Levitt Letter, June 2011

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Levitt Letter, June 2011 JUNE 2011 “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.”–ROMANS10:1 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu INSIDE ITEMS ▼ answered direct questions posed by YouTube ■ UN’s Anti-Israel Bigotry...........3 viewers worldwide. See the interview at: ■ A Word From Jeff Seif.............4 http://wp.me/pieUD-SQ ■ Shalom From Sandra...............5 ■ Our Man In Haifa..................6 ■ Classic Zola........................7 ■ Introducing Myles Weiss.........8 Netanyahu Puts ■ History Of Flag Day.................9 ■ Israeli Science & Medicine....10,28 ■ Islam In Action..............11,12,29 Arab-Israeli ■ A Note From Mark................13 ■ Saudi Resistance................14 ■ Archaeology........................15 Conflict In Proper ■ Hebrew Lesson ....................16 ■ Bulletin Board....................20 ■ Todd Baker/TJF....................21 Perspective ■ Letters To ZLM................22–25 By Ryan Jones, www.IsraelToday.co.il ■ Eyewitness To Israel............26 ■ The Six-Day War Anniversary...27 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ■ Seeking Temporary TV Host....28 took part in a global interview on YouTube ■ Select Briefs..................30-32 recently, with questions for the Israeli leader ■ Jewish Humor, Etc................33 coming in from around the world, including ■ France Bans Burka...............34 countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran. (see p. 2) ■ Israel Tour FAQs.................35 ) Sebastian Scheiner/AP ( Netanyahu and cabinet ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU AND HIS CABINET. A UN-appointed expert panel investigated the Gaza war between Israel and Hamas in the winter of 2008-2009 and alleged that Israel deliberately targeted civilians. Richard Goldstone, the head of the panel, now says in a Washington Post newspaper article that his conclusions should have been different. Netanyahu has called for the Goldstone Report to be formally nullified. (See article on p. 3) [CoverStory p.2 NETANYAHU PERSPECTIVE The top questions—which were voted By going along with the “occupation” on by YouTube viewers—were asked by theme, previous Israeli leaders have all a popular Israeli television journalist. but accepted the notion that Jews do The short interview was posted to You- not belong there. And if they do not Tube as part of the “World Views” series. belong in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, then they certainly don’t belong in Tel In one of the questions, Netanyahu Aviv. was asked if he thought the decision to build a few hundred more Jewish Netanyahu also sought to remind the housing units in Judea and Samaria world that the exaggerated and artifi- in response to the March 11 massacre cially-perpetuated Palestinian refugee of a Jewish family in the area would issue has a Jewish parallel that is typi- harm chances for peace with the cally ignored. Palestinians. “Everyone knows we can’t kick out The Palestinians claim all of Judea 350,000 or 400,000 Jews from their and Samaria as theirs, and insist they homes [in Judea and Samaria],” said will not conclude a peace deal with Netanyahu, noting that “many of them, Israel until Jews stop building there. by the way, were kicked out [of their homes in Arab countries] by hostile Netanyahu’s answer highlighted how Arab armies before the founding of the world is playing right into Islam’s Israel.” hands by misrepresenting the conflict and ignoring its historic context. The difference between the Palestinian and Jewish refugee issues is that Israel The Israeli leader insisted that the fully absorbed and integrated the international community must stop Jewish refugees that fled here. The looking at Jewish houses as being any Arabs have worked hard to maintain different from Arab houses in Judea the Palestinians’ “refugee” status and and Samaria since the territory is condition as a political weapon against “disputed land—we have a historical Israel. connection to it.” For decades, the world has parroted the Arab line that Judea and Samaria are “occupied territories” to which the Jews have no real connection. Netanyahu disagreed. “My name is Benjamin; the first Benjamin, the son of Jacob, walked these hills 4,000 years ago, so we have some connection with this land,” Netanyahu explained. “Any one in his right mind knows that this is part of the ancestral Jewish homeland; it’s in the Bible.” Many Israelis have for years been frustrated by their government’s compliance with the Arab narrative regarding the land and its history. 