THE GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. CVII-NO. 57 , 19th August, 2005 Price Sh. 50



GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE The Education Act-Appointment ...... 1752 SUPPLEMENT No. 60 The Investment Promotion Act-Appointment of Board Members ...... 1752 Bills, 2005 PAGE The Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act-Commissions...... :...... 1752-1753 The Statistics Bill, 2005 ...... 1075 The Exchequer and Audit Act-Appointment of Chairman of the Ministerial Tender Committee, etc... .. 1753 The Registration of Titles Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc...... 1753-1754 SUPPLEMENT Nu. 61 The Registered Land Act-Issue of New Land Title Deeds, etc...... 1754-1758 The Mining Act- Application far a Special Licence ...... 1759 Probate and Administration...... 1759-1785, 1796 101-The Water (Plan of Transfer of Water The Weights and Measures Act-Notice to Traders' ...... 1786-1796 Services) Rules, 2005 ...... 47 1 The Physical Planning Act-Completion of Part (Published as Special lssue on 12th August, 2005) Development Plans, etc ...... 1796-1797 The Bankruptcy Act-Receiving Orders ...... 1797 The Companies Act-Members' Voluntary Winding-up 1797 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination SUPPLEMENT No. 62 Act-Environmental Impact Assessment Study Legislative Supplernenl Reports...,...... 1798-1801 Transfer of Business...... 1801 Disposal of Uncollected Goods ...... 1801 102-The Custon~sand Excise (Petroleum Oils) (Excise) (Amendment) Regulations, 2005 ...... 489 Loss of Policies ...... -...... 1801 Customs and Excise (Amendment) (No. Change of Names ...... 1801 103- he 2) Regulations, 7005...... 49 1 IOGThe Income Tax Act-Exemption ...... 49 1 SUPPLEIMENT No. 59 105-The Government Lands (Penalty for Non- Legislarive Su[~[~lenzertt Payment of Kent) Regulations, 2005 ...... 492 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE 106-The Forests Act-Declaration of a Forest -Area ...... 492 100-The Constitution of Kenya Review (Referendum) Regulations. 2005 ...... 427 (Published as Special Issue on 15th August, 2005) 1752 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19(11 August, 2005

CORRIGEN'DA .commixsitmer for oatlls uader flle above-mentioned Act, for as long as sle continues to practice as such advocate and this commission is not IN Gazete Noticc No. 6408 of 2005, amend the narne .$fRuth Njoki revoked. Maathai (Mrg.)'' to read 'ëllutfz Njoki Mathai (Mrs.)''. . Given undtr my hand and the seal of the court, on 27th January, 2005.

IN Gazette.Notice No. 6072 of 2005. amend the deceased's name ' J. E. GICHERU.. printed as GJUDITH NYAMURIA MUORIA'' to read GMACLEWIS Ckisflustice. KAGECIV KAMAU'.

GAZETTENOTICENO. 6412 GAZETTE NOTICENO. 64J5 THE EDUCATION ACT (cap. 2i6) T14E OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT (Cap. I5) THE KENYA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION ORDER ' A COMMIStXI)N qsup. jueg.j I'o All t'trz ll/lifpTrr Illese Presents Shat'l Cbge Greetthg: APPOINTMENT PE IT KNOWN fhaf oft the 6th December, 2004.-. IN EXERCISE of tbe powers conferred by paragraph 5 (l) of the Kenju Institute of Educatitm Order, the Minister for Educatitm, O:CAR AMUGO ANGOTE Science and Technology appoints- an advtlcate of xthe Higll Court of Kcrlya, was appointed to be a James Karrmnge (Dcy-jchairmanj, cofnmissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as Iong as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science ànd he continues to practice as sueh advocatc and this commission is not Technology; '- re voked . '- George 1. Godia (Prof.), ' Gabdel K- Lengoibomie Given under my hand and the seat of tlïe courta on 6tl1 Dtcembere Martin John Matukla, Q0O4. Rcse Patricia Oluoch (Mrs.), J. .E. GJCHERU, David Njihia Mwaura, Nancy Nelima Nafula, Chieflustice. Paul M. W asanga. Aboud Bashir Mchangamwe, James E. Otiènde (Prof.), Njoki Kahig'a (Ms.), . GAZE'PFE NOTICE N(). 6416 Lydia N. Nzomo lMrs.l-tsccrcfaryl, Tlv OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS AG to be members of the Council of the Kenya lnstitute of Education, for a period of three (3) years. with effect from 1st Aplil, 2005. (Cg'lp. 15) # A COMMBSION ôated the 2nd August, 2005. ' . GEORGE SAITOTI, To /!! to Whom These Preseats Shall Come Grtlcz/a?gz-' Ministçrfor Educationt Science and Technology. BE IT KNOWN that on the 12th April, 2005- GAZETrBNOTICBNO. 6413 JUSTUS OKEMWA A/EBA ' TilE INVESTMENT PROM OTION ACT an advocate of the High Court of Kenya. was appointed to be a (1V0. 6 of2004) commissioner for oaths under tube above-mentioned Act, folr as lpng a.g APPOINTMENT OFBUARD MEMBERS he conlinues to practica as such advacate and tlis commisxicrl is rlct revoked. IN EXERCISE of (I1e powers çonferred by secdon 16 (2) (g) of dle Invcstment Promotion Act, 2004, the Minister fpr Trade and lndustl'y Given urlder lny hafld and the scal of the court, on 12(13 Aprii, a Ppoints- ' 2005. Wanjghi Ndirangu, Betty A. K. Mwenesi. M icbael Ndeda, Allan Ngagi, Ieenny Kivuti, Amb. Green H. 0. Josiah, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6417 to be members of the Kenya (nvestment Authority Board, for a period THE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT of three (3) years, with effect from 15th Atlgust, 2005. (Cbp. 1 5)

Dated the 15th August, 2005. . A COMMISSION MUKHISA KITUYI, Ministerfor Trade fmff Indlgstty. To AlI /(.' W'htlrll These J'rcisc/ll.& Shall' Colne Grcelfqç; GAZN B NOTJCENO. 6414 BE IT KNOW N tbat on the 21st March, 2005- Tl'lE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT Mose GEORGE M OIBI (Cap. I 5') an advocate of the High Court of Kenya. was appointed to be a comlnissioner for oaths under the above-mentionetl Act, for as long as A COMMISSION he ctpntinues to practice as such atlA'tlcale and thi.î commissit)n is not To âff to Wholn F/lc-sc Presents Shall Come Greeting: revoked. BE (T KNOWN that on the 27th Jantlary, 2005- Giverl urlder my lafyd drtd the seal of the court. on 21:t Marcll, 2605. ANNE WYR: KEYA J. E. GICHERU, ac advtacatr oî fllt'r Niglt Cgtffs of. Kefjya, was apgofnted to f)e a Chtbf Justfce. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1753


A COMMISSIQN THE EX' CHEQUER JwND AUWT (PUBLIC PROCUREMEND To AIl to Wholn These Prèsenls Shalt Ctprle Greeting. (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 2002 (zVt7. 161 ofzWtzj BE IT KNOWN that on th: 13th December, 2004- OFFICE OF TIIE PRESIDENT FRANCIS M BUGUA KINYANJUI BUM TI DISTRIW an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN 0F THE DISTRIW commissioncr for oaths qnder the above-mentioned Act, for as long as TENDER COMVIW EE he continues to practice as such advocate and this commission is not IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 8 part 1.2 (u) revoked. ' of the Exchequer and Audit (Pùblic Procurement) (Amendment) Given under my hand and the seal of the courts on 13th December, Regulations, 2002, the District Commissioner appoints- ' 2004. . FRANCIS M. SEA . J. E. GICHERU, . Senior District Officer, to be chairmap of the District Tender Chie? Justice. Comznittee, Buret District, with effect from 1st Jtly, 2005. Dated the 25th luly. 2005. PATRICK OSARE, District CbzazrlgxDzler, Bureh

GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6419 TIIE OATHS AND STATIJTORY DECLARATIONS ACT GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6422 (Cap. l5) TIIE EXCIIEQUER AND AUDIT ACT .4 COMMISSION . ' Lcap. 411) To AIl to Whom These Presents Shall Come Gtweting: Tl1E EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT (PU9LIC PROCUREMENTI BE I'r KNOW N that o' n the 4th Dccember, 2002- (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 2*2 KABUKI GEORGE IKIGU KABBIE (No. l61 of 2002) all advocate of the High Ctmrt of Kenya, was appointed tp be a Te KENYA SCHOOL OF LAW commissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long as APTOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF THE SCHOOL he continues to practice as such advocate and this commission is not TENDER COMMIW EE revoked. . IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by pgulation 1û part 1 .4 ' , . (tR) Of the Exchequer and Audit (Ptfblic Procurement) (Amendment) Given under my hafld and the seal of the court, on 4th December, Regulations, 2002, the Council of Legal Education, apx intq- 2002. ' J. E. GICHERU, CHACHA ODERA Chief Justice. member of thc Council of Legal Education and an adkocate of the High Court of Kenya. to be t j e Chainnan of tlte Kenya SchYl oftaw Tender Committee. Dated the 15th August, 2005. ' w. KULUNDU.BI'D NR Princ- secretn ' COI/CP 0fH@dI VW-'NT'W


. TlW EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT (Cap. 412) GAZETTE NOTICENO. 6423 TI'lE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT (PUBLIC PROCURMMENT) THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT REGULATIONS, 2001 (Cap. 28 l , section 71) (No. 51 0.J2001) ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OFTHE MINBTERIAL WHEREAS The Plant Factory (Kenya) Limited, a limited liability. TENDERCOMMITI'EB company incorporated in Kenya, having its registered office at Nairobi, P.O. Boy 41831, Nairobi in the Republic of 'Kenya, is IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by part l.1 of the First registered proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. Schedule to tI t e Exchequer and Audi't (Public Procuq#ment) 9662 (original No. 7023-4 and 404/7. situate in tlle soudl of 'Lake Regulationsy 2001, the Permanent Secrdary, Ministry of Energy in the Naivasha District, by virtue pf a grant, registered âs appoillts- I.R. 15191/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to MARIANNE M. GACHAGUA show that the said grant issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the -expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, I to be the chàirperson of the Ministerial Tender Committee. shall issue a jrovisional celificvate of title provided tilat no objtcien Dated tlle 9th August, 2005. has been recelved within that period. P. M. NYOIKE, Dated tlle l 9th August, 2005. P dr/W/dat Secretao, G. S. BIRUNDU, Ministry ofEnergy. Registrar 5/'Tflle&. Nairobi, 1754 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6424 registrar of the High Court to executtz a transfcr in favour of Telposta - Pension Scheme Registered Tzustees, of P.O. Box 45610, Nairobi, and TIIE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT whcreas affidavit has been fillcd in tenns of section 65 (1 ) (/1) of tle (C&p. 281, section 7l) said Act declaring that the said grant Iegistered as I.R. 30815/1 , is not ISSUE OF A PROVISIONALCERTIFICATE available for reglstration, notice is ,given that after the expimtion of WHEREAS Kaburu Meru Bjorn, of P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi in fourteen (14) days from thç date hereof provided that no valid the Republic of Kenya, is registered prbprietor lessee of that piecç of objection has been received within that period, l intend to dispeùsç Iand known as L.R. No. l 3673/454, situate in the south of Ruil-u Town with the production of the said grant and proceed with the registration in District, by viltue of a certificate of title, rcgistered as I.R. of the said instrument of transikr. 54519/1, ?nd whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show Dated the 19th August. 2005. . that thc certiticate of title issued thereof has been Iost, notice is gi#cn F, 1. LUBULELLAH, that after the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, 1 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. shall issue a yrovisional certificate of title provided that no objection has.been rtcelved within thal period. ' Dated the 19th August, 2005. G. G. GACHIHI, Regisçrar of Til!eJ, Nairobi.- GAZETIX NOTICE NO. 6428 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6425 (Cup. 300, section 35) TIIE REGISTRATION 0F TITLES ACT ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS National Social Securiq Fund Board of Trustees, oî (Cap. 28 1 . seaion 7 1) P.O. Box 30599, Nairobi in the Republlc of Kenya, is registered as ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that jiece of land WIIEREAS Yogi Properties Limited, a limited liability company containing 0.0546 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the clty of Nairobi, incorporated in Kenya, having its registered office at Nairobi, P.O. rejistered under title No. Nairobi/Block 97/19, and whereas sufficient Box 44542-00100. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered evldence has becn adduced to show that the land title decd issued proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 7468/12, thereof has been lostr notice is given that after the expiratipn of sixty situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a certificate of title, (60) days from the date hereof. l shall issue a new land title deed registered as I.R.' 7559/1 , and whereas sufficient evidence has been provided that np objection has been received within that period. adduced to show that the certificate of title issued thereof has been Dated the 19th August. 2005. . lost. notice is given that after thewexpiration of ninety (90) days frorh S. N. MWENDA, the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided Imnd Registrar, Nairobi. that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 19th August, 2005. - . y,. j. j-aujjuj-suj-ajj, Registrar oflitles, Nairobi. GAZL''I'TE Ntm cs N0.'6429 GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6426 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT ' Tlœ REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) (Cap. 281) IssuE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT W HEREAS Brian Cuthbert, of P.O. Box 169, in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in ab>olute ownership WHEREAS ( 1) Ngengi Muigai and (2) losphat Mathia Muigai. all interest of that picce of land containing 0.0238 hectare or thereabonts, of P.O. Box 57457, Nairobi in the Rçpublic of Kenya. are registered situate fn the city of Nairobi. registered under title No. Nairobim lock Izropricttvs as idministrdtors of the esatc James Ngengi Muigai, oî 32/354, and whercas suffkient evidence has been adduced to khow that piece 'of land containing 0.806 hectare or theieabouts, known as that the land title deed issued thereof has betn lost, notice is given that L.R. No. 1/396, situate in the city of Nairobi, held under a certificate after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue of title registcred as I.R. 10664/1. and whereas the said ( l ) Ngengi a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received Mpigai lmd (2) Josephat Mathi'a Muigai, have executed an instrument within that period. of assent in favour of kgengi Muigai. of P.O. Box 57457, Nairobi, and whereas gflidavit has been filled in terms t)f section 65 ( 1) (h) of. thc Dated the 19t11 August, 2005. said Act declaring that the said certiticate of title registered as 'I.R. S. N. MWENDA, 10664/1, is not available for registtation. notiçe is given that after the Imnd Registrar, Nairobi. expiration of fourteen (14) days from the date hereof provided that no valid objection has been received within that pcriod, I intend to dispense with the prodectkm of the asaid certiticate of title and proceed with the registratjon of the said instrument of assent. Dated the. 19th August, 2005. . GAZE'I'TE NOTICE NO. 6430 J. W . NDIBA. Registrar of Titles Nairobi. THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300. section 35) lssUE OF A NEW CERTIFICATE OF LEASE GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6427 W HEREAS Pyare La1 Main, of P.O. Box 86135, in the Republic of Kenya, is rtgistered as proprietor in leasehold interkst of Tlv REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT that piece of land situate within Mombasa' Municipality, Mombasa (Cap. 28'1) District. registered under title No. Mombasaœ lock XXVl/306, and REGBTRATION OF INSTRUMENT whereas sufticient evidence has been adduced to show that the WHEREAS Brookeside Mansions Limited, a limited liability certifcate of Iease issued thereof has been lost; notice is given tllat company incorporated in Kenya, having its registered office at after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue Nairobi, P.O. Box 10995, Nairobi in the Repnblic of Kenya, is a new certiticate of lease provided thàt no objection has been received registered proprietor lessee of that piece t)f land containing 0.2080 within that period. . hectare or thereabouts, known as L.R. No. 209/8679, situate in the city Dated the 19tb August, 2005. of Nairobi, held under a grant registered as I.R. 308 15/1, and whereas M . N. KAI, pursuant to a court grder C.C. No. 478 of 2004 .ordered the' depqty 1a:1# Registrar, Mombasa. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1755

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6431 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6435 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300. sectl'on 35) (Cap. 300, sectîon 35) ISSUE OF A %EW LAN: TITLE DEED ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS . WH. EREAS Issa Kiylangat Tomno, of P.O. Box 26 ?Eldama W HEREAS James Kiprotich arap Koech, of P.O. Box 44, Ravine in the Republic ot Kenya, i.s registered as proprietor in absolute Kiptugumo in the Republic of Kenya, is registertd as projrietèr in ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.02 hectares or absolute ownership interest of those pieces of lapd containing 1.4. 1.9, thereabtmq situate in the district of Nakurn, registered tlnder title No. and 2.2 hectares or thereabout. situate in the district of . /Ngongongeri/l 169, and whereas sufficient evidence has been registered under title Nos. Kericho/Kapsoit/lo4s, KerichotKiptugumo/ adduced to show that the land title deed issued therebf has been lost, 133 and 179, respectively, and whereas suftkient evidence has been notice-is giveil that aher the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been lost. hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection notice is given that after the expiraiion of sixty (60) days from the date has bcen received within that period. hereof, l shall issue new land title deeds provided that no objection has Dated the 19th August, 2005. - been received within that period. . J. M. M UNGUTI, Dated the 19th August, 2005. Land Registrar, G. C. KORIR, va ckr/rlf District. Imnd Se#9/r< Keritho/Bureti Districts. GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6436/ THE REGISTERED LAND ACT TIIE REGISTERED LAND ACT Lcap. 300. section 35) Lcap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS James Ngamate Mwaura, of P.O. Box 3165. Nakuru WHEREAS Francis Maina Mugo (1D/1769933). of P.O. Box 26, in the Republic of Kenya ; , is registered y.s proprietor ln absolute Kipkelion in the Republii of Ken'ya, is registered as proprietor 'in ownyrs hi p interest of tlat piece of lanuh containing 0.9 . acre or absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.230, thereabouts. situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. and 2.05 hectâreF or thereabout, situate in the. distdct of Kericho, . Dundori/Mttgwathi Block 1/930, ' and whereas sufticient evidence has registered under title' Nos. Kericho/Kipchorian Lelu Block ' been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been k/Motaragon/ls3 and 593, respectively, and whereas suftkient ' lost, notice is'given that after tbe expiration of sixty (60) days from the evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued date hereof, l shall issue a new land title deed provided that no therebf have been lost, notice is given 'that after the expiration of sixty objection has been received within that period. (60) days from the date hereof, I slmll issue new land title deeds Dated the 19th August. 2005. ' provided that no objection has been received within that period. J. M. MUNGUTI. Dated the 19th August, 2005. Land Registrar, G. C. KORIR, Nakuru District. l'nnd Registrar, Kerichom ureti Districts. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6433 GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6437 Tlv REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED EAND ACT tCcp. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (Cap. 300, section 35) WHEREAS Augustine Kooro Matn, of P.O. Box 188, Molo in the IssUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Republic of' Kenya, is registered as yroprietor in absolute ownership WHEREAS Kibet arap Rere (117/0968247), of P.O. Box 79. interest of that plece of iand containcnq 1 :858 hectared ör thereabout, Chesinende in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proqrictor in situate in the district of Nakui-u. reglstered under title No. Molo abso' lute ownership interest of that piece of land containmg 20.0 Southe ersoi Block 4/122, and wherqas sufficient evidence has been hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kericho, registered adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, under title No. Ktricho/chesinende/l38, and whereas' sufficient notice is given that aftdr the expiration of sixty (60) days from tlle date evidence has been adduced to show that the Iand title deed issued hereot I shall issué a new land titte deed provided that no objection thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty has been received within that period. ' (60) days from' the date hereof, I shall issue a new Iand title deed' Dated the 19th August, 2005. ' provided that no objection has been received within that period. ' J. M. MUNGUTI, Dated the 19th August. 2005. lmnd Registrarb G. C. KORIR, Nakuru 'District. Imnd Rkgistrar, Kericho/Bureti D l-yfrfca. GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6434 TEIE REGISTERED LAND ACT GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6438 Lcap. 300, section 35J Tl1E REGISTERED LAND ACT ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Rajendra Kumar Jqshbhai Patel, of P.O. Box 2980, ' Nakpl'u in the Republic of Kenya, is regijtered as proprietor in F'HEREAS Karithuku Githuru Karisa, is registered as 'proprietor . absolute ownership interest of that .piece of lan4 containin'g 0.0982 in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land cdntaining' 1.012 hectare or thereabouts, situate in ' the district of Nakuru, registered hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of . registered under under' title No. Nakuru/Municipalkty Block 16/79, and wherep: title No. M nhito/Ngamwa/sss, pnd whereas suficient evidence has sufticint evidence' has been adduced to show that the land tttle deed been adduced to show that the Iând title deed issued thereof has been issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of ' lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from tbe sixty (60) days from thç date hereof, l shall issue a new land title deed date hereof. I shall issue é new land title deed provided that no' provided that no objection has been received within that period. Jtjection has been received within tllat period. Dated the 19th August, 2005. Dated the 19th August, 2005. . J. M. MUNGUTI. JOHN MW AURA, u nd Registrur, lazatf Renistrar. Nakuru District. Nyeri Distrkt. 1756 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

GAZETTE NorlcEko. 6439 CJAZF,'IN'E NOTICE hIO. 6443 THE P-EGISTERED LAND ACT 744.E REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) (Cap. 300, section 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND 7, 'I-I'LE DEED IssUE OI7 A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS M aliko Apudo Odongo, of P.O. Bax 2l0s Sidindi in MJHEREAS Samwel Nl'aga Chaugi (ID/35l4216), of P.O. Box the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute 324, Chuka in the Republic k'f Kenyay is registered as proprietor iq ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.0 hectares or . absolute ownershjp interest of that piece of land containing 4.25 thereabout, situate in the district of , registered undcr title No. hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Embu, registered under Nortb Gcln/Ndere/lozio, and whereas sufficient evidence has been title No. Kagaari/Wenl/loz4, and whereas sufticient evidence has been adduced to show th'at thc land title decd ijsued thereof has bet:n Iost, adduced to show tha't the land title Jeed issued thertlof h&s been Iosf, notice isr'given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, l shall issue a nev? land titlc deed provided that no objection h ereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been receivcd within that period. has been received within that period. Dated the 19th Augusq 2005. Dated the l 9th August, 2005. P. A. NYANJA, B. K. KAMWARO, Lond Atxfxlmr, Imnd Registrar, Siaya fhà/rfcf. Embu Df-tlrfc/:

GAZm-I'B NOTICE NO. 644û GAZETTE NOTICE N0. 6444 TEIE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) Lcap. 300, seclion 35) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITt,E DEEl7 ISSUE Ol7 A NEW LAND 'T ITLE DEED WHEREAS svalter Olt-umu Oko-lc a, of 17..0. Box 137, Siaya ifl the W HEREAS Francis Aura Kugun,.sis registered as proprietor in Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership absolute ownership interest of rhat piece of land situate in the district inttrtst of that piece of land containinj 0.0d hectarc or thereabouts, of Nandi, registGred' under title No. Songhor/Kabutei/ lock situate in the di.strict of Siaya, registcrcd under title No. l/senetwo/z33, and whereas sufficient çvidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is Uholo/ugunja/8.i6, and whereas sufticient evidence has bcen adduced ' to show that the laad title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from tle date hereof, 1 given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issueaa new Iafld title deed provided that no ohjection has been shail issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. received within that pmiod. D. ated the 1.9+ Au'gust, 2005. Dated the 19th August, 2005. P. A. NYANJA, J. A. SO1, Ixmd Segi,çlrcr, - Imnù Registrar, , siaya District. .Nandi Norlll/south Districts. . . . z . GAZE'TTE NOTICE 140. 6441 GAZEITE NOTK.'E NO. 6445 THE REGISTERZD LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (.Ccp. 30,.0, section 35) ' lssuE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (Cap. 300. section 35) ISSUF Oy NEW LAND TITLE DEIDS WHEREAS James lrcri Ndukanio (1E)/3512 173)- igll- P.O. Box 77, Maliyatta in the Rejublic of Kenyas is registcred as proprietor in V/HEREAS lbrahim Marnbo Ng'ang'a, of P.O. Box 258-00100, absolute pwnership lnterest of tlat ' piece of land containiag 0.05 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propdetor in iectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Embu absolutc ownership interest ()f those pieces of land containing 0.48 , rcgistered under hectare and 5.4 acres of thereabout, situate in the district of M urang'a, title' No. Gaturi/Kialjokoma/'r. 203, and whereas sufficient evidence has beerl adduced to show that the land title decd issued thercof has registered ulkder titte Nos. Loc. 3/M ukuria/651 and Loc. been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days 3/M ukuria/l 26, respectively, and whereas sufticient evidence has been from the date hereofI shall issue a new land title deed provided that adduced to show that the'land title deeds issued thereof have been losq , notice is givcn that after thc expiration of sixty (6% days from the date no objection hak been received within that period. hereof, I shall iss' ue new land title deeds provided that no objection has Dated the 19th August. 2005. ' been received within that pcriod. ' B. K. KAMWARO, Datcd the 19th August, 2005. A N lzmd Registrar. , NJOROGE, Embu District. l'mnd Registrcr, zll/rtzn: 'u Df-çlrfcl.

G/kzm-rE NOTICE NO. 6442 GAZETTE NOTICE NG. 6446 Tlv REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) lC'ap. 3œ , se' c#fp?: 35) lssu: OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Cleinent Kirago Njage, of P.O. Box 82, Embu in tlle W HEREAS Chege Gathungu, of P.O. Box 13162, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absoiute ownership Republic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.41 hectares or thereabout, interest of that piece of iand containing 0.7. 68 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the; district o'f Hmbu, registered under title No. situate in the district of Murang'a, registered ' under title No. Loc. Gaturi/Wem/2l87. and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced I 8/Kirere/726, and whereas suffkient evfdepce has been adduced fo to show 'that the iand title decd issued.thereof has been losts notice is show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, 1 given t'hat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, l slmll isspe a new iand title deed provided that no objection has been shall issue a new land title deed provided Shat no objection has been received within that period. ' received within that period. batcd the 19th August. 2005. ' Dated tbe 19th August, 2005. B. K. KAM W ARO, A. N. NJOROGE. Imnd Registran Hm d Registrar, Embu District. A'/urln: 'a D/.çfht.-n 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1757

GAZEITE NOTICE NO. 6447 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6451 Tl!E REGISTERED LAND ACT THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (f.,7tz/7. 300. seçtiolî 35) (CTz/7. 300. section 35) lssUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Wanjiku Ng'ang'a. of P.O. Box 29. Maragua ilï the W HEREAS Lawrence M igan Abuor, of P.O, Box 246, Sondu in Rep' ublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership the Republic of Kenya. is registered as proplietor in absolute illtcrest of that piece of land containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, ownership interest of that piece of land c'ontaining 1.2 acrès or situate ip the district of M uraklg'a, r'egistered under title No, Loc. thereabout. situate at Nyakach, District, registered under utle 7/Ichagaki/6l8, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to No. . Kisumu/Nyakach Dianga East/1065, and whereas sufficient show that the Iand title deed issued thereof has been lost. notice is evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued given that aher the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I thereof has been lost. notice is given that after the expimtion of sixty shall issue a ljew land title deed provided that no objection has beqll (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed vreceived within that period. provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 19th Augustg 2005. . Dated the 19th August, 2005. A. 0. AKELLO, . Lxlnd #t,f#.$L rrf?r, Land Registrar, A'afdf rulîg 'a District. Kisumu District.

