
!::. - .;->; ^wsi

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦: l ' ' • ; • '. ' ' : TOsinr.iir'j\ /: .:; V v' . • ' " ' : ' ' ' ' * ¦ ' .!. . • i j . I* , .- .; :• : ¦ Are the Best ^1M'; ¦P 'r] -J Advertising/;- j? ¦ > : ¦ i Mediums 1 ' ' '' ¦ '¦ ' '' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' N THE: 80TJTH( OF .'iXEL'-iW; ,, ;• ,,'J V'.: . I. . : . • . . . . • . . i --. i - '! i ^

:v6LJ iim*;;N " !i - ;}/.i'- ;v - : - :¦ .. : l%- '¦ I" . ,- -I - POUND ED 182 4 TSE PATRIOTIC ASSURE . , : 1 i .it ; |' l : - ; ; . i : COMFA;NI, i i .. v! . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ • ' \>-ULi£S- !¦ E ¦ ¦ BWI .; ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ' ¦ ¦ i " _ , 1 ¦ 1 ¦ - : - ; : ] t BPECiIAiL :. ' i-H ! ^ - : ; || ; CAPITAL ... j .:. £1,500, 30 ¦ ¦ : - rf ll in* T 1 ^«*a«W ^fc ^ I ^^ . ^ ' ' ^ ' A N : ¦ i #N ' ' " ' ¦ ' j-WOBKME^S CC Ilk ' ¦ 1/IFE. FiEE, :i- ' . ; , . . . ,.\ . . - V . : - .. . . : Fidelity Guarantee and- Bur la EIST^SllilSBIEr) 1Q5S. i ,

m ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' > " * - - i ¦ ' ¦ ¦* ¦¦ - . y^y ' , ;• ! ¦ ¦»¦ ¦ Secar ity, ! . «r. - \' Moderate Rates, Ateojate ¦ . - , i Largo Bonuses ' " • I -- Prompt Payment 1 i J ' iCANTIiLL . ' I For Terms apply to~ ; ' ¦! . ' : : ;; ^ : v- :- i3jtjj^ttqi.: - i r j HEAD OFFICE-9 COliLEGE iiGBEl : : MANUFACTURERS .OF ¦ ¦ ¦ - : - :¦ '; ¦ ¦ , i .|- . ; ! i | Or to any ; of the| Company's Brancbsa or Cijfdo SMppiniT campany i : ' ¦' ' ' ' "^ ! ' 1 BT^ ' Agencies. \ - n^lA ^'Sin h ^CKF A ess , *•' T¥- ! l^n ' " ¦ ' ' T^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :¦ ; ¦ ^ ¦ •>.--r:;- ¦ ¦;.:•! ¦- j Agents!in 'SVaterford— , ;: ; l ; N , THIRTY-TWO pOLD AND PRIZE MEDAtS : ATTQUST¦•& StrPTESIBER, 1C : J. J. MURPHY, JW. & L. Railway Tpr- ®IW - . AND. -iBOtfNS¥ ¦: j ; minus. . ; ; : ORD F S UAVESrOBD cna LOPJQOII: C. P. REDMON D, WATERF N W I PlYMOOTH us SOTTrHAHPgOH. Nl^WHAjVEU, i I I ' DOVZE, UR> BOOTH OF l EHOLANIli : . ; BELFAST : BERNARD H. O'REILLY. j . COHK. DUBLIN, BKUAST «an> QLA8QO 7. '< ¦' i : Manwr, «vL Sv rI) utus New'- and| pcwerfnl ; P^ofaggSJr'qy Motels llf llS i| \; li^ ! LOANS ; u I ^ . :iP-^!: f:H;.::^ii:^.! LlilEEICK — THE GLElJTWOfiTH J . LOANS ! LOANS ! The; ; Scour SpecifieIn .1 r Bcoat JC TUSKAB. VAlEfent. e» jntandwT ;to. dl ii .oad«i The ncpr-raiiii]^ Core to* Whito O T oa w»th«r peroltting iborInnto^ssto p reretltoa bj[ :Ujfo«»o<» ¦| I- *" ' ¦ J ¦ " ¦ ' ' ¦' ' and Scour in Cattle,, Sheep, Foali, Horcpe, SSa^ta^T^ia tow Vosa.b, (md ti eOl at o . .| • nQ AP¥ ri?flrair jjF':DRSE.nr]Esy , .: - THE ! "WiATERFOAD LOAN COMPANY «ny irto. in or out ot Uio on itomsry ¦ »w Port or PorU la or lor »j& oth „ i pin. Wednc*l»/. »U ti 4 p.ni HtfW &isate ^' t li;f (miid to No concoction with any other Loan Offices or oa I bo aiaotmt of ' '¦ ^ ; ; HI ALL nkPAETMEIIT3, so-callod Banks in thi3 County It i» en liufalUlle RctncuT, uudhu no»et M€n ihim to 101 ': I. . ; compare favour abtywitk' :ot/ierSf . ";.'•' [ , ; | 1 ¦ (DiItat) Appiy-THE MANAGER. :— ¦ '• ' .;; ' • ". ¦V/ ];'- ¦ ™^ d.« ! MagnlOcent CoCes and Commercial itociuts oqua BitrorM from. Letters ; l I f caL Eon!toidm^ . ?:s Atte* fo jfr ! years practical expertises'or ;*'., 'om fU^ VHUBSDAT i REQUlRJNri A THMPORA& ADVAKCE TtlE ABOVE IS D Ireland, 8 John Street ,' Waterford. ttalHitaJnoit * O"»»« Jto ijToonool d« fflSB THE Co cny I Bueiicaand stuff meet atl trala » Specific? I f«n reitent*mj focmoropinion . ^ 5^ and otcamern. I ! lx>»i)Ojr'ii p^«~, »'" tctaw ronitiiiKiiiiaiJ, j i ; : . i i- Jun Bnn Esq. J.P. : ' i DOBLIJI. ; ' wxtxuoio *o notil oaa ; : Bcstaaraat Tll lA. . ! , ! W&Ugtown Castle, Ciitletocnroifcla. Every BAT i;ED AT (»l» EoUust) ! . ... 1 P> £> Tlia ^icldov7 In the 1/G I must cajr nFlor sorere If da f a• J>ad ra«e» joar "Spcolfia" ¦ I M W|trEB»03D, Dl«XO- ; pick of the Londo^i Markets, parchaccd for cash anc Defies Competition. tid i DOJJLIB TO STREET^ C, 7, ond 0, WICKLOW-STREET, ts tkO EOMt lofBUiblo Ctmcdy- I oror triKUTtod I l£»& Wedncjidiy 7th Juna 8 p.p. Wodnetdoy, it I Sol 5 p.a .^OHNpi! WAfEKFORO | 1 triilscfirtnjiforthersst filO j-crai in brt lk ii lnrtlcaJjIe l : 6 p.o (Graf ton-aircc t), • DUBLIN. THY A LJtf. SAIIPLE AND NOTE BES LT3. ' ! ,,i 11th „ 6 p.k .. «g ¦ ; j I to ihe Utnizf oommuitt¦ j.' ; i > . ' A. Wxc, Esq. ' •• 9 p.m Valc |: : " ¦ ¦' AbbrT, DaUyoi1K«p. Co.liics«ck. : ¦ Z5t l ; Sp.m Estrnorcl ^ary c, lo. 3d. por lb. | Extra Good Val « lo. lOd. 6 2s. por lb ' ' : T. . S8«J ,. « p.»- . " . ••' Centrally. jBltcatcd, Cbmfortablo and To bo hart from Investor¦ »nd eolo PropiUwt 1'or 2s ifiiad¦ MpST ;- Choicest Blcado, 2o. 6a. por lb- : . ¦! : i ¦ ¦ •: i • I • r • ' KflLKBR!R3Vi 85^ pout free, i . . ! : | !¦ ; ¦ M COM Diroot) ¦ Moderate Dinnera reMy all day. ! : i prewsU Bores. f rom . WATIBTOBD I : : ¦ ¦ . . " . ' - " .;'. - ' i ¦ " AWn-IJiVf ilOEK" cHectuaUy Evcrj THOESDAI ' i ' ••• ¦ L "f. 1 p.m. j : I . PBIOE dUE! PEETST. . . O'Q •.; ; BICHABD : CBKIEN Popriotdr. J- JJ & (S. W iiiSKEY, guaranteed 6g years old, 21a. crowing:on joorg eilvco. Prtco, .Ik. i pottage, $& extra, ¦ ' Olroot- " ¦ : ' TAIJPISH BADY .I per gallon noreyisstolajj • I . COBS TO Wtoaroio. | Ectablihed 1814. ' ' '| | ! • . Edited bjr in WsQliil ijat mbt«d fn Moh I»rg6' ¦ ftiiliij. «h S«p 6 p.m ^ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ lyMi/i 2nd An< 6 pjm ' : ' • •! ¦! t BACON—A Speciality, town, ; . ! . • • 6 p.m Th^ largest kl Nev78paper in PabU3hod bteiy Wednesday at.4d, 4$d, and Sd p er lb. Finest Waterford ji \ ; ! Bi-]57e^ 7 Iral^nd. :?'Tns CEot/ rx noses," ' ' ' Ciemist ' p.ta. n K«f » e p.n ' ¦ ' ¦ '' ' ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; |! . ; • A3 JONES, PhinpaWntical „ : 16th 6 [ . ; . : ^and BatnrdayimonJng. \ . . ' i : . - i ' WETPOBD. ' Cured at 6d per lb. ¦ ' 1 ' ¦ '¦ "Co rt. ' . , „ S3rd 6 p.in. i i 27U> 6 p^n [ ! UONCK - STttEET, j I , ¦ I' . - . Docetafle, Oo J M ¦ ¦ paper ha? fcicrcassd its ' circulation by NOTE ADDEE3S :— ¦ . . ¦ . . &\ .|' ,i ! 8uth . .„ b pjn ; | SINCE its redaction! in prieo this old-eatabllahedj WHITE SONS, ^aterfpri , ' ¦ uid ARenfc-j^jEO !¦ ¦; ' WMXttTOtS TO libsDOB. . thoossjnda. It ia the only newspapc?In Iralana dovotod' conit^i¦l y DtronaoaBly rTfjHlS Old Uotol U faroouj far good, pata Wni&ke E»»ry aATURDAT-(Tla Sobthampton) hnd E»U », 4 p.a. of ¦ ¦ • :: I rju onl/ ¦to the nan Irishmov p' meat for "Sahclal Reform.' ¦ ¦ ¦ . , i : JI end all otber Dflnkr^ TO (Jfcu^ow) C >. 1 p.m : the intes^!t s ¦• ' .. 'y ¦ E ¦ ¦ ? aoNDA¦ iT l»ia ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' * . . i ' ' n n pau?43t. ! M ' I' •—•MMM*** ¦: 1IB3.IKKLLY, PCOPEIETHC33, ' " : i}kT-ry ' , so ' ' " ¦ ¦ " ¦' ¦ • ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ i •' ¦; ¦ . . :¦ . | ¦ ' 1 p.n. - i I : , , EycryBATUBDAY (ducot) 1- . _ -t I Ermici wioii OJI MrtonELii & Co. o 3?EEi3 Dmccron?' Ttq KtttzZiyIXo&ewior ID ono : i Clo:a to tho Railirdj Ststica \ JOHM HIGGIMS • i • !¦ WiimrO3l>-Tii Dmaui. i ' ^-" : BruAST TO 'i I tUo beat Advertisinguedl nms In Ireland. 16 loyoljeupp'ortca 1/ thb Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, I 'I/^LZQSSCOOQ Grocer . CZZI& ' JFtirovigiatz' - . ' ¦ ¦ Klldoro, CarlOT7 . *Mercha&1l . i W««B»oaD JD PtTKOOTU, dlroot. I i ; "ulcrchanta,and wealthy AKrlcaltnrlaCUcczaIn thiCototy, Cbe Qneon'eCJpanty, , \redne»day, 7th Aoj 1 p,m. WodneiKUy, »th to U noon iWexford 1 eed King s County, dnd Lttlnst^r RonorcJly, aa well &3 tho Conntlcaol ' ¦ Uth „ « p.Q ! jWnterfoid, , ' ' 8 and 44, PAtRICK^TREET. Written for| Stadcjitx iid Parents Cohici . ; 11th „ . i pa : .» ; JTIpporary, Llmeriot, Cork, Glare, and!districts In tho othortho Provlnccalti' Advcrtlrara will find 1 IMPERIAL' HOTEL 8nediB» •; ¦, ., Xl.t " 1 Pp.m .> WJi „ * p.n to pabllo erf PEOvisions Ar «. PATEICK STBEET. gttt3 oQ informationre auiradby ithoca ebaat tp. caa- '[;¦ • ffith- ," n. ttth ' « !-*> to tbelr. cdvoots^a bring tholr annocnc^rumtiTdloro la columia." 1 1 ,. *p { .,;. .. . i GACJTVILLE-STEEET. DTJBlinJ. tntrinft tie study of Medidrie, indndinK >xpenj:33 cot |L0^7EE hud : on appBtbuon'Ito Uu i . i PtTBonia TO mromrao (dlroot). ,| Ordori Choqaos &c, to bo PreHrnfanrlM).| iCan lie SM dWi | Spocial Tera3 for :continnonB AdrerHsbnKSnts.; Post Ofilce , cndTolcjnpb OQo SSi*^ J j ¦¦ :: ¦ , - ¦: payabbtoSTANDISH O'GBADY. (Ojp^odtaUio GcnoralPo3t-D3c3 ¦: t^: S^" !$£: ' ? H 5£ Imnde ' : Tlioiaost ocmtroHn thoCitj. . : WSOLEBALB CcCIIJuSTBPIT. DuBI.tB !: : .\ | !" '„ : 17th M 6pim- i ,. 2Ht ,J I0 i.a BUILDING CONTRAC TS r AND RETAIL 21th ' -utta. - ,. ffiOi . 1. ¦ * PJO ! ^ ¦ i Pink Gaiao, Ponltry, ud lot Stores ' _Lo Vfj «h p la Sargcnt'i Lane (opposite NaliOo»l :pp :i| opSTsq-isr|, '¦ wWiwaioaB -:¦ .;¦ ; &scMn^-Boom, BUlion&roam. Clnrsoa modorats. tho ; . : : I BoniBAvnca \ fiaok), I bej to uinoaoco to my Friends and ! Friday* (TU Plymouth) 2nd Au« 7 p m j ath, *3 nooa | ! 0HABLE8 LAWLEB, Prppriotot. nnHB attention of the Gentry and Publia ¦ i : ^M,pi Fablic that Inn prepared to ciccato all corks is cert JL ¦ (JOMRACTC R Iflth, ; pm; sard, ll iniMb, apinw ;. 1 : ¦ ¦ called to tbit EetabUtiaieai. BUIL DER curid • 6 m 'I I: Bttlldings or ibo KcnoVaUnj: or AJtfrauon of oz- '. ; i ff ridijs Plymouth), Oth 8ep >»N P- > " ' f via , "" P* GOODS or nn Csoratsr UAUTT ' l ¦! Thursday*. 18U>aod S8ih, »lt«tnoon. TU Nowbtren. 1 ; tittog Prcmuu. • Q . WAt-KBFOSB, • • i- : ' ' j ¦ ¦ ¦ 67, iT^E MAtTOR; WAS£ftf01U) - SO HET7SATEZ7. ; ¦ ¦ Coirctry crdext earefaO* ¦;¦ i . . COUNTY OF j WATERFORD. Aa all work undertaken by me will be done ondcr atteEdodto. J^tD] CONTRACTS liTesy. HATDEDAT rti BOBthalQjiton „ :. u, 4 pxi ! j BDIlblN< ?'! WORK . ¦ ¦ . .inul (jpeniiloa ga^r-inUo complale w. EtTBEET,pBora rrcn HiwuTia TO witnUoaa. I ay pert' , I can f Promptly end Cawfally £*t'.-uied. i ¦ ¦ ; ; ¦ les t Ic»l l ca 111-A hinzry In hot" j i i ; Erory FIUDAT Afternoon (Cargo o=ly). ;: : % oauifLCil'.ia : : tcocniy weatier I T7miioiD TO IDoyxn. ¦: 1 Datoa fixe d by; tbo County Couiacil ¦ pacSoi? for ooaveyaaM by nQ, ¦ : J : 4c Tenaf : onat)pue»tJo» CTCT7 SATUBDAr (Tt»eoplhsnptoa» nd IlfftAitci} : s p. a of ' T' . ! ¦ ¦ .: ¦[: . ' . .- i - i of Waterford for holding . - Denes to WiTjm»csi>.- 1- I ^¦ T : Work&hops [and i; JPremicsa at Drcry TUESUlYAltcaoqa(via ContHragMSl, 0^:6 cat?. : i: Quprte^lvi llootuiRo. JOHM : BE0WHE, - ' t»to! : exertion}.' Bccorimofl-.uoa . lei ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦: : Thics Staanan ¦ ¦ WjatOTSide. -U; V ¦ ¦: • ' lOUG'S TERR.KCE, : h I i i : j COUNCILS. , , 1 1 ': ' ¦ ¦ . DISTRICT I : ' ; PABBAbii-itoEfiY '. !¦ ; ;• ¦ i! li)01» AM»AN LfHK ' i ii. j ii Llsmore Friday; ! iBt NovQmbor, . : iCailn. p«snnu Ctciracei nitnra , '^ ; ny, 2nd NOT, 1901. punEEAL auQtjisiirnp W«arior«J Glasgow «. U, 178.J ed, ^*- }*• : VVaterfoid No KJSnturd tWItED STATES AlAlL 8TEAMBUSS! _ Baiait ^. B. «Sdi Sia. . ! OCX Ua. i ¦ 4th OF EVEET DESCIilPTlO^. JAMES [ HjpCTKiJCi'^5, % 141 !¦ Ba. 70. Cd Carrick No 2. NWidjiy, : „ ;„ : Ppatins • I Cork. „ | ii. W ¦ ¦ BOTJTHA1IPTOM—WEW YOBk livery Etabloa land PlymoatbJl 80s. Od; • fiOa. !Wa. 1EJ. CJ ' ClonmbI No 2, Tae3day, ,ith U „ , „ approved1 8EBVICB j ii T • I BonUumyum sa>. W. ¦ ; ¦»• 10*. Its vd TVTEY7 Hearcea of tbe moctUedetn nod SOUTHAMPTON i : : . : Batsbliolunent. ¦., ¦ j ¦ ;; vyednesday, Cth ,. > „ TO NEW TOBK ; i •' London, rta Booth- • \ - Kilmacthomop, JAI etylc! Carri5?C3, Wai;onsttc3, Co»»rcd Can 0, MAIN-BTREET CARUlCK.ON-SinR i2j Cd ' 3Jj : 1(3. ' 8ATUB0ATS at Koon. ftmpton 6 E»il |! DnngarvaiT. Thnrsdny, 7th „ | „ and Bido Oars for Him on the Shortest £7ot'»- . H:^beit Clami of /or H.0B3ZB ! BP.OKEH TO: BO/OLE 4 DO0BLB ¦j . : S»r,ima, |«a. <«. - : }£• ! iccomiaodatEoo Second Catja : TVSMT. _. ioa. od. — : lea. ¦; Yoasbol No -?, Priday, 8th ] \ ,, „ tod Steerage P»M«Dge»«. ' : ¦ ! Robort Ttompson, , ."' ! i promPublia .- I Us. 04 — ' «*-l-- r : Lnat day for lodging applieatioua—I Bin lOt'BiDlil, VVATBsyous Tbiid Clau Far*at Lswcat ratca. Outfit Ireo. ¦! tciim'SchsU »»»Uabl» f0rT5ro]: idonth»—Hot TroaleaK}. :; Tuesday, 22nd October, 1901. j[RISHi (QlVlfi ;| gERV CE ^y BonL—Tha Cljd» Bhlpptn* Compaaj (United) ] OHAQ0J3B UODERAr* L1VEBPOOL-PHILADELPHIA 8EBVI0K. ; aa lntaro 1 Goodi afilpppa b£,th»> Unea , d fiteamcr. i Etery WEDHE8DAT. «>- iffilrrt til Sea Bltta. rormstsBite] ot rromiom. »nd til COCNTY COUNCIL. | MVEBPOOr, gOCiET ^S '. tad»£|th»Offl«e3. i : ¦ | P/oposala' Odrotiltlea Ueellngo :-» ; TO PHILADBbPHIA. jgUILDIKG | I Kfom»tion ean bo ISSTABLISHED 185L ' Calling at Queesstowa ^ Tor llatM o! rrd«tt,|to- appU toHnrit 'f.^J^o ¦ 'Friday, 20th Nov, l'joi. erery Thnnday. K KiSonaj IOK» IK, Hiwnsn. London »M SoutS- i P4wo«rt aa<} Ooodiue 187< Co- Last day (or lodgtop; Applications .— htOo, iat PbliwWnUa EetaMittu-d 1864 jlpnoriwimt-^ . 'BECK./BAffK oa tb* Wharf ot tha Penn«yl»inl^ BaOwad, which Friday, 15th Nov, 1901. BIRS has the Snottttt andmo»tBlwot MOT KA ' ¦ I SontlmiQptonBldKSJ., ChmcerjLaae, London, VT.C. Eoota lo aU piaee* LOAjvi S GRAM'Ei'^ON fi'flK VOIJK- Quarterly MeetioG "— In the Western State*. . . - (TO ' A BlEiTEUMS 'I'O '••niOT.K .PEKaoSS Mouday , 9th peefmb^r, 1901. i ^CURRENT ACC0UHT8 Apply to Biobardaoo, 8ptooe & Co, 8ontUnjnt<« > lfe;i;:OrISiCSOK"O PA> ! • or Lirerpool BUTI>D OR I UHCtlA i5 «soe Oliesoir t !Ora*0/ , or to ¦ ! : S »S^ . floothanjp. 1 E?orct£.ryto tha tjonmy CoanciH » -Hurypj OKP MOUTfJAO^S TH^HRON. oioonouk l Book Bead, LSnaafcti Town to, M /o -wlieo not diawn bdqw £100. /O WATiaroBD & 8oa, 12, GUdttoae-ttfOet Unfin«-E» »I IMW1 ^ooc orfcwfd'' ; FSRE . SCREE MS,. 3 . Warf Bro^a, BarfoB«U»od-»ti4«t : : £1J55D|,OQO . •; : ' ! j \ : ' «f I«Jln|f tcvihoO. b» the Otia ¦ ¦ ! ' OEaws-oK-Stna—flwbwdL» B sini roodt-ra' ewial fona» oX E£U» . I; ; So°/ uapcpodta, t^ajaulroadenand, S Q *». : ErwcpcB Fii-d ¦ ¦ K ¦ O J '/ Les:ol i i Ctotnaz—B Kngent, 76, i i M»to-«tra«U TCC*W«1 ht It-.e ftiUviwii'i; rutita*roww--MWMt armta, C*wrd>-«tta«U Co panir ACCOMMODATE WszroKP—yVtbrnptd, oUaia-ttaet> ; Waterford¦ ¦ SteamaMp¦ ¦ TeUphotu''Hollorn," i John BLfntoo, Auotionttet Ai,> i. i I' IC MJillCtJ*, 8Lcrtltary ! . CLJUIITCDI. I Aid) tu: "BiBKBmg Lo.SD03."'' H ¦ * UerolMst.¦ ¦; . : | ' upwards, nl tay diqtanco Ttlegrop hie . KiixttrrnxrBxs—W O'Ddnotaa.' ^- . •• — £10 and : ¦ OF; IEPT-, ¦ALTEIRi FOM ' D>|Min OBDE^ SAJLINGS A ' i |lNTENDED WALSi SONS tryl i , : . I ; ; . j in totrn or couu EIANLY HEW. : 1 the con- YMPOBTANT TO BTEAMBBo » _J Repayments can be |anungod to cuit Tin ani mtaery ttntti by MOTHEBS—Brery iiothec r Aft ' L iBY faffoc tbs p*lna J whO TBlnea tb« Health and HiN6ot)rK«Li5 S l UliaHi ° ; venience of borrowers'. : ' Kerrosises), Prcisituit tthan»tlcn, and CleaoIlnanofDer BAREONSTRAND STREET VV jloh Child abonld oae HABBISOM'S-aELTlBLE?" IdT« 8t>o : Apply poroooally oi by letter to 83 South WHtiss; Woakne«» f. Soad for my book ,» tixovt *oil ¦ bon eterr U*o < yooae and old, ou> b« thonaghly NUBSERr POMADE. Ooe appUeatlon kUH all T1 ti-. ?w^3t\ ' p j\ ft8toam«lilpOooasdf Co^tei»nj (IiinitetaJ» Mall , Cork. ' . ! and aoirtly i oaredVithen* 8IX)MACH UtDIOINfi of KIU and V«ro»ln, be»nt]&u and atreogtbooitha ^j^i5^5\i>;V noetr* c tax Efclo- ' i I : EliECTICITY. Hair. In TIDS, 4{d and 9d ; Poata««, Id. 0SO. - ... . I bad General MerctuaU ex On eW Hotnfaj BWIUff.:Orttoi: oTtt» «ti Discount Bank. te tblnk n«»"» CConnell 8vreet j for Canlc«^m-Bolr /¦' f=f ^ ilbboy Loan and jonr adfertiinamt at txa I ttoald Ut« nv«d , J. , ponuda,—Q. V. U." O'SEILt, ChemUt. loatrncUocs, asa an Din pc7- ^?* WATEfiroall) A Ob! BBlSTdL i znado from £5 Upwarfs So tny patt o! "I b»»« m«3 oat jour nu; nirroi TO Tinstone. MigM-!51as3 liiiLJULsJ iiiit^iaLiLa wiAiiJiaMS /.dvnnoen ¦ ruis nmnsD to uutoi* ' Hons'jhoWotB, Shoplicoptr*, and " ¦; Itolond to Booki »ant waled, poat fff e, for two «taap3. RILKGHNTj ! : ;^- i^,,,. Farmorg on thilr own Security, D3, Great Bnnaetl Street, Loodoa, Are highly! recopimended by the Medical Profession , no may ba , 3. Lrtoni 82 tad GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY ffiV : »".^»¦JSS "?SSd.r ". it. *w P.m \ If opproTcS of W.O. QOBO at oaoo and b« coxed. 18 Tetn '. caen ly, Eusrtfcnd ' ana Soata from the latest analytical reporto, copie3 of vhich Etsy Bopojrmcnt^ App - WalM. *B& 1 . Sontb ' of. XMIM ; ; ' : S can be had on application tl UU ' ¦ I ,1 ifii • -aWoajfcay, iV SS... S j 0 p.m • ! . JS;VST^ :: ?7~!3B0*aff „ |-J?- ; €hnrt««t SonU mn4 » ¦ Ilanudc^opy t .TohnntoTTn. »<«—< *»<*«. 'I Waterford- ' Fo»toD ana ion.5ob: KxhiWliopi "SKtsi: unLi. • k Aeceltrnled Servicem cohntcfiok with tilt Graft F|iu,i«ra un ¦ a ' Southernand ' '¦ ¦ '' • : TnA i, K : sypPLJKb l cy i from Scrofula of Slax'i Wttlern BailtKf . eS* ^ irreW^trtorte^^ or W.rfortni 'tora 0tMol by i e^r'S! oTtrom ' ETII, Um* DtmM, QlaodoUi 'i BtaiatM onplynontot ^2» Id WatetfordEtcua Ship Co. « Pianofort. : I i e• ' \ wrganp % Harmoniums CaeOlnja, Boroa, Ab*A«a«a», aoJ aU Mta phrBiut«» Wo purchass, at tho lowest point Bella, Eeuaoa. Acna, Eiarwima, aad ,,jX~*-^>. ; j ClOmtal,! CfttBXDOK | "nStoro TJoVeU l«»tted' at Brittoli to Dij vuh«r Btai and Rlood ulsoaw*, t irtr^. _ZT-_ii i,t« ! for ratura ftoia Wartrfjrd oc I the finest growtho Wmford tT Brtatol tf Wafcrtord BtoamUitp Co.'- of tho market, StSmen on > .ymeat o| 6s. extrf; of from Co :1c Od pa|r- trom. the Ioo3t Jndian : and Ceylon GABEETT'8 Hl^RBi: PADI?mQTt>N «»p 4.30 p-m.' («xo.prt Soiukirt) to anlfinj it \VA^ VMfOkD f»«*lb« aad tte- *SSff i ttd£? 'irK»> to Curk or to UmUa Jer BrjSol a?3. Co, ( Eatabliolicd J,8S3—0ver1 Half-a-Gentury. UXLFAST Jnonarj, ' POWDER ' ' ; ¦ ' ¦ • ' ' ¦ ¦ to offer exceptional value, toth foi : . - , viol iuui. WATBBSOBD Dtp. 10.8 «,« («t<*p» koeianS :; ; ! . ;i i I . j , . ! ludered ftom tozema of » ! ! Denr Sir. Mj friend ¦ arrltlBg la Lo*»o« aboat 1.5 p,» (foltowia, ¦ Collard & Cdllar3, Broadwood, Allison Hopkinson. Chappe)! appearance. oaj). ' ¦¦ : ' -I Pinnofortes l>y , , liquor and very bud klod, It began lo the ankls of nne foot , i j . 'f •¦ • • • ' r . . MM »«IIB «U I ' rioa -kjTKifpoL , I - Brev/er, ond other lcailiug rriake'w, at I&ARE BARUAISS for Ou3h, or on TJOJP BiorB thin jtbrefi year* ngo. It tben exteoded to tns ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ art : WeSidaj, „ • . -"¦ W»% ,i .J- 1 f.m Payment Systcm.1 | ; !• ; ¦ • ' |- : . ' . i other foot, tod tboogh Uoctot* w«re coR$ulled. and Zij^t RefruhmenU implied on tit Cerriiki *~ ^ . Patent Medldots and OintoenU ¦ ¦ ' V-.9u feteral klnd» of Hoot Trains run 6ttwtm P *d4innteri' "itandv, „ ' 8.. <) a.ou ;N»lutajr. .. ,\m i Americaii' Organs and ttarmoniums nt prices cover before offered to the public. .vifii-ai-moore oM.hli84onehef »ny ,jood , ! It grftda»lljf In W«dwadar „ 1... Ipm. iWeUnc^ar ,, U..9 S0 a.m saed, ¦5vKa» ^ 13- I p.lB rrtday, ., IS.JO«O «.ia : oxchango aa part payment. . : crrsscd 1B -jrtl tb» l!ml», l«g». h»n4.. uta» and tha I / . - k:J « tt. MonZy ;. ij. 'dO-t Old Iuatramenta taken In ci)T«n»d) »od lastly It ra*phed «h» bea(J| and :; USSM. : ( Wedu-iiT.. . IK ...i I^ r-pin CORK i body «H 1 : WiJwiw; '«-• 3 P.m ^ Gonpertinos Aato-Harp3 Guitars Banjos in. greit en's Place. ¦ face- Woe I »*»• ii> . • fncbtfol , ; coudhJoo, vben : , Violins, FlQtes, MelodioriS, ¦ , , , , ¦ ; ¦ rt : ' JU Monday, ., ¦ : ¦ ¦ • ;¦! ?«H« u 3d, 6a, and 1l SSSS, , ».. W . ! J*..« P.™ vcriety. ; I : ; i i ;|. \ ; : • : • „ i ¦j i'j - i- ; |! . . StVrtu HrMi^ latest Music Bdngs, Oancei, Pjecos, ut reduced priaa ; thouaanda iwo bdxiiof»b« OlotQj«imG«ncU«), Befoit j All the , to aB* ' ' ' : 1- ¦ ¦ N' ' ' Blw .' 1 •< Xli •- ./ " •'-'f'Vit ¦ ' ¦ ¦ V««ala uowt «t IJTorta Vbar! WatcrforJ ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦!' ; : r - ' " ' • : ': «»«4 1 h ¦ ¦ ¦ V Th» tt»d«y eelect from. 4 U !¦ - ' - i?- <¦ "\ : . .\: orKb, •b« iwd Ui ¦«f* »V**'-J{? l ¦¦ • btone w 1 ¦ ¦ ' ^ 1 ' ^^f^ "Ti . ^ : : ... Marble »eoood bouHaod;i«o tw>v* OlnnaMt, inonghwrt ^sTA^i?^*" l .iid WaUrd ; . THE 0HaA?E!?T, 11OUSE IN IRELAND, t i ^ <)$gS£lS&^.%2^-VM do if - {• all area, q»rscuriy. ™>wvu M», I~»~» ,» •—¦>? ¦« »»TS«t«)-l>Wn, U^ t lo. Cbllin.u>*l ¦ HICEABL BTBEET, WATBRfOSD. «Wf Wilted Address-i- . ; ¦; • -, '. ' :. i i doabt M»«l one bon boUI«; as I two be** 44 ?>!!1' : , «fuialjl«forT »o Koothi optic ail M retora j »Garp»U'«"»«blp«»nd Olntieit will eon^tta iniTio£»¦ •!•/ ^oi ;. - ^ CO, 93, Quay, ; iiM" ; ;- F JT. HOPAE EJ & Ifaterlbrii ¦ : -r . ^r Watfe^^-jAgei : ' v , : 'v^. '!*^J?l£i«9»ot ;u Ii^slpli T ~ T wd MirtC HBJP* »f>-^P»P! " ' • ' ; ^"- ' jgiJB?* '3 ' ." 'i'. . ' M . . i jXf rm ¦ •¦ ¦ : ) ¦ ¦•¦ - ¦. ¦ : ?" g- - ' 'i. i v . l4tljf« ; I ¦:¦ '[ ¦ ! ' ~ ¦ '' :: ~ - - . vv-' . V OrtEtota JoT«f*r :, ¦!) ; ii^ i ; ';-t 'i; I '•a^Lilyiifc ili'^fcii* 3Pa!o^iw-1 Mn. fit<^A't'^ ¦ , aw. ^ 1 OtOMMJf^Onattrlw ¦ttg ilV- 6•I. A b«ltio ] t«m >t* gg J5$w«frjfffift ill iladelpMa, Chicago, ^b, : j.^ ? limm *!&*m ifiVfllt mmm $ ..i,.u,.;^vl.| ¦ " :: ' : '" " ¦•; " " " '- '¦ ' ' " " - - , f -|" -'> . : >•!! t- . lf- :- = : /r : -V.UV" . -L mmm IMP

¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦:» ¦¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ ! . ;¦ < \ \: \ T\- i.\\ \ : >i -i, . -:., - ¦:; :. .) !. - .. i . . . . ; j THE B ^LLINAICOUETY. WATERWOR^B. ':; . i ::; . ?j ' . WkT^Rf OfJD' UNION.;: ". . .!- '!-!. - ' : THE,MAfcTEfc'S BEQUEST. 1: :¦* mmm j! DUUGARVAn URBAN DIQTfllCT ' [ ( : ' ¦ ¦ : • ' ¦ Mr. :X Power I proposed' i that the Borough ; '!' ; :: ' ;! i The. Master ftpblied for the assistth^ ac ¦ mm ; l- : .; ¦ ¦ ! • ¦ : :r; . ¦::.' - .- " ' :;' - ibeei*M iv.; . "•• ;- %. ! . COUNCIL.^ ! !• Buryeyoi MrJ...Beiiry, be :cailad upon to' ,-e-: ¦ Y .^ ii)NESDAY.¦ -¦ - ¦ . ' -¦ gome-' oona^etent-porEon during ; n ;;4v; BW,Ti-«fa;;../ -r; y< ;fi ;.?!¦ -r ' - - 'I ¦ :;¦ c* ¦ ¦ i- ill . , [\. • . ' ¦ pare pirns;-for i a " suppleirlantai. supply:'; of. ¦ . C ! , .!' - of the' assistant master from duty thr( ugh Ul- : ¦ Tr.¦ ¦?, < !- ¦ .< ¦ ¦ •! /!¦ ¦< :¦ • ¦ ' 'j i ' gRtmyj mh ftSp j N! : . ;j • .; (Froin our Beporter.) [ ¦ ; wajWr to Dungarvan from the Ballinacqujrty -; :^E-j'i 4St>Ve»l*IBiN'9 , CONTRACT. ] :< rfiyBEB. > :' ' - ¦:rv - 'i.:F. |tefi.E EX- e. . ^iBjt»igj . Diptrict Douncir for a rent &ame; ,; ¦ ( ' ' . ,; , Oie BtBBOWJ PLATE of eovsJ; handi • The veecly mealing of thlsr Ocaiuicil yai .to-be.paid for I iW^H. fetLIAM. KEARNEY AT IT!-AGAIN: . '. ;- ii :TRA REMUNERATION:'?; ' | ^ ; 1 The p:oposition -> l eaphnrdle race • held oi M)nday; -evening. Mr. J-imes Bayet , was seconded by Mr. Law: ! Mr: T.' WHittlp^tnotionk of . which h,e tlsid ; one 'miie Wid a half. arid the either mem- lorj and,passediiiem;>.con./ : J : At yie weekly! meeting of Guardians: o! given notico ' Mr ullloa'i'L«U|a ( ..... - ,p..™. 8 ;. ; J.P:, chair nan presided, the j 'i tofconBider the claim of Mr. M1B» bers present were—Messrs; JoSin ^W^lsh, W. NEW SCHEMli FOR: ARTIZANS' DWELLS the above [Union1,; held to-day, ! Mr.- DaVid J Walsh, JRiO:. i for remuneration for;inc'reoBed NioholaonM -Gulden Porro«T 5 : 1 : ; Mr W P Cnlleu'd Kod Wiatc ...| 4 ¦ ] 1 I4wlor , E. Keahan, JChomas Power, 3.V. ; NM . I ; ' j : ' -INGS; . i • ' . . : Hylanid, and subsequently Mr. J. McCarthy, ;: duties, next came on; for consideratibo. p ; ;¦ r " ¦; ' ! Mr Pwtt'f em Flir h«, by Kendal or Pott- d^ibs Power, Jailes Duuoe. : , .; . ; . It 'was decided, oh: the motUm of Mr'/ T. caairinan: presided.' There were also-, present j Aid. Ward seconded the motion. " ! I . ¦! j. K • I •: :. ' —Alderman] W: E. Ward, J.P;; Mfissrs. J. ¦ ¦' ii land-^onasl I...... „>... -4 I .J . ; j ^oi w *\M ' ^ Power, leconded-by ' : The ;ollotving t officials were iii .attcndahclo Mr. Lawlor, to -adopt - the Mr. Whittlb pointed out' that thi» yas. a Mr J P Croome'i oporto |. 6 as. uBuii—Mr. 'rheaujs McCarthy/Town Clerk!; scheme forj elevon new.artizans' dwellings/at Murphy, ReiBk; ! Nicholas Heaine, Robert ; case in which tho board should' find Out what h ¦ ¦ -L- Ward, ¦ lit H ootKomorj « D'omara.. I & Mr.! M .chael Belary, ' Borough .Surveyor;- Mr, tx Kvaii ui X.1W euuu. - . . - - . ' Wohhe; Hi D. - Fisher, T.O.; H. extra duties Mr.; Walsh had to 'perfdnji ' T.C. i M. Cashin, T.C. ; John . and Mr J WfdKer s did B»» ...... i i : Wm. CWara, Rate Collector; Mr. Cullinane, Mr. X Poweri said it was icharged- that 'the T.C.; T. Whittle, : what remuneration he would be entitled to Mr J \Vid ° 'o) SlftDe- Labourers, (3toom9^ j Sfemekeepers* Twd me?. J.P. ; Thomas , Kelly; ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ger « (kte Mr BratMtun i Water Ins sector, and Capt. P. Curran, Hab labt houses' cost more than they should !be- Dunphy;'Wm. Kdamey, j receive. ': : .j " I ?¦ ' i ' ¦ Murphy ; : more ....[.....:..:... J :. ... 4 i hour 1 sst ;r. ¦ ¦ ' i ' cauBe there waa no oontraator, but aowjtho; M. Flynit ; |J. Caulfield; ' Maurice | \ Mr. 8mith saiot there was another ' i Domestic Servants, Dynphy ; MLcba'el 'Kirwan, 'quesiion Mr 1 Wldger i (Into Mr M. A M»bcr'») Eli- i &c. SANITARY. ¦ I ¦ cost was even higher.: Mr. iBeary said these Tramore : E. to be considered ; in connection with this mat- minBtor..., ' :; ! . | . . ) \ ¦ T.C.;' Thonias Young, T.C. ; William' Rockett ; ...... J o houses would hk larger , than the last houses. : . terv.. He understood that if' they! increased Mr KN Power* Ramtlan U*id 1. •¦ The min iteg of ihej last meeting having bean Jj -i T.C; B. Dunphy; and' M.v J. "' I I iChairnan-iWias there ' anything lost iti the J. Rogers, Mr. Walih' aptlaryfit would-theah MIB 'DonacU' ' ; ' ¦ ¦Smitli ¦! '"'. ' ¦ s jreducing '' a BedmoBd oi..J...... 6 rea4 snd signed, | i | I last scHerne?. ! ', . ' - : . ¦ . . • , : L the salary of Mr1. 3\ B. O'Shea, R.O. ) ¦ tlrOO Delawgb' I The jha rmaq asked could- not the sanitary The 1 follo^ving oiBciala attended—^Messrs. J. j : s BiilliDiu»rda.... » :3.am. DUJJ HWO - i iilr. ]5eary—Tihe contrnctar/ Mr. jMcGrath , Aid. Ward—No. : : | I ;. ] Mr E P Kyan't The l correction MrE P By«n s ^ i the at sen :e of a .report from the Medical ; WiUiam IMdy, Master; and Dr. Fords, Medi- ' . , ' ;CieBr 3fote....J.... * |Mr. ill. Pqwer said the price of building i; of the clerk. ' . - I ! f; Mr Leybnck'ti Odran j 4 Officer of HeaWi? i ! j material , cal I Officer.l i ! ' ' ' . wnsj coming down, iind that tbbre Mr. Fisher—I think¦ Mr. Smith is (perfectly Mr .Joan.Wi'lKor'* Matheww... -.. 5 I ROYAL .¦i.Towi Clerk—Ho. • . | i I w|i9 a 1 )t of mohey wasted on the la?t houses. : I THE ADVERTISING CONTRACT. ; •. correct. ; ' '¦ ' i i . i ' ¦. ¦ Chaitniab—There 'was an order ,made. that Ifr Hafley'» E-n#Lee . ..)..... 5 CA-FTLE AM FIRE Chair nan-j-It! is a pity that!we couldn't get In '" reference to ithe advertiBing contract the The Clerk—In tho cage - of Mr. ;.o'Shea;| if Mr Joseph Widgir'i (late l^uni Fcrmoy'f) , J ^ND aihouie of William Harris, in Church-stredt, a (plot 11 Bohereenatraw for :, :bu:lding. ¦: ¦ : were sent in, but you reduce his fealary by £6 you ; U be put in sanitary condition by the landior-p, Clerk said 'ithat Ave tenders j must give AntronomeriH...... |'. 6 jCapt Sheehaji—You can ibiiy houses there one was laie. He> pointed out that it had been him £4 a year fo| the remainder of jhls life. Mr Joseph Wld(-er's Ethel Nora ; „. 6 MK Oi .tbc ry, within 14 days. Hii-solicitors, j . ' ' past ten years ^ slated that as iflyou like. ' . ; : " . - , the custom! of the Board for the Aid. Ward—I vould rather add to hia salarv Mr Dwyer'« Longbnrrow L..J i ! Messrs . \Vynnd and1 Wynne, ' 'e to all the local papers than take from ' ; -I • j ' ' soon is Mr. Harris ! •would leave the house, : ; NO TENDER. ' ; i . , to give a:uiiiform pric it. Mr Molooej a Plia.... 1 ..; 5 PRODUCE N^J/ LIGHT^ ! for publishing their advertisements. •...to . ' Mr. Smith-rl lemembor the time Alr|O'She i Mr M J Harty'a (late Mr JS Longfollon's) FAUM . ING ' the la idle rd would jicarry out the necessary As th ere was no tender received for the lay- ; move that you adhere the ; ; house irid do vn of fulminitetit was ordered that fresh • Aid. Wa^d—I was appointed tirenty years ago. He waS| aj>- Worldly Lassie ' 5 improi omqnts and asking why if Ith e ¦ ' ¦ was in ah unsanitary condition, the Council adverti ements be issued ¦ ' < , old custom. i ,. 'j " pointed at a saliryi of £90 a year, [and . it was Mr Hickey's Her Lidyahlp II | „ 4 . Cashin—I will second that. .- reduced. - He has spent the ' 1; ' did no' , mi ke an 'irder ;to have it closed up. ; Mr: ; best part ofj hf* Mr F F Calico s Heart.. C Thia concluded the business. i Chairmah (Mr. |McCarthy>-First of all the life in our service for 30s. a week, and I think • The Cht Jonah said as Mr. Harris was |a to decide whether they will , they icould not close up the Board will: have it would be a harsh thing to contemplate I any The COVE PLATE, of flO Sova. ; a handicap yearly tenant go into thei matter to-day. reduction. 'I :• ' :¦ ¦- : house. j • : ' i . ; i flat race; one milo and one furlong. .[ .Mr Kearney—I don't see that there is any Mr Whittle—I don't contemplate' Mis»Boyl»'» l- Alice 7... Mr. J. "Walshe—There is an order in exis- jTlie uniform c wli'tinn Dftolan s Mtilt BIX any reduc- r^tty 3 '(LARGEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD) "f necessity to give i the advertisements to tion. ; . ' '- ¦• Mr M J Morphy'n S •tence i hat the rmproTCments ibe carried ou^, ' ^ j j . .• I ¦ ¦ princ-.Weather 5 ; Liquor is reilly wondwful . . ' ;j papers My idea ia, it is quite sufficient to Mr . Smith—I [knf>W that. i ' •¦ ' ' Jibs Nicbolnon'i 1 ah'd th it is snfBcifirrt ! : Conservative and I 4 Tod Sloan...... — 4 QZif rf ' -ggAY ' - advertise ih two papers—a Mr. Whittle—The.duty has been taker) off- Mr imshiDgton'o 'I ho. M>o2on.J '.....y 5 ;; W . , WATEBFOEB. . Capt SHeehan—The solicitor thought that paper. There is no necessity to ..... r rswm byou did not '-teaow tna 1 a Nationalist Mr. O'Shea against hia wishes. |.:; \ \ Mr W i- Callcn's Berf WinK Ij...... -1 being n BungA ! PC RTLAVJ PCTTV OCGOIOWO. have !'mora' than two papers. It is handing , Mr ! Inw ¦ ! . J. DuBDhy—Ahd the duties i haye been Mr Pwtf» Sea PliRbt j 4 : . J}geM—jr^.Mm&WMMW'M'W. over the ratepayers' money dishoneBtly to toe iput on ' Mr.- ' ' ¦MrJJobn.Wbelrtn , : : Chai man—The solicitor asks why -we didn 't : the local papers Walsh ¦against his wishes 'also s MlEj Enttj & ' i (By a Correspondent). ! paying for [advertising in all Slaughter). I •; j , ¦ I ; . Gei cul Macon '» ...,L..«.„...,„„„ A " I ' ii j W II ; dose ut> tlte house, and if we did , where would j '» *'aoy , , , ¦ ¦ However, that*id a matter for the Board Mr. Quinlan—There is a misunderstanding |Mr WBrdeH' ; -we puf the tenant? [ ' only expressing my s Fair Dncheca ....:.... t.^ 4 ¦ housa- :t }At the last . etty Sessions 1 here, the pre- altogether, and I am about this mattler.; Some people 'thin ; that Mr QaAln 'i Geoig lBa .' .:... 3 ' Clerk—"Sau conia hot close up -the inion. •'¦ ' ' p It-is unsanitary. ! si ling : magistrates were:—Messrs. Ulick op . . Mr.'WaUh has io do all Ferrybank.! That is Mr B.N PqwtrV Minntaln Wlnmo ;;:;.. .;. 3 nht 1 Clerk—Do you : move anything ? Mr K P I It was - agaio r {.rdered that the necessary J not so, but Mr. O'Shea¦ has to attend-1^ that Rjan> Extinct }:.. 4 B )urke,' R M. ; C. Morley and William Mal^ the tenders are the • • :¦¦ ¦ 1 ¦ j out. : MrJ Kearney—If district. : • I Ml I> Shao»b 3 STREET FERE. : advertisements. One ¦U THE BSIDGB There were thirty-two cases disposed of , and 'I Standard " get the ! crease of £G a 5|enr. | : T John V7fd||«r'« Choctstr .', ,. ....',..'. 3 on the is a'Nationalist axA the others is a Conser- Mr T J Widccr1 ' A report was read | from Sergeant Grace to p: ihcibally ^or drunkenness public that. i Mr. Fisher—That is very reasonablq. ! Filllpoan .. :..... S that: the following assisted in ;tbe vative paper. There is no disputs about Mr. Whittle— [ propose that he be allowed Mrs SndlBir-Jackso'a Flower of Soog .'.'.... S the effect sureet.l and fines varying from 2a. 6d. to £1 ; I am happy to say, are not ' extinction of the recent fire at Bridge-street, The Katiohali6ts r £5 of an increase. i ! [ ' MrT J Wldgor sD'Arfcignan ^ 4 arid were , therefore, entiled to some remunera- wire ijiirposed. now divided. ' Mr. 3. Dunpl y-^You ought to leave it at ;Mr Bcbwnbo's Oorraghmo«) ".'. S rtVilUam Sheehan and Mary Durney were Mr Smith—Yon decide on giving the adver- : Mr Schnabe'n Rurola tion-Joh n Butler; .M. Byrne; J. '. Brien ; C. would £6. ; :' j -.._ '. J:; J: McCarthy ; one tisements only to.Uvo papers. I think it ¦CaDt Taylor's Bolla Angela ( Brien - R Moran; sentenced to^ calendar month's imprison- all put in a Mr Fisher—I would like to be clear on tliia. JlMurW; J. Kiely.; P Kavanagh; W. Bui- be- only fair that they should be Will this h ave '.bni Mr. Mr P JB/rne'a b c by Qn«co'a Birthday— ment each Ior being drunk and disorderly. for. I certainly would object a detrimental effect ¦ lef; JJ JM Grath; P.; Haren ; M. Sheeban ; J. hat tnd dijawn O'Shea's salary?i ' ' j Honeymoon .,.._ .^. ., '. - Woods; T. Power, and Both /d efendants had several previous con- to any particular paper being singled out— |Mr Winter' Bel'o Fillo '.. : Wade J Downeyi tf. an equal Clerk—Not necessarily. i ' * Miss White. ' ¦ I victions recorded against them. (hear hear). Let them all have Mr. Fisher—I am glad to know that because :Mr liNTilOot's Qolddn EticI; I j Chairmah—What will you give these men? James Jordan was summoned by Constable instead of reducing Mr. O'Shea's salary by .-many are there ? | Mr Kearney—That would be all right if .the i P]' ' Mr. tKeohan—How Finegan for ' being drunk and disorderly on equal circulation one farthing you should increase it. ! > : . THE GARRAiEUS ' «VE3 'of-00 ' £Tov.i.;\a 'Chairmaa—Twenty—(laughter) . paoe;rs had anything like- an Tt was unanimously (w for age H the night of the 9th September, there was also to tell us all decided to allow MV. Hurdle Eace; eif^it ; penalfica I is not going PMH Mr T. Pbwer-^-The^question is are we liable tut surely any Interested? w fe land children. He had, however, pro- see dn adyertiseoient, if I don't take in the i It is an invidious thing to Waterford on Mondav next. Before the disas- Mr. J. Dwyer's Long^arrow, 4 yra. (£76). ' Mr. JKeohan—j-Yes;! 'the insurance compfiny mised to take the pledge. paper, I ouy it. trous split in the National ranks this board Mr. J. ;Dwyer"8 Warbml; 0 yrg. (f.Tf >).' ¦ ¦ ' i of the IPOS i Office and the Munster and Loin- Mr. Small : N.S.P.C.C., mention ane particular paper. , who was present in Mr. Kelly seconded Mr. Keame/s motion. used to be among the first in presenting Mr. M. J. Harty's WhdtkepoU, 3 yrs. ster Bjink would be interested in it. cdurti was> asked by the Bench to keep super- -addresses to any: notable Nationalist that Jlr. L. Hope's Lady Bl'izes, aged (£75). . fchaitmaii—1 met Sergeant Grace and he Mn Cashini 6ajd he disagreed altogether 1 vision over defendant's conduct, and the Kearney's proposition , because he visited the city. Now that unity has been Mrs. Kelly's : Honest-Man, 0 yrs. (£75). told me this house was not insured at all.: with Mr. restored betwee^i Irish Nationalists,1 and that Mr. Leybuck's Corn Exchange, 5 yrs. (£75). ^S'-S^SIS^^aB^CB Mr. T. Poro^r—Kot even by the landlord. ciaea' o{ drunkenness were adjourned ior one thought all the Iratepayera were to be con- sidered in 1 this matter. They did not all take- our able and patriotic city member; has been Major Lustace Loder'sch. a, Charle3 W/ho i; tie landlord ? month. choson your leader, I think it is only fitting byiBed Prince XI—Admiration, 3 yrs. :Chaipnan—iMr. Huflson's brother. Sergt . in the feaihe paper, and he thought .everybody CLIPPERS—CLAEK'S AND OTHEE MAKEES I LICENSES. shouM gct a cnanco of seeing an advertise- that this board j should present Mr. jRedmond Mr. TJ ODonnell, jun'n . ch. m. -Calyp?^.!!., HOESE Grace itattd that a dozen men would be quite , with an address wishing him God speed on . by i Heckborry—The iBrido : '(Ucdrjoi*d' 5 , and that any more would iThe above being the annual licensing ses- ment- in aj paper -they are in tho habit of read- suffieic nt it a fire at large his mission to; ^America. I therefore Ipropose dam) 5 yrs. • > .. . , i be in the -way.i ; I know that Mr. ; Merry 'did sions: all the publicans' certificates were re- ing. :: Why: not give tho whole public Mr. Hi B. Poe' a chance? It AVOS not because he liked one that an address, be presented io Mr. jRedmond e Manatee; 5 yrs. (£75). great work on the occasion, but he; "would not newed and signed , there being no objection on his visit to Mr. E. N. Power's ch. f. Mountain Winnie, by take any remuneration. I would Buggest that or ty.'o particular papers that he should be in [Waterford on Monday next. to any of them on the part of the police. Mr. M. Quinlan seconded tho proposition, Wingall-Colleen, 3 yrs. you give Butler and Byrne 3s. each . : favour of!their getting tho advertisements. Mr. E. I N. Power's Bussian Maid, aj ecr (£75). si iS^L^^^Sr— "^^^f Af ten some furtherdisenssion it was decided Alderman Ward agreed with the remarks which was heartil- approved of. ' Mr. E. P. Ryan's Dalemore, 6 yrs. (£75). ti> exrJendl a sum 'of! £1 15s. as remuneration mada by Mr. Cashin. : ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ¦Mri Kearney 1 said ho read the " Waterford ' . , Mr. T. CDonnell's, jun. oh. m. CalypJo II., to thos ; who assisted I in extinguishing the fire. . M'KINLEY. • . iby Hechberry—•MJSII Gatien, 5 yx&J ; ¦ tTHB . OLOKMEL BICYCLE CLUB AUD Mirror " quite recently, - und the " Waterford Aid. Ward proposed, and Mi. i Quinlan i; OUT OP ORDER. f , Citizen." Mr. W. W. Tennanfs, ch. f. Myra Hamilton, j i WATEBFOED CYCLISTS. seconded, the following resolution, which was Peterhof, out of Bister to Lotus Lily, : 6erg« ant Tyndall, R.I.C., reported that tiie Alderman, Ward—I ant thankful to you . passed unanimously:— public we ghing machine required to be pat , " That we, the mem- ¦by Lotus II., 4 yrs. . ' ( ; Each persbri reads a certain paper and each bers of the Waterford Board of Guardians, in order. ¦ • ' ¦ paper has!its own constituency ; and I think Mr. John V -olan's Ros&ville, C yro. (£75). IN GREAT VARIETY : having heard of the assassination, of the Pre- ' AT |An cjrder was made that the defect in the iWe have received the following correspon- the least we can do is to keep up to the old sident Mr. J. Widger's (late Mr. M. A. Mahcr a) EU- machine b? remedied at once. custom in this matter. «f the United States, desire to place on minationj aged. : dence!, which jws publish with the greatest ' record our feelings of horror and THE DAMP POSTS—TYING DONKEYS TO MrJ Quintan'—All the papers send represen- indignation •Mr. J. W. Widger's (late Mr. M. A. Mahe?s) ¦ pleasure. We 1 are sure that the explanations tatives to our meetings, and it is hard to single at the dreadful outrage and our i heartfelt Fulminator, 6 yrs. (£75). : I THEM. | . j contained will be accepted in the sympathy with the American people in the Mr. T. J. Widger's br. g. Charlie, by Enthu- Gas thejrein out two papers, and I think it is a very nar- 'At the request of ,the manager of the_ spiritl in which they are offered , and that our row minded thing to single out two papers for national calamity that has overtaken them, siasU-Lady Bosa, a y». W AITFR W AT Sff & SONS iviug Works, Mrl Lennon, on order -was made g the advertisements. and that copies of this resolution ; bo for- '¦ him permission to prosecute those who tie city sportsmen will send a team to compete warded to the American Embassy.in London." ; the lamp posts in the town. at Clbnmel— Mr. Kelly—Thi " Star " is a Nationalist THE STRAITO PLATU ol SO covs. ; fcr ell BAE,EOErSTEAHB . animal to | paper. i • € THE TRAMORE WATER. ¦ - ages. Weight for ege. Six furlongs. ' STEEET. Clonmel Cycling Club, j . THE RAILWAY QUESTION. | Mr Qu nlan—We all know that. The Relieving Ofilcer Doyle submitted tho fol- Mr. li. F. Burke's b. f. by imp. Chain Shot- i iThe Youghal! Urban Council forwarded ia plonmel, : *" News " and " Star " are popular papers. lowing report from Sir Charles Cameron on Helen Dpuglaa, 2 yrs. (£50). resolut on advocating the construction of j a September 13th, 1901 Mri Kearney—I think Mr. Quinlan said his analysis of ithe .Tramore water supply: — Mr. F. F. Cullen's La Nobles3e, 2 yra (£50). line between Dungarvan and Youghal, arjc Dsar Sir,—I have yours of the 12th inst. to these! two papers—the " Star " and the " No. 1, Market-street pump, and No. 2 Peter- Mr. J. Dwyer's Boyal (Ihieftain, 2 yrs. (£50). pointing «iit that it would be the shortest " Standard " were my favourite papers. street pump, - ' Mr. F. Freake's 8weets, 2 yrs. (£50). hs^nd, re return match. ifhe microscopic examination Mrs. Higgins' s Baksai—Typical, route t{> Englandi as well as opening up lame MrJ Quinlan—I:i did not. Didn't you single showed moderate numbers of micro-organisms a ch. f. Friar' districts ir which were to be found ore, slay} J a.m extremely sorry that anything ap- them'Out?! ' in each waters j.Th o ' second water is 2 yrs. ¦poaj ing Mr: Kearney—I pay for whatever papers I the bet- Mr. A. Holme's Bavamette, 3 yra. (£50). and : coal. [ ' in th« Clonmel papers should have ter of the two, mid is very good. No. 3, Arch lied staling that th e catase 1 the slightest , get, i' : : pump, Mr. Leybuckls b. f. Queen of Coins, 2 yra. The Clerk said he .rep displeasure, but as a - Main-street: No. 4 public fountain, 1 (£50). ! Council hai already moved in the matter. . newsi aper man, you will understand that we Mr.. Quinlan—So do I. and No. 5 Green's Lane pump. No; 3 con- JThe Cha.rmanj said if he were present it Mry Kearney—I have a perfect right to use tains much albuminoid ammonia. It Mr. E. ^Longfellow's Applaud. 4 yra. (£50). WANTED cannot coatroi the matter that appears ; in my own distinction as to what papers I will is in- Mr. E. Longfellow's 'b. g. t>7 Laveno—IIcut- the ineetini; he would not be in fayoar of tl: e ferior water. L could not say it is ; unfit for ; ; line ' inj quj stiohi as jhe thought it would; 1 e even a local paper. I can assure you , we take. [ After due consideration I find I will get use. No. 6, though father hard for washing more, 2 yrs. more to tiie advantage of Dungarvan to certainly did not suggest or inspire anything more value from the " Standard " or the " Star" purposes, iMr. W. M'Auliffe's Mick, 4;yw. (£C0). MR. PATRICK CORLESS, late of Smitbfield Market, Manchester, b gs to anoouacc ha\^ is free from sewerago andisimilar ' , 2 yro. . J allinelbet'ween' iCappagh. and Cldnmel. En dikpafaging to the W.B.C. and \ am [entitled, to ta!:o them, and ii. think impurities, .-of 4 is^o fairly good wafer. : Mr. J. Manning s Elva that it io hia intention to attend the Fruit Markets at the following ph ces during 'tEa the great bulk of the' ratepayers will get more The 'Mr. E. P. 'Byan's b. f. Betty Agne3, 2 yrs. 1 winter time they could not keep the iine ^o In the first place my committee distinctly microscopic examination was satisfactory as s Terreira, 6 yrs. (£50). comiDg Season :—Waterford , Dorjgarvan und-Cork, and other placesj by request, for the Youghal open, Iwhereas if they had the line value] from them, becauso I believe the rate- regards 4 and 5 ' Mrs. Sadlier-Jackson' •urjderetood the match was " Waterford v. payers mohey will bo better expended by giv- . No. 3—There was^n¦ rather Mr. D. Shanahan's Liberty Bell, 3 yrs. (£50). ! purchase of APPLES, PEARS, fee., "between C( j>pagh and Clonmel they could; do large number bf micro-organisms, . but' :not (£M\ a ibig trada in coal with'County Tipperary. ] Clpnn)el," and we advertised it aa such. ing iu to,[ these tnvo papers for inserting the associated ¦ Mr. D. Shaaahan's His Excellency, 5 yrs. for oXpoit to the Eogli3b. Markets. He woald, therefore, be glad at ( reseat to com- advertisements than to any other*. with disease or cewage. j Mr. John Wholan's Full of Fortune, 3 yrs. (£50) mnnicate with all Capti 8i eehah—Ttyere are two sources pi again/ regarding the non-attendance p : This concluded tho business; persons having large or small quantities to dispose of. ,- Plea 19 write stating communication j with] Tipperary ; by boat to Mr. Smith—Wouldn't you 8ay two Nationa- Mr John Wholan's Misi Haclder, 2 yrs. (£50). probable quantity ani other particulars to Hiteam , we really did not expect the boys list papers ? •Mr. T. J. 'Widger's FilHpeen, 3 yrs. (£50). 76 Jriohto WD Clonmal, and also Uy rail—two competitors¦ urday n ight and - ' for the lcoa! trad^. . ! ! Sunday morning had Mr:i Kearney—It is perfectly possible that Mr. T. J. Widger's Boy of Er-remond, 6 yrs. Bank . The ProTlnsttfl. , ; Chairman—I remember seeing cars nearly been I so wet and boisterous, and with no the " Star" is a Nationalist paper, but it is (£50). • j Iciirmel appearance questionable what the others are. References if necessary coming) iro n Clonmel to Dungarvan for coal. of clearing up. The captain, : THE ART -OF govs.; Mr. Law or—Tie question is hardly wo|riii tre' and I, Mrj Fisher—Thanks bo to God we have THE BALLYfiOAKLON PLATE of 30 3sujfer went up to the station ia the found a inew Nationalist to-day in Mr. ! a Flat Race ; weifjht for age; v.-irmera debating, I ecause yo\ji won't get either line. ofT-ehince of ; SAYING M0NEY ClerkP-H sw will you deal with the Youghal meetpig anyone. We met Mr. Keariiey.'i ' extra. One mile and a half. MWT CuaacK. I will guarantee he did not ' 'tion Mr F. F. Cullen's Noble Heart, 5 yro. (£50). AM MOW resolution? \l ¦ hear any A poll was taken on Mr. Kearney s uro lies In jknoc7ing tho difference betuecn remark reflecting on the and ; there voted for—Messrs. Donovan , Mr. W. ,P. Cullen's Tho Parrot, 2 yrs. (£50). Pn/r M A HD lrh F^II I a^ Mr. T. Power-|-Wbile agreeing that the Clon- W.B.C, for the real and doabtfal economy. 'Donbtfal Q. U^l mel line would be the best, I do not believe simpl'i reason that the club Heaine, Walsh, Kelly, Kearney. Mr. W. Lushington's The Shosun, 6 yrs. li^lilUiUv N eoSd smitii, nva9 never Against—Messrs. Fisher; Ward, H. L.; econord7 Io baying at a cheap prico Mr. E. P. Evan's Dalemore. 6 yrs. 9 we "will get] either one or the other: ; The rail- mdntiined. ! comethlng wbioh Is not trnevalno for the J. Murphy; Quinlan ; Smith ; FJynn ; Hy- ' Mr. A. J. Schvrabe's Bavolo, 4 yrB. way cempany will only act for Itheir owp I trust that no ill-feeling moncy. whcn real thrift ooald' secure o Mr. D. Shanahan's Liberty Bell, 3 yrs. interest . E would move, in order {hat we be will result from land;, Ca3hin; Ward (Aid.) ; Young, and much _ 76, Quay, Waterford, the e atemenj s you refer Whittle ¦ eapcrior orticla for very llttlo aero, . John Whelan s Miss Ratty, 4 yrs. not inconsistent,! that wo adopt the Youghiil ; to> and sincerely . | For trno economy ; t Mr, ' resolut on.I \\ i I: : . - ! hope to see |th e Waterford boys compete . in Thb! original motion giving tho advertise- Air. John Whelan's Eo?eville, 0 yra. ction of his large and variej stock of Novelties, suitable Vf G£&m, Mrl :Ceohan said that he agreed;with Mr. Clohniel on irie 29th. I can guarantee that ments at fa uniform price to the six local Mr. T. J. 'Widj er's D'/lrtajnan, 4 yrs. Power that the jline to Clonmel wpuld be.the papers wad pas3c3. Mr. T. J. Widger's Ch«rlie, 3 JTB. . DJpifcday. acd otfcop Presents* : 1 they raill bojtresied as sportsmen. COOPER & CO °8- biat,- But {ie thought that the £93,000 would Awa iting ,l STATE:OF THE HOUSE. 9 nipt be remitted j except on the ground j of aa,early reply. THF,xaiu tnjHUNTERS'u-xaua tPLATE?Ldi.x& iorfor ^30u scovaova. ; a , ' ! ' • I am, your3, etc., There were in the workhouse last Saturday CELEBE VTED JL JSii\.B National Hunt Flat Bace. Weights for shorter ing the !route : from Cork, to! RosslarA. : I nighty 735 inmates, ^ i : It was 'after, ttiey, took it up hero that the ", ' 1 GEORGE MILNE , being 73 mote than at the age ; winners extra. ' Two miles. . ; . corresponding period of last year ; admitted Mr. F. Christie's Kilbaii-ack, 5 yw. Ybughil men acted. jThey sent a copy of the C.j P. IRedmoad, easily taL-o flret phco. Tiny no , nearly MMk Goods : Esq. Hon. Sec during the week, ; 134 ; discharged, 117; died , Mr. J. O'G. Delmego'8 Let Me Go, n^cd (£100). Moderate resolut on to the Corporation of Waterford, i . ; | 14 Duilin Street, 1. CcJst of provisions consumed, 9s., t?7lcc c,3 fr.r as coy other. Tcaj io tho , and tHey refused to [ adopt it, .because the ( iJ98 market, and in addition to this extra Mr. M. J. Harty's Modnst Moll 5 yrs. (£100). Patent " Trcblo Clof " Brooch TQB " QATFAIQ" BOABFP n. vitmam. ^- ! : , Clonmel, ngainist £102 3s. Out-door relief , £46 15s. ; , Mr. M. J. Harty'e Cobbler, 6 yra. ¦ wanted to jget the ,£93,000 to free ihe bridge , ; j j :year, yield tboy pos^sso thooo ontjtruidlnpr 'Jackson' , aged (£100). Ono Piece B«nt ;IT no Pin »t Bade „„„ S/3*9k ' MZ ^Yhich was ari! antiquated structure. He ' ; I I September 12th, 1901. last j £44 9s. Stimulants—7 classes of points of absolute parity, mollowncso and Mr. W. s Balaustine th' ; wine; , 28 last -»ar; 37 glasseB of whiskey, 30 delight/al Savoar so ranah ctcsircd b; Mr. Leybuck's- Venetian Monk, 5 yrs. (£100). ACTfl oueh the bridge should be free, and thr t Kyin Dear Bedmond,—Milne has just been last year ; 14 pints of porter; 42 last year Mr. Loybuck s Doctor Charlie, 4 yrs. ^ ? SMARTEST" PUT, people should not be made pay Across whe t in^ a great Btate, eho-wing mo your letter. lovcio of Gocxi Tes. Mr. J Quain's Bed Hugh, aged .