A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church 2020 Annual Conference

1 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District

2020 Annual Conference Booklet

2020 – 2024 Quadrennial Theme: Think Big!!!

Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-10 MSG St. Luke 12:22-32 MSG

Bishop Clement W. Fugh Presiding Bishop Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh Supervisor 1 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Fifth Episcopal District Offices:

4519 Admiralty Way Suite 205 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Office: 310-577-8530 FAX: 310-577-8540

512 8th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203 Office: 615-744-6244 FAX: 615-744-6243

Mrs. Marcia Fugh Joseph, Office Manager

2 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

BISHOP CLEMENT W. FUGH Presiding Bishop, Fifth Episcopal District

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MRS. ALEXIA BUTLER FUGH Supervisor, Fifth Episcopal District

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Episcopal Greeting Greetings All,

“Man’s reach must exceed his grasp. Or what is a heaven for?” (From “Andrea del Sarto,” by Robert Browning)

The fresco by Michelangelo titled, The Creation of Adam, that serves as the cover for the program booklet of the 2020 Series of Annual Conferences of the Fifth Episcopal District, depicts Adam, newly created, reposed upon the Earth, weak, barely able to raise his hand to receive the touch by the of hand of God, the source of life and vitality. Without that touch Adam remains one with the dust from which he was molded, but with that touch Adam becomes a living soul!

Humanity, represented in Adam, desires a touch by the finger of God, and thereby rises from the mundane to the high calling of our destiny.

According to Robert Browning, it is that illusive touch just beyond our reach that keeps us striving.

The Fifth Episcopal District theme for the 2020-2024 Quadrennial is THINK BIG!

The scriptures that serve as the foundation of our work are found in Isaiah 54: 1 – 10 (MSG), and St Luke 12:22-32 (MSG).

Immediately after assuring the Elect of God of their peace, their redemption and their salvation through the suffering and death of the Messiah (Isaiah 53: 5), the Prophet recites a litany of gracious promises that the Lord has in store for them. “Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who’ve never experienced childbirth! You’re ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women.” God says so! “Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! THINK BIG! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep! You are going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family. You are going to take over whole nations, you are going to resettle abandoned cities.” (Isaiah 54: 1-3 MSG)

And to those for whom these promises seem fanciful in light of their mediocre existence, the words of Jesus in the Gospel of St Luke admonishes, “What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way God works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how God works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re My dearest friends. The Father wants to give you the very Kingdom itself.” (St Luke 12: 29-32 MSG)

So, this Quadrennial, with heaven in view, and the hand of God beckoning us onward and upward, lifting when we are too weary or too weak, THINK BIG!

If you have set your sights on a goal that you feel is attainable, given your gifts and grace and resources – you don’t need any help – then the course on which you have set is NOT of God!

“A man’s (a woman’s) reach must exceed his (her) grasp. Or what is a heaven for?”

Join me on this journey this Quadrennial as we reach for the stars! Not just for the stars, but for the heavens above and beyond, in so doing, perchance, we might touch the hand of God!

Clement W. Fugh Presiding Bishop 5 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Scripture References

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 54: 1 - 10 MSG; St. Luke 12: 22 – 32 MSG

Isaiah 54: 1 - 10 MSG

1 “Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who’ve never experienced childbirth! You’re ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women.” God says so!

2 “Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.

3 You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family. You’re going to take over whole nations; you’re going to resettle abandoned cities.

4 Don’t be afraid - you’re not going to be embarrassed. Don’t hold back - you’re not going to come up short. You’ll forget all about the humiliations of your youth, and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory.

5 For your Maker is your bridegroom, his name, God-of-the-Angel-Armies! Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel, known as God of the whole earth.

6 You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief, and God welcomed you back, Like a woman married young and then left,” says your God.

7 Your Redeemer God says: “I left you, but only for a moment. Now, with enormous compassion, I’m bringing you back.

8 In an outburst of anger, I turned my back on you - but only for a moment. It’s with lasting love that I’m tenderly caring for you.

9 “This exile is just like the days of Noah for me: I promised then that the waters of Noah would never again flood the earth. I’m promising now no more anger, no more dressing you down.

10 For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won’t walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.” The God who has compassion on you says so.

6 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

St. Luke 12: 29 – 32 MSG

22 He continued this subject with his disciples. “Don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion.

23 There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body.

24 Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more.

25 “Has anyone by fussing before the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch?

26 If fussing can’t even do that, why fuss at all?

27 Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance - but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.

28 If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?

29 “What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving.

30 People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.

31 Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

32 Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.

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THEME SONG: The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream To fight the unbeatable foe To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong To love pure and chaste from afar To try when your arms are too weary To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star No matter how hopeless, no matter how far To fight for the right Without question or pause To be willing to march Into hell for a heavenly cause

And I know if I’ll only be true To this glorious quest That my heart will lay peaceful and calm When I’m laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this That one man scorned and covered with scars Still strove with his last ounce of courage To fight the unbeatable foe To reach the unreachable star

Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Joe Darion / Mitchell Leigh The Impossible Dream lyrics © The Bicycle Music Company, Helena Music Company

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Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

DISTRICT NAME ORDER McKinley Young* 109 11 Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr. 115 10 Vashti Murphy McKenzie 117 1 Gregory Gerald McKinley Ingram 118 17 Wilfred Jacobus Messiah 120 Paul Jones Mulenga Kawimbe 121 2 123 15 David Rwhynica Daniels Jr. 124 7 Samuel Lawrence Green Sr. 125 14 & 19 E. Earl McCloud Jr. 127 13 Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath 128 8 Julius Harrison McAllister Sr. 129 4 John Franklin White 130 5 Clement W. Fugh 131 6 Reginald Thomas Jackson 132 9 Harry Lee Seawright 133 12 Michael Leon Mitchell 134 16 E. Anne Henning-Byfield 135 20 Ronnie E. Brailsford 136 18 Stafford J. N. Wicker 137 3 & Ecum. Off. Frank Madison Reid III 138

Retired Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

NAME ORDER John Hurst Adams* 87 Frederick Hilborn Talbot* 90 Frederick Calhoun James 93 Frank Curtis Cummings 95 Philip Robert Cousin, Sr. 96 Henry Allen Belin, Jr. 104 106 Robert Vaughn Webster 110 Zedekiah LaZett Grady* 111 Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr.* 112 William Phillips DeVeaux, Sr. 113 Theodore Larry Kirkland, Sr. 114 Richard Franklin Norris 116 Preston Warren Williams II 119 122 Bishop Adam J. Richardson Senior Bishop

Bishop Michael L. Mitchell President, Council of Bishops Deceased * 9 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

General Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. Lewis Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer AMEC Finance Department

Dr. George F. Flowers Executive Director, Global Witness and Ministry

Dr. Jerome V. Harris Secretary/Treasurer, Department of Retirement Services

Dr. James C. Wade Executive Director, Department of Church Growth and Development

Dr. Jeffery B. Cooper General Secretary, Chief Information Officer

Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown Historiographer, Executive Director Department of Research and Scholarship

Dr. Roderick D. Belin President/Publisher, Sunday School Union

Mr. John Thomas III Editor, AMEC Christian Recorder

Dr. Garland F. Pierce Executive Director Director of Department of Christian Education