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6448 ' GAZE'I-I'E No'rlcE No. 6452 . THE REGISTERED LAND ACT THE PVEGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 35) (Cap. 300, section 35) Isstï OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED . in the WHEREAS Ivlonica Wangati Njuguna, of P.O, Box 3O, Kandara in W HEREAS Joshuah N. Osok, of P.O. Box 359, Maseno . the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute Republic of Kenyav is registered .as proprietor jn absolute ownership ownership inrertst of that piece of land containing 0.404 hectare or interest of that piece of land containing 2.8 hectarcs or thereabout' thereabouts, situate in the district of Murangla, registered under title situate in .the district of Kisumu, registered undér titlc No. No. Loc. 3/Mukuria/923, ànd whereas sufticient evidence .has been Kisumu/Karateng'/48z, and whereas sufticient evidence has been adduced to show that the Iand title deed issued thereof has been Iost, adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the zxpiration of sixty (60) days frilm the date hereof, I shall issue a new lahd title deed provided that ne objection . hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed prcwided that no ùbjéction ' has been received within that period. has beep reccived within that period. Dated the 19th August, 2005. Dated the 1Rh August, 2005. A. 0. AKFR .LO, A. N. . NJOROGE, lmnd Registrar, lmnd Registran Murang'a District. Kisumu District. GAZETTE NOTICE N0. 6449 l j ' GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6453 ./ TIIE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 3$) THE REGISTERED LAND ACT IssuE OF A NEw LAND TIT'LE DEED (CJp. 300. section 35) WHEREAS Dorcas Wanjiru Kimani, of P.O. Box 52, Murangla in ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED tlle Republic of Kenya. is yegistered as proprietor in absolute W HEREAS Julius Omondi Nyabundi, of P.O. Box 142, Kombewa ownership interest of that pirce of land containing 0.37j hectare or in the Republic of Kenya. is registered as proprietor in absolute thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, register'ed under title ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.5 hectare or No. Loc. lg/Nyakianga/lgll, and whereas sufficient evidence has thereabouts. situate at Kombewa, Kisumu District, registcred under been adduced to show that the land title deed issucd thereof has beelt title No. . Kisumu/Kowe/2367, and whereas .sufticient evidence has lost. notice is' given that after the exjiration of sixty (60) days from the been adduced t6 show that the land title deed issued thereof has been date hereof, l shall issue a new land title deed provided that np lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (601 days from tlq objection has been received within that period. date hereof. I shall issue a new Iand title deep provided that no Dated the 19th August,'2005. . objection has been received within that period. . A. N. NJQROGE, Dated the 19th August. 2005. Ixtttd Registrork A. 0. AKEI-LQ, Murang 'a District. Land Registrar, Kisumu District. . GAzsrrEkovlcsxo. 6450 TiIE RecllsnlltBo LAHD ACT GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6454 (Ccp. 3Q9, section 35) . THE REGISTERED LAND ACT IssUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED (CJ/7. 300, section 35) WHEREAS Lawrence Kamau P. MFangi, of P.O. Box 6, Kahuro IssUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED in the Republic of Kenya, is registerid as proprietor in ?bsolute WHER/AS Daniel Omangi Mokaya, of P.O. Box 3029. Kisii in ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.60 hectare or the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute thereabouts, .jituatç in. the district of Murang'ai registçred under title owneryhip interegt of that piece of land situate in the district of Busia, No. Loc. 8/Kandegeny&923, and whereas sufficient evidence has beep registered under title No. Bukhayo/Matayos/l38g !and whereas adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been Iost. suffiçient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date issued. thcreof has been lolg. notice is given that after the expiration of hereot I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no phjection sixty (60) d. >ys from the date .hereof, 1. shall issue a new land' title dee,d has been received within that period. ' prov,id. .ç4. tj# pp objection has been received wilin that pçrioè' ' #Dated the 19th August . , 2005. . 9 ptrd the 1,91'h August. 2005. . x. x. xjogocg, . . j. s. oxAay# /.4,1,# Régj rrlr, Imnd Regf,lm Hvrqag 't2 D. kzricf. BusiA eso District' 1758 . THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th Aujust, 2005

GAZE'ITE NOTICENO. 6455 transferred to Gladys Olilo Achieng, and whereas the exec' utive ofticer of the said court has in pursuance to an order of the said court executed ' THE REGISTERED LAND ACT a transfkr of the said piece of land in favour of Gladys Olilo Achieng, (Cap. 300, section 35) and whereas all efforts made to recover the said Iand title deed issued Issl;E oln A NEW LAND TITLE DEED in respect of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the WHEREAS Mary Wanjiru Kamau (1D/3818732), of P.O. Box date hcreof provided that no valid objection has been received within 2169, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya. is registered' as proprietor in that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land absoluye ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0804, title deed and proceed with the rtgistration of the said documents and situate in the district of Thika, registered under title No. Thika issue a land title deed to the said Gladys Olilo Achieng. and upon such ' Municipality Block 24/30, and whereas sufticient evidence hts been registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Clement adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, Omuoro Ngili, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. , notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectiol Dated the 19th August, 2005. . has been received within that period. ' A. 0. AKELLO, Imnd Registrar, Dated the 19th August. 2005. Kisumu District.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6459 . THE REGISTERED LAND ACT GXZE'ITE NoncE No . 6456 (Cap. 300, section 33) THE REGISTERED LAND ACT REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT (Cap. 300, section 33) W HEREAS Benson Mwangi Kiige, is' registered as proprietor of that piecc of land known as parcel No. Tigithi/Matanya Block 4/268. REGBTRATION OF INSTRUMENT situate in the district of Laikipia, and whereas the maglstrate's court at WHEREAS Chimba Njeru (deceased), is registere'd as proprietor Laikipia, in civil suit No. 7 of 2005, has ordered that the said piece of of that piece of land known as Inoi/Kamondo/64z, containing 4.45 land be subdivided and a portion be transferred to Milka Muthoni hectares or thereabout, gituate in the district of Kirinyaga. and whereas Mwangi (113/5484280), and whereas the executive ofticer of the said the senior principal magistrate's court at , in succession court has in pursuance to an order of the said court executed a cause No. 156 of 2003, has issued grant of letters of administration to mutation to subdivide the said piece of land in favour of Milka Nguu Cimbw and whereas sufficient evidcnce has be'en adduced to M uthoni M wangi, and whereas a1l efforts made to -compel the show that the land title deed issued thercof has been Iost, notice is registered proprietor to surrender thc land title deed issued in respect given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date'hereof of the said giece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I given that atter the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof shall issue a land title deed issued t6 the heirs. and upon such action provided that no valid objection has been received within that pcriods l the land title deed issued earlier to the said Chimba Njeru (deceased), intend to dispense with the productien of the said land title deed and shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. proceed with the registration of the said instrument of subdivision and transfer and isrsue a land title deed to the said Milka Muthoni Mwangi. Dated the 19th August, 2005. and upon suçh registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said GEORGE TINDI, Benson Mwangi Kiige, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no Imltd Registrar, effect. Kirinyaga District. Dated the 19th August, 2005. ' G. G. KAMAU, Land Registrar, GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6457 fzzfklkff, District. TIlE REGISTERED LAND ACT (Cap. 300, section 33) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6460 REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT Ti1E REGISTERED LAND ACT

WHEREXS Hamton 6Mtlliithi Chimba (deceased), is registered as (Cap. 300, section 33) proprietor of that piece of land kaowll as lnoi/Kamondo/sl4. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT containing' 3.9 hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the senior prin, cipal magistrate's court at W HEREAS David Wanyama Nate, of P.O. Box 4, in the Kemgoya, in sucdfession cause No. l55 of 2003. has issued grant of Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land letters of administration to Nguu Cimba and whereas sufficient known as parcel No. Bokoli/Bokoli/lool, situate in the district of evidence has been adduced to show that t,h e land title deed kssued Buflgoma, and whereas the senior resident magistrate's court at thereof has been lost, nptice is given that after the dxpiration of thirty Webuye, MSC. APPL. NO. 9 of 2000, has decreed that 5.5 acres be (30) days from the date hereof provided that no valid objection has curved out of the said title and 2.5 acres and 3.0 acres be transferred to been received within that period l shall issue a land title deed issued to tl ) Moses Nasengso Sikolia and (2) Dismas Wanyonyi Kuloba. both the heirs, and upon such action t, he land title deed issued earlier to the of P.O. Box 4, Webuye, and whereas the executive oftlcer of the said said Hamton Muriithi Chimba (deceased). shall be deemed to be court has ip pursuanct to a vesting order dated 2nd January, 2002, of ' cancelled and of no effect. thc said cdprt has executed the mutations together with transfers in favour of ('l ) Moses Nasong'o Sikolia and (2) Dismas Wanyonfi Dated ihe 19th August, 2005. Kuloba, antty whereas all efforts made to compel the registered GEORGE TINDI, proprietor to sip-render the lénd title deed issued in respect of the said Land Registrar, piece of land tohhe land registrar have failed, notice is given that after Kirinyaga District. the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof ptovitled that no valid objection has been reccived. within that period, l intend to GAZET'IE Nm'lcENo. 6458 dispense w1th the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said instruments of transfers and mutâtion TIIE REGISTERED LAND ACT and issue Iand title deeds fo the said (1) Moses Nasong'o Sikolia and (Cap. 300. section 33) (2) Dismas Wanyonyi Kuloba, and upon such registration the land titlc REGBTRATION OF INSTRUMENT deed issued earlier to the said David W anyama Nate, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. W HEREAS Clement Omuoro Ngili, of P.O. Box 6, Dago in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land Dated the 19th August. 2005. ' known as Kisumu/Bar/6l7, con' taining (3.8 htctare or tbereabouts, K. M. OKWARO, situqte in the district of Kisumu, and whereas tlle senior resident Imnd Registrarb imqgistrate's court at Kisumu, has ordered that the said piece of land be /M t. Elgon Districts. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1759

GAZEW E NOTIC; NO. 6461 CAIBE NO. 1443 OF 2005 By Josephine M umbua Lukas, of P.O. Box 34, Kola in Kenya, the deceased's mather. through Messrs. Nganga Njau' & Co., advocates of THE MINING ACT Nairobi. for a grant of lettets of adminiseation inteastate to the Tstate of Hezekiel Ndambuki Mutevu, Iate of Egerton University, who died at ( CJ/? ,306 ) Nakurû-Eldoret Highway, on 13th August. 2002. APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL LICENCE CAUSE NO. 1479 OF 2005 NOTICE is given that an application under section 17 of the By ( l ) Jerusha Ruguru Kathii ald (2) Jolm Mbugi Katllii, both of Mining Act has been Inade by Ms. Abigail N. Mwikya. of P.O. Box P.O. Box 1462, Buruburu in Kenya, the deceased's mother and 414, , Kenya, for a special Iicence to prosqect for non-precious brother. respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intesmte to minerals over the area described in the schedule hereto and tle said the estate of Titus Mwangi Gathii, late of Kirinyaga, who diep at application has ileen accepted for consideration. Kenyatta Natignal Hospital, on 26th April, 1997. By virtue of the above-mentioned section of the Act. the said area of land is, Sherefore, re-opened to prospecting and mining and by virtue of section 7 (1 ) (#) of the Mining Act. the said area of land is CAUSE NO. 1512 OF 2005* excluded frofn prospecting and/or .mining except as regards any By ( 1) Anne Kemunto Ariemba and . (2) Davidson Ariembâ prospecting or mining rights granted En respect of the said area or any' Nyaberi, both of P.O. Box 467, in Kenya, the deceased's widow part thereof before tNe date of tttis nmic.e wùic.t are subsisting or any and father-in-law. respectively, through Messrs. Achola Jaoko & Co., right of renewal thereof. advocates of Nairobi. for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Geoffrey Odinga alias Geoffrey Odinga Ogunja, late of Any objection to thc grant of the special licence may be made in Siaya. who àied at Kasarani in Kenya, on 1st April, 2005. ' Friting and addressed 'to the Commissioner of Mines and Geology. P.O. Box 30009-00100, Nairobi, Kçnya to reach him within thirty (30) days from the date of publication o/this notice. CAUSE NO. 1701 OF 2005 SCHEDULE By Fredrick Maingi M wendwa. of P.O. Box 79494, Nairobi in Kenya, the executoi- named in the dcccased's will, through Messrs. An area of apyroximately 0.655 square kilometres situatcd in ' N.R. Nyam' ai & Co Kwalt District dellneated on Lukakani sheet No. 199/2. of scalt ., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of l :50,000 and more particularly describèd as follows: administration intestatc to the estate of Abraham Mwendwa Ngollini, late of M akueni, who died at Ngei Estate, on 31st December, 2002. Commencing at point **A'' grid rèference 21 5850., thence on a grid bearing of 02O for a distànce of approximately O.9 l kilometre to point :'B'' grid reference 220945) thence on a grid bearing of 92O CAUSE NO. 1743 ()E? 2005 for a distance of approximàtely 0.72 kilometres to point :'C'' grid reference 290945., îhence on a 'grid bearing of 1820 for an By ( 1) Grace Mwihaki Wainaina and (2) Teresa Mumbi Muturi, approximate distance of 0.91 kilometre to point CtD' grid reference both of P.O. Box 21608, Nairobi in Kenya. the deceased's widow and 287848. thence on a grid bearing of 2720 for an approximate sister, respectively, lbr a grant of letterg of administration intestate to distemce of 0.72 kilomctre to the point of commencement. the estate of Raphael Kungu Muturi, late' of Nairobi in. Kenya, who died at Kfibera, on 10th April. 2004. -- Dated the 10th August, 2005. L. K. BIWOTT, Conunissioner ofMines and Gèology. CAUSE NO. 1749 OF 2005 .By Neema F. Makundi, of P.O. Box 13190, Arusha, the deceased's administrator, through Messrs. Janet Mulwa # Co., advocates of N'airobi, for resealipg a grant of letters of administration intestate gr àm ted by the High Court öf Moshi , Tanzania, on 24th March, 2005: of thé' estate of Frank Ezra Makundi, late of Tanzaltia, wIlo died at Keme Hospital Moshi Urban, Tanzania, on 3rd Novtmbtr, ZIX)4. GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6462 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI . CAUSE NO. 1789 OF 2005 ' PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Ahmed Shalle, of P.O. Box 3, M arsabit in Kenya, the deccascd's son. through M. essrs. 'M ichira M essa & Co., advocates of TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thewestâte of in: ' . Shalle Hirbo Lolo, late of , wht) died at Dakahariclu Location, on 30th December, 1963. By ( 1) Samuel MaCkaAuU. S(E2 )N YOo. a1n04a) M0aFk a20u 0a5nd (3) Norah Mulekye Makau, a1l of P.O. Box 61207, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's two sons and daughter. respectively, through Messrs. Kinyua Mwaniki & CAUSE NO. 1829 olz 2X 5 Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of Administration By (l) Jackline Kwamboka Kanisa and (2) David Onchonga intestate to the estate.of Makau Kithome, late of Nairobis who died Nyanamba, both of P.O. Box 30313. Nairobi in Ktnya, the dece%ed's there, on 8th June. 2001. daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of Administration intestjje to thc estate of Richardson Kanisa Ogato, Iate .of Baharini, CAUSE NO. 1052 OF 2005 Kampl Somali, who died there', on lst janu' ary, 2004. By (1) Mary Syombua and (2) Bèrnard Katee Kilokya, both of CAUSE NO. 1835 OF 2005 P.0- Box 79150, Naifobi in Kinya. the deceased's widow and son, By (1) Elizabeth Malèji lsiaho and (2) Patrick Shivanda Buklmya, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestatc to tlle both of P.O, Box 47714, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother and estate of Edward Kilokya, late of Makueni in Kenya. who died at brotber, respectively, through Megsrs. Billy Amendi & Co., advocates Kenyata National Hospital, on 3rd July, 2004. of Nairobi, for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to tle estate of Virginiah Khasiala Isiahoy late of Thika in Kenya, Aho died at CAUSE N0. 12 13 OF 2005 District Hospital, Thika. on 30th Mapzh. 2* 3. By Gracé Wangui Kinyanjui, of P.O.. Box 698, Kikuyu in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administratiôn intestate CAIJ/ENO. 1907 OF 2005 to the estâte of Wallace Kinyanjui Kamau, late of Disrict, who By (l) Vitalis Adem Ong'qnj'o and (2) Chzispine Odeno Oloo, (Iied at Gikambura in Kenya, on 22nd January, 2003. b0th ef P.O. Box 30121, Nairobl m Kenya,'the deceased's brother and 1760 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August. 2005 son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the mothej'. respectivcly. through Messrs. W artlinge & 'Waruinge. estate of 'Francis Oloo Ong'ong'o, late of M ombasa in Kenya, who advocates of Nairobi. ibr a grant of letters of administration ifltcstate to dicd at NeW Mvita Hospital in Kenya. on 20th August, 2004. thc estate t)f Stella Njeri Kibaki, late of Nyeri, who dked at Kimathi Estate in Kenya, on 1 8th Fcbruaf'y. 200.5 CAUSE N0. 1914 Op 2005 ' ' By (1) Evelyn Wanjiru Kamau and (2) Alice Wairimu Mwangi, CAUSE N.O. 1949 OI7 2005 both of P.O. Box 45957-00 100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceascd's By ( l ) Nixon Odhiambo Okcllo and (2) Nelly Anyango Okelloa daughters, through Messrs. Mathenge & M uchemi, advocates of both of P.O. Box 50960, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's solt and Nairobi, for a grant of letters of admlnistration intestate to the estate of daughter. respectivelys for a grant of letters of administration intestate Veronica Wanjiku Mwangi, late of Naknru in Kenya, who died at to the estate of Joyce Agutu Okello, late of Kwabwai, ', who Naivasha, on 19th December. 2004. dicd at Vïctoria Hospital, Kisumu in Kenya, on 1 8th M arch, 2007. CAUSE NO. 1915 OF 2005 CAUSE NO. 1952 OF 2005 By Josepll Githu Kimemia, of P.O. Box ,84, Thika in Kenya, the By ( J ) Frank W aruhiu W ainaina and (2) Nancy W angari Kefah, executor named in the deceased's will, through Messrs. Kamau Kuria both of P.O. Box 422. Ngara in Kenya, the deceased's 'widow and & Kiraitu, advocatcs of Nakrobi. for a grant of probate of will of sister, respectively, for a grant of letters of admilzistration intestate to Hannah Nyambura Kimemia, late of kinyona, who dicd at Kinyona the estate' of Rose Nyambura W aruhiu, latc of Thiklk whg died at Sub-location, on 3rd September, 2002. Ruirtl, Kihunguro in Kcnya, on 8th Marchy 2004. CAUSE NO. 1916 OF 2005 CAUSE NO. 1956 OF 2005 By Surinder Singh Pht!ll. of P.O. Box 47837. Nairobi in Kenya, the By ( 1) Moses Nganga Githuchi and (2) Charles Bentink Njcnga, lawfully appointed Attorney of the two surviving childten and both' of P,O. Box 2201 2, Nairobi in Kcnya, the deceased's sonss foi' a bencticlaries of the deceased's estate, tbrough Messrs. M. A. Khan, grant of letters of administration intcstate to the estate of Monica advocate of Nairobi, for a grant probate of will of Sital Kaur daughter Wambtli alias Monica W ambui Githuci. late of Kiambu. who died at of Gurmukh Singh Rayet, late of 43 Gipsy Road, Leiccsterù. whe died Kikuyu Nursing Home in Kenya, on lst Novcmber, 1989. on 8+ Deczmber, 2001 . CAIJSE NO. 1969 OF 2005 CAIJSE NO. 1918 OF 2005 By ( 1) Agnes Wanjiru Gathungu and (2) Nancy Muthoni Chege, By (1) Dorothy Munyiva Mutisya and (2) Monicah Mwende both of P.O. 'Box 7224-00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the peceased's M utisya, both of P.O. B()x 76629, Nalrobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow and sistcr-in-law, respectively, through Messrs. Kago-ùgona & daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estatc Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration of Beatrice Mueni Mbithi, late of in Kenya, who dfed at intestate to the estate of John Gathungu Gitahi, late of Nairobi, who

Nairobi Hospital, on 5th July, 2004'. . . died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 17tb J'anuary, 2005. u CAUSE NO. !919 OiR 2005 Tlle court will prccecd to issue the same unlcss cause be shown to the contral'y and appcarance in thik respect entered within thirty (30) By Sharda Dhivajlal Doshi, of P.O. BW 47745, Nairobi in Kenya, days from the date' of the publication of this notice in the Kelîya the executor named ilà the deceased 's will,'-ihrough Mcssrs. D. V . Kapila, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of the will of Dhivajlal Gulabchad Doshi, late of 9 Phiroza Court Saraswat Meera Dated the 22nd July. 2005. Bang Talambi Street Saraswat Colony Santaertlz W . Mumbai, who died at Mumbai, on 10th May, 2003. SCHOLASTICA NDAMBUKI. Seltior Dcplg/y Registran >/f./ïr(.l/Ji'. CAUSE NO. 1923 Ol7 2005 Note'. The wills mentioned above have been deposited in and are open to' inspcction at the court By (1) Collins Odhiambo Ywera and (2) Judith Anyango Ywera, , both of P.O. Box 30075, Nairebi in Kenya, the tleceased's son and daughter, respectively. for a grant of letters qf administration intestatc GAZETI'E NOTICE No, 6463 ' to the -estate of Jçseph Ywera Ogweno, late of Kajulu, who died at District Hospital, Homa Bayin Kenya, on 25th May, 2004. IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT MACHAKOS CAUSENO. 1926 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court By (1) Leah Wangeci Kafebe and (2) Robert Mwangi Wambugu, both of P.O. Box 17178, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's wfdow and in: . uncl e i 1 for a rant of letters of administration' intestate to , respect ve y, y CAUSE NO. 378 Oi7 2005 the 'tstate of Danlel Gachlnjiri Kaliuki, late of Kiambu, who died at By (1 ) Dominic Munywoki M utinda and (2) Charles W ambua P.C.E.A..KKUyU Hospital, on 6th May, 2005. Munywoki, both of lkalaasa in Kenya, the deceased's widower and son, respectively, for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the CAUSE NO. 1932 OF 2005 estate of Nduku Kitili Kilonzo, late of Ikalaasa Location, wbo died At Kavingo, Kamuthwa in Kenya, on 1st November, 2002, By Pauline' Wamuhu Kimani, of P.O. Box 2, Gatundu in Kenya. the deceased's widow, through Messrs. J. K. Muchae & Co., CAUSE N6. 390 OF 2005 advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to By (1) Juliana Muthigi Mutua and (2) Pius Kyalo Muia. both of the estate of Kimani Kamau alias Gilbert Kimani Kamau, late of P.O. Box 246, Nzeeka in Kenya, the deceased's Uidow and brother, Thika, who died at Gatei, on 31st December, 2002. respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the CAUSENO. 1933 OF 2005 tstate of Joseph Mutua Muiao late of Ngwata Location, who died at Mukaangr Sub-location in Kenya, on 24th September, 2002. By Mary W alm Kariuki, of P.O. Box 697 1, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate to CAUSE No. 403 O17 2005 the estate of Kariuki Karanja, late of Kiapbu, who dicd at Kerwa in By Peter Ndone Mutua, of P.O. Box X 9, Machakos in Kenya, tlm Kenya, on 14th Junes 1998. deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to tle') esmte of Monica Nduku Mutua. late of Kyethivo Location, who died CAUSB NO. 1943 OF 2005 there, on 15th July, 1979. By Rachel Chelangat Cheruiyot. of P.O. Box 444, Kericho in The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of Ietters of administration the contrary and appearance. in this respect entered within thirty (30) intestate to the estate of 'Lukas Kiplangat Cheruiyot, late of days from the date of the publication of this noticç in the Kenya Kalwalilach, who died at Tenwek Hospital, on 2nd January, 2003. Gazette. CAUSE NO. 1 944 OF 2005 Dated the 2nd August,' 2005. By (1) John Kibaki Kabiro and (2) Muringe Kibaki, both of P.O. w . u. uvlauju, Box 69463-00400, 'Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's father and Depaty Aeérfâ-rrtzc Machakos. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE l 76l

GAZETTE NOTICE NQJ. 6464 The eolu't will proceed to isgue the same llnless callse be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOS days from the date of the publication of this notice in the Ko'll'2a PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Gazette. ' TAKE NOTICE that applications having betn made in this court Dated tbe 3rd lune, 2005. î n : 1-, OKELO, CAUSE NO. 374 OF 2005 Deputy #t?.j,i.î/rJ?', Muchakos. By (l) Peter Mutua Kalenge and (2) Nzioka Kalenge. both of P.O. Box 35, Machakos in Kenya, the deceased's sons, fot a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kalenge Kivala, late of Mua Hiils Location, who died there, on 22nd June. l 969. CAUSE N0. 380 OF 2005 GAZE'ITE NOTICE YO. 6466 By ( 1) Ruth Wanza Muthoka alias Ruth Wanza Milali and (2) IN THE HIGH COIJRT OF KENYA AT MERU Ngontltl Nguu, both of P.O. Box 44, in Kclya, the deceased's PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Jnothel' and widow, respectively, f0r a grant of Iettc/'s (')f administration TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made ln this coud iiltes' tate to the estate of Cyrus Nguu Milali, late of Masii Locatlon, who died there, on 2nd April, 2005. ' f n : ' CAUSE NO. 399 OF 2005 By ( l ) Teresia Njtlri Nzyimi and (2) Pcter Nzyimi Muiua, both of CAUSENO. 282 OF 2005 P.O. Box 202, Masii in. Kcnya, the deceased's mother and father, By John Mwobobia M'Mugwika, of P.O. Box I 0, Githongo, Meru respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the Central in Kenya, the deceasçd's son, for a grant of letters of estate of Redempter B/angari Mutua, Iate of Vyulya Location, who administration intestate to the estate of Andrew M' Mugwika died at Coast General l'lospital in Kenya. on I lth April, 2003. M'Muriira, late of Githingo. Meru Central, who died tbcre, on 13th June, 1089. CAUSE NO. 402 OF 2005 The court will proceed to issue the same llnless cause be shown to By. Charles Mutie Mtltua. of P.O, Box l 13. Machakos in Kenya, the contrary alxl appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) tlle deceased's Fon, for a grant (:- letters of adminisTratioh intestale to days from th'c date of the publication of this notice in the Kenya the cstate of Sera Kanini Mutua. Iate of Lower Kiandani Locatiollv 'Gazette who died at M ithanga in Kenyp. on l 2tl1 April. 2003. . Dated thc 3rd August, 2005. (rsws!l Htn. 4:4 oy 20f)5 M . S. G. KHADAMBI. Deputy Registrar, A'fcrtz. By ( 1 ) Nicholas Mbulu Neti and (2) Jackson Kitili Noti, 1)0th of P.O. Box l 36. Wamunyu in Kenya, 4hc deceased's sonsfor a gfant of j letters of admin' istration intestate to tle estate of Noti Mh utitu Nzioka , late of Yathui Location, who died at Machakôs Hospital in Kenya. on 26th October, l 99 l . CAUSE NO. 405 OF 2005 GAZETFE NO'rICE NO. 6467 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT By David Kimemia Mbogo, of P.O. Box 751 1 3, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's brother, for a grant of letters (?f administration intestate PROBATE AND ADMINiSW ATION to the estate of Simon Kinuthia Mbogo alias Simon Kinuthia Karania, late of Waithaka Location. who died there, on 231-d September 2003 TAKE NOTICE that an application havkng been lnade in this court . in: CAUSE NO. 413 OI7 2005 CAUSE N0. 62 OF 2005

By Musyoki Munce Kasonzo. of P.O. Box 7, Mwala in Kenya, the By ( l ) Maurjce Wanjala Vakokha and (2) James Nyamahi deceased*s sons for a grant Of letters of admiaistratkon intestate to the Mugaqdalz. bot!z of P.O. Box 2542. Kitale in Kenya. tluough Messys. Nyaundi Tuiyott & Co.. advocates cytate of Ng' ii Munee alias Ngii M unee Kasonzo, Iaie of Mbiuni , for a grant of Ietters of Location'. who d,'c.J at Mumbuni Sub-location. on 231'(1 April 1995. administration intestate to the estate of Muganda Samya Florence, late of Kitale. who died on 31st July. 2004. The coul-t will proceed to issue ihe same tlnless cause be shown to the contral.y and appearance in thjs respect entcred within thirty (30) The coul will proceed to issue the same unless causc be shown to days from the date of the publication of this nôtice in the Kenya the contrary and appearance in this respect entercd within thirty (30) fztlct?rvt?. days from the date of the publiçatio'n of this notice in thc Xemhtz Gazette. . Dated the 9th August. 2005. Dated the 19th April, 2005. S. M. MWENDW A, H. 1. ONG'UDI. Deputy Registrar. Machakos. Deputy Regisîrar, Kitale.