(£100) . l !!L! ^ - !!r " should be . J. ¦ , | a public ihighway. However, ha He 'will, no doubt, put the matter fully before :NEW , FEVER AMBULANCE VAN. LEADING PRICES— I Mr. John Widger's Mathow, 5 yrs. - i:M$83B£B&ff iBSSB2SBBBBBBEVER INVENTEDk- . : though / Ufis mpneyj should be [appliediIts Thei Locil Government Board wrote stating ' openin ; up the county and works in th i you. Mr. John Widger's (late Mr. W T. Drabazon'6) ¦ Now , that they trust the guardians would allow no 1/4, 1/0, i/C and 2/- por ; lb. Slanemora, 4 yrs. cqiinty T le Youghal line was the only thin? 'believe me, when I say that tho par further delay to t.nke place on the part of the that wpulc carry out the intention of Uii in : ", K ationalist " Sold only in Ucgislcrecl Packc^ca,; Mr. Jos. Widger's (late- Mr. J. O'Neill's) ttlena Popularityrapidly was none of our doing. If contractor|in supplying the fever ambulance Bay, 5 yr3. (£100). growing Gbvernper t. There was no antagonism be- such iv thing (happened in the club, I for one, for the workhouse. tween the lineilfrom Youghal and that jjec f 3 Ibi and opnards sent poat frco for Id jor lb, would "protest, and perhaps louder than you .It Nvas decided that the contractor be in- ' Clonmel. I) ! formecl according ly. ' ; eitra. j Chaitmai ;—But I wouldw,ould like to see the lin :j 'have. For tiie sake of old days, I would not Motdinpl« untigtmeBtfcr : allow Waterford Cyclists The; Clerk said he wrote to the contractor '/HE WATEBFOBD SCilOOL ATTENDANCE ¦ to Cloi met. We ;are paying forfor the old linss to be run down, or asking that the ambulance be supplied within CENTRAL WAREHOUSES : | ', No tying of knot nmmary . X rMt arid it iB our duty to try and improve oiuOUT or; thdr, sportsmanship questioned. : ; COMMITTEE. acet : Iio tiocl^n«d«*«a4i inmfMl ta mm. townt/vwn - M :¦;¦ ! two months t 8 to 28 HOWARD STREET, £i HOWARD . |!1 i : This, however, is a paper affair, SOLID GOLD ASH V3UL Chainnai —^We ought to declare 1 in favoitr and nothing Mr:|Koafney—I was looking at the parts of COURT, GLASGOW. ! : Tho usual monthly mretirig was held in the '9V*Sr Cf/BfO* 1 ! to | dff with our club. Everyone of U3 were the ambulance tfie other day. Their object Mayor's Office, Town Hall. Present—W. J. o£ the two linea. I suppose they won't patjS the twd of hem; . '. ¦ > delighted with the day at Tramore, and Sve in notTompletingithe ambulanco was to allow Smith, J.P. (in the cbnirV.an d subsequently , j % the timberi to eet thoroughly seasoned.; Mr. M. Power—^My opinion is |they won t •won' t more of !it. . : the High 8heriff fA. Nelson, D.L., J.P.); the ¦ THE UW T8UU atlF ! ¦ : CliUEEN'D: COLLEGE G D R K. ^Very Bev. Canon Eobinr.on, M.A.; Rev. J. O. I—Iniei ato ' " ' '' pass ei her one ior th(j other of them. ! . : Yours truly, . * THE iVISIT OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY. SfUai il . V ¦YI-CUMCV,WITH O«M ATTJIMHHBR Capt, Shbehan—It i would be a miBtake t) ' £ FACULTY OP MEDICINE. • Price, and P. HigginB, secretary. S—Torn oTCT ' 5—PnUnp - ' ' 'I - : A. C. WILLIAMSON. Clerk—I just received at.tlm moment a letter The Examinations for the Eight : ;. " ' run a lind across a barren mountain¦ ; t > from Mr. Y. . J. Power, M.P.. respecting the in- Medical I The minute's of the last meeting having «—Borypolnt . - . Scholarships' and for tho Blayoy Scholarship been read and confirmed and i signed by the tLuto In many ilici PUta md Yought l. | !i j -- : quirj''I addressed him, as to the object , of Mr. and ; Senior Qqn Stt" Mr. I ower—Th ey won't construct ;either line . Exhibition, will boffin on ,'chairman, tha , reports of Messr3. Duggan and It {* th» Bktat of Safeties, «ad will bttca taj\i&f , VEST NEAT AND Wyndham's visit.' It is as follows : — THUB8DAY, OCTOBER 17th , 1C01, aadLec- Campion were read, ' orders, They a e looking to their own promts regard- , " St.; Enoch Station Hotel, Glasgow , , and tho usual for KilOE »K0M ' ' ' oriSE 3UIES i OF REV. tures on MONDAY, 21st OCTOBEB. i 1C0I. iirst and final noticeB and summonses against «/e TOWABba ^T ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ less, of the people, j ;. | HUGH O'NEILL [ " September 17, 1001. ' ALWAYS A :.- . ' phairman!—Th'ere are some in fa.vour of it. Tho attontion of Candidates iB'directed to the defaulting parents wero made. ! DUNGARVAN. '•' My Dear Sir.-^-In reply to your letter of p.: 16, par 3, to p. 20, pars 1 and 2, and .to The following correspondence was read:— and sorie against it. | . . . I the 14th irist., which has been forwarded to p. 88 of '¦ I After some further discussion it was deeided " tho College Regulations. " Office of Nationnl Education , Dublin, : , SECURE. , The above i esteemed clergyman who had me here, Ij beg to say that when I .said that Class Fees;—Two Pounds for each clan3, *' 8ir.—I. am directed by ;tbe Commissioners trcr K&riagWctch to adop . the Youghal resolution. . been for some the Chief Secretary was visiting places on the 1 time past residing in Dungar- except Practical i Anatomy, Practical Physio- of National Education to inform you that they AMMMIMMB ] ' ACKNOWLEDGED, ! van owing .to!; ill health, : passed away on. Irish , coast! which had been brought;under logy, i Practical Chemistry, and Anatomy and have appointed the Bevcrend Canon Robinson J Thursday evening last. his notice as requ iring in the interests of the \ c&siebotPocla. Dr. B 'owr.e. Medical Inspector of the Loca , 1 ; Physiology (1st CouucJ, Ior which the!Fee¦ is a member of the Waterford 8chool Attendance Governi lentj Board, wrote acknowledging the The deceased was brother of the late Mr.. fisheries) pier, or harbour accommodation , I Three Pounds, ij - .: !: Committee in succession to the Bight Rov. Th pm£3 O'Neill, proprietor of the Hibernian; wrote', 'expressing in hope thatto he would visit Clinical Instruction iB at the General Dr. O'Hara , who has resigned. , ft receipt of Ithe jCouncil's resolution re hii Hotel, Dungarvan, and other places which hiB civen —I am, sir your special report oa the i sanitary circumstance! and of the late Canon! Tramo^e atten- Hospitals, which are recognised by| • all the obedient servant, ' i ff i of; th© O'Neil!,' a distinguished ecclesiastic for many: tion had been called. H IB reply was that he Licensing Boards. There are also! 1 ; 13/8 to 30/- and adi lini^tration: district. ; yedra attached ; to ¦¦'¦ * several "A; B. HAMILTON, Secretary." Sold Odd, Mr.[l. Power—tHe doesn't make any com ¦ the .Dioceso of Sal ford, -I intend 'paving a visit to Tramore and to Special Hospitals open to Students. ¦[ : : " School Attendance Coinmitteea, Dublin 0/3 Entland. ' . . . ', i tiie County Waterford coast in general. If Further information can ; ment pr remark, f ' !' : Tp a deceased clergyman !be obtained from ! " July 1st, 1901. Town Clerk—l(o. i . < was for the past you ascertain the probable time of his visit. I the College Calendar/ or on opplictition to " Dear SIT,—I have pleasure- in encloaing . thirty years, on the American Mission, and was' shall Ve glad of a line to Newtown Houso with the Chairman—Ana he Baid in hja report tha land in the ^Registrar. Queen's College. Cork.: j herewith a copy of the report of the proceed- Safety ce-'t>ia k i the mo^t Zealous active discharge o! the informqtion.—^1 am, dear sir, yours very I By Order of the an yoft dot 't B^nd minuteB regularly. : hiB:duties of th» sacred office of the pricsthqod President, | ings of the conference of Irish | School Atten- eferk- -It was not the first lie that was toll truly.r! , r . " P. J. POWER. j ALEX. JACK, M.A., Reg strarJ dance Committees ¦ Abiut'twelve months ago his health failed , " J. 'Macke" " i , held in Dublin lait April. >& of the '. 'ovi Clerk (laughter). :. !, . and as[a consequence . Esh. I shall feel obliged if yiu shall lay it. before ; ; he suffered from the Ios3 Mr. iearney—That ¦ . . : : T EEADJUSTMENT. I J of ; | vision, and . from other infirmities. The letter app'oars to be more your committee at next meeting. : ' ' read from the Local remain? were conveyed on Friday evenihgJto' for thej District Council than this Board . i " A deputation is to wait uo the Chief Secre- M 3 % lett :r ^fas Govern , Clerk—Ye'?: but the danger was if you tary for Ireland re tbe onfiendment of the Irish MiMkfMk aM My ,_ ^^^W?»M«(N if W***l !* ¦31 mqnt B iard] stating that the Council shouli thd Pj .rochial Church. A great many ot the ! ¦ . r . ¦ ¦- ««nM.rM^¦ *** townsi eopls assembled to pay waited! for'j the District Council the ; Chief Education Act. 1692, as suggested by the con- ¦ > iite i < ' • ¦ - - forward !a tnembnal iehowing -thei! account a last tribute Secretary ; ' Soap \ . «!« ! . . :^ .:!, ; d:<:/; **i - : /:. - j. . i:, A)]: ) , required adjuBtmeni of j re8])ect to the deceased: Amongst fndsel might have passed away. in the Eyes ference (seo pages 17 arid 18 of the report), ^ which, n tlj eir opinion ; Aid; Ward—I think we ought to take all the and as.to tho itat^. of the-Jawfregarding- lm Mr. 1.;' Pdwer proposed^hat a ^eqdjuB.tm^n at . the .funeral; we noticed Ven. Archdeacon! TRY OUR LUCKY WEDDINO WN ;: SWehy; P,iPJ Government money we can. \ dustrial schools in Ireland. I need hardly say ' T" . . . ;- " ' ! V.G.;. Very Rev. Nicholasl tt IffntfU n4»AMn4ll AH it,. %« ah *d *#dt Jhtf '4l*.Jh J AV***!.. belprepiredJ,. .. Ti . . |' - j i. " "|' ' 1 ; M^ ^vliittle-f-I propose that the clerk : Lwdyt'Eey.'T; A. Williams; Rev; P. Spra' write : wlthiti¦ .-¦'¦ resell—¦ ¦ ¦of everybody.;¦ The C haimwulUiought they, should get h^l tt, * ) ' ' ' . - . .; - : - V.^. 1 v' to the;Chief Secretary, asking when he" THE BLAND NATURE! | tion very much if resolutions ; approving of ' \ , > ¦- : - ¦/' Si i<<£¦ thti x:ost of (he- mail roads, a9 ;they were gett P.P.; Cappoquin;,Rev. Rj J. Oasey^ Dungar-I would " . vif ' . -i i - VlU-i"L-.?* W: *•*. ' ' ¦ j vari ,- ]f r. Hackett; Z. F. Mulling/ solicitor;; be likelv tolyisit Tramore. . , : ; the suggested amendmdnts; and : urging the m in* in-C lonnieL ]i;- ;- |i -i • • ' ' i i i 1 ; . Aid. ijWiird—I '. ' ' '¦ necoasitjN of carr>'ing them 1 into efleot wpr« ¦/ Sir.- ]? owe*—The Ckrk caH. , wr»te | ior inf pj Di - ' MArrissey i Mr. Petei Walsh ; Mr. Tfi vs. scfond that. \. Po*er, H.OC.h Dr.' Edward Flynn; ij as. I Art order was m ide accordingly. ¦; OP i passed by the [school attendance -committees We keep o»e Urges?5»cKof ^t^m^mmmm mation to 'Mr. Q^fien, Tt>wn¦ Clerk of ¦ Clo4 Mr. Yjinblia ; "'' ¦ : " : ¦ ¦ -j . ¦ ; : ¦ HaVes, M.C.C/; Mr. 3. Q'Shea, M 'C.O.;ifetc i ' " Soa^] throughout the country. ]• I "i - ¦'" " tad.: ! r-I n|i ;. :' - \ I : . 'i! ;. ., 8ENT F( tR TREATMENT. ; j ' ' - - , BY "I BhRll feel thankfur tojrecehe early' , always gives !ro^ Sntonna - The :hief:moj imers Were—MeSBrs, Edward¦ 1 ; ; . ; THE PACT! .M lown KHerk-^Rf ' ¦ 1 On t le rdcomm indatioii of 1 Dr. Ja'ckrrinn,1 j IS S^IOTpr as possible, a iopv of any resolution.pa*»ed tipb wben riquixfed.; There' is! a free-rnasonrj CNeiL and John O'Neill, nephews. • ' = i ; ] . OH John McDonald, s f[ed 33. suffering from, ado- by your comni itfee on 'the! subjget—Yoars- between HB. TumuBt' say I;find him verj Atj ijM ob?eoiiie« Saturday the following! ¦ ' clergyi ien took part in the solemn ceremonies I rnonla.lwos iordero il to bo. sent for treatment I THAT IT NEVER HUBTS; faithfully, , ;:' CfitA8J,T. ,*O«KLI*: obliging flaaghter). j : L : ; ! ' • I I ! ¦ < ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ '¦¦¦ i;"The 8«CToUry, ;8chool Attelad«dt«i Com- ^-Ven. Archdeacon 8neehy, P.p., V.G. ; Rev. to the Count Infl'mary. . . . . ' ' v ,][;;.' ' ;; pNTJBBip FEVEB. ; ' : 'j i B.aj, ' » " ; ' ¦ rnittee. Waferio -6- , ¦:•' ]:: 'I' f ¦* '; : ¦ ¦ • : - 3^sej ,' CiCj EcViP. O'Connor. CO.. : ; ASSimftll SpHOOLMAfeTER. ; ' . : : : THE' ., EYES. . , \, :]: i •£ ' r Tiv < TI tiltf ma rtu*nnunf>i\t\pA i thnti ^nwincr >U Diiigatvan;; Eef. P. Byrrie, P.P. ; Abbeyaikk; ; r | The- considerWIori «f f;thd'lMt/l«%r "w^as Boi ie ca Minma it enteric {Sever being u tne-aift- H<#.,W .' Drj Jhckman wr4te stating that Mr.' Currati, postponed to next me«Uog, UKI too «ecret*ry ' . 'Landj'iJO.e.Aj; Rev. Vincent Xandy, aeaiBtaijif schoolmaster PraAier Yin«lia' Soap. 4d> pc TabM J tni^r^i ims Hpf't the drinking water ob- O.fiLA. jRev: 11 AV WiUiame, 0,8JV.; Bev. , who- has been siting Wia'aireeted to' writ© for!;tw«lVe:c(>piein «' of w- tai ied i om diSerent fbuntains should be sent R.;^it: |brald;J|.6' lately Jpft the worljbouse to spend a fortnight port of conference reeentry^eld J>ublin " i ¦ .8.A.;:- Rev Father W*lah, , S '«*d, rj |«*'¦:¦. • L.i-0 :- -i" ' ; ¦ h - : : !"i O.£ A. Very. |U v. Thos.,MeGra*h #P., ViF., at his father' re^ideuce, In the' Country. I for distribution *m of %« d^ne;i ' l , * , , • ¦¦ ¦ ihU w»8 < F^^v to pe r .:. ]{ Us noi i,' B*y,!/ hbm*» Abearne, P.P., : Port- would tecommepdjthat ; ha be allowed k fort- cpmniitte«. - .'- j W V .. . ft' i -. .u'4, ,-¦;,< ' : ' te«r;;Iet; P, 8 ratt. P.P.' Cappoqqin; JMv. night's 'extension'^f bis i$we; *¦> '!-;. 0' ¦ ¦ " ^ i The followinR is «n extract from th» report: W^" ' iijft^pma 'Cai^EK. ;;• • .• Vj itJ-^-J, I'¦ ; OrA¦ T^ApzHt ftON SbOPINO. ,! Fal ier Q*nr,J|< a,; ' ..Kevl 3. MeCann, >Old In the course Of ' some discussien. i ; Mr, ' - - ! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " The Bev. < Gilbert Mahoffy, MiA ,t 8on(h- >iW.' wfllii5 1B i ricAi requesting' tl e (iuncil Pax si K Kearney, \\j ; ;) • ; . ¦] -'|i > :. T ;| EiMf Divisional Bchodl! AUendMifce' CompiitM atinogi $p * flo:; Rev. V VfAtAi , WbittleTsald! he tbVmght they should go! into in ferii«M 4kU'W aid *ot Guardians if m cfb i«; %r J), O'CoftnelV do7; RevJi^. the i]u6stion[ as U> whether there was' any ^ '. When b »yiiig (jilyanlwd Iron .'fihieets, Eldg o{ Dublin, aaid he war sdr* M npke iito UU. Pot er. O.C.I K macUiotaasi fetr; J' Rhefelm. necessity. for a . second schoolmaster I in the iirigi " -/. ide4:by iDir. BrowrieT 'Agi Bh ReV; oic. an jwell;! a» Wir?;.J5r^tlni|j, W&eiiii j fathor-PWer. Sfc . aulplJe, • wV>rkP se.;. - Ha thi)ubht,fr would .be iwjBll to •Wire" and Btaple» Oriwilh-oinstwa Wtt Pa? tr fi^fe T jgj iMSd Hw^ettt, St. Johm'« qfi, i c( Jthe.|Hooio' Coiiunitteei )i cce that you get;a te^lahli the j-Wprkhpoie, j refer ! ttte raktter 'ake. Ithe -.'All; X ;<*/ lm W«*atfoM Bsv.T^yncKr Bef.J.CM^ becattselthe: i /sem(w to ; b* great awl «t ta We stock JbtiMlp l»«t» * to select jfrora. i I Waited Wftlsblsnd , jam, ¦ - ¦ >\ S?te&!th| cl«rli;H Bet « itwr-a i Iff , Bttoiklyn, ,0elebrant| rf ;;Wftterford[ ; :ij ; i . i - 'h^ ' gtfMcdfctujoii tb* tvb- $Uxl C ihin «iid''i»e[iaot&t; In ytew;-'of ]tne ^ H\ ' ' i t iiLsii&V -'fiiU' ' >\- >r ph» to 4?V#™1^H^ SW8«H.!#«Pae ¦r, axtenslbi:,of leivAl ind Bay n»Uiing dhout |, :¦ ' ] ] ;.;¦ K fril M f WM m&£ § *&&#¦ \ bk no m&iWi^ Mr^hiUb isid htA %b}ectiDp,.lo j'iKeeiMtkttiiSt wm|.W5l< UhRt !:'¦ ¦ • ¦ ' Local Government ' . : i (frelMd)^^ : > TU£ ¦ | - : ;. SPAT.. ;¦ ; ^. : :| :- : ¦ ' ; . ;8AT;-pRDAY.^ . . i ' , .TAMEo f. lh;N I T^SXIMONIAL. 1 1 j ¦' COUNTY OF WATEEFGliX ; DlflSlON OK DUIfb^yip YISITORS'' : ! Iiisii: l (Before Messrs; John;Byan and ?. N. Whit^) * -) t. Secretary, I.R.A., 8 Upper O'Connell Streat, MICHAELMAS SESSIONS, \ I9O1 TT is ! our j intention; ¦ ' ' ¦ ' Kiely ft Bon', Metin ,Kelljr & Co, Mrs Vealo, Power during tht extiamet at 9;30 o'clock;. The defendant did no::appe.rr< •Dublin.. ; ' :. > ) ¦ • . i : . : iBlsudkea '¦ ¦' :' , P. McCaryiy,:J ,;P. ilKogeKPaWt ?i ' : A months-to publish a Weekly ' • c,V Hofofcy, Linotnore, * , JMi of Therei was another . Summons agbins • the fI <- Clerk ol Course—J. liaiwlor. :: i £1 10a—Michael,SOIIITOTJ Broad-stnsot, I RELIEVINa ' Visitora staying in iWaterford, TrkmowJUnn- ! : , ^ LIST of Applicitions for CompenMtioo for Cnminol Jnjane' received bj me u Cork of tbe OFFIOEBi MO EBISSEY I P^ ' 'A'ex»adr-T.(i. 8tarter-J. Kennedy,: ' ! £i Is . O P Kedmobdi," W*terfdrri Newf." ; D jgarvanz-andiDunraore, I ; ; : '¦ " : fendant for riotous behaviour at Honorary Feehan. I ; ' Crown end Peace for said Gotmty, to be trie<1 at tho next Couuty Court Sittings, to be held ort °? iiB l^Bt ' ¦ Treasuref—R^-B. ¦ i £1 each-P For«b. WMt«aeia, PPut»er.I»lirjd. -nehe iouitdfo.»i nthat£VI? Mr. $ *^ ¦ • fisit V ' ' ' en-the following day , : , I \ ¦ ¦ . Hon. . Bees.—J. . Hurley l and M.; O'Brien. . •' nt Cnw&AUVAN oti the 25th day bf f3EPT«MBEB, 1901: ; ' ; i Morridsey, l.O. did 'not " . l: : TBA cilOREL " \ ¦ .! - . ' tirsuey, I- Goagh. lBslljgarroD, It Crotty, Bslly- reside .in, hie district. Hr BorifalS'S- _ -rr-v ^ , ; ' . Mr. Ryan—What . iB known o^ bw? ! Tiheso races were held yesterday,over the fine naclough P Power] B»\ijuionir, R Nol»D, F.cor. " Hibernian Hotel— ;:; ' ! ! i j and well laid-out courso;of Knocknaconnery. at £t h»>««iajHi be Resided?n Mrs. Quince, 1 ; Sergeant Malone-T-Thers are fbunct-n r'.ti- J UolguiLD, Mfttbewstown , W|frijno, Whtteflald, n ¦£KI l?a « F Cionmel.i i . \ : ' ¦ j The weat-her was showery*; and cheerless,' biit. Names and Addrcjtia el ; Natofoof Injary ?^ wh J?7 ?8*Fr. ?- Before then he hai aihous^ in Mr. Mulligan, Graigue. i ' ; : :! ctions this year. \ • j ' j i ' B Kockett , lsl«ndf«isney, Mfs. Power, BallfBi- ¦ l;"' Amonofof ootnp.a- ^the district. He ¦ > i! thfe attendance was very ' : ' Applicants. ' oomjlalned of. to had.now' madP'ad laxrahee)- Captain Condon, Passage. ! ; i ' ! The Bench orderedithp defe/. .r.t <• It im- notwithstanding this, clongk, J Honnlgaoj do, Mra Morphy. Woodstotro, toha«^el.; i . ^ ^ merit with Mr. Skuci " ' ¦ ¦ • j* MraFlyuD °^ . . BaUinafouU or ^6 Mr. Willianuj, New Boss. ' i . I , .. '- ': large. The events werp i all closely |conteste'^, , Utll^arron.M Fowor, B»Hydormoily. rooms m his house. If the; puaidisna Mr. . - ¦ prisoned for a month in each . -i * ! F Ly ous, (Julieu Cdatlo, ' li, Power, do, J HMrne, house built a Kavtanajrh, Passage, j . ; ;¦ |;! but the fields were small. The officials whose, fbr him in the I district hk would con- Alice Geary was charged with oeing d;' }fc in ex- KHfarrlesey, M. Metros, do, £ Hally. BillyteantoD, The Right Homarabla Franda Three «na» half Acrts :iasbmore,; In ; the ") '¦ ¦ names are given abbve did their work, s'der the arrangement!better. ' ' - . I Railway. Hotel— j ;: ¦ ' . v j and riotous on. Tuesday , night; last. I . T'.:.? cellent Btyle, and were , as courteous as evier J Phelao. do. W Hillf , CooluacnpoRc, air* VeaJe, Power. Plantagenet Hattlns», of Plantation and Barony of Deoiea j ' The ; ItUndtarBney, Earl of Unsjtlnsdon Covert wantonly set With!* Drum, and 0«. 03. Chairman said lie did notl think, owing Mr. E. O'Cohnell, Tovra Clerk Kilkenny prosecutor stated defendant wais abusing :" r.io towards" all and everyone: ; The arrangemeqts D Hslly, . do, P liberty, Fenor, !w- , SharBTOgne, [ £40 to the high rates Mi83 . ¦ elahnntr, iBlandtdnraoy, Mra'llttcnamara CoJiir, Boleros* Ore and wholly do County ot W&ttr- I to be paid, that the' gsar- O'Connell , Kilkenny, j I , parties, and making- UBO of very bad lahguage. left nothing to be desired, and the 'best order . ¦ '¦ ¦ ! ' on Mr. and : I E Pbelan, du, Mrs Bally, Newto vt>,3 H»ye», Cool- . . . ' ' stroyod. lord. . * f° in ; rass band was in attendance and admirably fied« At u K A drink taken. : : . Thomas streot J M C DODDD D crob»!ly, Ml Kelly, the|Local GovernmentlBoarl; and he'did' Mr. and Mrs. lHanloh, .Bagnalstawp. ' discoursed a choice programme of music under , , not see jwhy it should not,. there woiild Mr. and Miss Hammond, Giraigue '! Mr. Ryan—What is known of this woman P the ' able guidance of Mr. R. Walsh, banti- Oarrlgavaottfj, J Connolly, Carrlgbrabao, £ ti Dutod 18th day of September, 1901 bin '¦ Power Qallwej, necessity for the outlay. . ' ;:. Mr. and Mrs. I Fitzgerald, Kriocxkibrack. i Sergeant Malone-rShe was up for riplous miwtpr. Dftini?a» —i • i , Ejq.'lrampre, U E«q, do, MJ ; Misses Puxcell ; ' Murph/, Koq, do, »lrj Walshej KncckendQ/T, Mrs WILLIAM A. DOBBYN, Clerk . .: RathdcAvnoy. i ' , W Kearney. £*q, Dr O'B>rne, Kil- Consideration Mr. LA. Doyle, Bailing before/ and as your conduct seems to be batl Won by a length and a half. oibudeo , TbocoaaMbr^byi fchaDaclune, Mrs Mar- rpENDEBS will b« considered on WEDNESDAY, Just ono moment, please. Have you ¦ postpofaed for a larger meet- House/¦ Graiijue ' ¦ ! ~ ing. ¦; i ¦ f ; : : Miss Dooley, Rosbejcon. |, in this case we will fine you 10s. 6d. or l -4 Betting—5 to 4 winner. pby, Danhill , E O'Bfrno. ' Ardtiaboe, J Marphy, JL 2nd Prox, for supplying ; to the Wortbousit coon the ; } : 1 (carriage free) at such timts qaaatitio as The medical officer of each district was di- Mrs. and Miss Kennedy, Graigue. days' imprisonment. \ - Hoisk, M Power. Ballybrenock , M Dunpby, do and in such Mr. Murphy, ;¦ '¦. ! ¦ \ \ THE CARRICK may l«j reqoircd, froth thr.t date to- 23th December, rected to supply a list! of the medical instru- fioiwran . | . ' : Constable Keys summoned James McGrath PLATE of £15. L M E»her. Loncthdabcin. Mrs Klorooy. Ballvmote. LOVELY TOQUES, HATS AND ments connected with hia'dispensary i Miss Murphy,! Go-ivran. j • ' . Lovolaco (Callinghane) 1 PiKiizKorald, Ballyadarn, 8 Brennan, Longbd*-, 1901 (both d»y» incloriye), Mr. Murphy, ¦ for being riotous at Newgate-stree.t on Sunday PORK8TEAKS, tw»-thlrds tact or loin, remainder | Cuppenji^h. ; !: '¦ ' ¦¦ The Dunce (Byrno) : .' hceo, -Walah & Fleld.lok K Bsrroo, K O. W Danpby, ; HOSPITAL ATTENDANTS. Misses Marphy, Cuppenaghj . ¦' evening. ' j ! 2 | paring» or scraps, at—^per lb. BONNETS ! j | Also ran—Kruger CnodctowD, M Colfer, SaragcotowD , ti Hornoy, Miss Murphy, Fermdy. Mr. Hayden, Graigue. ; ! ¦ ' • Complainant said defendant was standing (Connor). j. Ello(joe. Carbil y. ; Bet Ii'reih Irish EGGS (to weigh n*t less than ono EXHIBITED AT i nnd l! iss Dillane, j . I Betting- " | Gharleville, were appointed hospital atten- on the footpath at Newgate-street witfi a num- to 4 against winner. ; 15a each—J cheaety, Ballyleoo, \V Hartley, , pound and a, half per dojen) at p«r dozen- 1 ' : ' And First Quality per lb dants to' fill the vacancies xause i by The Ossory Hotel— : Won by a length and a half. Woodstowu, P O'Kceffo , Kilronan. (Keeping) BDTTEB at . recent Mr. OiConnellJ : ber of other boya, and when a3ked to leavt : The Tenders, which must prescribed MRS. WHELAN'S resignatibns. il l I ' ; Templemore. ! : / : . ! . -I 1O« each— Mrs P|Iiorci(i£3yj' TrJmore, P FiCz- be in tbe form , Miss O'Connell, Templemore ' he refused to do BO: : ! _ i !. I Gerald , by the Poor Law Gomraissiooers, j copies of which c&n BEOAD-STREET WATEEFOED. A STEP IN THE ' .; i ' IHE GOUTH TIPPERARY CLUB . .LATE At Becvoy Cottaga, JE Datjpby. Ben»oT/ J RIGHT; DIRECT ION.; Mr.-\ a previous ' K6nnod>, VyoodstowiiP Pewor, Kllbride.T Power bo h»4 from me, are to be sent tbrough the Post £20. ¦ Office atWresfed to " The hospital attendants wrote stating that Mr. McD6naldl Uriingford. \ conviction against the defendant; but itl wns ; j (Buok). . Uallygarrqri, |UrB !V7alori, I>ughdabeea, , "Tho Preiidlng chairman, &n<5 They oro simply lovelf aiiii PRICES MOST tha did 'not wish to continue- tie privilege Mi83 McDonald, Urlinrford. i ¦!