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m ' - "X ..- MONDAY, APRIL 17,1M4 f AQE TW EU Manche8teJn'^E^p^nfp'fferald Average Daily Circulation The WValher Fo# the Month ot Blarcbi 1S44 Forecast ui L. a. Ueaib i- f X ■ The ’ recently organised ^taltan- ' .The Manchester Chamber of The fund'for the benetU of the •rhe Klwanis dub will entertain Increasing eloadiheaa and wodk. MysUC' Review. Woman’s Bene American I.4idlea’ Auxiliary tiie^- Commerce will serve as .collector Connecticut Society for^^rl'pplcd; more than 30 children at their an erately cooT,tonight; Wedneaday fit Association. will hold its meet bers are urged to Invite thelc -huAi. of contributions to w a i^ thb erec- 8,706 Children, la alowly bUt surely nual Kiddies party this evening at ronalderakile clondlneM and cooler TowiK ing tomorrow evening in Odd Fel- bands to the pot luck supper to be tipn o f a service men'a honor roil Member of tba Audit climbing toward Itg goal, <2.275 the Y.M.C.A. The ‘dln;jer will be along conaw haB. The offlcem and mem- served tomorrow evening at eight befe. A ll donations should be left o f .the <2,500 quota having been served at 6:30. Following the din Bnraaa ot tXrcoiatioas o t the gnard team are urged o’clock sharp at the clubhouse,on at the. Chamber office or mailed y CotmcJI, D egN * i * Poe»-F raiimd to date. / ' This result has ner and business session three '7 ^ to 'attend as a rehearsal will be Eldrldge street. Mrs. Luigi Pola direct. Manehe$ieir—~A Cify of Village Charm ___ wiU meet u naual tonight been made ppsaible by aeveral movie cartoOhs will b« shown. Two heldln preparation for the cot^ attendance prises will be gfven, is president o f the auxiliary. 'St^t o'clock 111 the U p ew club- ventloXat Hotel Bond. Hartford, generous gifts,' among them the lae. Ten m emb«i«-o< Uw^Coun- one by Ray Cooper and a special FW^y our Home - - - • tOlaaBiaed AdvertlaiBt M Paga ip> MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1944 ^TWELVE PAGES) PRICE I’HKEE c e n t s Ellis Cloak company, 'Vt^hich has VOL. L X n i.i NO. 169 ...A dl attended the Bed Men’* »2nd this sprl^. A social^ ttmt with prise, by Davl^- Cjothers. Mrs. RosS Diana, o f Center refreshmenukwlll follow ^ charge given In all <135, a gift of <25 has anniversary -baagnet and celebra* .street, was called to Boston yes of Mrs. G ra V Hov.-lhnd. Mrs. also ^en gratefully received front tton last eveniiiff nt the Sporta terday by the sudden death of a Anne Smith ahd Mrs. Jeanette Fred' Murphy of Murphy's Res Chain* in Manchester- Lodge of OlMEIOT ' end-had an enloyable time. taurant and <18 from the South Masons Will be filled tomorrow cousin. ' King. Methodist church. It Is believed night by employeee ajt the Pratt TMEI STORM-WINDOWS Leaping Coal Polish-A merlcan baseball by the committee If those who and Whitney division of Niles, Be- teaA will praotice at she o’clock Genersr Welfare cX ^ r No. fl ment. Pond, West Hartford, for le s have seals they haven’t yet set will meet tomorrow ev»mlng, at TO NHHT IT tMlonnow night at the West Side. tled tor, would do so, the goal the conferring of the Master Ma RANGE AND - ' A u dedrlng to try out ate asked eight o’clock at the East Skje Rec Found Hoax would be reached. son degree. Lodge will open at FUEL-OIL to report pt that time. reation Center. 7:30 and refreshments w ill' .be If, durisf A t , ytan Mitt STORM DOORS X'. served following the degree work. wbrtutry trtt tad ttleattt wtf* On Teacher All members of Oibbons Ans«m- btlnq dtvtitptd by grWstt ttpl- ily. Catholic Ladies of Columbus, James A. Woods ttl, ctrine (or tb# dtad bets /A aVi reminded of the Important .181 Center St. Tel. 65(56 DO NOT WAIT t eevtrnsitniti (unetits, H it (tfs Expert bushiess meeting tomorrow eve Rurtd School Myntery 1$ ning a t 8:15, at the K. of C. home. it tuumt (bt» fiit per ctfite. u- A Month A soclaNjoiir will follow In charge pen,*'' is ttiM tf fttt bttb INSULATION Solved by Confe$$ioni ino of Mrs. A. W.. Gates and Mrs. Ber wSuld ktvt grttllv ttcttdtd the O f Four Pupils to For Your Radio! nard Fogarty, co-chairmen, as- FOR TOP VALUE prt rtit cMt t ( Amtrkt’t yttrly r .ststed b y MrSf Richard Post. Mrs. IN A NEW HOME, * (ustrtl b'lll. And mtny tf letb Now Is the Time to Order Them Probing Officials. Raympnjl, X>avls, Mrs. J. A. Oder- lee'itliltd itrvicM deuld ptwibly Instruction Bring It To mann and Mrs. Andrew Hooker. See the Ones Being Built By ktvt bets Itckisf in prtper dig /blcktabqn, S. D..,Apr‘il 18—<yp>— Yerj^nienko’s ' 'Forces ROBERT C. BRITTON nity end rnvnrsntinl