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6465 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ACHAKOS GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6468 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE HIGH COUIW OF KENYA AT ELDORET TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in: TAKE NOTICE that applicgtions having been made in this court CAUSE NO. 235 OF 2005 il1: ' By (l) Elizabeth Mumbi Kinyumu, and (2) John Mwangangi CAUSE NO. l3l ()p' 2005 Kinyumu. both of P.O. Box 50, Mbumbuni in Kenya, the deceased's By ( I ) Hellen Jepchirchir Yegon and (2) Jerotich Ayabei, t10th of widow and son, respectiveiy. for a grant of Ietters of administration P.O. Box 6000, Nairobi in Kenya, thè deceased's widow and daughter, intestate to the estatt of Patrick Kinyumu M wangangi, latp of Kisau respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intrstate to tlw Location, who died at Muthwani Sub-location in Kcnya, on 28th estate of Jonathan Ayabei Yegon, who died at Kenyatta Naiional March, 2004. Hospital, on 10th October, 2004. . ' 1762 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

CAUSE NO. 1 32 OF 2005 . GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6471

By (l) Elizabeth Mmbone Musa and (2) Benson Toy Mrnbulika, IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA. both of P.O. Box 250, Soy in Kenya , the deccased's widow and son. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TSEYO respcctively, for a grant of letters ef adlninistration intcstatt to the MASUDI OF MOMBASA cstate of Musa Azenga, late of Soy Sub-location , who died on 1 3tI1 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Octobec 1997, SUCCESSION CAUSE N(). 239 Oi; 2005 CAUSE NO. l 38 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of admilistratipn inteslate to 1he estate of the above- By Paul Cheruiyot Bitok, of P.O. Box l 577, Eldoret in Kenya, namcd deceased, who died at Pandya Hospital, Mombasa, on 22nd through Messrs. Murei & Co., advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of February, 20O 1, has becn filed in this registry by ( 1) Maureen Pendo lctters of administratioll intestate to the estate of Chemesunde Tseko and (2) Kombo Tseko, both of Mombasa, in (heir respective Tabarboch Korir, late of Kapkoi Sub-location, Trans Nzoia District. capacities as datlglter and son ol- tllc deceased. And further takc noticc that objections kn the prescribed forln to the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be lodged in The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice, the contl'ary and appearanc,e in thts rtspect entered withiu thirty (.30J And further takemotice tbat if no obkection has be'cn lodged in tbis days fronl the date of tle publication of this notice in the Kcnya registry in the prescribed form within ihil'ty (30) days of the date of Gazctte. publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks lit. Dated thc 29th July, 2005. Dated the 7lh July. 2005. V.W . W ANDERA, H. N. NDUNG'U Deputy Registrar, f'/tït?rc/. Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.

GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6472 . GAZEIW NOTICE N0. 6469 IN =HE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASA IN 'FHE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF W INNIE IN THE I4lGH COURT OF' KENYA AT ELDORET ACHIENG FW AYA OF MOMBASA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION 'FAKE NOTICE that an appliqation having been nlade in this court Stlfrllsslf)N CAUSE N 0. 268 OIR 2005 in: . LET ALL the parties concerned takc notice that a petition for a CAUSE Nt). 153 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- By ( 1) Rahab W. Mutari, (2) iebecca W. Mutari qnd (3) William narned deceased, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on 18th Githuka, all of P.O. Box 7420, Eldoret in Kenya, for a yrant of letterj Junc, 2004, has been filcd in this registry by (1) Aloys M ichael Nagery of administration intestate to the estate of Samuel Mutarl Githuka. latc Musumba and (2) Jtldith Pilli Nagery, both of P.O. Box 85930, of Kipkabus, who dicd at Olare, on 8th February, 1986. Mombasa, in their respective capacities as widower and daughter of the deceased. ' ' The court will proceed to issue the same unlcss cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) And further take notice thàt objections irt the prescribed form to days from the date of the publication of this notice in the Kenya the making of tlze proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged 'in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. And further take noticc that if no objection has been lodged in this Dated the 15th August, 2005. registry in the prescribed form within ihifty (30) days of the date of / A. B. MONGARE, publication of tbis noticc, the court may proceed to make the grant as Dcputy Registrar, Eldoret. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 20th Jtlly, 2005. H. N. NDUNC-' U, Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.

GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6470 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT MOMBASA GAZEn'l! No'rlceNo. 6473 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN Tlœ MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ABDUL IN THE VATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH HASSAN SHAABAN OF KABUTHI NJOROGE OF MAU SUMMIT PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSIONCAUSENO. 198 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a StlccEssloN CAUSENO. 597 6F 2002 grant of letters of adininistration intestate to tpe estate of tfie above- LET ALI., thc pakies concerned' take notice that a petition for a named decease d, who died at Malindi Hospital, on 7th May. 200 $ has grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of tlle above- been t'iled in this registry by (1) Saada Bakari Mohamed and (2) named deceased, who died at M ausummit, on 12th April, 2002, hag Rebema Abdul Hassan, bôth of P.O. Box 1466, Malindis in tleir been filed in this rcgistry by (1 ) Tabitha Wairimu Mbugua and (2) Bemard Njoroge Mbugua, in their Jespective capacities as widow and respective capacities as widoi and daughter of the deceased.' son of the deceased. And further take notice that 'objections in the prescribed fonn to And fuzlher take notice that objections in the prtscribed forni to he muing of the proposed grant 'are invited and must be lodged irl the making of the proposed grant are invited and md-lst be lodged in his registry within thirty (30) days of pùblication of this notice. this registry witlin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And flmher take notice that if no objection has been lodged il1 this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged ill this regiqtry in the prescribed fonn withinzthilly (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn withln thirty (50) days of the date of pubhcation of tbis notice, the court may proceed to make the grant aq publication of this notice, the court rfray proceed to make the grant as pl-ayed or to make stlch ordcr as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tkt. ' Dated the 6th July. 2005, Dated the 16th May, 2003. H. N. NDUNG'U S. M. MUKETI, Deputy Registran Mombasa, D eputy Registrart Naklfrlt. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1763

GAZE'IN'F NOTICE NO. 6474 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6477 IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH IN THE M ATIER OF YHE ESTATE OF DICKSON MACHARIA IKUHA OF BAHARINI, KIHIKA KIMANI ALIAS KIHIKA KJMAM ' LANGA LANGA OF NAKURU PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 355 (IF 2004 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l58 OF 2005 LET ALL the pallies concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- . grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above named decçased, who died at Baharini, Langa Langa, on 20th named deceased, who died. at Kenyatta National Hospital, tm l9t February, 2002, llas been filed in this registry by David Macharia November, 2004. has been filed in this registry by (1) Margar: Njenga, in his capacity as son of the deceased. Wambui Kihika, (2) Alice Mukuhi Kihika and (3) Winnie Wanjel And funhur take notice that objections il'! tfle prescribed form to Kihika, in their capacities as widows of tlle deceased. th'c making of the proposed gran! afe iavitetl a'nd must be lodged in And furtller take llotice that objections in the prescribed form tf this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this flotice. the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be iodged il And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of ptlblication of this notice. registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of And fm'lhcr take netice that if no ot-fjecticm has been lodged in thi publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as registry in the prescl'ibed form Within thirty (30) days of the da' te () prayed or to make such order as it thinks tlt. publication of this notice, the court may ljroceed to make the grant a prayed or lo make suctl order as it thihks fit. S . M . MU KE Tl , Dqlmty Rcgistrar, NJkum. T. WEKULO, Deputy Registrar, àkkurn


E. OMINDE, T. W EKULO. Deputy & .g/JJr&r, Nakuru. Dcpuly Registraï, Ntzkl/?w

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6479 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6476 IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSPHAT IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU GITHUI WAHOME IN THE MATTER OF TI1E ESTATE OF EDWARD KIMITEI TANUI OF KOIBATEK PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 28y OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition .for J SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 1 18 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the e'state of the above. LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition fqr a named deceased, who died at Guru Nanak Hospital, on 27911 March grant of letters of probate and administration with a wlitten' will to the 2005, has 1xen .tiled in tltis registry by ( 1) Victoria Kathesya Githu' estate of the above-nalned deceased, who died at Mercy Hospital, on and (2) Moses Kairangi Githui, in their respective capacities as widoM 19th December, 1999, has been filed in this registry by ( I ) Grace Tungo Tanui and (2) Wilfred Kipkogei Kimitei, in their respective and son of tle deceased. ' capacities as widow and son of thc deceased.' . And further take notice that objections in the prescribèd form tf And further take notice that objections in .the prescribed fonn to the making of the proposed grant arc invited and must be Iodged ir the making of the proposk.d grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thif'ty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registl'y within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take noticc that if no objeetion h:ts been lodged in thil And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form w'ithin thirty (30) days of the date ol registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, tht court may proceed to make tbe gmnt aï publication of thfs notice, the cfun fllay proceed lo make lhe grant as prayed or to make such ofder as it thinks iit. prayed or to make such order as lt thinks tit. - Dated the 7th July. 2005. 3*. WEKULO, A. B. MONG'ARE' Deputy Regl'strar, Nakltru. Deputy Seglytrgr, Nakuru GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6480 IN THE HIGH COURT GF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF W ANG'OMBE IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTA'I'E OF JORAM THUKU OF KIHUGIRU SUB-LOCATION. KARIMA LOCATION, GUTHER.A THUKU ALi,'%.S W ANGONDU S/O NYERI DISTRICT THUKU OF KARANGIA, NYERI PROBATE AND ADMINISV ATION PROBAI'E AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 529 OF 2003 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 282 Op 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take noticc that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administratïon intesgate to the estatc of thc above- grant of letters of atlministration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceasGd. who died at Kihugiru, Nyeri. on I st Septentber. . named deceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital. Nyeri, on 2000, has been filed . in this registry by Washiiigtlln 'Waiganjo 24th February, 1989. has been filed in this registry by Nephat Thuku Wang'olnbe, of P. 0. B()x 698. Othaya, in his capacity as an Joram. of P.O. Box 165, Nygri. in his capacity as an adm' inistrator of administratoi of the deccased's estatc, the deceased's estate, A 1d furthcr tak'e notice that objections in the prcscribed form to And further take notice lhat objections in the prescribed form to the' making of the proposed grant are ' invited all(1 must be lodgcd in the lnakkng of tbe proposcd grant are invited and must be lodged in this l'egistly within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of jublfcation of thfs notice. And further take notice tllat if no objection has been Iodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this regi stry i n the prescribed fonn within ihifty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of ptlblication of this notiçe, the ctlurt may procecd to makc the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as pmyed or to make such ordur as it thinks f'it. prayed of to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 7tl1 St-ptembtr. 2004. Dated the 22nd Julys 2005. J. N. M UNIU. ' ' M. It. GITONGA, f-hrzp/f / ), Aî. f.r/'.$'//-t7//', hjvri. Deputl' Registran N'ycr/'. GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6481 ï IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THFJ MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET GAZETFE NOTICE N(). 6484 MUTHONI CITHINJI OF NJIRUINI, 'N THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU MUKURWEINI,' NYERI IN THE MAW ER OF' THE ESTATE OF KARENYU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KARUGERIA OF EMBU SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 202 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take totice that a petition for a SIJCCESSION CAUSE NO. i0 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the cstate of the above- LET ALL the palies concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at Jamii Hcspital- on 27th October, 2004.' grant of letters of adminislration intestate to the estate of the above- has been tiled in this registr by ( 1) Beatrice Kanani Githinii and (2) named deceased. who died at Embu. on 6th Augtlst. 2000. has been Doughlas Wakiihuri Gitbinll, both of P.O. Box 70s Muku-rweini, in their respective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of the filed in this registry by John Mugo Karenyu. of P.O Box 7. Ishiara, in deceased's estate. his capacity as son of the deceased. . And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take Ilotice that objections in the prescribed fonn to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and Inust be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicatioq of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice thltt if no objection has been lodged in this And further take nkAtice that if no objection has beetl Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonp within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court nbay proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit . . prayed or to fnake such order ag it thinks tit. Dated the 4th July, 2005. Dated the 25th July, 2005. R. NYAKUNDI, L. ONYINA, . Dcpuly Registrar, Nyeri. D:/?l/J)' Registrar. fb#7l?.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6482 IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT NYERI GAzilrrE NoTlcE No. 6485 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JASAN IN THE HiGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU NDIRANGU MUNENE ALIAS NDIRANGU ' S/O MUNENE OF NAIROBI AREA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJAGI IRERI OF NAIROBI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND AbMINISTRATION SuccEsslt'm CAUSE NO . 281 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 45 OF 2005 LE'r ALL the parties' concerned take notice that a petition for a LET AL,L the partics concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- nained deceased, whd died at Nairobi Area, pn 24th February, l 972. grant of letters of adfninistration inttstate to the estate of the above- na'nled deccased, who died al Nairobi. on 2nd February, 1976, has Clmhsa rblees nW filaecdh. irna thNids irfeagnigsutr,y boyt h( 1o) fE sPth.Oer. WBaonx' jiru Ndiranyu and (2) been filed in this registry by ( 1 )' Jacob Matimba Njagi and (2) Peterson .4 l Nyerl, in their Ndwiga Njagi. both of P.O, Box 43, Manyatta, in their capacities as respective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of the sons of the deceased. deceasedfs estate. And further take noticc that objections in the prescribed' form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invjted ànd must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fornl within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed' to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit, prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Pated the 22nd July, 2005. Dated thc 25th April. 2005. ' M. R. GITONGA, L, W. GITARI, Deputy Registrar, Nyeri. Depufy Ilejtisîran Emhu. 19th August 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1765

GAZETI'E N04'lCE No. 6486 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6489 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU IN THE MA l'O R OF THE ES-I'ATE OF ROWLAND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATV OF DAVIb NJERU NYAKIRE OF EMBU NJIRU NJERU OF KIRINYAGA PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSENO. 18l OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 54 ()r 2005 LE T ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take natice that a petition for a grant of letters of administratîon intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of adpzinistration intestate to the estate of the above- . named deceased, who died at Kirinyagas on 3rd Decemberq 2003, haj natned deceased, who died at Embu, on 25th September, I 996. has been filed in this registry by Catherine Wanjiku Kiura, of P.O. qoq 44, been tiled in this registry by Jane Wambugi Njeru, of P.O. Box 262. Kagio, in her capacity as w,dow of the deceased. Embu. in her cppacity as widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in tht! prescribed form tt-j And ftlrther take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proptlsed grant are invited altd nlust bc Iodged 9n the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged iI1 this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry withilt thirty (30) days of publicafion of this notice. And ftlllher take nfplice that if n() objlylion has bfzen l()t1. ged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged il1 this registry in thj prescribed form within .thlrty (30) days of the date of registry in thé prescribed form withill ihil-ty (30) days of the dattt of publication of thjs notice, the coun may proceed to make the grant as ptlblication of this notice, the ctnurt may proceed to make tle grant as prayfld or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated thc 26th July. 2005. . . Dated the 25th April, 2005. L. W. GITARI, L. %9. GITA RI , Deputv Regiïtrar' Embu. Deputy #Ff;f.5'&.tpr, S???/Jlf.

GAZE'I-I'E NO'rlCE NO. 6490 GAZEG E NOTICE NO. 64%7 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBU IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTXTE OF CHARLES IN THE MATTER OF THE ESYATE OF MUNYI MBOGO M UNYI OFEMBU KORU OF EMBU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 184 OI7 2005 SLICCESSION CAUSE NO. 8 1 OP 2005 LE1- ALL the parties concernöd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties cgncerned takc notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of leters qf administration intestate to the' estate of the above- named deceased, 'who died at Embu, on 27th September, 2000, has nalned deceased. who died af Embu. on 23:t1 July. 2004. has been tiled been' tiled in this registry by Agatha Gicuku Mbogo, of P.O. Box 464. in this registry by ( 1 ) Henry Nyaga Munyi and (.2) Andrew Kinyua Embtl. in her capacity ag widow' of the deceased. Munyi. both of P.O. Box 83. Runyenjts, in their capacities as sons of ' the deceased. ' And further take notice that objectjons in the prescribed form to And fulher take notioe that obiections in the prescribed fol-m to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the preposed grant a- re invitqd and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has bcen lodged in this And further'take lotice that if no objection has been lodged in this , registry in the prescribed forln within thirty (30) days of !he date of registry in tlle prçscribed form within thirty (30) days of tlie date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed-to make the grant as publication of this notice'. the court nlay proceed' to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as il thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 25th July, 2005. Dated the 1 9th May, 200,5. L. ONYINA, L. W . GITAltl, Dtwui'y Registrar, Embu. Deplttv Registrar, f'?/l//!t.

GAZETTENOTICENO. 6491 GAZE'IN'E NOTICE NO. 6488 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EM BU IN THE MATTER OF TI'lE ESTATE OF HERINA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF GICHUKI JANE AUMA AOKO KIRUNDU KABERENGE OF KIRINYAGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INIS RATION SUCCBSSION CAUSE NO. 152 oln 2005 StICCESSION CAUSE NO. l44 OF 2005 LET JJ.I. the parties concerned take notice that a pctition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for' a grant of letters of adrfïinistration intestate to the estale of the above- grant of letters of admiaistration intestate to the .estate of the above- namcd deceased, who died at Awach Sub-location. North-East named deceased. who died at Embu. on 12th January, 1993, ha! been Nyakâch Location, Nyando District, on 13th Septemberp 1997.' has filed in this registry by John Njoroge Gichtlki, of P.O. Box 2427, been filed in this registry by Jilhlson Aoko Ongirl, in his capacity as ' ' Embu in hks capacity as s'on of the deceased. widower of thlt deceased. . And furthdr take notice that objections in the prescribed. form îo ' And further take notice tlat objections in the prescribed fol'm to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged ik the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged i1 this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registl'y within thil'ty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if Ilo objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed ttp make !he grant as publicalicm c'f this notice, tha court may procccd to make tlie gi'alit ay prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or tlj make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 27th June, 2005. Dated the 22nd February, 2005. L. ONYINA, , W . B. MOKAYAH, fltwf/ry Registrar, Dnbu. Deputy Registrar, Kisutnu. 1766 THB KENYA GAZBTI'B/ 19th Alm st 2œ 5 ''' ' . - = z . clAF./FrENonCBNO. 6492 fMm 'E NOTICENO. fW% IN 'IVE HIGH C()UkT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN 'I31E HIGH COURTOF KENYA AT KISUMU IN TME MAM R OF Tlœ ESTATE OF XILVANUS IN 'I1IE MAD ER OF THE ESTATE OFFREDRICK ORIEMA OM OLO NGONGA AKEIAD PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADs jMSTRXTION succEsslox CAEISENô. l73 OF 2005 SUCCDSION CAIJSE N0. 329 OF 2œ 5 LET ALL the parties clmcerned take notice tlmt a petition for a LET ALL the partiys concerned take notice that a petition for . irant of lettel's of administration intestate tc the estate of the ae ve-' grant.of letters d adléinistrûtion intestate tè the estate. of the jbover pm4d deceased, who died at .larlen ! Upper Tamu, Kisumu, on 16th named deceased, who died at Wathoreg? Village. Kisumu 'Distnct, ol! . 29th December? 2004, has been filed m this regigtl qarch, 1995, has been tiled in thls. regislry by Teresia Omuono . .'y by (.1) Molly 7riema, in her capacity as 'widow of the (leceased. ' Anyango Ouko and (2) James Odhiambo Alai, both ol P.O. Box 9191 - 401X , Kisumu, in their respective cappc.ifies as widow and brother-in- And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to law.of the dec- ed. ' h. e making of the proposed grant a?e invited and must be lodged in Xnd further take notice that objectipns in the' prescribe.d fonn fn hk registty within thirty (30) days cf publicatioa of this notice. . the. making of tlt prnposed grant :r: ilqittd altd must be lodged ln And further take notice that if Im objeditm has been lodged in this this registry within thtrty (30) days uf publlcatloa cf thb notice. And furthtr take notiçe lhat if no objectipn hag been lodge,d in thi: l'eugbilgitcrayt ioinn tohfe tkhrise sncoritibceed, tfhoer mc pwuli't hmina yt hpirtoyc e(e3d0 )t od amyas koe f't h!hce gdramte aosf registl.y in the plfgcribed form within thirty (30) day: öf the date' of publication Of thls notice, tlle cotu.t may proqeed to make lj gtant as lraycd or to make stmh order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make suqh order is it think.s fit. ' Dated the 29th March, 2005. Dated the 20th Julv. 2005, W . B. MOKAYAH, Kt w. KIARI, beputy pe#/.vfmr, Ktàutnu Deputy 'eglq/mc Kisamu.

PAZErl'E NOTICE No. 6493 GAZE'ITE N= CENO. 6496 IN TIIE HIYI COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KBUMU IN Tl1E MAW ER OF TI'E ESTATE OF GRACE IN '11IE MAN R OF TIIE ESTATE OF JAY B ADHIAMBO JUMA OORO ONYANGO PROBATE AND ADM INISTRAMON PRUBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SIJCCESSION CADSE NO. 192 OF 2005 scccEsslox CAusE No. 3$4 OF 2X 5 LET ALL the parties ccncerned takc notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that :. petition for a tant of lctters of administration intestme tc the estate of the qbove- grant of letters of administration intesmte to tht estate of the abov4- amed deceased, who died on 5th November, 1996, has been filed in . named deeeased, wllo died at Rabuor, on Rh February, 1978, has been hip rzgistry by Gordon Onyangc Abayo, in his capacity as widower of filed in this registfy by Edward Okwiri O'oro, of P.O, Box 2k10# Kisumù,. in his capaclty as an pdministrator of tlle decen-d's ustate. the deceased, ' . And further take notice that objections it the prescribed form tu And fulher take' . n. oticç that objeqtions in th4 prescribed 'lkorm to, )he makins of the prcposed grzmt are invited and must be lodzed' in the making of the ppposed grant are invited and must be 'lodged in lis registry within thilty (30) days of publication of this notice. this regiso within thirty't3ol days of publkatilm of this notice. And further take notice thqt if no objection hag been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn withià thirty (30) days of tlle date of ' ublication of this noticç, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may procted to make the grant as rayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 12th May, 2005. W . B. MOKAYAH, Dated the, ljth July. 2005. Deputy Registrar, Kisumœ H. 1. ONG'UDI, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.

AZFITE NOTICE NO. 6494 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU GM M NOTICENO. 6497 IN THE IIIGH COURTOF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE 0F GEORGE OUMA OKELLO IN TIIE MAW ER OF Tlv /STATE OF FREDRICK PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KABAKA OMOLO OKEYO SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 292 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRAVON LET ZU.L the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEssloN CAIJSE NO. 35à OF 2005 irant of lettel's of administration intestate .to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concemed take notice that a petition for a amed deceased, who died at Nightingltle Hospital, Kisumu, on 21si grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- uly, 2001 . has been tiled in this registry by James Onyango Okello named deceased, wlm died at Nairobi, on 2nd Febnmry, 2* 5. has d (2) Wilkister Asewe Okello, in their respective capacities as been filed in this registry by Penina Adoyo Okeyo, in her capacity as nrother and mother of the deceased. ' an administmtrix of the deceased's estate. ' And further take notice that objectionsAn the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in thè prescribed form to he making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in his regis> within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of tllis notice. And fulther take notice that if no objection has'been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objcction has bee: lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescried form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the gmnt as publication of this nodce, the cotyt may proceed to make dle grant as myed or to makk such order as it thinks tk. pmyed or to make such order as it thillks fit. Dated the 4+ August, 2œ 5. Dated the 18th July, 2* 5. W . B. MOKAYAH, u. j. oxtyupl Deputy Registrar, fltwzGz. Deputy Registrar, A'gI- lz. 19th Aqgust, 2005 THE KENYA GAZEW E . 1767

GAZEW E NOTICENO. 6498 GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6501 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE ùIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DANSON IN THE MATTER OF THB ESTATE OF KIPKERKABET BOB OMONDI ONDEGO ARAq SAMBU ALIAS KIPKERBARET A. SAMBU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIUN PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 390 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 26 OF 2005 . LET ALL !he parties concerned take notice that a petition for a ' LET ALL tlïe pallies concerned 'take nolice that a petititm fo3 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Above- glrant of letters of administrr'tion intestate to the estatc of the.'almve- named deceased ? who died at Tenwek .lfospital, on 20th Dectmber, named deceaged. who died at Sosiot Sub-location, on 2sth December, 2002, has been iiled in this registry by (1) Flcrence Akinyi Oruko. and l 970, has been filed in yhis registry bï Joseah Kiptonui Arap Kempi. (2) Victor Omondi Lumayah, in their respectivx capacities as widow of P.O. Box 4, Sosiot. in his capaclty as Rn administrator of the and ceusin of the deceased. deceased's cstate. Ant further take notice that objections in the' prescribed form to And further take notice that objectitms in the prescribe'd form to the makinz of the proposed zrant al': invited and must b! lûdged in the, making of .the proppse,d grant are invited tmd must bz todge,d in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. this rezistry within thiny (30) days of publication cf thig notice. Artd further take notice that if nl objection has been lodged in thig And furthei- take notice that if no cbjection ha3 been ludged in thig registry in the pregcribed form within thirty (30) dayg of the tate of registry in the prescribed fcnn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the colrt may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may procetd to make the zrant as prayed or to make such ortlef as it thinks 5t. prayed cr to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 4th Fibruary, 2005. Dated the 8th Augilst, 2005. , ' ' J, K. NG'ENO, H, 1. ONG'UDI, Deputy 'dpfllrtlr, Kedcho. Dcplffy Registrarb Kisumu.

GàzE'I7'E No'ncE No, 6502 GAZEITE NOTICENO. 6499 IN THE HIGH COIJRT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE RIGH COURT OF IV NYA AT KISUMU IN THE MXTTER OF THE ESTATE OF WESLEY IN TkE MATTER OF THE ESTATZ OF GORDON . KIM DNAI CHUMO ALIAS KIMUNAI A. CHUMO ALIAS WESLEY KIMUTAI ONYANGO MAHULO CHUMO PROBATE AND ADMINISTZATION PROBATE AN9 ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CALJSE N0. 39.7 OF 2005 SOcCEss1oN CAUSE No. l40 OF 2005 LET ALL tht parties conctrned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the atmve- LET ALL the partieq conqerned take notice that a petititm for a named deceased, Fho died on 26th January, 2003, hag been 5led in grant of leqers of administratitm intestate to the estate of the above-' this registry by Màrgaret A. Ogol, in hcr capacity as widow of the named deceased, who died at Siroin, (m 12tl1 October, 2004, has been llecea&ed. ' ' filed in this rcgistry by (1) Esther ChemutRi Chumn and (2) Ruth And further take notic: lhat objeciitms in the prescribed fonn to Chepkoech Bariwot, both cf P,O.'Box 514, Sctik in their capacities as tlle making of the proposed grant arù invited and must be l0dzed in administratrices of the deceased's estate. ' ' And further take notice that objections ih the prescribed form to this qegistry within thirty (30) days zf publlcqticn of this notice. t 1 emaking of the proposed granl are invited and must be iodged in ' And further yake notice that if no objection hks been.lodged in this registry in the prescribed form' within thirty (30) days of the date of this registry within thirty (30) days of publiçation ojthis notice. publication of this notice, the court may proceed tp make the grant as And further take nutice that if no objection.has been lôdged in this prayed or to make sucb order as it thinks ht. registry in the' prescribed form whhin thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 10th August, 2005. prayed br to make such order as it thinks fit. , . jj. j. oxcvulx, Dated the 26th July, 2005. . Dcputy Registran ârï-çlz?zllf. KEANA MOGAMBI. Deputy Registrhr, Kericho.

GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6500 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO GAZBR'TE NOTICENO. 6503 IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPROTICH IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA ARAP MURSOI IN THE MATTER OF TiIE ESTATE OF PHILIP PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION ANYIKA KHAEMBA SUCCESSION OAUSE NO. 32 OF 2004 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET A1,L the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a . SUCCESSTON CAUSE NO. 60 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the esbate of the above- LET' ALL the parties conctrned take notice that a petition for a named deceased. who died at Ketitui, Kapsoit, Kericho, on l9tl1 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- November, 1987, has been filed in this registry by Kipyegon Arap named deceased. who died at District Hospital, Busia, on 11th Ketec of P.O. Box 185, Kericho, in his capacity as an administrator of September, 1998, has been filed in this registry by Aggrey E. M . the deceased's estatc. . Anyika, of'P.O. Box 86, 'Bu'siaoin his capacity as son of the deceased. . And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged irk tle making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notke. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this reyistry in the gregcribed tbrm within thirty (30) days of the date of reqistry in the grescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of pubiication of tnis notice. îhe court may proceed to make the grant as .punlication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 26th March. 2004. Dated the 29th June, 2005. ' . J. K. NGENO, E. H. KEAGO, Deputy Registrar, Kericho. Deputy Registrar. Busia (K). ' 1768 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

GAZEIN'E NOTICE hlO. 6504 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6507 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA IN THE MA'TTER OF THE ESTA-I-E OF MUSA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTM R OF JACOB EMURUDU EMONMGOLOK WANYAMX RADIALA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 63 0F 2005 M SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. .68 OP 2005 LE'r ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition tor a LET ALL the parties coqcerned tàke notice that a pstjtion for a grant of letters of administl'ation intestate tt.l the çstate of the above-. grant of letters of administratpon intcstate to the estaie of the above- named deccased, who died at Aterait Village. on 20tl1 February, 1983, .nameà deceased, who dic.d at Esikopta V illage, on 19th April, 2005, bas b'e en tiled ifl this registry by Gaitano Ojaba Murudu, of P.O. Box has been filed in this registry by ( 1 ) Joseph Okoth Makokha and (2) 307; Busia, in his capacity as son of tNe deceasej . Joseph W ashike Radiia, both of P.O. Box 77, Murulnba, in their And hlrthcr taktt notice that obicctions in the prescribed form to capacitiès as sons of the dcceajed. the making of the proposed grant are invited and n'lust be lodged in And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. the making ()f the proposed grant are illvited 4nd must be Iodged in And ful-ther take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this this registl'y within thirty (30) dgys of publication of this notice. kegistry iIl the prescribed form within thit-ty (30) days of thc date of publication of this n-otice And further take notice' that if no objection has been lodged in this , the court may proceed to make the grant as registry in the prescribed lbrm within thirty (3'0) days of the date .of prayrd or to make such order as it thinks fit, . publication of this notice, the èourt may proceed to make the grant as Datcd the 28th June, 2005. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. ' W . N. NYARIMA, Dated the 28th June, 2005. Deputy Registrar, Busia (K). W. N. NYARIVA, Deputy Regist rcr, # usia (K) ,

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6505 GAZEG LNOTICE NO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT'BUSIA . 6508 IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTA'I'E OF PAUL IN THE HIGf1 COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA OM EDDO OGOMO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORG/ PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION WANYAMA ILOLO SIJCCESSION CAUSE NO. 65 0F 2005 PROBXTE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the palies concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 74 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LE'F ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at St. Elizabeth Hospital, on 1 l th January, grant of letters of administratioll intestate to the estate of the above- 1993, has been tiled in this registry by Vincent Ngira Omeddo, of P.O. named deceased, who died at Tanaka Nursing Home. on 2I!d Atnril, Box 87, Busia, in his capacity as son of the deceased. 2000, has been tilefl in this registry by (l) tmelda Nekes'a W anya'ma And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to and (2) Francis Masiga Oboe, both of P,O. Box 387, Buskt, in their the making of the proposed grant are invited and mtlst be lodged in respective capacities as son and widow of the dcceased. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take nfatice that objections in the prescribed form to the nlaking .of the proposcd grant are invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this this registry within tllirty (30) days of publieation of tlis notice registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the daie of . publication of ïhis notice. the court may procted to make the grant as And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this prayed or to make suLh order as it thinks tit. . registry in the prescribcd forln within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notic'e, the court' ntay procéed to make tlle grant as Dated the 28th June-y' 2005. W . N. NYARIM A, Trayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dc/pu/y Registrar, Busia (K). Dated the 19th July, 2005. F. H. KEAGO, Depuly Ae'pf-ç/rlr, Busia (K).

GAZEU E NOTICE NO. 6506 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA GAZETrE NOTICE NO. 6509 . IN THE MAU Ek OF THE ESTATE OF DAUDI IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA OMOGIN OPILI IN THE VATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARTIN PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION W ERE PROBAR'E AND ADMINISTRATION StlCCESSION CAUSE NO. 6.6 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE N0. 77 OF 2005 grant of' letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concenled take notice that a petitiop for a named decegsed, who died at Nambale Township, on 26th January, granl of lettm-s of admlnistration illtestate îo the estate nt' 9he ar,c.&'(.- l 99 l , has been tiled in this registry by Jackton Omongin Opili, of P.O. named deceascd, who ditrd at District Hcxpital. Btlsia, ()1) 2 1 st February, 2005. has been tiled kl1 this reyistry by Kenneth Andress' Box 46a Nambale. in Ilis capacity as son of the deceased. Opi, of P.O. Box 3900, Eldol'et, in his capaclty 'ps son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objectlions in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in thc making of the proposed grant are ilïvitcd and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. . this regislry within tbirty (30) days of pubiication of this notice And further take notice that if no objectiol has becn Iodged in tlis And further take notice that if no objèction has beeil lodgcd in this registry ip the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of regi&ti'y in the prescribed fbrm within thirty (30) days of the date of publicatiok) of this notice. the court m ay ploceed to. make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may 'proceed to make the gralt as prayeti or to Inake such ordel' as it thinks t'it. ' prayed or to nlake such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 29th June, 2005. Dated the 21st Julya 2005. J . N DU R U R I . %. N. NYARIMA, ' ' Deputl' Sc.çl'.;rrtJ?', Busiu (K). > lkputj' Mcfjza/mc, #ffJIW (K). ' 19th A%- ugust, 2905 . - ...... THE KENYA. . GA. . ZET- TE ' 1769

GAZE'I'TE NorncE No. 6510 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 65l 3 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISll IN THE MATTER OF THE IBTATB OF YUSUF IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STANLEY OKOCI4 WANDERA ONDORO BORAYA OF KIS1i DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 87 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CALSENO. 124 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take lotice that a petition for a LErf ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a jrant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovc- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of thc above- named deceased, who died at Nakhobi Stlb-location, on 4th Junes named deceased, who died at Tenwek Hospital, on 8th Deeeember, 2005, has been filcd in this registry by Yusuf Okoch W andera, of P.O. 2004, has been tiled in this registry by Rhodah Mongina Ondoro, of Box 23. # unyu la, in his capacity as son o'f the deceaged. Nyamagesa Sub-location, Nyaribarl Nyamagesa Location, P.O. Box *' . 129, Keroka, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. ' ' And l.u lher take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that objections in tlle prescribed fol-m to this registry within thirty (30) days of ptlblication of this notice. tlle making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And ftlrthcr tak: nfptice that if no objection has been lodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days ()f publication i f this rtotice. registry in tl-pe prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. ' ' Dated thc 9th Augusta 2005, prayed or to make such order as it thinks t'it. J. NDURURI, Datcd the l 7th June. 2005. S. M. S. SOITA, Deputy Registrar, Busia (K). Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

QAZE'I'TE NOTICE NO. 651 1 GAZE'I'TE NoTlcE No. 6514 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAU ER 0F THE ESTATE 0F PIUS IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF NICANOR NYABENA NYAMONGO OF KISII DISTRIC. T OTIENO ONYWO OF RACHUONYO DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSIONCAUSENO. 122 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 136 OF 2005 , t- LET ALL the parties' conceried takc nolice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a jrant of letters of administration intestate of the above-named grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- deceajed, who died at District Hospital, Xisii, t)n 25th Aprily 2001 , has named deceased, who died at Matata Nursing Home. ol1 2nd ApH1, been t'iled in this registry by Francis Senle Nyabena, of Bobaracho 2003, has been filed in this registry by Mary Atieno Otieno, of Dudi Sub-location. P.O. Box 408, Kisii, in his capacity as son of the ' Sub-location, Kakelo Location. P-O. Box 29, Oyugis, in her capacity deceased. as widow of the deceased.

And further take notice that objections jn the prescribed form to . And further take notice that objections in thc prescribed lbrm to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And fullher take notice that if no objection has been lodged n t registl'y in the prescribed form within thirty (3û) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (3% days of the date 'of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice. th: court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order'as it thinks R . Dated the 17th June, 2005. Dated the 7(h Julys 2005. . s. M. s. solTA, ' C. G. MBOG(), Deputy Registrar. Kisii. - Deputy Registran Kisii.

ùAZE'I-I'E No'ncàNo. 6512 GAZE-ITE NOTICE NO. 6515 IN THE HIGH COURTOF IQENYA AT KISII IN TBE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MATTERDF THE ESTATE OF RAFAEL IN THE VATTER OF Ti1E ESTATE OF JOSHUA OKWARO ONYANGO 0F RACHUONYO DISTRICT ONDIEKI MATUNDURA OF KISII DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSENO. 1'D OF 2005' StJCCESSION CAUSE NO. 137 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned uke notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a -grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration inyestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kilusi, on 24th August, 1992. has been qamed deceascd, who dicd at St. Akidiva Memorial Hospital, on 11th filed in this registry by M ichael Onyango Bonyo, of Rareba Sub- April.. 2004, has been filed in this registry by Mary M abera location, Ramba Kabondo Location. P:O. Box ' 196, Kisii, ili his Matundtira, of Kiong'anyo Sub-location, Sensi Location, P.O. Box' capacity as son of the deceased. 1066, Kisii, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. Xnd further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to Afiè further take notice that 'objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in tl:e making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. ' ' And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this And further take notice that if no' objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication.of this notice. the court may proceed tp make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grimt as prayed or to make such order as it thinkp tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 17th June, 2005. Dated the 6th July, 2005. S. Mr S. SOITA. C. G. MBOGO, Deputy Registrar,' Kisii. Deputy Registrar, Kisii. 1770 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

G.CE'ITE NOTICENO. 6516 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6519 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT K1Sll IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KlSIl ' IN THE M AW ER OF Tl!E ESTATE OF PATRICIA IN THE MATTER OF Tl'lE ESTATE OF ONYANGO KEZIA ANANGWE OF KISII DISTRICT ' ONSERIO OF GUCHA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCIBSION CAUSE NO. 138 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 145 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition tbr a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant (jf letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on 14th named deceased, who died at Etono Igorere, on 10th January, 1995, May, 2005, 'has been filed in, this registry by Alexander Okinda has been filed in this registry by Jared Oenga Onyango, of Majoge Anangwe, of Bomwanda Sub-loéation, Bogiakumu Location, P.O. Box Borabu Igorera Sub-location, P.O. Box 3242, Kisii, in his capacity as 1 18, Kisii, in his capacity as father ofthe deceased. son of the deceased. ' And fùrther take notice that objections in the prescribed form to. . And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the prgposed grant are invited and must be lodged in' . this registz'y within thirty (30) days of pubiication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice, And further take notice that if no objection.has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been' lodged in this registry in thc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prcscribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the coun may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to lnake the grant as prayed or to makc such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks t'it. Dated the 8th July, 2005. Dated the 15th July, 2005. C. G. MBOGO, C. G. MBOGO, Deputy Registrar, Kisii. Deputy Registran Kisii.

GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6.520 GAZETIZE NoTlct NO. 6517 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF (1) HEZRAEL IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RUTH KABATI AND (2) ELIZABETH MONYENYE KABATI CHEPKIRUI OTACHI OF KISII DISTRICT BOTH OF GUCHA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 139 OF 2001 SUCCFSSiON CAUSENO. 146 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties Kroncerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovc- grant of letters of administl'ation intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on 24th named deceased, who died 't' tt Kiagoy on 1st Jaluary, 1974, and 12(1 February, 2002, has been filed in this registry by Dunsmn J. 0. Scptember, 2001, respcctivzly, has bcen filed in this ragistry by James MomMyi, of Bomoranda Sub-location, Bogiakumu Location, P.O. B. 0. Kabati, of Bombaba Sub-location, Majoge Borabu Location, Box 4023. Kisii, in his capacity as widower of the deceased. P.O. Box 2100, Kisii, in his capacity as son of the deceased. - And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and mgst be lodged in And furtlyer take notice that objections in the prescribed fonp Lo the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registr? within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribtd form within thirty (30) days of the date of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as rejistry in the prescribed form within thlrty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. publfcation of this notice, tlle court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks'fit. Dated the 8th July, 2005. C. G. MBOGO, Dated the 1 5th July, 2005. Deputy Registrar, Kisii. C, G. MBOGO, Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

GAZETTE NOTICE N0. 6518 IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT KISII GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6521 IN TllE MAT'IER OF R'l1E ESTATE OF NYABWANI IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT KISII NYAMBENOKA OF KISII DISTRICT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF KHATETE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OLELO DOMINIC OF MIGORI DJSTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 142 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIUN LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l48 OF 2005 grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LETXLL the palles concerned take notice that a pctition ftlr a named deceased, who died ai Bomwanda Sub-location, in. 1974, has grant of letters of adlninistration intestate to the estate of the abové- been filed in this registry by (1) Marisella Kwamboka Obuya and (2) namcd deceased, who died at AD Khan Hospital, Kisumu, on 13th Yunes Kwamboka Nyamweya, both of Bomwanda Sub-locatiok, Januarys 1997, has been filed in this registry by Yunita Karen Katete, ' Bogiakumu Location, P.O. Box 315,' Kisii. in their capacities as of Rusinga East Sub-location, Rusinga East .Location, P.O. B0x 132, daugllter-in-laws of tlle deceased. Mbita, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. And furthcr take notice that objections in the prcscribed form to And further take notice that obje' ctions in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must bc lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry witbin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form W'ithin thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the 'date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as pmyed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make suc: order aj it thinks fit. Dated the 14th July, 2005. Dated the 18th July, 2005. C. G. MBOGO, C. G. MBOGO, Deputy Registran Kisii. Deputy A'eéy-ç/rcr, Kisii. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1771

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6522 GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6525 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KlSlI IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M KAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NYARANGI IN THE MAW ER 0F THE ESTATE OF JOHANA OSIEMO OF KISII DISTRICT AMBOKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l49 OF 2005 . SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 458 OF 2004 . LE'C ALL the partics concerned take rloticc ttlat a petition for a LET ALL tbe parties cfmcerned take notice tbat a petition for a grant of Ietters of adlninistration intestate to the estate of the ahove- gran't of letters of administratioà intestate to the estate of the above- r.amed deceased, who died at Monyerero Village, on !5th May, 1962, Ilamed deceased, who died at Emakùnda, on 22nd October. 1986. has nas been filed in this registry by Stepllen Gechuki Onyancha, of beeh filed in this registry by Raphael Oyombe Ambokas in his capacity Monyerero Sub..location, P.O. Box 358, Kericho, jn his capacity as sön as son of thq deceased. of the deceased. . And furtheretake notice that objectiols in the prescribed fonn to And further take notice that objections in the presclilled form to the making of thç proposed grant are invited and must i') e lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of pu'blication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. 'And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And furtber' take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) dpys of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of ' publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may yroceed to make the grant as prayed ()r to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tlt. Dated the l 8th July, 2005. Dated the 18th July, 2005. E. 0. OBAGA, ' C. G. MBOGO, Deputy Registrar, Kaûmega. Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

GAZE'IR'E NOTICE NO. 6523 GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6526 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M UTSAMI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KHR IWA M UCHELA MANYURO NGAO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBAT: AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 510 OF 2003 . SUccEssION CAUSE NO. 52 OF 2005 LET AL,L the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties conceimed take notice tha't a petition for a grant of Ietters of administrlgipn intestate,to the estate of the above- grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Shitochi, on 10th February, 1970, has named deceased. who died at Sirgoi, on 26th November, 1982, has been filed in this registry by Francis Imbwaka Yakwana, i'tt his been filed in this regisyry by Jacob W . Saiti, in his capacity as son of capacity as spn of thè deceased. the deceased. . And further take notice that objectibns in thc prtscribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registl.y Fithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further.take notice Shat if no objection hâs been Iodged in this . And ftulher take notict that if no objtction has bten lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date o'f registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) edays of the date of publication of this notice, the court m?y proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. . prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' ' Dated the 18th Ju1y,'2O05. . Dated'the 9th July, 2005. E. 0. OBAGA, E. 0. OBAGA, Depvty Registrar, Kakamega. Deputy Registrar, Abkcrnegtz.


LET .N.,L the parties concerned takd notice that. a pdition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that.a pdition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration ip.testate to the estate of the above- named Jeceabsed, who d,ed at Lukume, on 1 2d1 M ay, 2003, has been ntialemd eidn dtheicse aresgedis, trwy hboy dEielidz abte Mth wMeurah,e oren S2hnidk aAml#l, iln, 2h0e0r 3c,a phacs itbye eans filed il this registry by Margret Tatayo, in her capacity as widow of widow of the deceased. the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And ftl/her take notice that objectiops in the prescribed form to the making of the jroposed grant are ipvited and must be lodged 'in the making of the proposed grant are invited a'nd must' be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of tlfis'notice. And further tak'd notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take Ilotice that if no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry in the prescribed fonp within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in tlze prescribed form withia thirty (30) days of the date of publication 'of this notice, the court may proceed to make tlle grant as publication of this notice, tlw' court may proceed to make tlze gmnt as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 27th July, 2005. Dated the 15th July. 2005. E. 0. OBAGA, ... B. o. OBAGA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Depury Registrar. X'tlktwIegu. 1772 'I'HE KENYA GAZETTE 19t11 August, 2005

GAZETTE NOTiCE NO. 6528 Gtkzff-f-l'lï N(n.lCE NO. 6531 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THL HIGH COURT 017 KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATI'ER OF TlIE ESTATE OF THOMAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE SHAMALA I.ISABAKHWA . M ULAMA MUTOKA PROBATE AAID ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SIJCCESSION CAUSENO. 260 OF 2005 SLIITIM.ESSION CAUSE NO. 350 OF 2005 LET ALL the partics concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take noticc that a petitioù for a grant of lctters of apministration intestate te the cstate of the above- grant of lettcrs of adlninistratiop intestate to the estate of (he above- named deceased, who died at Shjtoto. Kak-amega, on 8th October, nalned deccased, wh0 died at Nyawjta Nursing Honle, on 21 st June, 1979. has been filed in this registfy by Dennis Slamala Shikunzi, il? l 998, has been filed in this registry b)? Emily Bwaku Akello, in her his capacity as soa of thc deceased. capacity as wîdow of the deccased. And further take notice that obieçtions in lhe prescribed form to And ful-thcr take llotice that objections in the prescribed 'form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this .regigtry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. ' And further take notice that if no objcction has been lodged in this And ful-ther take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thi's registry in tile prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days tàf the date of publication of tbis notice. thc court may proceed to makc the grant as ' publication of this notice, thc court may proceed ttl make thc grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. praycd ol' to nlake suclz it thinks fit. ' Dated the 19th July, 2005. ' Dated the 1 2th July, 2005. E. C). OBAGA, E. 0. OBAGA, Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. Jlcptzly Registrar, Arzkal?zkrllc.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6529 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6532 IN THE HIGII COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN TllE. MAU FR OF THE ESTATE OF M UHONJIA xjxvuuu iN THE MATTER OF TI4E ESTATE OF SALIM PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ()KITI' NANJIRA SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 296 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties 'concerned take notice that a petition for a Stif.'f7ESSION CAUSE NO. 36I OF 2005 grant of letters of administration irltestate to the estate of the aboùe- LErl- ALL thc parties conccrned take Ilolice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at Bushll, on 26th December, 1 987, has grant pf letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- been filed in this registry by Jackson Muhoqjera Matuko, in his named deceased, who died at Lumino Nursing Home, Kakamega, on capacity as son of the deceased. 23rd April, 1999, has been tiled in this registry by M wanatema Auma An jfurther take notice that objections in the prescribed form to , Okiti, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. the making of the proposed grant are invited and mujt be Iodged in And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fon'n to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. the making of the proposed grant are invited and lnust be lodged in And further take notice that if no objection' has'been lodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of pubiication of this notice. registry in the prescribed form withfn thirty (30) days of the date of And further take notice that if no objection has-becn Iodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make thc grant as registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. pubiication of this notice, the court may procecd to make the grant as Dated the 7th July, 2005. prayed ()r to make such order as it thinks fit. E. 0. OBAGA, Dated the 26th July, 2005. Deputy Regislrar, A'tzlwvef,ll. E. 0. OBAGA, Deputy' Registrar, Ablzzzptqzzz.

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6530 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6533 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA RASHID'AYUMBA IN THE MAU ER OF TilE ESTATE OF KHURO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION WERASHINA SUCCESSION CAUSE NO, 3l0 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSB NO. 371 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at Sichilayi. on 26th February, 2003, has grant of letters of administration 'intestate to the estate of the abôve- been filed in this registry by Johana Kuroi Ayumba. in his capacity as named deceased, who died at Malava Sub-location, on 13th July 1996. father of the deceased. . has been tiled in this registry by Peter Mwonde Khuro. in his cipacity A;d fuilher take notice that objections in ttle prescribed form to as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed 1:;r)t) .:7 the making of the proposed grant are ihvited and must be lodged in the rnaking of the proposed grallt are invited and lnust be Iouge.'; krk this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this And further take notice that if no objectgon.has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of thc flate of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to mgke such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 7th July, 2005. Dated the 9th August, 2005. E. 0. OBAGA, E. 0. OBAGA, Dcputy Aclrf.îtrfzr, Kakameqa: Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1773

GAZETTE NOTICE N0. 6534 GAZETTE NOTICENO. 6537 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALE IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRAT/'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTM E OF JOSEPH AT THIKA MAKHALATE KULABUSHA IN TI4E MATTER OF TH/ ESTATE OF KIAI PROBATE AND ADMINISTIIATION GATHIMBA SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l61 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parti'es concerned take notice thqt a petition for a SUCCESSIûAN CAUSE NO. 98 OF 2005 grant of letters of administratiop intcstate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a nqlned deceased, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on 21st July, grant of letters of admin-istration intestate to the estate of the above- 2001 , has been filed in this registry by (1) Florence Namalwa named deceascd, who died at Thika District, in 1961, has been tiled in Kimingichi and (2) Vincent Wafula Kulabusha, both' of P.O. Box 159, this registry by Samuel Njoroge Mwangi, in' 1is capacity as . an Kitale, in their respective capacitie: as an administratrix and administrator of the deceased's estate. administrator of the deceased's estate. ' And furthcr take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to tlke making of tle proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the lnaking of the proposed grant are invited-and must bc lodged .in tllis registry Within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.' this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take noticc that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry' in the prescribed form within thirty k30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may yroceed to make the grant as puhlication of tlkis notice, the court may proceed tc. make the Jrant as prayed or ttl make such order as it thinks tlt. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 1 lth March 2005. . Datcd the 28th July. 2005. L. M. W ACHIRA, %'. A, JUMA, District Registrar, F/lilw. Dcpuly Acgfl/m/', Kitale.

GAzE'n'E NO'rICE No, 6535 GAZETTE NOTICE N0 IN THE HIGI'I COURT OF KENYA AT KITALE . 6538 i N THE. MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LUKAS IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT ' MIYAW A MUTONYI AT THIKA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CilAI PROBATE AND.ADMINISTRAR'ION NJUGUNA ALIAS KINYANJUI NJUGUNA SUCCESSION CAIJSF NO. 162 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties collcerned .take notice that a petition for a grant of letters ef administration intestatc to the estate of tle above- . SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 221 OF 2005 narned dçceased, whq died at Voi Refen'al Hospital, on 22nd October, LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petitîon for a

2002, ha! been filed in this registry by (1) Florence Aleyo Walub'uka ' grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- and (2) Miyawa Mptonyi, both of P.O. Box 659, Kitale. il1 their named deceased. who died at Thika District, on 21st January, 1966, respective capacities ' as ari administratrix and administrator of the . . has been filed in this registry by Stephen Kiraba Chai, in his capacity . as an administrator of the deccased's estate. deceased's estate. ' . And further take llotice tlmt objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to the making of the proposed grant are invited 'and mtlst be lodged in' the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this regastry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within tbirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no tlbjeetioil llas becn lodged in thls And furthcr take notice that if no objection has been lopged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days. of the date of regisyry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to m'ake the grant as publication of this notice, the couî't may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such brder as it thinks tit. prayed or to fnake stlch order as it thinks fit, Dated tle 30th May. 2005. Dated the 26th July. 2005. . . j. o. WERE, W . A. JUMA, ' District /kkçg/'rtzr, Thiku. Deputy Registrar, Kimle.

GAZm 'E NoTIcENo. 6536 ' IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 65J9 AT THIKX IN THE CHtEF MAGISTRXTE'S COURT IN THE MATTER O17 THE ESTATE OF JOHN . AT THIKA MURUNYU KAMAU IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MURAYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KIGARA SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 38 OF 2004 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 268 OF 2005 ' , grant of letters of administration intestate to tle estate of the abov'e- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at Thika District, on 21st September. 2004. grant of Ietters of atlmillistration intestate to the estate of tle above- has been tiled in this registry by Lucg Waithere Mwororo, in her named deceased. who died at Thika District. on 3rd December, 1984. capacity as widow of the deceased. ' ' has been file' d in this registry by John Gakinya Muraya, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceasedls estate. And further mke notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that obfections in the prescribed form êo the making of the propgsed grant are illvited and must be lodged in this registry within thil!y (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of jublication of this notice. And further tpike notice that if no objection has been lodged in lhis And furtller take notice that if no obieclion has been lo. dged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of reoky istry in the prescribed forln within t'hirty (30) days of the date of publiration of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as p' ublication of this notice. the court Inay proceed to n'iake 1he grant as prayeu or to make such orde!- as it thinks lit. prayed or to Inake sllch order as it thinks tit. Dated the 27th July, 2005. Dated tlle 27t11 Jtllhe. 2005. S. M . MOKUA, . J. 0, WERE. District Registrar, Thika. Dist6cî Registrar, Tltika. 1774 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6540 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6543 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA AT THIKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DANSON IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KAMAU NGUGI MW EA KINYANJOI ALIAS KAMAU MANDU KINYANJUI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 290 OF 2005 StICCESSION CAUSE NO. 3l2 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a pctition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Thika, on 21 st Augustv 1998, has becn named deceased. who died at Thika District. on 3rd July, 1985, has tiled in this registry by Peter M wea Danson Ngugi. in his capacity as been JiI:J in lbis regisl;'y by Gabziel Chegc Kamau, in llis capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. an administrator of the deceased's estatc. And further take notiqe that objectiogs in the prèscribed form to And further take notice thai objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty f30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within.thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the cgurt may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as lt thinks fit. Dat:d the 20th July, 2005. Dated the 20th July, 2005. J. 0. WERES S. M . MOKUA, District Registrar, T//f#a. Dislrict Registrar, F/2ïkzl.

