NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here] ™ The informative easy to read introduction to world news

30th August 2018 British English edition Issue Number 335 In this issue

Giant squid surprise Prague Spring remembered Rickets in the Roman Empire Australia changes its prime minister (again) Ancient shell-less turtle fossil Kerala’s monsoon floods Mosquito Day Pilgrimage to Mecca Waterloo weather explained Korean family reunions Earth flips and geomagnetic reversals Ship’s bell returned to South Valley of the Fallen (Valle de Los Caidos) in Spain (Jorge Díaz Bes) Africa Venezuelan migrant numbers increase E x h u m i n g F r a n c o Air pollution and intelligence Francisco Franco was a Spanish general. next 14 years. During this time, Franco UN Rohingya report He ruled Spain as a military dictator for was wounded. He also married. Franco Great Dying new theory 36 years. Franco died in 1975, or 43 years and his wife would have one daughter. Nuthatch rediscovered ago. His body was buried in a specially When 33, Franco became the young- Glossary Crossword and constructed tomb. It is within a large est general in Spain (and in the whole of Wordsearch Puzzle monument, or mausoleum, called the Val- Europe). Then, Spain’s king, Alfonso the ley of the Fallen (‘Valle de los Caídos’). Thirteenth, ruled the country. The king On 24th August, Pedro Sánchez, was deposed in 1931. Elected leaders Learning Spain’s prime minister, proposed that then governed Spain. There were two English as a an amendment, or change, be made to a main political groups. One supported the previous law. The change would mean royal family. The other opposed it. Street foreign that Franco’s body could be dug up, or fights between the two groups were com- language? exhumed. It would then be reburied mon. In 1936, a civil war broke out. somewhere else. The Spanish parliament Franco became the leader of the ‘Na- voted in favour of the amendment. tionalists’. They supported the monarchy. In Spain, Franco remains a divisive The ‘Republicans’ fought against them. figure. Born in 1892, he joined the army at They wanted an elected president to lead Recommended age 15. Then, Spain controlled Morocco, the country. Some people who fought in North Africa. In 1912 an insurgency, on the Republican side hoped that Spain reading or uprising against Spanish rule, began would become a communist country. for in Morocco. Franco volunteered to fight Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945), the leader against it. He stayed in Morocco for the of Nazi Germany, and Italy’s dictator, EFL and ESL NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 2

Benito Mussolini (1883 – 1945) sup- ter his father decided to step down, ported Franco. Both sent soldiers to or abdicate, four years ago. Spain to help the Nationalists. Franco In a constitutional monarchy, the also received the backing of Spain’s king or queen is head of state. Yet, Catholic Church. Russia, a com- they have few powers. The coun- munist country at that time, helped try’s prime minister and his or her the Republicans. The war lasted for elected government make the im- three years. The Nationalists won. portant decisions. Today, the Neth- Around 500,000 people died in erlands, Belgium, Thailand, the UK, the war. Both sides committed atroc- and Japan are examples of other ities, or serious war crimes. Those constitutional monarchies. undertaken by the Nationalists were Building work on the Valley of worse. Thousands of people were the Fallen began in 1940, or the year needlessly shot, or executed. Many after the end of Spain’s civil war. were buried in unmarked graves. The monument is 60 kilometres (37 The Nationalists carried out execu- miles) from Madrid, the country’s tions after the war was over. capital city. It has an underground Valley of the Fallen memorial within which The conflict in Spain ended just crypt. This was dug out of a large Franco is buried (Håkan Svensson) before the Second World War began. granite rock, or outcrop. A huge Many expected Franco’s Spain to stone cross was erected on the top join with Germany and Italy. of the outcrop. A large abbey, used It remained neutral, or did not fully by Benedictine monks, is also part support one side or the other. Yet, of the complex. 50,000 Spanish soldiers volunteered Around 33,800 people are buried to fight alongside the Germans in at the Valley of the Fallen. They died Russia. Franco also allowed German in the civil war. The monument took submarines to use Spanish ports. 18 years to complete. Many who Most Nationalist followers want- worked on the site were political ed the monarchy to return. However, prisoners. Franco wanted the monu- after the war ended, Franco decided ment to be a ‘national act of atone- to take charge of the country. He ment’. After he died, his body was ruled as a dictator until his death at placed in a special tomb within the the age of 82. Franco made arrange- crypt. Franco is the only person bur- ments about who would lead Spain ied at the Valley of the Fallen who after he died. Franco chose Alfonso did not die in the war. Fresh flowers the Thirteenth’s grandson, Juan Car- are laid on his grave each day. General Franco los, to be his successor. Then, the People who fought for both sides traces its history to the Republi- future king was living in Italy. Juan are interred at the Valley of the Fall- cans. Mr Sánchez, the prime Carlos returned to Spain in 1969. He en. Yet, to many Spanish people the minister, leads the PSOE. In recent was given the title Prince of Spain. monument is a Nationalist shrine. years, both parties have become less Soon after Franco’s death, the Pro-Franco demonstrations were popular. Now, they compete with new king, King Carlos the First, sur- held there. Even though these are two new parties. prised many people. He announced now banned, some still take place. Living members of Franco’s that Spain would become a consti- Traditionally, Spain had two family complained about the vote. tutional monarchy. So, for the first main political parties. Both have After the outcome was announced, time in many years, Spanish people their ‘roots’ in the civil war. The Spain’s deputy prime minister de- were able to elect their leaders. To- People’s Party (PP) is ‘descended’ clared that ‘democracy is not com- day, Felipe the Sixth, Carlos’s son, from the Nationalists. The Spanish patible with a tomb that honours the is Spain’s monarch. He took over af- Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) memory of Franco’.  NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 3

Giant squid marks, or scars, on their skin. These suggest that they must have been Recently, three brothers drove along ‘fighting’ with giant squid. part of New Zealand’s coastline. A kraken is a giant legendary They were looking for a place to go squid-like sea monster. Years ago diving in the sea. One noticed some- seafarers believed that these mon- thing unusual on the shoreline. After sters lived in the oceans near Nor- stopping to investigate, the brothers way and Greenland. Some people realised that it was an enormous think that sailors had seen a gi- squid. The had washed the dead ant or colossal squid. They then creature onto the beach. made up exaggerated stories about There are over 300 species of the kraken. squid. Most are small and slim. The huge squid found on the Squid are invertebrates. They do shoreline in New Zealand was 4.2 not have backbones. The creatures’ metres (14 feet) long. The brothers tube-shaped bodies are known as spoke with the National Institute of mantels. There is a long interior Water and Atmospheric Research shell within a squid’s mantel. It’s (NIWA). It is a New Zealand gov- called a pen. ernment-funded organisation. The Like octopuses, squid have eight NIWA collects many types of scien- arms. They have two additional tific information. Its scientists study arms that are longer than the others. the sea life around New Zealand. Dead giant squid in New Zealand (Ocean Hunter These are usually called feeding ten- and Specialists / Facebook) After collecting the dead creature, tacles. The undersides of the arms they confirmed that it was a giant and feeding tentacles are covered in a larger body than the giant squid. squid.  circular shaped suckers. Therefore, it is much heavier. These Squid swim by jet propulsion. large-size squid are known for their Similar to octopuses, they have an big eyes. Prague Spring remembered organ called a siphon. A squid can Giant and colossal squid live at expel, or , large amounts of wa- great depths. Rarely seen close to The ‘Prague Spring’ lasted for about ter out of its siphons very quickly. the surface, they are the world’s seven months. It is often described This pushes the creature backwards. largest invertebrates. Giant and co- as a period of ‘political liberali- By changing the position of their si- lossal squid live in all the oceans. sation’. At that time, Prague was phon jets, squid can alter their direc- They seem more common in the the capital city of a country called tion of travel. Squid have small fins seas near Norway, Newfoundland, Czechoslovakia. at the end of their mantels. Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. The Prague Spring ended in Most squid feed on small fish, Not much is known about them. The 1968, on the night of 20th to 21st crabs and shrimp. They have a deep-sea creatures are believed to be August. Then, leaders of the Soviet beak-like mouth. It is at the centre solitary. Six years ago, scientists in Union sent hundreds of thousands of the upper parts of their arms and Japan managed to film a giant squid. of troops and 5,000 tanks into tentacles. Squid use their feeding This was the first time that the crea- Czechoslovakia. This year’s 21st tentacles to pull their prey towards ture had been recorded swimming in August marked the 50th anniver- their mouths. its natural habitat. sary of the invasion. The events in There are two species of very Sperm whales are the only known Czechoslovakia 50 years ago high- large squid. They are called the marine animals that attack and eat lighted the strict rule of the Soviet colossal squid and the giant squid. giant squid. Remains of giant squid, communist leaders. These creatures, including their arms such as their beaks, have been found Today, Prague is the capital of and tentacles, can be ten metres (33 inside the whales’ stomachs. Some the Czech Republic. In the past, feet) long. The colossal squid has sperm whales display large sucker this part of Europe was part of the NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 4

