& Parish Council

A meeting was held on 21st January 2019 in Keysoe Village Hall at 7.30pm

Present: PCllr R Bellamy, PCllr R Heming, PCllr, M Perry, BCllr T Wootton and 28 members of the public.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE PCllr Simon Bates, Parish Clerk G Wiggs

2. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS LOCAL & PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN THE BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED HEREUNDER PCllr Heming declared an interest in Item 8 Request for Contribution to Village Hall Repairs


4. MATTERS ARISING Capital Projects: See Item 8 BPHA: there had been no ideas put forward for mutually beneficial engagement opportunities. Advertisement for PCllr Vacancy: Thanks, given to PCllr Heming for preparing the advert. There had been no interest shown. It was noted that elections would take place in May. Grass Cutting: Following resident complaints PCllr Heming had visited the areas mentioned; none of the areas he examined along Kimbolton Road appeared too overgrown. The grass cutter had been out 2 weeks later and completed the Parish cut. He explained that current thinking is to actually cut verges less frequently or, at different times to help protect and encourage both flora and fauna. The need to maintain visibility at junctions and other sightlines remained a prime consideration. Home Office Letter Response: PCllr Bellamy had agreed that the Chief Constable would respond jointly on his and our behalf to highlight the errors and inaccuracies of the Home Office letter. Our original letter was it appears the only one fully evidenced and with robust arguments. Only two other PCs had responded in support of the request for more funding to enable officer recruitment. Alistair Burt had also written and was following the situation. Foresight: Still ongoing. Borough Council Service Specification: drain clearance information now received and circulated/ Welcome letter to new Head of Kymbrook School: This had been sent, together with an invitation to the Annual Parish Meeting. Robinson & Hall: A written proposal requested of their development plan. No information received. Speed Camera Income: PCllr Bellamy has written to the Mayor requesting feedback on the letter we signed supporting the request to Chris Grayling MP that speed camera income be used to offset the purchase cost of speed cameras. No response. Community Speed Camera Van: PCllr Bellamy has written requesting the results of the visits made by this Van. None received. Hate Crime: PCllr Bellamy gave some background on Hate Crime to gauge whether there would be support for the Police Hate Crime Lead Officer to come to the Annual Parish Meeting. Hate Crime is often overlooked but can occur anywhere, at any time, including the workplace, on line, in conversation and in schools.

5. OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK Equestrian Centre: a number of issues raised by residents which included from PCllr Perry: the safety of competitors who were crossing Church Road without regard for passing traffic: intrusive lighting which is on for 24 hours a day; verge damage and mud being left on the highway, the latter two both resulting from contractor and visitor vehicles. To these PCllr Bellamy added traffic management and highway safety issues concerns arising from 12th January specifically relating to the volume, the 1

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council duration, the speed and disregard for the safety of other road users. The ongoing large-scale improvements were leading to worries about larger events. It was noted that verge damage is not unusual during the winter period and the lighting issue has been discussed before and the same advice applies: residents should raise their concerns with Environmental Health. It was agreed to put this item on the next Agenda. In the interim informal discussions would take place with the owner. Repairs adjacent to Post Box: PCllr Heming reported that the hollow and flooding issue by the Post Box near the school had now been attended to. Two men took two days to complete the job bringing a great improvement to the area. Consultations: PCllr Bellamy highlighted the following: Beds Fire Service- current Council Tax proposal is £2.86. They are consulting on support for an increase of £3-£5. Such an increase would need a referendum before it could be implemented. Closes noon 25.1.19. BBC are consulting on new Empty Property Charges. It closes 15.2.19 The PCC is consulting on an extra £2 to fund 190 extra police officers of an identified shortage of 380. Closes on 5.2.19. Planning: Proposals for the 1,000 homes at Stewartby Brickworks, a feature of our discussions and the LP2030 have now been published. Litter Picking: Recalling past difficulties in the hiring of equipment – PCllr Bellamy wanted residents who might be planning a litter pick to be aware that the Great British Spring Clean this year is scheduled to take place between 22 March and 23 April. It is hosted by Keep Britain Tidy and the focus is single use plastics. Five Community Clean-ups have already been booked for that period. Interest in supporting such an event should be sent to the Parish Clerk. Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration: PCllr Bellamy will be representing the Parish on 27th January. Anyone can attend. This year’s theme is “Torn from Home” starting with a short service at 2.30pm at the Anne Frank Tree in Russell Park and continuing at the Harpur Suite from 3.00pm. Triathlon: A number of events have been highlighted of which only the one on 19th May impacts our parish roads. Competitors will be travelling along the B660 to and from between 0930 hours and 1100 hrs. All roads clear by 12noon. Note of thanks to be sent to Keith Ritchie – Action Parish Clerk Borough Capital Expenditure Programme - £505k has been allocated for gypsy and traveller pitches in 2019/20. It has been confirmed that this is not linked to developing temporary sites, which as we’ve noted have been requested by the Police, but for 2 pitches at Kempston Hardwick and the Travelling Show people obligation in the Allocations and Designation Local Plan at Manton Heights. Councillor Shortages – Elections in May: The shortage of elected Councillors in this Parish has been highlighted and assistance requested from our Parishioners. Without a full team it is impossible to function at full efficiency. Issues with health and business commitments has seen numbers fall even further. Had PCllr Perry not stepped forward, tonight’s meeting would not have taken place as we would not have been quorate. Nomination papers for the election will be available from March and residents were urged to consider standing. If there aren’t enough Councillors elected, then this Parish will lose control of its powers to make decisions independently of the Borough. Officers from the Borough will be brought in to make the Council quorate. More publicity will follow but the aim this time is to encourage diversity and nominations from across the community. A recent national survey revealed that only 11% of Councillors are under 45, the average age is 61 and 25% have served more than 10 years. 60% are men. Over 80% would recommend becoming a Councillor. Solar Farms: Its common knowledge that solar farms have been seeking typically 15-year extensions on their planned life, but worthy of note is that the Poddington developers have been granted a 20-year extension. Foresight have stated they have no intention of extending the working period for the Keysoe site. BCllr Wootton: Highlighted his report which had been previously circulated to the PC. Footpath Signage Bolnhurst: A Bolnhurst resident raised an issue with footpath signage in general and specifically footpath clearance across farmland. Photographs had been taken. PCllr Bates has responsibility for Rights of Way but in his absence PCllr Heming asked the resident to email him the 2