GAZETFE NOTICE NO. 6544 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6541 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ZABLON AT THIKA. KANOTHA WARUI IN'TI'IE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARIMA KAMAU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 332 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 293 OF 2005 grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties cgncerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased. who died at Thika District, on 3rd November, 2004, grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased,. who died at Thika District, on 6th May, 1995, has has been filed in this registry by Susan Wanjiku Warui, in her capacity been filed in this registry by Evan Nganga Kirima. in his capacity as as an administratrix in the deceased's estate. an administrator of the deceased's estàte. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And furthcr tzke notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of (he proposed grant are invited and must be 1o' dged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must bq lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. tiis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice tbat if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within' thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fol.m within thirtyxt3ol days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as pùblication of this notice, the eourt may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. pmyed or to make such order as it thinks tit. ' Dated the 2nd Atlgust, 2005. Dated the 19th July, 2005. S. M. MOKUA, S. M. MOKUA, District Registrar, Thika. Distriet Registrar, F/?ï&.


PR.OBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslohl CAUSENO. 333 oy 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 297 OF 2005 LET ALL the partits concerned takc notice that a petition for a LET ALL the jarties concerned xtake notipe that a petition for a grant of letters of administration ihtestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Thika Districts olt 28th September, l99 1 . named deceased, who died at Thika District :on 2nd November, 2003, hâs been filed in this registry by Peier Kihiuhi 'Njuguna. of tfariulma. bas been filed in this registry by Mary Nien Mahiuha, in per capacity in his capacity as an administrator of the'deceased's esute. as an administratrix of the deceased's ataie. And further take notice'that .objectiohs in the prescribed fol-m to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in tlhlies rmeagylsitnrgy wofit thhine tphriortpyo (s3e0dj dgraynst oafr peu ibnlvicitaetdio na nodf tmhius snt obtiec elo.dged in this registl.y within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no oljection has been lodged in this regijtry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of . pubhcation of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant af publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as pmyed or to make such order as it thinks t'it. prayed or to make sach order as it thinks tit. Dated the 20th July, 2005. Dated the 2nd August, 2005. S. M. MOKUA, , s. u. uoxuA, District Rcistrar. Tllif.c. l'blvtrlrt Pzloie/rz,r Tlnil.n 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1775

Gu hn'rB NOTICE NO. 6546 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 6549 IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA ' AT MURANG'A IN THE MATTER OF Tl'lE ESTATE OF GUGU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KANYI MUHENIA KANIARU PROBATE AND ADMiNISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 343 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE N0. 249 OF 2004 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of lettel.s of adfninistration intestatt to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kandani Sub-location, Kahumbu named deceasedp who died at Kiambu District. on 2nd August. 1984, Location, Maragua District, on .13th August, 1969, haF been filed in has been tiled in this registry by ( l ) Michael Kanjabi Gugu and (2) this registry by Jackson Kamau Kanyi, of P.O. Box 9, Sabasaba, in his Felomena Wanjiru Njoroge. in their respective capacities as an capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate's estate. administrator and administratrix of the deceased's esêate. And further take notice that objections in the presclibed fonn to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must' be lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this r'cgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this . registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication ef this notke. the court may jroceed to'make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tlt. Dated the 15th February, 2005. Dated the 10th August, 2005. G. K. M WAURA, S. M. MOKUA. District Registran Murang'a. Distrîct Registrar. Thika. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6550 , GAZETTE NO'rlCE NO. 6547 IN TIIE SENIOR PRINCIPZA.L MAGISTRATE' S COLIRT IN Tlv CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANG'A AT THIKA IN THE MATTER OF TllE ESTATE OF GIBSON IN THE MAITER OF Tlœ ESTATE OF FRANCIS WAITA KIHUNGI M UGWE W ARUIRU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 98 OF 2005 SUCCFSSIONCAUSE NO. 346 OF 2005 LET ALL thé parties concerned take notfce that a petition for a LET ALL' the parties concernçd take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate ttj the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kaharati, on 29th lunei 1997, has been named deceased, who died at Gakoe. 'on 18th June, 2005, has been filed in this registl.y by (1) Beatrice Nyambura Waita and (2) Beth filed iil 'this registry' by ( 1 ) Maria .Gathoni Mugwe and (2) Lucy W ambui Waita, both of P.O. Bo< 23, Sabasaba, in their capacities as W airimu Kungu, in thcir capacities as administratrices of the administratrices of the deceased's estate- dcceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicàtion öf this notice. this registly within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection his been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in thè prescribed fol-m within thirty (30) days of the dgte of pqblication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to màke thc grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tk. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 12th August, 2005. Dated the l lth August, 2005. G. K. MWXURA, S. M. MOKUA, District hegistrar, Murtm#'m Dlbtrkct Registrar, T/!f-l-rz.

IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAZE-ITE NOTICE NO. 6548 AT MURANG'A IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPM M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT MURANG'A IN THE MAW ER OF Tiœ ESTATE OF MORTON MUCHOYA M UNGARIA IN THE MATTER OF TI!E ESTATE OF WAMBtIKU KANYI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIOM PROBATE AND ADMIM STRATION succEsslox CAtpsE No. 132 ofï 2005 SuccEsm N CAUSE N0. 248 OF 2004 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration i'ntestate to the estate of the above- grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the Estate of the abqve- named deceased. who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on l 1th named deceased, who died at Kandani Sub-location, Kahul n'bu October, 1988. has been tiled in this registry by Andrew Macharia Location, Maragua District. has been tilcd in this registry bj Jackson M uchoya, of P.O. Box 482, Maragua, in his capacity as an Kamay Kanyi, of P.O. Box 9, Sabasaba. in his capaclty as an administartor of the deceased's estate. adminlstrator of the deceased's estate. Xnd further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tO And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registly within lhirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) dags of publication otthis notice. . And further take notice (hat if no objectihp has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this ' registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) dayg of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty *(10) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may pfoceed to makc thc grant as ptlblfcafion of fhfs notfce, the court may proceed to make the gl-ant as pràyed or to mak: such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 15th February. 2005. Dated the 5tI1 August. 2005. z G. K. MWAURA. Ge K. MW AURA. District Registrar. â/ltrtzll: 'u Distriç:t Serliz/rary Mttrdtg 'a. 1776 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005 t; AZE'I'I'E N o' rlcE No. .6552 I GA/E'IN'E NOTICE Nt). 6555 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE e S COURT I IN THE SEIWOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATF'S COURT AT MURANG'A 1 AT KIAMBU ' IN THE A,IA'i'1YR OF THE ESTATIï OF PETER IN THE MAXER OF THE ES'FATE OF AGNfi'fS ' KARIUKI KARANU ALIAS PEYER IQARIUKI W.ANJIRU KURIA ALIAS PETER JOHN KARIUKI OF NDENDERIJ PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE, RUAKA LOCATION. KIAM BU OISTRICT SLJCCESSION CAUSE NO l . PROBATE ANI7 ADMINISTRATION . l35 Ol7 2005 I 'LE'F ALL the parties concerned take lio' tfce that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 99 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to thtr estate of the abovc- - L.ET ALL the parties concerned take noticc that a petition lbr a named tleceastd, who died at Consolata HospitalNyeri, on 27th May graltt of letters of administration intcstate t() the estatc of the rtbbv/- 2005 . , j named dt ceased. who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, on 13th , has been filed in this registry by Fredrjçk Mwaura Iwturia, of P. 1 0. Box *104 Kahuhia, in his capacity as Mal'ch. 2005. has been filed in thi: registry by ( l ) Susan W-ania , .an adm inistrater of the Kariuki and (2) James Karanu Kariuki, both of P.O. Box 73700, deceased's estate, Nairobi, in their respective capacities as widow and son of thc And further take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to deceased. the making ot the proposed gpnt are invitcd and must be Iodged in And further take notice that objections ip thiz prescribed tbrm to this registo within thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. the rnakîng of the proposed grant are invited and ntust be lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this lhis lekistry within thif'ty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry in the prescribed forro within thilty (30) days of the date of l And fuilher takc notiee that if no objectioll has btlen lodged ill tllis publication of this notice, thc court m ay proceed to make the grant as registry iI1 the prescribed form w'ithin thil'ty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit ' publicatioia of tllis notice. the cotlrt may proceed to Inake the grant as . prayed or go make such oi-der as it tlinks fit. . Dated the 5th August, 2005. ' G. K. MW AURA, Dated the l 2th J uly, 2005. District Registrur, A/lfrl/? e kf. GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6553 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT A'r KIAMBU AT KIAMBU IN THE MATIYR OF THE ESTATE ()F DAVID IN Tl1E MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE! MAINA KAMETHU ALIAS DAVID MAINA KANJABI NGOMO ALIAS GEORGE K. NGOMO KENYANJUI OF WXGUTHU VILLAGE. OF TINGANGA VILLAGE. TINGANGA .LOCATION, W AGUTHU LOCXTION. KIXMBU DISTRICT KIAMBU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE Nï). 227 OF 2002 SIJCCIZSSION CAUSE NO. 136 OF 2005

LET AL' L thc parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the palqties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of adlninistration intestate to the estate of the above- l grant of ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased. who died at 'l'inganga, on 8th Julys 2005, has been nfialmede id deccased, who died at Kamitk, on 28th August, 1998, has been 1 filcd ih this registry bz (1) Alice Njeri Kaniabi and (2) Lucy Mbaire n this regist!'y by. (' 1) George Ngigi Kametllu and (2) Christopher Kanjabi. both of P.O, B. ox 1379, Kiambu, in'tlkeir respective capacities Mbugua Kamdhu, botb of P. O .Box 345, Kiambu, in thcir capacities .1 ' as widow and daughter of the deceased. ' as brothers of the deceased. I And 'further. take notice that objections in the prescribed form'te And fuhhçr take notice ihat objections in the prescribed form to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in ttie making of the proposed grant are invited aad must be lodged in thfs rcgigtry within thirty (30) days of publîcation of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publicatioll pf this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has becn iodged in this And further téltè notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of rtgistry in the prekcribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notiee, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of.this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks flt. pràyed or'to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 8th August, 2005. Dated the 30th Junc, 2005. C. KABUCHO, G. M . NJUGUNA, District Registrar, Kiambu. District Regist rar, Kitlnlbu. .-. .. .- GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6557 GAZEW E NOTICE NO. 6554 IN THE.SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL, MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAS'fBU AT NAIVASHA I.N THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIUD MWAIJRA KABCRI OF MUCHATHA VILLAGE, NJENI'JA MBUGUA KIAMBAA LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRICT ' PROB ATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBM ,E AND ADMINISTkxvjox SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 57 OF 2005 SUccEsslON CAUSE NO. 223 OF 2004 l LET ALL the parties 'concerned take notice that a petition for a LE'f grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- pant of fMett-lrstboof apdzmxiensjsctröanticoonrnjendtetsztazte lotitcjlt; tqhsilat îae opfe ttihttonajlfovrea. j named deceased. who died at Naivasha, on 29th November, 1997, has 'lam been filed in this registry by (1) John Njenga Mbugua and (2) zocl-dk da es cbeeaesnedj jwtzh oj sdti je, aj s arte gltjs ot jryo ,t, yx itajm) bxaaj uohn xnnj tllorg-' cecalmd btezr; IMargaret Njeri Njenga, 1?0th of P.O. Box 67, Naivasha, in their xjoroge Kaburi, of p.o. sox a.zls-j., xakrobi, in thekr capacîties respective capacitkes as son and widow of the deceased. asadnunisrators of tl'e deceascd-s estate . 'And further take notice that ob'j ections in the prescribed fonn to And further takc notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are i nvited and Jnust be lodged in the making of the proposed grapt are invitcd and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicatidn of this notice. tiis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been jodged in this ' And further iake notice that if no objection has becn lodged in this 'registry in the prescribed fonm within thilty (30) days of the date of' registry in .thi prescribed form within. thirty (30) days of the date of Publication of fhis notice, the courf may proceed to make the grant as , ' publication of this notice, the court max proceed to make the grant as prvyed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such ùrdqr as it thinks tit. Date,d the 15th December, 2004.. Dated the 19th M ay, 2005. G. M. NJUGUNA, JENIFFER THUITA, District Registratq A'fffrzflu/y Disirict Registrar, Naivasha. 19th Au g ust , 2005 -1 -1 .-1-t-1 -lk--ip.-m - -Y - A' U- A-Z,-.M- 1 '-t-.eRa 'z '=l T. 'n/

GAZBTTE NO'rICE N0. 6558 GAZETTE NtrrlcE No. 6561 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAU MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NAIVASHA AT KERUGOYA IN THE MATTER OF Tl1E ESTATE OF JAMES IN TI4E MA'ITER OF Tlv ESTATE OF ANDEI,EA NGATIA KIRUMW A ' MBITI kIJBIA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AN 17 ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 85 OF 2005 SUCCESSIONCAUSE NO. 104 OF 2005 . ' LL:- (- ALL tllc parties concerried take llt3tictr (lla( a pcfition fbr a LE'1' ALL the pal-ties concerned take notice that a petition for a jrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estaïe of the above- nalned deceascd, who died at Nandarasi, North Killangop, on 14th named deccased, who died at Kanyokora Sub-location, on 30th December, 2004, has been tiled irl this reyistry by Ruth Mutho'ni ' December, 1990, has been filcd in this registry by Bernard Kimani Kirumwa, of' P.O. Box 24, North Kin'angop, ln her capacity as widow of the deceased. . Mbiti, of P.O. Box 232. Kerugoya, ifj his capacity as an adrninistrator Antl further take noticc that objections in the prcscribed form to of the deceased's estatc. the making of the proposed grant arc invited and must be lodged in And fufther take nofice that objections in the prescribed form to this registry within thirty (30)'days of publicaîion of this notice. th e maki/g of the proposed grant a' re invited and must be lodged in And further taktt notice that if no objectign has been Iodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.

registry in tlle prescribcd form within thifly (30) days t7t' the date of And further take notice that ,if no obliection llas bccn lodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proczed to make the grant as rcgistry in the prescribed ftàrm within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to nlaktl sùch ordcr a% it thinks tit. publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 28th June: 200.5. prayed or to mttke such order as it thinks tit. JENIFFER THUI-f'A, District Registrar, A'fzfvl.v/lc. Dated the 7tI1 July. 2005. J. N. ONYIEGO, listritït Registrars Kerugoya.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6559 GAZETTE NOTICE N().' 6562 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPM MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT NAIVAVHA AT KERUGOYA IN THE MATTEIS OF THE ESTA'IE OF KURIA IN THE MATTER OF Ti'IE ESTATE OF JOSEPH , N)UUUNA MUIRU MURIITHI KIAI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SICCESSION CAUSE NO. 67 OF 2005 SUCCIBSION CAUSE NO. 1 1 1 OP 2005 LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concernetl take notice tliat a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of lettefj of administration intestate to thc estate oj' yhkt abovk:- named deceased, who died at Rwanyambo, on 23t'd M arch, 1996. has named deceased, who died at Mununga, on 18th Algust, 2003, has been filed in this rtgistry by Esther Njeri Kuria. of P.O. Box 80, bcen tiled in this registry by Grace Wangithi M uriithi. bf P,O. Box Mukeu, South Kinallgop. in her capacity as widow of the deceased. 1213. Kcmgoya, in her capacity as an administratrix ()f tlye deceascd's And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to cstate. the making of the proptised grant are invited and must be lodged in And fullber take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. thc making of !he proposed grant are invite'd and must be lodged ii) . And further take notice that if no öbjection has been lodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry .in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication of this noticc. the court may'proceed to make thc grant as A. nd fuhher take notice that if no objettion has bcen lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (10) days o' f the date of lrayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make tlle grant as Dâtcd the 27th June, 2005. ' prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' JENIFFER THUITA, District Registrar. zvtzfvtu/ltz. Datcd the 18th July, 2005. . . J. N. ONYIEGO, Distlict Registrar, Kerugoya.

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NG. 6560 GAZETI'E NOTICE No. 6563 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN TIIE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KERUGOYA AT KERUGOYA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTM E OF KIRIIQA IN THE MAW ER 0F Tl'œ ESTATE 0F MUNENE NJANJA NGOTIV MUCIRI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 71 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSENO. 128 OF 2005 J-ET AL,L the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of lettcrs of administration ingcstate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estatc of the abovel named deceased, who died at Kahawa West, on 30th Juty, 2000, has named deceased, wh9 died at Kirinyaga Nursing Home, on 13th April, been filed .in this registry by ( 1) Damaris Wagamwa and (2) Eunice 2003, has been tiled in this registry by Philisillah W anlguru, of P.O. Wagicoro Kirika, both # P.O. Box l , Sagana, in their capacities as Box 51, Kerugoya, in her capacity as an administratrix pf the administratrices of the deèeaged's estate. deceased's estate. ' And further take notice that objections in the prescribed ibrm to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must 'be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registl'y wlthih thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed förm within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to malce the grant as publication of this notice, !he court may proceed to make the gmnt as praycd or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the July, 2005. Datcd.the 22nd July. 2005. ' l . N. ONYIEGO, J. N. ONYIEGO, District Registran Kerugoya. Distrièt Registrar, Kerugoya. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6564 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6567 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KERUGOYA AT IN THE MATTER OF Tl1E ESTATE OF BENSON ' IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF RUTH KIBUCHI TAMA NZAU MUNYASYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRAT'ION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 132 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 1 1 l OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of lctters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Tumutumu Hospital, on 3rd M arch, named deceased, who died' at Changwithya Lpcation, on 14th May. 2004, has been filed in this registry by Teresia W akagio Kibuchi, of 1984, has been filed in this registry by Musyoka Nz-au, of P.O. Box Kangai lwocation, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's 656. Kitui, in hij capacity as grandson of the deceased. estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invlted and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registfy within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty *(30) days of the date of ' registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to' make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit, prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 17th July, 2005. . Dated the lst August, 2005. M. 0. KIZITO, A. K. ITHUKU, Districê Registrar, Kitui. District Registrar, Kerugoya. GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6568 GAZETFE NOTICE NO. 6565 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRARE'S COURT AT KITUI AT KERUGOYA IN THE MATTER OF TI'IE ESTATE OF JAMES IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF GIKUNJU KISENGA MATI W ANDAKA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBA'I'E AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSENO. 112 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE h10. 150 Ol7 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LàT ALL the partie's concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of adlninistration intestate to the estate of tile above- named deceased, who died at Mithini Sub-location, M utonguni, Kitui, named deceased, who died at Kirimunge, in 1960. has been filtwd in on 26th December, 2001, has been tiled in this registry by Kawila this registry by Jason Matia Svanjuri, of 13.0. Box 6, Kag. io, in his l Kisenga Mati, of P.O. Box 1, Tulia, in her capacity as widow of the capacity as an administrato'r of the deceased's estate. ' deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the maklng of the proposed grant are invitcd and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant. are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days o' f publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication pf this n6tice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed furm within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order-as it thinks t'it. prayed or to make such order as it thipks lit. ' Dated the 10th August, 2005. Dated the 18th July, 2005. J. N. ONYIEGO, E. K. M AKORI, District Registrar, Kerugoyu. District Registrar' Kitui.


SYANDA MUT. ITINZI NGULI MWAKALI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssloN CAUSE NO. l 10 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l 13 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties' concerned take notice that a petition for jt LET AlwL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of -letters 'of administratitm intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration inteshte to the estate (,f the abeve- named deceased, who died at Kangungi Sub-location, on 3rd named deceased, who died at M uthale Hospital, tm 1 7tb Fcbruary. September, 2004, has been filed in this reglstry by Janeffer Kakwasi 1998, has been filed in this registry by (1) Mawia Muthengi, (2) Syanda, of P.O. Box 51, Kabati, in her capacity as widow of the Kasimi Muthengl, (3) Julius Musyimi Muthengi and (4) Ndeleva deceased. . Mutava Muthengi. in their capacitics as sons V the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to the making of the proposed grant are invitcd and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in . this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 10th July, 2005. Dated the 19th July, 2005. E. K. MAKURI, E. K. MAKORI, District Reaistrar, Kitui. District Revistrar. &ï/?zF. l 9th August. 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1779

GAZE'ITE NOTICENO. 6570 G AZETFE NOTICE NO. 6573 IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KITUI AT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MATHANO IN TI4E MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOASH KISYULYA SHAGULULA ALIAS YAKULULA ATINGO OF PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION MUGEN LOCATION, NANDI DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. l 16 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATJON LET ALL the pal-tics concerned take notice that a petition for a SWCESSION CAUSE NO. 1 1 OF 2004 grant of letters of administl-ation intestate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concerned take noticc thyt a petition for a namedqdeceased, who died at Katwala. on 19th March. 2005, has been grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- filed in this registry by Muthini Mathano, of P.O. Box 1059, Kitui, in named deceased, who died at Mugen Sub-location, Mugen Location, her capacity as widow of the deceased. (?n 13th November, 2002, has beçn filed in this registry by Agneta And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to Yakulùla Mudoro, of P.O. Box 157, Serem, in her capacity as an the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in administratrjx of the deceased's estate. ' this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. An( further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that if no objectiori has been lodged in this the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of tbe date of this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of - Dated the 28th July, 2005. publication of this notice, the coul't may proceed to make the grant as E. K. MAKORI, prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. District Registrar, Kitui. Dated the 8th August, 2005. J. M. NJOROGE, GU E'IR'E NOTICE NO. 6571 District Registran Kapsabet. IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GAZE'PTE NOTICE NO. 6574 IN THE MATFER OF THE ESTATE OF HOSEA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT MUCUKU MUNJUGA ALIM HOSEA AT KAPSABET MUCHUKU M UNJUGA OF KIRIITA IN THE MATTER OF TEIE ESTATE OF LUBUSI LOCATION, NYANDARUA DISTRICT AYOTI ALIAS SOLOMON LUBUSI AYOTI 0/ PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION MUGEN LOCATION, NANDI DISTRICT SUCCESSION CAUSNNO. l04 OF 2005 . PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LEr2 ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 23 OF 2004 grant of letters of administration intestàte to the estate of the above- ' LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died at Shauri, Nyandarua. on 22nd August, grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- 2004, has been filed in this registry by John M wangi Mucuku, of P.O. named decease d ,who died at Kamimei Sub-location, Mugen Location, Box 890. Nyahururu, i'n his capacity as an administrator of the on 6th May, 1995, has been tiled in this registry' by (1) Beatrice dcceased's estate. Khahunzu Luvusi aqd (2) Luke Sakwa, both of P.O. Box 198, Serem, And further take notice that objectibns in the prescribed fonn to in their respective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in (he deceased's esfate.

this registr.y within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And furthcr take notice that obje,ctions in the pregcribed form to And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this thek making of the .proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in registry jn the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. publication of this notice, the cpurt may proceed to make the grant as And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty' (30) days of the date of Dated the 22nd July, 2005. publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the .grant as S. M . M UNGAI. prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. District Registrar, kyc/lqrl/rlz. Dated the 2vd Aujust, 2005. J M xjoRoGE, District Reaistrar, Kapsabet. GAZETIT. NOTJCE NO. 6572 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAZBTI'E NOTICE NO. 6575 AT NYAHURURU IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATFER OF T2E ESTATE OF GABRIEL . AT SIAYA GATHIRIMU WAW ERU OF NGARUA DIVISION. IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF OWADHO LAIKIPIA DISTRICT MALOMBA UMIDHA OF SIAYA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO, l05 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 69 OF 2005 1. ET ALL the parties cùncernedbake notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased, who died along Karandi-Kinamba Road, Laikipiw on grant of letters of administration intestatc to the estate of the above- ' l 1th December. 1999, has been ffled in this registry by (1) Maritha named deceased, who died at Nyandiwa Sub-location, Asiro Village, Wanjim Gathirimu and (2) Peter Wawel'u Gathirimu, both oî P.O. Box on 6th May, 1995, has been filed in this registry by Patrisia Adongo 6. Ngarua, Karandi, irl their respective capacities as an adfriinistratrix Owadho, of Kaugagi Sub-location, P.O. Box 192, Siaya, in her and administrator of the'deceased's estate. capacity as widow of the deceased. And further take notice that obiections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in $he prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within tllirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form witbin thirty (3% days of publicatioii of this noticc, the caurt may proceed to make the grant as . the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. publication of this.notice, the court may proceed to make the gmnt as Dated the 22nd July, 2005. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 13th July, 2005. y' S. M. MUNGAI, . M . OMFNTA, District Rdrtgll'tz?', Nyahururu. District Registran S'iqJ'J. I'JAZE'In'E N(m-!cE N() 6575 G/IGE'IV'E NOTICE No. 6579 IN THE SENIOR RESIDZNT MAGISTRATE'S COtJ1tT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT ' A'r KANGEMA .:3' KN IADO IN THE MATW R OF THE ESTATE 0F MBUKI PROBATE AND ADMiNISTRATION KURIA 'I-AF.E NOTICE that an application having been nlade in this coul-t PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in: ' SUCcb.'ssI()N CAUSE NO: 25 O17 2005 CAUSE NO. 10 OF 2004 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a pctition for a grant of lzttktrs of administration intestate to the cstate of the above- By Elias Tarayia Mukari, of P.O. Box 273, Emali in Kenya, the nanied deceased, who died at Gikui 'Village, on 2()th September, 1978, dcceased's son, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate to the has been tiled in this reglstry by Chege Mbuki, of P.O. Bily. 12 1, estate of Mukari' Nengiipa Onnungut. late of Kenyawa Location, who Kangema, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased-s estate. died at Nguso Village, o11 20th July, 1998. And further take notice, that objections in the prescribe:d forfn (o The court will proceed te issue the same unless caTse be shown to the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be ludg' ed in the contrary and appearance in this respect entcred within thil'ty (30) this registry wiïhil thil'ty (30) days of publication of this notice, days from the date of the publication of this notice in' the kenw G (JZCt :e . ' ' And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this rtzgistry in the prcscribcd forfn within thirty (30) days of the date of Dated the 10th August, 2005. publication of this notice, thc court may proceed to make the grant as R. A. OGANYO, prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Disïrict 'djGowr, . Dated the 27th June, 2005. . G. P. NGARE. Disêrict Registral', Kangema. GAZE-I-I'E NOTICENO. 6580 G' AZF,'I'T li xo-ucn xo .'.b5z-; IN THE SENiOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN TI4E SENIOR RESiDENT MAGISTRATE'S COUR'T J.T WEBUYE AT NAN Yî.JKI PROB/-RE AND ADMINBTRATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BERNARD MWANGI W ACHIRA OF LN KIPIA TAKE NOTICE that applications llaving been made in this court PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION in: SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 6 OF 2005 CAIJSE NO. 27 Oi7 2005 LET A1.A, the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a By Leah Makonjo Wepukhulu, for a grant of letters of grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- administration intestate to the estgtc of .lames Nabachenja Sitini, latc named deceascd, who died at Distric' t Hospital, Murang'a, on 15th of Kîungani, Trans Nzoia, who died on 24th Aplil'. 2005. August, 2004, has been filed in this registry by James W-acbira CAUSE NO. 28 OF 2005 Kariithi, of P.(). Box 28, , in his capacity as an adlninistrator of the deceased's èstate.' By Enoch Sirengo Siata, of P.O. Box 40, Pukembe in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the cstate of Godfrcy And further take notice that objections in the .prescribed form to Sirerlgo Siata, latc of Bukembe, who died on 10th June, 2005. the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry wilhin thii'ty (3 0) davs of publication of this notice. The court w'ill proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to And furthcr take notice that if no obiection has been Iodged in this thc contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) : registry in the prescribed form within thirty t30) days of the date of days from thc date of the publicatien of this notice i1l the Kenya publication of this ntltice, the court may proceed to make the grant as Gazette. prayed or to make such order as it thinlts tit. Dated the 4th Augusq 2005. Dated the 18th July, 2005. P. M. MULW A, . R. N, MURIUKI, District Registrar, Webuye. . District Registrar, Nanyuki.

