Schlaglicht Israel Nr
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Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 19/12 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 15. – 29. Oktober 2012 1. Wahlbündnis von Likud und Yisrael strengthening the politically skilled Liberman, he Beitenu weakens himself. Second, he infuriates his own Likud’s most senior ministers — privately incandes- Überraschend haben Premierminister Benjamin cent that Liberman has been catapulted above them Netanyahu und Außenminister Avigdor Lieberman in the leadership hierarchy. […] ein Bündnis ihrer Parteien Likud und Yisrael Beitenu There are more negatives for Netanyahu too, but für die vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen am that’s enough to make the point, I think. And set 22.01.2013 angekündigt. Obwohl dieser Schritt against that big downside is the supposed big bene- zunächst von einigen Likud-Anhängern kritisiert fit: The alliance will guarantee that “Likud Beytenu” wurde, stimmten Parteimitglieder schließlich mit […] will form the next government. Actually, it does großer Mehrheit für das Wahlbündnis. Im Gegensatz nothing of the kind. Indeed, it might conceivably do zum national-liberalen Likud, der sowohl religiöse the opposite.” als auch säkulare Anhänger hat, gilt Yisrael Beitenu David Horovitz, TOI 28.10.12 als säkulare rechts-nationalistische Partei, die vor allem von russischen Immigranten gewählt wird. Pressure overcame ego Laut Medienumfragen würde das Bündnis der bei- "The merger between Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu […] den Parteien eindeutig die stärkste Fraktion in der will make the joint party the strongest and most Knesset stellen. Unklar blieb allerdings, ob Likud significant political force in Israel. […] und Yisrael Beitenu mit einer Liste mehr Stimmen The Right realized that only a dramatic move could erhalten würden als getrennt. unite the bloc and weaken the small parties. […] The merger between Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu has To powerfully lead created an almost extreme-rightist party. Those who “On Thursday night something important happened were distressed by the anti-democratic winds that in Israel: The right wing was not unified, nor was blew in Netanyahu's coalition should shake with Lieberman made legitimate. Instead, the two bosses fear. […] of Israeli politics said that all they wanted was more And who will fight for the rule of law and democracy power. […] now that such a powerful force is running the politi- They want this power for themselves; to direct it cal game? This fear may awaken the Center-Right against civil rights, against small parties represent- and those who fear for Israel's democratic charac- ing ideas and niche sectors; against minorities and ter." against governmental checks and balances. All Attila Somfalvi, JED 26.10.12 these things obstruct Netanyahu and Lieberman, and now they want more power to move them A good day for religious liberals aside.” "Liberman’s constituents are different from the Gideon Levy, HAA 28.10.12 Likud’s in that they’re heavily Russian-speaking and tend to be more secular. Many are not halachically Meridors unexpected moment Jewish. For this reason, they tend to be very 'left- “It was easy to see what was in it for Liberman. At a wing' on social and religious issues. […] Issues like stroke, he becomes Netanyahu’s heir apparent. […] civil marriage, easing conversion standards, […] It’s been far harder to understand why Netanyahu etc., would enjoy significant sympathy and support thinks the new alliance is a good idea. For a start, in 1 from the likes of Netanyahu, Liberman, Gideon Stability in unity Saar, and on and on. […] "The most obvious benefit is the creation of a single, A stable Netanyahu-Liberman coalition that is large large right-wing party with the potential to bring more enough not to be beholden to haredi influence might stability to our political system. Ideally, two large be able and willing to supply the goods. parties – one on the Left and one on the Right – will Let us empower the next government to create real represent the two mainstream positions on cardinal change for religious choice, competition and open- issues such as security and socio-economics. ness." Smaller parties – particularly national-religious and Haviv Gur, TOI 25.10.12 haredi factions – would be less able to take ad- vantage of our splintered political system to exert Strange bedfellows indeed influence that far exceeds their size." "Does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu know JPO 29.10.12 Editorial something we don't? […] What would Netanyahu say in his defense – that 2. Geheimverhandlungen zwischen Lieberman has changed? That Lieberman is not the USA und Iran? head of a radical and backward-looking party? […] How will Netanyahu explain his alliance with this Laut einem Bericht der New York Times hat es zwi- person, the perennial suspect and the police's per- schen Teheran und Washington Geheimgespräche son of interest, who is embroiled in one of the most gegeben. Der Bericht stützt