Melbourne City Council


Meeting Number 30 Tuesday 30 November 2010 5pm

PRESENT Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle (Chair) Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley Councillor Peter Clarke Councillor Carl Jetter Councillor Jennifer Kanis Councillor Kevin Louey (arrived at 5.02pm) Councillor Ken Ong Councillor Brian Shanahan

APOLOGIES Councillor Cathy Oke

Confirmed at the meeting of Council on 21 December 2010. COMMENCEMENT OF MEETING AND APOLOGIES

The meeting commenced at 5pm.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, read the following acknowledgment statement:

I welcome Councillors, Management and members of the public in attendance to the . We respecully acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Kulin Nation. This special place is now known by its European name of Melbourne. Today, Melbourne is one of the great multicultural cities of the world, a significant meeting place. For the great Kulin Nation, Melbourne has always been an important meeting place and location for events of social, educational, sporting and cultural significance.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised the agenda comprised of: • seven Reports from Committee, three of which were confidential; and • eight Reports from Management, three of which were confidential.

An apology was received from Councillor Oke.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, acknowledged the change of leadership of the state government, stating that he wished to: • thank former Premier John Brumby and his cabinet for their contribution to public life and the city; • congratulate John Brumby for service to the state as opposition leader, treasurer and premier; • thank the Brumby family as well as members who retired, were defeated at election or lost office and that their contribution should be honoured; and • congratulate new Premier and the Coalition for their win in the election and that Council is looking forward to working with him and the new team.

Councillor Louey arrived at 5.02pm.


The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that conflicts of interest would be disclosed as they arose.


Moved: Cr Ong

That the minutes of Council meeting number 29 held on Tuesday 26 October 2010 be confirmed.

Seconded: Cr Kanis Carried unanimously.


There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous open meeting.



The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that as at 3pm the following submissions had been received in accordance with the Council's Conduct of Meetings Local Law 2010.

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 2 In relation to Agenda Item 5.1, Swanston Street Road Closure':

Items of Correspondence: • Yolande Leonardi, President, Residents 3000

In relation to Agenda Item 5.2, 'Proposed Establishment of a Police Pod in Southbank':

Items of Correspondence: • Kristina Hopkins, on behalf of The Knight Alliance; • John Ahern, President, Yarra River Business Association Inc; and • Yolande Leonardi, President, Residents 3000


There were no confidential items brought forward for consideration in the open session of the meeting.


5.1. Swanston Street Road Closure

The purpose of this report was to recommend that Council approve the closure of Swanston Street between Franklin Street and A'Beckett Street, Little Bourke Street and Bourke Street, and Collins Street and Flinders Lane to all vehicles excluding trams, bicycles and authorised vehicles as part of Stage Two of the Swanston Street redevelopment.

Moved: Cr Louey

That Council defer this report to allow for consultation to take place with the new Victorian Government.

Seconded: Cr Clarke

Carried unanimously.

FUTURE MELBOURNE COMMITTEE (People and Creative City Portfolio)

5.2. Proposed Establishment of a Police Pod in Southbank

The purpose of this report was to respond to the resolution of agenda item 6.2 from the Council meeting of 28 September 2010: '1.2 management provide further information for the November Future Melbourne Committee on alternative safety infrastructure for the City of Melbourne including seeking a private briefing from Police on the issues contained in the report'. Following consideration at the Future Melbourne Committee on 9 November 2010, the Committee made recommendation to Council. Moved: Cr Ong

1. That Council: 1.1. construct the proposed Police Pod at Southbank within the estimated costs of $250,000, plus service connection costs of $100,000 subject to confirmation that it be resourced and maintained by the police; 1.2. request that the construction of the Police Pod be completed and installed at Southbank within six months after the approval of the relevant Minister;

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 3 1.3. request that Council Officers consult with and the Yarra River Business Precinct Association on the final design of the proposed design and fit-out of the Police Pod; and 1.4. that a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Melbourne and Victoria Police be executed regarding the ongoing maintenance of the Police Pod.