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council details. Attention was drawn to an App called “Report It”, accessed via the Boroughs Highways section which can be used to highlight matters of this nature and which was recommended for future use. Parish Newsletter: A Bolnhurst resident asked the PC to consider funding the publication which needed sponsors adding that another local group, had promised £70. Another resident said that funding was in place until 2020. PCllr Bellamy asked if the current newsletter was useful, the consensus being that it was. This matter will be discussed at the next meeting.

Martin Gossage had asked the Chairman’s permission to address the meeting. He gave very detailed information regarding crime throughout North Beds including details of a suspicious vehicle which had been followed through Keysoe by a Keysoe resident because of its behaviour. The main part of his address related to occurrences in the surrounding areas, Stonely and Kimbolton in particular. He referenced his role with NextDoor, stating that there were now 120 members. He became an NHW Trustee last September and now wished to encourage membership of Neighbourhood Watch. Mailshots had been carried out in Bolnhurst and Keysoe. Current membership 36.

PCllr Bellamy on behalf of the Parish Council offered to pay for the VH hall hire, so that the NHW could hold a public meeting to promote NHW and encourage membership - Action Parish Clerk

A lengthy debate took place during which several residents expressed their concerns about the level of area policing, the lack of proactive policing and the police response.

Discussions touched on the part that communities can play themselves to help the Police and for which the Police will provide support. Apart from Special Constable recruitment those mentioned were NHW, Speed Watch, Street Watch, Business Watch. An example quoted was the very successful Biggleswade Safety Group which acts as an umbrella organisation for all the mentioned groups and soon even a Dogwatch scheme. They work closely with a number of partner organisations.

Sharing of information was mentioned. The Police have informed PCllr Bellamy that a number of resident groups have successfully established their own WhatsApp groups. The App doesn’t replace reporting crime and intelligence through the normal channels, but the key benefit is that the Police can be invited to follow the groups.

PCllr Bellamy informed the meeting that there had been 8 crimes in total for this Parish which remains the focus of this Parish Council.

October: 1 Harassment 1 Public Order 1 Criminal Damage November –zero December: 1 Burglary non-dwelling, 1 Burglary dwelling, 1 Sexual offence January: 1 Burglary dwelling, 1 Burglary non-dwelling

A Keysoe resident was critical of the increase in the Precept for the Police as in his view that increase had not translated into a better service for this Parish. He felt that Luton was the beneficiary. His request that the PC write and reject the precept was not adopted.

PCllr Heming stressed the importance of maintaining perspective and not exaggerating the risk of crime. It was important to share INTEL, remain vigilant, and recommended everyone should review their crime prevention measures.

PCllr Bellamy confirmed that he will provide feedback to the Police about tonight’s meeting and also take these points on board when he meets with the Police at the next 1/4ly Neighbourhood Police Priorities Meeting. Residents were reminded of the ongoing opportunity to register their views for this


Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council meeting either by contacting Cllrs direct or by using the online form which will be available shortly on the Parish website and forwarding this to his own email address.

Residents who are unhappy with the work of the PCC were recommended to consider making an appointment to meet with her at one of her regular surgeries.

