AECOM International Development Monthly Report No. 11 20 September 2015


1.1 Enhanced technology innovation, dissemination, and management • As of August 27, L4G has distributed13,809 kg of forage or dual purpose seeds (millet, sorghum, Bambara nut, cowpea, and groundnut) on loan to 52 local Producer Organizations (POs). • The 16 seed multipliers (including one woman) L4G trained previously in Koro Cercle continued to produce forage crop seeds under the guidance of the L4G Coordinator with support from L4G-trained Village Animators. • The 16 seed multipliers (including three women) L4G trained previously in Cercle continued to receive technical support on techniques for production of quality seeds for forage crops from the Coordinator.

1.2 Increased access to quality inputs and services • On September 15, L4G staff officially launched its model of privatized veterinary services with 175 attendees (140 men and 35 women), including the Prefets and Sous-Prefets of Koro and Bankass Cercles, two L4G trained private vets, and the 77 L4G-trained Auxiliary Vets. The objective of the launch event was to present the new fee-based vet service model that will improve vaccinations, deworming and other services for cattle, sheep, and goats in the 21 FtF communes in Koro and Bankass. The L4G DCOP also delivered a sensitization presentation on growing Dolique (Hyacinth bean) as a legume forage crop and began mobilizing growers. . • As of August 30, L4G had distributed 4,650 kg of NPK fertilizer on loan to 110 producers (including 72 women) in the villages of Koumbougourou, Don and Goro Communes of Koro Cercle. • As of September 3, L4G had distributed 3,500 kg of urea fertilizer on loan to 75 producers (including 64 women) in Pel, Koporo-pen and Koumbogourou village in Koro Cercle where our beneficiaries are growing Toroniou and Sepon-82 millet. • Consultant Dr. Amadou Mahamadou led training for the second group of Auxiliary Vets took place form August 25-29 at the IFP school in Bankass with 40 people (18 women and 22 men). Participants received hands-on training in SVPP modules #3 “Livestock Parasites and Their Life Cycles” and #4 “Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prevention of Livestock Diseases.” The two newly selected veterinarians also attended the workshop. Unfortunately, the two incumbent vets authorized to work in the L4G zone have yet to attend auxiliary vet training. • Dr. Amadou led training for the first group of Auxiliary Vets August 31-September 3 with 33 participants (including two women). The training covered module #5 “Vaccination Practice With Supervision of a Veterinarian.” Practical training for auxiliary vets in Bankass • From September 9-12, Dr. Amadou trained the first group of auxiliary vets on Module #5 “Vaccination Practice under Supervision of a Veterinary Doctor.” The training took place in Bankass with 44 people (29 men and 15 women). • Dr. Amadou trained the four SVPP private vets at the L4G Sévaré office September 4-8 on business management.

1.3 Improved pastureland and water resources management • L4G staff met with the Kani-bonzon Commune mayor on September 16 to support his efforts to mentor the local water harvesting commissions in three villages along the Falaise. Discussions covered cattle access to water points, ongoing maintenance of structures, compliance with USAID environmental standards, and recruitment of growers for Dolique and Moringa.

Mali L4G Monthly Report: September 2015 1 Contract: AID-688-C-14-00004 1.4 Improved community literacy, numeracy, nutrition and hygiene practices • 32 nursery managers (including 15 women) participated in a hands-on workshop in Koro Town, Koro Cercle August 24-26 on producing Moringa and forage trees such as Faidherbia albida, Bauhinia refuscens. Mr. Bourlaye Diakite and Mr. Yanibe Dena, technicians from the local government Agroforestry Service, delivered the training. 35 nursery managers (16 women) participated in a similar workshop in Bankass Town, August 27-29 delivered by technicians from the local government Agroforestry Service. L4G Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Ousmane Sankare, supervised both of the agroforestry training events.


2.1 Strengthened market linkages and access Correct Technique for transplanting • On September 3, the DCOP and the L4G Trade and Market Linkages Moringa – Bankass training Specialist participated in preparatory meetings to promote the sale of 2,000 sheep in Moptià Bankass for the Tabaski holiday (Operation Tabaski). The counsellor to the Region Governor, Mr. Moumini Damango, led the meeting and L4G partner Direction Régional de la Production Industrielle et Animale (DRPIA) attended.


4.2 Strengthened capacity of livestock value chain actors Nothing to report this month. COMPONENT V. ENABLING ENVIRONMENT

5.2 Increased capacity of civil society for policy analysis and advocacy Nothing to report this month.

OPERATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES • AECOM L4G Engagement Manager Kim Clark visited Mali August 14-20 to support the field team in developing the Year 2 work plan and budget. • The COP met with ILRI Representative, M. Amadou Fall, on September 5 to discuss in detail L4G and ILRI collaboration in the livestock value chain. • The COP met with IESC Representative, M. Moussa Sankare, on September 12 to discuss L4G and IESC collaboration to promote credit access for vulnerable populations. • Administrative Assistants for Koro and Bankass Offices began work on August 24. Both assistants are local hires from the . • L4G is discussing with FTF partner WAWASH the possibility of installing a laundry stand where women can wash clothes without contaminating water at Ende 2. • L4G was alerted that an attack occurred in Ouankoro Commune in Bankass Cercle, on September 12, killing one gendarmes and wounding another. The assailants were described as Islamic militants. Attackers burned four motorcycles and two vehicles and burned down the Gendarmerie outpost. Ouankoro is approximately five miles from the border with Burkina Faso.

MONITORING AND EVALUATION • The M&E Specialist trained 26 people from Bankass (seven women) in L4G data collection. L4G selected 22 participants to collect L4G data for indicators. The data collection training took place August 21-23. Data collection began on September 10 in Koro and Bankass Cercles and will conclude on September 28, which will allow for compilation and production of data for the L4G annual report. • CADES consulting firm submitted a draft baseline report on three reference indicators (Gross margin/head for cattle and small ruminants; Off-take rate by producer organizations and cooperatives; and Value of exports of cattle and small ruminants) in Sévaré on September 3. L4G provided feedback and observations in a September 9 meeting to guide revisions.

Mali L4G Monthly Report: September 2015 2 Contract: AID-688-C-14-00004