¦ ¦ The Shaughraun (Curran) 1 W Dobbrn. msxkeJ on the; outside, " Tender far Porkstealcs, tc." twelve months ago. ' ' ' ! i Sporthqnke, -JjPbela D, do, Ml Foler, 1I0DERATE. See Wiodowa. granted them by the Board; of G uardians ; Mr. Kennedy,j Afebeyleia. , ' ;| j Weo Boy (Dunne) 2 Whitflald, M Power; Gaolstown, G Hartery, Car- Such Tenders must be posted in sufficient tlmo to of j Defendant's" mother appeared and said he reach mjr" office oa tho above-named going out for a walk i from eig it until ten rJaanard, J Koloy.KIJdltoraa.t; 1 ower, Pewbtokci- morning bf the was , Also ran—O. D. V. (Fleming). day. and they must contain the names and addresses ol in jthe eyenrngs, as they |could te more "ro- I Miss McCarthy, The Cross- - j . • j ' a good boy when at home.' Dut that he Betting—2 to 1 on winner. UIWD , M Hunt, Batlehtown, J Kennedy, Knock- f .filably employed ' ¦ Mr. and Mrs. McNamara and 'Family, Mount went out on 8unday evenings caD.WMcGuire two Snreties willing to join tbe contractor in a bond of HOUSE TO LET. in their departments!. ¦! ¦ ' , and. of course^ Won by six lengths. , TTcodBtown, J Nolan, Kllronan. Mr. O'Shea said that Was very [satisfactory. • rath . • . : ; |; j j ' \V Kelly, ShangaD, T callerj, CorrlgbrabaD, Mra Fifty Vtands for thsduo performance of tho Contract, Mrs. Barrow ' she knew nothing about him while he was By order, The Master, in reply ita the Chairman:.(Mr. and Miss Dillon, Knockville Hb away. THE KNOOKNAOONNERY PLATE. J Hawe, Qeorge'sj eiriot, T Jb'oley, Manor ooteet, Eellovuo Terrace, John's Hill. Curran), 8aid that an arrangement Would Miss Lewis, London. . : i j \\ j : J Costelloe, Broad street, lire Cullinane, Bally • JOH N MACKEY, Clerk ef tbe Union. be Misa Mary .Butler A 'fine of 23. I Welcome Home (Mr. Williams) ... 1 roira-rooo WorUhonse, 19th September' IS'01 mado byjthe hospital , FresMord. I ! i '6d. and costs was. imposed. le^at*, T FIJOD, UhamiolotjeE Eirwan Motbews- . . . FRONT aad Baot Parlour and Kitchen an! authorities 1 to give them Mrs Fitzgerald Littlo Jim (Owner) 2 . some time for recreation during ,he ' . , Killenaule. ! Anne mnsena summoned John (Vylwara lo| towD, T Hally. <;lonea)Cae:le, K Dobcrty, Carrls- Garden ; 6 Bedrooms; hot tod cold vtlet flay. onnell); The Rival (Dunne); Po wer, Garrarue, J\ Gongb, Kllown. R F Clerk's OQce, 5th September, 1901. E Mahony, Mr. Tilson, Prpyincial Bank, I Waterford , Owner ; woman waB up for a similar offence. Defen- Pbelan; Quay, W fltipa-trick iBlackfrinni Mrs A. H. Blundenj Esq., Castle Bluhden. , , Exparto Eichard Foley, William TJaher and dant's husband was at the front and the money Honre, Arnndel SqnKro, Hcsrno & Cahill, J WATERFORD UNfClI Nelson ilr. and Mra. jMeCarthy, Tipperbry.¦ Foley, Pe'iti.nfTS- DUNGABVAN PETT Y jOGCSIOrJO tfr. Breen, Tipperary. I ¦¦ • she received from him was spent! 'in drink. McCarthy. Creadec, J pnophy, Kilown. S«—J Boban : Mr., Mrs. and [Alias Fehan, There were several convictions, j;nd , Kllownl I I SATURDAY.; . New Ross. a fino of MPORTANT FFEI 7s Od— Mrs Murph Carotoker of the Waterford Dic- rpHE Court having ordered the Sale of Part of tho Mrs. and Miss Kennedy.; Killenaule. 40s. or a month' I O yJ Main street, Tramore, P s imprisonment ras i inflicted. MeJihan. do. J Power, PublicaD. <' Danbill , Michael ' pencary Wanted. JL Lands of Lackanfune, containiag fire ticxta two BY roods and thirty perches statute meastire or there- : ,No. 2 The Lodge— : UcGratb, Ballylcnatl d J Dower. Ardnahoe, 1> t Mr. Orri (presiding). : ;Mr. Miss Denny, MONDAY C )sgra»e. Kilronnn, ill Uooney, 1 Kilstcasn^, tlrs rillUR BcaH of Guardians will, at Meetinj to ts abouts ; Part of the Land< of Cumbeen Commons, ' P. McCarthy, London. containiy^ one rood lilce xnessure, or thereabouts ; tho Major Forsaythe, and Major Ma inseTl took Hiss B. DennyJ London. GG JISROTHEB.S, Moloney, Smoor, J FlynB Victualler, M Drnphy, JL hold on Wednesday, 25th September, 19UI , pro- Btllylean, Q - small Quay Yard in the Town of Dungsrvan ; Timber the usual of allegiance 1 and their seats IITS. Geary, Clonmel. ; (Before Alderman W: R. ! Drongbt Anficatowp.~ ! csed to electa competent pernoa to act as Caretaker of Ward). PAISLEY ROAD TOLL, GLASGOW, S.Vf , C*— A Friona the 'Wer.rrfo'rd Diapajwry, Yard ntar the Bridge, Dunyarran ; Qua/'Yard, Dun- oh the¦ Bench. -i i i Miss Phelan, Clonmel. . '' I at a tzkry ol lCs. a week, i Bridget Nevin summoned for drunkenness, 6s coeh-IJUs Flt»f-ar»ld , B.llybricken. Mlc* with fre* rcsddeuce. garvan ; five PTrdllng-hcm«es in Battery West, Dim- ;;; DISORDERLY. OF garv&n ; Dwelling-hooKin Bnttery East now used as lWo»dville, The Cove— - : but as there was no record she was only fined Kennedy. Mnnor ttreotl P Mmphy, C»r»tand, Ml The duties of the office can b; ascertained on appli- , Daniel Lynch was charged by Constable ; Martin j a stable ; and Dwelling-house in William street, Dun- Forde with using Mrs. Callanan, Children and Nurie, Patrick- Is. apd costs. ' j JVIL ENS ^L/LOTHING , Ffnor, Kelly, do. J XrtnergRD, Island^ cation Ui the unders'gncd. indecent language on the tcrenpy, PForan, Strand etrect Applicatidus for the ofScc will be received ma up paxran ; a Plot ef Land in the Town of Pungarran; streets'onjSunday night last. ! street, ^Kilkenny. i I Thomas Power -was charged in ' .Tramore, L McCar- by Mdsa Reade custody by 2 on thy/ Hibernian Hotel. I do, Miss Phelan. Main sti to thch"ur of Twelve o'clock noon on tha abovc-nimod Eweffins-lMuscs No8 oneJtwo and three William stieet, Sergeant Devereux said that th> mm was , Villa, Kilkenny. Acting Sergeant Dongle . Dtmgarvan, and Dwelling-horues Nos one to fifteen : i i ; . , with drunkenness do, P Gooney, DunbllVJ CoazrHTe, Ardmhoo, Mrj day, when candidates should be in attrndcuice tt thi up two orj three times lately. ; | yesterday at AUTUMN AND WINTER WEAR. IJartln, BiUynagrop WorEhu^e; : ' (inclusive), Clobber's Iaoe or St Augustine stree*, Dm- Fined 5s. and cost"; " !¦• .! Mi»3 Drohan'a, Rogebtink Cottare— Arundle Square, at thxeo o'clock .Pj Hsmev.Kilcannon.T Hoamo, '¦ : CuTlnso Paid on Crithh OrJirs of £1 Vnla» ani Upoari) Kflfarrlnsoy. T Connoll. Qarderimorris HI Hunt, By order, gsrran ; Dwelling-house on tbe eut side of Detotahire Constable Collins: charged Mr. CosteUoe, iWnteriord. j in the evening. There were twtt other sum- cqnare ! a nan named £isB -Everard CALL, IP KEitt . WErTE, IP PAH. Slievejue. P Power, 'do, P : Br(en, Htiangan. V7 JOHH MACKEY, Cltrk of Union. , DungarVaa, snd I7weUicg-houses «a the west Butler with being disorderly: on i , Cahir, Co. Tippprary^ monses for similar offences on the 31st August side of m. a xeet. : Miss Mulcah TTbcthcr Fur or Hear rau era Sifo In Dcalluir trltb Navan. Monmahoffuo, 'ty rialdwirf, Ballybncton, E Board Room, VVorkhouze, ¦ • . Devonshire square af.resaid, all said Premises Sergeant Devereux said y, parrick-oh-Suir, . ; and cm ¦ being situate in the Birony of Decies Without Drum , that the man wa3 i£rs. Cremmins i 1 Saturday night last. Kinncane, 'Whitfleld, T Kelly, BoilerstowD R Power ¦ 12th September, 1001. , sometimes badly treated! by the Members of , Carrick-on^uir. " ¦' . and Connty of W terford- All parties objecting to the iMiaster F. Cremmins, Carrick-on-Suir. Aid. Ward—What is ho? ; ' Kllronan, P Hcirue, Kilotteran, P Barron, Knock- his lamiljj, and he had a! bad temj er Himself. ; O GG iBnoTHEiis. Sale of the said Lands are hereby requiredto t*k«Boidce ¦¦ i ¦ i . . Head Constable Allen—A labourer, your cen,|Jas Walab, Ballyrnote, Miss Harncy, Ktll, P. Fined 2i. 6d. and costs!. \ \ ' ; ¦ Power, Mothe) of such order, and all persons baring claims thereon may Declan Palace Square— worship. '.. , : ' Bpcc!al for m«n cjpocoj 'o wot we»tW. , M Kobert*, Annostown, P Foley, [Ahearne , Glenpairn; Lii mor e, who Jr., Ballyvilllan. F Kavanagh, Ballylean. Ed Deo Duo- XEVT EOS8 UNION file such claim*, duly Terificd , with the Clerk of the Mrs. and Miss Bradshaw, Tipperary. Aid. Ward—Well, I must fine him 33., Is in Ott Broth«n' «•< nploto list < I OILSKIN CLOTHING , Eecords. was drunk in charge of a donkey and car, Mis. and Miss . Trill b/saat Ircu on teoolpt 1 1 a«no and fall addreca. hill, |Mls3 Powe r, Stationer, Broad otrcot, Mrs ' ' Howard, Tipperary. Qrtardlana Dated this ltth day of September, 1901. was fined ; 2s. and costs. ; [ : Hiss Dooley, Wateriord. : ' each ;case. : ' | COIIIDB, Michael street.J i i npHE Board of of tbe obovo-camc-J JL. Uoloa (Till, on Thatsday , HA RET MANDKHS, for Examinee. i ALLEGED FRUIT STEALING AND i Mr., Mrs. McDonald , and Family, John Hogan was summoned by | Constable LOT C ToQ.— Uig» ParrhiBO of ICEN'S TWEED AND 4s:Cd—P tlorrlssey, Ballylcan, I 2i3tb Inct, rccolvo Limerick. 1IAVY SEEQE TBOUSEIL3 irada U> "II at Jo Od per pair. TeDdern from persona willing tp snpply tho ondcr- TERENCE O'BIELLY & 8ONS, Solicitors : ! : ASSAULT. ; _ j' Mira. and Miss Auglim, Cahir. Murphy for drunkenness last evening. 23 fld tacb—John Cintwell, Ballydermody, P ¦ " On: Brothers en cffcrliin this Lot it 3s ed per pair ; Poit- Walob montiooed j / having carriage of the Proceedings, 5 North Sir. J.| R. Dower charged Marti i aid Jor. The defendant, igo M. oitns. Etook t>Uo> only i&e Note below). , Annestown, Jipowcr (UcUamara'a Leather who had ten previous,con- LOT C COO.—Another llf Dolltory of O(nt Brolhen." Store), Ml03 Bollard ; GOODS OR AIUTICLES, Great GeoreeVstreet, Dublin. Commins |with stealing fruit from lis garden. 5 Marine Terrace- victions, appeared in custody anil fined , iBaironstrand »treet, Urn . ¦ jwaa ¦ Pamons AU.-\7OCL JJtAL 1UISH «nd SCOTCH TWKED Lyons, Culloo Castle,' J Vrongbt Anneotown For 8 Montbo, from and after the 30tb inct, to tfca Hr. Charles 'Williams appeared f >r the com- Mr: and ilrs. Sheedy and Family,' Clonmel. 5s. and costs. " ! IKOUSCQS In a Splendid Kauee of Fstteraa. , , I : Gahan, Peabroliestotr' UD 31st Unrch ncit— plainant! | ^ f i i |: Michael Carthy, with 141 convictions, ! was OOO DltOTDEfiS oS«r Ihtso Uud-WeatlngTrousers for Dj II H J, WhltDold, W A caretaker named Twahill depo ed that he 7s fid {XI pair, POBUIKO ei ertra i or Two Pain for 14s, Carew, Butlerstown.j (John Dobcrty (lato Kil- PBOVISIOK3, &c. B Marine Terrace- charged with drunkenness on thi>; Quay Ia3t Postago B4 eitra. tnodil Slug mg'le to Uonaio. li par accden). Wbcatcical. 8aperbno found thei young lad coming ithro igh a hole Mrs. Cahill and ! evening. ¦ , per 280 lba Family, Callan !i I jcirtut a. Kxtra Lirg« Mltet, ..icr 42 Inch nuint. Prices 2s each—Joha Rao, Iraecnanio, John Connors Indlcn Meal , best quality, per do in the wall into Mr. Dowfer's fruit ijard'in and Mrs. Stapleton , Callan. ' Head-Constable Allen said defendant was Daiplicatrn , Hun—Wh»a onlorlnj Tiouoers state die rcqolrcd. Too Annes'onn, PPower.| Llsnakill, J u"3hca , Pern- Oatmeal, best quality, par do EYERT CYCLIST SHOULD stealing fhiit therefromi They as laulted the Mrs. Marlow, Callan. : very disorderly on the occasion, but as there ¦ ^uretflkprJ Ml: 1 Stock Sixes of Tronsera aru — brokectown, T Qainlaq, ; Sliovfrac , I Coady, Sport- Bice, ppr lb lm I Mjss Cahill,.Callan. was not a second magistrate preseiit! he Would Sin 3—33 inoh walit i loDjtk of ln:ld» leg, 31 Incbta Major ^orsavthe—Did you see 1 taking ¦ inch waist lengt of inside bonse. . | ! Prime lieef , per lb. frca of tono j for PrtaD P'ecu, HiVE ONE. Mrs. and Miss Fitzgerald, Ballintaggerth, Co be only charged with drunkennesj}, and they Sizo 4-^4 ; h leg. 31 inches lo— Y70'PrIoi, via—Bitj, thei apples?—r found the; apples inl their Kilkenny. : would let the other charge stand over. SI IO 6—30 inch waist . length of Inside )Cf, Si Inchoa Kllrcbin.. , 8honldera end Konnda, withoat Laps; | ' Site 0—53 inoh waist; length ol inside leg, 33 inches alco, for; T Z pockets. ] It would take a mason a day to A fine of 5s. and costs was imposed. : Coarse Pieces, I —Nccts, Lc,~3, REDMOND'S ROAD MAP : Clio 7— 10 incb waist i loogth of iDSldo it);, Rl Inohu Houfr.hs and Beef Hcada.' Kuild up i the hole in the wall¦ , me de by thb if Marine Terraca— LOT 0 870-MEM'S HEAVY OOBDUROY TiIOU8EBa> defendants. : . • ¦ ! 1 |; ' (0 Primo MnttOD , parlb j Mjs. J. -W. King, Clonmel. TUESDAY. : BruT7n and Dtici. Ojrs Jroticrt' Spcclil F I I CZ ULI* 13 Hi ;¦ OF IRELAND,. The father of the boys;s, aid thai tha holes The Misses King, Clonmal. asd 03 lid per pair i Postage ed extra 500 EiO USES - Batter, bsat TrUh Gra«, ptr lb were there; for the past fifteen : yeai s, ,j ¦ LOT C 550-ilEN'S MOLE8KLN TEO08ER5 for harf C0C39, por lb ' rough near. Thne ma/ be had in I3«ck, WhJU, Drab, ot WAKXED BY Just Pullished itr. 'Williams B aid he. 'was , asked by Mr. Miss Kcohan' (Before Ulick Bourke, Esq., R..M.) Priutod Imitation Tweed, at is lid and Si lid pair Post- FinoSnsar, per cut , si Church Road— ! of i or > Dower not to press the case. Pe o ily -frishedi .»!(., Mrs. and Miissea Corlett. Watorford. ago ^d extn. Noto-Tto Stock Hires Cordorojand Uots- Trcaclr, pzt KSII03 to prevent a snn Iroosir* axe tho same as thoee lor Twood Trotuen Whiskey, bssc liiah, per call'n (Dbtlllsr, 030 ana . repetition in future. i ] ' Mr. and Miss Cannon, Waterford. I DRUNKENNESS, .j Sea above) H. A. BAJftEON & CO The Chairman said that Martin Commins ., strength to bo acntloncj (n Tender) SHOULD BE 15 THE HANDS OF M^s. Lyons, Clonmel. . Zlichael Bourke, iwho : in custody, LOT C C8 U-UEITB 8DrrS-Trr OQQ BROTHBES for GENCUAL HOySH FUimi8HEB, should pay Gd. and costs, and'Jere nial iss. Brennan appeared honeat valuo Ong ilrothers hold an immense Stock of Uea's Henncsay's singleBtar Branr'y, per dos EVERYBODY. and Com^ , Clonmel. mins 23. ^d. costs. ; ! j ' '¦ ". ¦Miss Roche, New Ross. : j with a cut eye, 6ummoned by Constable Halts in a large tarlet/ o! TWEEDS and NAVY 3LUD Wine, Port, por dcz SEUQES Tho PtUoi are S|B, 25a, nod 80s per suit ; Cirrtirp 24 LOWER CAMDEN STEEBT, , It gives main roads clearly defined , | CHARGE AGAINST A PUBLl CAIv. : Murphy, for drunkenness at Broad-street last Wina iihoiry, per doz paid in lirluin. Th«ie maj bo had n Stock 8iici onlj. TO FURNISH WlnO, Olarbt, por rfoz byc-road3 canil followed hills, Sergeant Devereux deposed that in Sunday No. 5 Tivoli Terrace- night at 9.30 o'clock. '¦ NOTE- Ihe Stock Hiti of Ileus Suits are,- : j / , and Mr, Hlce 3—Itonnd chtst sn Inches round )mlat, 32 >scnc3 Gin, IH Kuypofo (in Do fti;aaUd"b f.lcj), last he sa v a number of people m >yink from and Mrs. Purcell, Thuilea. ilr. Bourke—Where do you com.; from ? , i ron CAUH on cnnDiT. Ko dl othor inforrastiou of value ttvthe Mr. Hayes, London. lneido \ex. 3U inches. Sort-Eoond chest, S7| inahej t par doz i Mr. '. Kean :'s gaterway . Tiie back plafe wa3 Defendant—I came from Camek, i your round niuit, Sllmhcs i lltMoleg, 311«ohes. 8lso 5—Kouod Soda V/et:r par do: Tourist. open. Mr Keane was ins|ida the count ;r and cbrst, o'J inches ; r>nnd w&lat, 88 inches f insids leg* 82 Mr. Hayden*8 ' Main . 8treet— , i honour. Inchon. SLio a—Bonnd ebut, t)lnchcj | round waist, *$ Iiemonndo, por doz saicj he was getting meat from \be s lop. There , ¦¦¦ ¦ ! Mr. and Miss Mackey, Witidgap, Co. Kilkenny iuchai | lualds loj, S3 Inches. SU* 7 -Bound chest, tl & * -M i Vrcsb JJcS"1 P°rdos Tho Map io published in a stiODjj were signb of fresh porter on two g asses.] ¦ Head Constable Allen said defendant was iuchrs ; rcaod wais' , Inches ; inside le;, !31 Inches, ), AT . Brennan, Castlecon er. ' : 4* Uonld Candles, per lb He called ittention to the :men' who were mov- : . I trying to force his way into a puWichouse last Special Sizes of lien's Bolts made to measrro from tfAs / ; Mr. Haolon, Borris. : ¦ Fnttcrnj nu4 Mcaj'irrmentrorBasent on noplication. Candlen ;Sllvcr Lights), par lb Cloth Cusc, at la. . ing; from Ihe gate and told him A ksep it night, and the publican had to UBO foilce • to W)T C WI — HEH'S BHIKI S —Ore feothers TTorld Wat Cnudlea (for Altar uso), par 14 ts! ha had Mr. Meagher, Borris. ' . closed. He said he could not, j Mr. Shelly, Windgap. keep him out, and his eye got cut. HcDOmioa GBANUKILL bHIItTS, in Bcantifal Otripcd Washing Hoda, par cwt ¦\Yrito livery stables. ; | ; ! ; \ Pattorna, guaranteed Fast Colours, Prloe onlj i» 0d c.cb, ot cend at once for one | [, i Mr. Graham, Killurney. ' . Defendant said he had never bebn up there P etirra 4i> extra Brown So»p, beat Crown, ptr cwt '(for defenlant)—Mr.i : Poslags on Ttiree. 7d estn. ' This obirv Mr. J. |F. Williams Mrs. Rowe, Carlqw. : before. •: irill wear like wire. White soap, perewt to the Keane ha3 livery stables , there?—Yes. : ' Mr. and Mra Sinythe,: Eagnal LOT C UoS-BVY YOUE WHITE SHIBTS UN- S>arch, per cwt ; . ^town. Mr DKKSSEn. Brothers /V'unoos " PAtHtHOUSt" . Did you know any ot Jhe men that came; Mrs. Tracey, Bagnalstowjn. i . Bourke—How often have you been up O«* Brt n, i-ertTrt WATEEFOED NEWS " OFFICE outjof the;archway ?—Yes.l i I ! before Colonel Evanson in Carrick? i UXORE34CD V/HITE BHIRT is ma .e of a good Long- ! Mrs. Stanton, Freshford. ! Cloth llodjr nS Titaen Fittings, nod may bo badiltber with Tobacco, per lb You didn't summon them?—'No . | j Miss Power, Killaloe. j ! Defendant—Not very often, your worship, Open Profit rr to button behind. Stock. 8[zes. froia 14 to 17 To to delivered in cood order and condition tt lech ftcciland. O^g Brothers will tond a timplo ono There was, I believe, a consider; pie crowdj Mr. D. Mallow, Powerccourt. give me a chance this time or I'll lose my job. for the Workhonse, frc o of carriage Ir> such qnantltles At the Old Eitablished Marble Works, houEfl Is IU6 -, rcainiie. 3d extra. of excursionists in town opposite his ¦ LOr a 12+ - KK Brothers and at each times ES tbe Board of Goardlaas may : ¦ : ! Mr. Bourke—What is your job ? ' I ' UNEXCELLED UK- BERESFORD STREET, that day ?4-Yes. . , ! | !: No. 1 St. Leger Piece— , DUE83ED WfilTt 8I11B1' wonld b» good T.I UO for «s d direct, AH Roods most ba delivered wlthont any Constable Collins gave corroborative evi- Dr. and Mrs. Stokes and Family, New York. Defendant—I am working for a boatman. ohen DrtsioJ. Samplesent for 2s Hid i Postogo. Cd extr* -aid froia the Inmates. A (Nearly opposite SL John's Church), WATEBFOED ¦ Throe lor (4 10}d } Postage, bd extra, blx fox 17s 4^ i urofereoca to bo giveo dence. . , ' i i '" Mr. Bourke—I cannot lot you oft with less PosU-;*, 7d «tra. All Sisrs in 8tock, fro a 14 lo 17 Inoh to Iriuli fiiods and manufactures. ¦Mr. , depos or to be P. Keane. defendant :d tiat he 2 8t. Legor Place- than a fine of 2s. 6d. and costs. ' Neckband, B»do either with Op^n Front button hind tbo Mo»t Ocltable Qvocb of Scaled Tenders pioperly endorsed, I: which are was in the shop getting| prqvisioii3 for the Tbo Largest nnd In tho A B4RE OPPOBTUNITY ! ' Mrs. Redmond, Waterford. Patrick Crolly was summoned for drunken- Farultir^ 0:17. to ba Inserted Ihe names and addresses ot two dinner and did not supply any dr nk except When orJorin? gli» yonr Name and Foil Portal Additoa. solvent:persons willing to join In a bond for tho Offered t» those who are desirous oj Erecting ness last night at Ferrybank. ; ' Eccloso P«3t«l Order or Cash In iteztttered Envelope. io tbo to travellers. He could inot keep he joeople No. '3 St. legcr Place— i i Lot7C2t Trade. due fulfilment of 1 ootract, ebonld be lodged in Monuments and Church Tablets. ¦ The complainant said the defendant wna Our Tcraa aio tt^ j uwny front the gate ot his j livery st ibles. I HT. and lire. Murphy, Waterford. Address jonr Emolopo— tho Tender Box at tbo Board-room, before (oar r. Williams contended|that the {police hart very quiet. 1 o olocU. p ra MKa ANNE KENNEDY, BereBfbrd-etrwt, beins; M, Carrb.r-o ptld to nry part of, Ircbnd lor tho .. : . on tbe 25tb innt. Samples to accom- about t<> retire from btuiness, it now offa ing for not] proved their ense at [all. : There was an No. 4 St. Leger Place- - There was no record, and a similar fine was OGG BJROTHEKS, Purelisc: oC O?cr £10. pany r.»cb Tender where pract'eabfe. Fornw o( pnd the 3oli<|e sav Tender caq he sale at a great sacrifice si large and varied assortment of \ excursion | from Clonmel< : Mr. and Mrs. Wilson add Family. Clonmel. imposed in this case. Scotland's Grta' Tranurs anS Loiter Order obtained at the Board-room. Tbe ' no per- ¦ Celtic Cresses in white marble and limestone interlaced, shuffling at the gateway , mit there \jas i i ' I Soooltttjut., Quardlana do not Mnd themselves to accept the Their worships! could : James Burke was charged with drunkenness lowestor any Teojer. besides Monumentsof every size and description, Head- son , on the premises. . No. 5 St. Ledger Plac^- , i PAISLEY noAD TOLL, (3LAEGOW, 9.V7 Alt Tenders to be lo strict stones Pedestal Tombs. 1 noticonvict on suspicion and where thefe waa Archdeacon and iMrs. Gorman,!,Thdmastown. at Newrath last night. \ TfrtnUon •• 'V7iT«B»o«D Hawa." conformity wltb tbis advertisement, , Kear e that no Tbe Wareroomsalso contain s splendid assortmentof thei positive evidence of; Mr. Mr. and.Mrs. Potts and Family; Thoraastown. Mr.[Bourke—What have you got -to say for (ST Bonds tnn«t be slaned by tha C -ntraetor* Marble ( drink wns supplied except to persons who ' and thntr Bnretlea within Fourteen days from data himney Pieces 0/ variouscolours , Irish sad yourself? : j 0taPlbU3 I 6! ! Italian, white, black, dove, Totlc red, Btrrdilla, besides were entitled to it. : l - <\\ ¦' A J i No. 6 St. Ledger Place - ; : nOLOnOUG' SPEG inGLEG 6ifAM0U8 ¦ of acceptance of Tender. , they :found .Mi . Keane 8 Pc pe, Tallovi, Defendant—This is my first oiTence, your a number of beautifully carved and sculpturedTablets , Mr. Egan said Mr., iMrs. and Hiss County No payment shall be mide to any Contractor suitable for tbe intaior of Churches^white nuxbie in place opeped , fresh froth;i|on the iort worship; give me a chance. ;. i j OE3DHVC—19, NASSAU 8TEEET, DUBLIN : : until bo hzaeiCTod hb bond. with a number ol Mr j Bourke—Well, you will have to pay 2s. I . 12^| ; black background, with emblems such u the Crocinxiaa, himEelf behind the counter, i By order. our Saviour carraog his Cross, etc., etc., some in Oothlo " Eevia. Dr. BIEH people walking off. Thatiwas all he had to 6d. and costs, or go to jail for 18 houijs. Prom lato Iloot CB , Biobop ol P. A; . desi Woterford.) G ¦ gn, composed of Caen stone, with Marblepanels sad S Defendant said ho wa3-a labourer, and had STEPHEN'S !BJ BBN, n Clcil: tl Ution coluransof Gshrsy Gran Marble, caps richly carved. Vhe Ch'airman said that , the nagistratea " I taTo tad XIr. OoLoann' Speetaolca with great ad- New Uo33, 11th Sept, 1901. thd bene-; fW OHIYE 38 AtiD 80FTEfj3 come into town yesterday. He> had only Is. Tantar;o tomr sisnt, tluilrooolinir and oomfortinjf properties ^ All manufactured on tbe premises. There is a large were- divided. Two were; for givingi proTlnir mnsfc arreeftb> and beneueleL eifeots)whioh 1 neTer stock ot Slabs of White Marble suitable for Coaster , and two for 8d. in his possession. : \ | j . , fit of the :doubt to the defendant ' experienced from an? oth*t fcri cf that or pebhl*. I PUBLINJ, Tops ' was -adjourbed tor a : j iHE ^ir^ ilr. Bourke—Well, I will fine Is. and »tO O'tlaiiv, Blahop of Waterfori. | JjJJj , < resmeries, Butchers Shops. A Urge lot of cat oonvictins. The case HBgo« . ; jypu bzb taUcn0croup i n .UUn* that u . / ¦ 1 Od. costs, and take care you donT drtnk the Botomons' Sptctaeles haTe aHren him nrj rreat eatlsfaotlos • \ ' l\\\J 0/ various lengths. , ¦ " INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL APPLICATION.j.! twopence before you get home I •ndnCorilcd hlm^luob oom/ort.-.Alhlln^ Ennla PBOTOGEAPH // I I BiKE&S1 PLOUa EEQU1EED. Mr Williams appeared i |m snppbrt .of the ! TbeCollega Hoato, yalirar. J/ CiT All to be told at the Loxcett Pouible Prictt, made by Father OTJonuell W "I haffl had Terr KrMt satWictloo from using Ur application ' ! Solorsons' cilebrated Spectacles) for man»7e»r«, : TbDMtloy, ' ' ani industral ncnooj.; WEDNESDAY. ! ; ¦ ¦ : AUJ ON the 20fb inot. tho Board ol send fouf' children'to : «» . " P. UOOIBT, P.P." In 1 P/B GnaTdlanB of Now Uo«» "Joton "111 eootldtt BEST QnsHty LieinstA Oa(«r Coven, lit tack ; He produced a certificate to tlie effe :t that the rpa gEiii Tho AKBI"030P of Toinirro desires to roonrd the hltli Inner Tubes, ' each. Geaaiae B A, | i * from Tenderi for enpplylog at tha Workhonto i* ft father was suffering frowj nervouB d ibll ty and gO There was but one case disposed ofj in tlie caHsfortion be h»s derl»efl n«ij Tests' nte of llr. ¦ Cycles, complete—Oents, Z8 i Lstdie*', £8 10s. ¦ Coiomon*' GpoHaclcs. Tbe algbu has aXsu beoa well pro- ' liEB8" . unable to| support them.| ;j . . ; j ^Ll'HUE A? City ' Police Court to-day. Ellen] 8h?n, an: PA FLOUR. Good, well flolshed ; Circle*, eosopleU — Oent't, J12tn| October.n , . fThm groN t3"C ¦ The ¦ case¦ waR adjourned! to habitual , was Bent to jnil for a xnohth for. (From Very Re». 8ytTe8ter JIatono.) /I I It / / !/>/ rVica not to exceed 2J« Cd per CO (tone, to ba de- £i 10s 1 UditV. -CQ ; ioi all Goods for tbe Cycle. AD INTERIM TBAKSFE I. ':| Mr, Solomons' Speotsolcs) for MToraJ years, llvered In as Send for List. i i the disorderly conduct. ' : :: j I hovo nto«l ; ¦ WORLD-FAMED nuch quantitlon anrl at each times r An ad interim transfer ' was^on applir —Lp,™ Forest, owe* Emolllonl ani «aoat | ..**>, n.a fonnil th«a t* b« most iatl«f«n>or». j il I {!/// may >»> required, for a potlod of six months, from ' Cycle Goods Manuf acturers the nnHB gioiEl^aN BTIT»JITT» M»iow. P.P..V ¦», Kllrosb. , cation of IMr: Williams, prnnt^d frdm late BygleDio|of all BoapJ ci™i3! ~ and After tbo SOth inst. 1 to her . ' ¦ • " Cjt, JOIST WOOD hlrhly apcroTM of Mr. Botomom Mrs HifTina, Abbevsid' x aughter. | , •*?- . • canV) tbftl eoftnris ani olesrnesa - THURSDAY. \ l Srectaclu. Ills opinion Is tlio result of 40 jcaxa' oi. COD tractors to tarnish tho Mil'.tr'c mm" an 39, PICCADILLY, ¦ ¦ : ^ " ' "! ;¦ ioiltei kcopicj t \ \ of Ibm-1 Isortlll, Thorles. / ll^n CHAMPIONS, ^ and pi.ionc* • ! A CLAIM. ! - . rrnaiREr end 2a Od each,po at r :s. tester) ^ Co^nn mHE were charges of simple j drunkenness, and PDuruooa r»~ and more oVenlvivl to sraserra mr si