2 FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS OR DONATIONS, YOU MAY CALL 1-800-WONDERS (966-3377). GOLDSTONE: “NEVERMIND” Palestinians, who had encouraged the UN’s Anti-Israel UN to refer the report to its judicial arm, accused Goldstone of caving in Bigotry Exposed to pro-Israel pressure over the report. By Joshua Mitnick, www.CSMonitor.com Israeli commentators, meanwhile, called the South African justice’s arti- Israel has reacted with a sense of cle a “PR coup” and an “earthquake.” vindication since South African Judge Richard Goldstone retracted accusa- “The most serious accusation was that tions of Israeli war crimes during its Israel deliberately killed Palestinian war with Hamas in Gaza two years ago. civilians,” said Dore Gold, a former Israeli United Nations Ambassador Mr. Goldstone, who headed a panel who debated Goldstone in 2009. “It of the United Nations Human Rights was like a blood libel for the Israel Council that made the accusations in Defense Forces, and contributed more than 500 pages’ worth of reports directly to the global effort to delegit- in 2009, wrote in a Washington Post imize the Jewish state. This is an opinion piece published in April that important turning point.” Israeli inquiries into the reports’ alle- gations have made it clear that its While Israeli officials rushed to claim army didn’t intentionally target Gaza victory, analysts expressed doubt it civilians. He shifted criticism to the would spur any greater sympathy for militant Islamist group Hamas for Israel by the international community “heinous” acts of shooting rockets at in a future conflict. Israeli cities and for refusing to inves- tigate itself. “It’s more of a moral triumph than something that changes the relations The Goldstone report was widely seen between Israel and the UN or between in Israel as unjust and aimed at isolat- Israel and the international communi- ing the Jewish state as a pariah while ty,’’ said Shmuel Rosner, an Israeli negating its right to defend itself from columnist for The Jerusalem Post. rocket attacks. And although Prime “The United Nations is a body with an Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called instinctive tendency to investigate on the United Nations to consign the Israel and to blame Israel, and I don’t report to the “dustbin of history,” it think that that tendency will be differ- isn’t likely to be forgotten any time ent because of [Goldstone’s] change soon. of heart.” JUNE 2011 P.O. BOX 12268 • DALLAS, TX 75225-0268 • (214) 696-8844 • WWW.LEVITT.COM 3 CHANGES When God Closes One Door He Opens Another Dear Friends, When I reflect on my life and ministry, I count as one of the highest honors the invitation to walk behind one of Messianic Jewish experience’s greatest communicators: the late Zola Levitt. making a re-appearance in print (see page 5) and on TV. We always were Prior to that, I was an eccentric Bible buddies, and throughout my tenure, college and seminary professor. ZLM’s she was my biggest fan and ally—even invitation afforded me the opportunity after she stepped away a couple of to sow my Jewish understanding of years ago. You’ll enjoy seeing her, hear- God’s Word beyond academic walls ing her heart—and in some way Zola’s through internationally syndicated through her. television. Wow! The information Zola Levitt Ministries I still feel profoundly blessed, even imparts is important. I know you’ll be though I recently tendered my resig- blessed by whomever the ministry nation to make room for the next recruits to help you stay informed on stage in the ministry’s development. what’s happening in the Middle East, We would all appreciate your prayers and how modern, breaking news for the ministry’s CEO, Mark Levitt, as remains related to biblical prophecy. he seeks the mind of the Lord for the ministry’s future. Blessings… and please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Speaking of change, I am pleased to see my very good friend Sandra Levitt Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif 4 FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS OR DONATIONS, YOU MAY CALL 1-800-WONDERS (966-3377). CALL TRACIE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE DR. SEIF AS A SPEAKER 214-696-8844 THE RICHNESS OF GOD’S BLESSINGS less than an hour, and the Galilee is Shalom From Sandra about two hours from Jerusalem. Travel The “before” picture in Israel is measured in hours, not on this page is part of miles or kilometers. an exhibit at the Getty And the food… How different was Museum in Los Angeles. dining then compared to now? Israel Called “In Search of Bib- boasts many world-class restaurants. lical Lands—From Israel Our pilgrims will tell you of the sump- to Jordan in 19th-Century Photography” tuous breakfasts each morning. In yes- (on view until September 12, 2011), it teryear, getting to Israel took weeks or comprises early photographs of the months of sailing, caravanning, and Holy Land from the mid to late 1800s. camping. Today, a pilgrim can be in The picture (right) entitled “Tourists Israel within twenty-four hours by camped outside Jerusalem” and dated 1868 is by Felix Bonfils and shows Tourists camped outside Jerusalem the contrast of Israel then and 1868 (by Felix Bonfils) now (below). How much Israel has grown with new architecture, more people, agriculture, and industry! From dusty and back- ward to forward and modern.
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