sich auf Aussagen von severe public corruption cases?" amerikanischen Regierungsbeamten, die angaben, Mordechai Gilat, IHY 26.10.12 Iran habe sich nun zu direkten Verhandlungen über sein Atomprogramm bereit erklärt. Diese sollen aber Good news for the Jews erst nach den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen beginnen. "The merger […] could help eliminate the type of Weder die amerikanische noch die iranische Regie- coalition in which member parties try with all their rung bestätigten den Bericht. might to advance the interests of their constituents Michael Oren, der israelische Botschafter in den at the expense of the public as a whole. […] USA, sprach sich in den Medien gegen Gespräche Now that the Likud has merged with Yisrael mit dem Iran aus, die dem Iran lediglich einen Auf- Beytenu, there is a large, substantial party with a schub gewähren würden, und forderte stattdessen clear vision. A vision that centers on personal and verstärkte Sanktionen. existential security, rejects delusional and irrespon- sible peace efforts, promotes the settlement of the To talk or not to talk land and is committed to keeping Jerusalem whole “The assumption that an American-Iranian channel as the eternal undivided capital of the Jewish peo- of communication exists needs no further confirma- ple. […] Now we must hope that the Left also con- tion. From the beginning of his tenure, U.S. Presi- solidates its parties. It would be best if the Israeli dent Barack Obama made clear that he intended to public had to choose between Right and Left. A pursue a dialogue with Tehran. […] choice between two distinct blocs will ensure gov- The important question is not whether there will be a ernment stability and allow the government to face publicly acknowledged dialogue between the U.S. big challenges." and Iran, but what concessions Washington will offer Haim Shine, IHY 26.10.12 or may have offered Iran to consent to a dialogue. […] The burning house Did Iran's agreeing to talks contribute to the wording “Later this week all eyes will turn to the other politi- of […] Netanyahu's UN speech, in which he ‘grant- cal bloc. Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert […] ed’ the U.S. administration more time, until next was leaning toward sitting out the January election, spring or summer, for diplomatic efforts? The luke- but apparently he is having second thoughts now. warm and indecisive responses Sunday from Net- […] Olmert’s goal now is to unite, unite, unite. He anyahu's associates could indicate that the prime believes the alliance between Netanyahu and minister was not surprised by the weekend's head- Lieberman could bring center-left voters who would lines, even if he doesn't approve of the move.” not otherwise bother to vote back to the polling Zvi Bar’el, HAA 22.10.12 stations.” Yossi Verter, HAA 28.10.12 2 Is there a secret US-Iran agreement? ly lifting economic sanctions. Obama could present "But it is doubtful that in an election year the White this to voters as his first major foreign policy House had anything to gain from the leak about a achievement. The American public does not want U.S.-Iranian agreement. Without clear specifics Iran to get nuclear weapons but Americans are also about what it actually gained from Tehran, the not interested in a war." Obama administration would be exposed to charges Boaz Bismuth, IHY 22.10.12 that it was not firm at the negotiating table. […] Whether the U.S.-Iranian contacts that were report- The Iranian bluff ed this week are being handled as back-channel "There is no doubt that the New York Times report negotiations, despite all the known pitfalls of this on the resumption of direct talks between Iran and approach, or as formal secret talks, the Obama the United States marks yet another attempt by administration probably would have preferred that Tehran to loosen the noose around its neck.[…] they not have been revealed at this precise time." The Iranians are seeking to resume the talks from a Dore Gold, IHY 26.10.12 position of weakness and fear. They fear that the collapse of their economy will lead to a mass public US-Iran talks waste of time protest and that the major bluff regarding their mili- "Under Obama, the US sent Tehran numerous sig- tary capabilities will gradually be exposed. The West nals indicating that it seeks reconciliation. An Ameri- is becoming less and less impressed with Iran's can representative even joined the talks between claims of advanced capabilities and technology. […] Europe and Iran. But this round of negotiations Iran is seeking dialogue in hopes that the West will failed as well. […] ease some of the economic pressure." The American administration has turned itself into a Alex Fishman, JED 23.10.12 joke. The US will give Iran the time it needs to com- plete the development of a nuclear bomb, after Talking to Tehran which it will be able to conduct negotiations from a "The problem is that Tehran has repeatedly used position of power - and Israeli and American threats negotiations as nothing more than a stalling tactic to of an attack won’t help.