I PBEPAID AKVEu riSEilEN'TS ^ ¦ ^^ ¦ FfiAT aiid ^*/ ^/ \ ^ \ ^ i | . . : _ _. ^jPSO^Um j. rt A,> CEHTAINTY.—Ooupdm are, doubtful. P. M. |j . A Ifl l • 1T^ lT^ 111) jj ]Qi O y4?^a-^ DOTk"L*E 'O Prizare« PacVcta, oa sold for the la«t 10 !K in IH 6hap. ' HIM 1 I!* ^ \ r\ I I iPl *" a ccrta n gain. Porchaaera get iifflfli RACES Jljl ; Jt /1 ¦ ^ ' n5a klEBLE l\l\]£xii tizJL^j ' ixIT- • fy)jytiLuiis. U W1 ?'y double value for price charged. No blauks ; no doubts. 2d., 4d., and 63. each. ; ! (Uc'dar the I. B. A, Kulea), j ' • _^_^ . — ' NCIENlT~irTirt> Note and~with A box finvolopea 1/- por _jj TOBER. 8TJ, 42nd YEAR. *^- - ^OS OakOinimoata ovary description. WJL1 Jt^Ji? Uil lj U j TUESDAY, OC ¦ l^rpadar & Co, Troroore. ' . . I ! : I i Course. ; Ovor 'ho Dromroe Third and Final Auction for this Season ^^TM.^-fledroom «. , g^« sovsj; I i of over 6fljco. ¦ ' ¦ :¦ ~ 0 rjm—The COMMITTED PLATE of 10 ; . < 8 p ' third 1 fl '-'v Quantity. Excellent for expeditioasly making J.P. ^ summoned ifor the Petty Sessioa sicond! horsa to rocelve 2 imd the in tlje Dublin < .'attle Market: , J. Brackett, J. Forrest, J. Brieh, II. Ducey, C. to be held on the 5th stakes ; sn open bandicari hord e Caku, Pastry, and Home-made Bread. Sold io. Cd. October. I would han nht of the and Is. Tins ai tho Watsrford Drag L. Galloway, J. Nbonan , P. Clancy, J. Hanni- them summoned for next Petty rice. Two mlle» anda half. Entrance 10s EDNESDAY Hall. gan, 8easions, b& PLATE of 10 W , NEXT, SEPT. 25. P. O'Gorman J. Willoughby, J. Flynn. as Quarter Sessions will be on, I do not (5 pra-iho BLACK WATER ' ELLEEK " " THE EXTRA POLICE any Petty thisi receive 1 sov eut of the POTXii KT^NicO gifts. ' Prices FORCE IN TALLOW. Sessions wiU| be held." • abvs' socond horso to B ruodorcto. Largo variety. Broadar & Co Tho following was read:— j ' Mr. Moloney ¦ ¦ an opon handicap hurdle race, r^o Entries iiicludo F^oscommon, Galway, 's action was approved o£ t; stakes Tramcre. | " Cliief Secretary's Office , Dublin Castle, methe Council.council. I l Cheviot ,iMjiiniain aud Bltick-fac^d Scotch. " 9th September, 1901. . , - PLATE of ' ¦ ' CONTRACTS. M ^te 0OH8OL «10K > ¦ : ' BEST bouse in town for Lamps of all des- " Sir, by aov ont of tt^o 1 ! —I am directed the Lords Justices Mr. Michael Brennof;k sow • second horse to receive 1 cription is George White & Sons, King to acknowledge the receipt ypur letter of , farmer contract?. ' ht lor«j?o flat woe ; for hor»js Catalogues] on application. of was again appointed contractor for sUk«s|; a weig ¦ 8treet. See new season's stock. Duplex the 7th inst., lonvarding copy of resolution prices meat, his ttat U&V B beea beaten ot. the meeting i Table Lamiis being—Prime beef , 4}d. per lb; ¦ from¦ 3s. Cd.' adopted by the Guardians of the Liamore matSa. 101b ; «i year olds', I I . - . Sd. p«r lb; necks, 3d. Iper heights, 3 years r>lds , 9st Union , at their meeting on the |4th inst, in lb; ox heads, k : 8(zed , lOsfc 71b. One ml u GREAT AUCTION "trpOOTS ! JSOOTS !—Irish Manufacture ; wear each. . lbat 41b ; five , six and lip regard to the extra police at Tallow and half. Entrance, Ii 6d. i I guaranteed ; prices right. Irish Flannels j Mr. James O'Connor) Lismore, dad a with ' ond Serges. iBrocdar & Co., ! Lismore.—Your obedient servant,1 considerably teadered ii Entrieo close oc Monday , Ootoljor let. ' of Tramoro. « llaeiaeB I • higher figures. -**J- i . . H©w 1 T jFSan&finn, E«q, Sec I R Association, Dublip , "J. B. DQHERTY." Mr. T. Coleman, Lismore, was declared COALS-^i. Veale's Coal Yard, on Lower Yellow- tractor coa- r MI F Wolsb. Esq, Hon Sec, Coppoquln. | COST OF SANITARY W0RK8. for Midleton whiskey at 6s. 6d. pa road, ialfully Btocked wi.h beat Cardifl Coals ; gallon in bond , the board to pay came price at ihlp or yard, With reference to the previous correspon- duty.. ¦ ¦ Several other I : j - contracts having i Stdre Cattle. dence on the subject , the Local Government clared the been d* ¦OXPEBIBNCED Xurae ; R, C.; wasealcuTverj Board lorward e'd , foi perusal.arid approval, , meeting adjourned. . THLTRSDAY NEXT. SEPT. 26 \Pi highly recommended. Apply N ., thii office. two copies of drafts oi sealed orders which , TTWK SAjjfc , Traction iinglDe, 8 tone, by Kan- B.T/3/Oi rS ($> /<^S B Ponsonby, The Hon B B Pcnsonby. G Highly Important Auction Machlnu can termine that on , from , and after the lst 'day iia to be present, : le f bo ocen at the '• |Waterford News" office. of April, felt it -would be only ri fbt and proper for is ' MFH , H F Maldomson , Esq, jJ 1902, the said area of charge for all alcomson, TTpOR. SALE—Thirty.splendld Southdonn expenses in connection with' the said sani- members oJ this Board, as a Kationalist body, Esq, G F Mitlcomson, Esq, (llrood) to present him with aa ii aicomson, JLIJ Kvrc3. I Apply immodiatcly MICUAKL U UBPUV , ^j ^u tary works in the town ot Lismore which re- address of welcomed nr E 15 Power. Esq, Dr Stephenson, M V ' ^ main undischarged the occasion—(hear, he ar). As they were tH , fimattotml 3 on the 1st day of April, aware, Mr. Redmond )W(J r, Esq, C C, Gco Morris, Esq, J P, C G, |V SPLENDID FARM, 1902, shnll be tho Lismore Dispensary Dis- vas how the Leader^ OB the Skin and Complexion use White's ' a-united and thoroughl / organised Irish PH (Whlan R F burke, Esq, MFH. R ¦ Buttermilk Soap. trict in the Lismore Rural District." , r , \\\tli Dwelling Housey Out-Offices , Piltown. ; situate at Hsyv rovml MODZHOO. _ - ¦ ¦ ¦ I O : ;.* - i THE tho union, .extracfa from -Which they enclosed, that . Party, he thougl Auctioneer- J P Kennedy, i The Holding conaieUof port of the Lands of TDKOMETERS—Sykcj No. 1, complete, with • doing their duty to theinselveg JO. Book of Instructions ; glass trial and they requested that the 'several matters as Kaiio55£'j Stakeholder—Mr T Brindley. . Nejwtowd abd Scart Mountain, and conwi na jar, weights to which they related would receive- the guar- or to the ratepayers wh 3m they repres^n<«gl abou: lii etc—as used jby H. M. Exciso—35/- complcto ; do- id' and Clerk of tbe Scales—Mr W Afro, and are held by fiIr -GIco3OD, na Hvorcd frco. NOTES ON dians' careful consideration. | j . they allowed:tho occaa :ton to pass by wittort- Jf i prinont tanant , at tho Yearly Kent of £64. ¦ ¦ C P Redmond & Co, NEWS, Wator- presentini? The {ord. Dr. Browne's report dealt j generally with him vith en. address of wekxatj Ij Waters. Valuation of i»he holding is £05. Tba | ISISM ¦ and testifying to the - Building* ^__ LEADER. the condition of the various ' dispensaries in s;reat admiration duel) and Clerk of the Course— E andicapper ard alt of asubatantlal chara6ter. Tnere is a Two- TNOANDESCKNT MANTLES they all felt for his al>le leadership, en<5 ii»! 's Gree Stirled bwdlHop; , *Jd and 7Jd ; Tallow, Lismore, Cappoquin,' ana Ballyduff; c K M'K Waters, 98, Stephen H OUSB , Dolrj, Three cow- Ji Iucanddfcont Burner with Mantle ' I the manner in which masterly qualities, es chairman of the JWA. hopes, Stable, Pggerles, Barn, and chltnl the medical officers ' Party. He then Dublin !(Telegraphic Address— ' Racing car-honsa and rioy. from If 8d: Opallns acd Fancy Edno&tidn books nro kept, and a variety of other Bub- propo ped that sn addre«»rf; Globes Reform Fofwl-houseg; . ¦ Dublin." Telephone—,No 10.) all elated, sod tbo Lands are now in jacob Brothere, Waterford. PUBLIC iects of a somewhat similar nature. welcome be presented to Mr. Redmond In * the very j tojc condition and heart. They aro all : | this Board, on behalf loJ the Nationalists Starter—J D Gibbs. wa'l watered ]TT"UNIOlt Olcrb wiflbes to hear Tho Local Government Board nlso enclosed '* 11 , with fl. never-toiling supply of paro \jf of vaoancy In extracts from Dr. Browne' Lismore and district. spring Watof , end, together with tUs Holding, oiBce; tw£ years'_ experloneo j good s report relative to vutes. refer- the sanitary condition of the LiBmore Rural Mr..A..Heskin, V.C.; in seconding the pr* CLOSING OF PLATES. I tbtbke is a' valasble Right of Tarbary. The Lands Apply ji., tnia UUlce. «V posal, fully endorsed | | ' DEftd ,NSTRATIOK District, end stated that as regards the water 01 thut Mr. O'Gomtt Wednesday, October 2nfl, ™wOl be nold with if nil consent of tbo former ,]]" During tho First Hulf of the 19th Century : had aaid as regard*"Ii r. Redmond's sbilitw All Plates close on Tenant, ODOINGS—Wonted by a oentloman, ono supplies abd sewerage of the localities re- Merrion-stieot T< Mr Mlchcol O'Brien. ! .Li slttingifoorn nnd •——•—-" j and brilliant qualities as < chairman of titf Uh|Mr TJ;Brindley, 14, Upper ' , 'l he old Be it of this Holding /)D0 ri bedroom ; good locality. ferred io by the medical inspector they de- : was to was 10s, ^.. tbis OfSca coj ipriuD most sired to state that these m : should Irish Party, and said i l was the wish of fl* ublin. .; , w^jlcli anbsequemly reduced £72, and alter- atters re- ratepayers, whom the! represented, thit wiwards by ceive special attention , with a view that, the «• Ei tiance for Cmraghmore Elate and Bess- the Irish Land Commission to the present LOST on Quay, servant's testimonials! " MR. JOttN B. EBDMOND, . address of welcome s loulij b() presented rehtre of £04. i '¦ ' ¦ ' Tbe fiude r ! SPEECHES, LETTEBS, &c necessary steps should be- taken for their im- M oro igh Hate, 15s. each. For other races, % will oblige by bringing them t» Sirs, Campion's ; M.P., i ., provement. Mr. Redmond on thiii occasion ot his flt* ; Tbo Improvamont a on the holding ODt tho Registry Offic*. ! ] visit to Lismore CONTAINED IN A B regard.s tho registration aa chainnan of a United IrM 03. Each j TenantT( and ibis predecessor! nearly .£2,000, and of Party;and as Presideiit the United Irkfc J •' i ttth' lodginR Jiouse3 in the Rural District, the of i o purchater will not have to spend anjtbirj^ in |T[" OST on Wednesday weo!f, either at Trampro ! wiLL ADDKESS : . League. Plate of 22 sovs.—A Hurdle ttthat reip'ect.i ; JjLi or Local Government Board desired to point out The Piltov7D Waterljord, c Lcdy'a Gold Chala Bracelet, THE UNPUBLISHED MEMOIES Mr. A. W. B. Powei, J.P. (Urrionut), s»H icej Weight for age. Penalties and! allow The Tenant, Mr Gleeson, ha3 signed an Agree-! Vlth trinkets— t Charm (Lucky) Pig, that the provisions of section 87; of the Pub- he bad a very great respact for Mr. Redmonii m^nt fof the purchase of tba holding Heart and small A MEETING lic Health (Ireland) Act. 1878, mile and a-balf , ; ™ under the Anchor and Cross attached. Any person OF HIS OF THE are- mandatory, and would- have no obj< ction to have him p* icek. One nd Purchase Acts bringing satna and should be enforced. A copy of model of which , of which the purchaser of tn this etTioe will b> r»,wwr3or1. sensed with an address from this Board, NB •The CurraghrcorePlate of 35 sors, £j interest! will havo the benefit, thus T. S. lye-laws respecting such Dremises was. en- becoming; ILK M'.AMiiu—Auy quantity ; any uuuim CONSTITUENTS E £O sm THOMAS WYSE as he ntlaji ¦ ' ¦ y, price, to . " Mils;," ' ' ¦ «-x t ract3 from iceJ Two miles. , ' . ' rho Purcbping of the holding will mean to tbo cue of Eason'e, Limited, Advertising in the ' j i . . K.C.B., Dr. - Browne's report contained or wording of the addi •ess would be, he «a P| rchaser a; further ¦ Agents of the following:—"More careful inspection of The Bessborougb Plate of 30 sovs of which redaction of about 20 par Dublin. I ^/a:c o/ the Manor St. John' s afraid lie could noteuuj »rt the motion for to ^ it oft I tbo present rent of £54.. All outgoings , Waterford) ihe district by the sanitary officers is required, address at present at least, v/ill receive 3 sovs—A i handicap not until he kn*¦ ic iccoDd ^j II be |paifl op to tbe 1st May last, and immedi- TVTEIV HON liy— Finest Strained Honey, 8d THEATRE ' BQYAL, Member for tho County Ti ' articularly in the towns and villages in the iwhat the nature o! it ¦» oiild be. ;•" " Three miles. : ; •±>i per ppcrary nnd City districts. eeplecha^e. a t< P08sesaiou will be gl»ea, «u. Beat sections 6d oich. Honey booght of Watorford. from 1830 to - There is no inspector of drains, Mr. Heskin said there should be< no misUto Waterford Plate of 25 cova, of which 'be Ldndd are situate about Three miles from m ooy quantity. Georgo White and : 1W7 ; af tcr- cow-sheds, and milkshops in the district. or misunderstanding whatever sa to The ¦ Sons, li.ln(j- WATERFORD, wanls Envoy l^xtraordinary and the BSr tUl i Cappighi Kailway Station, Btrcct, \7aterford.¦ . Jlinistcr There is no systematic inspection ture of the address, as receive 2 SOVB—A steeplechase. Three from Cappo- i ' of the meat it would be one iron ,e Eecond will )i ._ ¦ qu In, ' \ ON , Plenipotentiary Io the Court nnd milk r and allowances. bei en from Llsmore, and 9 from Daogarvan. i of Greece ; nlso supplies. Having regard to the con- the Nationalists of thb Board, all of wbo<8> ei2ht for age. Penalties 'rirota offers for tbe Form will bo received l-fKCEAN VIEW TKRRAOE, Senator of the IJoyal d'tion of I tho district, more, reports should -were members of tha Ui rted Irish League : : ' np > TEAMOEE-^Two University of Ireland, , ir wo milesJ . j ;t0 iaj ot Sale by the Solicitor or tho Auctioneer, \\J houses jto Lot, furnlahod , for the J have been^furnished from Cappoquin and Lis- Mr. Redmond, as pre»Ment at the Uni^M): Appl ueaeou. rd founded in 18-19. . ¦ Tl e Foicatchers' Plate of 25 sovs, j of Which i isle at Twelve o'clock sharp. Terms at S&le, y RallwayHstol, Tra moro. MONDAY . EVENING, 2£ INST. n.ore districts. Many of the backyard s in. ¦ Irish League. i ¦; ' ¦% 1 ¦ ¦ ' e s scondjwill receive 2 ROVS—A hurdle race. Th } usual tp es of 6 per eent. to be paid by i Cappoquin are excavated and nndrained , per- -Mr. Power soid in thit case* as he m M; Pu [¦chaser. ¦ OLD 1'APEKS—Advertiser would pay liberally ' Penalties ahd allowances. j for old rtle* of N IICCE, WINIFREDE WYSE nitting' of . the lodgment of stagnant water. a member of the United Irish League, he itgj eight for age. ny fntther Waterford Papers , for 1847 The yards (fretted that he could net : ' ¦: * i information caD bo obtained from, nnd provloos (years. Addrois, should be levelled, paved, and Join in the THO^4 .vo piilesj ,' , ; I lit. ANTHONY C&RBOLL Riving full pactl- oiained. Accumulation before the chair, .but £ t- i , SoHcltDr, calara. to " Colleetof,* N EWS Qfllca. of refuse and manure ' the same time l» jFcrmby, fiavlDg Carrlaso ; or : The Chair will bo ta!:cti by nro permitted in wished it to fee underatoy d that he I i i some of the yarda to a dan- should nty EDMOK D KEOHAN , Auctioneer and JTna EWARD[—Lost on Septomber 15, batv/oon fcerous extent. Borne of the slaughter-houses be taken as being oppo*d In any wuy to hw>' !i£A) John'a I THE RIGHT W0R8HIPB*[JL ) ing an address I jValuer, 17, Main-Street, Dangarvan Chapel and Lower Nowtown , a THR (S-rocers ' in the districts are not kept in la cleanly presented to Mr. Redmond, flf lady's gold ct|rb cbaio bracelet. , MAYOR, i and Othors state, nnd he had the highetft Mpe :t for thst gsotlemfeB^ ndor r»ill bo ; , . . ^ . arc defectively, drained and con- •who, rowarded on [bringing earno to tbe News Offlce ' structed. The water supply is' reported to b« no doubt, was de» rving of any borjo«, . ALD. R ICHARD IIEARNE, J.P. The Assistant the Neftionalhrtmembecs of the :> CKB EOEj SALJB ' ¦ Manager of a ! .nsumcient at Lismqre, Dromore and Tallow. Board msf I . I wish to confer uoon hM: ¦ ;T>E3PBCTABLE Lodging ,' would suit young : | M\d the water: hois not been, recently analysed. • - • *"¦ ¦S\i G«ptlcmin dining out ; terms moderate. The sewe ..Mf- Cfaliwejr (Unionist laid he should aM THOMASTOWN of this Apply rage of Pound Lane, Twig Bog. discentl from And on Mire. RURAL DISTBICT Jj.IL, ofE^s paper. Barrae&etreet, and Chspel Lane, in Cappo- the iw lotion; on the «aH ¦ Proceodioga; will commence ot Eight o'Clocfc. LARGE ESTATE IN CEYLON quin grounds a* Mr. Power,I »M felt he coold npf JTSEtfPCECTABLlfLodgings ; would , is defective, nnd &«o of Church Lape conristenUy i ; M TICE TO suit young and¦ Botany, jjuj i^ort it undjr th» cireajm^ !;: ; | EOAD,CONTRACTORS. lO/ Gnitlan»n ; hot nnd , in Lismore, and Chapel-street, cold batlis ; terms moderate, Tbe Dress Circle vJI^bo fip' OF 5 000 FEET ELEVATION Tallow. woe*. ; There nr 6O Q Jjpply J. H., ofece of this paper. cdallj rcseryoi . Bye-la.ws relating to;«or«mon lodg- •bwt for Mr.,B*dmond.* FULL SIZE BAKLEi' SACKS ! HP HE Clerk of tho above-named' Rural District for Ladio* and their fricn.d !¦ ; !' ing houses have been than h9 had;-«»5| T , .3. ! I Is io a position to supplj «dopted>'bot aro, not b$A th« pleasure erf koon log him Coufedl j will np to 8 o'clock, km. on WED- &TRONG Cd' enforced. Some of the peraonaUjto j: ON HIRE. M 1 mmon Cart wanted cheap. G. F common lodfllng hotuei »nd would, indeed, b« vi rr glad to ¦ 3DAYJ tbo 25th SBP rEMBEBj 1001, rccalva J . C., are not registered, have.Sit : G this Offle ?. This will bs tho loot I occasion but the itaMeiea hoates a» his gueatol in hi* Eons* , wjt ' Ten iors for tho lllcntonanca of Beads, ic, in tho ! .! prior to his TEA , in are occasionally inspect*!. only h« did not arti jHIRE.: rict ; ; \ ¦ e r o i either small Thefc ft x>4e wiUi ^wrny iMr/Bedn Jnd'» political RJICKJi COVERS ON ; HrO BE D pa ture f r America, on which Mr Kodmond ainouiance for the conveyance of; infec'ticro« and he, could id«S 10 works tnust ba executed in accordanoe with LET—BallTbr fcften News Eoom. will adJroso nnd aot. then fore agree irith,» JL' Apply to}Joh n Hatcblnson, on Irish Meetiag. ! ! \ large non-tnlectiods casts to tbe 'hofpital. The motion before the chair. MorRan-strcot. ; U ] rarmers pending postcard or ¦wito will b 3 and : spdcificat:oQ3 whloh can ' bo soen at the Quantities, Fever Hospital is in a bad state}of . .ThAiikalMiH ,L . K ' : " repair, . ^r* JT 1 Pw UwttoUoa, cer:ain to revive Sacks promptly—no delay- khouso on tho 24th and 25th Inot. j ! and the sanitary.arrangements. are defective. fl» bad the^ """ *~"' MdJ« Tindor Forms and Handbills. oontalDing mWO IsTaNEBREAKEBS Wanted ; ccod GOD SAVE IRELAliD. ¦ greatestpo« >ta pleasure in an S.S, : ' fall ^JL WD2C3. UV.pply F. G., ' To Grocers afid Private Customers The beds and bedding jrre^not ofia auilabla *<>•«• he lolly agreed ii ix «Tery by Rai or ., i ] part culor* of HJO works for which tenders ore in- this Office . . : : • • i - . I I : i "kind. The sanitary wotd11838 vite< ' authority havp not pto- h«d UUpn from Mr, W srntsn and JCr , can ba had ftota tho O'etk oi tho Council on rTIWO vlded an efficient disinfecting kin, as| ^B«W appl cation; i • ¦ ¦ or threa comfortnblo bedrooms and uoo of apparatus for regaid» Mr I dmond's abilHW.JI TWILLED SACKS ' FOR SALE BHAKDED WITI \ \ elttlpgrobrn SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. ; their district." ¦:., - ; ; • chakman.oif , ¦Xhe Ettral! district Council sball, ;at theit Ilj for pentlenieD or ladfes. Teims '\ - ;-- tb» Iri»h ^•¦ OR i fr-Tim 12»i upwards The mem uera considered' ftt griat'length the ^ij e^ y^.piejrtj d nj ¦ '^S'ft M ; NAUE AND ADDRESS wnEitp 20 ; ; Adjt urnediQiiartorly Meotlng to bs held at tba ¦ ¦ ¦. B. O., WAIEUVOBD NSWS oiwr ln »hfobIhiaB ' ' Oijico. - I¦ • I ' ' i I For further particulars appl ¦ Inipector'B report, and dtfddeaiio cany put *l» :Wly, i «n»-M'V to MORE ABE BOCGnT- .; 1 | BOOM Rodrji on THUBSDAT, ths 25th SEPTEU- . • y in fult .the i .^aotad «iH BEI, 100 1 ' imore neewsaxy re'! oiX'iaj p U work* 100L I ' , * JL WRn«€d ' recownjenidtd fcr. th* Cooaclrt enginMr. i wcona-band empty sugar and rice in eanri»cl{onwith the b»OT t state pr!ce and q-iBntfty free WSMORE lTSMITlb Xall¦¦: tnri W«t«rw6ru to Liverpool Ateb bft «BT«ed;dut,. \\ i. : - . wlb :^ : ^R'ooMaeon. L8A, Quay¦ -stieot. Deansgate, . M»nl ¦ . Mr. V: II , . ; cociter. . . ¦ ¦ ' " ' J./ . JVititoB ceond^l «M »4tion.*r1iichl | . ] M CYCHNtt wM PaMtd jananimotiwiyrvv r ,^ -!i : jTHOUABTOWN UNION ~ ¦ Firawr ' POETS a*«3!'-i : ,i FA(5T0R^ ! m ANTED- -Cont7acr:or: N ;~ " . ; . . L . /Til E Bpptjd'Oi Oaatdlsns of tha nbora TfnJon Sj^i^W^1*?8: - - I ¦ *,¦ October I JL will, ^!.!*" i :. :. - i . i~ i : .4V i - ! i -. |rd,; p)l *t Te b g, aphid Addresa—" SpinnersyWoterifdr a and nouio UJ2 I (Under¦ the. Rules of 0.A.A and LC.A) • ¦ ¦ ; 1/LJI J"* * "^ *"P work ; i '¦¦ ¦I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Tender*¦ /D^tw folloirioj!'works :— ' . i , . prprtfettferred.rod. M2 tut be highly recommended; ¦ ' ' ' ., : . I. : -!-- | . 1 . i \-\ : ¦ -ApolicVtiom ¦ ¦ ¦ i- 'i'i- ; ; • 1- General fRepairu and Improvements to' tbe wiirrtitfj joopieoopie»s of it«rtimonUU '. .; . - : xtictim- ' - ; :^- - , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , to be tent to O - ¦ ffetani s^mlFOE .i . - i , , .. __ Pare . ¦: :; -{ . ;¦ . _.. _____4_^ .Hospital . . : : . . /;. \ OfflciOf 4 »whldWcl»wflib9 c»lW.for.- ! • : i ' ;, i' 2- Bullafegj Annexes autf Uralnige oriloapltal. r Pntrrca close on SKtrrkitiaii 27th ', , S- 8Uptilyirig «wd Ejecting Hot and CoW Bath* Bkm ¦ With ih ¦ ;- f ' ' ¦ ; ' . ':v, - |-!5p -5i, ' -l -i-- 96cr$tAriC3v ' i- . - ¦?;->a-) " : ^ i- Laying 4a Vf tUr Uom¦ Workhouw 'to Ftver iw^ftiJAY'^lVirw^ |:- . -i _ ;.; ;- fc- i- |inl '¦ ' ¦ ;: ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ lto^otMoiy] " (li '!:¦¦ ¦ ly Hoipltsi. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i by -};• • : - :: •: g»«on ile«tt»rtttr U F oftbU * ,| [ . /' ' ij ' g UXofBe>lolth^ offle^ ly wp*pat«jr. ?liT ¦ : [; Sp. cificifio i, 4c.,; tor; tbe kbove; wufci us la lady ' # :¦:.&!, ::ii;i ¦ ¦ ¦ Hjff liAN EKDjf cn** wf a kmt*ledgo oi tbe U : . feABTIjfei |l«o it tb» !VV«Mion»*.!!i - . -I ' : " ; I . \ Ba lti \U ; ! :-'!':! T(|n4«t«;« ddre«»eaw tbe PrwldinjCnair- bl|h*)rt r8fe»no>^: tt, tfilji Office. ^^, BSj^aaiiii 3 : tou, win mmtUti by'nle dp to ll-8p o|clo<* «n Or.Wiih-1;;;'' ', ' . • '" ' §; : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \. mWiM^Mx^:;P'*feiyj Mw»;iovfWmi«dJ»j: fi:, :v • ¦y- .- .j ;; s- ¦ ' «W* l^ : to;; ; Wfi.\- Th i GowditA* 1"^* is : ^mtm ^^6$af : A \ do sol btodthemrtlrei¦ to«oep» Sii^M I MR :f >, POW ilu u nextf :¦¦)<; : i:.-* .' ' > S ' .* k day ttniw. ' ./. .|. \\: ¦; \¦ [> >¦; fijr ,;;- ': . -: ' -- :' • !.;) ' . ; ; vH {/ prrMr : , .u^ ]v jiwWjD'Oofll Oookj mlddlaiged'¦ ¦ : ' ¦ " " ' ' '¦ ; . WJUM £Xi . .Appiy t^ !;i : ' ..-. .-, ,::ffl- , •; . ;¦• -: {¦(¦ ¦- i,>!j-g>y;(«i: df h ' 'Ai w¦ '' ' ¦• • i r:j- •• • " ^ ^ABBt, .Ctartc ot UBIOO. : . i' f:- =JT • ' no i \\ iiftPVLViic\f \V Hit •- n ^•;j::.;Mwr»i ,li:!Hp^I^N : a«>k f^B[ il ii l i f l il B!