Austro-Hungarian Empire. During would end. Before Dubček’s an- was deposed, or ousted. The coun- the First World War (1914 – 1918), nouncement, there had been street try became an independent na- Austria-Hungary fought along- demonstrations in Czechoslovakia. tion again. The following year, the side Germany. It was on the losing The protesters were unhappy about Czechoslovakian people voted to side. After the war, the empire was the country’s economy and free- elect their own leaders. The over- broken up into several countries. dom restrictions. throw of communist one-party rule Czechoslovakia was one. Dubček insisted that he still be- in Czechoslovakia was nicknamed lieved in a communist government. the ‘Velvet Revolution’. However, his new plan started a Wenceslas Square is a large open ‘revolution’. ‘Independent’ newspa- area in Prague. In 1989, Dubček pers were printed. People began to stood on a balcony overlooking the speak ‘freely’ on television and ra- square alongside the leaders of the dio broadcasts. Several rival politi- Velvet Revolution. The large crowd cal parties were set up. Some senior in the square below applauded him. communist supporters in Czecho- At the start of 1993, Czecho- slovakia were alarmed. They ap- slovakia split into two countries: pealed to Russia for help. the Czech Republic and Slovakia. At that time, Leonid Brezhnev Prague remained the Czech Repub- (1906 – 1982) was the Soviet Un- lic’s capital. Bratislava was des- ion’s leader. In 1968, at the begin- ignated as Slovakia’s capital city. ning of August, he announced an The division of Czechoslovakia edict, or order. Today, it is called was peaceful. the Brezhnev Doctrine. It stated that Russia would not allow any of its Alexander Dubček, former of leader satellite nations to reject commu- of Czechoslovakia nism. If necessary, troops would be For the next 20 years, Czechoslo- used to enforce the doctrine. vakia was a democratic country. The About three weeks after Brezh- people elected their own leaders. nev’s announcement, Soviet troops Soon after the start of the Second and tanks entered Czechoslova- World War in 1939, Germany occu- kia. The Czechoslovakian people pied it. After Nazi Germany’s defeat did not fight against the invaders. six years later, the Russian-led Sovi- Some stood in front of the tanks. et Union took control of many East Several military vehicles were set Soviet tank burning in Prague in 1968 (CIA) European countries. They included on fire. As a protest, and sign of On 21st August, thousands of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, peace, Prague residents put flow- people gathered in central Prague. and the Baltic States (Estonia, Lat- ers in the soldiers’ hair. Dubček The event was organised to com- via and Lithuania). All these nations and three colleagues were arrested. memorate the events that happened became one-party communist states, They were sent to Russia. The So- 50 years ago. or Soviet satellite countries. viet leaders installed a new com- Nowadays, successive demon- Alexander Dubček (1921 – munist regime in Czechoslovakia. strations and protests against au- 1992) was a member of Czecho- Later, Dubček was allowed to re- thoritarian governments are often slovakia’s communist party. He turn to his country. He then worked named after the Prague Spring. The became the country’s leader at the for an organisation that managed anti-government protests that took beginning of 1968. Soon afterwards the nation’s forests. place in countries such as Egypt, (or during springtime), Dubček an- The Soviet Union began to break Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, and Syria nounced a new government plan. It up in 1989. There were mass protests seven years ago are an example. allowed freedom of speech. Gov- and demonstrations in Czechoslo- Collectively, these events are called ernment control of large companies vakia. The communist government the ‘Arab Spring’.  NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 5

Roman rickets time. Children in industrial areas Adults, who had rickets at a young suffered from rickets over 150 years age, continue to display the symp- Rickets is a disease. It usually af- ago due to a lack of sunlight. Then, toms. Bow, or deformed, legs and an fects young children. The disease is on most days, smoke from numer- oddly shaped skull are examples. caused by a lack of vitamin D. Rick- ous factory chimneys blocked out Historians disagree about the ets was common in industrial areas the Sun. Roman Empire’s end date. The city of some European countries, such Today, rickets is rare in developed, of Rome was founded in 753 BCE. as the UK, in the 1800s. Research- or wealthier countries. It affects the Some say that the empire ended ers from Canada and the UK have bones. Children with the disorder in 410 CE. Then, a Visigoth king, been studying Roman-era skeletons. have weak and soft bones. Their called Alaric the First, and his army They were surprised to discover that growth may be stunted and some captured Rome. By this time the rickets was not uncommon in Ro- bones misshapen. The disease main- Roman Empire had split in two. The man societies around 2,000 years ly affects children between the ages Western Roman Empire was cen- ago. Until now, it was thought to be of six and 36 months. At this stage, tred on Rome. Constantinople (now a ‘modern disease’. as they are growing quickly, children Istanbul, in Turkey) was the capital Nowadays, medical experts have a greater risk of the disease. of the Byzantine Empire (or Eastern know that humans need certain Roman Empire). minerals and vitamins to remain At its most powerful, the Roman healthy. The minerals include iron, Empire included much of northern calcium and zinc. Vitamin A, B, C, and southern Europe, as well as and D are examples of the vitamins. parts of North Africa and the Mid- Different minerals and vitamins are dle East. Modern-day and obtained from different foods. For the majority of what is now the UK instance: beans, lentils and spinach were part of the empire. are a source of iron; calcium is in Over three years, the researchers cheese, milk and other dairy prod- examined more than 2,700 skel- ucts; and oysters and dark chocolate etons. They belonged to children contain zinc. and adults who died about 2,000 Carrots are a good source of years ago. The skeletons came from vitamin A. Potatoes, bananas and 18 cemeteries spread throughout lentils provide vitamin B. Oranges the Roman Empire. The bones of are well known for their vitamin C. one in 20 children showed evidence Vitamin D can come from eggs, fish of rickets. Around three percent of and mushrooms. However, sunlight adults showed signs of having had encourages the body to make vita- the disease when young. min D. For this to happen, exposure The frequency of rickets in the X-ray of the legs in a two-year-old child with to the Sun need only be for a short rickets (Michael L Richardson) Roman skeletons was lower than in cities in the UK 150 years ago. Yet, it was still a serious problem. In the modern world, the disease is more likely in polluted cities, or urban areas. Yet, 2,000 years ago, people in rural areas and cities had rickets. Towns and cities in Roman times were much smaller than today. The incidence of ‘Roman rickets’ was more common in northern areas. Here, the sunshine is not as strong One of the ‘Roman child’ skeletons examined by the researchers (Historic England) as it is around the Mediterranean NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 6

Sea. The mothers of children with rickets seemed to have kept them indoors. The researchers are unsure why. It’s thought that most ‘ordi- nary’ mothers worked outside col- lecting, or preparing, food crops. The researchers’ study suggests that they may have stayed inside with their young children. 

