Dept., 118 nell, Mr. Robert Mullan, Mr. and the dancing will start at Thonw Coughlin. co-chalr- held in conjunction with the d greetings from Hadassah. Avenue to Washington man of the public card party Kate; one year pin, John W. 16th Street, Linden. , Albert Bredhka, Mr. Oerald 9 o'clock sharp. Muaic will be many other Baptist churches In Mrs. Sam Cooper one of the Avenue, west on WasJilngton to be held Wednesday evening, Sudla; bear, John Sudla; Lion, Twenty-five-year buttons were Brown,)Mr. David Lynch, Mr. provided by Barry Miles and the State who get together an- vice presidents of the CentralAvenue to Walter Overholt June 3, at Falcon .Bill have Donald Fitzsimmons; denner presented to Carlton Oerig, 1 Francis' Walsh, Mr. Mlohael his orchestra. nually at the Baptist Confer- New Jersey Branch of theStadium. UII Prosecuto: asked that all the prizes be de-stripes, Hugh Chodosh. Laboratory, 61 Larch Street, Maskaly, Mr. Joseph Bartos, Highlighting the evening will ence Cencr in Lebanon. Women's League of the United 11:00 A. M.-iMemorial ser- livered to Mrs. Coughlin, 30 Carteret; Michael Korneluk, df Middlese and Mr. Joseph Bamburak. be the presentation of trophies On Sunday, Rev. Homer Synagogue of America was the vices at Walter B. Overhort Jr. the authorit Casey Street as soon as possi- Trtcules will deliver two ser- Mechanical, 100 Old Road, Se- to the most valuable players in waren; Walter Prokoplak, Me- guest speaker. Entertainment Stadium. ble. , Closing Dinner mons. At the U A- M. hour of Call to Order—Mr, DeAneeJo. llies to gather Breakfast Sunday each of the four major sports chanical, 53 Warren Street, was provided by the Flora Plans were also made for the worship the message will be Star Spangled Banner-Car* at Catteret High School. The Carteret; Leroy Hatfleld, Lab- Hayes review. if too much For Carey Council annual June social to be held 'God's Marching Orders To teret High ScboorBaod. CARTERET —Carey Council naln speaker of the evening June 26, with Mrs, Larry Planned by BPW oratory, 14 Melbourne Court, Mrs. Edward Miller was gen- ptusi'd be- will be Walter Coffee, a well- His Army." At the 6:30 evening invocation — Rev. Mel H. No. 1380, Knights of Columbus, Lecher, and Mr. Dan Welch on CARTERET— The Carteret devotional service the message Woodbrltige, and John Petro, eral chUrman assisted by Mrs. known official in collegiate and Smelter, 18 Grant Street, Be- Louis Porter, Mrs. Sidney Kate, Corcoran, St. Joseph's Church. U' the charges will hold Its quarterly com- the committee. Business and Professional Wo- will be "The Divine Right.". Address of Welcome—Frank 7,ill munlon breakfut Sunday, high school circles. Mrs. Sam Breslow, Mrs. How- r in e n n Mr. Edward Brady and Mrs.men's Club held Its regular Because of the picnic Satur-waren. ard Wurzel. and Mrs. Irving Yapczenski, oommander. VTW, May 31. at the S A. M. MM* In Tlcktes may be purchased business meeting in St. Mark's day, the men will not go to the Matlaga, Oxygen Frances Cunha, twelfth dis- Nicholas Greetings—Commander Cla- ;uul the pres- the Holy Family Church. or the Dinner-Dance or fortrict leaders and Mr. Richard Parish Hall. Perth Amboy Hospital. Those pree, 143 Roosevelt Avenue, Isaacs; decorations: Mrs. Peter the dance alone from any VanWallendael and Mrs. Na- rence MoCHllis, Legion; Mr* '.I ;V was occu- Breakfast will follow at the Co Ebert district leader of theMrs. Frances Donovan gave who can will go tonight instead. Carteret, received a 20-year lumblan Club. Thomas Mlllk member of the Carteret Sports- fifth district gave their reports report on the recent conven- Departing