; IKliOB u . *!:par*i tofl«t\:totk.

* rti ,]^-r.''l j . f?TT 3 ¦< ' : : ; mmmMMm Y f* / *• '^' ' ; -j ' ' ' 'r "'^'- t/'i [: w iiiM ill J ii ite ii ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦" ¦: •¦> ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' '¦ ¦ il ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * . , ., - J ¦!• ' I ! . <¦£ -c ¦ ' : ^AliES-BY TH0MA£*WA£9H ^AND - . SQK, : i 1 less tbeli'vriU ba onp»rtical»r.local] ' ¦ ¦ ' : ' ¦ dieuj being manager; ; Cattlo diet , -them yert 1 '¦¦¦: ' .: ":¦ •! 'Pf - :; - ' - .' ' ¦; : '.. • ¦ - T . j N«tiU>Iiai»,Aid-h&d fttjfithelsacr, ' !' r ' 'i J j .; ; ' - - ; W« »rt'™rple^ to ¦KHe'^t^W^.^l ' a ba4;Beaiott8;-aiaitne. tenijjji'waa *W*rri ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ¦ fe^ Board; :of ddifdi»W-'ftt tl^ttD«tanoi ;o<:MrVWvil HTH . . : i-( - .I. (I • ¦£¦¦ - . . - -lU-i-i ¦ ¦ ¦¦! ' ' ' ^^ ¦¦ " " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ' ) ¦} out itir.- .owii{i8:;Ohe.,B!pi: a'.half ij'aar's r^ntLup . Hylsnd, Tii»-ch»irinan;: socondtd |by Mr,f M*ra«i ; • - : ..'.; ¦ : . . - ; ^AXKKTOKD. / ; ¦ l I - MO+MOBBOW. . . ilfi: - to ' thiei'.moment ot: diapc^sessionija lnjosV.' Shp :¦ Qnmlsji,a JaVi*»v*-*rfd«f'toftt f m*** MMf *m U> ¦:; • U to pat lounaaatn thi'more secure vriu De to« lucure 01 Mri John Redmond, M.P.', an tb« occasionof his visit ' ¦ jtT ' rent ; was close upon , £100 ;i y|ar"f6r| about '4^(W88ffl^fi:yip | the of soy < | THB ¦MARK ETj-^jJbEr; iy.jj];! : Ulo;c»us9M ' VVhy ^bonld noiqs parish for to Wataf«ri, wishinv bin, » heMty" Ood ppee*os' j fifty i acres of land, and iHehnefisy badj spent ¦ ¦ ward iu' Ireland be mtaifig from the list, however »m»Jl h»¦ now, totoide4¦ visit to the-States.i» ! , BOMfi NOTABLE LOCAL EVENTS., .; ". : | : ' his available' capital in.;buildirii a hoiise at iu contribution that It :¦ ,./¦¦: f, 'j!.->»s«.« « ^ M .i-- - -m ' : : . m»y nocewarilyoe f Tho belief .{ . Itiibcharch *, : I: 15 Brood| |T^W| BS( jfor -|:} ' '¦' . ' Septonber, 1B22, a duel waa fougni is cecessaryto seo4 bi Jceepsmany a group ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ M^w^^^mS^f ^m ^ade. a co3t of £160V . Mr,; Kearney nilds toj 36 rcj -. . On tb >! ifltb of "dmethltig g SYMPATHY^i;¦- •. - :; . -! • • - , . . - , . : between i'H lip Barren Oiptoin Eyre »t Mount of loyal Nstionallsta fibm , taking their share in the j , T ; rainded of these facts j aiiape-Ui has j be'gun >nd - It also ' rff j id BE SOLD' by TfrireMiLvei :AuctiorJ!on FOR ||J6(| 8 ONi Neil! 11 \L4t ^beyund tha turapite at Skifebcroen. Oil work of tho hour " ! Wo ' sre sure the NsiionalilJ gta Wf itg tb fiiuj itbat ta* members of this •tpd vkg /or TP rioaing 33 a keen ccitio of natiopnl literature;. , Board have beeb also mindful of their doty In paaslng a t^M>^$Zi; ^sSn^im^^M^ i Jll j . Saturday, 21st iSeptember, 1901, " ait-ia the 20iii i.t September,' 1848;; thb attack took place ol workiDgiaeDorW»terfdjd|winnot be deterred froiii anh* pat Jsnglkh-Toice ptod¦ «o&',- . *to^&-ir$i^&4 *Ml tdio in retolution csprtssln of their horror and indignation at !o'clcck| at the Miflset E owe Qua th« Portlji ''!'Bftirftck«. On ;thi« date, , ZC8U J auibiiu; because of tteiWiilkieasiofthe amount they ' TelJou* «n piodnction.; ' -Mri JFiibeSpoW^wlkoli^:/*!;-;^ , V VVaterfcird, Mr, V hltodied. nn th«2Iat of September. 1887; - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' the murder jof PrefldentMcKinley, asd of-condolence ' ' ; 15|powerfn) 'dj-pet; firccf Mates may be able to oontribtjti. [ . . ' •; J ; much admiredia tbs Italianopera in London thiaJ is acknowladged. pf be tt» - . $%M- .Fannei and: • • ¦ < - . -v ff»f • - - . -] • has or«ttakrd ; took; chaige of and maintained sod ' We • announce inVonrjadvertiaing columiw, , ' •. ^:;- \ ' MB. J. EGEETOh' HtBE AKD and ;. riiOF£ssiox.i;| ; Iiord ltobtits was bom, and on that date * hand that tho Brantfoid Co-operative racking Com- j : ! THOMAS WALSH & JON, ,;!: ¦ 9 : T* :i j Moat Kcv. Dr. O'Biieu wan cc.rtsecinMd Bi«hup. . On] rrpdued the roads i thtubghput the greater part of the this iwae, several fanportant saleB by tbe well ' . /' |- ¦ ¦ ' MR. J3ai.Trr ; | ' County ' pany bsve rectntly made a new departure in connection ' ! Auctioneers} 4Vc. U r BARCLjuar . tho 24th of Septeuibsr, 1882 , ttii Uatholic! UniVciatcj. Kflkenuy- As Itttert were not iny cycling br ' known firm of Me'»sr». ;T: Wilati and Sons, A VICTQEY¦ FOR THE j*RES3. [ ' i ¦ with their bacon-making indtutry. ! Desirous be- :'^,-J: ¦ ' ¦ ' School in Stephen Btrett wiia cji.-ricd. "' aaWinobile clubs fn existence- at that bygone period We *t . . ' Mall ¦ ¦ ' . ' i " '¦ . ; 1 inning at the ti ht end they have decided to Improve on Saturday, j ¦ iThe , Waterford.¦ ' ¦ ¦ _ ! j j g g at the Market House, Quay; 15 ' ,v : : i ¦ > ¦ ¦ ; : : have no data upon which to tuaire tho manner in which: < I I : } ¦ >'¦ i- : I the brtwl of throughout the wide area embiacad in -| the city forefatha of the time fulfilled their obligation)!- piga powerful brood mares wJU be disposed at, and IN connection with the Tallow Conspiracy : ! j * , their operat:«as i and with' this- qbtect In CURIOUS ARBANGEMENiT. but/ at a'l events, the fact itself, which is a matter' of Ion Wednesday .at Micha«I-»treet, for th« execa !¦ : ' prosecutions we have succeeded in gettingj the ' view have recently secured several splendid boers from i WEDNESDAY WEXT - . |;;: According to tho last istuo of "The Irish Builder'! histjrlo recoi-d, showt ; wh&t a largu jurisdiction was LOEB Loral -T.osclxriv'a world-famed Da'msry Stock. This rtors of the late Mrl Jolin. Wyler. the horses, ^iniiLAI^Y Crown to recognise , the; propqr atatuij of Clonmel oceuia to bo woikiag up A 25th September 1001, at Twelve o'elbou. presented Mr had been discovered in the person of the architectural , to-morrow go fast trotting Welsh ponie3. We also notice \T, , . Redmond with the limited gum Despite tho bitter , wa must reserve «ur special selections for by directions of the Executors ot tho late Mr John A SPECIAL T RAJN 1 adviser to the late Board of Control, nnd adviseron persona! attacks by Mr Kearney who " Evening Kews." that there is to be ¦ ti TRAMORt on allocated to ordinary witnesses, a. proceeding cannot forget the a sale of the entire appoint- Wjlley. the following :— I '¦ THURSDAY IGHT 26th ' matters connected with asylums to the Local Govern- hia rout In the County Council , : ' -\ : N , Sep^omber ; j - which, as a member of the Instlt-tito of Ijoufna- our: paper is atiH the 1 , ************ ments of No. 1 Newtown Villas, the residence Hearses fitted with' Glaw Panel* j Urns, ment Board, the Poor Law Board's own Surveyor—j only] Nationalist journal that 2| 1 ¦ advertisesfor the j WORLD'^ CHAMPION. : > of Mrs J. P. fi-ravpj : Lamps and Hnromer Cloths (in psrfoct ordier). 1 lists, he resented and objected to,; on principle. •Mr. Gardner ! I I" ' : ! majority ct the unions named. ' Circle, 3s ; Stalls, 2s ; ?ii u L Gallery, 6d taaooa • O'Connor won the WOI M'B lonj jump ^h&nipicBJihip *•••*• aed ot i Clonks. ErouKhotn, WaiKOnette, Oc?er _ : He bad it pointed out in :the ptoperj quaHer o*e* Cor, 2 | Side Cars, Sets of Double. Loader, bnd Booking at Mrs i amrJion's. : that he claimed THE UNITY aVBuflnlo mi theday President McKinley was shot. The MOTOR FACTORY. to bp put on the same footing OFFICIAL ANX>; PRIVATE 8UKVEYOBa. . - ! MAN.;, -I ; : ; letter ' which we intend publishing to morrow will give BiDRla Huraesa, i pare Harnea»,!ehild,8 Saddle and ' We are liid to in thta connection as solicitor^ doctors,] or Now. the oircumstMices revealed are so curiouBi i j What o lover of TJnity Mr. WnuJKearney, all the news^ 1 s learn that our enterprising Bridle, [Rugs, -about 200 jjlaba 'of Em , 3S coSos, ——- l ' J^P. ' ' | I f i~ other professional inen inasmuch fas .the and, ha])pi[y, BO umu-ualjrth'at a little pubhcity' may is V He is full of JorB>ndj trustfulness for his ftllow- i , friend, Mr W F Peare, is about to build a Mounting, Frllliog, ic. &e, . ¦ :i ' : f not *t*a******a*t*4 j ' j be ol together undesiieble. In Uhe first place tho em4 Nationalists, and is so anxious to promote gopd feeling motor and cycle factory | : ! : HOKSHS. ¦ I Journalists' Institute was constituted under , SALE OFr 'A FARM. ; on the fine Bite where [ ! ploymeut of the County Surveyor on such work» is an thai ho has set out |on a brusnde against those who Gelding, very ton ; oniet In doablo O^; a Royal Charter. It -waB also , conveyed that . Mr Jones bad bis carriage works in Catherine- No. 1-^-Bay IAYprG S!HSi- inj*iry' to the ratepayers of the county whose salaried deolined to fawn upon him. at election time, when- his Mr. Edmond Keohan, nuctionrer , put np for sale i or single harness. | . . 'I the proprietor bf .Tin: NEWS was des^roua oj official first appeal to the people resulted in signal defeat. : ' In tho CappoQiiin Courthouse on Thursday, the tenant* street. We wish Mr Peirc every 8UCCCJ8 ' ' : , ho is, anil is further a grave injustice to-private A „ 2—BUck Ueldiii R | |i having the status of Journalism placed ! on practitioner). But it is- the employment cf an official nico typo of a onityrman' ive havo incur midst ! Ho interest of th; far m of Knockcyoolihan, containing 63 acres held at a yearly „ 3-hay Gelding 8yearn, quiet n harness. FOOTTO^TBp^ STOSJE nn equality with - of the L.G.B. as Quantity Surveyor which to our mind j has|not yet received that apology fiom Father FIynn of rent of JC33 10s. There was a LOCAL SUCCESS. L ridden ' ' that ol Medicine a"hd Lav, , good attendance »t tho auction and tbs bidding was .. 4 B own Pony, i years ; h. i been . OF THE j ; ' . constitutes the really serious scandal of the cats, ' Not Crook about which hajwon e» concerned when hi "re- Mar.daley. by Martognn out cf Carclnic ' and intimation was made that tip intended to brisk. Mr. T. Fitrg-erald jnade thefint bid , the nnd drlveti . ; ' j . : (done is it a most reprehensible proceeding that official* tioed" from public Iif<5 tfJer that grand valedictory *l ^30 ¦ ' ¦ take action in order which went on spiritedly, Mr. C. Nugent Mr Quinn gallant wiuncr of tho Sellinp Plate of 200 BOTS, Terras—C\Rh. I NEW to!test the- matter, and of a public board should be permitted to enter into addrtss ! It was a ihoice piece of ibetoric. Tho poor , , 1 OHUJRCH r and Mr. 1'itzgerald bidding- briskly, Ultimately tho at Cork P»rk, was bred by Walter flnlley, THOMAS WALSH &.; SON, ! the paltry cheque forwarded: to tim by competition with private surveyors ; but that it should gentleman wait insulted; he could not tst-ind it; ho Kil- ¦ | OF THE : farm was knocked d«wn to Mr. Michael Qninn of : j Crown Solicitor Tweedy -was for one moment be tolerated tb'at tuch on official whose would not allow anyone to sayaujh a thing of him ; bavry. Tho gelding is now the property of : Auctioneers, il returned- Bawnaliinofruo for £135 with 5 p:r cent commicsion. Good ShophenJ ' office is to advise on, and even revise tho work of pri- he would resign if Father Fl'ynn did not apolny-se. We O'Grady Uclmcfe, nf Limerick. W. Halley, we : The Mall, Waterford. , Convenit, V/otcrifoir'd In. o^der that there should ' be no mis- Mr. J. F. Williams had carriags of Bale, vate practitioners, architects or mirveyore—a gentleman have not yet heard thercy, gentleman'!, aiiology, and, nre pleased to hear,- has a yeaiUng b understanding in the ' matter, thd Under the;resi filly y whose evcry-day duty places him in a position of al- gnation haa evjdently been withdrawn. Truly a Pioneer oat of Mandaloy's dam. i THURSDAY NEXT , j! r "H T~ I Secretary wa3 communicated with , and most arbitrary authority orer the work of quantity noble exhibition note that WATERF 3RD. ; o supervise of Mr, | Kearney'a calibre can attempt to •NEWTOWN, UEEUAV hav,e- fixed the scale of payments for journa - , and not tb compete We say thfre is too Bet! himself up as ' arranyanents in connection vrjtb next Monday'smeeting. there will bo a cheap train from WBtcrford at S , Lord Bishop of Waterford and nuch of their the judge and jury of affairs 1 lists who are called upon to be Crown jvit- competition with the regular professional national in Waterfor'd.! There wer e aho present—Aldermau Richard Power, 8 30 a.m. —L- .j : man, whoso works they arc supposed to supervise ; and Mr. Kearney declares a raaa The return train is fixed for 7.UC p.m nesses at two , guineas per day for attendance, is not a Nationalist, and to, and behold that man must J P.; Alderman J. Hcarne ; Messra, D Hyland, TC , a - •n-Jiy ?' For one reason abno and that reason , • •••• COMFORTABLE SUBTJRBA'N it Is bad, at once retire from the Nationalist ranks 1 No donbt D.V C, P L.fi. : JL Wyae, T.C. -J. A. Hower, T-C; WEDNESDAY lOsi 6d. per night for ^10161 charges, and first- alone should condemn it. " /We mean it iB only in humnn WEDDING BELLS. , 2qth SEPTEMBER, 1 Mr. Kearney thinks the time is coming when we will M. Kirwan , T.C.; M. Cashin, T.C.; Dr O'Sullivsn, Our good old friend ' ; ; RESIDENCE, !. class railway fares. : The journalist profession nature to employ those whom tho public ofiicer would , Mr William J Manning. wu AT O!CLOCK, ' all- have to bow down before him, T.C.; T. Whittle, T.C.; M. Maher, D.C., Feiry bank ; united in the holy TWELVE i the be thought to favour.';*- 'What a vista this opens needs- and plead permission ' bonda of matrimony yesterday, in land, orid excellent Gar- is thua put on an exact par w^th other to !lovt3 Ireland orjto work for the welfare of our C I'. Redmond, P. Walsh, and J. Collins. Hon. Sec. StJohn a hurch, Waterfoid, to MUa il&rrJohnson Standin g on 3 acres of The Community no!words of ours to paiq.t * , of t lie Good Shepherd beg profe6siops recognised by the Slate,! Church , native city. But who ii this Mr. Kearney that has the Tho Large Room of the City Hsll was considered in- of Johnatown, in thia city The ceremony waa por- jleu jwith Gate Lodge and Canhge Drive, ••(••OOSOO 8uf5df .-t)y spacious to accomodate tha number expected . piwumprion to assume the role of dicttaor 1 How ' formed by tho BeT Henry Oalvsn, and waa attended by to invite their kind frie nd3 and jenefactors to Medicine, and Law. ; This is the firat time, wo to attend Mr. Redmond' ' THE CATHEDRAL. long have the Kearneys been benefactors of Waterford s meeting and it was unani- nereTaJ cf the peraotal frienda of the happy coople understand , that the question ha3 be(jn tested, mousl decided to change place of meeting i I FOR SALE, j be present on the occasion. ! i His Lordshi Host Rev. K, A. Shechan or !ef the neighbourhood f What did Mr. Kearney y to the Theatre, We congratulate Mr and Mia Manning Jand treat they . p , Lord reserving the Dress Circle entirely for tho ladies. Tho ' and we are glad that we have been: the me- Bu>vt>r/ of Waterford-and Lkmofe ever do for the City or County of Waterford 1 Not in inao have many happy daia ! 1 J! , presided at Solemn follswiog members of Parliament were invited to attend dium of forming a: precedent which will in Veepim in the Caihedtal on Sunday evening. Tlic the old days at all events when Parnel l set out nn a • H«U u« 'i. -rpt dnul lalos In the raioHaot which is made wideWangh to overlap the edges of the Iri»h Efioc«tionnli< UNEQUALLED I C RO'ULATIOM begin to come to the conclusion that the season of 1901 eteel their representative in Waterford and District '8. -ndnoRwhioh will throw a Booi table Garden, Gate Lodge aad Ci Triage Drive, I I I |: . , and in each overlapping odgo them i» a sunken ot liuht (ho J at Trarnore has at last come to a closo. We could not, Uf opon -afller nnn'.rofrslei irt-ioh a-iuttd held uhdor Lease for an irnexptred terra of groove having a row cf holes through which the shield for the paBt two years, from Waterford the poblia mind in half ot of course, properly do BO, until after the last race-meet- tba fl'«t the I«' oantary. at pej- ant uru The Nationalists of West Waterford will miUte is aown to tho corset] i j Cork. Mr. Lacey will bs the manager of their Tbo Book ia»ntltl,ed " Nct>a on Eiooition ub'out 17 yeir^ ^110 . Ab;ut ing at Mr. MurphyV.-popular course has ; becomu a B'form ia : : e»»-poooooo office there, and will sed after the general in- Ireland darint tb* fint fcalf of tlw lfcb Oatarr." H 80 acres' are let under n Ja: ' ' \ iv. oontaJn»d i» tbi> on sblithei M-moir* of tb«lat« matter, the season ju8t now ending has be^n exceptionally Mr. Lacey will also .be the representative of Owelliijg Hiuso, Garileti j what promises .to be a historic [meeting, will : At the last meeting of thj Wexford -vrd B'ght Hon S.r Tfaoaaa VV>a>. K.C.b.. wbo «aa afyia- Rfht of £23, and the successful, ; and people have been attracted to this Bo. of b«r for th« conn'y of speaker GiiardLtns one of Urban rnembjrs the Company at lhe Exhibition in Cork next T'"p«r»ry and city nf W»t»rford and about 8 acres Frea jof Kbut. Tiic timber bb held [at Lismoro. The principal charming and convenient pla<# £ho proposed a from 1830 to 1847, and »ft.)rtrtrd* |; 1 in much greater numbers resolution expressing thj year. W* are sure that while the many KnT"t Elttao"Hillary in the altsoluto property of ilE. WILLIAM KEAllNEY •will be Sir. John Ediwaid Redmond, |lhe chjiir- than his been the casVfor many abhorrence i at assassination »r,u MinitUr P oaipottaUaty to tba Court ci GrMO«. on the|entire landa ; A^ years piat Too muclv of- President McKinley, but riomo of tho country friends of Mr. Lacey in this city will regret ' ¦ ¦man of the Irish Party, and associated with however, baa been left to individual effort, and it does Th» i^iatioi(oIahad against the motion,which did hot »«• foaniird in 1819. This is a very desirable invj estmeut, I and ' il of approach, and BO attractive in many re -pects, should they will, on the other hand, be pleased to Tbe nompilar la hU ni sturdiest! and most eloquent of his colleague's. even find a seconder in this " patriotic" uisembly V7inirTod« II. Wya». and eontatna a hljbl wprthv the attention 'of fJartie ! desirhilg- a Jiave escaped the attention of concerted offort to develop ! Ac- y io»tron1i»» . The .proceedings, of course, willjbe|under the cordingly the matter dropped. j ; learn that it means promotion for him. We aid iat*'e'>me co'/eetion of material otlrfih Eda- Siibnroau Residence. ics latent possibilities and bring it more up-to-date than e tms, j auspices ; of the West Waterford i Executive- tf it in. ••soassooo are sure that the confidence which the direc- of whloh Sir Thoeu Wjia m«j trulyb* aaid to ¦: i I1 or|{unber particulars apply t) | IT is a great pity, ir deed., tli it when] Lord tors have repoBed in him will be fully justi- h*»o b«.-n OOA of tha leading ploiran. Th* work la iShe United Iph League, which has teen dojrlg . ooaoooooo s AN UNGRATEFUL ACT. ne«rioir o6mplo".ion aad •l">rtly ba Uaaid. ' ¦ ' : Boberts was making his arrang iinents for the fied, and that Mr. Lacey will ably and effi- ""'«a»aaa ! j j H. D. KEAN^, So' icitor, escellent work in this wide, populous and pa- THE EXODUS. ' , I Mr. John Daly, limerick's Chief Magistrate, hat offered a very uncalled for ciently conduct the business of tho Cork DEATH OF A STUDENT. ; < ¦ Wuterford transmission of ne\ys irom {the i eat of liar his triotic district, since the formation of that But to retnrn to closing of tho season about which . affront to the if ayor of i j O'Conndl Street, Cork- The JatUr wrote to Air. l>aly a polite letter;« e- Office , which is the moat important of the On Thursday the remains oi a promising : ' ' '¦ lordabip was Unaware of the existence 6t Mr. organisation; aud which, judging from the we started.not alone havenearlynll of the regular etaycrs : : ! . • : | or,! . ot Tramoro migrated to their several houses, but Tofis questing him to officially receive a deputation from Cork Company's centres in the provinces. : young student of tho De La Salle College were reports issued from time to time, s progres- in furtherance of i THOM A S JVMiSH AKD SOU, William Kearney, J.I., Gracedieu , a gentle- Merry-go-Roands with their side-show accessories haye th« eihibiJoii ]>riiject. But Mr. Daly a o « removed from the County Infirmary for in- ¦ ¦ declined on the • • • • • i ' : ' I Anc ioneers. man who,, irom his recent biilliant ! perfor- sing by feap3 niearui com- 1 specially exercised antagonism pf Dublin manded the in connection with th? maintenance of tho a Week ago, in the hope that the malady from of Guardians would have made as big a|hit in quarter of Irelarid1. We have they have afforded endless amusement to all sorts aud unanimous nppiubatiun of hi»f :)!i>w-citizen». ' Oastle in that Tho Ifunsdr Host nf Wednesday is vety emphatio in Irish Militia Rcgimema. On the first day oil which he suffered might have been arreated. tlNRESE RVBD lAl CTION the position of Presi Cerjsor as thog'i who douibk, lhat Sunday' mecftlnsj will be more conditions of people who knew how to conduct thein- if not ovecame by the care and treatment he | no . s Belves and not a single mishap—thanks to ib? careful its opinion on the subject, thus :-^-M»yor Daly'» extra- the month3 of October, December, and Febru- have already occupied thei position. Abcord- strength ordinary, ; ¦would receive there. Providence willed it tliau a ' Wre parade of numerics 1 management—was reported during thdnojonro.' Tho impertinent and stupid- action in takim; upon ary next, each man on the strength at his ing to Mr. K( arney hi:nB.elf: he is the spfe and himself to answer for;the peopFf of Limerick in . otherwise, hpvever, and he was called to hia Hoiisfthold Furniture, I Cottage Piano, Lofty and popular;enthusiasm, though hoth are ex- few miisionary folk, who catno to combins the pls-isute tegstd reginien^ will receive £1, and altar Pebruary, eternal rest. The- funeral was attended by all 1 supreme judge of what is I best or worst—his of a couple of months at the eeasido to the Cozk X!xhibition without cotitultlng them or their Chimney Mirrors, Dipitigj and [>raiving-rooin cellent in their waj.*i It will have. the effect rfith the more serious ' the students of the College, " with whom the tastes are broad—in Watcrfoijd journalism, one of converting the ptoplt of Tramore. have also taken rcprwentatives.J has evoked .a.torrent of indignation 011 he will be entiled to 303. a quarter, and will ! Sideboards, : Cabinets, Dining 'Tables, 1 oi cementing still closer the bonds of unity, all sides, ' deceased was a great favourite. ! Suites, and the mere mentior of an advertising con- their departure, for on Wednesday they folded up their and from aU classe« of tho citizens. The pre thus be in a position oE a second class reserve 1 Dinner Service!, Glass and Ch na, Brass and not alone in Weat Woterford, , bui for many tence that it was repugnant to tlid political principles of tract rouses fill his Ii erary inftincts, , a'nd he Gospel tent, or whatever was equivalent to it, and man.' Tliose belonging to the Waterford Iron Bedstead:, Spring and Heir Mattresses, ! miles around, and will give a stimulus to the silently Etole away, nor axe they expected to revisit lie this white-Bouled patriot to have anything to do with a Now is tho proper timo t> give to Cattle adopts the censorial i >le. It was thuaj fie ap- project patronised Conaorv-atives Artillery Regiment of Militia received thetr ! Feather Beds, Wardjvbei, Ctie3ts Drawers, Nationalist cause which will h'avp its effect Bjencj of their labour next year. And last, but not |by nr the Kina of Bell's Black Leg or Quarter Evil Preventive. peared in tllo Water ord ! BoErd Room on England was too trannp.-uent t<> deceive even » baby, papers, and AJdcrman Ward, J.P., was kept Toilet Tables and Glasses, Ware, Oilcloth, amonEstl the: people for many years to come. least, the extra police drafted from the city to Tramore Sufficient for 8 1-easts, 2» : for 16 be«»ts, 3- Gd. i , Saturday, when he rx ade a. be Id, butij insuc- for the busy Beason, have been recalled to their stations, Moyor Daly, as we have already pointed out, aaw m ¦busil y engaged on' iMonday signing close j Kitchen and C dinar? Ee|iuisife3, &c.', &c It woula be superfluou s now to, use the fami- the letter of the Lord Mayor of Cork a fine opportunity le uf hundred of tho documents, Prepued by II Bell, Cbemit t, 62, Qoay, cessful effort to eet certain ne-vspapers ! ostra- RO that the little town will begin in a shdrt time to fall upon a : coup ' 1 ' liar words—', The West's Aivake.j ' for from ! for advertising himself, «.nd h; was not going to let it Wiiioiford. 1 of of coi ree, incli ded—when the back into its wonted humdrum existence, which is previous to their being returned to the Wn)r Also a Special i Cojasi^nment cised—our own, to Tallow the county |has always almost as monotonous as the ever sounding sntf on the slip. Hence his stupid and impudent letter. j ¦ for considera- Dungaryan Offire. : ! A6 Axmiiiister dud Brussels; tenders for advertising came up been soundly Nationalist, and! keenly alert sea-washed shore. tion. Yes; jie wasl b;aten in iis proposal to A MESSAGE FROM CORK. ; 1 i Carpets, to the political requirements 61 | the hour. TECHNICAL EDUCATION : . j confine the dontract to the Toy "Stahdard," eo»«e»oo*o ! Mr. Dal has ali!o incurred the wrath of the " :) True it -isv indeed, that there, as oil over Ire- y Cork With reference to tho Cliristian Brothers of HE " SCOKCHER'^AND THE " OLD FILE , Measuring 4 s 4J, 4;x J5J, ; _J x 4, 3 x 4. and the " SJtar ," Which, with that ijbj irit of THE ASYLUM ADVERTISING. papers, and we find the following in tlw Utamintr of are correct in say- from land, the Nationalists for a . time were riven that city :—» Mount Bion we believe we AH of] the latest designs and ^direct the opportunism! BO like hin|Belf since | 3je has We had not intended to trouble our readers again Tho characterustic letter of Mr. John Daly, ing—though not authorotively—that the com- by internal dissension, but deep down in ihe with this matter if our friend tho Standard bad cot Mayor of Limerick, may be very confidently left to the £. J. O'REILLY TAKES UP THE CUDGELS Manufacturer. i M I stepped into public life., he d iscribed) las the jud munity iwill find it necessary to make import- breasts Jof the people there was jhe bed-reck made ono , or two erroneous statements in its issue ' of gement of his fellow-citizens. To treat tho head of FOR IRELAND i ; j: TO BE BOIiD IY ;. " only national paper |in Water ord!" Bitriotic Slunicipility of tho Cork, and the promoters and sup- ant additions to their present school build- . KE EWS and of patriotism, and it only needed the acco m- Wedr.coday. We give an extract from a short article Mr. Kearnej^ ! T K ! the " Slunster them spring to- \n that paper :— u.The advertisementsat Bd per line in- porters of the Exbilntira, as representing • England's ings, -so aa to enable them to carry out effi- ; Perfectly Unr|serJ7ed Auction j ' plishment of Unity to make King and England's authority in this country,' : Express" wei'e figh'ting the cau3e of the 'tenant [ht serted in the Standard from that institution last year and to ciently the special instruction to be imparted POSERS FOR THE FILE.