Change of PM in Australia Aerial view of Australia’s parliament building, in Canberra, the capital city (Nick Pitsas, CSIRO) Australia is a Commonwealth it was built 30 years ago. Elections realm. This means that Queen Eliza- for the lower house are held every beth the Second of the UK is the three years. Unusually, it is com- country’s head of state. As she is pulsory to vote in Australian par- rarely in Australia, Queen Elizabeth liamentary elections. People who has a representative who lives there. don’t vote have to pay a fine. This person is called the Governor- The prime minister is usually the General of Australia. Queen Eliza- leader of the party that has the most beth appoints the governor-general seats in the lower house. It has 150 on the advice of Australia’s prime seats. To have a majority, or be able minister. Her current representative to outvote all the other parties, the is Sir Peter Cosgrove. government needs at least 76 seats. The governor-general lives in The two main political parties in Scott Morrison, Australia’s new prime minister Government House. This large Australia are the Labor Party and Liberal and Labor Party mem- residency is in Canberra, Australia’s the Liberal National coalition. The bers of parliament can challenge the capital. On 24th August, Scott Mor- coalition, which is usually called the head of their party for the leader- rison visited Government House. Liberals, is made up of two parties ship. When this happens, the party’s There, he was sworn in as the coun- that work together. Mr Morrison is elected members hold a vote. In try’s new PM, or prime minister. In the leader of the Liberals. The last Australia, these leadership contests Australia, the prime minister runs election was two years ago. Then, are known as ‘spills’. If a party lead- the country. Mr Morrison is Aus- Mr Turnbull was the prime minis- er loses a spill, he or she has to step tralia’s sixth PM in the last 11 years. ter and Liberal leader. The Liberals down immediately. He replaced Malcolm Turnbull who won 76 seats: 13 fewer than at the A Liberal Party spill took place was forced to stand down. previous election. The Labor Party on 21st August. Mr Turnbull won Australia is home to 25 million got 69: a gain of 14. The remainder narrowly. As the result was close, he people. Most live near the country’s went to smaller parties and inde- declared that he would not take part eastern coast, or seaboard. Large pendents. Mr Turnbull was re-elect- if a further spill were held. Some areas of Australia are sparsely popu- ed as prime minister, yet with only a Liberals requested another one. Mr lated. Like most countries with a par- single-seat majority. Turnbull stood down. Three people liamentary system of government, Recent surveys, or polls, show put their names forward to take his Australia has a lower and an upper that under Mr Turnbull’s leadership, place. After two rounds of voting, ‘house’. The lower house is known the Liberals are ‘less popular’ than Mr Morrison won. as the House of Representatives and the Labor Party. If an election were Mr Turnbull became prime min- the upper house is called the Senate. held today, the Liberals would prob- ister in similar circumstances three The parliament building is in ably lose. (The next election is due years ago. Then, he challenged (and Canberra. Called parliament house, in about nine months’ time.) beat) Tony Abbott. Mr Abbott was NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 7 prime minister at the time. The same classify all living things in their Sun. Sea turtles are different. Males thing happened when the Labor kingdom, phylum, class, order, fam- spend all their lives in the seas and Party last governed the country. ily, genus, and species. Tortoises, ocean. Female sea turtles crawl onto Many people find it strange that terrapins and turtles are all reptiles beaches to lay their eggs. They bury Australia has changed its prime min- (this is their class). Their order is them in the sand. After hatching, ister so often in recent years. Some Chelonii. This name comes from young turtles crawl into the sea. Sea blame the three-year election cycle. the Ancient Greek word for tortoise. turtles’ legs are like flippers. In most countries, the period be- Scientists often call all tortoises, The upper part of a turtle’s shell tween elections is four or five years. terrapins and turtles, chelonians. In is called the carapace. The under- Mr Morrison has been an elected American English, the word turtle neath is the plastron. Turtles first member of parliament for 11 years. can mean any chelonian. In British lived in the sea. They probably He was head of the government’s English, turtles are chelonians that evolved their ‘all round’ shell as tourism department. There, his job live in the sea or fresh water. a shield from ‘above and below’ was to encourage people from other Tortoises live on land. They feed predator attacks. Turtles’ shells are countries to visit Australia. After Mr on low-growing plants and have legs unusual. They are mostly made Morrison was sworn in, he declared and feet. Most tortoises are found in of bone. Protective shells of land that his main priority was to help hot dry places. Terrapins spend time animals, such as armadillos, are farmers in south east Australia. This on both land and water. They are formed from scales. Lobsters and part of the country has been experi- never far from a river, lake or pond. crabs shed their shells. They re- encing one of its worst droughts for Turtles live in water. Freshwater tur- grow new ones. Turtles do not do 50 years.  tles have webbed feet, which help this. Their shells are for life. them to swim. However, they do As well as their distinctive shells, climb out of the water to sit in the turtles have a beak-like mouth. They Ancient shell-less turtle have no teeth. The fossilised shell- less creature found in China has a Scientists have often wondered toothless beak. It has been named when turtles ‘got their shells’. From Eorhynchochelys (pronounced ay- fossils, it’s known that shelled- oh-rink-oh-keel-is) sinensis. The turtles have existed for 210 million first part of the name is Ancient years. Therefore, they lived along- Greek for ‘dawn beak turtle’. The side the dinosaurs. Turtles survived word dawn is often used to denote when the dinosaurs died out 66 mil- ‘earliest’. Therefore, Eorhyncho- lion years ago. An artist’s impression of the ‘dawn beak turtle’ chelys is ‘first turtle with a beak’. Researchers working in China (Adrienne Stroup, Field Museum) ‘Sinensis’ means ‘from China’. have recently found a fossil of a tur- tle-like creature. About 1.8 metres (six feet) in length, it had a long tail and a disc-like, or rounded, body. The creature did not have a shell. Yet, its ribs were flattened. It looks as if they are beginning to expand, or spread. Over millions of years, the ribs of these creatures probably fused together to form a shell. The shell-less fossil is about 230 million years old. Nowadays, the word turtle can describe any animal with a hard shell and a backbone. Scientists Shell-less turtle fossil found in China (Eorhynchochelys sinensis) (National Museums Scotland) NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 8