Seconded: Cr Clarke

Cr Ong advised that a lot of consultation had taken place with residents groups and more time was required to allow for further discussions with all parties involved.

Cr Clarke acknowledged that the police pod would be manned during peak periods only. He also suggested, that the police pod: • would be a good resource providing police with an active base, promoting a presence in the area; • would cost $350,000 for construction with extra anticipated for maintenance and even though the state govermnent should fund it, we cannot wait any longer; and • may not be there forever and if or when the police set up a more permanent location, the building could be relocated for another purpose.

Cr Jetter supported the motion stating that Council is concerned about safety, however he had reservations because it is a state government issue and was concerned it may set a precedent.

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, stated that the suggested location for the police pod is not ideal, however Council has taken into consideration the comments received from the community groups regarding community safety.

Cr Kanis acknowledged the work of Cr Ong however stated that she did not believe that the police pod would serve the community's interest as police would be taken off the beat to staff it. Cr Kanis also stated that she would prefer to see more mobile vans and safe city cameras going into the area as the police pod would not guarantee an increase of police there and considering it was only to be manned during peak times it would send a message the area was not being policed.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, supported the motion, acknowledging that: • permission is still required to construct the police pod on two crown reserves; • the police pod would not be a relocatable building; • residents need to be made aware that it will only be manned during peak periods; and • policing is the state government's responsibility, however it is also Council's responsibility to keep the community safe.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, also stated that he had met with resident and business associations who believe that the police pod is an important initiative, as well as senior police who have assured him that they will use, resource and make proper use of the police pod.

Cr Ong thanked the Lord Mayor and Councillors for their support and discussion of the matter. He also acknowledged that the matter should be the responsibility of the state government, however that Council is responsible to ensure that residents and businesses are safe and that Council needs to show leadership. When the pod is no longer required it could be used for other purposes.

The motion was put and carried with the Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley and Councillors Clarke, Jetter, Louey, Ong, and Shanahan voting in favour of the motion and Cr Kanis voting against the motion.

FUTURE MELBOURNE COMMITTEE (Finance and Governance Portfolio)

5.3. 2010-11 First Quarter September 2010 Year to Date Financial Performance Report

The purpose of this report was to inform the Council of the financial performance of the Council for the first quarter ended September 2010, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989.

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 4 Moved: Cr Shanahan

That Council accept the quarterly financial performance report as at 30 September 2010.

Seconded: Cr Ong

Councillors Shanahan and Ong congratulated the Chief Executive Officer, management and staff on their commitment to providing high quality service in an efficient manner, which has resulted in a surplus of $4 million to the budget.

Carried unanimously.

5.4. 2010-11 First Quarter Council Works Program Report

The puTose of this report was to inform the Council of the first quarter financial performance of the 2010-11 Council Works Program.

Moved: Cr Shanahan

That Council accept the 2010-11 first quarter Council Works Program performance report.

Seconded: Cr Ong

Cr Shanahan commented that the first quarter indicated that the Council was behind in its progress however looked forward to results of the second quarter.

Cr Kanis acknowledged the completion of works at 'The Venny' at Holland Park, Kensington as a great community resource, with a useful and fun playground incorporating a building with sustainability initiatives.

Cr Clarke also acknowledged the short term and remedial works at 'The Venny' as well as the contribution and support of previous Councillor David Wilson and staff for their innovation of sustainability.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, commented that it was stunning to see the breadth of projects underway and that capital works are currently on track and within budget.

Carried unanimously.


There were five Reports from Management for consideration in the open session.

6.1. Record of Assembly of Councillors

The purpose of this report was to present the most recent written records of assemblies of Councillors for Council to note.

Moved: Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley

That Council note the written records of the assembly of Councillors as detailed in Attachment 2.

Seconded: Cr Jetter Carried unanimously.


Cr Clarke moved the recommendations contained in the Management reports with respect to agenda items 6.2 to 6.5.

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 5

Cr Shanahan seconded Cr Clarke's motion. The motion was put and carried unanimously.