** 26th Sep(e nbcr, 1901, at gether like bne man and to contirjue the fi| repudiate the claims of the Exhibition on that account, On ThurBday next, f armers before he cyer thou jht ho : would amounted to a sum less than the 6gure tendered to us, Technical Education Act. Onr : ' aharp', -at jmr '• John Street " shrmlder to shoulder, against landlord aggres- and the offer made this year for publications of a is a cheap and not a very creditable device. The Ex- under the .12 o clock, figure a3 the chairman ;of c repreB ihtative hibition it has been repeatedl , i selec ion of Honse- sion and British misrule. These are the ncn similar kind beinc higher, wo accordingly accepted it , y [declared ts altogether readers are not to assume, however that what Tlio writer of the following letter—B. Salerooms, an exteniiye public Board in thiB 'city.j Hi 3 opinion upon aloof from contention'- or political aisociations and con- J, •who -welcome the Irish Leaider and Ills This waa not Intended to include the abstract of accounts, : is to bo done in thia re8pec, t at Mount Sfoh , hold Fureitura consigned to us for positive deal: at any will siderations." j- ¦ ' > ¦ O'Reilly—is a distinguished journalist who is i nationality is not worth a gr:at ,is- an order which wasal*ay» withheld from ; the xtandard, • menna the abandonment of a Central School ^- ¦ colleagues on Sunday next in jiistoric l ] •(•ttiitts : now living in moo'em Babylon. Be wriie* for :s |H ' : time, for we have yet to ,fearn when ilae ever when :he but TO never roentioiKd fiie boycott before. ' TheNrw, ' " for the ' eity. By no means, That project .is i 1 more, and we venture to eay tho-t we believe, indeed gotlVmat year, but, fttrange to Bay( THE FIRST WIRE. ; tho " hlsh Cyclist "• under the nom depluike of Terms—Cash come to the .front during; anj crisis 5h local on the just as fresh D3 ever it was, arid what is mofe, 1 Members of the Party are assembled forgot to write a special article about it. It may safely ;» This is an extract from tha ; WATEiroRn NEWS of The Scorcher." Mr. OTfeilJjr i* clearly (A oar political affairs, although he had many oppor- at all Committee' are looking out for In i THOMAS WALSH & SON, _ platform with their friends auij,t one of 'ita for the first timej conveyed a message to Wnteiford. vacant house suitable for a girl's school under A; ictioneefi , • ' . '¦ they will eee before them one > > f the flr est of tho Cyclist, has gone a carious way about i was not because of Mr. Keatp efe desire for jealous rivals ever said a word on the subject. With In the course of a week they j will commence regular the Act, nnd when guch n place is found i it ¦ Waterford gatherings of the kind that has seen held in the principle of obtaining a fair price for 'our worlc we convincing tho world '• that Ireland is beautiful j j'he lllall, economy, or of some nice- idea of political operations. We expect to be able to make arrangements will be equipped and started without the 1 Ireland since the: beginning of the Autubnn are thoroughly in accord, but we can't readily forgel the with the company , for telcjraphic Information for tho es everybody knows. ' discrimination, or because toe cared three , Krwx. i; ¦ ' : possible delay. and Winter Campaign. That the speech ol very degrading fact that tho NEWR , BO. terrified last ^ least !; straws lor the ratepayers jin this matter, that year of Iosiug a veiy small contract given aw»y in the the member for Waterford will be eloquent, ¦- - .- i : ' ' y established Waterford Boai droom for the sum of S3, actimll re- ' / wEL$iHt FOMES he endeavoured to get the ol dest and well reasoned,' goe9 without j WJDLSBACH LIGHT; .! tondn, 17th S«pt«B»beT. Wj Coventry!,by one of our lead- vigorous, duced it by 10a, even to the dicprust of its owa friends." j It; appears that Fethard is about to lead the Daar Bedntond—I bar* - read with UUraatBr A1 Wil- papers sent into are sure that, his uttcrar ces We publish in this isouo an advertisement with re- aon a lattar la joor laaa*ot 13th loati, aad I dortN to aar a. \ ; sayingi and we • •fiAflAAaA'a other towns in the county in tho matter 'of tew worda. Soma ing popular Boards. Not at all ; he wished ference to that splendid illuminant the Welsbach In- monUa ajro la tba " Irlah O/oIlat • He to be delivered shortly before his deparluro MISLEADING. | public 1 l:ghting. Mr. T.' R; Webb (Randals- Wllaon xiid« aa ana«oata tha lrlaa *aather, whlsb eoa-- ' - Aucilon on Satdrday. 28th Sept., to get at two papers anc| have their tenders candescent Light; about which; no doubt, there vrill be Tajed to tb«reader tb»tapraa«lna-rjt»«dy dn ttrt r» " ' rmO beiSoid by . for America will have exceptional weight »nd 1 ' junty p*: ? at the M ark«j» Honao Jjnaj , T/atetfotd, thrown out[ and these paps rs, as everyone They tay there is no perversion so mean aa the many Inquirers.: jj Tt Is described as " a marjel vl town, C' Antrim), has had a staff of men tha areraf* fn(IU*lMl*t—. he considers This aum lepreoentji more than double what the Asylum iAS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ' ,; ' pitted in about a month. .The new light ^ill S4 LE . W or jnodify any regulation! which led to 'understand that this wijl be his fare- Committee offered us for ! ATTRACTTO \\ three times the quantity of : Mrs, A , proprietress of the Actori alp.o be availed of by ft number of private ¦ ' ! ' to heed such ; but Mr. Kearney's proposal to BeU|n^cr Arms. M! EXCF.LLEKT : . well speech before going to thej States. 3t iB work. That is the business aspect of the Standard* Hotel, 1 Kingslsnd'ltoad^ Londop, writes to Bay that ' and'tie " Star, ;' as the " degrading fact," and not abe ! residents. Bravo, FethorJ i ; ] . adopt the 'IStandard" . an appropriate and a much appreciated fact a concoction served up to lhas engag two ycnjrg lady otiistants from Wateiford - 1 . j " of||the Poor || cover a ' ahabby t'etreat in connection with the Aayiuin ^ • ?•••• ; ^UENITURE, sole official! advertising rnedijims that our City Member should [have reserved through the medium ! of- an I advertisement in THE ¦¦ HdUSKHOip cmtract i Tho S andard e»ys that their offer to the LAND COMMISSION. ! i olb*K -Uk« th« Boa>>f«r iaataa«a.l.U# «^_ . ¦ . i- .-v r- ¦\-\:i>?$> ¦ A ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ _ . _ -h iriconsiiitenl, his reasons so a>AA¦* » ' V.. i *r i .*- , -^V*' LawlBoard j is acj his valedictory address for the people ;,'who CoinaiittM of Mansgeinent \vo» not meant to iucluiJo tho The Court of Land ComnxUsion will sltj ftt Appointments j of WsH illogical, and his motive so ipparentj that it , the 8th October, ihe tb* •• Irlah0/eiiit,"I «6ttp*nith»poUerolib ftX' ''. ;.:^B 1 Plated . Ware. have stood so loyal to him the: e many years, ctBtrict of account* This looks very cuiiousco niider- 1 Waterlord on Tuesday, UM fa ttf*x*10 tli* . aWwltk thatottWOrart : MalL Study 5 : Bedr6oms. ^^ S THE LEADER MO^MENTS. ; ! Ia toSZm * v rWh is riot surprising: he i was bea en by more than and the irreat majority of mhe m are still as ing that the papers were asked to tender for the Aajlutn ^ Commissioners who will preside being: Messrs. la MOK JtloriiiUb iM Ootkra^ tb*bj | j the liajority of tlib Board ndveitialng, without any qualiBcationi Our ; con- Tho Irish Lc ider, accy-iipanitd by Mrs. Redmond, , to* waaaoemewjxtoortaaad1 ia tt» Waai« na nSctd. t LrJ* two-io one, land that ertrong in the confidence wh5c 1 led thejn to II. T.' Crenn, B.L. (chainnsn), R. Donovan ti 11 1 raotmber, tar tar M 1 .- ' : ; Plants, Garden Tools. &c, &c.;: : : • ind tejnpoiary can be very forgetful about itself at timeo, and MUs Dalt m' • ¦ v*U aoaMttia*rft» »- MI I . &£ ;. hpuse ' broa^-minded buaiiess-likd eoleot him: a» their pftrliamenUxy representa- , . Sydnsy, }fft AngbAvanagh, Co end P. H. Grierson. A very large numbej of alaoatawadtfcamr&ftlia tSKi to^alBUMu&teMfc* ¦< ' -pS. & took the more nnd in a desperate hurry with a triolcr iiuemory »bout Wicklow," this n orniag , and reached Wtiorford in the oi taa Wah UM. »oH»Mia,-Ifc WiJae^aSSidTisS' tV; u- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ more than once : ¦¦ : ' ' ¦ • ¦ ¦' .v;¦ ' •:. :::;• •- vieW of thej matter..[We ^av^s ; tive; as they were when first they placed: him other papers, our mra Included ivhia it ecrvei the evening, remalnii g.in tbe'JniperUl Hotel for the night applications to fix fair rents have been i re- ahsa toattbxrtwtnfjatlralMla abtUadaadalmaanW .:« "£¦ i Ti j , . 1 ¦ (act i AU att«nUonito :the jj ersonal spleen which at the head of the p»H. Mr. Redmond Has a puipoee. ' ' . ; \ ] : ceived from the unions of Waterford, iKilniac- Iniaad-a wal«h l aZni if UouZM ^WtSPm ^V*# BE SOLO B>' Cfl ON, on Thurs- • drawp To-monow they will leave by the afternoon trsjn for 1 ¦l^nO' : towards our paper, and warm corner in his I heart for [Waterford; and ametoMti Lismore, ia 01 art- to enjoy a thne viewing the glorious thornas, Dungarvan, and Lismore, and from tejNlaad7ofco«T<« ' ' at 12 o'clock^ , at MrJKearnj ey febls ] and but for the < aatB*«a(»n3a>«a(. l/SSSTS.^' :¦* '> • 11 da£ 3rd October,T90lf reading public ere fa rly familiar with the its people^ | . exacting pi-ture THE DEATH BATE. j ' , -' .: acentry in WestWoJtetfordj Tbedirttogolshedparty will Thomhstown and Call an in tho Couhty Kil- tlnd totbowBMUakaadWih rV-SrSil\uS5gf i£i;"', ^ VVaterford by directionB thb ; return to Waterford ih Monday and be present liiNeVtoWn ViUa^ , has or bitterly oppos- of his parliamentary duties would have|tnore Accordlne to the lteg at th: ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ tbatlf (bar vara bad tndu ¦' No. ; the flimsy excuse wbicli he ! istror Genernl'1 s return the ! ; kenny. : ! ! * la Iralaa4tii» w«WaM(S« , !, <¦ ' Pa merGriyci (wlfo »Jeamg). frequently come amongst them. : Butjjthcy death rnta in the City of Waterford for the wick ending meit meetinein the Theatre. , oaa-. wbOa thaiajrata nihrva aanlnr badaa tkaajiiS^ •-! of M». J- the dence ing us in our contracts v her ever cljance puts ' batdaa aartUu t isawlalraUmd. I «w)UoaI»H*»ffilt ') ' ; - exceller t appointments •were interests iwe^e to Saturday, 14th instant was equal to 17'^per thousand ku«. l trawnr^Cro^ Uiaai^niaba^iSa^'t ! 2to it (n his wav to do so. Perhapsjjthe . most not forgotten. I Their per annum of the-population. The death in WA'PERFOED, 1?ARMIN6 SOOIETY. I to ¦: in! future^ advertisements^ him a matter of deep persoria : concern^ and ^ate other At the weekly meeting; ol the Wfttertora ^ Detailed pa -ticulaifs ; insidious methold at attack ipon n ne«3paper cities and towns Jo JreJand daring tho euno period The movement to ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ; ; ! :; : ' j jalrwilwthe defunct society into BdanJ of Guardians on Wednesday. the Hol- ! I I is to stand up in d public board arid,, " pro ho has at all times, since his irBt conhtvction was-Olonmel..- 00 j Cork, 24-0 ; Galwsy, 91-1; life stems to have> no vitality, lotherwise we would have Kilkenny, 9-9'; Limerick , H-0 -j ' lowing Renders wore accepted—Bread, Mr. -F. ' : bono publico," 'by ' the jwa , depreciate iU T.'ith this city, cordially lent lie-able (vssiiit- , 11D J Werfanl ; i heard something fiora Sir William Paul, Mr. 1. W. ' '^r WALSJH AND BON. Andetaon or (hi I'atherj gentlei len who Interested them- Briscpe, High-Btreet, "t 31cl. per fib. Ibti,' ^^^: oiio: ¦ politics, its circulation , nrid either directly or ance and great ; influence to . forward !ev2ry } : : . ; :j jAnctio eers,. , ' ;; : 1 : ¦clvei in this ma Ur (The coumlttee appointed to look brown bread , Mr. J. 3. Breen, Gearge'a-at set, ¦ ¦ ' ; by. inuendo, endeavour to create ; -a leeling movement i -which the ; citizens cdns^Ucred FROM TEA GARDEN TO CONSUMER. ; ID 1 • ' • •! ! ! , Waterford. ¦ : We publish to-day an advertUemeni relating to tea out for , a site n^vp-»!Jnt a report,'as far as |we have at3)d.; nj ^af, Mr. Tbos. Fitigemld, JOtwtfe . The Mali It is a co\yardly thing likely to benefiVthemseivesi ind thosp. who ncaid KUkenttydan jbate it( fine ahow ; ao cin Olon- * adverse tojthat p|ap.3r.; auppllea ' from Ceylon] direct consumers in this , peir ewt.; mutton, • '. is^aSnip resentali.ve of to ; md; KevjBnssI Filtdwo, Liimore, atreet >t3T8. (jdijwjWr to:do in bonneetiori wiih ny classj of pro- come, after 'them ; He part tbs world.. The- offer is ji uni dne t-)io sd- Enniioorihy,and of; que , •ther; [toe South ; but cliops, Bd. a, V>. ; QX heafle, S*.j «wh. IjS frt* is a past raniiter in the whom ariy constituency might be proud, end veitixr being prepared to supply tt»Jo either ori places In Iffterfbrd. tfat «n«t perty, but Mr. Kearney ' ! Ijuqs place of all for such a ihoyr, ia|still In the baekjjroand. ordered ioj • advertise again fo^ iieqdJTf /fflt S ! unahirrioosly chofeett b^ hi« small to gxocets »nd ptlrato ou«tomci» duect ^AiERFOBD delicacies jof suggestion,jane what Ite rate not he is a leader 1 qutoUUct . . . . : • |i»««» •• - • •. - .; «»t riTY OF M ' ; tha 'atesldiness flora tb: gardens which »re at 6.0CK) feef oleratiopt. We „. ' - ' j.j ' »*f»«»-- .] ; butter, I egg>, and pork s1eak*» Mi tlias*; sar;outright about our pap si heiehdeavours Party for bis aplendld parj a ' I : " " , : ; ' ' «re preparedto supply to enquirks the name sud address: THE OLP;-8|iDW [J. . .; . . J ; i iri were hot in accordn«)«>riai the: isrn *- 0f toido Bp iby p|ubUc actB, which , Convey tp of:his political alro. itbe elcKjiu snce withjwh'iph : ' ' 1 ' esm|inliki!l bear- of our advertiser; who Is k Weierfortlgont lemi-n, nnd! The' oli WatwfoM tFanniDC Bocirty inl 1885— the aavertiiienwntc;.; Oatmieal,;•-»}b0k0* some.; of -hia toll6Wing!thee Jact line;pf thought he is, so happily; grfWd. the s|a tcsj ' atte I a* pteaWtat »fcj; ; I^ rd; W»t« for^J , ando< the following n»aU^f^ InfM^' wiioh he (is pursuing. M ;he nexi jmonthly ing of bis ' mind; and his tol< ration of! 'spirit to all inquirers. The pricesiare bom 1/8 to 2/-W lb>, werrf tb8'- yio»j *r«^tU»4-Tb Hui tingdon, ^ M^ J^S* ' for luge orden a redaction wpuii be mtrfe. : < .ftid;ftbaW:»»..4d^ ^A ^S-p-tl:-&j even in the hefght of the' iunbulence [in the *nd¦ ¦ ¦ 1 I«ni.pareir, DawrsOe,Boa Dudl«y of N >. 1 Hu»M District ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ' LoW, H^ meeUng the Waterfoid . . '> ; i : ¦: mve a Jlurther op* Nationalisi ranks. It is ex^oted that arjiongat ?•••^t»»si¦ » ' ii! . -i VortasOTe, and W 1R« *»i 2*9** 'MrvJCflb»e|Doblr»n; Council/JJi. Kearney will : ' ;¦ ' - l ' -{[ '[- > HazardWM bit W a*, and hon, twarorwofi functions ns an th|9 other speakers bn Mdnoay night will lie NEW I KO8S TJNIO^.} [; ^'. . th*. fi\ porijuriUyi'cf exercising hii ¦ Megin u P. J. fpwer; ' city and it; had A j> [piieroai ennar. for OTCTtwaMj —Captain Donnellan; We direct the tpedal attention; of ibottyaepen ' ' ' ¦¦ disp^^yipg "hi* jflars * ., . *• ¦ '¦ ' ' ] ¦ ! ' ' ¦ flrijaiaur tress Ipe^iBor, |and bl - - \.~ \ i 5 ' \ '\ 'i * - < ¦^ >¦ i J.j jr. O^ljee; f/ O"Meara; J;I, CondOTi; E, generally to tho advertl»ement»for contract* l^ood if : :.-,. • ' , . ;. • ; ¦: ¦;• ,• peculiar-j land Jiltbgether nexplicftble: anti- ; hia paper by tba New Ttossat Union, i It nwy nop»TMa K ;:v ^'.V. ;vj4);»4W#4 M ««| . . .; New Bwk. -;; "' ' -v¦ ; : pithy to bnrselfei - W 0i he nM. pot, bo?a «4eTftomtertbe ^ ! ; C2 irotRIDi^^.8XCot »Ei;;- .\i " = u \;:.7:j I • ,Th« oemn^nr .laying ihe (maitOotiitiaeof the new church COM* sttdl wiib tJieOpodSlitpherdCwnreti* be Vfedwsdajat 15 'clock b» ,h^ feeatlr diiiBPl KHt ted. '% f^ Will be petfitns . M he i ^ te Mart Rir.Dr. 3 iMao, Ml BUMS' # Wattefci* . ¦ ¦ diiili('4»*Wdtefel-Uioiife' . - ' ' M•¦¦ ¦' ••)¦:-• ¦ W*'' M*gi!»Jpf .tt W.l«f6«l ^th t P»rUi»3tW V¦ ••f(» ^ i # ¦ :• ' ¦ ' : ¦ - hmSSv SlSB^^^f^si ffittfS ,] ' ¦ i ¦ I I ' . . IMM mmm^m^m^ ra^&s^iE^

m i ! ¦;/ ¦ ¦?

".'il-ljj ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' : • ¦ • ¦ '! . - : . <5

¦ ¦ • ' ¦¦ •¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' • ¦ ;: . = , - i. • ¦ : . .j> • •:. r- of wir| ' , Ad«lph|, . ¦¦ ! pFORTINC, ; CYCLING. AND ATHLETIC tw i across 'the Honi aterllng, io acquire the business ofi- W u*w 'Offliai at". 9 Dnkei

* ; (-' ''b' i-'J'V/w- : - n-1 ¦¦ '¦< mMp i ' J-!- ¦ * 1 r : ¦ ; ^| ( ' T1C ?- 3 - B't'" ]' '-' " ''I' ' \1 •' * ' \ : .,1 mi&mmi iB j mmV- " , ~~ :¦ ¦ ¦ 1 r - - : i; - ¦ ¦ -f • ' ' ¦ :; : . : .t ; . >y \/ . r^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ~ 1 ' " ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ '¦ ' • ¦ r 1 Wt^OERALD 4_ _ ¦ ¦;. • ! -1. . - ' -A . /¦ f- ' rN- ; "I WIj4f<>1IAdB¦ .-OP;' M|R. « ¦ : ;¦ ;- . -RF¦ = fl : St. Cutbbert's; Kirkcudbright,, to M6ney ! . ; |i i . . ; . M.'Vjv%< an, J 1 _ is oto ! Scarce. ) J ; ' > tO THE OOUNTRT L ! VlCrpRV FOR THE ^OXJTB-EAfi'TJ Hi.'- diehard O. Fitzgerald, f ourth son of £ir. ; J -o- !¦ ... I I Jaitj ij Fitigerald, Waterford, was celebrated Spend it, therefore^ only jwhere it THE CASES I OF PEASE AIND REYI OLDS witn i considerable ceremony in St. CutbJbert's ' Wednesday alter* Bouiiia OaUiolic Church on i will¦ go farthest.: I ¦ ' ' 1 ¦• ¦ i > . "1 ' SMASHING LETTER FROJTLORY O'jNEILl . . . f i . ! noot' .ast. ' The church was foeautilully decor- i 0 t ; i> j > IRISHliN atM . jr the occasion, especially the sanctuary Everything fs advancitig ! fn price. Tbe IRELAIND EXPECTS EVEKY , : (From our Sporting ' Reporter.) ; whicu was resplendent with coloured lamps command of Capital still, howeverj enables ns the dandles being placed ; in cruciform shape. 1 , i windows.of the sanctuary tx? offer a FEW «'CUTriNGr" LINES to oar TO Dft HIS DUTY. I "Wynn ' , Dub- Trie altar and tue On Satijrdajr night, at 's Hote were i tastefully draped with chrysanthemums. Tea Bii.s era. Mark the following a!sd calenlate lin, was held one of the mo^t i iinpbrtan ; meet- i ! : «ANIi¥ was placed a the. saving. ¦ i Toiljhe right of the altar rails ; ' ; ' ings of ithe General Council, : Irish CyclistB ' ! table with'cruciflx.^candle B ,and flowers; ar^d —M i xed, Mask, ' Mint? ' Only Association yet summoned; I! . The delegates ol Sweets. secretary, in succession in iront of the rails and around ,the statues ; . . Conversations (GuaraD- ^\ 8 ' ^i.pp io justice [to Ireland, ^nere The air is brisk and iclear ; | the!most effective piece of decoration was tne ; Black Curraiit & Applo 21b. goes to enrich some Foreign Nation. Such a state oi tbings is an Messrs. Peasb| r.nd Reynoldsj: as Irish Icham- was : ( thfl beat Agricnltaral wodd is at present produced. Emigration and taxa- pions, had; bro>: a the amateur laws anc could For Winter is fast - approaching. SATISFACTORY REPORT FROM' grotto of " Oux Lady of 'Lourdes," which . ! Guarautcod Pure Fruit.' Jar. Machinery in the ! THE beautifully decorated with narcissus, ohrysan- tion go on increasing. English and foreign manufacturers continue t» prosper and fatten on not compete i|i he international ( Contests at That pleasant time of year! j j L.G.B. INSPECTOR. • ; | ; Strawberry ( John Gray ; If All Od. ,v meeting. The proceedings , VheinumB, pentstemons, and arum lilies. The : the Irish trnde,j while the politicians ond orator*taU t nbont the nation's wrODg». \ j the recent ;Glatt When hill and dale, and woodland, shall decorations were carried out by lady friends. Raspberry 1 j land Co'a \ per 21b created great nterest ; m cycling Jcircles joyously resound , : i j NEW AMBULANCE REQUIRED ^ England and j Scotland. I , j i The body of the church wa3 reserved for the " : Bla"k Currant (-.:| Finest, ;.) Jaf throughout Irel: .11 , With , the huntsman's cheery hall 0, an 1 the congregation and the invited guests, while the The Home E»ule this country grants is plenty of ^prk Wrn. B. i Arms.ijng, Esq., [3.L.; Chdinnan JFURTHER SANITARY IMPROVEMENTS IZarmalGde—5£d arid 0d per ;21b Jar. The Irish Farmers can give thousands of IriBh mechanics employment if they could , occupied the chair, i music of the hounds. [ ' ; gallery was reserved for the choir of school d Irish Cyclists'I Association i N -EDED IN THE HOSPITAL-. , ; I children , with their, teacher Mrs M'Millan, and BiflCTlitS— Mixed , Ginger Snupsj) All 3 > only be induced to patroniea tbe produces of their own country, which,have , proved their and the other delegates present were:-- | per lb. ; M.A.;:L. ! For the approaching season thi: prospects the organist, IMT. T. L. Clements. As the hour Butter, Ten, &c if superiority In the competive markets ia the world. . • i Ceritral Council—M". R. Wheeler, good sport never, ; The weekly meeting of thia board was held (ho 1 Ryan Di\ Walsh , J. Delaney, of wore , a. rosier aipect , of ceremony approached the church waa ONE DOZEN; BOXES OF MATQHES FOR O'Neill, H J. , added , ¦on above day. Mr. Geoffrey Power presided , well filled, many of ,the ladies carrying beauti- G. Butler. : j ! to which fact the following is pretty and! i ; A PENNY. . 1 , M.A. ; H. J. certain to be best ori record] ; believed the other members1 present , were:-r-Miss ful bouquets. Proceedings were opened by Mr Ulster Centre—A. Williamson Itfis ! Rebecca Grubb, Messrs. Michael Curry/ T. Clements playing a voluntary and the Binging HOTOESS AlfB EE1PERS FOE 1901.— SliimminsJ W. J. McMillan; T. ISloan, and several foreigners are making enquiries for Frichtful Reduction in| Soap. i . O'Doncell (Tinakellv)!, Wm. O'ilnra. | I of , ' Ave Verrim, Mrs. IFMillari singing the R. McCanri. : , : ..:! | hjunting residences. I am hit surprised, for The following ' ¦¦ Centres-Messrs. Q. Metcalfe, ofBaials were in attendance solos ! with great eff ect, the choir of children Oar No. 4 Pulo Scap...qnly Id per Pound . South-Eastern . ! last season's sport was on the-whole, perhaps, as usual :—Messrs. James Mullins (Clerk), J. executing the ¦choruses ZD.AW12 nm Rmmm^NMP. ; . : C. Dunne, junr., W. E. Jones, and C. IP. Keilty (Assistant with precision. As the «> 3 . „ „ ...only Hd' « : : ¦ the .best in Ireland, notwithstanding the fact Clerk), J. Walsh (Maater of carriage containing tho bride drove up the Redmond. i '¦ I ¦ : the i Workhouse), 2 „ „ ...only ' ' on the Appeal s Committee had sat for a + VlQ+. 1+. WOO iVni fi^o* coi ar\r> tin+Vi nlvin VinLin/1a and Relieving Officers M. "Wedding March " from Lohengrin was •» 2d » Our " Star No. 4" Combined Mosere aud ReapirS have been placed specially After the ¦ iHickey, F. Dalton, and Martin Power: played, and a3 the* „ 1 (Finest Parei ¦ / used in tneir couple ot hours', ' ; ; . i in it, and I do tliink that any lov »r of uunt- ' wedding party, the bride market to meet Arrericanand English competition. Every ounce of material important j ; MBDICAL FEES. ¦: ¦ led by her father, proceeded-up the aisle, Mis. Tallow The Ch4i:m' an commenced the ipg will do far worse than throw n his luck , Soop) only 2Jd \j construction isl of the highest standard of quality, and every detail necessary for th\> PF<~°C- 1 the evening. ¦! j - ; The Master M'Millan's choir sang the well ltnown hymn, Avoid. Packet 1 proceeding ot of this season with that most popular of masters, reported that on the requisition Soaps waiehi usually contain tioD of a Jirst-class machine oaitablo to the requirements of this, country has been P6*? '^ Two enrididates applied for tlj e pv the night, and .th e country is well stocked with married couple. The weddine party then re- —0—1— portant consideration. ¦ . that an arbitration I scheme, outlined jinto the hospital. 0 ; T»ith : .. , i 1 approved of. \ j tW'vulpun tribe. On Tuesday^ Gra< edieu tired to the vestry, where tne register waa DON'T HESITATE I ; Compare ours Wo still manufacture our well-known Shamrock Mowers nod Reapers earae as supplied , chalrrrian.ihad been \ ceartly \ SATISFACTORY. : signed , and during which the sang , Lorry O'Neill came! forward and was visited, and the master 'brought a large choir all comero and we do Dot fear tho result. We for many yearo to tho farmers in tbo Transvaal. These machines are mado to , last for a ; Mr. : 1 1 had givin him Tj he Local Government Board for Ireland " Sweet Heart of Jesus." On leaving the aij far ao 21bs : thanked me for the; support orchestra as the new entry' ni rabers just four- desire to inform the veetry, the newly-married couple Pound of onr. Tea will go almost quarter of a century, and will cut anythiug except rocks. ' : . iNewsj " and added, significantly, that Board of Guardians of , followed by : . . in the " fyoling teen couple. Cubs are. rumerous at Mr. ithe Carrick-on-Suir Union that they have re- their friends, walked down of rao3t other Teao. i Wo appeal to tho Iri3h Farmers to givo onr MachiDC3 a trial on merit alone. We aety every other Irish paper interested in the aisle of tho , 'unturned to Support ;the Anderson's. The hounds jvei e not lonj after ceived the half-yearly report of their inspec- church, ¦trie bride's train being borne by SAMPLE THESE TEjkS FORTHWITH all competitors in quality and price. , had left iio stone .