** SH.GANIKHANOVA Annotation: The following article investigates the life, career of one of the greatest singers Botir Zokirov as the founder of Pop singing in . The article tries to put emphasis on how important to learn the creative masterpieces of Botir Zokirov and the outstanding feature of the singer.

Keywords: Pop, variety, singer, Yalla, masterpieces, resolution, music, foundation. [email protected]



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94 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039 Vol 1, Issue 1 2021 INTRODUCTION Today, I am determined to write about Botir Zokirov, a great man who laid the foundation stones of the "Variety show" direction in the music culture of Uzbekistan. He took the priority of the responsibility to disclose their actions in an appropriate manner. He was an artist, a multifaceted singer, who created and performed the original masterpieces of the twentieth century in Uzbek pop music. Botir Zokirov has managed to create masterpieces not only in pop, but also in opera, fine arts, poetry and cinema and many other spheres. He was an artist who created his own musical image, a school of performance. He has formed personality as a versatile creative person. The primary reason of this is his family environment, circumstances, and the fact that his parents were spiritually mature people. His father was an opera singer, Karim Zokirov. He was a soloist of the Uzbek State Opera and Ballet Theater named after Navoi. His mother, Shohista Saidova, worked at the Uzbek State Musical Theater named after Muqimiy. The young masterpiece creator, who often participated in creative meetings with the family, grew up in the ocean of theatrical evenings.

METHODS The saying "From the very beginning of the child, it is obvious whom he will be" is not told in vain among our people. The prodigy's creative abilities began to sprout from his youth. He keeps his diary and thus his life seals his creative experiences with his own hands into the jewels of history. On the one hand, this gave him the opportunity to get to know himself better, and on the other hand, it was as if the creator was revealing his heart to his fans as if he felt he had little time. In 1952, Botir Zokirov, who began to develop fine and creative skills, successfully passed the exam in the department of vocal art. He describes this day in his "diary" with boundless joy. He was overjoyed to be engaged in his hobby. He studied the secrets and aspects of vocal art diligently and was also interested in opera. Working tirelessly, he and his sister Luiza Zokirova sang songs in foreign languages such as Azerbaijani, Tajik, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Indian, Iranian, Afghan, and Arabic. It is obvious that the versatility of his work, his spiritual maturity, his ability to give the mood to the song he sings, reveals the uniqueness of Botir Zakirov. His musical image was also outstanding. That is perhaps because of the fact that “what comes out of the heart reaches the heart.” From this period begins a severe lung disease that has dusted the life of the singer, causing a relentless struggle between health and creativity for the rest of his life. This did not stand in the way of his own goal. In 1958, the first pop symphony orchestra began its work in Uzbekistan. Botir Zokirov and his sister Luiza Zokirova became soloists of the orchestra. In his creative years with the orchestra, he sings not only pop songs, but also classical songs and romans by famous Uzbek composers, including: Mutal Burhanov's song "Maftun bo'ldim" (I have become infatuated with you) and the novel "Namedonam, chi nom dorad", Sayfi Jalil's "Majnun monologi", “Kechalar yulduz sanab”.

Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY 4.0) licenses. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

