Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-22
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= -------. ! Ration Calendar -- Warmer OAI UA" 6.11,... • explrt M., 11: (,O"~EF. •• ~,.oa n • plr.. M.y '141; 1~ BUOA. ..,.. I' ... ,1.. lOla, SI; IOWA: No& mueb I'haDn In ke.4 E. ", ll. H me-at. ala_ps e.l:,lr-e MAY 51: DAILY· IOWAN ~mperatllfe; tODtinued G. , a.. ~ A' ...,. espll'e Ma,. SI; 800E8 e •• ,e... n expire. J".fI IS; THE warm today. IS FUEL OIL ".pOD No. ~ npl ••• S.pl. SO. Iowa City/s Morning Newspaper • IOWa', fWE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED PIIESS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, MAY 22,1943 TBI AtlIOClATID •••11 VOLUME XLDI NUMBER 203 g)'lIlIt :h (or JAPS GET DOUBLE DOSE OF U. S. BOMBS IN BURMA 1 d1h overn. levee Breaks I '. \lOrted board flood Farms, American \ Fortresses e }fay 1 • 22.57. have Protecl Cilies ~e the higher If the Over 100,000 Persons 5 a.Iso a Bomb"Nazi Sub Yard he reo Homeless as Damages ure or Amount to Millions 0 , )len. IIY THE AssocrATED PRE II JlnERY GERMANS BUILD NEW.",W.,AL.. L ti~ ~ . Twelve Planes Fail 10 Relurn A dozen breaks in levees along r, did the Mississippi, lUinois and Wa !d as. ba.~h rivers spewed flood waters 8,500,_ over thousands of acres of fertile midwestern farm lond yesterday From Large Scale Air Blows f per. bui saved several cities from the ! rolls threat or immediate Inundation. ing to With mOI'e than 10Q,000 persons AI Wilhelmshaven and Emden with homeless anel losses running into is apr many millions and mounting hour· , peak ly, refugees left danger zones by 8,. RICE YAHNER ts tor car and boat, while soldiers and TJO. D .' (A P ) - J\m('rican Flying FortI' .. l' .0111. h d their 'nomlc civilians bulwarked dikes against II' has the onrush of cresting currents. way 1111 cO I'le' (1 tlll'ongh heavy t'onc!'lltration or cnrOlY Cigh C1'8 and IInti-lIil"('r t fir!' .~tel"(lny to IIttnek the .'ubmarinc yard. at : with The lUinois river was on the COMlNG FROl\( DIFFERENT BASES In India and approalhlnl' tbeir tarrets rrom different direction, .r comes rise along a 200 mile stretch from American bombers pour tons of destruction down on Jap communication lines at i\fyitnfc, Burma, Emd(,l' Illld Wilhelm bnv 11, Oerman'. North 'l 11 Illwnl ba ,in ~ they Peru to Granon, Ill.; the Missis above. Bombs or one groUIl are bursting on twill hllthway brlcJKe ~. low("\' left. ",hlle the athtr Il;:we. ('pllmt ollylight 1"llirl . to the sippi was inchin& up along n sim blast railroad yards a. mile a.way, right. "D qpitl' V 1"y . Irong ('n('my fighter oppo~ition lind int n. r \ Ilar length from Gra!lon to Cape ------------- fink," nil Eigllth 11. , . Ilil" fOl'ce commun\qll s1\id, the twin l\S· Girardeau, Mo.; the Missouri was ~nllltf; "WPI'l' PI'I'· d home nnd II Inl'l':l' weight or bombs" \I'll .. 'eman, expanding on the home stretch of 'HERE/S ROCKY REGION WHERE YANKS BATTLE JAPS' I1I'0PP(,Il. its sweep to the Mississippi. '['w('lve or the hi~ {olll·.l'nginl'll bomlwl"!I failed to r01111' bllck More than 400 families and 2,000 fl'om thl' dnlll operation 10 smltsh tIl(' vitlll ermnn -boat con s nnd head of livestock were evacuated sl rlll'l ion )'Ill'd!'l Ilt lhr two port ('iti . Emden i. abont 330 airline lowai -~ome by boat and barge-from --rmi'I'R from London aud Wil- tack the nlinois side of the Mississippi onsin; bet\\leen SI. LOUis, Mo., and Cairo, n. I R rt brIm IIIW(, 11 is abont 40 mil . Ill. In that seelol', 3,400 troops WLB rane epo j. i'arth r. labored to proted seltlements and • • Mllny of th II my fighlCl'!j muni. rail lines. Levees were breached icates Wage Raise lI'IJi ch ('IHI 11(' 11 gpd tIl p well- ry Ia. at Stringtown, FOl,t Chartres, De Ind armed American henvyweighls eract) , gonia, Fountain Blliff and Grand " U I'k I wet'e de froyed in the numerous :, Ne· Tdwer. For Mmers nley combnts which ensued, Lhe com- regon; , munlque I!lIld. Two Ihousand soldiers from Fort Fliers returning (rom the Wi! Sheridan, Ill., were assigned to helmshaven raid said they rought service in the Illinois river valley o lerrl!ic bottle with 100 to 150 below Beardstown today. That enemy planes. will raise the total of regular army personnel on flood duty 1n At one ·bomber ba e 'he ~ort the sfate to 5,400. In addition, ress crews declared Ihe WU Gov. Dwight H. Green ordered hehldhaven attack was "Ihe 500 Illinois state militiamen mob· labor board's panel In the sort lourhest yet--next to Bremen," which wa raided April 17 at a i1ized in their home armories to