Fifth Episcopal District Connectional Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Harold R. Mayberry Chair, Episcopal Committee

Attorney Patricia Mayberry President, Judicial Council

Mrs. Jackie DuPont Walker Consultant/Director, Social Action

10 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Ms. Ka’dijah A. Brown 2nd Vice President, Connectional WMS

Rev. LeSean Tarkington 1st Vice President, Connectional RAYAC

Fifth Episcopal District Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Allen L. Williams, Sr. Budget and Finance Chairperson

Rev. J. Edgar Boyd District Treasurer

Rev. Cedric Alexander District Accountant

Rev. Booker T. Guyton President, Presiding Elders’ Council

Rev. Timothy Tyler District Dean, Board of Examiners

Mr. Simeon Rhoden President, Lay Organization

Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, President President, Women in Ministry

Mrs. Mary Guyton President, Clergy Family Organization

Mrs. Kim Finley Director, Young People’s Department

Mr. Askia Stewart Jr. President, Young People’s Department

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134th Dessert Mountain Annual Conference Wednesday, August 12 – Friday, 14, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Benjamin Thomas Tanner Chapel AME Church, Phoenix, AZ

129th Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Wednesday, August 19 – Friday, 21, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Terry McCray-Hill Bethel AME Church, Portland, OR

13th Midwest Annual Conference Wednesday, September 2 – Friday, September 4, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Mark Smith Bethel AME Church, Kansas City, MO

156th California Annual Conference Wednesday, September 9 – Friday, September 11, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Harold Mayberry First AME Church, Oakland, CA

96th Southern California Annual Conference Wednesday, October 14 – Friday, October 16, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Harvey Vaughn Bethel AME Church, San Diego, CA

166th Missouri Annual Conference Wednesday, October 21 – Friday, October 23, 2020 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Charles Norris St. James AME Church, St. Louis, MO

Planning Meeting Monday, October 26, 2020 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. CDT

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AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fifth Episcopal District Bishop Clement W. Fugh, Presiding Bishop 2020 Annual Conference Series Virtual and/or Tele-Conference AGENDA WEDNESDAY 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon Women’s Missionary Society Convention Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh, Supervisor Presiding

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Women In Ministry Convention Annual Conference Coordinator Presiding

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Conference Lay Organization Conference Branch President Presiding THURSDAY 8:40 – 8:45 a.m. Host Church Greeting (Welcome/Snippets/Montage)

8:45 – 9:00 a.m. Devotional Service Participants TBA

9:00 – 10:45 a.m. Annual Conference Business Session I Call to Order Bishop Clement W. Fugh, Presiding

Roll Call Conference Secretary via Zoom/Call-in Record (Call in may begin at 8:15 a.m.) Organization Election and Appointment of Conf. Officers (The slate of Officers is posted in categories as they are presented by Presiding Elders and acted on.) Approval of the VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Approval of AGENDA Presiding Elder Summaries (Financial Reports made on Tuesday. Thank pastors and members for their stewardship.)

Report of Board of Examiners (Note: By PowerPoint. Candidates for Admissions, and for Deacon and Elder orders will be acted on in an actual assembly.) Casting the Quadrennial Vision Bishop Clement W. Fugh 13 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

10:45 -11:30 a.m. Intermission/Proprietary Session (Meeting continues for Ministers and Delegates)

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Annual Conference Business Session II Pastor’s Annual Reports (Pre-record Pastors reporting on Conversions, Accessions and Baptisms. Post picture of Pastor and/or Church.)

Reports from Essential Committees (ALL Committees are to file reports with their respective Annual Conference Secretary and with [email protected] prior to the convening of the Conference with the exception of the Finance Committee and the Ministerial Efficiency Committee.)

Memorials (PowerPoint: Memorial Litany with Names of those remembered)

Retirement (PowerPoint: Retirement Litany with Conference Secretary presenting names of retirees)

Disciplinary Questions (Annual Conference Secretary answers)

Conference Resolution (Resolution Committee to work with Conference Secretarial Staff to prepare and exhaustive summary of Conference deliberations.)

1:00 – 1:30 p.m. Intermission/Break

1:30 – 2:45 p.m. Commissioning Activities Worship (See Template for Abridged Order of Service with a Sermon.) Announcing of Certificates Appointments Adjournment

Friday 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Young People’s Department Activity YPD Director and YPD President (Program Coordinators)

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Monday, October 26, 2020 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. CDT

Essential Committees: Finance Committee Trustee Board Board of Examiners Ministerial Efficiency Women’s Missionary Society Young People’s Department Lay Organization Classification of Churches Classification of Pastors Memorial Committee Summary of Minutes Conference Resolution Sons of Allen RAYAC

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134th SESSION OF THE DESERT MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION AUGUST 12th – 14th, 2020 Rev. E. Teresa Nelson, Host Presiding Elder Rev. Sheriolyn Curry, Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Benjamin N. Thomas, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Jennifer Leath

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS Rev. Dr. Benjamin N. Thomas, Sr., Rev. Dr. Timothy E. Tyler, Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Dr. Leslie White, Rev. Dr. Margaret Redmond-McFaddin, Rev. Arnold Jackson, Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Donna Davis, Rev. Dr. Gloria Barrett, Rev. Dr. Geleta Smith.

STATE OF THE CHURCH Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. William Cornick, Rev. Dr. Gloria Barrett. Delegates: Sean Bentley-King (Shorter), Raymond Thomas (Greater Bethel), Ernest Stembridge (Prince Chapel), Joyce Berry-Wright (Campbell).

STATE OF THE COUNTRY Rev. Dr. Gloria Barrett, Rev. Gerald Richard, Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Olga Copland, Rev. Arnold Jackson. Delegates: Stephanie Long, (Tanner), Mary Ann Lemon (First AME), Linda Scott (Jordan), Betty Allen Brissett (Murph).

TEMPERANCE Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Warren Robinson, Rev. Jovetia Watson. Delegates: Vickie Thomas (Mt. Moriah), Valeria Wilhoite Brooks (St Paul), Arlene Whittaker-Ezedore, (Historic Trinity).

EVANGELISM Rev. Jovetia Watson, Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Dr. Geleta Smith, Rev. Tarachel Goodman, Rev. Shiame Okunor, Min. Daryell Jackson. Delegates: Lowell Norling (Embry), Dr. Linda Garrett (Mt. Moriah), Leslie Taylor (Holy Trinity), Allison Smith (Grant), Sean Bentley-King (Shorter).

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Ozetta Kirby, Rev. Jovetia Watson, Rev. Olga Copeland, Rev. Tanya Davis. Delegates: Julius Foggie (Tanner), Regina Bryles (Fame), Rogelio Zepeda Garza, (The Word Of God).

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Dr. Leslie White, Rev. Warren Robinson, Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. William Cornick. Delegates: Thomas J. Scott (Payne Chapel), W. Faye Jasper (The Word of God), Joyce Berry-Wright (Campbell), Betty Allen Brissette (Murph).

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ABANDONED PROPERTY Conference Trustees

MEMORIALS Rev. Brenda Hector, Rev. Dorothy Whitaker, Rev. Stephanie Duncan, Rev. Angela Miller, Rev. Naomi Harris. Delegates: Tara Ashley (Howard), Arlene Whittaker-Ezidore (Historic Trinity), Raymond Thomas (Greater Bethel), Sunni Green (Jordan).

