OFFLOW HUNDRED. Land, Called Great Busall, Left by an Unknown Donor, and Are Further Relie\'Ed by the Following Yearly Sums, Viz.: Los
S02 OFFLOW HUNDRED. land, called Great Busall, left by an unknown donor, and are further relie\'ed by the following yearly sums, viz.: lOs. left by William, Bmdbury, in 1641, out of land called Grea\·en, lying in Banbutts; lOs. out of Furlong close, left by John Kirkland, in 1';37; 6s. out of land in Mickleholme, left by Wm. Wright; 5s. left by John Yeld, out of Burway meadow; 5s. left by Thomas Shemmonds, out of the Leens close; and £4. lOs. as the interest of £90, left by Franeis Cobh, inl804. Amongst the LOST CHARITIES of this parish is tbe interest of £55, left in J692, by William Turton, Esq., and from the year J777 to 1814, paid out of Highlins Park, a part of the demesne of the Duchy of Lancaster, lately held by Lady Evelyn, a descendant of the testp.tor. FRADLEV, l mile S. of Alrewas, is a small village, com prising within its township about 1300 acres of land, and 382 inhabitants. Fradley Heath formed part ofthe extensive waste of Alrewas-Hay, but was enclosed about the year 1805. Plott says, on one part of this common is a remarkable spring, vul garly said to he bottomless, which always O\'erflows, and though in a low situation, actually r.ermits the plummet to descend 42 feet. On the canal, half a mile S. of Fradley~ is Dunstall wharf and hamlet. 0RRilEA v E is a small village and township, on the south bank of the Trent, half a mile W. of Alrewas. It has 123 in habitants, and about 700 acres of laod.
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