GAzgn's xcm c: xo. 6578 ' IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KAPSABET (JAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 6581 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court AT CHUKA ' in ; IN TllE MAD'ER OF Tl1E ESTATE 0/ KINYUKU CAUSE NO. 26 Ol7 2005 IMUNYA By (1) John Asuva Livcndi and (2) Jane Aduvukha, both of P.O. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Box 4, Nandi Hills fn Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 69 OF 2004 intestate to the estatc of Makarita, Shinangori, late of Chcbara, who LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a dicd there. on 16th April, 2001 . grant of i rtters o f adm'inistration intestate to the estate of the above- CAUSE NO. 79 OF 2004 named deceased, who died at Magumoni Location, on 231-d August, 1992. has been tiled in this registry by lmuru Kinyuku, of P.O. Box 3, By David Kiplimo Koech, of P.O. Box 137, Kabujoi in Kenya, for lkuu, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. a grant of letters of adlninistration intestate to the estate of Baraiywa Kipkatam, late of Kaptumek, who died there, en 6th July, 1985. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in The court will procecd to issue the same unless cause be shown to tlie comtrary and appearance in this respect entcred within thirty (30) this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. days from the date of the publication of this notice in the Kenya And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this Gazette. registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the coul't may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 4th July, 2005. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated ihe 8th June, 2005. A. N. KIM ANI, District Registran C/l?z/(o. GAZETFE NOTICE NO. 6582 GAZF.TI'E NO'I'1CE NO. 6585 IN THE SENIOR RESIDEN'F MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COIJRT AT CHUKA AT Vll1lGA IN THE MATTER OF TH-E ESTATE OF M'RUGANE IN THE MAW ER OF Ti1E ESTATE OF DISFION GACHUIRI KEYA KAYUGIRA ALIAS DISHON KEYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCIM-ESSION CAIJSE N(-p. 23 OF 2005 SIJCCIBSION CAUSII NO. 63 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned tak: notice that a petition for a LET ALI.a the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of Ietters of admiliistration intestate to the estate of the above- named deccascd, wbo died at Gitarene, on 6th April, 1981, has been named deceased, who died at Madzuu Sub-location, on 10th April. filed in this registry by M'Kea M'Ruganc. ()f P.O. Box 48, Ikuu, in his 1979, has been filed in this registry by Sena lngadira Vidari, in her . capacity as an administrato; of the deceased' s estate ' eapacity as widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the presltribed form to And further take notice that objeçtions in the prescribed fonn to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged irl the making of the proposttd grant are invited and must bc lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this llotice. this registry within thil'ty (30) days of publicatiofl of this notice. And furthcr take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take Iiotice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribcd fonn whhin thirty (30) days of tlke date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, thc court may proceed to make the grant as pubjication of tùis notiee, the court may proceed to make tbe grant as prayed or to nlakc sucl) order as it thinks fit. prayed .or to make stlch ordet as it thiklks fit. Dated the 9th May. 2005. Dated the 2nd August, 2005. ?.k. N. KIM ANI. ' P. W . MACHARIA. Disîrict Scpgfrtzr, Chuka. District J?ea,gg/rcr, .

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6533 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISRXATE'S COURT ' GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6586 AT IN TIIE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF GUDE AT MIGORI BAHARI MWANYAHI 1% THE MAT'I'ER OF Tlv ESTATE OF OUMA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ' OUMA SUCCESSION CAUSENO. 39 OF 1005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . LET ALL the parties conccrncé tqke notice that a petition for a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 75 OI7 2003 grant of letters of administration with the will annexed to the estate of LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition för a thc above-named deceased, who dîed at Mtepeni, M twapa, has been graht of letters of administration intestate to the cstate of the above- filed in this registry by Kombo Luhya Gude, of Mtepeni, in his namcd deceased, who died at Kawere 11 <1B*' Spb-location, on 6th July. capacity as an executor named in the deceased's will. 1997, hak been tiled in this registry by Chgrles Otieno Oumas in his And furthcr take notice that objections in the prescribed form to capacity as son of thc deceased. the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. the making of the proposed grant are' invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. rcgistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days' of the date of d to make the grant as And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proceex registry in the lprescribed form within thirty (50) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. publication of this nqtice, the court may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 26th July, 2005. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. C. 0. OBULIJTSA, Dated the 28th April, 2003. . District Registran #f/#@. S. 0. ATONGA. Note.-l'hz will mcntioned above has been deposited in and is open to District Registrar, Migori. inspection at the court.


IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 6587 ' AT VIHIGA IN TI4E SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GRACE AT M IGORI OMWOYO MUSERA IN Tl4E M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MISHAEL PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION HAW KINS NYANDIKA SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 62 OF 2005 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET w4LL the parties concerned take noticp that a petition fol. a SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 326 OF 2005 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate flf the above- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a named deceased. who died at Ikumba, on 2nd June, 2 004, has been grant of letters of administration- intcstate to the estate of the above- filed in this registry by Safan Musera, in his capacity aj son of the named deceased: who died at M igori, on 20th April, 2005, has been ' deceased. filed in this 'reglstry by Sibia Kerubo Nyandika, in her capacity ase' widöw of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribeà form to ' the making of the proposed grant are invitcd and must be lodged in And ( urther take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. athe making of the proposed grant arc invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication Pf this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days pf the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as praye' d or to make such order gs it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. ' Dated the 2nd August, 2005. Dated the'27th July, 2005. . P. W . MACHARIA, . s. o. awjxo> District Registrar, Vihiga. District Reqistrar. Migori. 1782 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005 ' . GAZETI'E NOTIUENO. 6588 GAZEITE NOTICE NO. 6591 IN THE SENIQR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S CDURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MIGORI AT IN THE MATTER OF TilE ESTATE OF OGUTU IN THE MAU ER OF Tl'lE ESTATE OF DESMON OWINO OF MIGORI DISTRICT LIKUYI MUYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 359 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 14 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned 'take notict that a petition for a grant of letters of admiôistration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Kabuoro Sub-loçation, on 6th named deceased !who died at Lubinu, on 13th July, 2004, has beep September, 2001 2has been tiled in this registry by (1) Paulo Owuor filed in this reglstry by Patrick Nangole Likuyi, irj his capacity as Ogutu and (2) xNlllca Achieng Nyakwana, in their respective capacities father of the deceased. . , as son and buyer of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed for!n to And ftfrther take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the prbposed grant are invit'ed arid mhst be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registly within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. Ané further take notice thét if no'objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within (hirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notices the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. prayed or to make such order ys it thinks tit. . Dated the 22nd July. 2005. Dated the 10th August, 2005. P. K. SULTANI, E. 0. AWINO, District Registrar, Munlias. District Registran Migori. '

GAZE'ITE NOTICE N0. 6589 GAZE'ITE NOTICSNO. 6592 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISRATE'S COUIW IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MIGORI AT MUMIAS IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MAKOKHA IN THE MATTER OF Tl'lE ESTATE OF OCHARO ELIMA MAFWABI OFUO OF' MIGORI bISTRICT ' . % PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBA'IE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSIONCAUSENO. 372 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 22 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administmtion intestate to the estate of the 'above- grant of letters of adm' inistration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Khaunga, on .5th October, 200% has named deceased, who died at Kabuoro Sub-location. on 20rh been filed in this registry by Mwanaisha Makokhà Opondo, of P.O. November, 1999, has been tiled in this registl'y by Mishael Abuoro Ocharo, in his capacity as son of the deceased. Box 6434, Nairobi, in her capacity as widow of the dcceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and musf be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are ipvited aqd must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registl'y within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prtscribed fonp within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publicatign of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as pmyed or to make such order as it thiltks tit. prayed or to makd such order as it thinks 5t. 1 Dated the 22nd July, 2005. . Dated the 10th August, 2005. P. K. SULTANI, E. 0. AWINO, ' District Registrar, Migori. District Registrar, Mumias.

Gxzsrrs NoTlcsxo. 6590 GAZEITENPTICE NO. 6513 IN THs SENIOR R'ESIDENT MAGISRATE'S cotm'r IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MIGORI AT OYUGIS IN 'I'HE MATTER OF Tlv ESTATE OF JOSEPH IN TIIE MATIER OF THE ESTATE OF NGAK MASEGESO MANGARE UF MIGORI DISTRICT NYALANGO PROBARE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 375 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 41 OF 2005 LET AL,L the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of lettcrs of administration intestatô to the estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at St. Joseph Hospital, on 17th M arch, named deceased, whù died at Kachieng, on 12th May 1962, has been 1996, has been filed in this registry ' by Johnes Gati O'boke, il1 his t'iled in this registry by James Magawwa Ngak, in hls capacity as an capacity as son of the deccased. administrator of the deçeased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed-form to Aùd further teake notice that objections in the prescribed fgrm to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of pl-lblication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice tllat if no objection las been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form 'within thirtf (30) days of the date of iégistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the dgte of N blication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this noticey' the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fk. prayed or to make such order as it thinks lit. Dated the 12th August, 2005. Dated the 4th-August, 2005. G. K. MWAURA, R. C. BIOMNDO, District Registrar, Higori. District Reg' istrar, Oyugis. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1783


SUCCESSION CAUSE NO, 14 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 14 OF 2005 LET ALL the partics concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of lettçrs of administration intestate to the estate of the .above- named deceased, who died at W atuha 2on 3rd February, 2001. has bcen named deceased, who died at Guama Sub-location, on 20th August, filed in this registry by Peter Kanla Mwangi, of P. 0. Box 1 19, 1976, has lxen filed in this registry by Njagi Njoka, of P. 0. Box 4 1. Kangema, in his capacity as ap administrator of the deceased's estate. ' Kianyaga, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceysed's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to the making of tNe proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publicatien of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it think.s tit. tmblication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 21st March, 2* 5. prayed Vto make such order as it thinks fit. G. P. NGARE, Dated the 6th July, 2005. District Registrar, Kangema. A. LOROT, District Registrar, Gicllugu.

GAZETFE NOTICE NO. 6595 GAZETTE NOTICENO. 6598 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN TI-IE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT RUNYENJES AT GICHUGU' IN THE M ATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF NJERU IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET M 'MITI OF KIANGUNGI SUB-LOCATION WERERI NGARI ê' PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 59 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 15 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned takc notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the .estate of the above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who digd at Embu District, on 1st February, 1993, narned decrased, .who died at Rungeto Sub-location, on 27th Octobec has been tiled in this reglstry by Johnson Kinyua Njeru, of P. 0. Box 2003. has been tiled in thisqregistry by Njim Ngari Mutei, of P.O, Box 70, Runyenjes, in his capacity as son of the deceased. 57, Kiamutugu, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's ' And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to estate. . . the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And further tgke notice that objections in the prescribed form to this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. the rpaking of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30) days of the date of And further lake notice that' if no objection has been lodged in this publication of this nbtice, the court may Troceed to make the grant as registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as Dated the 25th July, 2005. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. D. 0. ONYANGO, Dated the 6th July, 2005. District Registrar, Runyenjes. A. LOROT, District Registrarb Gichugu.

GAZm 'E N()')'ICE NO. 6599 GztzErl'lï NOTICE NO. 6596 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GICHUGU AT GICHUGU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUGUTU IN JHE MAWER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER KANGURU M URANGU KAMAU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 11 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 16 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a fET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petitioy for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of tle above- grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- named decease d Twho died at M/ea Mission Hospital, on 14th May. named deceased, who died at Rwambiti, on 8th January, 1998, llas 2004, has been filed in this registry by Lucy Muthoni Murangu, of P. been tiled in this registry by Octivious Njoka Mugum, of P. O'. Box 0. Box 40, Kianyaga, in her capacity as an administratrix of the 29, Kianyaga, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's deceased's estate. . estate. And further take notice that objections in tike prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in the making of the proposed' grant are invited and must be lodged 'in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry wiîhin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And furtier take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registfy in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice. the dourt may proceed to make the graqt as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 61 July, 2005. Dated the 13th July, 2005. . . A. LOROT, A. LOROT, District Registrar, Gichugu. District Registrar, Gichugu. GAZETTE NOTICE h1O. 6600 ' GAZE'IN'IZ NO'INICE NO. 6603 IN THE RRSIDENT MXGIS'FRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S CIIUltT AT GICHIJGU AT MOLO IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIBURI IN THE MATTER OF TI4E BSTATE OF W AMBUGU KITH?KA ' NGARI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCUESSION CAUSE NO.17 Ol7 2005 SLTCCESSION CAUSE NO, 33 OF 2005 LET ALL tlze parties concerned take notice that a petititm for a LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a grant of lettcrs of adrninistration intcstate to the estate of the above- grant of lctters of administration ïntestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Naivasha, on 24th July, 2004 n19a9m2ed deceased .ï who died at Raimu Sub-location, on 8th Auqtlst, . has been . has been flled itl this registry by Eugenius Ntlambiri Kiburl, ol tiled in this registry by ( 1) Bernard Kiongo 'Wambugu and (2) Moses P. 0. Box 40. Kianyaga, in l'tis capacity as an administrator of the ' Kagwi Wambugu, both of P. 0. Box 73, h.'lolo, in their capacities as deceased's estate. sons of the deceased. And furthe' r take notice that objections in the prescribed 'form' to And further take notice that objections in the prescribad foml to the making of tlle pjoposed grant are invit:d and mus: be lôdged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thjrty (30) days of publication of th/s noticc. this registc within thirty (30) days of publicatien of this notice. ' ' And further takè notice that i'f no objection has been iodged in this A nd further take notice that if no 'objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescrlbed form lithin thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (10) days of the dattz of publication of this notice, the court may proceed tfl make the grant as publication of this notice, tbe court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such ordtq' as it thinks fit. pmyed or to make such order thinks fit. Dated the 13th July, 2005, ' Dated'the 4th. July, 2005. ?s. LOROT, R. K. KIRUI, District Registrar, Gfcàlfglf. Distrîct Regislrar, Mtzff?.

GAZETrE NOTICE NO. 6601 GAZEITE NOTICE N0. 6604 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT GiCHUGU AT M OLO IN'THE MATTER OF THE ESTA'I'E OF MWANIKI IN THE VATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NYAGWOKA GITORIO ' LUKE OTUKE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SUCCFSSION CAUSE 1*40. 18 OF 2005 Stlcclïsslolq CAUSENO. 34 olR 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of admihistration intestate to the estatr of, lhtw abtlke- grant of Iettsrs of administratiol intestate lo the estate of the .above- named deceased wh0 died at Kiritine Sub-location, i!4 19 7 i , l,a:; tleen llpmed deceased, who died at Matata N. Ilospital, on 24th August, tiled in this rçg:l stry by Blasious Yjpka Mbvaniki, oî 1. z. 0. B()x 6 l . 2004, has. been filed in this registq hy Joyce Kerubo Otuke, of P. 0. Kianyaga, in hIs capacity as an admlnlstrator of the dtceasep's estate. Box 156, Molo, in her capacity as wldow of tlle deceased. And further take notice that objections in the preseribed fenn to Ahd further take notice that objections in the prescribed fonn to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be iodged i1h the making of the proposed grant arc invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this llotlcc. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice that if no objection has Ven lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has bcen lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the ctmrt may proceed to makc the grant as prayed or to make such order as it.thinks tit. . prayed or tp make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 13th July, 2005. Dated the 8th July, 2005. A. LOROT, R. K. KIRUI, District Registrar, Gichugu. District Registrar, zvra/fa.

GAZETTE NOTICE YO. 6602 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6605 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT MOLO AT MOLO IN THE MATTER OF TI4E ESTATE OF MWANGI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE GICHERA NJOROGE MUNGAI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ' PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 24 OF 2004 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 35 OF 2005 J LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- grant of letters of adnlinistration intestate to the estate of the above- named deceased, who died at Molo. on 23rd August. 2002, has been named deceased, who died at Kikuyu Hospital, on 30th November, tiled in this registry by Samuel Wangom, of P. 0. Box'36. Molo, in his 2004, has been filed in this registry by Philsira Gakenia Njoroge, of capacity as son of the deceased. ' P.O. Box 467. Molo. in ller capacity as w'idow of the dçceased. And further take notice that objection's in the prescribed fonn to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thiçty (30) days of publication of this notice, this registry within thilly (30) days of publication of this notice. And further take notice tlmt if no objection has been Iodgcd in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lod/ed in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days ('41- the date of publication of this noticç, the court may proceed to make thç grant as publication of this notice,' the court may procecd to make the grant as piayed or to make such order as it thinks t'it, pmyed cv to Inake such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 8th July, 2005. Dated the 18th July. 2005. R. K. KIRUI, R. K. KIRUI, District Registrar, Molo. District Registrar, Molo. 19+ August, 2œ 5 THE KENYA GAZE'ITB 1785

G/kZZ,t zr :41711œ No. &2,n,: GA= E NoTlcE No. 66* * IN THE .V SIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN IME RESIDBNT MAOISTRATE'S COURT AT M OLO AT WEBUYE IN TIIE M ATFER OF TlIE ESTATE OF IOSEPH IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF ISM AH HURIA KIMOTHO WANYONYI KUTOSI PROBATE AND ADMIM STRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCFM ION CAUSE NO. 36 OF 2œ 5 SUCCF/SION.CAUSE NO. 61 OF 20* LET ALL' tlïe parties concemed take notice *at a petition for a LBT ALL the parties co' ncerned take notice that a petition for a grant of lettem ùf administration intestate to the estate of tlle abovq- grant of Ietters of adminiseation intestate to the tstate of the above- nm/e2 deceased, Fho died at Molo Township, oh l0th .luly, 2*5, has ' namtil deceased, who died at khmukuywa, in 1996, has been filed in been filed i: this registry by Pàuline Nyambura Htjria, of P.O. Box thi: regisyy by Khamala Ndinyo, of P.O. Box 323, Kilnilili, in Ms 1 19, M olo. in llçr capacity as.widow of dle deceased. capacity as att administrator of the decèased's estke. And fmther take notice that objectionj in the prescribed fonn to And' furtheç take notice that objettionj in tlle prescribed form to the makin: of the proposed grant are invlted and must be lodged in the paking of the proposed grant are inwted and must be lodged in

this registry witbin thirty (30) days of publicatioà of this notice. ' this registry' within thirt'y (30) days of publicârion of yhis notice. . ' ' ' . - And ftuther take Itoticc that if no objection has beelt lodged in this' And further take nètice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in thq prescribed form withitt tltirty 00) days of the date of registty in tlte prescribed fonn within thirty (3W days of tlw fhte of publication of this notice. the court may procead to make the grant as publication of this notice, tlle court may proceed to make the graqt as pmy e.,d or to m' a k'e such order as it thinks tit. prayed or to make suc; order as it thinks fit. Dated the 27th luly, 2005. Datéd the 28th Iuly, 2005. R. K. KIRUI, P, M . MULW A, District Regixfmr, Molo. District Registrar, Wkâuye.

GM E'ITE NOTICE NO. 6607 GM ETFE NOTICE NO. 6610 IN 'IME RESIDENT MAGISTRAW 'S COURT IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT WEBUYE AT MOLO IN THE MAW ER OF TIIE ESTATE 0F JOEL IN THE MATIER QF TIIE ESTATE OF ANDREW M'MASI KUBUYO MUMA OMARI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBAW AND ADMINISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 14 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 37 CJF 2005 LE'I' ALL the parties conceled take notice that a petition for â LET ALL the parties concerned take 'notice that a petition for a . grant of letters pf administration intestatq to the estate of the above- grant of lètters of administration intestate to the estate of the above- npmed deceased. who died at Taide Sub-location, on 14th January, nametl deceased, who died at NeW Nyanzaa Provincial General 2005. has beaen tiled in this registry by Simon Musee M'Masi, of P.O. Hospitàl, im 28th Novembcr, 2094, has been filed in this rcgistry by Ommi Raymond, of P. 0. Box 547. Molok 'in his capacity as son of the Box 5l. Webuye, in his capaciyy as an adlninistrator of the deccased*s deceased. estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribcd form to And fnrther take notice that objections in the presmibed fol'm to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within tllirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. . And flmher take notice tbat if no objcction has bcen lodged in this And further take notice that if no' objection has been lodged in this registry in the prcscribed form Within thirty (30) days of the date of registry in the prescribead form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice' the court lnay proœed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make-the grant as pryyed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . rayed or to make -such order às it thinks tit P . Dated !he .28th Iuly, 2005. Dated the 20th June, 2005. R. K. KIRUI, P. M . M ULW A. District Se#ixç/rcr, Molo. Dîstrict Replflfrlr, Feâlzye.

GAZM ENOTICENO. 6608 GAZE'ID'E NcrrlcE No. 661 1 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATF S COURT IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT ' AT BUTERE A'P ELDAMA RAVINE IN Tlœ MATIER OF TI'lE BSTA'PE OF IOHN IN THE'M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCiS ESHIBW AKA W AMBUNYA KIPKOECH KIPLAGAT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBA'IE AND ADMINISTRATION SUcCEssION CAIJSE NO. 60 OF 2005 SUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 2 OF 2005 LET ALL the parties concerned takc notice that a #etition for a LFT ALL the partiet concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration integtate to the èstate of tlle above- grant of letters of adlninistration intestate to tlle estate of .the abovf- 11 amed deccased ' who died at St. Maryfs Hospital. on 1.9th June, !997, . name.d deceased? who digd on 12th July, 2000, has becn tiled in this nàs been filed m tllis yegistry by Grace Achitsi Eshipwakw in ler registry by (1) Linah Rotlch Kangogo and (2) Kangogo Koech, in their capacity as widow of tilc deceésed. respective capacities as widow and daughter of the dtceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in tlle prescribed form to And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to tly making of the proposed graltt a' re invited and must bé lodged in the making of th: proposed grant are ihvited and must be lodged in tltls registry within tllirty (30) days of publication of this notice. this registry within. thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. And' further take notice that if no'objection has been lodged in this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in tllls registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) da#s of the date of registry in the prescribed fonn within thirty (30), days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tk. 1)l'ayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated tbe 4th Jtme. 2005. Dated tl' e 81 August 2* 5. B. 0. OCHIENG'. W . M. KAGENDO, District Registrar, Butere. District Regislrar. Fltflmfz Ravine. 1786 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6612 THE! WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT tcf-w. :513) NOTICETOTRADERS AN INSPECTOR of weights and measures will be visiting the placés indicated hereunder for the pul-pose of assizing and Mampin? tfaders' weighing and meastlring equipment on the dates shown. . ' AI1 iraders within a radius of twenty (20) kilometres of the places mentioned are requirel under the Iyovisions of the Weights and Measureg Act, to produce to îhe inspector, weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments which are in thelr possession for assize and stamping. Only instruments which, by reasop Of their being pennanently tixed or of their delicate construction, cannot be converliently moved and any weighing instruments the weighing capacity of which exceeds 500 kg. will be asgized in situ, Tfaders in possession of such jngtruments may comply with this notice by notifying thc inspcctûr in writing as to the types'capacity and location of thz instrumtnts gt ltast three (3) days in advance of the datê op ' which the equipmelt is to be produced as is notified hereunder: . , Addlvss t?f inspector orplace to w/lf(,/l the . ' ' . . rktl//ct?tîon underparagraplt 3 Kl4?lz/tf be Jerl? Stllmpinll &&!it7rl DGte fM whîch et?&îF7?W?l/ lF Time . . , to j,: prodvced Provincial W eights and Measures Ofticer, P.O. ' Box 81833, Mombasa ' Vanga 29th August, 2005 Lunga Lunga 3(kh August, 2œ 5 Kikomeni 31st August, 200.5 Shimoni .1st Sèptember, 2005 Morning . Ramisi 1st September, 2005 Afterlloon Shimba Hillk 12th September, 2005 Lukcle 13th September, 2005 Tiribe 14th September, 2005 Moming Mkongani . 14th September, 2005 Afternôon Kinango 15th September, 2005 Msambweni 26th September, 2005 Dkunda ' 27th Se/ember, 2005 Tiwi 28th Scp. 2005 Moming Ngflmeni 28th Sep. 2005 Aftenmoll 29th September, 2005 Mackinon Road 3rd October, 2005 Morning Taru 3rd Octoberj 2005 Aftmmotm Samburu 4th Odcber, 2005 Koibatek Distrîct - Provincial Weights and Measures Officer, P.O. Kisanana,ollkokwe 2th August, 2003 Box 269, Naku'ru Esageli, Kiplombe 9th August, 2005 Kabimoi, Muserechi 10th Augusq 2005 Eldàma Ravine . 1 l!h to l 2th August. 2005 Makutano,Maji Mazuri l 5th August, 2005 Equjttor,Mlango 1- 3sHilI Tea 16th August, 2005 Timboroa, Seguton 17th Atlgust, 2005 PorocTorongo 18th August. 2005 Kiangoi; Sirwa 19th August, 2005 Mogotio 2211t1 August, 2005 Lomolo, Maji Moto, Alfega 231-d Avgust, 2005 Noiwetfmining,saos 24th Adgust, 2095 Kimose, Rada, Maoi 25th August, 2005 Solian, Sabatia Farmers 26th August, 2005

Buringo . District Marigat 5th September. 2005 Tangulubei, Chepkacha. Chmo 6th September, 2005 Nginyang, Chemulingot, Kapedo 7th September. 2005 Endai,RzNg'ambo 8th September. 2005 Loruk, Kambi ya Samaki 9th September. .2005 Kimalel, Koriema, Kibigor 12th Scptember, 2005 Kasuiyjt, Kituro 13th September, 7005 Kabasis, Timboywo. Kiptagich 14th September. 2005 ' 15th and 16th Sept. 2005 Chebaren, Tenges 26th September, 2005 Barwesa 27th September, 2005 Trimonin, Kasisit, Talai 28th Septemmber 2005 Bartolimo. Kipsaraman. Bartabwa 29th September, 2005

? 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1787

éddrcss q/ïalpec/tpr or plccé to wàfcll tbe ' notè'ficadtnt lfat/er/iarcjfrrzp/l .? should be sent SJJ?;?7ïa# 'PJ/F/>a Date E'zl B'hich equilgment 5.î Time ' to !)e produced $ ' Ossen, Pemwai, Kabartonjo 3OtN September, 2005 Loboi. Bogoria 3rd October, 2005 Kiserian, Makutano 4th October, 2005 Kisok,Kakelewa, Kipkayo 5th Octtlber, 2005 Cheplambtls, Poi, Katurnoi ' 6th October, 2005 Salaw, Kapluk 7th October, 2005 Nakuru Municipality Welghts and Measures Office ' 17th to 2 lst October, 2005 Lanet, Nkuc underi Road 24th October, 2005 Umoja-l , l7moja-2 25th Octtlbcr, 2005 4 Free Area Chiers Office 26th to 28th October, 2005 Piave, Pwani 3l$t October, 2005 Bondeni Chief s Oftke 1st to 3rd November, 2005 Kaptembwa Chicf's Office 7th to l 1th November, 2005 Kakamega District Jrtwincial W tights and Mtasures Officer, P.O. M udete lst August. 2005 Box 489, Rakamega Mago 2nd August, 2005 Cheptulu 3rd August, 2005 . Morning Shiru 3rd August, 2005 Aftemoon Seram 4th Augusq 2003 Hamisi 5th August, 20û5 Jebrok 1.5th Augast, 2005 Morning Gembogi 15th August, 2005 Aftemoon Majengo 16th August, 2005 Mbale 17th August, 2005 ' Chavakqli 18th August, 2005 Kilingili 19th August, 2005 Bukusa 29th August 2005 ' M oming Magada 29th August, 2005 Afternoon Mahanga 30th August, 2005 ' Moming Kima 3ûth August, 2005 Ahemoon Ebusiratsi' 31st August 2005 Luanda 1st and 2nd Aug- 2005 Machakos District District Weights and MeaFures Oftker, IC0. Box 972, Machakps yathui 8th August. 2005 Morning M akutano 8th August, 2005 M orning