rntpect. Berlin Target Develop New j Children ahd\Adults. Officers of Chapman Court., Or greenbrqoke l l i e case oJMhe leaping lignite at Moving Downhill on 15 Laurel Place lonely Wild Rtum rural school in \ Clas.4 Limiu der of Amaranth, will have a re • MOTOR TUNE-UP HOMES, INC. City After Cracking Prompt, Efficient Service. hearsal tonight at 7:30 In the Ma A.MBULANCE SERVICE southern Stark coimty la solved. For Bombers; For Appolnthirnt Arms to Hit i sonic Temple, Inl preparation for ^On WhikeP Street It didn’t leap. iV w aa thrown. Baidar Gate; Expected 90 Day Guarantee! the Initiation ceremony at the • W HEEL aIIGNMENT . G. Glenney Co. PHONE 43B6 And the reported ^qwaterloua meeting Friday evening. For tnflher Iqforpiatlon call at Goa$t Raided To Link Up with 4th/, • BRAKES Cm L Lumber, Mroom^ Supplies, Paint' Area and puffs of smoke didn’t A t Enemies AJetiuider Jarvto 'Co. offlee on flame of their own accord dr^^aa a Center street or nt 26 Alexnnder Ukraine Army Already • VALVE g r i n d in g 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4148 , Manchester result of the use o f some cHeinl- Pbones: 4112 or 7275 I cal. They were caused by slm;^ ivy Aerial Buttles Hussey Declines to Am Filtering Through Bar Asbestos THE SHERIDAN street. wooden sticks, “farmers matches’ Have Vipur Baby, • OVERHAULING Rj^^rteil by Germans; plify His Statement; ricades /rom North. ig and Rock in the hands of a group o f young * \ Yourself or Your \ restaurant Quick Serpite sters hoaxing their near-sighted ProbkbK 2,000 Air- * Large Testing Sttt- Insulation teacher. Moscow, April 18.— (4 V - Family PhotogrBphed The mysterious hooded man craft iitTDay Assault. tion* for Rocket Guns. Two big Russian Armies were Invites the People of Expert WotUmanship didn’t exist except in the pupils’ Expert workmadaWp. All work reported nearing a juncture in YouP OwB Home. imagination and the threatening iteed. ReasdiMbla Prices, Manchester To Try Their London, April IS T ^ — About Washington, April 18.—(iiP) — in the outskirts of Sevastopol olglgatton for estimate, and sometimes obscene notes This is thKnew Ixwkheed Constellation, described by Its builders as the largest lahd transport plane. Just after''it tdxied into the tackea to the door of the little 2,000 American heavy baimbers and Rear Admiral George S. Hussey, today for a final onslaught Phoi^3971 rite. National airport ^ Washington. D. C., after lov/ering oy 30 minutes the previous coast-to-coast mark, set in 1937 by Howard Hughes, V one-room schoolhouse wer? crude- fighters attacked Berlin and other X for AplwintBient. 65c MANCHESTER who was a co-pilot bi the iConstellation on its record'non-stop flight. Time from Burbank, Calif., to Washington was six hours and 58 chief of the Navy's. Bureau of ^against a frenZied Axis garri HALE’S minutca Note site of^lane as compared with jeep. (AP Wliephoto.). objectivea in Hitler’s contrhental Ordnance, said t o d ^ that some son liarricaded in the streets B^^on Insulating Full Course Luncheon ,(dontlnued on Fage Four) fortress tpday. forcing Ge \ g |K1iR G E d e w MOTOR SALES, INC planes i-hto’ hcnvy aerial battles. newHypea of weapons "arS in pro- a fi^ failing to effect a large >^otographer' X ISO Oxford St. Hartford West Center St. Tel. 4134 One strong formation carried out ess” for use against the enemy, scale xevacuatipn. from the rboM Hartford Bt-I5l0 .Served 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. French People W am e4 the bombing of Berlin, the first e declined to amplify the state burning>Uy. (The Vichy radio, , L Invasion Time Looming daylight blow at the much-Wbmbed ment ma^e in response to inquiries quoting aNricrm an report, said and GARDEN \ 9 Trucking Firms Ital since March 22. at a ribwa conference held by Secre “the battle xpr Sevastopol haa Allies Garry Fight London, April 18.— (>P)— e Britain-based Fortresses tary of tlje Vavy Knox,. now commenceJk;^ with very heavy '"The time is getting short," and'Llbcratoi's struck Germany in Hussey sqid the development of fighting taking ^ c e in tlie forU the Sb*nch people were warned strength for the first time in five rocket gunsNis progressing very fleid region of the tqwn.) days. A separate force of Libera rapidly and disblo. d that a "large SCREEN DOORS White Trellis today UKthe latest of h stream Tied Up by Strike; Mountain Positlun''Cnicki . Have them ready when the warm days arrive! To Jap Invaders; o f pre-thyaslon broadcasts tors lashed at anti-invasion tar testing station” )K(W is being de Front di^atches s a i d l W Gen.