RESOLUTIONS Rev. Donna Davis, Min. Daryell Jackson, Rev. Arnold Jackson. Delegates: Linda Scott (Jordan), Allison Smith (Grant Chapel), Thomas J. Scott (Payne Chapel), Albert Simon (Owen Chapel).

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Dr. Margaret McFaddin, Rev. Brenda Hector, Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Benjamin Watson. Delegates: Thomas J. Scott (Payne), Julius Foggie (Tanner), Wendell Calloway (Shorter), Percy Lathion (Holy Trinity), Joyce Berry-Wright (Campbell).

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS Rev. Tarachel Goodman, Rev. Shiame Okunor, Min Daryell Jackson. Delegates: Valerie Wilhoite Brooks (St. Paul), Albert Simon (Owen), Dennis Wright (Historic Trinity), Thomas Stupmf (Allen Chapel).

CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS Rev. Dr. Geleta Smith, Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Dr. Leslie White, Rev. Olga Copeland, Rev. Lonzie Symonette. Delegates: Lowell Norling (Embry), Regina Bryels (Payne Chapel), Raymond Thomas, Greater Bethel.

LOCAL CHURCH INSURANCE Rev. Donna Davis, Rev. Jovetia Watson, Rev. Warren Robinson, Min. Daryell Jackson. Delegates: Vicki Thomas (Mt. Moriah), Wendell Calloway (Shorter), Rhonda Rudolph (Allen Chapel).

SOCIAL ACTION Rev. Arnold Jackson, Rev. Dr. Gloria Barrett, Rev. Gerald Richard, Rev. Jovetia Watson. Delegates: Albert Simon (Owen), Allison Smith (Grant), Sean Bentley-King (Shorter), Linda Scott (Jordan), Rhonda Rudolph (Allen).

PRESIDING ELDER OPPORTIONMENT Rev. Dr. Benjamin Thomas Sr., Rev. Dr. Timothy E. Tyler, Rev. Donna Davis, Rev. Dr. Leslie White, Rev. Micheal Permillion, Presiding Elders: Rev. E. Teresa Nelson and Rev. Sheriolyn Curry.

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Micheal Permillion, Rev. Tarachel Goodman, Rev. Dr. Leslie White, Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath. Delegates: Lowell Norling (Embry); Thomas J. Scott (Payne), Frances Lupo (Greater Bethel), Valerie Wilhoite Brooks (St. Paul).

PUBLIC REL ATIONS Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Ozetta Kirby, Rev. Jason Thompson, Rev. Olga Copland, Rev. Brenda Hector. Delegates: Leslie Taylor (Holy Trinity), Tara Shley (Howard), Dr. Linda Garrett (Mt. Moriah), Regina Bryels (Payne).

WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Episcopal Supervisor, Mrs. Alexia Butler Fugh and Conference President, Ms. Stephanie Townsend 17 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

129th SESSION OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION AUGUST 19-21, 2020 Rev. Spencer F. Barrett, Host Presiding Elder Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Carey G. Anderson, D. Min.

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones

STATE OF CHURCH Rev. Philip Ross, Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones. Delegates: Ms. Shinetra Pryor (Primm Tabernacle), Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima), Ms. Armiliza Harden (Walker Chapel), Mr. Leon Fiddler (Youth – Primm Tabernacle)

STATE OF THE COUNTRY Rev. Anthony Steele, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Betsy Williams. Delegates: Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Mr. Al Claxton (First, Fairbanks), Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland), Ms. Kathy Reed (Union Bethel), Ms. Carly Sales (Youth – Allen)

WOMEN IN MINISTRY Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones, Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Amy Higdon, Rev. Sharon Rose Fitch, Rev. Kimberly G. Sales. Delegates: Rev. Gayle Stewart, Evangelist Elisha Mitchell, Evangelist Alethea Douglass, Evangelist Pearlie Welch

EVANGELISM Rev. Amy Higdon, Rev. Kimberly Sales, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Dalondric Bergen, Rev. Doris Cope. Delegates: Ms. Sylvia Payne (Ebenezer, Bremerton), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey), Mr. Tod Harris (Wayman, Billings), Ms. Dallas Richardson (First, Seattle)

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Gail Stewart, Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Dalondric Bergen. Delegates: Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Kathy Reed (Union Bethel), Mr. Tod Harris (Wayman)

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Don Davis, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Dalondric Bergen. Delegates: Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey), Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima), Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Mr. Tod Harris (Wayman)

18 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

TEMPERANCE Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Dr. Sharon Rose Fitch, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith. Delegates: Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey)

CHURCH SCHOOL Mr. Bill Dickens, Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Barry Ray, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Dalondric Bergen, Rev. Gail Stewart, Rev. Philip Ross. Delegates: PNWC Church School Superintendent, Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Mr. Al Claxton (First, Fairbanks), Mr. Tod Harris (Wayman), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Shinetra Pryor (Primm Tabernacle)

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones, Rev. Dalondric Bergen, Rev. Doris Cope, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon. Delegates: Ms. Armiliza Harden (Walker Chapel), Mr. Tod Harris (Wayman), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Mr. Al Claxton (First, Fairbanks)

MEMORIALS Rev. Linton Weems, Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Barry Ray, Rev. Phillip Ross, Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Zane Fitch Sr., Licentiate Kenneth McWilliams. Delegates: Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Ms. Kathy Reed (Union Bethel), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen)

RESOLUTIONS Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Margaret Spearmon, Rev. Don Davis. Delegates: Ms. Armiliza Harden (Walker Chapel), Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima)

EMPLOYEE SECURITY Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Terry McCray Hill. Delegates: Ms. Armiliza Harden (Walker Chapel), Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland)

LAY ACTIVITIES Mr. Bobby Brown, Conference Branch Lay President, First AME – Seattle

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell. Delegates: Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Ms. Shinetra Pryor (Primm Tabernacle), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane)

MISSIONARY SOCIETY Supervisor Alexia B. Fugh, WMS President and Staff

YPD Ms. Cathy Sisk

PRESIDING ELDER’S APPORTIONMENT Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell. Delegates: Ms. McCray Pettway (First, Seattle), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland), Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane)

ABANDONED PROPERTY Conference Trustees 19 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Phillip Ross. Delegates: Ms. Kathy Reed (Union Bethel), Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima), Ms. Shinetra Pryor (Primm Tabernacle)

SOCIAL ACTION Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray Hill. Delegates: Ms. Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey), Ms. McCray Pettway (Allen), Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland)

PNWC LEGISLATIVE TASKFORCE Rev. Terry McCray Hill, Ms. Sandra Nelson

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Dr. Anna Clark-Jones, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Allison Canady-Smith. Delegates: Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Mr. Terry Cox (Bethel, Yakima), Ms. Armiliza Harden (Walker Chapel), Ms Charina Carothers (Bethel, Spokane), Ms. Gloria Tendle (Bailey)

CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Phillip Ross, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray Hill. Delegates: Ms. Dallas Richardson (First, Seattle), Ms. Kathy Reed (Union Bethel), Ms. Shinetra Pryor (Primm Tabernacle), Ms. Mae Maddox (Allen), Ms. Dorothy Fuller (Bethel, Portland)

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13th SESSION OF THE MIDWEST CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION SEPTEMBER 2 – 4, 2020 Rev. Fran T. Cary, Host Presiding Elder Rev. Roger Jackson, Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Benjamin Finnell, Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Mark Smith, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Roger Jackson

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS: Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Keith Cornelius, Rev. Rachel Glenn, Stacy Evans, Rev. Eraina Aseme, Rev. Victoria Parker Mothershed, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, and Rev. Pamela Mason.