The relevant information in relation to each of these agenda items, including the Council resolutions, is detailed below.

6.2. Request from the Royal Australian Navy to Exercise its Right of 'Freedom of Entry' to the City

The purpose of this report was to seek agreement from Council to support the request received from Captain Mark Hill, Senior Naval Officer of the Royal Australian Navy for the Navy to exercise its right of 'Freedom of Entry' on Sunday 10 July 2011 to mark the Royal Navy's hundredth anniversary.

That Council agrees to support the request for the Royal Australian Navy to exercise its right to 'Freedom of Entry' on Sunday 10 July 2011, and agree to fund hospitality costs associated with the event.

Carried unanimously.

6.3. Establishment of Major Projects Advisory Committee

The purpose of this report was to recommend that Council formally establish a Major Projects Advisory Committee and determine its terms of reference.

1. That Council: 1.1. establish the Major Projects Advisory Committee; and 1.2. endorse the terms of reference contained in Attachment 2.

Carried unanimously.

6.4. Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee

The pumose of this report was to recommend exemption of non Melbourne City Council members of its Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee from being required to submit a primary or an ordinary return.

That Council, pursuant to section 81(2A) of the Local Government Act 1989, resolves to exempt the non Melbourne City Council members of its Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee from being required to submit a primary or an ordinary return.

Carried unanimously.

6.5. Docklands Coordination Committee Change of Membership

The purpose of this report was to amend the membership of the Docklands Coordination Committee (DCC) by requesting Council change the membership of the DCC to reflect Board and staff member changes at VicUrban.

1. That Council: 1.1. pursuant to section 27E(2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 (the Act), remove David Young as a member of the Docklands Coordination Committee (DCC); 1.2. pursuant to section 27C(1)(a)(ii) of the Act appoint Simon Wilson as a member of the DCC; and 1.3. pursuant to section 27D(1) and (3) of the Act appoint Hamish MacDonald as a deputy member to Professor John Stanley on the DCC.

Carried unanimously.

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 6 7. GENERAL BUSINESS

There was one general business item for consideration in the open session.

7.1. Post Travel Report by Councillor Peter Clarke — Barcelona, London and Dubai September / October 2010

The purpose of this report was to report to Council on travel undertaken by Cr Peter Clarke to Barcelona and London to review market operations between 28 September and 3 October 2010. Cr Clarke also visited Dubai as a guest speaker at the Cityscape Global Conference between 4 and 7 October 2010 and further assessed market operations in Dubai. Cr Clarke's travel was approved by Council on 27 July 2010.

Moved: Cr Clarke

1. That the Council note this report and the attached summary of outcomes, opportunities and recommendations; and 1.1. refer the observations from markets visitation to the Advisory Committee for inclusion in the design brief; 1.2. assess the opportunity for a twinning relationship with Old Spitalfields Market in London and markets in Boston around sport and events; 1.3. request management to advance the opportunities for a detailed feasibility to introduce the Envac vacuum garbage system in Melbourne and immediately assess its application to the redevelopment of Swanston Street; 1.4. assess the potential business, community and cultural opportunities associated with a formal Melbourne-Dubai relationship as a trading and cultural link to the Middle East and North Africa including opportunities for collaboration with the state government; and 1.5. refer opportunities for planning and architectural consultants in the Middle East and North Africa to Enterprise Melbourne to disseminate to local consultants.