Ten years ago, scientists discov- India’s annual average rainfall ered the fossil of a different turtle- Under 20 cm 20 - 40 cm 40 - 50 cm like creature. Also found in China, it 60 - 100 cm 100 - 150 cm 150 - 250 cm is about 220 million years old. This Over 250 cm fossil has a lower shell, or plastron, (but not a carapace) and teeth. The recent discovery of the dawn beak INDIA turtle shows that turtle evolution was complex. Beaked, toothless tur- Western Ghats tles, without shells, and half-shelled Bay of Arabian Bay of Bengal Sea Bengal toothed turtles lived in the same Arabian place within ten million years of Sea Kerala each other. Cochin The researchers believe that the dawn beak turtle habitat was shal- country. The amount of rain de- directions. Due to the extra rain- low coastal waters. They suspect clines at the beginning of Septem- fall, there are far more westward that it ate small marine creatures ber. By the start of October, the flowing rivers. These rivers are that lived on the sea floor.  monsoon is usually over. This year, shorter than those flowing east- Kerala had 37% more monsoon wards. Also, because of the steep rain than normal. What’s more, gradient, they move faster. Many Kerala floods most of it fell in a shorter period of the ‘westward rivers’ have been of two and a half months. dammed. Most dams are used to Kerala is one of India’s 29 states. It Kerala often receives more mon- make hydroelectric power or to ir- is in the country’s south west. Heavy soon rain than most other parts of rigate food crops during drier peri- monsoon rain began falling in Kera- India. This is because of its topogra- ods of the year. la at the beginning of August. At this phy, or the shape of its landscapes. Officials have to make sure that time of year, the rains are expected. The Western Ghats is a mountain the dams do not become too full. If Yet, this year, the volume of rain- range. This chain of mountains runs they do, there may be a danger of fall was unusually high. After three parallel to most of India’s western them bursting. Kerala has 41 rivers weeks, the rain had caused Kerala’s coastline including Kerala. The that flow into the Arabian Sea. Most worst flooding for nearly 100 years. Western Ghats range is about 1,600 have been dammed. After the flood- Normally, India’s monsoon, or kilometres (990 miles) long. ing began, the dams became dan- rainy season, lasts for about four The monsoon clouds form over gerously full. Around 80 had to be months. The rains begin on the the Arabian Sea. Prevailing winds opened. The sudden onrush of water western side of the country around blow them towards India’s western made the flooding far worse. Peo- mid-June. Within four weeks, seaboard. The Western Ghats act as ple complained. They claimed that they are falling over most of the a barrier. The mountains force the the dams should have been opened moisture-full clouds to rise. As this before the heavy rains arrived. An- happens, the clouds release much other problem is the removal of of the water they carry. It falls as trees and other vegetation on the rain. Therefore, the rainfall is far mountain slopes. This makes flood- heavier on the mountain’s wind- ing more likely. ward, or western, side. Land areas Many towns and cities in Kerala on the other, or eastern, side of the were inundated. The floodwaters range receive much less rain. This is also affected Cochin, one of the what’s known as a ‘rain shadow’. state’s biggest cities. Army helicop- The Western Ghats are a wa- ters rescued people from the roofs of tershed. Rivers on either side of their homes. Boats picked up others. Flooding in Kerala (Indian Navy) the mountains flow in opposite Teams of rescue workers from other NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 9 parts of India travelled to Kerala. Touching someone who has the dis- Over 400 people died. Thousands ease cannot spread it. Some types of animals, such as cattle, buffaloes of mosquito pass the parasite from and goats were drowned. one person to another. These insects Around one million people had feed on human blood. Plasmodium to leave their homes. Many houses will enter a mosquito’s body if it and other buildings were damaged. bites a person who has the parasite Some were swept away. When peo- in their blood. If this mosquito then ple could return to their towns and bites another person, the malaria villages, there was another danger: parasite can be passed to them. snakes. Officials warned people to Only female mosquitoes bite, or check their cupboards, underneath suck blood. They need it to produce carpets and home appliances such their eggs. The mosquitoes do not as washing machines. When flood- seem to be affected by the parasite. Nowadays, it’s known that some ing in India occurs, snakes and scor- mosquito species carry viruses that pions are known to move into peo- cause other diseases. These include: ple’s homes. They do this to escape zika, dengue fever, yellow fever, the rising waters.  West Nile fever, and chikungunya. These viruses are transmitted from person-to-person in the same way as Mosquito Day malaria. Three years ago, there was a Zika World Mosquito Day commemo- outbreak in Brazil. People most at rates a discovery made over 100 risk from the Zika virus are expect- years ago. It is observed on 20th Au- ant mothers. Microcephaly is a birth gust. On this date in 1897, Sir Ron- defect. If a woman gets the virus ald Ross (1857 – 1932) proved that Sir Ronald Ross while pregnant, her child may have malaria is transmitted, or spread, by People infected with the parasite the disorder. New-born babies with mosquitoes. begin to feel unwell after about ten microcephaly have small heads and Ross was a British doc- days. They may have a headache, less developed brains. Some babies tor. During his lifetime, India fever and chills. If not treated within with the disorder die at a young age. was part of the British Empire. 24 hours, malaria can become a se- Others grow up with smaller heads, (Then, India included Pakistan vere illness. Today, the disease ex- but seem to be unaffected. However, and Bangladesh.) Ross lived in ists in about 90 countries. These are as they get older, many suffer from India for 25 years. He worked in: sub-Saharan Africa (countries learning troubles, speech difficul- for the Indian Medical Service. south of the Sahara Desert), South ties and health problems. There is This organisation looked after the East Asia, and Latin America (or no cure for microcephaly. health of military people serving South and Central America plus the The best way to control mosqui- in this part of the world. In In- Caribbean islands). toes is to stop them from reproduc- dia, Ross suffered from malaria. Older people can develop some ing. The mosquitoes that spread While living in the country, he immunity to malaria. Younger chil- diseases lay their eggs in stagnant, discovered that a tiny parasite, dren and pregnant women are most or still, water. After hatching, the which causes malaria, exists in- at risk. Today, around 210 million mosquito larvae grow into adults. If side some mosquitoes. The para- people catch malaria each year. there is no stagnant water, the mos- site is called Plasmodium. About 430,000 die of the disease. quitoes cannot lay their eggs. Sleep- Malaria is common in tropical Most are young children. Roughly ing under nets and wearing clothes and subtropical countries. Plasmo- 90% of all malaria infections and that cover the skin are other effec- dium, which is also known as the 92% of the deaths are in sub-Saha- tive ways of preventing mosquito malaria parasite, lives in the blood. ran Africa. bites.  NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 10

Hajj pilgrimage

Mecca is in Saudi Arabia. It is the Islamic religion’s holiest and most important city. Each year, over 1.5 million Muslims visit Mecca to take part in an annual pilgrimage. They come from all around the world. The pilgrimage, which is called the Hajj, is a five-day event. (Hajj is the Arabic word for pilgrimage.) This year’s Hajj began in the evening of 19th August. The Hajj takes place during the final, or 12th, month of the Islamic Pilgrims at the Grand Mosque in Mecca walking around the Kaaba (Muhammad Mahdi Karim) calendar. This is a lunar calendar, Muslims believe that he was God’s so it is based on the cycles of the messenger. Each year, on the Hajj’s Moon. The lunar calendar is about third day, Muslims celebrate one of 11 days shorter than the interna- Islam’s holiest festivals. It’s called tional, or Gregorian, one. This is Eid al-Adha, or Eid. Muslims all why the Hajj is on different dates around the world celebrate Eid. In each year (in the international cal- Muslim countries, this festival is a endar). For example, last year, the national holiday. Eid al-Adha com- Hajj was between 30th August and memorates the day on which the 4th September. Prophet Abraham planned to sacri- There are about 1.6 billion Mus- fice his son. God stopped him and lims in the world. It is the duty of told Abraham to sacrifice an animal all Muslims to travel to Mecca for instead. Eid al-Adha means ‘festival the Hajj at least once during their of the sacrifice’. lifetime. This is as long as they At the end of the Hajj, pilgrims are healthy enough, and can afford The Abraj Al-Bait complex in Meccav return to Mecca for a special cer- to go on the pilgrimage. The Hajj ing stones at the Devil. Mina is emony. They walk around the is what’s known as one of the about five kilometres (three miles) Kaaba, a cube-shaped building ‘five pillars’ of Islam. This means from Mecca. draped with black cloth. It is in the that it is one of the most im- Nowadays, most pilgrims travel centre of Mecca’s Grand Mosque. portant, or fundamental, things on to Mina by road. They use one of This mosque is what Muslims face, which Islam is based. A pilgrim- the 20,000 buses, or the specially wherever they are, when taking age to Mecca is a spiritual jour- built electric train. Yet many still part in daily prayers. The pilgrims ney. It is meant to help Muslims decide to walk. The Saudi authori- walk round, or circle, the Kaaba commit to their faith and cleanse ties have built a huge camp for the anticlockwise. This is so that their their souls. pilgrims near Mina. It has more hearts face towards it. The pilgrims perform ceremo- than 100,000 large white tents. In recent years, many new nies that represent important ideas Each is made from a special mate- buildings have been constructed in of the Islamic faith. As well as vis- rial that cannot catch fire. This is Mecca. The largest, by far, is the iting Mecca, they go to Mina and where most of the visiting pilgrims Abraj Al-Bait (‘The Towers of the the valley of Mount Arafat to per- stay during the Hajj. House’). It is a complex of seven form different rituals. At Mina, pil- For Muslims, the Hajj follows tall buildings. They contain hotels grims throw stones at pillars called the actions of the Prophet Muham- and shopping malls. The complex the Jamarat. This represents throw- mad about 1,400 years ago. All was completed in 2012. NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 11