coal dispute submitlcd a report stand by for a call I r condi lions cosl of 16 bombers. become more grave. lost night which Indicated that The sky over Wilhelmshaven nny straight basic wnge Increase seemed full oC Focke-Wulf 190's 'rhe Red Cross estimated 24 ,337 l\IAS8ACRE BAY, where one of the two main American forces lllndrd, Is shown, left forenound, In till families-about 98,000 persons - I under the liUle aleel formula was anr( MeASerschmitt 100's which were homeless in Illinois, Mis aerial view of Altu i land where the Yanks are battllhr to 011. t the .Tap . To the 1'1 hl I. hlrlko( )oint new reckles Iy throueh the tigM l• JlU bed INVA the Atlantic improbable, but lefl the woy opeh N souri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and :l.nd at UIlller lef are the mountains overlooklnc Chlcharof harbor. Arter lundinI', the A",eric:l.1I formations of Flying Fortresses, Irlto the mountains toward the other U. S. force tandlnr On the opposite side of th I land, Tltt ~ !in \I'a II , whi('h til l' any the Allanlle 101' ndJustment of other kinds, the airmen reported. Kansas. With 12,000 ndianans coa t Qf Frallt'e, also routed, ltle six-state total apr official l!nit~t1 States nav,Y ,photo. which could be minor or substan WhUe the Fortresses were pound --'-- tial os the iuel board determines. ine northwestern Germany tor the The principle demand upon second time in three days, P-47 PT~~i::;;~ntzO~'I~~ r~~~~~~~'14 , 662 Y ' t J N led . K' -II d· ' At· which a compromise decision ap- Thunderbolts again patrolled the coast of Nazi-occupied Holland in ~~:~~swC~:r~ei~I~~d,S~~~~~::i emamo 0, ap ava om man er, ' I e 'In cIon pea red possible Is the portal-to- force. The fighters also bumped peres were submerged, and 8,6651 homes were damaged or ruined. - - ~-- . portol method of compensation into enemy planes which broullht In Illinois alone, it added, LO,OOO ,-----------------------------, which would Include payment for down three P-47's, t.he communl~ Yank Fliers Destroy underground travel lime. At pres- que said. It added that "some :;li~e~eer~~~~el:~:it!::J ~~~ Churchill-Roosevelt War Strategy Talks Author of Pearl Harbor Allack ent the miners' seven-hour wOl'k- Focke-Wul!s were hit, although their destruction was not con 6,OPO were being fed. R S 113·Plus Axis Planes ing day includes only the actual firmed," ro~h~i:~~~~~d ~~ge~~r,m~ft~~~;~~ each tage of Final, Fateful Decisions pl'oduclive time. Tbe Emden and WUhelm· Other concessions were possible haven attack were carried oul casts of expected crests indicatin~ Died in April, Tokyo' Discl~ses Ihe worst '-'(as yet to come. In Widespread Raids in the way of increased ossurnnce at mldda.y by whal Elrhth U. WASHINGTON (AP) - Thetwith Soong, he sa id the principal that the miners would receive the S. air force headquarters de- Day and night work by the stage of fateful decisions has been thing discuss d had been the mat D1' Tilt: A !lOCI T 0 PRES benefit oC a six-day week, in- scrIbed as "two stronrforina- military, adults and high school rea'<:hed in the war strategy con- tel' of gctting war materials or all Allies Lose 1 Aircraft boys and girls put a three· foot Admiral lsol'oku Yamamoto, therOI the Fie t. Th Imperial Diet creased vacation payments and tion" or hea.vy bomben. ferences President Roosevelt and kinds, including mediCines, inlo In Attacks on Italy, Japanese N3vy's Commander in (parliment) was called into session rree equipment and tools. The Fortress pilots said German barrier of planks and sandbags Prime Minister ChurchllJ are hold- China, and that this was going ptop the sea wall protecting the Chief, author of the Pearl H::trbor (or today to pay its respl'cts. Tokyo The report was tactual nnd con- !Ighters met them "ver;!, high over ing with their military advisers. along well. Mediterranean Islands att3ck and the man who once . toined no recommendations as lhe tareets and there were very 6,500 residents of Beardstown, m. Responding to a request fo r a Asked about talks with p Or ime boasted he would dictate peace broadcasts told ot nationwide such. close and fierce nttacks." The river lapped up to 27.6 ieet progress report, Mr. Rooscvell Minister Mackentie King of Con there-an all-time record-but ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN tel'ms in the While House, was mourning. However, the panel cites 11eures It was the fourth assault on Wi!- told a press conference yesterday ada, he said they had been con NORTH AFRICA (AP) - More killed lost month in 011' combat .