Seconded: Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle

Cr Clarke made the following comments: • Excellent work was happening in markets in Barcelona, London and Dubai including busking, theatre and car parking management. Some market managers from these cities will soon be coming to and have committed to coming to Melbourne. The Queen Victoria Market is doing well and can learn from how these other markets operate. • Representatives from Envac - Sustainable Vacuum Waste Management Systems, will be arriving Thursday 2 December 2010 to meet with Council staff to scope possibilities of using such a system in Melbourne and Docklands. • While attending 'City Scape' as a key note speaker, other countries indicated that they are very interested in our planning systems and how we can learn from each other. There were also requests from other countries to access consultants from Victoria which will be followed up. • Interest was shown from six businesses in the Middle East wanting to acquire property in Melbourne to establish businesses, including the possible development of a juicing factory. • Victoria has significant export to the Middle East and North Africa and as a result of the trip, Dubai are interested in creating a sister city or business relationship. • Thanked staff Jack Hanna and Trish Browne for their work and support of the trip. • Councillors take time out of their business and personal life to seek improvements to the city in the best possible way, and it was disappointing that media outlets trivialize Councillor travel. This travel will lead to a redeveloped market, new garbage systems, business development and new relationships that will improve the city.

CounciI Meeting — 30 November 2010 7 The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle made the following comments: • The report was outstanding in quality and showed value for money to ratepayers. • The review of markets is exciting, to which the Queen Victoria Market will benefit. • Thanked Cr Clarke on facilitating the visit of Envac to Melbourne as an opportunity of better waste management. • Thanked Cr Clarke for speaking and representing Council at 'City Scape' which enhances the reputation of the city. • Acknowledged that whether media is favourable or not, it is important that Councillors do travel, to take expertise to the wider world and bring expertise back.

The motion was carried unanimously.


There was one item of proposed urgent business.

8.1. Vote of Thanks to the World Knowledge City Summit Organising Committee

Moved: Cr Jetter

That the matter of 'Vote of Thanks to the World Knowledge City Summit Organising Committee' meets the criteria for consideration as an item of Urgent Business as it has arisen since the distribution of the agenda, and cannot safely or conveniently be deferred until the next Council meeting.

Seconded: Cr Ong Carried unanimously.

Moved: Cr Jetter

1. That Council resolves to thank the World Knowledge City Summit local organising committee, comprising: • Mr Peter Yates, Chairman, Royal Institution of Australia • Dr Kathy Alexander, Chief Executive Officer, City of Melbourne • Prof Richard Larkins AO, Emeritus Professor, • Ms Carol Schwartz AM • Mr Tan Yigitcanlar, Summit Chair, Queensland University of Technology • The Hon. Richard Alston • Sir Rod Eddington • Prof Margaret Gardner AO, Vice Chancellor and President, RMIT University • Mr George Pappas, Chairman, Committee for Melbourne • Mr Marlyn Myer AO, The Myer Foundation • Mr Leon Kempler OAM, Chair, Australian Israeli Chamber of Commerce • Mr Paul Ramadge, Editor-in-chief The Age And in particular the Office of Knowledge Capital's.. • Ms Helen Steel, Summit Project Manager • Ms Emma Stenhouse, Communications Advisor

Seconded: Cr Ong

Cr Clarke presented to the Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle the 'Most Admired Knowledge City Award', better known as the MAKCi Award, which was won against other cities such as Ontario, Singapore, and Barcelona.

Cr Clarke went on to acknowledge the work of Mr Peter Yates, Chairman of the World Knowledge City Summit, along with Mr Geoff Lawler, Director City Planning and Infrastructure and his staff.

Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 8 The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, accepted the award, commenting that we should be honoured that we have received this award. He also thanked the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) along with Geoff Lawler for their support, requesting that the CEO pass on Council's thanks and congratulations to the World Knowledge City Summit organising committee and the Office of Knowledge Capital.

The motion was carried unanimously.


Moved: Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley

1. That pursuant to section 89(2),(d) and (h) of the Local Government Act 1989, the meeting of the Council be closed to members of the public for the consideration of the following: 1.1. Agenda Items 5.5 to 5.7 and 6.6 and 6.7 as they contain information which if released, would prejudice the Council or any person; and 1.2. Agenda Item 6.8 as it contains information relating to contractual matters.

Seconded: Cr Jetter Carried unanimously.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, declared the meeting closed to members of the public at 5.55pm.

Confirmed at the meeting of Council on 21 December 2010.

Chair Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle

The reports considered in the decision making process (summaries of which are incorporated in these minutes) can be found at Council Meeting — 30 November 2010 9