Katulani 8th August, 2005 Afternoon Ikalaasa 8th Augtlst, 2005 Afternoon Kathiani 9t11 August. 2005 Morning Kalawa 9th August. 2005 Aftemoon . Miu 10th August, 2005 Morning Vuthetheni 10th August, 2005 Aftemoon Mbumbuni l 1th August. 2005 Full day Tawa 12th August, 2005 Morning

Kithito 22nd August, 2005 Moming Kyua/Kwa-vonza 22nd August, 2005 Aftemoon Kalyambeu 23rd Augusts 2005 M orning Ikombe 23rd August. 2005 Afternoon Nganyani 24th August, 2005 M orning Katangi 24th August 2005 Aflernoon W amunyu 25th August, 2005 Moping Màkutano 25th August, 2005 Aftenmon Mrala 26th August. 2005 Morning . Kipandini 26th August. 2005 Afternoon Kakuyuni 5th September, 2005 M orning Kivani 5tb September, 2% 5 Afternoon 6tl1 September! 2005 Fuil day Tala 7th September, 20(4 Full day ' Kinyui 8th September, 2005 Morning

Mbiuni 8th September, 2005 Afternoon 1788 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August. 2005

Address t?/'ïngpcc/fpr or y?/t'l(-e to uzàfc/i f/le notitication I/llt/er/pcra/lrtzp/l J should be xcp?l Sttnltpinn s'ftzfif''? Da'e t??? which t?ff&l)???lt,?)r is 7-?'?''tz /(J be yprzpt/acé?tp Kathiani ' 9th Septelnber, 2005 slol-ning Vyalya 9th Septembers 2005 Afternoon Kabaa 9th Septelnber. 2005. Afternoon Ekalakala 19th Septelnber. 2005 Full dal' Kikumini 20th Septelnber. 2005 Full day Kivaa 2 lst September, 2005 Morning Kaewa 2 l st September. 2005 Afternoon Masillga 22nd September, 2005 Full day N amba 23rd Septembers 2005 Morning Sofia 231.d Septenlber. 2005 Afternoon Kwa-Mwaura 3rd October, 2005 Morning Ndonyo Sabuk 3rd October, 2005 Afternoon Ndalani 4th October, 2005 Morning

Kisiiki . 4th October, 2005 Afternoon Kalnbi Mawe 4th October, 2005 Afternoon Kikesa 5th Octobef, 2005 Full day Matuu Town 6th October, 2005 Full day Matuu Town 7th October, 2005 Full day Mbooni 24th October, 2005 Full day ltetani 25th October, 2005 Full day Kalawani 26th October, 2005 Full day Kali 27th October. 2005 Morning Mbutmi 27th October, 2005 Afternoon Chumbi . 28th October, 2005 Full day Kaiiado Distrif't Provincial W eights and M eastlres Officer, P.O . Box 4 l 0'7 l , Nairobi . Rombo Shopping Centre 1st August. 2005 Entarara Chiet's Office 2nd August, 2005 Morotbt Sho'pping Centre ' 3rd Augu' st, 2005 Illasit Shopping Centre h. th and 5th Augus' t,2005 Loitokitok Council Market 8th and 9th August, 2005 Ol-Njoro Shoppin'g Centre 10th August, 2005 Kimana Shopping Centre 1 1th August, 2005 Isenet Shopping Centre ,12th August, 2005 Morning Mbirikani Shopping Centre 12th Atlgust, 2005 Afternoon Mile 46 Shopping Centre 1 5th August, 2005 Morning I Kambi ya Mav/e Shopping Centre 15th August, 2005 . Afternoon Bissel Shopping Centre 16th and 17th Aug. 2005 Ngataitak Shopping Centre 18th Augusts 2005 Morning M ile Tisa (9) Shopping Centre 18th August, 2005 Afternoon Bulls Eyes 19th August, 2005 Towli 22nd and 23rd August, 05 Kajiado Town 24t11,25th and 26th Aug.05 Mashuru Shopping Centre 29th August 2005 Sajilioni Shopping Centre 30th Augusts 2005 Isinya Shopping Centre 31:t.1st and 2nd Sept.05 Magadi Shopping Centre 5th and 6th Sept. 2005 Entasopia Shopping Centre 7th September, 2005 Morning Oloibototo Shopping Centre 7th Septcmber, 2005 Afternoon Shombole Shopping Centre 8th September, 2005 Morning ' Oloika Shopping Centre 8th September, 2005 Afternoon ' Tinga Shopping Centre 9th September, 2005 Morning Kisairiis Shopping Centre 9th September, 200 Afternoon Kkserian Chief's Oftice 12th and 1 3ih Sept. 2005 Mat'asia Shopping Centre 14th September, 2005 Ngong Chiefs Oftice 15th and l6ttl Sept. 2005 Bulbul Chief s Oftice 19th September, 2005 Quarry chiers Oftice 20th September, 2005 Slmpping Centre 2 1st,22nd and 231-d Sept.05 Nairobi Area Kaloleni Social Hall 26th September, 2005 Bunna Market 17th and 28th Scpt, 2005 T m Mm- ' ' 19th August. 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1789

Address qf ilkspector fJr l4lace py which plc no/lFcaliolt under parrzprg//l .? should be .çcplr St6lmping Slation Dfzld on w/lfc/l equipnlelît i5' to be ylrfltflgcel

Pumwani D.O'S Office 29th antl 30th Sept. 2005 Makadara D.O.'s Oftice 3rd October. 2005 Buru Buru Shopping Center 4th October. 2005 Embakasi Village Market 5th October, 2005 Quarry Village 6th and 7th ocyober 2005 Starehe D.O's Oftice 1 lth and l 2th October. 2005 Ngara Market 1 7th October. 2005 Eastleigh Chief s Camp 14th and I 5th Oct. 2045 slattlare Chiefs Camp i 7tl1 and l 8th October, 2005 Mathare North Hall l 9th and 2 1st October, 2005 Baba Ndogo Policc Station 24th and 25th October, 2005 Kariolsangj Social Hkll 26th October, 2005 . Ilandora Chiefs Camp Phase I 27th .and 28th October. 2005 Dandora Chief s Camp Phase 2 31 st and 1 st Nov. 2005 Njiru Shopping Centre 2nd Novembo', 2005 Ruai Shllpping Centre 3rd and 4th November. 2005 Kayole D.O's Oftice 7th and 8th Nov. 2005 Kasarani Chiefs Oflice 9th and November, 2005 Githtlrai Market . 10th and 1 1tl1 Ntw. 2005 Kahawa W est Chief's Camp 14th Novem6er. 2005 Umoja I Market Oftice l 5th and 16th Nov. 2005 Umoja 11 Markct Officc l 7th Novembtm 2005 Langata Chiefs Camp 1 8th November. 2005 Kibtra D.O's Ofticc 2 l st and 22nd Nov. 2005 Kcnyatta M arket 23rd November. 2005 W cstland M arkct 24th November, 2005 City Market 251 November, 2005 Kangemi Chiefs Office ' 28th and 29th Nov. 2005 Utlirtl Shopping Centrc 30th Novembcr. 2005 Dagoretti Market Chiefs Office 1st December, 2005 Riruta Chiefk Officc 2nd December, 2005 W aithaka D.O.s Office 5th and 6th December. 2005 Kawangware Chiefs Oftice 7tL and 8th December, 2005 Dagoretti Corner Shopping Centre ' 9th December. 2004 Kianlbu District Distlict W eights and Measurcs Officer. P.O. Box Gachic 25th July 2005 464, Thika' Zambezi 26th July 2005 Kikuyu 271 July 2005 W angige 28th and 29th July 2005 Ngecha 8th August. 2005 Magina 9th August. 2005 . Kimertde 10th August, 2005

Limuru l lth and 12th August, 2005 Kagwe 15th August 2005 Githisa 16th August, 2005

Karuri 17th - l 8th August, 2005 Kigumo 19th August. 2005 Ndumberi 29th Atlgust, 2005 Ikinu 30th August, 2005 Githunguri 31st Aug. - lst Sept. 05 Ngewa 2nd September, 2005 Kinoo 5th September, 2005 Kiambu Town 6th - 9th Septembers 2005 Murang 'a Ftzw,n .

Kahuti 19th September, 2005 Murarandia 20th September. 2005 Githagara 2 1st Scptember, 2005 Kahuro 22nd September. 2005 Kahuhia 23rd September, 2005 Kanyenyaini 3rd October, 2005 1790 'I-HE KENYA GAZETTE 19th Augtlst, 2005

./1 titlre-vs. f-,/7 îll-z)3 e t.t():- ,?.r l)lçl t?c tLt Iv: itt /? t;t c l?#)?F/F c.fpr' 8t)?l 1/ ?l

. Lantu District District Weights and Measures Ofticer, P.O. Box W itu 5th Septembera 2005 ' 736, Malilldi . Kigini 6th September, 2005 Mpeketoni 7th, 8th and 9th Scpt. 05 Mkunumbi l 2th September, 2005 Hindi 13th September. 2005 M okowe l4tl) Septembeq 2005 lsland 15th, 1601,19th&20th Sep 05 M atondoni 21 st September, 2005 Kitlnga 22nd and 231-d Sept, 2005 Pate 26th September, 2005 Kizingitini 27th September, 2005 Faza 28+,29th & 30th Sept. 05 Tana 'fyzer District Bura 24th and 25th October, 05 Hola 26t11 and 27th October, 2005 Wenje 28th October, 2005. Moming Mnazini 28th October, 2005 Aflernoon Garsen 31st October, 2005 Ngao lsi November, 2005 Tarasaa lst November, 2005 Afternoon Oda 2nd November, 2005 Morning Gulbanti 2nd Novembcr, 2005 Afternoon Mwatate Division District W eights and Measures Officer, P.O. Box . l 135, Kengwa 8tI1 August , 2005 Full day * Kungu 9th August, 2005 Full day Bura Mission 10th August, 2005 Full day Bura Station 1 1th August, 2005 Full day Dembwa 12th August, 2005 Full day ' Teita Sisal Estae 15th August, 2005 Full day ' Mwatate Town 16th August, 2005 Full day Rong'e Juu 17th August. 2005 , Full day M usau 18th August, 2005 Full day M wachawaza 19th August, 2005 Morning Kighononyi 19th Atlgust 2005 Afternolm Voi Division November 2005 Kasigau 7th November, 2005 Vorning Bughuta 7th November, 2065 Afternoon Kajire 8th Novcmber, 2005 Full day Maungu 9th November, 2005 Ful day Sagalla l0th November, 2005 Full day Wongonyi 11th November, 2005 Morning Ghazi 11th November, 2005 Morning Manyani 14th November, 2005 Afternoon Tausa 15th November, 2005 Full day ' Voi . 16th t017th November, 2005 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1791

Address t?t/io' intts dpz/e?tcfteorr/ polrr lpqfl,a/wcep /t;o 3 w shiocuhl dth bee Jcz/? Smmpinn S/&*:/3 Date taa which equil.Ament is ?lt.,fp'ëct. z . to be produced

V, JrfJk District District Weights and M easures Ofticer, P.O. Box 1912. Kericho Ilmotiok 25th July 2005 Narosura 26th July 2005 Olelaimitia 27th luly 2005 Telek 28th July 2005 Monling Sekenani 28th July 2005 Afternoon Boîltet D/aî'/rït.'l Siongoroi àth August, 2005 M onling Makimeny 8th August. 2005 Aftelmoon Chebunyo 9th August, 2005 Chemaner 10th Augusk 2005 Mofning Kem'bu 10th August, 2005 Afternoon M erigi I 1 th August, 2005 Longisa 1 2th August, 2005 Ndalkai 22nd Augtlst, 2005 Njipiship 23rd August, 2005 Silibweti 24th August, 2005 Sigor 25th August, 2005 Morning Olbutyo 25th Augustp /005 Afternoon 26th August, 2005

District Weights and Measures Ofticer, P.O. Box 1708. Kitale Kainuk 8th August, 2005 Morning Kalimungorok 8th August, 2005 Afternoon Lokapel 9th August, 2005 Morning Katilu/Lopur 9tl1 Augustw 2005 Afternoon Katilia, Lotubayi, Elelea 10th August, 2005 Morning Lotubai, Lokwi 10th August. 2005 . Afternpon Morulem 1 1th Aogust, 2005 Morning Lokori 1 lth August, 2005 Afternoon Lokichar 12th August, 2005 Full day Lochar - Emoitxochwa'g,Kamatak 1 5th At,gust, 2005 Morning Napusimoru 15th August, 2005 Afternoon Turkwel 16th August 2005 Morning Loregum, Kalimyan'g 16th August 2005 'Aftelmoon Makptano EasttLolupei) Aterika 17th August. 2005 M orning Aftemoon Makutano WesqNaduat) 17#th August, 2005 Nachuktzi 18th August. 2005 Morning Kataboi 18th August, 2005 Afternoon Kalokol . 19th August, 2005 Full day Kanakurudio,Kaeris,Mlima tam 22nd August, 2005 M orning Kaalen'pKaikor*Kachoda 22nd August, 2005 Afternoon Lokitaun'g 23rd August, 2005 Morning Loarengak 231.d August, 2005 Afternoon 24th and 25th Aug. 2005 Kakuma 26th Augusq 2005 Lodwa Town 29th to 31st August, 2005

Lzll'klklia flfl/rfcf Provincial Weights and Measurees Officer. P.O. Box 569. Nyeri Mutara 18th July 2005 Monling Kiamariga 18th July 2005 Aftemoon 01 Jabet 19th July 2005 Morning Muhotetu 19th July 2005 Afternoon Rumuruti 20th July 2005 Mofning Gatundia 20th July 2005 Aftemoon kdogino/shauri 21st July 2005 Full day Nyandarua District , W iyumiririe !st August, 2005 Morning Ndaragwa 1st August, 2005 Afternoon Address t?/'nl-ç tpr place ;(?';î.7?&.-/? tlle l?tprl'/it.a//o/? ullderlulragrupll J sllottld be .$c??r Sttllîl'l'll,q s'lf-lrït-'?? D'Jtc t-'/7 îvhich dt,llzf/i'dr/caf is ?t.? be prtplr/ccg Ngano 2nd August. 2005 Morning Silibwet 2nd Augtlst, 2005 Afternoon M irangiinà/Ngorika 3rd August. 2005 Morning Charagita 3rd August, 2005 Aflernoon Oljororok 4th August, 2005 W'anjohi 15th August, 2005 Miharati 16th August, 2005 Morning Kaptain 16th August. 2005 Afternoon 01 Kalou 17th and I 8th August, 2005 ' Magumu 29th and 30th August. 2005 Karangatha 1 st Scptember, 2005 Jabini 2nd and 3rd Sep. 2005 Engineer l 2th and l3tà Sep. 2005 Ndtlnyu .Njeru 14th and 15th Sept. 200.5 Geta 16th Seplember. 2005 Shamata 26th September, 2005 Morning Simbara 26th Septtmber. 2005 Jsfternoon Mailo Inya 27th September, 2005 Kasuku 28th September, 2005 Morning Karuga 28th September, 2005 Afternoon Nyahururu 29th and 30th Sep. 2005 Sambtlru District 7th to 1 8th Nov. 2005

1b?(;l t4/ lbltlî-tll Distlict Wcights and Measures Officerz P.O. Box

4833, Eldorct Kaigat 15th August, 2005 Morning Kipteren 1 5th August, 2005 Afternoon Chepterwai 1 6th August. 2005 Morning Kurgung 16th August, 2.005 Afternoon Kaiboi 16th Xug11st. 2005 Afternoon Kapchumo 17th August, 2005 Morning Kabiyet 17th August. 2005 Afternoon Saniak ' 18th August. 2005 M onling Chemuswo 18th August, 2005 ' Afternoon ltigo 18th August, 2005 Afternoon M osoriot 22nd August, 2005 Morning Ngechek '22nd August, 2005 ' Afternoon Kipsimo 23rd Atlgust, 200.5 Morning Ndalat 231-d Augusts 2005 Morning Belkenya 231-d August, 2005 Afternoon Chepterit 24th Atlgust, 2005 M orning Baraton 24th August 2005 Afternoon Kapsasur 25th August, 2005 M onling Danger (Tuloi) 25th Augtlst, 2005 ' Afternoon Kapkangani 5th September, 2005 M orning Chepsonoi 5th September, 2005 Afternoon Tindinyo 6tl1 September, 2005 Morning Chepkumia 6th September, 2005 Aftenxlon Kapsabet Towlè 7th September, 2005 2 DAYS Kaptel 9th September, 2005 Nandi South Kabujoi ' 12th September, 2005 . Morning Ndurio 1 2th September, 2005 Afternoon Kaptumo 13th Septembcr, 2005 W hoedy Savani 14th September, 2005 Mol-ning Mugondoi 14th September, 2005 . Afternoon Kamilil . 15th September, 200j uomjjyg Tachasis 1 5th Septembel', 2005 Afte' rnoon Maraba 26th September, 2005 Moraing Senetwo 26th September, 2005 Afternoo'n Lainguse 27th September, 2005 Monling 19th August. 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1793

Addres.v ryàzygaec/tpr orplace to which the . ' notification J/rltscrpc/w/lmr/l 3 .î./?/If/t/' be seitt &J'?#fz2.!l Station Date on whiclt egllïpzlcnl is Time to be produced .

Kilibwon 22nd September, 2005 Afternoon . Al-wos 27th September, 2005 Afternoon ' Imaki 28th September, 2005 Afternoon Lessos 29th September, 2005 wholeday Nandi Hills 30th September, 2005 wholeday Kirinyaga District '

Provincial W eights and Measures Officer, P.O. ' Box 492 Embu ' ' Kutus 1 st August, 2005

Kimbimbi. 2nd August, 2005 Wanguru 31.(1 August. 2005 Mururi/Difathas 5th August. 2005 Ithareilli 15th Atlgust, 2005 Kiangombe 16th August, 2005 Mukarara, Gatungura l 7th August- 2005 Kiangwenyi l 8th Augtlsts 2005 Kimunye l9tI1 August, 2005 Kavote 29th Augusf. 2005

. Kianyaga 30th August, 2005 Karumande 31 st August, 2005 Kamjagucda isl September, 2005 Kiamutugu 2nd September, 2005 Kamwa'na 1 2th September, 2005 Kagio 13th September, 2005 Sagana 1 5th September, 2005 Baricho 16th September, 2005 Morning Thiguktl 16th Septembera 2005 ' Afternoon Kiburu ' 26th Septelnber, 2005 Riakiania 27th Sçptember, 2005 Kianjege ' 28th September. 2005 Kiangai & ki aragana 29th September, 2005 Kibingoti/Kiarfgwaci 30th September, 2005 Kibirigwi 1 lth'october, 2005 Kagumo 12th October, 2405 Kerogoya 13th and 14th October, 2005 Southern Kisii (Gl/t#ltz) District District Weights and Measures Officer. P,O. Box 845, Kisii Riokindo l 8th July 2005 Morning Magenche l 8th July 2005 Afternoon Nyamaiya lRh July 2005 Morning Ekona 19th July 2005 Afternooh Nyamarambr 20th July 2005 M orning 'Riosiri 20th July 2005 M orning kocherigo 2 l sth July 2005 Aftemoon Mesabakwa 2 lst July 2005 Moming Etago 2 lst July 2005 Aftemoon Mogong'a 22nd July 2005 Magena 8th August, 2005 Nylngusu 9ih August, 2005 Nyacheki 10th August. 2005 Senjera l lth August, 2005 Kenyenya l 2th August, 2005 Ikobe 29th August, 2005 Ogelnbo 30th August. 2005 Igare 31st August. 2005 Nyamache 1st September, 2005 Gesuru 2nd September, 2005 Morning Geteri 2nd September, 2< 5 M erntxm Buàia Distrht District W eights and M easures Officer. P.O. Box Mprëng 884, Busia Butula 22nd August, 2005 Bulemi: ' 22114 August, 2005 Xftçrnglm 1794 THE KENYA GAZETTE 11th August, 2005

Address ofinspector orplace to w/lfcà 'the '. ' ?)t)tification I/agcrpcrtzprtzp/l J should be sent .Vltzrzlrf&é' Statitm DJ?e' on W'/lïc'/l equïlnnetlt f& to be produced Murumba 23rd August, 2005 Morning Ikonzo 23rd August, 2005 Aftmnoon Bumala 24th Augujt, 2005 1 day Mundika 25th August, 2005 Morning Budokomi 25th August, 2005 Afternoon Matayos 5th September, 2005 l day Mungatsi 6th September, 2005 Morning k usokoto 6th September, 2005 ' Afternoon Nambalë 7th September, 2005 1 day Lfugulu 8th September, 2005 Morning Busibwabo 8th September, 2005 Afternoon Ganjala. Nambobotm Mulwanda 9th September, 2005 1 day Funyula 26th September, 2005 1 day Mulukhoni 27th September, 2005 Morning Sio Port 27th September, 2005 Afternoon Hakati,Bukiri 28th September, 2005 Morning Marenga 28t6 September, 2005 Afternoon Port Victoria . 29th September, 2005 l day RwambuaN aumau 30th September, 2005 1 day Busia Municipality 17th to 21st October, 2005

Kitui District District Weights and Measures Officer, P.O. Box 376. Mwitasyano lst August, 2005 Full day Kanyangi 2nd August, 2005 Full day Kavisuni 3rd August, 2005 Full day Katulani 4th August, 2005 Full day Itoleka 5th August, 2005 Morning Ithiani 5th August, 2005 Afternoon Athi 8th Augtlst, 2005 Morning M uangeni 8th August, 2005 Afternoon Ikutha 9th August, 2005 Full day Kasaala/Kanziku 10th August, 2005 Morning Mutha 10th August 2005 Afternoon Voo/M athima l 1th August, 2005 Full day 12th August, 2005 Full day Kyatune 15th August, 2005 Morning Ikanga l 5(h Augusq 2005 Afternoon Mbitini 16th August. 2005 FtIIl day Kisasi 17th August. 2005 Full day Chuluni 1 8th August. 2005 Full day Wikililye 19th August: 2005 Full day M ulutu 22nd August. 2005 Full day M atinyani 23rd A'ugust. 2005 Full day Kabiti 24th August. 2005 Full day Kakeani 25th August. 2005 Full day Tulia 26th August. 2005 Full day bzatutu 29th August. 2005' Full day M usengo 30tl1 Augtlst, 2005 Morning Afternoon Kakum uti + 30th August. 2005 Kalundu 31st August. 2005 Full day Kituj Town Is' t Septelnber, 2005 Full day Kitui Town 2nt1 September. 2005 Ful day Endau 5th Septcmber- 2005 Full day Mwitika 6lh September, 2005 Morning Kyamatu 6th Septelnber. 2005 Afternoon Zombe 7th September. 2005 Fulday M iambani .8th Septelnber, 2005 koming Inyuu 8th September, 2005 Afvrnoon M utitu 9th September. 2005 Full day 19th August 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1795

Address t!f inspector or yp/rzce to wàfc: the . noti.l icGdon Imt/dr/Jlrljrc/?/l .# sllould be sent YJOAK/JSJ StGftm X&Jd *n Whic'h EV&l/2lE'&/ is to ye pmayctw Siaya District Prpvincial Weights and Measures öfticer, P.O. Box 331 -40100, Kisumu Aakare, Kambaret 5th September. 2005 ' Yala 6th September, 2005 Kodiaga, Nyangweso, Wagai 7th September, 2005 Kayabi. ugunja ' 8th September, 2005 - Sega 9th September. 2005 Sindindi, Sigomere l9h Septembec 2005 Siranga, ukwala, Yenga ' 20th September, 2005 Sifuyo, Luhano, Aboke 2 lst September, 2005 Siaya Town 22nd September, 2005 Ngliya, Nyagondo 23rd September, 2005 Ndere, kobare, Rang'ala 3rd October, 2005 Got Nanga, lera-in-ober 4th October, 2005 M uhanda, Nyawara, Mutumbu 5th October, 2005 Boro, Uranga, Nyadorera 6th October, 2005 Simtnya, Madeya 7tI1 October. 2005 Bondo District Nndori,Asembo-Bay l lth Octoter. 2005 Luanda Kotieno. Ndigwa, Madiany 12th October. 2005 Bondo Town 13th Octobeq 2005 Uhanya, Usenge 14th October. 2005 Nyamonye, Osieko 24th October. 2005 Misori, M anywaanda 25th October 2005 Nyangoma, Liunda 26th October. 2005 ' Meru North District Weights and M easures Officer, P.O. Box 2422, Meru Kunati 1 1th Jtlly 2005 Mulika 12th Jply 2005 Mikinduri 13th July 2005 Kianjai 14th July 2% 5 Ngundune l 5th ltlly 2005 Muthara . 25th July 2005 Kalama 26th July 2005 Kangeta 17fh July 2005 Muringene 28th July 2005 Maili Tatu ' 29th JuIy,2005 Mutuati 8th Aggust, 2005 Laare 9tl1 August, 200$ Kei Kei 10th August, 2005 Antu Betwe l lth August, 2005 Athiru Runjine 12th August, 2005 Cape Comer 22nd August, 2005 Kawiru 231.d August, 2005 Kiengu 24th August, 2005 Maua Municipality 25th to 26th August, 2005 Suba District District Wqights and Measurçs Officer, P.O. Box 166, Homa Bay . Nyandiwa 18th July, 2005 Magunga 19th July, 2005 Sindo 20th July, 2005 Mbita 21st July, 2005 . Lwanda 22nd July, 2005 Ogongo 22nd July, 2005 Mfangano lsland 25th and 26th July, 2005 Remba lsland 27th Jply, 2005 Ringiti Island 28th July, 2005 Kuria District Isebania 8th and 9th August, 2œ 5 Yw Kehattcha 10th August, 200$ Kegonga 11th August, 2005 Kungitimu 12th Auguat? 2005 1796 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

Address t?f inspector fpr yl/lcz to Ip'àfc/l the 5' Itt,priffctlfif-m w'tder pflrtqrapll 3 should gc senî /c??