blew away the top half of the moun- Two hundred years ago, Water- tain. Today, there is a large circular loo was a small village in Belgium. depression, or crater, where the vol- The battle was between a large cano used to be. This is known as French army and an army made a caldera. These are formed when up of soldiers from Britain, the the ground sinks or collapses af- Netherlands and parts of Germany. ter a large volcanic eruption. The Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) Tambora caldera is 6.5 kilometres commanded the French army. The (four miles) wide and 1.2 kilome- Duke of Wellington (1769 – 1852) Tented camp at Mina, near Mecca tres (0.75 miles) deep. led the opposing force, or the allied The seven tall buildings over- The explosion ejected billions army. He was a successful British look the Grand Mosque. The cen- of tonnes of rock, ash and gas high commander. Napoleon and Wel- tral clock tower is the world’s third into the air. In places 600 kilome- lington had never faced each other tallest building. Its four clock faces tres (373 miles) away, there was no in battle before. are the largest in the world. Thou- sunlight for two days. Within weeks Wellington positioned his army sands of green and white lights above of the eruption, winds high in the along the crest of a ridge. This the clock flash five times each day. atmosphere, blew tiny ash particles was a defensive position. The They signal the times at which Mus- and sulphur dioxide all around the allied army blocked the road to lims say their daily prayers. Green globe. The ash blocked out some Brussels, Belgium’s capital city. and white are the colours of Saudi of the sunlight. The volcanic haze In the days before the battle, the Arabia’s flag. The clock tower’s affected the weather in many coun- weather was unusually wet. A lights can be seen from a distance of tries. Skies that contain a lot of vol- heavy rainstorm soaked both ar- 30 kilometres (19 miles).  canic ash reflect sunlight back into mies the night before it began. space. Therefore, be- Napoleon delayed his attack be- come much cooler. cause of the sodden ground. He Waterloo weather The effects of the volcanic haze in the atmosphere lasted for almost The year 1816 is known as ‘the year three years. In Europe and parts of without a summer’. Temperatures North America, in 1816, there was in the northern hemisphere were far snow and frost in June and July. colder than usual. A huge volcanic Rainfall increased. Many crops eruption in 1815 was the cause of were ruined and farm animals died. the unusual weather. Now, a scien- There were famines in Europe and tist in the UK believes that the same China. The eruption disrupted In- eruption affected the outcome of an dia’s annual monsoon rains. This important historical event: the Bat- led to food shortages in many parts Mount Tambora caldera, image taken from the tle of Waterloo. of Asia. International Space Station (NASA) Mount Tambora is on the island of Sumbawa, in Indonesia. The Bat- tle of Waterloo was fought in June 1815. Two months before, Tambora exploded. The top half of the volcano blew apart. The explosion was one of recorded history’s most powerful vol- canic events. The sound of it was heard 2,500 kilometres (1,553 miles) away. Mount Tambora was over 4,000 metres (13,000 feet) high and shaped like a cone. The eruption Painting of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, by William Sadler (1782 – 1839) NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 12 hoped that it would dry out. To Korean family reunions armies faced each other at the reach the allied army, the French end of the war. It’s known as the soldiers and their horses had to Between 20th and 23rd August Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). This climb the ridge. The wet ground nearly 100 family reunions took narrow strip of land is covered made it more difficult. place in North Korea. Most of those in mines and barbed wire. Today, The battle raged for most of the involved are over 80 years of age. thousands of North and South Ko- day. For a time, it seemed as if the The oldest is 101. Brothers and sis- rean soldiers still face each other allied army would lose. Then, late ters met and parents were reunited on either side of the DMZ. The in the day, a Prussian army arrived with sons and daughters. The mem- division of the country in 1953 from the east. Prussia was a king- bers of these families had not seen separated millions of people from dom in northern Germany. It was their relatives since their country their relatives. part of the anti-Napoleon alliance. was divided in 1953. One family has run North Korea Soon after the Prussian arrival, the since it became separated from the French soldiers turned back. Their South. It remains a one-party state. retreat became disorganised. The Currently, Kim Jong-un leads North French army was beaten. Korea. His grandfather was the The outcome of the battle finally country’s first president, or supreme ended Europe’s Napoleonic wars. leader. North Korea is a secretive They lasted for 25 years. Three and authoritarian country. Purges, or weeks later, Napoleon surrendered sudden arrests, are not unusual. The to the captain of a British navy ship. country has many prison camps. As punishment, he was exiled to Korean family reunion (Divided Families Foundation) Some people suspect that North Ko- Saint Helena. This small, remote is- North and South Korea used to reans are ‘brainwashed’. They are land is in the Atlantic Ocean, off the be one country. It was taken over told that their leaders are god-like west coast of Africa. Napoleon died by Japan in 1910. Japan attacked and never do anything wrong. North there six years later. the USA in 1941. This marked the Koreans may not leave their country The university scientist com- start of the Second World War in unless they have special permission. pleted some experiments. They the Pacific. After its defeat in 1945, Few visitors are allowed. demonstrated how electric charges American troops occupied Japan RUSSIA in the atmosphere affected the ash and the southern half of Korea. CHINA from Mount Tambora. The particles Russian soldiers moved into the NORTH rose far higher into the air than was north. The USA said that Korea KOREA previously thought. Over Europe, should become a democratic coun- DMZ the ‘electrically charged’ ash cre- try. Russia wanted it to be a one- SOUTH ated unusual clouds. These are what party communist state. The country KOREA caused the unseasonal rains before was divided into North and South. JAPAN the Battle of Waterloo. The scientist In 1950, the North invaded the PACIFIC says that similar clouds appeared South. This was the start of the OCEAN soon after more recent large vol- Korean War. The conflict lasted Nowadays, people in South canic eruptions. three years. The United Nations Korea elect their politicians and Some historians believe that if he (UN), with mainly American president. The country has a very had begun his attack earlier, Napo- troops, helped the South. China successful economy. Several of leon would have won the battle. The supported the North. The war its large companies are world allied army would have been de- ended in a ceasefire, or truce. leaders in computer technology, feated before the Prussians arrived. A formal peace treaty, between shipbuilding and industrial design. If true, as well as creating ‘a year North and South Korea, is yet to Yet, many North Koreans do not without a summer’, the Mount Tam- be signed, or formalised. have enough to eat. There is not bora eruption changed the course of The border between the two much electric power. Only impor- world history.  countries is where the two opposing tant people and senior military NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 13 officials live comfortably. Much randomly selects those who take Polar shift surprise of North Korea’s money is spent part. This time, 100 people were on its large army and weapons. chosen. A check is made to confirm Geologists are researchers who North Korea’s leaders control the that their relatives in North Korea study rocks. A team of geolo- newspapers and television and ra- are still alive. Twelve out of the 100 gists in China have been studying dio broadcasts. News reports from did not go. The check confirmed a stalagmite. They took it from a other countries are blocked. that their relatives in the North had limestone cave in the south of the In 2000, North and South recently died. country. Their study suggests that Korea agreed to organise family Over the three days, the rela- geomagnetic reversals can happen reunions every year. Yet, when tives met for a total of 11 hours. far quicker than previously thought. there were disagreements between One 99-year-old woman from the A reversal, or polar shift, is when the two countries, the North often South was reunited with her two the Earth’s magnetic poles ‘flip’, or cancelled them. Before the latest daughters. Now aged 71 and 72, turn ‘upside down’. reunion, the last one was three they had not seen their mother Caves often form in limestone years ago. The reunions usually since they were six. Another rocks. As it is porous, water can seep take place in a North Korean mother from the South met her through limestone. Rain that lands holiday resort. It is not far from long-lost son. She is 92. An on the ground drains through the the DMZ. 86 and 75-year-old sister and soil. As it does, the water absorbs Around 57,000 South Koreans brother greeted their older sister. carbon dioxide from rotting vegeta- are on a waiting list for a fam- Aged 89, she lives in the North. tion. This makes it slightly acidic. ily reunion. Most are now in their There were many tears. Every- If there is limestone under the soil, late 80s and early 90s. Each year, one knew that, after the reunion, the water seeps into it. The acid in around 4,000 people on the list die. they would never see each other the water then dissolves some of the In the South, a computer programme again.  limestone. Over many millions of









