Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TOPOGRAPHY OF OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURVTE AT^D COMPREHENSIVR TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN ij^ttglantr, ^rotlantr, anti ^MaU^^ WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS: IIXUSTRATED "WTTH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. VIL CONTAINING MIDDLESEX. Hontron: Printed, hy Assignment from the Executors of the late C. Cookty FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-RO\^ AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. , TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Containing an Account of its Situation, Minerals, Aariculture, Extent, ffshei ies, Mhi kets. Towns, Jliinufactures, Curiosities, Roads, Comineice, Aiitiquities, Riveji, Fairs, Natural History, Civil and Ecclesiastical lurisdictions, &c. To which is prefij erf, A COPIOUS TRAVELLING GUIDE j Exhibiting, The Direct and principal Cross Roads Inn^ and Distance of i^tages, Nob'emen's and Gentlemen's Seats. Fomi-ns a COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY, Also, A LIST OF THE MARKETS AND FAIRS J And an Index Table^ Shewing, at One View, the Distances of all the Towns from Loudon, and from each other. BY GEORGE ALEXANDER COOKE, Editor of the Universal Hystem of Geography Illustrated with A MAP OF THE COUNTY. ' . I* . f = IlonDou t Pfinted for C. COOKE, No. 17. Paternoster Row| b^ Brimmer and Co. Water hine. Fleet-street, and sold hy all the Booksellers ia- tiie United Kingdom. J3A 00 I ^ I I St e •- f5? 1? ^1 — AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN MIDDLESEX. In which are included the Stages, Inns, ai^ Gentlemen's Seats.
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