time is 7 P. M. from service award. thaniel Jacoby; entertainment, (Continued on Page 3) Mrs. Cliff Greenberg; publi- or Dolan in and Alexander Sohayda are co-men Assoc^al,tlon, The special prize of the eve- on held in Atlantic City. Both the parsonage. On TuesdayTd , tthhe Fifteen-year buttons were city; Mrs. Paul H. Greenberg; Holiday Safety Plea ^n inquiry of chairmen. ning was awarded to Mr. John Mrs. Donovan and Mrs. Irene, deacons will meet at the church received by Andrew Pirnik, program,- Mrs. Edward Kltzis Saturday, June 1, Carey Avery. R 0 g o w s k 1 were delegates. at 7:30 P. M. for their regular Metal Powders, 70 John Street, Made by jannicola •Inch he un- St. Elizabeth PTA at and Mrs. Clifford Greenberg, Council bowling teams will hold Other members attending weremonthl' y meeting. On Wednes- Carteret, and Charles Gosz-i CARTEBET—Edward T. Jan- HI countless a banquet at the Columbian Picnic Tomorrow f CAve kowski, Tonga Pitch Dept., 320 photography. nicola, 4 Ginda Avenue, chair- John AWerlng as Cra tsmmlo Mrs. Mary Lukach, Mrs. Midge*W M>te

AT THK ALTAK: Imprewive «ene »t the alUr of Uw BAYS FIRST MAJSH: 8c«oe »t the tUorad Bcvt Church RBCKIYSS COMMBNIOW: rtolure «t«»w» M»*. *»*•• *•* Sacred He»rt Church Sunday marntaf when IflaUier Ardm m^^mmm ^. , ^•ariBHMk^Hi^HH' •> ••• ml•lie JMU in Cartorei, where Father Ardui wid hli flnt from her m, FBUMT /U4OI. Bar otkiT m W The «hnrch WH flUed to mpacit*. Fatlur Petrick ««fc>bnted hi. n«t Mle«n Ma«. At the end of the cew- * •'NHK: Shown from left U rifht we Un. Ba>r» Cluuwi Ari«w, >^V™; ••"•• «!•*» beride her Aurtag tho ritwL Fh»*» i*wn from left W rifIII m Mr*. ««rf t/iuwi™ «••—, - wmt anhfniMt, Be*. W. C, C»pUi. ie»oon, awl Re*. J. & mony, a dinner wm held to BWMir of the jonnf priest in item two *itate MMMtnc. » «roi>i; another ion, Andrew, «od Rev. t. J. Petrlch, p«t« * IL CoLnonlty C«.t«*, (««»•«• by T.4W "y Vmrcta> who lwjire* UM ywoi priert In Us vocation. FRTDAY, MAY *>. IW TWO CINKftK ORADtJATER Church lo of the Prosecutor's office, the subject of this essay. CARTEKKT -NHl ClTiPRO, 41 (Continued from PHRC 1> or of Mr. Dolan's affairs, The subject is the method Fitch Strwt, lias ben gradu- ated from the Lincoln Techni- mary and junior. Clawe* will we think It should be ac-which best will serve thn cs Institute, Newark, With liifth be held on mtn rinv morniiiRS Sweetness and Light cepted. Both Mr. Wilentz restoration of trust in the honors. HP specialized it* heat- rrom June 28-July 3. and Mr. Dolan will gain efficacy of law enforce- Ing as well BS oil burner Installa- On Monday rvmlng at 8 in By CHARIER E. OREOORT tion and servicing and plans to the Co-Wedl will meet In the stature and confidence byjment in Carteret. This can join his father's firm. Andrew Church. such a forthright act - be done only if proof be- t Son. Ruth Circle will mept, at thr His voluminous report except some c o m p 1 e t and this It a time when yond doubt can be pro- home of Mrs. Charlotte Cour- on the results of his Inves- strangers from som USMR Honors chene, 3 Charlotte Street, at total . candor and inde- duced that Zullo's alleged 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday. Th<"y tigation demonstrate, un- branch office of the De pendence is imperative. operatlons are the figment (Continued from Pag* V will study the Oosnel of John fortunately, that it availed partment of In tern a of the mind of some care- ?A Linden Avenue, Fords; 011- nnd have a time of orayor nnd * « !vrr Larson, Omen Free, 14 E, of fellovahlp. On Wednesday nothing except a monoto- Revenue. All told, it was a An even mare convlnc- less Internal Revenue (linen Street, Woodbrldie; Ma- 'vertlnft flt 7:30 the Church nous recital of denials by most curious contradic^ ing gesture would be a re-man, or — If there is any jor Sweet, H * T Dept., 135 SeMion will have their monthly Bolmont Avenue, Newark; Ed- meeting. 