95 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039 Vol 1, Issue 1 2021 During the Week of Uzbek Literature and Art in Moscow in 1959, Botir Zokirov performed the song "Arab Tangosi" by the famous Arab composer Farid al-Atrosh, which was reworked by orchestra composer Jan Ferenkel. Among other countries where the Uzbek people live, the Uzbek people have begun to promote their own direction and peculiarities of pop art. On the other hand, there is a special place for folklore, on the other hand, there are mature works created by Uzbek composers and performed by Botir Zokirov. Ikrom Akbarov's "Bahor fasli", "Ra’no", "Gazli", "Mahbubga", "Ketma nigor", "Qaydasan", "Yor, kel ”and“ Koshchinor ”are also unique. The artist entered the opera by writing a libretto for Ikrom Akbarov's opera "Sughd elining qoploni". I am writing about Botir Zokirov but I and my peers know Botir Zakirov only from his diary, as well as from the biblical information and articles written about him. His contemporary friends, who talked to him, walked with him can tell much about him as well. Yesterday I came across an article due to my research, which was published only a few days ago by journalist Ashurali Juraev. In his article, he quotes: “..... We have been waiting for this decision for thirty-five years. I still remember talking to Botir Zokirov on the eve of his 50th birthday to write an article for the newspaper called Uzbekiston Adabiyati va Sanati. Every meeting with Botir Zokirov was a holiday for me. "... God willing, I want to celebrate the anniversary in the Republican House of Cinematographers." There will be an exhibition of my paintings in the lobby. The songs will be performed in a large hall. There will be no compliments and praises as much as possible. People were tired of this. It is better to avoid from praise. This will be a unique summary in front of the fans. Everything will be held freely” said our great spiritual mentor Botir Zokirov. Unfortunately, his bright intentions and wonderful dreams did not come true. The great singer died on January 23, 1985, at the age of 49 due to a serious illness. After reading this article, I got to know Botir Zokirov better that I used to. I have witnessed how straightforward that man was, he was unchanged from success and he was far from "being proud of his achievements" My heart regretted the unfulfilled good intentions of Botir Zokirov. He could not even finish his studies at the conservatory because of his illness. Later he studied at the Institute of Theater and Fine Arts (now Art and Culture) under the famous director Alexander Ganzburg. Whenever I was reading the diaries of Botir Zokirov tears welled up in my eyes. It was written in the following way: “It was January 15, alas! The operation was postponed to Friday. Hi, another disappointment! Yesterday's X-ray results came out and they were bad. I was strictly instructed to lie still in my bed. And recording the song is being postponed again and again. The relentless training was a waste. Here is a reward for my joy. The small hole in the lung has become bigger. This is the end of the last session. We can’t record the last song anyway. It's not Ikrom Akbarov's fault, it's my fault. Because we were excited and worried in vain. May the song not be recorded. I want bunch of things. The accursed patient does not obey me. But I shouldn’t leave it at that. In the evening Ikrom aka came. He was happy to see that I was healthy. All the orchestra

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96 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039 Vol 1, Issue 1 2021 performers who came to write the song greeted me … February 10. ... I am not well. I wrote a story during the day. This is probably my first story. I didn’t weave this story myself. The name of the story can be called “Kutish” or "Akhunboboev haykali yonida" The story is about full package of good, open, humble acquaintances ... ” Botir Zokirov was operated on February 16th ... “Surgeons started working around me. It was as if I had joined them and started working. I counted to twelve. I don’t know what happened next. I will never forget this situation. Then the doctors said that the operation was very complicated, serious and dangerous ... After the operation, Bogush (the doctor who performed the operation - A.J.) cried ...”

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sometimes people do not realize that they are given great reward. What a great reward it is to have the time and opportunity to be healthy and fit and sane. Unfortunately, much of our health, time, and life is wasted on useless, meaningless things. Those who truly serve their country and people lack their own life and they fail to enjoy every moments of their precious life. Lifelong traditions of Botir Zokirov. The reason why I start my writing with this sentence is that “any building rises from its foundation. A building without a foundation is doomed to collapse. ” Botir Zokirov's work in the field of pop music is like a "Foundation", no matter how many of its representatives, themes and other elements change, the "foundation" of this art lifts them and it does not change. As we follow the traditions of the Creator on a scale today. First of all, we can see it in the repertoires of his family members, singer Nasiba Abdullaeva, Botir Zokirov Variety Symphony Orchestra, as well as in the curriculum of almost all departments of the Uzbek State Conservatory, in the works of emerging pop singers. Botir Zokirov's younger brother is a well-known singer, soloist of the vocal ensemble "Yalla", founded in 1970. The well-known and talented singer has been awarded with the title of Nation's singer of several countries: Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Farrukh Zokirov still sings some songs of his brother’s repertoire. One of them is "Majnuntol", "Yor kel". The influence of Botir Zakirov's work on Faruh Zokirov's work is significant. An example of this is the song "Izlab-izlab" performed by the group "Yalla". The structural form of the song, timbre, intonation development, expressiveness of the words is very close to the work of Botir Zokirov. In the work of the beloved singer of the people of Uzbekistan Nasiba Abdullaeva, we can face the song "Yor kel" from the repertoire of Botir Zokirov. The curriculum of the bachelor's program of the department of pop singing of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan includes the following songs sung by Botir Zokirov:  In the repertoire of first-year students "Yor kel", "Gazli", "Rano"  In the repertoire of second-year students "Xayolimda"  In the repertoire of third-year students "Maftun bo’ldim" Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY 4.0) licenses. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

