Congressional Record-House House Of
.3578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 17 .sundry nominations, which were referred to the appropriate To be lieutenant colonels committees. Maj. William Donaldson Fleming, Medical Corps, from <For nominations this day received, see the end of Senate April 6, 1938. proceedings.) Maj. Samuel Demetrius Avery, Medical Corps, from April EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9, 1938. Mr. LOGAN, from the Committee on :Military Affairs, re Maj. William Robert Lewis Reinhardt, Medical Corps, from ported favorably the nomination of Maj. Romeyn Beck April 9, 1938, subject to examination required by law. Hough, Jr., to be lieutenant colonel with temporary rank in Maj. Howard Moore Williamson, Medical Corps, from April the Air Corps, Regular Army, and also the nomination of 10, 1938, subject to examination required by law. Capt. Kenneth Campbell McGregor to be major, with tempo Maj. Francis Joseph Clune, Medical Corps, from April 10, rary rank in the Air Corps, Regular Army. 1938. He also, from the same committee, reported favorably the Maj. George Edward Lindow, Medical Corps, from April -nominations of sundry officers for promotion in the Regular 16, 1938. Army. Maj. Jaime Julian Figueras, Medical Corps, from April 20, Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on Post Offices and 1938. Post Roads, reported favorably the nominations of sundry To be majors postmasters. Capt. Stuart Gross Smith, Medical Corps, from April 1, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The reports will be placed 1938. on the Executive Calendar. Capt. Lester Maris Dyke, Medical Corps, from April 24, If there be no further reports of committees, the clerk 1938, subject to examination reqUired by law.
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