BOARD OF INSTRUCTION: Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Rachel Glenn, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Warren Freeman, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Victoria Parker Mothershed, Rev. May Etta Hall

STATE OF CHURCH: Rev. Steve Barnes, Rev. Edward Walzer, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Brandee Mimitzraiem, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James. Delegates: Gregg Tabernacle/KCMO-Darian Jefferson, Bethel/ Hutchinson-Beulah Walker, St. Luke/Lawrence-Virginia Hamm, St. John/Omaha-Anthony Weathers, Campbell Chapel/Atchison- Donald Bratton, Allen Chapel St. John/KCMO-Dr. Sharon Byrd, Bethel/ Omaha-Charles Williamson, Grant- Lovell/Moberly-Angela Jordan, Bethel/Macon-Rose Harris.

STATE OF COUNTRY: Rev. V. Gordon Glenn, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Eraina Aseme, Rev. May Etta Hall, Rev. Teresa Ambler, Rev. Vernon Winfrey, Rev. Patricia Winfrey. Delegates: Bethel/KCMO-Ronetta Buford Brown, Ebenezer/ KCMO- Phyllis Gentry, St. John/Omaha-Anthony Weathers, Power of Faith/KCMO-Naomi Steward- Lyons, Trinity/KCK-Carolyn Barrett, Gilbert Memorial/KCMO-Thomas Randolph Jr., Quinn Chapel/ Lincoln-Dr. Marilyn Johnson-Farr, Willis Chapel/KCMO-Veronica Watts, St. John/Topeka-Ann Garvin, Ward Cain Grant/KCMO-Esther Gilmore

TEMPERANCE: Rev. Donald Morrison, Rev. Steve Barnes, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Bridget Mitchell, Rev. Shirley Heermance, Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Lucilla Miller. Delegates: Bethel/Macon-Rose Harris, Grant- Lovell/Moberly-Angela Jordon, St. James/Wellington-Stephane Ogonuwe, St. Paul/Independence- Katherine McCraney, Halls Chapel/Newton-Sylvia Kelley, Grant Chapel/Wichita-Margaret Goode

21 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

EVANGELISM: Rev. Edwin Donaldson, Rev. Lucilla Miller, Rev. Victoria Parker Mothershed, Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. Steve Barnes, Rev. Andrew Rollins, Rev. Brandee Mimitzraiem. Delegates: Allen St. John/KCMO-Dr. Sharon Byrd Allen Chapel/Omaha-Jerri Maxwell, Christ Our Redeemer/KCMO- Carla Dorsey, St. Mark/Topeka-Dannette Jackson, Ward Chapel/Junction City-Angela Dunlap, St. Paul/ Independence- Katherine McCraney, Bethel/Manhattan-Dixie Love, Ward Chapel/Richmond-Emma Williams.

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: Rev. Brandee Mimitzraiem, Rev. May Hall, Rev. Eraina Asema, Rev. Gordon Glenn, Rev. Kevin Shields, Rev. Edwin Donaldson, Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Lucilla Miller. Delegates: Mariah Walker/KCMO- Wilma Dawkins, Gilbert Memorial/KCMO-Thomas Randolph Jr., Grant/Wichita-Margaret Goode, St. James/Arkansas City-Christina Williams, Christ Our Redeemer/KCMO-Carla Dorsey, Campbell Chapel/Atchison-Donald Bratton

MINISTRIES TO THE YOUTH: Rev. Joe Bywaters, Rev. Bridget Mitchell, Rev. May Etta Hall, Rev. Stacy Evans. Delegates: Christ Our Redeemer/KCMO-Carla Dorsey, Bethel/Macon-Rose Harris, Ward Chapel Cain Grant/KCMO- Esther Gilmore, Ward Chapel/Junction City-Angela Dunlap, Ebenezer/KCMO-Phyllis Gentry, St. John/ Topeka-Ann Garvin, Allen Chapel St. John/KCMO-Dr. Sharon Byrd, Gregg Tabernacle/KCMO- Darian Jefferson.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Rev. Pamela Mason, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Victoria Mothershed, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Teresa Ambler. Delegates: Grant/Wichita - Margaret Goode, St. Paul/Wichita - Christine Brown, Trinity/KCK-Carolyn Barrett; Bethel/Manhattan-Dixie Love, St. Matthew/Booneville-Nellie Sims, Gilbert Memorial/KCMO-Thomas Randolph Jr., St. Luke/Lawrence-Virginia Hamm, Greater New Bethel/KCK-Harold Brown, Ward Chapel/Richmond-Emma Williams

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY: Rev. Andrew Rollins, Rev. Juliet Hemphill, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Juli Boyd. Delegates: Ward Chapel Cain Grant/KCMO-Esther Gilmore St. Paul/Independence-Katherine McCraney, Allen Chapel/Omaha- Jerri Maxwell, St. Paul KCK-Nedra Locke

ABANDONED PROPERTY: Conference Trustees

MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Episcopal Supervisor Alexia B. Fugh; President Nedra Locke

MEMORIALS: Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Brandee Mimitzraiem, Rev. Michele Rucker

RESOLUTION: Rev. Juli Boyd, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Shirley Heermance, Rev. Vernon Winfrey. Delegates: Greater New Bethel/KCK-Harold Brown; Bethel/Hutchinson-Beulah Walker, Allen St. John/KCMO-Dr. Sharon Byrd, Ward Chapel Cain Grant KCMO-Esther Gilmore

ANNUAL CONFERENCE SUPERINTENDENT: Gail McClenton 22 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES: Rev. Juliet Hemphill, Rev. Andrew Rollins, Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. May Hall, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Keith Cornelius. Delegates: Ward Chapel/Junction City-Wyndale McLaughlin, Grant/KCK- Felicia Stevenson, Halls Chapel/Newton-Conrad Rucker, St. Paul/Wichita-Lola McLaurian, Bethel/KCMO- Ronetta Buford Brown

MISSION, CIRCUITS, STATIONS: Rev. Vernon Winfrey, Rev. Rachel Williams-Glenn, Rev. Edwin Donaldson, Rev. Lucilla Miller. Delegates: Zion/Mayview-Opal Johnson, Ward Junction City- Angela Dunlap, St. Paul KCK-Nedra Locke

CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS: Rev. Carmi Woods, Rev. Steven Barnes, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Juli Boyd. Delegates: St. Luke/ Lawrence- Virginia Hamm, Grant/KCK-Gail McClenton, St. Paul KCK-Nedra Locke

LOCAL CHURCH INSURANCE: Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. Steven Barnes, Rev. Lucilla Miller. Delegates: Allen Chapel St. John/KCMO- Dr. Sharon Byrd, Ebenezer/KCMO-Phyllis Gentry, Bethel/KCMO-Ronetta Buford Brown, Gregg Tabernacle/KCMO-Darian Johnson, Gilbert Memorial/KCMO-Thomas Randolph Jr., Greater New Bethel/KCK- Harold Brown, Bethel-Manhattan-Dixie Love, Ward Chapel/Junction City- Angela Dunlap