6n Thumday evening ill who were questioned, tion. quest to the Attorney Gen-jbasis to the charges — ward Msrtln. Tough Pitch, 313 at 7:80 a Communion Pre- of acknowledge, ^hat- • • • eral to assign a deputy to;that this basis be disclosed Irfifayptti- Street, Rahway; paratory Service will be heW ' h f th Nirolnus Habyk, Tough Pitch,, in preparation for Holy Com- ever of Zuilo. Therf may StiJl,evenift0y,anewcome to Carteret to co-'and the names of 1837 g, Wood AWnie, Linden, munion on Sunday, June 7. approach is to be taken. operate with the Prose-iwho permitted, or con- have been those, even, who • • • ' - '-'—- t ith th Plho permitted o and Thom»* Or*r, Toueh Pitch. lBAHs Mr. Dolan, who Is an as-cutor's office in the forth-spired to permit wholesale 146 First Street, Elizabeth, uel Kaplan, attornry ( said they did not know he N. Y. Port 0 even lived In Carteret. Assistant to Prosecutor War- coming investigation. This Infraction of the law, be borouth, who recrntly Installed president of it,, would give the people of made public and then M1BR BARBATO tflRR KOSTtCH To Honor 'Continued from Page D a consequence, Mr. Dolan'siren Wilentz, has offered have also been acted upon dur- Mlddleset County B»r A report could claim but a!to take a leave of absence the community a sense of prosecuted. TO GKT IIKOREES: MlM Barbara Ann Barb*to and Miss fContinued from Page 1> ing the four-yiar spin. elation. Claire N, Konlnh, both from t'»rteret, »re candidates for from his duties during the security in the knowledge; , * • « « Margaret Nemeth, VFVJ Auxil- A queitlon-and>aniwer sen- STEIN RETUHNS HOMK glngle virtue - if In a the bachelor of arti decree »t Montelalr St»te College. iary; Mrs. Ida Cutter, Legion course of the investiga- ilon will follow the presenta- CARTKRffiT—Jack ati'iu ' matter so important such that neither profesalonal Perhaps these thoughts Commencement exercise* will be held Thursday, Jun 4, Auxiliary; Commander Alex tion with Charles J. Oallagher. wHh Dr. Peter L. Drucker, author and professor at New Roosevelt Avenue, who hm, „, ll A virtue — that It was tion, This Is a wise an con- nor personal relationships are of no use, but a care' Fiwkas. CWV: Commander o of the Authorlty'i Com- a patient at the Perth Ami York University, iddresslni a CUM of mon th»n 100 B.A. John Nagy, CWV; Mrs. Kthel munity Relations Department. Jong, and consistent. No siderate offer, and while were ^ influence in even|fUi examination of them and M.A, deirei candidate*. Qeneral Hospital, has m\w\ Medwick, CWV Auxiliary. participating with Mr. Mauri- to hi» home, where he vein , we do not wish to dls Mini Barbato Is the daurhter «( Mr. and Mr*. Benjamin c m body knew nothing about any small way the objec- may indicate some small Address — Edward J. Dolaft, ello. Unua his convalesccruo. we Barbato, tot Roosevelt Avenue. A IBM iraduate of 81. tive or the completeness Mayor, Borough of Carteret, Zullo — nobody, that is, locate either the operatlor merit. Mary's Hlih School, Perth Amboj, she majored in Emtish of the Job at hand. It and mlnored In Latin and elementary education at Mont- American Legion Ritual. should not be forgotten Polish Falcon elalr Slate. Her student teachlm was completed at Wootf- Roll Call of Deceaned Vet- Set for Rummage Sale brldfe Hlrh School and Bewaren School. Mlis Bftrbato's erans—Sherman J. Umansky NEW LOW SPRING PRICES for a moment that confi- cotlete aotlvitles Included membership in Newman Club, a and Daniel Donovan. CARTEREM1—The Polish U- The dence is on edge, and if it Catholic organisation; Endish Club and Inter NOT, the Salute — Uniformed Firing dl«' Falcona will sponsor a is to be restored — which Latin Club on campus. She was also president ot Delta Rouad — Star Landing Post t-ummne i*le all next week at Omrloon PI sorority. 