Category Description Discord Bot Abbreviation At Bats AB Batting Runs R Batting Hits H Batting 2nd Base Hits 2B Batting 3rd Base Hits 3B Batting Homeruns HR Batting Runs Batted In RBI Batting Unearned Runs UER Batting Earned Runs ER Batting Walks BB Batting Batter Swings Swi Batting Batter Strikes Str Batting Batter Strikes (Foul) StrF Batting Batter Strikes (Miss) StrM Batting Batter Strikes (Looking) StrL Batting Batter Ground Balls GroB Batting Batter Fly Balls FlyB Batting Batter Line Drives LD Batting Batter Cutters Faced BFC Batting Batter 4-Seam Fastballs Faced BFF Batting Batter Sinkers Faced BSI Batting Batter Changeups Faced BCH Batting Batter 2-Seam Fastballs Faced BFT Batting SO Batting Batter Sliders Faced BSL Batting Batter Curveballs Faced BCU Batting Left On Base LOB Batting Batter Splitters Faced BFS Batting Stolen Bases SB Batting CS Batting Percentage SB% Batting AVG Batting On Base Percentage OBP Batting SLG Batting On Base Plus Slugging Percentage OPS Batting Intentional Batting Walks IBB Batting By Pitch HBP Batting Sacrifice Bunts SAC Batting Sacrifice Flies SF Batting TB Batting Extra Base Hits XBH Batting Batted Plays BDP Batting Batted Plays BTP Batting Batted Tag Outs BTO Batting Batted Forced Outs BFO Batting Batted Put Outs BPO Batting Ground Outs GO Batting Fly Outs AO Batting Ground Out to Fly Out Ratio GO/AO Batting Pitches Faced NP Batting Plate Appearances PA Pitching Wins W Pitching Losses L Pitching Earned Average ERA Pitching Saves SV Pitching Opportunities SVO Pitching IP Pitching H Pitching 2nd Base Hits Allowed 2B Pitching 3rd Base Hits Allowed 3B Pitching Runs Allowed R Pitching Earned Runs Allowed ER Pitching Homeruns Allowed HR Pitching Walks BB Pitching Swings Swi Pitching Pitcher Strikes Str Pitching Pitcher Strikes (Foul) StrF Pitching Pitcher Strikes (Miss) StrM Pitching Pitcher Strikes (Looking) StrL Pitching Pitcher Ground Balls GroB Pitching Pitcher Fly Balls FlyB Pitching Pitcher Line Drives LD Pitching Pitcher Curveballs Thrown PCU Pitching Pitcher Splitters Thrown PFS Pitching Pitcher Cutters Thrown PFC Pitching Pitcher 4-Seam Fastballs Thrown PFF Pitching Sacrifice Bunts SAC Pitching Pitcher Sinkers Thrown PSI Pitching Pitcher Changeups Thrown PCH Pitching Pitcher 2-Seam Fastballs Thrown PFT Pitching Pitcher Sliders Thrown PSL Pitching Sacrifice Flies SF Pitching Strikeouts SO Pitching Pitching Average AVG Pitching Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched WHIP Pitching Completed Games CG Pitching Shutouts SHO Pitching Batters Hit HB Pitching Intentional Batters Walked IBB Pitching Games Finished GF Pitching Holds HLD Pitching Pitched Double Plays PDP Pitching Pitched Triple Plays PTP Pitching Ground Outs GO Pitching Fly Outs AO Pitching Wild Pitches WP Pitching Balks BK Pitching Stolen Bases Allowed SB Pitching Batters Caught Stealing CS Pitching Pickoff Attempts PKA Pitching Pickoffs PK Pitching Total Batters Faced TBF Pitching Pitches Thrown NP Pitching Win Percentage WPCT Pitching Ground Out to Fly Out Ratio GO/AO Pitching On Base Percentage OBP Pitching Slugging Percentage SLG Pitching On Base Plus Sluging Percentage OPS Pitching Strikeouts per 9 Innings K/9 Pitching Walks per 9 Innings BB/9 Pitching Hits Allowed per 9 Innings H/9 Pitching Strikeouts to Walks Ratio K/BB Pitching Pitches per Inning P/IP Pitching At Bats Pitched ABP Fielding Innings Played INN Fielding Total Chances TC Fielding Fielded TagOuts FTO Fielding Fielded ForceOuts FFO Fielding Fielded FPO Fielding Assists A Fielding Errors E Fielding Fielded Double Plays FDP Fielding Fielded Triple Plays FTP Fielding Stolen Bases Allowed SB Fielding Batters Caught Stealing CS Fielding SB% Fielding Passed Balls PB Fielding Catching Wild Pitches WP Fielding Field Percentage FPCT Fielding RF Fielding Outs Faced OF MiscellaneousGames Started GS