This map shows countries to which news stories refer in this issue. Visit for more detailed world maps. NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 14 years, this natural process can create long caves and big caverns. TODAY POLAR SHIFT Water filtering through limestone contains calcite. Stalactites and sta- Geographic Geographic North Pole lagmites are made of calcite. Stalac- North Pole Geomagnetic Geomagnetic tites are icicle-like formations that North South Magnetic N Magnetic S Pole ‘hang’ from the ceiling of limestone field Pole field caves. Stalagmites grow up from the cave floor. Dripping water forms them. Over thousands of years, as the stalactites and stalagmites slow- ly grow, they can meet. When this happens, they form ‘pillars’ that join the floor to the ceiling. S Axis of rotation N The stalagmite the researchers Geographic Geographic took from the cave was one metre South Pole South Pole (three feet) high. It began to form 107,000 years ago. For the first that movement of the liquid iron 16,000 years, the dripping water at the Earth’s centre, or core, may that created it contained magnetite. be the reason. The last ‘flip’ was The Earth is like a huge mag- about 780,000 years ago. This re- net. Some minerals record infor- versal did not happen suddenly. It mation about the orientation, or took place gradually over thou- alignment, of the planet’s magnet- sands of years. Some people think ic field. Magnetite is one of them. that geomagnetic reversals have The researchers cut the stalagmite caused certain extinctions millions into sections. These were analysed of years ago. Yet there is no proof, with special equipment. The sta- or evidence for this. lagmite’s magnetite shows that On average, geomagnetic rever- something unexpected happened to sals seem to happen every 200,000 the Earth’s magnetic field 98,000 to 300,000 years. Therefore, the years ago. next flip is thought to be long over- The planet’s magnetic field is Stalactites and stalagmites in a cave in China due. However, the magnetite in the important. It protects the Earth Currently the North Magnetic stalagmite shows that there was a from high-speed charged particles, Pole is in the Canadian Arctic. Over polar shift 98,000 years ago. Sur- or atoms. The Sun ejects these the last century, the magnetic poles prisingly, it happened (in geologi- particles into space. Like a mag- have moved about 64 kilometres (40 cal time) very quickly. Within 100 net, the Earth has two magnetic miles) each year. to 200 years, the magnetic poles poles, north and south. (This is From studying ancient volcanic flipped and then flipped back again. why a magnetic compass points to rocks scientists know that Magnet- After the geologists’ study was the north.) Over time, the planet’s ic North and South have reversed, published, many people wondered North and South Magnetic Poles or ‘flipped’, several times in the what would happen if a ‘quick gradually move, or ‘wander’. They past. Were this to happen today, reversal’ were to occur today. are not in the same places as the a compass would point to what Scientists say that a geomagnetic fixed ‘geographical’ North and is now the Magnetic South Pole. reversal of this type would not South Poles. These poles are the These magnetic ‘flips’ are also threaten the human race. How- ends of the Earth’s axis. This is called polar shifts. ever, it could cause some tech- an imaginary line about which the Scientists do not know what nologies, such as satellites, to planet spins. causes polar shifts. Some suspect malfunction or fail.  NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 15

Ship’s bell returned The soldiers fighting in the An investigation confirmed that trenches needed constant supplies the captain of the ship that hit the Theresa May is the UK’s prime of ammunition, food and military Mendi was at fault. For some reason, minister. On 28th August she visited equipment. Military leaders ar- his ship did not pick up any people , one of South Africa’s ranged for these supplies to be from the water. The captain said that largest cities. There, she held talks shipped across the . it was dark. He could not see what with Cyril Ramaphosa, the president They were then transported over- was happening. Yet many people in of South Africa. The two leaders land to the trenches. This operation South Africa thought the captain de- also took part in a special ceremony. required thousands of workers. At cided not to rescue anyone because During it, Mrs May handed a large that time, most men in the UK were they were black. He was given a bell to Mr Ramaphosa. The name SS needed in the army. lenient punishment. Mendi is engraved on it. Over the years, during white rule The SS Mendi was a ship (SS in South Africa, the Mendi incident stands for steam ship). It was was rarely spoken about. For black launched in 1905. The Mendi trav- people, it became a symbol of injus- elled between ports in the UK and tice and discrimination. A memo- Africa. It carried passengers and rial commemorating the men who goods. The First World War began drowned was set up in Cape Town. It in 1914. British and French forces is at the place where they stayed be- fought against the German army. fore boarding the ship 100 years ago. In eastern France and Belgium, the In 1974, a diver from the UK fighting became trench warfare. discovered the wreck of the Mendi. Both sides dug long lines of deep Wrecks of ships sunk during con- trenches. They ran all the way from Ship’s bell from the SS Mendi flicts are designated as war graves. the English Channel to the border The UK government set up an Divers are not allowed to take any- between France and Switzerland. organisation called the South Afri- thing from them. can Native Labour Corps (SANLC). Last year, a UK news reporter re- About 25,000 South Africans joined ceived a large package. He did not it. They worked in French ports un- know who sent it. The package con- loading military supplies. Members tained the Mendi’s bell. Who took it of the SANLC were non-combat- from the wreck and when they did ants. They did not take part in any so is a mystery. fighting. At the end of the war in A ship’s bell is important. In 1918, the SANLC was disbanded. many countries, it represents a ship In January 1916, the Mendi left that has been scrapped or sunk. SS Mendi Cape Town. About 900 people were These bells are made of brass and During the war, leaders of the on board. Most were new SANLC engraved with the ship’s name. Tra- British navy requisitioned, or took recruits. Many had not seen the sea ditionally, a ship’s bell was rung as a control of, civilian ships. The Mendi before. Few could swim. The voy- time signal; in an emergency; if the was requisitioned in 1916. The navy age from Cape Town to the UK took ship was sailing through thick fog; planned to use it to transport sol- 34 days. When the Mendi arrived, when someone important came on diers. These vessels were known as the weather was foggy. In the early board; and if a sailor died. troopships. At the time of the First hours of the morning, another ship During the ceremony, Mrs May World War, the UK was the centre of accidentally collided with the Men- spoke about the Mendi and the a large empire. It included South Af- di. The collision happened about 30 men who died in the accident. As rica. Soldiers from many countries kilometres (19 miles) from the UK’s she gave the bell to Mr Ramapho- within the empire, such as Canada, southern coast. The Mendi sank. sa, Mrs May said that it marked Australia, India, and New Zealand, Over 640 men drowned. Most were the ‘close bonds’ between the UK took part in the fighting. members of the SANLC. and South Africa.  NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 16

Crisis in Venezuela and controls how items are dis- currency is now worth very little. tributed. Mr Chávez nationalised The only banknotes used in Ven- almost all the companies in Ven- ezuela that have value are from On 28th August, Michel Temer ezuela. This means that the gov- other countries. US dollars are an spoke on live television in Brazil. ernment owns and operates them. example. Most items people want He is the country’s president. Mr Unfortunately, the people who to buy have to be imported from Temer explained that he had sent a run these companies are mostly other countries. Shop owners can group of soldiers to Brazil’s border inexperienced and corrupt, or dis- no longer afford them, so the shops with Venezuela. Thousands of Vene- honest. When he became presi- are empty. People have to queue for zuelan migrants have been crossing dent, Mr Maduro declared that he many hours to buy basic foodstuffs into Brazil. Mr Temer said that the would govern the country in the such as bread and milk. Most do not soldiers were needed to keep ‘law same way as Chávez. Mr Maduro have enough to eat. and order’ at the border. has won several elections. Yet Mr Maduro blames foreign na- The Brazilian president’s an- most people believe that these tions for his country’s problems. He nouncement follows similar inci- were rigged, or organised, to make claims that foreign countries, such dents in other South American sure that he was successful. as the USA, are trying to destroy countries. Over the last four Venezuela. In recent years, other years, more than one million peo- South American nations have been ple from Venezuela have moved able to take no notice of what was to Colombia. The main cross- happening in Venezuela. Today, ing between the two countries is with thousands of Venezuelans leav- the Simon Bolivar International ing the country each week, they can- Bridge. Nowadays, thousands of not ignore it. Venezuelans cross this bridge During his television address, Mr every day. Half a million people Temer described the problems in from Venezuela are now in Ec- Venezuela as a crisis. He said that it uador. More than 400,000 have was now a ‘threat to the harmony of moved to Peru. the whole of South America’.  Venezuelans are leaving their country to get away from: a collaps- ing economy, food and medicine shortages, power cuts, lawlessness, Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela and hyperinflation. Hyperinflation One of Venezuela’s main prob- occurs when a country’s currency lems is that it is too reliant on oil. becomes worthless. Nowadays, the country has no Venezuela is an oil-rich nation. companies that create ‘wealth’, or It has some of the world’s larg- sell items to other countries. Over est known oil reserves. Venezuela 95% of the money Venezuela earns should be a wealthy country. Nico- comes from oil. Ten years ago, the lás Maduro has been the country’s oil price was very high. Today, it is president for six years. He took over much lower. The government owns after Hugo Chávez died of cancer. the country’s oil company. It is very Chávez led the country for over ten badly managed. The oil company’s years. He decided to use his coun- equipment is old and badly main- try’s oil wealth to improve the lives tained. It produces less and less oil of the poor. Chávez called this ‘21st each year. century socialism’. The government has borrowed In a socialist country, the gov- too much money. It has also printed Simon Bolivar International Bridge crossing ernment runs the major factories far too many banknotes. Venezuela’s between Venezeula and Colombia (Brookings) NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 17