Dated the 25th July, 2005. 1. M. NGATIA,

Acting Dfreclt;r o.f ls/efg/lf.& and Measures. cazsnvsxoaccsxo.6ula ckazsrrsxovlcsxo.x ls MARIA lDA FERNANDES (DECEASED) TRE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT NOTICE is given pursuant to section 29 of the Trustee Act (Cap. (No. 6 o.f 1996) 167) of the laws of Kenya. that any person having a claim against or COMPLETION OF PAR'I' DEVELOPMENT PLAN an interest in the estate of the late Maria Ida Fernandes (deceased), care of P.O. Box 46681. Nairobi. who died at Nairobi on the 30th. (#DP. No. R61/2004/1 for Existing &j'ifc-ft'krdllg#clrl Churchj October, 2004, is required to send particulars of such claim or interest in writing to the undersigned on or beföre the 31st Obtobir, 2005 , that MOTICE is given that preparation of fhe above-named part is two calendar months after the presclibed period from the date of thi: development plan was on 2nd October, 2004, completed. noticr to the undersigned advocate, Rommel Da Gama Rose', advcvcate, The part development plan relates to land situatcd withiù Sotik 3rd Floor, Symphony Place, P.O, Box 14201-00800, Nairobi, who act for and on behalf of the estate and after expiry of this period the Township. executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased only Copies of the part development plan have been deposited f0r among those persons or parties who have Iawful claims of which the public inspection at the office of the District Physieal Planning executrix have had prior notice and shall not be liable to any party or Ofticer, at Bometguret oftice. person whose claims or demands werc received after the explry of the said prescribed period of the notice. The copies so deposited #re available for instectibn free of charge by all persons interested at the office of the Distnct Physical Planning Dated the 15th August, 2005. Ofticer, at Bomee uret officc, bitween the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 ROMMEL DA GAMA ROSE, p.m. Monday to Friday. . Advocaêe, 3rd Floor, Symphony Place, Any interested person who wishes to make any representation jn . off Walbaki Ftzy, Wejtlands, connection with or objection to the' above-named part development P.O. Box 14201-00800, Nairobi. plap may send such repçesemution or objections in writing to be received by the District Physical Planning Officer. P.O. Box 287. Bomet, within sixty (60) days from the date of publicatitm of this GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6614 notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Tlœ PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT Dated the 3rd August, 2ù05. (No. 6 of l 996) R, KIPRONO, COMPLETION OF PART DEVELOPMENT PLAN District Physiçal manning O'cer, Bomet/Bpret Districts. (PDP. No. #Tf/l408/05/l for Proposed Sitefor Nyumbani Village and Ranching lxmtt Kiiui Ctzlmry Counciù NOTICE is given tlmt preparation of the above-named part deyelopment plan was on 28th June, 2000, completed. The pal't development plan relates to land situated within Cotlncil. ' Copies of the part development plan have been deposited for public inspection at the oftices of the District Physical Planning GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6616 Ofticer. at Kitui, Clerk, Kitui County Council and Cluef, Kwa-vonza Location. Tlœ PUYSICAL PLANNING ACT (No. 6 of 1996) The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at the oftkes of the District Physical Planning COMPLETION OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN Officer, at Kitui, Clerk. Kitui County Council and Chief, Kwa-vonza Locétion, between the hours ?î 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to (DP. No. *7&1374/04/0 1 for Marîdadi Trading Centrej Friday. ' NOTICE is giv4n that preparation of the above-named development plan was on 14th November, 2004, completed. Any interested persoù who wishes to make any rep/esentation in connection with or objection to the above-named part development The development plan relates to land situated within Nzoia County plan may send such representation or objections in writipg to be Council. receivtd by' the District Physical Planning Officer, P.'O. Box . 584, Kitui, within sixty (6D) days from the date of publication of this notice Copies of the development plan have been deposited for public and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it inspection at the offkes of the Disthct Physical Planning Offker, at is lnade. Kitale, Clerk, Nzoia Coutlty Council. The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge Dated the 2nd August. 2005. by a11 persons interesteed at the oftkes of the Districy Physical Planning

H. , M . . MIJ T I S Y A. , Officer, at Kitale, Clerk, Nzoia County Conncil, between the hours of District fWy.s,fç.t?f Plqwbit;g ti' cer, Kitui. 8.00 a.m. So .5.00 p.m. Mopday to Fliday. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1797

Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in I GAZETIE NOTICE NO. 6619 connection with or objection to the abovc-named developlnent plan may send such- reprcsentation or objections in writing to be rcceived THE BANKRUPTCY ACT by the District Physical Planning Officer. P.O. Box 1374, Ititale, ( Cap. 53) wlthin sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notiçe and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is (Under Rule 145 qf the Bankruptcy Rules) made. RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDITORS' MEETING Dated the 27th July, 2004. E. A. BUSAKA, Debtor's auvle.-ferald Njoroge Njuguna. Address.- p.o. Box 101 , Elburgon. District Physical Planning O-f/&rcr, Trans hra#c. Ddâ'crf/ylï/a.- Businessman. Date ofhling pelf&m.--29th June, 2005. . GAZETI'E N0'rICE N0. 6617 Cbarl.- .l -ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi, .Milimani Commercial THE PHYSICAL PLAMNING ACT Cotlrts. çNo. 6 ç?f 1996) Dale t'./c'rJer.- 25th July, 2005. Ctlun'e N/.--47 Of 2005. CoklvE-rlox olc DEVELOPMEXT F'I-AN . (DP Whether debtor or creditor's ptrlïlffprl- lnebtor's petition. . No. /7-,:3/242/2004/01 for Proposed Sitefor NHC lltrlïj/o?1 Density i//lzâ*lé' Scheme) . Ac/ or acts r?f:lnkra/a/c'y.-lllability to pay debts. NOTICE is givcn that preparation Date ofcreditors' ?zlefWa#.-29th August, 2005. .of the above-named devclopment plan was on l lth. August, 2004, completed. VEwlfc.- sheria House, Ground Floor. The development plan relates to Iand situated within Tambach F/r?2e.- 2.30 p.m. Town Copncil. lxlst day offiling Jart7qf ofdebt.formg.-l6bb Augujt, 2005. Copies of the development plan have been deposited for public Dated th: 1st August, 2005. inspection at the offices of the Distlict Physical Planning Officer, at LUCY NDUNGU, lten and Clerk, Tambach Town Council. Deputy tly/kof Receiver. The copies so deposited are avaiiable for inspevtion free of charge by all persons interested at the ofsces of the District Physical Planning GxzE'fvrs No-rlcE No Of . 6620 ticer, at Iten and Clerk, Tambach 'I'own Council, between the hours Of 8.00 a,ln. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. TIIE BANKRUPTCY ACT Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in Lcay. sx connection with or objection to the above-named development plan (yntur Apje 145 oythe Bankruptcy Rulesj may send such representation or objections in writing to be received by the Districi Physical Planning Ofticer, é.0. Box 600, Iten, within RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDITORS' MEETING ' sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and suèh ,' representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. P L'btor & &&2Jd'- SCth Syokau Kioli. D . Address.- p.o. Box 70716, Nairobi. ated the 28th October, 2004. . p k' uua-al ' Dkxcripff/n.-Businesswoman.

' Distria Physical Planhing Oyicer, Keiyo. pate tpy-gja, petition.-atkj June, 2005. . Cfaurl.-lligh è' ourt of Kenya at Nairobi. Milimani Commercial Courts. '

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 66l 8 Date fFtJr&r.-8th June, 2005. ' . THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Cause No.- 39 of 2005. (Cap. 53). Whether deb.tor 'br creditor's peli/itzn- Debtor's petition. (U Act or acts V:cnkru/plcy.-lnability to pay debts. nder Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptcy Rulesj Date ofcreditors , ??2ee/f?;#.- 19th .August, 2005.

RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDITORS' MEETING kkljue.- w-sheiia House, Grotmd Floor.

Debtor's zlrzle.- shamsudin Dawood. T'1:11,.- 2.30 p.m. .

Address.- p.o. Box 31435, Nairobi. Izut #J#. Ofhling #r@El./'t7.ftfe'à)l/'/rMJ.- 18th August, 2005. DclcrlkWtl.-Businessman. Dated th8 lst Xugust, 2005. Date offling petition.- z6bb July, 2005. . LUCY NDUNGU, . C()lzrf..- High Court of Kenya at Nairobt M ilimani Commercial Deputy Omcial Receiver. Courts Date J .Jtv#er.-27th July, 2005. GAzsrrs xoncE No. 6621 Cause No.- 53 of 2005. Tl'lE COM PANIES ACT Whether #e&t)F or creditor's petition- bzbboç's petition. . (cap. 486) Acf or acts tp-flmakrapzcy.- lnability to pay debts. = ' Date ogcreditors' ,,,e,/f,,#.-25th september, 2005. SIGN DESIGN & DISPLAYS LIMIIED vealze.- sheria House, Ground Floor'. MBMBBRS' VOLUNTARY W INDING-UP 711c.- 2.30 p.m. ' NOTICE is given that a tinal meeting will be held a't the oftice of Imst day offlingproofofdebtforms.-l3ïd september, 2005. Bakul Kothari & Company, Victor House, 4th Floor, Kimathi Street, . Nairobi, ori 5th November, 2:05, at 2.30 p.m. to lay before the Dated the 1st August, 2005. membem the tinal account of tlle winding-up and dispose the books.

LUCY NDUNGIJ, Bgxxuja JxxeAlg'rlLgxl. xorxu lu. neputy tly-fscu/ Receiver. l uqvidator. 1798 THE KENYA GAZET'YE 1 9tà Augnst, 2005

GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6147 Possible impacts Mitigation measures THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND (c) Excavated black cotton soil to be CO.ORDINATION ACT disposed in accordance to (No. 8 of 1 999) stamtory provisions. THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (d) Landscaping. (e) Tree planting. NOTICJ T0 THE PUBLIC TO SUBMITCOMMENTS 0N AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAG ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT (f) Lawn management. FOR THE PROPOSED COSMFHC FAW ORY OF 6. Storage of oil, petrpl and Construct storaje tanks away from INTERCONSUMER PRODUCTS LIMITED diesel regular activlties in compliance with Energy Bill, 2004. PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environme'nt The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection Management Authority (NEMA), has received an environmental during working hours at: impact assessment study regort for the proposed Cosmetic Factory of Interconsumer Products Limlted. . (aj Director-General, National Environment Management Authority, Kapiti Road, 'off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box The proposed project will be situated on plot No. 1513 l .in Mukuru 67839-00200, Nairobi. kwa Njenga Iocation along Mombasa Road, directly in front of Embakasi Railway Station. Embakasi Division, Nairobi Province. . (b) The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environmcnt and' Natural Resources, N.H.I.F. Building, P.O. Box 30521, Yhe objective of the project is to manufacture beauty and personal Nairobi. care products. (c) The Provincial Director of Environment, Nairobi Province. The project anticipates the folfowing impacts and mitigation Nyayo House. m easures: (dj District Environment Ofticer, Embakasi. Possibte impacts Mitigation measures The National Environment Management Authority invites Occupational health and (a) Prepare and print safety manuals members of the public to submit oral or written comments within sixty safety for distribution to workers. (60) days from the date of publication of this notice to assist the (b) Contmct an environmental health Authority in the approval jrocess df the project to the Director- and safety consultants to police Gcneral, National Environment Management Authority, Kapiti Road, workers. P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi. (c) Adhere to the provisions of the Dated the 21st July, 2005. Environmental HeaIth and Safety R. W. MICHIEKA, plan. . Director-General, (d) Train staff 'on environmental ' National Environtnent Management Authority. hea.lth and safety requirements. (e) lnstall and maintain fire lighting equipment machinery. (f) Fire dlills. (g) Proper handling, storage and GAZB'ITE NOTICE NO, 6148 disposal of Oil wastes. Increase I ' ion and sorting TllE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND .in solid and Iiquid (a) Promote col ect CO-ORDINATION ACT waste out of waste in accordance with waste management plan. (No. 8 of 1999) (b) Construction of yre-treatment Tlv NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY plant through whlch the waste water shall be reused or recycled. NOTICETO THE PUBLICTO SUBMITCOMMENTS 0N AN (c) Construct aqua privy or pit ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAG ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT latrines. FOR 'FHE PROPOSED GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT AND M SOCIATED AMENITIES IN VIPINGO, KENVA Noise pollution, air pollution (a) Sprinkle of water on graded PURSUANT to regulatitm 21 of the Environmental (Impact and dust generatidn routes to reduce dust. Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment (b) Generators to be well insulated Management Authority (NEMA). has received ap environmental or placed on enclosures to impact assessment study report for the ' proposed golf course minimize noise levels. development and associated amenities in Vipingo. @) Sensitive copstruction vehicles The proposed project will be located on Iand registration Mo. and machinery 'shall switch. off .24880 (5025/96), ' 7334/4, 8274/5) approximately 1,100 hectares in engines when not being used. Vipingo, Kikambala Division, Kiliti District. The land has been under (#l'control speed fo'r construction sisal cultivation since approximately 1930. ' vehicles. The' objective of the project is to create an exclusive golf resort lncreasez water demand (a) Recyqling of water at the with 2 x 2 hole champion golf coursei. residential propenies. a small constmction site. Hchalet style'' hotel and an airstrip. The rêmaining land will be maintained for leisure. (b) Sink borehole within a radius of 800m from the existing one. Tlle project anticipaies the following impacts and mitigation (c) Source water from private m eastlres: suppliers. Possible impacts Mitigation meazures (d) Institutional partnership with the neighboùring factories on 1. Occupational health and (a) Personnel at all Ievels Will be safety required to train in occupational, provision o? watcr. health and safety to comply with 5. Physical environmental (a) Avoid use of heavy machinery. all national laws and to minimize destruction (b) control of earth works. accidentq. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZEW E ' 1799

.possible impacts Mitigation measures GAZm-I'E N'OTICE NO. 6622 ' THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND (b) All employe'es to wear the full CO-ORDINATION ACT compliment of personal (No protective equipment. . 8 of 1999) (c) Penalty clauses in the contract THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY documents for failure to NoTlcE To THE PUBLIC TO SUBMITCOMMENTS ON AN implement training and the new ENVIRONMENTAL IMM CF M SESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR regulations should be included. THE pRopospp KCMAROCKESTATE PHASE V (L.R. N0. 1 1344/1 ) 2 waste water (a) proposed septic tanks and PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environkental (Impact soakaways pits. Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environmeht . (b) C Management Authority (NEMA), has received an environmental entral sewcrage system for the i mpact àssessment study report for' the proposed Komarock Estate cl ub house, chalet-sty le, pjja' se v (L.R. No. l 1344/R) by Kenya Building Socidy Limited. conference facilities, health spa - and property development. The lroposed project will be situ>ted in Komarock I2.R. No. Nairobi Block 1 l344/R), which is in the eastern side of Nairobi City . ; 3. Noise pollution, air pollution (a) Contractor comply to machinery aCpepnrtorex.i mKoatmelarock neighbours Kayole and Umoja estates. The property and dust generation manual specifications. y 26 acres has remained .undeveloped but has been . . enclosed in a stone perimeter wall. . ' (b) Contractor to comply with WB . g ui delines on noi se The objective of the project is the development of a total of 521 , air ï emissionsdust and vibrations. ' middle income houses in p.hases for a span of tive (5) years. . , . ' The project anticipates the following impacts ahd mitigation . . mgagu.rgg : 4. Land degradation soil quality (a) Work hand in hand with . the Possible impacts . Mitigation measures . agricultural and forestry officers to arrest and prevent SOi1 erosion. j Occupational health and ' (a) Provision of personal protective +) Kikambala Divis'i6n to prepare safety equipment. new plans for 5) 10 :nd 15 year I (b) Adapt effective emergency periods and undertake education response plans an( fawareness. . . . (c) Ensure equipment is in good . condition. ' 5 2. Noise pollution, a'ir pollution (a) Water should be sprayed during . Fire hazards (u) llave adequate fire fighting and dust g . equkpment. eneration. the construction phase on excavated area. ' (b) Train personbel on site at alI . . , times . (b) sensitize drivers of construction ' . . machinery on effects of noise. 6 ' (c) Maintain plant eqdipment. . Disturb flora and fauna (a) Improve the diversity of thè v e g etation . through the (d) Provide baniers such as walls introduction of ' indigenous and trees to provide some buffer ' Species and therefore the . Rioinst noise propagation. diversity of fauna. (e) Control speed and operation of . (b) Develop a nature reserve on the . Constrtldion vehicle. ' subject site. Lf) Regular quqlity analysis. ' 3. Increase in solid and liquid (a) Ensure proper solid waste waste . disposal and collection facilities. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection . (b) Ensure effective wastewater during working hours at: . ' mahagement.

. î. Design' of sewerage system (a) Director-Gencral, Natfonal Environment M anagement (c)should be 'as per City Engineer's Authority, Kapiti Road, off Mombasa Rbad P.O . Box deuils 67839-00200 , . ' , Nairobi.. ' . (d) s ens iti ze . re sidents ' on (:) The Permanent 'Secretary, Ministry of Environment and ' . environmenul management. Natural Resources. N.H.I.F. Building. P.O. Box 3052 l , (e) proper storage, h'andling and Nairobi. disposal of oi1 and oil wastes.

(c) The Provincial Direc' tor of Environment. Coast Province, ' Lt) Provide oiI interceptors along the . Mombasa. . . drains leading from car wash and ... (#) Di . service bays. . strict Environment.ofticef, Kilifi District. ' . . 4. Security (a) Provide security guards and . facilities during construction The National Enyironment Management Authority invites PCHW ' ' j ' me'mbtrs of the public io spbmit oral or writtentomments within sixty ' (b) Gate to be controlled by sectlrity (60) days from the date of publication of this notice to assist the mCn always. Authority in the approval process of the project to the Director- 5 o General, National Envirtmment Maiugement Authority estruction of physical (a) Install drainage structures , Kapiti R'o ad, '' ' P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi. ejwironment (soil. . properly. biodiversity) (b) coneol eartll works. (c) Landscapi:g and plàqting trees . Dated the 1 1th lune, 2005. on a1l disturbed are%. k. W. MICHIEKA, (d) Planting and grassing shöuld be Director-General, done just before yains or irrigated National Environment ManagementAuthority during dry spells. 1800 THE KENYA GAZETTE 19th August, 2005

Possible impacts Mitigation measure.î impact assessment study repok for the proposed Evangelical Lutheran Cburch headquarters in Kenya. ' (e) Provide soil conjervation structtlres mostly to the sreep The proposed project will be located on plot L.R. 209/5447 along areas such as the existing cliff. Uhuru Highwéy, Nairobi. The sitc has four key neighbours. namely tbe Childrenfs Traffic Park. St. Andreqv Church. St. Paul-s Chapel and (j) Use of light machinery and Posta Sacco Towers. The site is along Uhun, Highway but'can also be equipment. accessed from Nyerere Road. (g) Maintaining trees standing and The objective of the project is to put up a f'ive storey oftice biock reduction of paved areas. comprising an office block', cafeteria. glazed pavilion. and parking. 6. Fire hazards (60 Insull and maintain tire fightin) equipment and machinery. The project anticipates the following imp acts. and mitigation (b) Sensitize residents on 5re lisks. meastlres : (c) Provide emergency numbers at Possible àrlptzcr.ç Minkatia': lNctz-çlfrt'.ç stmtegic points.' 1. Occupational hM1th and (a) Pro v i d e w o rk e rs w i t h 7. llnpeded drainage and (a) Ensure efficiöncy of drainage safety appropriate personal protective ' increascd water demand structures through proper design clotlling that will enjure safcty. and maintenance. (b) lnstall adequate fire fighting (1.2) Provide gratings to the drainage facilities at the site. channels. (c) Acquire First Aid Box. (c) Management of water usage. Increase in solid and liquid (a) Create segregated waste (d) Recycling of water at the waste ' collection facilities at the site construction phase where very next to the gate. possible. (b) Contract a saitable firm to (e) Make use of roof catchlnents to handle the whole process of provide water. waste collection and disposai. @ Install water conserving taps that Noise pollution. air pollution (a ) Build a buffer fence around the turn off automatically when and dust generation construction site. watcr is not being used, (b) Noisy activities to be carried out (g) Sink borc holels) but follow at night or weekends, when' approval from rekevant neighbouring premises are depm ments. closed. (h) Up-grading existing water (c) Put ' up sprinkling facilities at supply systems in collaboration site. with the MCM and other Fire hazard and acciden? (a) Equip the site with adequate tirc stakeholders. ' fighting equipment. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection (b) Put up appropriate warning signs during working hours at: . . at Nyerere Road and Uhuru Highway. (a) Director-General, National Environment Management (c) Put up bumps and speed limit Authority, Kapiti Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box signs at the entrance. 67839-00200, Nairobi. (d) Clear the trees and bushes (b4 The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and obsctlring visibility before and Nattlral Resources, N.H.I.F. Buildlng, P.O. Box 30521. after the entrnnce. Nairobi. Security (a) Conmact a reputed security firm (c) The Provincial Director of Elivironment. Nairobi Province, wittt alarm system to take carc of Nyayo House. security round the clock. (b) Put lzp appropriate fence at the (#) District Environment Ofticer, Embakasi. site. The National Environment Management Authority invites 6. Destruction of physical (a) Retain any tree, shrub or floWer members of tlle public to submit oral or written comments within sixty environment (biodiversity, that is not on the construction (60) days fronl the date of publication of this notice to assist the line. Authority in the approval process of the project to the Director- soil) General, National Enviroilment Management Authoritys Kapiti Road, (b) Appoint a Iandscaping compahy P.O. Box 67839-00200. Nairobi. to plant trees and grass pnce construction is over. . Dated the 26th July, 2005. (c) Put soil traps a'll around the R. W. MICHIEKA. perimeter wall to capture any Director-Gtnerat, soil that might be washed to the zvtzfftpazzz Environment Mtzzlfzgdlndzl/ Autkktrit'y. neighbguring premises.' GAZETTE NOTICENO. 6623 The full report of the proposed project is availablc for inspection Tlœ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND during workiag hours at: CO.ORDINATION ACT (a) Director-General, National Ehvifonment Management . fNo. g q:I99p) 'Authority, Kapiti Road,' off M ombasa Road, P.O. Box Tl.IE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 67839-*0200, Kairobi. ' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC TO SUBMIT COMMENTS QN AN (bj The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Enyironment and ENWRONMENTAL IMPACTAIIEDMENT STUDY RàPORT Natural Resourccs, N.I4.l.F. Buildlng, P.O. Box 30521, FOR THE.PROPOSED EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Nairobi. ' CHURCH HEADQUARTERS IN KENYA (c) Tbe Provincial Director of Environmçnt, Nairobi Province, PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental (lmpact Nyàyo House. Assessment' and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), has received an environmental (J) District Envirpnment Officer, W'estlands. 19th August, 2005 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1801

The National Environment M anagement Authority invites GAZE'ITE NOTICE N0. 6627 mem'bers of the submit oral or written comments within sixty. (60) days from the date of publication of this notice to assist the THE KENYA NATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (2001) Authority in the approval procéss of the project tq. the Director- LIMITED General, National Environment Management Authority, Kapiti Road, P.O. Böx 67839-00200, Nairobi. Loss OF POLICY Dated the 1 lth July, 2005. Policy No. 1439314 in the name tzZltf on the fj/'e of Stephen Mtoto R. W . MICHIEKA, Mwachoh. Director-General, RBPORT has been made to this company regarding the above- National Environment Management âlfr/ltlrfry. numbered life policy, the original having been reported lost or stolen, Notice iy given that unless objection is lodged to' the contrary at the GAZETFE NOTICE N0. 6624 office- of this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, maturity claim proceeds will be processed and the comjany's 'KISII COMBINED TRADERS liability op the lost policy will immediately cease. BtlsiNEss TRANSFER Dated the 19th July, 2005. NOTICE is given under the Transfer ot Businesses Act (Cap. 500) ANNE CHEGE, of the lawj of Kenya that the business of wholesale canied on by Paul Head ofclaims crltf Alterations. Kamau W ainaina and Satishchandra C.D. Shah ul èr the name and style of Kisii Combined Traders at plot N(j. Kisii Municipality Block' 1 l 1/276, Jmperial Building, Dogokhan Road, Kisii has from 31 st July, GAzm E NOTICE No. 6628 2005, been transferred to Satishchandra C. D. Shah, who will can'y on the said business under the same name and style and from the same CHANGEOFNAME premises. NOTICE is given that by a deed. poll dated 28th October, 2002. The address of the (outgoing partner) transferor is P.O. Box 23l 88, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, Lower Kabete. ' as Presentajion No. 788, in Volume DI, Folio 165/1053, File No. DXXY, by our client, Dorcas Nyabate Osege, of P.O. Box 5781 1 , The address of the (remaining partner) transferee is P.O. Box 1380, Kisii. ' Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Dorcas Aminga, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her All liabilities due-and owipj by the partnership in rckpect of the h former name Dorcas Aminga, and in ljeu thereof assumed and adopted said business up to 31st July, 2005, shall be paid by. the (remaining the name Dorcas Nyabate Osege, for al1 purposes and authorizes and ?artner) transferee wbo will not assume any lkability whatsoevef requests a1l persons at al1 times to designate, describe and address her lncurred by the (outgoing partner) transferor uj to and including 31st by her assumed name Dorcas Nyabate Osege only. July. 2005, except those enumerated in the dlssolution and' transfer deed. Dated the 29th.July, 2005. ' MARIARIA & COMPANY, Dated the 4th August, 2005, Advocatesjbr Dorcas Nyabate Osege, formerly krltzwn as Dorcas Aminga. SATISHCHANDRA C. D. SHAH, Transferee. PAUL KAMAU PETER W AINAINA, GAZETI'E NOTICE N0. 6629 Transferor. CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is gi ' venthat 6y a deed poll dated 23rd May, 2005, duly GAZE'IN'E NOTICE No. 6625 executed and registered ip the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, as Presentation No. 742, in Volume DI, Folio 290/935, File No. 'DXXXII, AL M ANSOOR VIDEO SERVICES LIMITED by our client, Patrick MWatha Gatua, of P.O. Box 785, Gatundu in the DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Patrick Mukui Gatua, fonnally

NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of . and absolutély renounced and abandoned the use of his former name ' Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kènya, to the owàers Patrick M ukul Gatua, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the of a1l electrical and electronic goods and items left with us for tbe . ' name Patrick Mwatha Gatua, for a11 purposes and authorizes and period of up to 30th June, 2005, shall be disposed off vide public . requests aI1 persons at a1l times to designate, describe and address him auction within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this by his assumed name Patrick Mwatha Gataa only. notice unless they are collected upon production of original job card and payment in cash for the work carried out plus storage charges and Dated the 23rd May, 2005. othtr incidental costs accrued. NDONYE, MBUGWA, ATUDO & MACHARIA, Datmd the 29th July, 2005. Advocatesfor Patrick Mwatha Gatua, G formerly known as Patrick Mukui Gatua. . N. MANSOORALI,

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6626 GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 6630 Tl!E KENYA NATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (2001) CHANGE OF NAME LIMITED ' NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th February, 2005. duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, Loss OP POLICY as Presentation No. 626, in Volume Dl, Folio 242/542. File No. Policy No. l 294842 in the nanle tz?iJ faa the /#t' (?f Patrick Oparanya DXXXII, by our client, Alicia Wangeci Waceera Ndegww of P.O. Box Oktlnga. ' 6707-00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as W aceera Wangechi Ndegwa, formally and abxsolutely renounced and REPORT hag been mgèe to this company regarding the above- abandoned the use of her former name W aceera W angechi Ndegwa, numbered life policy, thç original having been reported lost or stolen. and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Alicia Wangeci Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the W aceera Ndegwa, for a11 purposes and authorizes and requests aI1 oftice of this company within thirty- (30) days from the date of this persons at al1 times to designate, describe and address her by her notice, maturity claim proceeds will be processed and tàe company's assumed name Alicia Wangeci Waceera Ndegwa only. liability on the lost policy will immediately cease. Dased the 4th August, 2005. Dated the 6th January, 2004. iBRAHIIW ISSACK & COMPANY, AkhlE CHEGE, AdvocatesforAlicia Wangeci Waceera Ndegwa, Head L!J Claims fmt'/ Alterations. ftvmltm?'/l' kmown J.ç Waceera Wangechi Ndegwa. 1802 THE KENY.4 GAZ,!:,TTE jgth Aucust. 2005 NO W O N SALE' IM PORTANT NO TICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE KKKENYA GAZETTE'' (E . l S (E , 2005 THE following. notes are for the guidance of persons submitting Stcopy'' for. inclusion in the Kenya Gazette, supplement, etc.: (1) n e Kenya Gazete contains notices of a general nature w'hich do not affect

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