SOCIAL ACTION: Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Victoria Parker Mothershed, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Vernon Winfrey, Rev. Joseph Bywaters. Delegates: Quinn Chapel/Lincoln-Dr. Marilyn Farr, St. Paul/Independence- Katherine McCraney, Ward Chapel Cain Grant/KCMO-Esther Gilmore, Trinity/KCK-Carolyn Barnett


MEN’S MINISTRIES: Rev. Steven Barnes

REARRANGEMENT OF WORK/PRESIDING ELDER’S APPORTIONMENT AND UP-KEEP: Rev. Steve Cousin, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Pamela Mason, Rev. Keith Cornelius, Presiding Elder Benjamin Finnell, Presiding Elder. Fran Cary, Presiding Elder. Roger Jackson. Delegates: First/KCK-Janice Scott, Allen Chapel St. John/KCMO-Dr. Sharon Byrd, Bethel/ KCMO-Ronetta Buford Brown, St. Paul/Wichita-Christine Brown, Trinity/KCK-Carolyn Barrett, Ebenezer/KCMO-Phyllis Gentry

23 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

156th SESSION OF THE CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION SEPTEMBER 9 – 11, 2020 Rev. Booker T. Guyton Sr., Host Presiding Elder Rev. Cedric V. Alexander, Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Harold r. Mayberry, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Dr. Booker T. Guyton, Sr.

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS: Rev. Anthony Hughes (Dean), Rev. Robert R. Shaw II, Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Carieta Cain- Grizzell, Rev. M. JoDavid Sales, Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Sandra Blair, Rev. Dr. Rosalynn Brookins, Rev. Vernon S. Burroughs, Robin T. Hood.

STATE OF THE CHURCH: Rev. Cubie Finley and Rev. Gayle Jones Lockhart. Delegates: Bethel, Marysville – Gwen Ford and St. Paul, Pixley – Dorris Brooks

STATE OF THE COUNTRY: Rev. Dr. Rosalynn Brookins, Rev. Boaston Woodson, Rev. Gilbert Richards II, Rev. Carl Jones. Delegates: Murph Emmanuel – Cephoni Jackon and Brooks Chapel – Earlene Green

TEMPERANCE: Rev. Gayle Jones-Lockhard, Rev. Dominique Holland, Rev. Antoinette Miles, Rev. Donnell O. Miles. Delegates: Brookins – May Hicks Anderson and Allen Chapel, San Francisco Bridgette Price EVANGELISM: Rev. Robin T. Hood, Rev. Robert Langford, Rev. Hugh Wesley. Delegates: Bethel, Marysville – Gwen Ford and Carter Memorial – Debra Brannon

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Hugh Wesley, Rev. Cubie Finley. Delegates: Bethel, San Francisco – James Gleaves and Ebenezer - Linda Ruth Spiller

EMPLOYEE SECURITY: Presiding Elder Cedric V. Alexander and Booker T. Guyton; and Rev. Robert R. Shaw II, Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Gilbert Richards II, Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Donnell O. Miles, Rev. Robin T. Hood, Rev. Dr. Rosalynn Brookins. Delegates: St. Paul, Berkeley – Patricia Holman and Bethel, San Francisco – James Gleaves

24 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

RESOLUTION: Rev. Sharon Avril, Rev. Hugh Wesley, Rev. Antoinette Miles, Rev. Donnell O. Miles, Rev. Gayle Lockhart. Delegates: St. James, Modesto – Tiffany Gordon and Wright Chapel – Michael Edwards MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS: Presiding Elders Booker T. Guyton Sr. and Cedric V. Alexander and Rev. Robert R. Shaw II and Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Dominique Holland, Rev. Cubie Finley. Delegates: First, Oakland – Tony Gook and Bethel, Marysville – Gwen Ford

CLASSIFICATION FOR PASTORS AND CHURCHES: Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Robert R. Shaw II, and Rev. Sharon Avril. Delegates: Murph Emmanuel – Cephoni Jackson and First, Oakland – Tony Cook PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT: Presiding Elders Cedric V. Alexander and Booker T. Guyton Sr., and Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Robert R. Shaw II, Rev. Carieta Cain Grizzell, Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Hugh Wesely, Rev. Robin T. Hood, Rev. Dr. Rosalynn Brookins. Delegates: Bethel, San Francisco – James Gleaves and First, Oakland – Tony Cook

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Rev. JoDavid Sales, Rev. Marianne Williams, Rev. Michael Porter, and Consultant LaTrenda Easton. Delegates: St. Andrews – Mark Henry and St. Paul, Berkeley – Patricia Holman PUBLIC RELATIONS: Rev. Robin T. Hood, Rev. Deborah Whitlock Lax, Dr. Annette Shelton, Rev. Vernon S. Burroughs, and Rev. Gregory Thomas. Delegates: Allen Chapel, Sacramento – Marva Hamilton and Bethel, Reno- Sparks – Tommy Jackson

MEMORIALS: Rev. Michael Porter, Rev. Antoinette Miles, Rev. Gilbert Richards. Delegates: New Beginnings – Stephanie Secrease and St. Paul, Berkeley – Patricia Holman

MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh, Episcopal Supervisor, Mrs. Alice M. Johnson (President), Mrs. Karen Marshall (YPD Director), Raven Shaw (YPD President), Local Area Directors

SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS: Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Carieta Cain Grizzell. Delegates: St. Andrews – Mark Henry and St. James, San Jose – Vanessa Anderson

CONFERENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS: Ms. LaTrenda Easton, Rev. Michael Porter, Local Church School Superintendents

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Robert R. Shaw II, Rev. Boaston Woodson, Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Gilbert Richards II, Rev. Robin T. Hood. Delegates: Resurrection – Brenda Lee and First, Oakland – Tony Cook

SONS OF ALLEN: Mr. N. Bruce Williams and Conference Members 25 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

HEALTH COMMISSIONS: Ms. Joyine Hawkins (Conference Directors), Dr. Brazil Carter. Delegates: Wright Chapel – Michael Edwards and Parks Chapel – Marsha Luster

LAY ACTIVITIES: Ms. Sue Sheldon-Ward (President) and the Executive Committee. Delegates: First, Oakland – Tony Cook and Bethel, Chico – Tommy Jackson

SOCIAL ACTION: Rev. Carieta Cain Grizzell, Rev. Robin T. Hood and Consultant Francis Goodson. Delegates: First, Richmond- El Sobrante – Ina F. Cooke and First, Oakland – Tony Cook

PRAYER: Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, Rev. Cynthia Gerald, and Rev. Grace Nunley

RAYAC: Ms. Venessa Anderson and Conference Members

26 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


Rev. Roosevelt Lindsey Jr., Host Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Allen L. Williams Sr., Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Harvey Vaughn, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Dwaine A. Jackson

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS: Instructors: Reverends Kelvin Calloway, Dean; Revs. J. Edgar Boyd, Richard Rose, Michael W. Eagle, John Cager, Karen Anderson, Darryl Walker, Ralph Williamson, Larry Campbell, Melanie Mays, J. Arthur Rumph, Francine Brookins, Barry Settle, Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Latisha Smith.