The university scientists’ study took four years. It involved 20,000 people aged ten and above. All live in urban areas in China. Over the four-year period, their verbal and maths skills were monitored. Their results were compared to the amount of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the air. Sulphur dioxide comes from burning coal, gas and oil. Road traffic (or petrol and diesel Air pollution in Beijing (Schwarzman Scholars) vehicles) produces nitrogen dioxide. Air pollution study construction, or building, sites, The scientists say that their study burning household rubbish, thou- suggests that air pollution can have Nowadays, the air in many cities is sands of cars, trucks, and buses as a short-term effect on intelligence. polluted. A group of scientists from well as coal-burning power stations. So, for example, students may get universities in China and the USA In India, farmers, who live in the lower marks when taking exams have recently completed a study. It countryside surrounding cities like on days when there is more sulphur was designed to find out if the level, Delhi, can make the haze worse. In dioxide and nitrogen dioxide pol- or amount, of air pollution can af- the autumn, they set fire to the crop lution. The scientists think that this fect a person’s intelligence. waste in their fields. The fires create pollution also has longer-term ef- Currently, large urban areas in huge amounts of smoke. The farm- fects. They claim that polluted air India and China have the world’s ers do this to clear the land before can cause everyone’s level of edu- worst air pollution. At certain times planting the following year’s crops. cation to reduce by one year. Men’s of the year, cities in both countries Air pollution monitors, or sen- mathematical ability seems to be af- are covered in a thick ‘blanket’ of sors, can measure levels of micro- fected more than women’s. smog, or haze. It’s worse when scopic particles in the air. These The WHO says that 90% of the there is little wind. The countries’ are less than 2.5 microns (or 2.5 world’s population now breathes capitals, New Delhi, in India, and millionths of a metre) across. The ‘dirty air’. It estimates that, each Beijing, in China, are now known World Health Organization (WHO) year, air pollution kills at least four for their ‘dirty air’. Both cities are gives advice about public health. It million people. Many of them suf- home to over ten million people. says that PM2.5 particles are dan- fer from related illnesses The word ‘smog’ is a mix, or gerous. (PM stands for particulate made worse, or aggravated, by the combination, of the words ‘smoke’ matter.) At this size, the particles particles in the air.  and ‘fog’. It was first used in the are small enough to enter a person’s UK in the 1950s. Then, people lungs and bloodstream. Breathing in burned coal to warm their houses. too many PM2.5 particles can cause UN Rohingya report Smog would form over cities if the serious illnesses. weather was foggy and there was no The WHO says that the PM2.5 On 27th August, the United Nations wind. Smoke particles became at- level should be below 25 micro- (UN) published a report about the tached to water droplets in the air. grams per cubic metre. It claims Rohingya people. The report states In the worst smog, it was difficult to that readings above this level are a that they have been persecuted and see very far. Some people became danger to people’s health. The In- subjected to serious human rights ill after breathing in the droplets and dian government sets the safe figure violations. The report condemns the smoke particles. at 60 micrograms per cubic metre. violence against the Rohingya. It Around 70 years ago, burning Yet, Delhi’s annual average figure is says that senior military leaders in coal was the main cause of urban over 150. PM2.5 readings of 300 or Myanmar are to blame. air pollution. Today, it is a mix above are not unusual in Beijing at The Rohingya’s homeland is a of factory emissions, dust from certain times of the year. part of Myanmar called Rakhine NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 18

BHUTAN boat journeys to Malaysia. Others Ms Suu Kyi spent many years walked to Bangladesh. in prison or under house arrest. In INDIA Five years ago, some people 1991, she was awarded the Nobel CHINA in Rakhine State set up the Ara- Peace Prize. Ms Suu Kyi was not BANGLADESH kan Rohingya Salvation Army able to leave the country to collect (ARSA). It carried out several at- the award. The military rulers fi-

MYANMAR tacks on Myanmar army outposts, nally agreed to release her in 2010. or remote bases. Last year, about Five years later, an election was 100 members of the ARSA at- held. The NLD won easily. Ms Suu tacked guards near the Myanmar- Kyi became the country’s leader, or Rakhine state Bangladeshi border. After this Myanmar’s state counsellor. Even incident, Myanmar soldiers de- though she leads Myanmar, the army

THAILAND stroyed hundreds of Rohingya vil- commanders are still very powerful. INDIAN OCEAN lages. This was in retaliation for Many people in other countries the border attacks. are disappointed that Ms Suu Kyi Fearing for their lives, hundreds did not stop army attacks on the of thousands of Rohingya crossed Rohingya. She chose not to do so. into Bangladesh. The UN helped the Ms Suu Kyi says that international government of Bangladesh to set reports about persecution of the Ro- State. Myanmar is also known as up two large refugee camps. Now, hingya are exaggerated. Burma. Most people who live in these camps are home for 700,000 The UN report names six senior Myanmar follow the Buddhist faith. Rohingya. The UN provides them Myanmar military leaders. It says The Rohingya are Muslims. Their with food, water, blankets, clothes, that they should be investigated for ancestors moved from Bangladesh and medicines. Only a few Rohing- crimes against humanity and geno- to Myanmar around 200 years ago. ya now live in Rakhine State. Those cide. The UN rarely uses the word In Myanmar, the Rohingya are living in the camps want to return to genocide. In recent years, other peo- stateless. They are not allowed to be- their homes. ple accused of this crime have been come citizens. For many years, My- tried at the International Criminal anmar’s leaders have insisted that Court (ICC). The ICC was set up these people are illegal immigrants. 16 years ago. It is supposed to judge The Rohingya, they claim, are in people, from anywhere in the world, the country unlawfully. In the past, who are accused of war crimes. The violence between the Rohingya and court lists genocide as a war crime. Buddhist groups frequently broke The UN report also criticises Ms out. The Rohingya say that members Suu Kyi. It states that she should of Myanmar’s army always blamed have done more to try to stop the un- them for these incidents. lawful treatment of the Rohingya.  In 1992, to avoid the ongoing violence, about 250,000 Rohingya Part of a Rohingya refugee camp (DFID) left the country. Most moved to For many years, military leaders Great Dying explanation? Bangladesh. More problems began governed Myanmar. They took con- six years ago. A young Buddhist trol of the country in 1960. In the Researchers from the USA and the woman was attacked and killed. late 1980s, a political group called UK have been studying some rocks Buddhists said that a group of Ro- the National League for Democracy in northern Russia. They believe hingya were guilty of the crime. (NLD) was formed. Its members that their work may help to explain Crowds of Buddhists attacked Ro- opposed Myanmar’s military rulers. what caused the ‘Great Dying’. This hingya villages and mosques. Over They wanted to elect their own lead- event, which occurred 252 million 100,000 Rohingya fled from the ers. Aung San Suu Kyi became the years ago, is one of the Earth’s country. Some made dangerous NLD’s leader. great mysteries. NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 19