2314. ON COAL the corner ot Eisex Strett and we want and expect it to Miss Kostyrh Is the daurhter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taps. Pershlng Avenue, The aal« will Pennsylvania Premium Anthracite Kostych, 100 Linden Street. A 1855 graduate of St. Mary's Benediction — Rev, Malcolm be—that bold moves must begin daily at 10 A. M. Mrs. Hlfh School, Perth Amboy, she majored In mathematics Brown of First Prelbyterlan be made, Mary fliymborskl of Union atid minored In accounting at Montelalr State. Her stu- Church. NUT Label * « » Street and Mri. Walter 8ak of dent teaching was completed at Wes(Held Htfh School. Flag Raising. The status of Zullo, his Hermann Avenue are taking MIM Kostych't collcie activities Included membership In 1:00 P. M.-Oold Star Pa- means this Is donations ot used clothing and Kappa Mu Epsilon, honorary mathematics society; the rents Dinner — Star Landing STOVE pullt or innocence, is not other articles for Newman Club, and Delta Otnricon Pi sorority. Post 2314, Club Rooms. Pek- ing Avenue. CHODOSH BROS., & WEXLER Wash 'N Wear 2:00 P. M.-Open Hou«e, for ORDER NOWgfr- CALL FU 8-1000 Memorial Day Marked Itiduin Americans veterans and friends, at club rooms, Pershing Avenue. BLUK COAL - rtm Ott - KOPTEB'8 COKE You can depend on Plan Family Picnic In case of rain, service* will 1 CARTEKET—At a meeting of be held at the Legion Memorial By Nathan Hale Pupils the Italian American Club held ... dependability of tailoring Home at 12 o'clock. Dinner will 81 E. BRAND AVENUE RAHWAY Tuesday evening plans for a follows. and tested performance assure CABTBRET —Memorial Dayiohcne; On Memorial Day, family picnic were made, The you that theis BUIU will never wns celebrated in the Nathan;rjorma Rohrbach; piano selec- iiffulr will be held in Roosevelt loit their good looks, even After Hale School by two appropriate^,^ E&r]y ln the Morning Bnd 'Park. Sunday. July 19, In Qrove assembly programs. Th gtately Dance, Christine countless washings . . . the fit e 2 section 6. this picnic will be The first by Mrs. Anne Wiel-;WMker; mrM In FlaildPr« npen to all members and Lhelr won't wash out! Pine details nolltiBkl's fourth grade group Fleldg) nir[c]A PukMh; Amer. fumllicK and friends. The or- such «s the contour-cut collar wns as follows: play entitled^., Answeri Janet Kovacs; Kanizntlon has hit the 200 mem- Boyes Triple-dene Rugs put... give you perfect fit every time. Memorial Day for the Blue and Covej, Them Over Jmvh 3!(,0 bership Roal set by the presi- . Exclusive etyllngs Include wor- the Gray with the following nnd Qmmte alotwinaki: Dec- dent. Michael A. Pusillo, Sr. clpntinn: Patricia Duman- y_ , Six nev: members were wel- sted-looks, stripes, tweedy ef* Oration DB Day d OaMtcl Rlld -iky, Susan Balos, Dorothy B(Uy Jane chuhbwh; ^em., comed. They Include: Iggy Plr- fects, classic cords In the new* You on "Easy Street" Wacker, Patricia Jackson.Ron-lfflMK wlOi Anchors A,V(.u,h rollo. Frank Certlone, John ett colors ... all cool, light, nld KooylaWewiai. Kathleen Mar|ne Hymn and CalMon Trino, Tony Mondi, Salvatorc Enjoy nor* leliuri tlm« ... let us return your ruga w