STATE OF CHURCH: Revs. Reuben Ford, John Cager, Mary Minor, Jarrol Taylor, Charles Wright, Terrence Sims, Godfrey Patterson, Timothy Coston, Jr., Carrie Humphrey, Jeffery Clark.Delegates: Bethel/San Diego, Jeannette Williams; Cain Memorial/ Bakersfield, Angela Bostick; A.K. Quinn/Moreno Valley, Fordelna Jones.

STATE OF COUNTRY: Revs. Benjamin Thomas, Jr., Larry Holloway, Carrie Humphrey, Kenneth Baker, Joan Taylor, Timothy Coston, Jr., Larry Campbell, Swayne Cofield, Bernadette Johnson. Delegates: Johnson Chapel/ Santa Ana, Betty Arnold; First AME/LA, Jackie Houston-McNeal; Grant/LA, Janice Hinton.

TEMPERANCE: Revs. Michael Eagle, Don Wallace, Bernadette Johnson, Gregory McLeod, Rethis Murry, Denise Jackson. Delegates: Brown Memorial/Pasadena, Cathy Hunter; Bethel/San Diego, Jeannette Williams; Allen / San Bernardino, Melanie Williams; Bethel/Blythe, Flora Spiller.

EVANGELISM: Revs. Charles Lee Johnson, Charles Embray, Godfrey Patterson, Darryl Walker, Reuben Ford, Mary Minor, Antonio Dupre, Gregory McLeod, Delegates: Parks Chapel/San Fernando, Paula Grace-Watkins; Castaic Community/LA, Veronica Chriss; Bryant Temple/LA, Verda Bradley; Holy Trinity/LB, Gladys Pennelle; Grant/Long Beach, Janet Harris; Price Chapel/LA, Alicia Howard; Second/LA, Ibera Nelson.

MINISTRIES TO THE YOUTH: Revs. Marvin McKenzie, Rethis Murry, Bernadette Johnson, Ralph Williamson, Kenneth Baker, Dwaine Jackson, Timothy Coston, Jr. Harvey Vaughn, Melanie Mays; Delegates: First/Las Vegas, Glenda Logan Osby Miller ; St. James/LA, Gail Kennedy; Bethel/LA, Beverly Brenson-Payne ; Ward/LA, Durwyn Robinson; Walker Temple/LA, Darryl Bean.

27 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Revs. Ralph Williamson, Joyce Kitchen, Francine Brookins, Mercedes Tudy-Hamilton, Karen Anderson, Larry Campbell, William Sheppard, Kenneth Baker, Dwaine Jackson. Delegates: Corona Community/ Corona, Lenora Daniel; Greater Harvest/Victorville, Sharon Williams; Price Chapel/LA, Alicia Howard; New Philadelphia/Long Beach, Patricia Brown; Johnson Chapel/El Centro, Zula Hatfield; Bethel/Perris, Gayla Milo; Cain Memorial/Bakersfield, Angela Bostick.

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: Revs. J. Arthur Rumph, Benjamin Hollins, Antonio Dupre, Michael Eagle, Larry Holloway, Mary Minor, Joyce Kitchen, Timothy Coston, Jr., Barry Settle, Charles Wright, Carrie Humphrey, Gregory McLeod, Michael Carr. Delegates: Emmanuel/LA, Theresa Daviston; Bethel/Oxnard Crittenden Ward; St. Mark/LA, Terica Anderson; St. Paul/San Bernardino, LaChelle Watson; First/LA, Jackie Houston- McNeal; First /Santa Monica, Londie Campbell.

ABANDONDED PROPERTY: Revs. Godfrey Patterson, Steven Sheppard, Kirkpatrick Tyler, Kenneth Baker, Ralph Williamson, Everett Bell, Delman Howard, BJ Thomas, John Cager, Carrie Humphrey. Delegates: Bethel/Barstow, Michael Arzu; Primm/Pomona, Cecelia Huggins; Second/LA, Ibera Nelson; A.K. Quinn/Moreno Valley, Fordelma Jones; Paul E. Kidd/San Diego, Margaret Brown.

MEMORIALS: Revs. Nicolette Wilson, William Sheppard, Michael Eagle, Denise Jackson, Harvey Vaughn, Carolyn Baskin- Bell, Dwaine Jackson, T. C. Johnson. Delegates: First/Indio, Sonia Harris-Mosely; Bethel/ Monrovia, Josephine Sayles; Bethel/Blythe, Flora Spiller; Paul E. Kidd/San Diego, Margaret Brown.


RESOLUTIONS: Revs. Francine Brookins, John Hill, Mary Minor, Gregory McLeod, Arthur Carter, Jeffery Clark, William Sheppard, Jarrol Taylor, Antonio Dupre. Delegates: St. John Holy Trinity/Littlerock, Kevin Jackson; A.K. Quinn/Moreno Valley, Fordelma Jones; Walker Temple/LA, Darryl Bean; Parks Chapel/San Fernando, Paula Grace-Watkins.

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES: Revs. Benjamin Hollins, J. Arthur Rumph, John Cager, Don Wallace, TC Johnson, Harvey Vaughn, Timothy Coston, Jr., Carrie Humphrey, Charles Wright, John Hill. Delegates: Prince Chapel/ LaJolla, Clara Browning- Bailey; Parks Chapel/San Fernando, Paula Grace-Watkins; Bethel/Fontana, Gail Davis.

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS: Revs. Harvey Vaughn, Carolyn Baskin-Bell, John Cager, Everett Bell, Michael Eagle, Mary Minor, Charles Wright, Timothy Coston, Jr., Latisha Smith, Kenneth Baker, Nicolette Wilson, Antonio Dupre. Delegates: Brookins/LA, Gwendolyn Williams; Paul E. Kidd/San Diego, Margaret Brown; Primm/Pomona, Cecelia Huggins; Grant/Long Beach, Janet Harris; Grace Community/Temecula, Derrick Barnett; St. James/ LA, Gail Kennedy; Fountain of Hope/Las Vegas, Stanley A. Allen; Corona Community/Corona, Lenora Daniel.

28 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS: Revs. Reuben Ford, J. Arthur Rumph, Ralph Williamson, Jeffery Clark, Francine Brookins, Kelvin Calloway, Rethis Murry, Timothy Coston, Jr., B.J. Thomas, Carolyn Baskin-Bell, J. Edgar Boyd, Carrie Humphrey, Joan Taylor.

SOCIAL ACTION: Revs. Kirkpatrick Tyler, Carrie Humphrey, Joyce Kitchen, Kelvin Calloway, John Cager, Michael Carr, Antonio Dupre, Terrance Sims, Bernadette Johnson, Francine Brookins, J. Edgar Boyd, Rethis Murry, Michael Eagle, Marvin McKenzie. Delegates: St. Mark/LA,Terica Anderson; Bethel/ Perris, Gayla Milo; Emmanuel/LA, Theresa Daviston; Walker Chapel/Oceanside, Pat Field; St. Paul/ Santa Barbara, Dianne Bridgett.