97 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039 Vol 1, Issue 1 2021 The purpose of including these songs in the repertoire of fourth-year students, such as "Seni izlayman", "Arab tangosi", "Xayolimda bo’lding uzu kun", is to bring up such culturally and spiritually rich, profound and talented musicians as Botir Zokirov. There are competitions named after Botir Zokirov, and it is worth noting that the new singers not only win prizes, but also increase their experience. A worthy awards for the services of Botir Zokirov. The adoption of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 2, 2020 No. PP-4908 on the wide celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov was a worthy award for the work of Botir Zokirov. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Union of Composers of Uzbekistan, Uzbek Cinema National Agency, the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, the Academy of Arts, the Agency for Youth Affairs decided to mark the 85th anniversary of Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov in 2021. The composition of the organizing committee for the celebration of the 85th anniversary of Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov was formed and approved within a month. The program of measures to celebrate the 85th anniversary of Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov was developed and approved within a month in the first ten days of December 2021. A memorial evening dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Botir Zokirov was held. The National Variety show School named after Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov was established in Tashkent. It was the place where the construction of a memorial complex and museum dedicated to the memory of the singer was built. A completion was announced to select the architectural project for this memorial. Installation of a memorial plaque in Botir Zokirov's residence, Tashkent city, Shayhantahur district, Navoi street was also a great respect for him. The street in which the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan was located was named after him. Organization of the National Variety Symphony Orchestra named after Botir Zokirov by merging the National Variety Symphony Orchestra of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan with the Botir Zokirov Variety Orchestra was also applied. The activities of the Public Fund named after Botir Zokirov was supported. A book called "In memory of Botir Zokirov's contemporaries" was prepared and published with the participation of the Union of Composers and Composers of Uzbekistan and the Writers' Union. Publication of a book-album of works of fine arts and literary works by Botir Zokirov in Uzbek, Karakalpak, Russian and English languages made the fans of him glad. A competition of modern pop singers named after Botir Zokirov at a high level is held. Creating a new documentary film about the life and work of Botir Zokirov was issued in the resolution as well. Documentaries about the creative dynasty of Botir Zokirov and Zokirov have been transmitted through the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan. Performances dedicated to the life and work of Botir Zokirov in the theaters of the republic have been staged. A scientific conference at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan on "The role and importance of the

Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY 4.0) licenses. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivativeworks of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to fullattribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may beseen at

98 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN-E: 2181-2047, ISSN-P: 2181-2039 Vol 1, Issue 1 2021 creative heritage of Botir Zokirov in the development of our national art" and the publication of a collection of conference proceedings has been held. Meetings and creative evenings dedicated to the works of Botir Zokirov with the participation of well- known singers, scientists, representatives of culture and art have been organized in educational institutions, labor unions, military units and neighborhoods. We hope that this resolution of the president will change, improve and the current "Uzbek pop". In today's dictionary, the term "variety" has been replaced by the term "show business". At the same time, art was in a state of disrepair. The problem of making money is becoming more and more urgent, and the process seems that a lot of people are deceiving themselves with their eyes closed. Instead of performers, the apparatus sings, the phonogram is at the top, the music is arranged by computer programs that instantly write on the basis of orders to customers who have a desire to have money at such prices. There are a number of groups such as "Bojalar", "Mango", "Ummon", "Via marokand" and others ..., if we can call them so, there are a lot of singers like Sanjay, Farukhfazel, Farukh Raimov, Muhammadziyo. We cannot find any logics and meaning in the lyrics of their songs. Can we see the future of our national pop direction with their songs ?!


In conclusion, I hope that the planned efforts to establish a national pop school named after Nation's singer of Uzbekistan Botir Zokirov in Tashkent in accordance with the above-mentioned resolutions of the President will bring up our young, eager and newly emerging pop singers with mature artistic taste and level as it is clear from the saying “every building rises from its foundation. A building without a foundation is doomed to collapse. ”


1. Botir Zokirov and "Music hall". Official website of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Accessed 2012-02-04 2. Solovei uzbekskoy estrady (Singing Bird of the Uzbek Pop) (in Russian). Created 2011-04-30. Accessed 2012-02-04 3. World music: the rough guide. Africa, Europe and the Middle East 1999 p330 ed. Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham, Richard Trillo "The late Farid el-Atrache and Asmahan - a brother and sister team - are claimed by the Syrians and Lebanese" 4. Olimpiyskiye gastroli (Tour to Olimpia) (in Russian). Accessed 2012-02-05 5. Les filles de mon pays par Batyr Zakirov (in French). Accessed 2012-02-04

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