During the world’s long history, in the Great Dying. Even the insects that the eruptions filled the air with there have been at least five mass disappeared. This is the only extinc- carbon dioxide. Then, apart from extinctions, or extinction events. tion event that affected insects. The places near the North and South These did not happen in a single tropics, or large areas on each side Poles, it became too hot for any- day, week or month. They probably of the Equator, were worst affected. thing to survive. took place over a long period, or Around the time of the Great Dying The researchers from the USA many thousands of years. there was a huge volcanic eruption and the UK have a new idea. They Perhaps the best-known extinc- in what’s now northern Russia. To- studied volcanic rock samples tion event is the demise, or death, of day, the place where this occurred from the Siberian Traps. Both were the dinosaurs. It happened around is called the Siberian Traps. Traps formed from magma. This is the 66 million years ago. This extinc- is the Swedish word for stairs. It (cooled) larva that is ejected dur- tion may have been triggered by is used to describe hills that have a ing volcanic eruptions. One magma a large asteroid or comet striking step-like formation. sample was 360 million years old, the Earth. Another possibility is an The Siberian Traps cover an area or before the Great Dying. The other enormous volcanic eruption in what of about two million square kilome- cooled after the extinction event, or we now call India. This eruption tres (772 thousand square miles). around 160 million years ago. lasted for over 500,000 years. Both Scientists believe that the erup- The researchers discovered that catastrophic events would have al- tions that created the Siberian Traps the older magma contained chlorine, tered the atmosphere and changed lasted for one million years. These bromine and iodine. These elements the climate. Some scientists suspect eruptions are believed to have been were ‘missing’ from the younger that the dinosaurs were wiped out the largest in the Earth’s history. magma. The researchers think that by a combination of the two. Scientists believe that the Sibe- they leaked into the atmosphere dur- The event 252 million years ago rian Traps eruptions are connected ing the one-million-year-long erup- was the worst known extinction. with the Great Dying. However, tions. Chlorine, bromine and iodine Scientists call it the Great Dying or they are not sure how. Some think are what are known as halogens. In the Permian-Triassic mass extinc- recent years, halogens were used in tion. It marked the end of the Permi- aerosol sprays. Nowadays, they are an and the beginning of the Triassic banned. This is because they destroy geological periods. Then, the world the ozone layer. looked very different to what it does The ozone layer is between 15 today. Many scientists think that all and 35 kilometres (nine and 22 Siberian the continents were joined together Traps miles) above the Earth’s surface. in one large landmass. This huge This part of the atmosphere is called land area is called Pangaea. Pantha- the stratosphere. Ozone is a natu- lassa was the ‘super ocean’ that sur- ral gas. It is made of . Most rounded it. oxygen in the air, or the oxygen we Around 96% of all life in the sea breathe, is O2. It has two joined ox- and 70% of life on the land died out ygen atoms. Ozone, or O3, has three atoms of oxygen. The ozone layer protects, or shields, the planet from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. These can cause skin cancer and cataracts (a medical problem that affects the eyes). If there were no ozone layer, the Earth’s climate would be far hotter. UV would reduce the numbers of tiny marine creatures called plankton. Part of the Siberia traps in Russia (Seth Burgess) These sea creatures are important. NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 20

They are at the bottom of the oceans’ over by British settlers in the mid- Half of Grand Bahama is covered food chain. Small fish and other ma- 1600s. Later, they were a British in a conifer forest. It is known as the rine creatures such as krill feed on colony. The Bahamas became an Bahamian pineyards. This forest is plankton. Larger fish then eat these independent country in 1972. It is a the habitat of the Bahama nuthatch. small fish and krill. These larger fish Commonwealth realm. This means About 15 years ago, around 200 of are a food source for seabirds and that the UK’s monarch (currently the birds were believed to be on the big marine creatures such as sharks Queen Elizabeth the Second) is the island. Wild fires, invasive species and some whales. head of state. Today, The Bahamas and hurricanes, or powerful storms, The researchers say that damage is a financial centre and popular are a threat to all wildlife on to the ozone layer may not have tourist destination. Grand Bahama. been the only reason for the Great One of The Bahamas’ biggest During a survey in 2007, fewer Dying. Yet it probably contributed islands is called Grand Bahama. It than 30 nuthatches were recorded to it.  is 153 kilometres (95 miles) long on Grand Bahama. Two years and, at its widest, 24 kilometres (15 ago, a hurricane hit The Bahamas. miles) across. Freeport, The Baha- Called Hurricane Matthew, its Nuthatch rediscovered mas’ second largest city, is on Grand high-speed winds damaged many Bahama. It is home to 27,000 people. buildings on Grand Bahama. They A team of students and wildlife of- Nuthatches are small birds. There also blew down power lines and ficials have ‘rediscovered’ a small are many nuthatch species. Mem- hundreds of trees. bird. It is found only in The Baha- bers of the ‘family’ live in North After Hurricane Matthew, no Ba- mas. Called the Bahama nuthatch, it America, Europe and Asia. Most hama nuthatches were seen. Recent- was feared that the bird had died out. are found in woodland habitats. The ly, a team set out to look for the birds. The Bahamas are an archipelago, birds prefer conifer trees. It was made up of students from the or group of islands, in the Atlantic Bahamas and a UK university plus a Ocean. There are about 700 islands few local wildlife officers. The team and over 2,000 cays. A cay (or key) searched the forest for six weeks. is a low-lying sandy island on top Just when its members were about of a coral . The Bahamas is not to give up, one nuthatch was spot- far from the coast of Florida, one of ted. Over the next few days, several America’s 50 states. other sightings were recorded. In 1492, Christopher Columbus However, members of the team (1451 – 1506) set out from Spain think that they may have seen the Rediscovered Bahama nuthatch on Grand with three ships. He sailed across Bahama (Matthew Gardner) same bird. They hope that there are the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus is Most nuthatches make their nests at least one male and one female. famous for being ‘the person who in cavities, or holes, in trees. Holes Even if there are, the likelihood of discovered America’. This is incor- previously made by woodpeckers the Bahama nuthatch surviving is rect. He never landed on the coast of are also used. Some use resin to re- very low.  North America. It’s now known that duce the size of the holes’ entrances. Viking explorers from Scandinavia Conifer trees produce this sticky crossed the northern Atlantic at least substance. Females lay between 12 400 years before Columbus. and 18 eggs. After they hatch, both Editor: Rebecca Watson After he crossed the Atlantic, parents feed the chicks. Newsademic is published The Bahamas was Columbus’s first Nuthatches eat insects and seeds. every other week, or fortnightly, landfall. The Spanish removed the They find the insects under pieces of throughout the year. native people who lived on the is- tree bark. The birds are also known For further details and lands. They were taken to another to make food stores. These are hid- subscription prices visit island and forced to work as slaves. den in tree crevices or under stones. For many years, The Bahamas was The stores, or caches, are used when © 2018 Newsademic uninhabited. The islands were taken food becomes difficult to find. NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 21

Instructions: j Complete the crossword. The answers are Issue 335 highlighted in orange in the news stories. There are 25 words highlighted and you need 20 of them to complete the lossary uzzle crossword. k Once you have solved the crossword go to G P the word search on the next page c


2 3 4

5 6 7


9 10 11



14 15






Across Down 2 Verb Made worse 1 Noun Living together in a way that causes no harm, damage or 5 Adjective Describes plants or animals that live on their arguments own and not in groups or colonies 3 Verb To magnify the importance of something to make it seem 8 Noun Political or religious belief or set of beliefs more significant, or better or worse than it really is 12 Noun An action taken in revenge or payback for 4 Noun An act, or activity, that shows you are sorry for a something wrongdoing 14 Verb Taken for use or service, especially by military or 6 Noun The act of becoming less strict and giving more freedoms government leaders 7 Noun Plural Pieces of household electrical equipment 16 Verb Broken up, especially a group of people 9 Adjective Describes something that must be done; there is no 17 Noun Something that is more important than any other, choice something that needs to be done first 10 Noun Position or alignment compared to points of the compass 18 Adjective Able to be used together or landmarks 19 Noun Plural Acts that disregard rules or accepted ways of 11 Adjective Not strict behaving 13 Noun Plural Actions or words performed or spoken frequently 20 Noun The murder of a large number of people from a as part of a ceremony particular ethnic group or country 15 Adjective Causing anger or disagreements between people NID: 1000321-103-335 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here]

30th August 2018™ – British English edition page 22

Instructions: j Find 19 of the 20 crossword answers in the word Issue 335 search. Words can go vertically, horizontally, diagonally and back to front. k After finding the 19 words write Glossary Puzzle continued down the 20th (or missing) word under the puzzle. GIVE AS A GIFT There are Newsademic subscribers in over 100 countries They are a mix of: Schools Universities Families Adult learning centres Homeschoolers Tutors Academies teaching English as a second language (ESL) Students learning English as a second language You can gift a Newsademic subscription to a family member, friend or school. Please e-mail us for full details at: [email protected]

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