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT: Elder Roosevelt Lindsey, Jr., Elder Allen Williams, Sr., Revs. John Cager, Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Harvey Vaughn, Latisha Smith, Melanie Mays, J. Edgar Boyd, Kelvin Calloway, J. Arthur Rumph, Darryl Walker, Larry Campbell, Ralph Williamson. Delegates: Murph Chapel/Valinda, Connie Gee; A.K. Quinn/ Moreno Valley, Fordelma Jones; Rose Of Sharon, Kathy Turner.

SAVE OUR SONS: Revs. Barry Settle, Ralph Williamson, J. Edgar Boy, John Cager, Godfrey Patterson, Harvey Vaughn, Kelvin Calloway, Kenneth Baker, Dwaine Jackson, Rethis Murry, Benjamin Hollins, Timothy Coston, Jr., Jeffery Clark, Michael Carr, Antonio Dupre, Marvin McKenzie, Terrance Sims, Michael Eagle, Charles Wright, Darryl Walker, J. Arthur Rumph, William Sheppard, Stephen Shepard, Kirkpatrick Tyler, TC Johnson, Everett Bell, Reuben Ford, Charles Lee Johnson, Larry Campbell, Benjamin Thomas, Jr., Gregory McLeod, Jarrol Taylor, Jr., Swayne Cofield, Delman Howard, Charles Embray, John Hill.

LAY ORGANIZATION: Sister Linda Smith, President, First/LA; and the Executive Board

WOMEN IN MINISTRY: Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, President, First/Santa Monica; and the Executive Board

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Revs. Timothy Coston, Jr., Nicolette Wilson, John Cager, Denise Jackson, Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Kenneth Baker, Bernadette Johnson, Francine Brookins, Ralph Williamson, May Minor, Charles Johnson. Delegates: Holy Trinity/Las Vegas, Aquilla Todd; Ward/LA, Durwyn Robinson; First/Pasadena, Joanne Forte-Wormley; Johnson Chapel/Santa Ana, Betty Arnold; Christ Our Redeemer/Irvine, Dorothy Locke.

HEALTH: Gwendolyn Williams – Brookins –Kirkland Community; LA

MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Mrs. Alexia Butler Fugh, Episcopal Supervisor; Sister Marye Barnett, President – First LA; Karen Coston, Director – Cain Memorial, Bakersfield; Brother Ryan Wright, YPD President- COR, Irvine.

29 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

166th SESSION OF THE MISSOURI CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION OCTOBER 21 – 23, 2020 Rev. Darlene Singer Smith, Host Presiding Elder Rev. Edmund Lowe, Co-Host Presiding Elder Rev. Charles Norris, Host Pastor

ANNUAL SERMON Rev. Charles Norris

COMMITTEES (To Be Elected) Judiciary, Finance, Trustees (To Be Appointed) Ministerial Efficiency

BOARD OF EXAMINERS: Rev. Lee Clayton Goodman, Esq., Rev. Dr. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. LeSean Tarkington, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Claudine E. Murphy, Rev. Beverly Stith, Rev. Renita Green, Rev. Kevin Jacques, Sr., Rev. James Boler, Rev. Anthony McPherson, Rev. Shelia Scott

STATE OF CHURCH: Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Anthony McPherson, Rev. Rodney Moody, Rev. Gabrielle Smith Kennedy, Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Dawn R. Price. Delegates: Sis. JoAnne Hammuck - Bethel, Paynesville, Sis. Victoria Rowe - St. Luke, Elmwood Park, Sis. Carol Carrol - St. Paul, St. Louis

STATE OF COUNTRY: Rev. Anthony McPherson, Rev. Lee Clayton Goodman, Esq., Rev. Kevin Jacques, Sr., Rev. Debbie Thornton. Delegates: Sis. Brenda Simpson - St. James, St. Louis, Bro. Gary West – Imani, Sis. Kay Bisch – Buren Chapel, Herculaneum

CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS: Rev. Kevin Jacques, Sr., Rev. Claudine Murphy, Rev. Stephanie Allen, Rev. Earl Strauther. Delegates: Sis. Carolyn Hemphill – Bethel, Louisiana, Sis. Barbara Freeman – Tri-Union

TEMPERANCE: Rev. Stephen Lamkin, Rev. William Harrold, Rev. Violet Ewell, Rev. Jasmine Thompson. Delegates: Sis. Vivienne Frye-Perry – St. Peter, Sis. Ella Coe – Christ Our Redeemer

EVANGELISM: Rev. Sheila Scott, Rev. LeSean Tarkington, Rev. James Boler, Rev. Dr. JoAnn Owens, Rev. Charley Johnson. Delegates: Sis. Michelle Franklin – St. John, Kennett, Sis. Dorothy Powell - Parks Chapel, Webster Groves Mother Nannie Harmon - Rock Chapel, St. Louis

MINISTRIES TO THE YOUTH: Rev. Jasmine Thompson, Rev. Janetta Tarkington, Rev. Lori Beason, Rev. Gabrielle Kennedy, Sister Cassandra Gay, Brother Robert McRath (Boy Scouts), Brother Joshua Johnson – St. Paul

30 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Rev. Janice Parker, Sister Cheryl Hairston, Rev. Charley Johnson. Delegates: Evangelist Nanette Gaines, St. Paul, Evangelist Kathy Hamilton Thomas – St. James, Sister Delores Jarrett, Christ Our Redeemer, Sis. Patricia Samuels, St. Peter

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY: Retired Presiding Elder C. Jessel Strong, Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. Dr. Karla Frye, Rev. Sheila Scott, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson. Delegates: Sis. Jackie Payton – St. James, Sis. Mamie Carter – St. Paul Columbia CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: Rev. Claudine E. Murphy, Rev. Dr. Spencer Lamar Booker, PE Retired C. Jessel Strong, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Renita Green, Rev. Donna Simms. Delegates: Sis. Cheryl Blanks - Bethel, Sikeston, Sis. Deborah Cooper - Rock Chapel

ABANDONED PROPERTY: Presiding Elder Edmund E. Lowe, Sr., Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith, Conference Trustees

MEMORIALS: Rev. Debbie Thornton, Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Dr. JoAnn Owens. Delegates: Quinn Chapel – St. Louis, Sis. Mary Finch – Simpson Chapel, Sis. Geneva Patterson - St. James, Cape Girardeau

CHURCH SCHOOL: Rev. Howard Abernathy, Rev. Sharl Smith, Sis. Mamie Carter – St. Paul, Columbia

RESOLUTIONS: Rev. Beverly Stith, Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Martinous Walls, Rev. Carolyn Kent. Delegates: Sis. Nannie Harmon - Rock Chapel, St. Louis, Sis. Joanne Hammuck - Bethel, Paynesville, Sis. Pricella McClellon – Brown Chapel, Poplar Bluff, Sis. Geneva Allen-Patterson – St. James, Cape Girardeau

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES: Rev. Renita Green, Rev. Anthony McPherson, Rev. Dina Tatman, Rev. Edith Reed. Delegates: Sis. Adrienne Hates - Allen Chapel, Hannibal, Sis. Tamara Buck – Perry Chapel, Charleston, Sis. Barbara Freeman – Tri-Union

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS: Rev. LeSean Tarkington, Rev. Rodney Moody, Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Carolyn Kent, Rev. Jasmine Thompson, Rev. Kimberley Woodruff. Delegates: Sis. Delores Shepard – Ward Chapel, Mexico, Bro. Odis Houston - St. Paul, St. Louis, Olive Chapel, Kirkwood, Parks Chapel, Webster Groves – Sis. Dorothy Powell