6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR COMMENT: 18/03051/FUL – demolition of existing garage & erection of new dwelling in garden – The Winnat, Mill Hill It was noted the project did not appear to meet either the NPPF or the local planning conditions. Additional concerns about B660 traffic and visibility issues would be highlighted - Action PCllr Bellamy

18/03016/FUL – Single storey front, side & rear extensions & remodelling of existing dwelling – Silver Birches, Kimbolton Rd, Bolnhurst. It was noted that there are no resident objections. Concerns to be highlighted regarding Highway safety during the construction phase due to the proximity of the School bus stop. Action PCllr Bellamy

18/02905/FUL – Demolition of existing detached dwelling house & single outbuilding, & erection of replacement detached dwelling house with garage, bins & outbuilding – Toby Cottage, East no comments

18/01704/FUL – erection of stable block & storage barn (revised) – College Farm Equestrian Centre Church Rd no comments

DECISIONS: 18/02544/FUL – Permission granted for first floor rear extension, single storey side extension replacing conservatory. New first floor window to front elevation – White Cottage, Keysoe Row West 18/02080/FUL & 18/02081/LBC – permission granted for restoration & refurbishment of main barn & associated workshop outbuilding to create two new dwellings – Manor Farm House, School Lane, Bolnhurst

PCllrs discussed the difficulties recently highlighted for local business to attract and retain staff. It was agreed to write requesting the planners explore the options by reviewing existing accommodation policy for rural workers as well as the scope of Agricultural Tenancy criteria - Action PCllr Bellamy

7. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PAYMENTS Bank Account Reconciled 24/12/18 -£23,472.02 The following payments were approved: R&J Maddison – playing field grass £144.00 Worboys – grass cutting £384.00 G Wiggs – Clerks account £486.23 S Woodward – odd jobber £30.00 Beds Pension Fund £147.28 HMRC – Income Tax £81.40

8. REQUEST TO CONTRIBUTE TO REPAIRS TO CONCRETE APRON BETWEEN VILLAGE HALL AND PLAYING FIELD TOTAL COST £6K No further information was presented at the meeting. Council was not quorate so unable to consider the request. It was noted that this project may meet the qualifying criteria for a Rural Grant Scheme, which if so would need to be presented by and through the Parish Council.


Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 9. BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2019/20 Cllrs considered the predicted running costs as well as the current reserves and provisions for other known projects which have a potential capital element. Mentioned were SID machine, Village Hall concrete apron replacement and Play Equipment Fund. Of these only for the latter has the need been established and agreed within Council. It was agreed to continue adding to the Play Equipment Fund (£2,600). A separate provision of £900 was made with regard to the need if realised for legal advice or other costs associated with the Solar Farm Community benefit. The residue c£3000 to be added to the Contingency Fund, this latter amount on the understanding that this sum was to be made available were it resolved to support the Village Hall project or pursue the SID or another Capital project as yet unrecognised - Action Parish Clerk

It was RESOLVED to maintain the Precept at £39.18 per band D Household.

10. PLAYING FIELD – no comments

11. HIGHWAYS PCllr Perry reported that areas of tarmac road surface in Keysoe were very slippery creating a potential hazard to pedestrians and horse riders. She is preparing a report about the overall condition of the Highways and asked residents to supply details of any issues in Bolnhurst - Action PCllr Perry & residents.

12. COMMUNITY SAFETY PCllr Bellamy referred to the Police Priorities Meeting he had attended in November 2018. A lot of officer time had been taken up with policing Hallowe’en, and Guy Fawkes, events. Hare Coursing continues to be the priority issue; there has been a lot of activity in the area. Speeding would continue to be monitored. The October-January Crime Figures were presented earlier.

In January the Police had seized a quantity of drugs, in Row West towards the gated end. One individual cautioned and another will be prosecuted. A number of vehicle registrations had been recorded. It was unclear whether this was an isolated incident and so the Police asked residents to forward the registrations of any unknown vehicles traveling along this stretch of road – Action Residents.

The Police: are planning to run an OPERATION BENEKE crime reduction event in the Parish, date to be advised are in early stage planning with Kymbrook School to hold an educational event. They have arrested an individual who was involved with the keyless car thefts.

It was agreed to include a reissue of the contact details of the local team for the next newsletter. Action PCllr Bellamy


14. CORRESPONDENCE Head of Kymbrook School – Invitation to open day 30/11/18 (emailed 20/11/18) BBC – Capital Programme consultation emailed (27/11/18) BBC – Notes from T&PC Network meeting (emailed 28/11/18) Police – update on Priority Setting Meeting (emailed 28/11/18) Police – crime stats November – zero (emailed 28/11/18) BATPC – Information about Accessible websites (emailed 28/11/18) OPCC – Newsletter (emailed 5/12/18) Bedfordia – copy of submission to Local Plan 2030 re Twinwoods garden village (emailed 10/12/18) BBC – Enforcement Notice for land opposite 1 – 5 Mill Hill (emailed 11/12/18) 5

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council BATPC – National Pay scales 1/4/19 (emailed 11/12/18) BBC – Grass cutting schedule enquiry (emailed 13/12/18 & dealt with by PCllr Heming/The Clerk) BATPC – copy of CPRE response to NPP consultation (emailed 13/12/18) BBC – Transporting Bedford update (emailed 18/12/18) BATPC – Training dates (emailed 20/12/18) BBC – Local plan 2030 update (emailed 20/12/18) BBC – Street cleansing update (emailed 2/1/19) Beds Police – crime stats - locations missing due to technical issues (emailed 3/1/19) OPCC – Newsletter (emailed 9/1/19) Resident – concern about crime (emailed 16/1/19)

15. CLOSE OF BUSINESS - NEXT MEETING18 /02/19, 7.30pm – Keysoe Village Hall

Signed……………………….………… Date……………………