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT: Rev. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. LeSean Tarkington, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Lee Clayton Goodman, Esq., Rev. Kevin Jacques, Sr., Rev. Claudine E. Murphy. Lay: Sister Florette Hampton – Tri Union, Sister Robyn Wright Jones – St. James, Sister Kirstan Fair – Wayman, Bro. Otis Houston – St. Paul, Sis. Patricia Samuals – St. Peter, Sister Ella Coe – Christ Our Redeemer, Presiding Elder Edmund E. Lowe, Sr. – Advisor, Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith - Advisor

MEN’S MINISTRY: Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Dr. Spencer Booker, Rev. Anthony McPherson, Brother Byron Price, St. Paul, St. Louis, Brother Joe Anderson – Ward Chapel, Florissant 31 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

LAY ORGANIZATION: Sister Pamela Williams, St. James, Brother Lamar Rose, Christ Our Redeemer, Sister Nona Simpkins Rock Chapel, Sister Florette Hampton, Tri-Union, St. Louis

WOMEN IN MINISTRY: Rev. Dr. Karla Frye, Rev. Dr. Joanne Owens, Rev. Regina Lowe, Rev. Janice Parker, Rev. Debbie Thornton, Rev. Beverly Stith

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Dr. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Janice Parker, Rev. Renita Green, Presiding Elder Edmund E. Lowe, Sr., Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith

HEALTH MINISTRY: Sister Louise Welch, Sister Cheryl Fair, Sister Mary Ethridge, Sister Sallie Bradford, Rev. Regina Lowe

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Rev. Earl Strauther, Rev. Donna Simms, Rev. William Harrold. Delegates: Sis. Leslie Washington - St. James, Cape Girardeau, Sis. Karen Butler – Simpson Chapel, Sis. Patricia Wilkerson - Perry Chapel, Charleston

WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Mrs. Alexia Fugh, Episcopal Supervisor, Sister Phyllis Jackson, President – St. Paul, Sis. Alexis James, Director – Ward Chapel, Sis. Kristina Eason, YPD President - St. John

EDF COMMITTEE: Attorney Benjamin Edwards, Rev. Claudine Murphy, Rev. Charles Norris, Bro. Lamar Rose

32 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

SONGS - How Great Thou Art - (AME Church Hymnal #68)

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed: When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze: And when I think that God, his Son not sparing, Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in, That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then * shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, My God, how great thou art!

Refrain Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee: How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee: How great thou art! How great thou art!

33 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

- Beams of Heaven (Some Day) - (AME Church Hymnal # 382)

Beams of heaven as I go, through the wilderness below, guide my feet in peaceful ways, turn my midnights into days. When in the darkness I would grope, faith always sees a star of hope, and soon from all life’s grief and danger I shall be free someday. I shall be free someday. Often times my sky is clear, joy abounds without a tear; though a day so bright begun, clouds may hide tomorrow’s sun. There’ll be a day that’s always bright, a day that never yields tonight, and in its light the streets of glory I shall behold someday. I shall behold someday. Harder yet may be the fight; right may often yield to might; wickedness a while may reign; Satan’s cause may seem to gain. But there’s a God that rules above with hand of power and heart of love; and if I’m right, he’ll fight my battle, I shall have peace someday. I shall have peace someday. Burdens now may crush me down, disappointments all around; troubles speak in mournful sigh, sorrow through a tear-stained eye. There is a world where pleasure reigns, no mourning soul shall roam its plains, and to that land of peace and glory I shall want to go someday. I shall want to go someday. I shall want to go someday.

34 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

- I Trust in God - (AME Church Hymnal #453)

I trust in God wherever I may be, Upon the land, or on the rolling sea, For come what may, from day to day, My heav’nly Father watches over me. He makes the rose an object of His care, He guides the eagle through the pathless air, And surely He remembers me; My heav’nly Father watches over me. I trust in God, for, in the lion’s den, On battlefield, or in the prison pen, Through praise or blame, through flood or flame, My heav’nly Father watches over me. The valley may be dark, the shadows deep, But, oh, the Shepherd guards His lonely sheep; And through the gloom He’ll lead me home, My heav’nly Father watches over me. Refrain: I trust in God, I know He cares for me; On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea; Though billows roll, He keeps my soul; My heav’nly Father watches over me.

35 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

- Fear Not, Little Flock (Only Believe) - (AME Church Hymnal #454)

Chorus: Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe; Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe.

36 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


St. Matthew 28: 18 – 20 (NIV)

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

37 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


Leader: This evening we celebrate and remember those members of the Annual Conference and Connectional Leaders who have died since we last gathered together. (announce the list) Bishop: We give thanks to You O God for servants of the Connectional Church who this year have finished their labors… (announce the list) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord. Leader: We give thanks to You O God for our ordained clergy who this year have finished their labors… (announce the list) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord. Bishop: We give thanks to You, O God, for those whom we name in our hearts and who have been faithful to Your call and glorified You with their life and work…(moment of silence) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord. All: O God, we thank You for all those remembered here. Let us cherish their memory, celebrate their ministries, continue their work, and live in hope that we shall once again meet face to face. Amen.

38 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


The Statement of Purpose In the Name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, let us enter into this service of the retirement of preachers from active work in the ministry of the church. Let us pray.

The Invocation Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings, with your most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that in all our work, begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your Holy Name, and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Presentation of Preacher Bishop Fugh, The______Annual Conference desires formally to recognize at this session the completion of the active service of______minister(s), ______. As secretary of the Annual Conference, I present to you this/these faithful ministers for this service of recognition and honor, in appreciation of their untiring labors in the Christian ministry.

The Response Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves. (Psalm 126:6)

The Statement of Achievement Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. (Hebrews 11:1-2)

The Tribute Presiding Elder or Bishop The Response of the Retiree The Closing Remarks The Benediction

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1. Who are the preachers admitted on trial? 2. Who remain on trial? 3. Who are admitted or readmitted to full connection? 4. Who have been elected and ordained Deacons? 5. Who have been elected and ordained Elders? 6. Who have been located this year? 7. Who have been elected by the General Conference to superintend the African Methodist Episcopal Church? 8. Who are the supernumerary Preachers? 9. Who are the superannuated Preachers? 10. Who have been expelled from the Connection by this Conference? 11. Who have withdrawn this year from this Conference and the Connection? 12. Are all the preachers blameless in life and Conversation? 13. What members of the Conference have died this year? 14. Have all the preachers subscribed to The Christian Recorder and also the AME Review, The Voice of Missions, The Journal of Christian Education, The Secret Chamber, or The Missionary Magazine? 15. What preachers are indebted to any of the Departments or the church publications? 16. Lay Organization: (a) Does each station, circuit, or mission in this Annual Conference have a Lay Organization? (b) If not, what stations, circuits, or missions do not have a Lay Organization? 17. Women’s Missionary Society: (a) Does each station, circuit, or mission in this Annual Conference have a Women’s Missionary Society? (b) If not, what stations, circuits, or missions do not have a Women’s Missionary Society? 18. When shall this Annual Conference next meet? 19. Where shall our next Annual Conference be held? 20. Where are the preachers stationed this year?

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African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church