| him. tor, Mr. C. R. Lynch-Staunton, ¦RntrliRh ; and [ Scotch delegates againB^ being thrown in the plantati ins until < ne of on the mnion , MaBter M. Barry O'Brien , youngest son of Mr. per quartor ilb. " the;ioUpwing leuer;— consequent on his recent inspection ' of thp Riohard Barry O'Brien , the Irish historian, 6d, Gid, & 7d He theri handed me the old -members sounds the (Jp ening kes, and workhouse, which is of a sa ; , ' ¦ ¦ (To the Editor of !the|"NewsO| 1 :siacn-y ebnr:io- Kensington London. As tile party was leav- 2a, 2s 2n /ULper lb. • yet accepted the then some of the juveniles lfends his nbte to tcif. ai regard s the financia. coh.Mttim of the ing the church, iMr. Clements plaved the 2d|4 Dear Sir,—Mr. Low has not belpv? the3e pricos from j in my letter tojou , dated swell the cry—and what a crj it is—till every union , and the discharge ol :lm;r diuieB by " Wedding March " from AlendleBSohn. A Don't buy anything ' challenge contained the several officers of reception waa afterwards held your health and CO, , Wit. :-f-That the- N.C/D. produce moutti is open " from the old 'un to the pup," the establishment. The- at 8t. Cuth- us or anyone oko if youivaluo WEIF0ED ENGINEERING : 24th August . inerector reports that it ie of i-ivil niin>>:tf.n. c bcrts, ' at which. Dean Sheehy, in felicitous ¦ • ttie " proofs" .they had at the, conference, and and they are hunting in real earnest. nant soand, refreshing, .invigorating TEA I , Reynolds t)i piovide proper we accomu 1 In. -i "or too torniB, proposed the health of the bride and LIMITED , . : .upon which j Messrs' Pease and what melodious sounds; hov beat ¦several wards of the ' , TEA 1! TEA 111 ¦were ' : i ¦ '' Heavens¦ , hospital. This is & matr bridegroom to which Mr. Fitzgerald maide a ' suspended. ! j ' bur hearts, ¦ tet to which attention has been frequentl y happy reply. The young couple afterwards With all our Teno wo piva a Check or ' I suppose Mr. Low is going, on the " alance i cycling publ c have Big with tumultous joy, drawn , and the Board request that the guar- proceeded on their honeymoon to the Channel Bonus to the valno of folty SIXPENCE with of probabilities" that the. ¦ ; Islands. STAR IEON WOKKS, WEXFORD. 'I lost sight bf the teal issue in ithe matte , viz. : >The forest thunderi and thj Suir sh alkes." dihns will be so good as to take, it into con- each Pound of Ten. Checko given with ^lb " The onus of proof shall fall on the country sideration with the least possible delay. Tiho bride was . attired in rich cream 6atin, and upwardo BO that all rany enjoy the Boon I I would ; It was a glorious morning s nd a great num- Mr. Lynch-Staun-ton also reports that a trimmed with valuable old laco, with myrtle : making the charge , : etc.," and indeed ; ken- thus offered. These Checks can be exchanged Manufacturers of the world-renowned STAR Ploughs. wonder if|the issue was cbnfused wathjthe ber turned up. I will pay a visit to th modern four-wheeled ambulances is required and orange blossoms. The only ornaments • not , and send you a w >rd or two about arid the Board desire to cali the guardianB* worn were pearl and gold chain and gold at any of our Branches for usefal household : amount of " jbombsisf ical rhodomontac e find nels soon ^ clap-trap penny-a-lihing"|whibh has emanated them. 1 " ! attention to previous correspondence ; on the locket, studded with pearls, the gift of the article?, and in many Towns for Drapery "¦} ¦ j : subject, and they request that the guardians bridegroom. She also carried a beautiful ¦ I from Mri. Low and Others \ ' : i JOHN PEEL. Goods . Mr. Reilnie has stated! ("Scottish Cyclists' will take the necessary steps to provide a bouquet of roses and lily of the valley, mixed . i ;the proper vehicle for the conveyance to trie work- • Sol© Agents for -Waterfowl : j Union Gazette"): !' It ib evident thkt with white heather. The bride's present to i I.C.A. delegate, when helretumedi to I -eland , house of persons suffering from contagious the 'bridegroom was a silver-mounted dressing- ; only told half the jtory, land' the half hej did dij seasts. A bath should be provided in the bag. ' . tell was ! nbt accurate." . ; ;!;. J, ! Fever Hospital. No provision has yet been Tha bridesmaid's dress was of cream silk, ; I ' mpde by the guardianB for the ' stated (I beg pardor , it is isolation of ' I Mr. Ljow lias with long 'chiffon sash, and she carried a Won and (S , patient3 in the workhouse suffering .p oi ' Irish from & " in this instance) iii the bouquet of yellow Marguerites. iiw 1 " The Octopus She also wore qo. pro- consumption. It appears that the Visiting I Wheelmjuj," ; September 3rd:-—" I ;do not a picture whito hat. epter at any length into.; a rfeply to Committee have met from time to time, but i txise to have made no entry The bride's going away dreas was of crushed • Mr. L. p'KeiH's effusion of last w^ek, not be- of their meetings in the strawberry crepe de chene, trimmed profusely Farm Bnpply Stores, Earronstrand-streat. j cause ttiere is no answer, but sinjply I ecause iipilHllferiT report book, and the Local Government Board wiUi lace" i bad disire to draw the guardians ' attention to , and black hat LOCAL BRANCHES i I am nojtr jable to compete wjth¦ him with The following are the namea of the house Dun- manner? and] inaccuracy/' : ; i i Article 59 of the Workhouse Rules in regard patty, fill of whom were present at the cere- W'atevford ... 4, BEOAD-STEEEJ Laurence Fon, Carrick-on-Suir ; J. Orotty, I Injen. The ^ " general' .charge" system tcj this matter, and they lequest that its terms j Wise : ^ may be more carefully mony:—Mr. and Mra Adair, Waterloo, Liver- Kilkenny ... 35,! HIOH-STEEEJ?. • once mton be IClerk—Owing to the emallness of the board, bridesmaid ; Messrs. James and Joseph Fitz- :general charges." ! I |suppose we will make no order to-day. nr j put to thi farce of making " ' ~1 ' ¦ gsrald; Father Fitzgerald; Mr and Mrs fc-« fl ,-^i %t NEW SECOND are rnnnly enough let th'em state de- ' |Mi88 Grubb—I think it ought to he con- Scott Morrison , U COAL.. XCIPTIOI AI Edinburgh ; Mrs M'Neill , 1/ FOR SALE COAL If they Araonf tho E J . AovjutTACls offered by the ;iIi\.ND, GOAL ; I | i the inaccuracies aro. : CiriL Serrice am GOOD I»mAL SiURjcj sidered next week Would you mark it to % • finitely whni , ExcuflEXT London. I Price List Free. Is it not strange how spme menlendef-vour to \Puo6rzcT* or PKOXOTION, LisXRJki. A^NtrAi. L LAVE, be considered this day week if the other guar- The flowers and pot plants were supplied by I P. f) |\ ' their ownj bushel? [Let us and Pension00 retirement. j : : dians approve of it? i IHl U \W 11 \ ;Kvery Farmer should BES^^ AND CHEAPEST : gauge others by : j Messrs. Rogerson and Black , merchants. test thd accuracy of ltr.| Low and the W.C.U., INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS, W NATIONAL Clerk—Very well The following are lists of presents : — have one of onr Rick i " syBtem| either, SCHOOL BOYS AXB GIRLS who havo passed tSizth .An order was made that tho letter be con- ; not on I the (" general charge CUt*, should compete fop the Civil Services lotel igcut Mr. and Mrs. Adair—Solid silver breakfast ' j Covcrs. Will save its admitted facts." See my letter, , 24th Shi^fnti may confidejitly.anticipate cucceii afUr a t DurtA sidered next board day. 1 service. /Hl /ni /ffT lTTl (Tu in j but on '" • ¦ ^ ^> Icoat one wet hour. EHGHAEL- , August, which stateB:— " The N.C.U. sent of preparatioa at cur Clkuea. \ j SURGICAL APPLIANCES. | Mr. Lindsay, Liverpool—Large silver tea tray nil/ \JlV J o CASEY & Co., Bun^arvas I stating AT AXD OAL LASSES NEW; or SECOND Jetter t<^ !tho T.C.A.,- dated 12th June, D Evnnna O C for all Examination*. : A revised Ii3t of the medical and surgical Mr. John Murphy, Liverpool—Silver aft er- lWWOlUJv/UL311l Pl\On ¦ ' Pease ap4 Reynolds were doing a lot o: racing Rppliances required in the workhouse hospital , noon teaspoons. *^J -> HAND, FOR SALE Are now disch wging Large Cargo Ex-Ship " Annette." Engl and! and Scotland: [recently.' What was sent in b Mrs. Campbell,The Uantso, Kirkcudbright— Bundle (25) ! in Scot- y Dr. P. Stephensoii, medical 1 Sainp!o ! are the iqcts? ; Mr. Peace raiied twice n Festal CpFFes^ondBiLCa Toition officer. : 8ilver photo frame. of p,ood Secondhand j land ,. Mr. Reynolds once, - neither gentlemen ; zSoriti ta Pro\-inrial Students who are unable to nttend ! Clerk—There nre some things missing. Dr. and Airs. Harkin, Liverpool—Silver fi»h fiii/TuP^ O Best ELouse [Mewpovt) Coal at ¦ to^th at tha Oral Clatse *. Ou« UKVVAU.II> Srera of pre- SHCISS: sent Carriage having irsce'd in England atj all ptior paraHon through the Post i» the mout THOROUGH, RATID. {Miss Grubb—How can there bo som's things ;. service. nK n ( \v the conferer ce that and 'SDCCXKSTUL ia the; United ' Sl Paid on receipt Pos- i date. Mj- . Low stated at * Kcncdofii. < Nunterous missing? ; Ml. and Mrs. Hitchin, Liverpool—Fruit stand O y/ f] N^yl S ¦ 1 Surrey Meeting. What Suocxsssx hare rfcffftly been gaiacd by Pupils FOETAIIED ; ¦ ¦ ' Reynolds rabed at the ! :Clerk—Well , there are. with silver cream and sugar basin • . tal Older 12/6. - . • COLSLT ST Couturoxctjiar. SI/- par Ton. I i are the facts?! Mr. Reynolds did not race at I Mr. Jim Fitzgerald—Silver ten kettle uT* he V ALL KINDS NEW AND SECOND HAND ^Meeting—nor \vas present at CT TL Sravici CmBiiond Prosptctus pniraluatla to ; A CARELES8 MOTHER. : MisB M'Gowan-^Silver -afternoon tea service i the Surrey Candidates) gratis ood p6st free. : . > , ¦ ¦ frojn the N.C.U.,: dated 29th, sent > ; ; ! A woman named Mary Price applied for and set of silver salts SACKS, MANILLA BIN DER TWINE , it. letter ; Orn KIJH OCCISSES by the I.C.A., says:,— 1700 I S 1 , i Indudinjj i>s FIRST clothes for her children , as. 6he wa6 going to Rev. Father Bennett, Liverpool—A chiming BOGIE ROPE, COIR YARN, LOWEST I in reply jto ]were Bent Place*, were cabled by our Pupib durine the |yean : TEA, WINE, SPIEIT & SEED STOBJE, FLOUR & BAKERY ; WAREHOUSE " Are tliere any charges against Messrs. Pease tZji-igoo. Resultsunap moachibis.' take them out of the workhouse. travelling clock. PRICES. [ Caermartheii?'' As Master—There is no use in giving clothes Mr. and Mrs. Sproat, Brogue House—Silver ! and Reynolds! other than ; ! ¦ the reply!of 'the I.C.U. ie Bnch a choice soeci- to this woman. She I got them before. 8he is mustard and pepper box , 1 hope I will he outside and wj shea to come befoie the board . Mrs. Oyena, Torrs, Castlt Douglas—Silver [ men of [what can be done: John W Kelly aad Co., ¦•' pardoned! for copying it in full:—- ! Clerk—What is tho use of bringing her be- serviette rings. DAVE YOTm nOHEY BY SElIDING TO US ! . fore the board then. If she has anything to Mr Fitzgerald, Tybrockney Castde. Watar- I " To L. p,'Neill . Esq., j \ SACK AND RICK COVER MANUFAG " Dear Sir;—The charges against Pe ise and say you might call her in ford—Silver serviette rings. \ not 1 Mrs. Price then came before the board and From house servants—Silver butter knive3 TURER3, 9 TZ 10 PILL LANE, DUBLIN. ! Rej-nolcjs] are general oues;; jthat lthey are are making a tusincss said that she was in a destitute state. Her ' and serviette rings. ' amateurs]; that they CIVIL SEBVICE hCOLLEck husband was dead and she would feel thank- WATERFOED MANUFACTURE racing,' andithat they are " demandi 2g" and Mr. Wm. Gillespie, Oastlo Douglas—Silver ! of as sh >wn by ful if the board could give her clothes for her pickle fork. I " accepting' payment lor j riding, h*ichmen, Support Home Induotry the factJ that they are following ! no business ; li STEPHECrs GQ^jDUSUll children, as she was taking them out of the Mr. and Mrs. Swinglehurst, D L . Westmore- : ' i ¦ ¦ ' ' better value in Boots and Shoes than those ' ! i i . ! house, land—Embossed silver card case. and cave money for yourzolvca No I except tliatof racing. 't you take them out Mrs. O'Neill, Liverpool—Pearl " I have alread sent copy of telegrar 1 ahow- : Mies Grubb—Why 'didn and gold opera ! in t le case Jong ago? ; ! glasses. by purchaains i JD /T thati expenses were demanded ¦3Xr. m ade in your own Oity, prices Moderate, _ ntly. • Mrs. Price—I had no way of providing for and Mrs Henry M'Lellan, Castle Doug- (-jYiuJl 1111;« euuirU, uI.J *KoH»*,!** unt.. Ov _flprmarthen^ rec — i FARMER'S PRIZE COMPETITION i 1 ! ; them. ;: las—Silver gong. ; Yours truly, : v ' ¦ NOBLE, :Secre ary " bj ;' Mies Grubb—You took them out , and why Father Fitzgerald—Glass and silver clar2t jug. DO I j ; i "S. R: j A First Prize of Two Guineas!is offered Mrs. Roland Alston, TIE'S Style and IHnish p erfect, j Mr.! Reynolds ivas at !H.' Bell , Waterford, Manufacturer of! Bell's did you bring them back again? Chelsea—Honiton laco j What jare the facts? i Clerk—The Board won't give you clothes. hnndkerehif>f ^ ; the timfe and is now at 1 business. As to de- I celebrated Lactic Food, for the best Call reared 1 '¦ payments, ete.J I have [You muBt be more careful of your children Mr. and Mrs. M'Neill, Tantalu9 with cigar KIO^713iaS, . I manding and accepting ;on hi3 food and exhibited at the Iverk|Fannri in future. You have been getting off very dealt with this already in my letter of tie 24th iing Society Show, io be held id Piltoijra, on! and tobacco boxes. i ;:; easily. You come in here and go aivay from Mrs. Fielding Johnstone. Att.lebury Hall . Nu- REAPSEiC, I August. ! | 1 j .; : I the 10th September;, also a 8econd Prize ofi conference th it Rey- jughly; your children. neaton—Water colour , in gold frarno, of ' i Mr. Lbw stated at the .One Guinea. This excellent food !is thor Mrs. Price I have been here for the past H0ESB EAEBS, ia. v. at Birfrj ingjiam t raimng nutritious and bone formiriH - the gruel , when ] St. Cuthbert's House. HEAENE & CAHILL. ' noias Bj ieiit 'eeiJ twelve months. \ : Mrs . Scott 'Morrison—Silver aoup turseii with ; lor the NliJ.U. : cUampionsln p'. Wliat ire tne made, costing less than One Penny pfer gal;! 1 bpen THnsDinliss &c. : ¦ MieB Grubb—I f you have here for the , was iiiot .in hcuis in : 1 -- r . : entree dishes. Street, j ylx. "Keynolds I I Bararasteaad i lucts? hut Dublin on past twelve years you should not be going llr. and Mro. Michael Fitzgerald—Silver fruit I Birmingham altogether , having !away from your children. : ¦ ietumed on tiuii(lay!inornliig. THE TRAMORE RAILWAY COMPANY AND epergne. NON E BETTER PRODUCED IN ANY ' Kridav and : Clerk—The children nruet be taken out to- Grieve , Ayr—Handker ; have gone far endugh 'to s! bw how THE CHRISTIAJS BROTHERS' FETE. : ¦ ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. I I thin|c:i ; dav. I 1 ¦ chief bag. j very accurate Mr. ' Low and] tnej -VC. J have HTS. Price—The only thing I mustjdo ia the pi uhc to ¦] Mrs. Ashburner, Banwv-in-Furness—A gro^n ! been, and lor ttiejresi, I ieaye AN UNGRACIOUS ACT. ! to come in to them. I can't take them away table centre. KIRWAN CO; who-arejlying in the case. , HIGHEST POSSIBLE GUA RANTEE JOHN & ; [ judge sp ates: — (in their skin (laughter). ; j Mr. Norman Ashburner—Purse. ! ; .Cycnst;-' ot last week i The Board unanimously refused-! the ap- numerouo Friends and the general Public that they i 'lne "i lrish ineir The Directors of the Waterford! and T ramora Mr. Murray , Barrow-in-Furness— Table cover . GIVEN . Bog to remind their ! " Messil: L6w". und iJenniq 'gavi it u j plication. : Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald—Silver egg cups and [the conterence ; ftiat the I.C.A. Railway were solicited to: ; Btibscribe to the have in Stock :— : j opinionl at of • SCHOOL REQUISITES. : stand. [ need not-necessarily '.withdraw tlia licenses funds for the reriovatioi}i of . ilie ChVistianj Miss Sturrock , Corsock—Tea cosy readihir!of the ngi eement Brothers' Schools at Tramore, and Com'J ] On the requisition of the schoolmaster in SHI ITLAND LING, SMOKED SALMON,! I tlio meu. . Tliat tiiis was th'> ithe workhouse, it was ordered thnt school Mri John Graham, Colwyn Bay—Silver entree Solo Agents for Watorford and District : j was wrong \ve; poiht ttaMta JOT haw trisd, carvers. ; ; A large variety ot Ladies' and Children's Flannelette underwear, also ; ly ' nocsensicalJ; Stirely which, if CM txtrKtad, j •calk. Ton otr bAt« ittrnded tirions hoipmln tai I ; ' jRennie mentions this p.m. and 5.30 plm. trainBi Respectively,th ond bad medical tdTlntnd bun toUTtmraulinopelcu. ! Mr. and Mrs. Phillips,' Cnrsc—Jrronnes? jar. WATQHEB Skirts in all the Latest Colorings. : Bu, in his Snno- : ortdruedto ttabmltMampncatk7ni fcrr ! : ! timidatddj him, poor fellow j j the night of the fireworlcg ^igplay s com-- 'bntaqno^ A 1 ¦! Mr. Andrew Williamson; Mansfield, iKirkcud- I might $ay forgetlulness, cm euroT «i- I doQ'tur pcrhsnikbot I mlL B«aiu« I ¦ Sptcial attention is given to tue selection of all onr to ensc re iU beingperfectly rence, or perhaps him- pany granted no "concessions '¦ Avhatsver, othtnhmrr fsJled.lt a no rawum I ihonld. &»d «t ' ; bright—Silver salts. . i Don't be decoivod in(o ing unreliable HOSIERY mention tnatiMr. pow arid \ one* » Pmul Order far ti.M. to n. W.ALBEBT.n, ! I buy : i he neglqcts io I Parrlngtloii4tnct.I>jodoi], andTna wfllreccrnftbos, . In prices ranging £roni to prj^rwj ! thei obiectjj on v}hicb. alt.hough.in view ofj.the deserving objec t to be M ' i ; Watches tvhen joii can get the Soaia!sS3. 7ill« 2/8 ^j Belf totally i ignored QieBBrs. o( GrmMbopii«r Olottntrtt and PUls, whichU •r TUlQ ' ' ! they decided to. ausjpend served, they were lsked ipr, eotp e littl > giv<^ reCMOjr far w« car*of Bid jLegw, HcsuenuUdVJindtL i' raised when was VlcmUA Jpinu, Carbtmeles, PoUcati Utads. ul ' ,** -7/ \*. Reynolds Kithoub;!pro()f, which and-take in th« ma .ter. y hard busies*. ' ¦ ! li 1!. I ! . ¦ ¦ V.elc6me letter as the abcjve, I3urely a sutf .; ¦ TRAMOREi ' i I "It have used your '1 Anti-Curbine Ointment," ¦ ! Weekly ' ' and found it an excellent blister for horses.f ¦' ' "T^ &%?> d°t*? "In W'^ycUng Notis'l of he " scriptaon irom th& funds j of he Ccmpatry 1 ^4i>» M*y ' ' i ~ "- ' ' ' 'enlist :i ^ ««I>'« T > «.^ i Li ^. '; * •• CAiHBiAGJB AND ^AG^ON ! 9 hire ; iUfllBS i " tang fleasant adont Q. % 1 11 ¦¦ «» » i ^ howJtW,»npfttleHc we^ :th JsF the ] 'HWjw «ibn.pdhw«g. : Bearish; dear l , ,&2l lifttS Wtiettt's condiUon Buchjthit he ordered !hia i :;: -W>l'». *»aw» V|22 ExHrarnou Hion- ! WEXFOiRD. ' I Jo\': mw'aisthrn! ,»na , ehr in dt abto we ^t' w ^SSil^o K / t^l Unionstrbttbouid! ' I hove ^ l* >2 «!£V1^iS2* .tel^wJLSJ^J {«M6W to Hospibl. i|>>Ba| LLlf«si' ES1 AWABBP. for jsnpa. CMf *?&S£ ?J%[i$k j £LZ££M *l&Vbifliei r be waa conveycJ with tholjleast|poa- prevenUng; Ptt^ wd. ?^P»oWi the Hvllilllllfl «/.« ,*/. Soetmaifi, Bad- siK $d i in! - , dun , S : *i»t ii i ! i , Jronmonjw» (t. PATENTS ¦ i INVEIfTIOXS. icxprewS opibion ' FOft ' ' ¦ " ^hongkjthe wjuml ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ! ' ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ :::• Sffifc^MTSBSSiF oLMh^SlnS :;, :• ; ; ! - ifoBV/oi'v: "S. V^lvilf h, I \ | | , I i ^m ¦ . : ' / ^ctfujl^ ' ' ¦ t : i -Yon ¦ ' ¦ ¦ M ¦ ¦ " ^ f pto,j j ei - ¦ ¦ ¦ f* ,!¦ '" ; J l i ;: in) \i ; , : .:. ¦! T i- ' . i4-t!' - .: r -:! . *8£& !&!3 i *2f e3 l !W S $& ?W;| l 'waf :»at ; precariou». ^tchiiaSn.:the! ithe .. !. ,][ .! ;¦ ir)mtt**,»m *» *>':y«^3 .ftj * f tp* I !|. SnieMitlnie had'been apprab^nded b> Tra- ¦k-j.-v .;.;.,:¦¦!:f ?r^Trstrrr9HH:J5f;¦; ¦¦:¦. ||i[ ;n>ore polfcs» and '.on ioeiug tak«it betyrp a Bottjta obUtaj twd/^ ' ' ' 1 ' ^tSra. ^Ort $U\ \ % iitr*»t« Dtio tfnt, ¦ *tt en e»jp«e Bnw¦ toWOj^ * Jt>OTli?£& 1 1 4tteOdlIW4lU rM&i, . : ; ¦ • '•: - • •? ~&UH;ll> -$ rroB8wp»6p.B, .. . : . : : : ¦ ¦twc¦ ¦ *,-»rikjinj m *" 1 T-)3"^£riU^ ^f ^ ? ^' 557 \\. ,:; ; ¦i: - . . ¦:¦¦:¦. 1 •.' ¦ .zf ei-tA: :¦ ;K i ¦ ' S;^'i^-Mi^i'-.i.i - - - ¦ ¦ ¦ Pl^ii^-itf--!iv f! ->^h¦:kff t ' ¦M$ [¦¦] ¦ -- kM&x-.v l-::fc- m-m JMW mm ' ¦ ¦(¦ ¦¦[' $>imm*<0ti&n^f"¦' y^¦ v \ ¦ i i W3\\\£h£tM;gi -.' ii\-. f.J >. i- :- \'\ ¦."'• ¦ ¦ ¦ :' i . ! i -. m ¦ ¦ ;• ¦• ' - 1 - ¦ • ¦ - i' if (. -. • : - . . -; ;! - ,... .m/.j .:. . . . . - . .: . . !. li.

¦• ;¦ ¦ - -¦ - •;¦. •» : ... :, tJ i;. )- . -:i - ,.1 . :. ;; " '^ ' ' ¦ : . i . _ H ;,^|- . j.V , ; -> ^. iV: - '}! ¦*) ) ¦ ¦, :|ege |llf!B,'l>veriW«^n o^ niB old miasaoiiaTyf PWt*e?i 1jS<>. >?«»»] BwncHngViri/the j laiJ^'- .off . ;; - ; pW BW;;;Y0«Kl .;.;.],) ¦ duties.i Ee; ^ iMain.Bli'te .'leidlng' back -ol bis''Jioujfe.- . ;;;irHB ^9nfdk^';|PP sWwmswm&M knevrjitney ev&mXhn: ed iwiiiiM^,i' tow* !} grid he¦*&. i&i iOri&eir prayers. He hoped to! W.tness Quickened! hto .jpace; /and: went down ' ' ¦;| , J wh i ;ihe ' prodJotidln this- Weiet ' by. Beti: Or iet; ; taisdiidiftn^.^nd.'many a' chprch and cross }n' .io .the 4 defendant p was' standing at .tea iEoyal of V? The :• far distant landajif and he- asked them! to cdh-:; yard ; d^>or. : Hej sald to hirn. that'he:wahted W 'Company Ji» th? tThejitre Bf llei : ; ' . , ¦ » ¦¦ —™- -—— ¦ ¦¦ ¦ —— ¦ — - ~ , , ' 1 . i . ~r- . .*.i r -t f. *• 1 . SteWted^a^TStSj ;6a|m6dj • Jan ¦ '¦ - ;¦:¦ • :/ fceivei thel beautyj i|ol the thought when: they 'search ,ttia house; I He went'inside and. found of j^aw ^p|tki1vw!as ijpronounced .suiceMJii n4 ; r ;.; •]: i' : - . -;0ON;CA-nVAN..: ; ; I : 1 ; ¦ : r " ¦¦ '; ' : " 1 {l ¦ ¦ I i«sattcblea..at Maiw hore. ' aQd1 when iall .wai , Itwo; mto' beloriginirj o the ' towaj coacealed in tbej inbst san'guirie anticipations of the tbiotre : i I i ? \ -U . . : .H :¦•' * ^ - De'e. iand'Bichttd HiseeU'. . ; • •' \ :' f aarkneasrati theJbthM.- Bide^f the aartii, and.1 'a cloaet-fThomoB ^Flielan, F^ir'!QmU and going putllcj werU fully justified by Ih'e «ki el-i Clerk of Course—ilr .' John A! > Dee. : ,r j i ' ,' At .the meeting of; the Youghal Urban jCoun-j 1 , Welli - . He ialsp iound ; ¦ ¦ ) ¦ ' fwhen Uieltday ofi-devbtion and salvation was ' John. Hartenyi; on 'Road. lent comblnktiorj olj artistes- who prege'n ed 1 | , . ..SWrter^-Mr. W. Acheipo, :- " . .' " ' i ' cil on Moacj ay last the following letter wad concluded, and -they:were retiring to fted , he traces porter the kitchen !floor. ! Mr. . rHii 1 ^^EJJ^[ .i^cjitj yjl i :' Sealei _ -i^tokfwn^t . life'ii^Caiov. -:;-;....; ii^ . & ¦ -:xead "Cirrick-on -Suir, 11th 8eptember,1901l ^ the musical ;farce-^-J comedy proper it in« I '-ja flge, Handicapper and Clerk ot ^b ....:.. ..-....». 1 ] : i T- , jandiiis assLsfcant^in theiAhj ipodes Would be. Q'Shee - contended |that the yard in which the pr ;|c MT.:.T T. V. Flanagan, 8, Upper Sackville-»Ue it, MarttuB, 8«t aWP^^y) a : Sir,--In reply, to your communication! 1 ' ' - ; ' ¦' ¦ ' ¦ '¦¦ '¦ ¦ ' : i Dear Tising to! iperforra the same offices , and thus^ nj eri werfe fpurid waslnot a part of his client's not be correctlyj describsd. .. - The house',! i .-as ; Itoblln ^ • . - . - . . . - ' - ; ; ¦ : Sftnday- Ily,,ftrf WU> r nla.' . : ' van ;to Yiughal. II' think there can be no> !beiri>' greatly, moved, extended his blessing to dfefendant'a atatenienls, the bench dismissed B«Ulng—lr.toYagBinrtRobrid '} obin, 3 to 1 . question y) ...... 1 !Grace'a cDU8iri , Mjp. Patrick Kelly. His Gracef'a and dieorderely and ftlso with aasaultingforirt. good value for their im'oney, must be of a very raghs, Ohes Moi i testiinoninl jto .the;.lnte: eRt«Bmed manager ot ! and about one mile from the village: of : . I0st71b 5 -an 5C|\6j.c»i|i vAna. c<5 ce . mission, which evolves some absurdly d aa orie squadron was engaged, the Lanccra 2.4Xt-CUEEAGIIlIOKE PL.VTE of 20 S would hope to make a profit , were a drug in establisl ment ai\ some factory. Can' a syndi- with *: ' GTiarQians was held to-day for tli e purpose o£ cato be ormed in it, as Mr. Colfer s'ugges.ted, ¦ comic developments, is i a first rate comedian; iualtie8 were 69 per cent. of which the second horse will recei the ima.-kk. The same applied to sheep, of ! An ppCMMn iriOp, miUceafi mO|i, considering the tenders received for the usual which there was a good supply, ] but very to make some us!e for it? All the Post Office and his songs jwera soveral times encored. eupplies oi Invoice, Clothing and Establish- authorities offered , so far, for it, was a miserly ; : -An CACAH mOp T>ut) , DISPUTE. little denand. To the! scarcity of grass in : PP "0^^ The part of his son , Harry Broneon , a young THE GRBMSBY FISHERY ment Requisites. Mr. : D. Hylandj T.C., £35 ti. ydar. T]ii'rty-five pounds a year for a An |Dp6 d t<\p yitle ! CESSATION OF - HOSTILITIES. GamWe ; James were purchased, and on the whole'Dungarvan Algernon Lee. | Miss May Hallatt waB! deci- Young; T: Whittle, T.C.; M. Power, Moou- • it oi'er t > the English Government—thnt dea r dedly successful in her impersonation of Fifi amintra; and M. Hunt. , horse fai can compare favourably with any old [church ! They, of course, would pull it j ' . ' '¦ 2. of those in-the south. You can pick up aG Fri-cot, a little Parisieime, and quickly es- Ml is quiet at Grim&by t o- sj -F #\ w% t!)i -pAX) ti-Jiltunh -pAn tors each lor four cheatsol tea, at a iniforni ft v^ \ f ** ** tl s\ r\ f\ T 1 n ¦ « B , bpAipc ,bilitj- is that you enn get a suitable .beast n L ttA n v A *^ ^ rt n rt ^^v 9 ^ v^ ^ *^ \ I 50 ^15 ySy, 1,e Pell-street girl, , to |obtain tlie only double en j- pHce of la. 4d. 'per lb., ex-duty- B. -F. -Phelan , 'either for carriage or hunting on better terms from thf vandall would be a great thing. jo t3timi5 <\n c-6^n fin mm ' nA C ^n r An really good touches as a comedy artist,- trot street; John 'Curran, Gfiorge 'fli treet; J. and ¦we-are poses the Urban Council taking K. Walsh, George' en the eve of a great revolution in it over for a hall or market house, ia it to go P *r- ' ' I ' the least of whioh l was ' his performance as a s-street; Jami 3 Dunpny end :horse b:c >dinij under , to ; Co., O'Conoell-etreet. the new Act the farmers to t)ie Post Office? Will any philanthropist CanidoiT) le 66\le ^p 5cnoi-6e45 t Queen of Comic Opera, and she looked ;and jtuour , ljd. per lb; twilled ahee^- Jcp^riqioni «pQBKX voiarous m ui aeo Doitea. ana wnn uoiaen nair ^08 ing calico, 9|d. per yd. ; grey !rieie , j assistnnc } from any quarter in the past, Jt will| rise to the jocc aaion. and erect a monu- Jin 6 AH t)urj tipfiAti .an acted the part to perfection. Miss Ada Booth 1». 7Jd. ; A5 fin, ppe^Ki-in wlio dcvot«a h*.r wholo iitteutlon to the vv s ry), who slipped saddle, declined to flni per yd.; linen woalaey (Irish manuiactare), iis only r tnsonablei to sunnose thnt now. w th ment to ni? memory by handing over the o'.d ; ' gave some solo dances with exquisite ' grace r customer*. , : an iimnr >ved class , of sire3, and prizes for church md its .iitc to the citizens for some mon. ! .30 cm.—THE FLAPPERS' DERBY aid. per yd. ; white. flannel , 1 . Id. per yd.; and smoothness. We have selected ;these ticlcen, 6id. per jsd.; grass b igood mares, thev Will do-much better, i i usefjul pbrpose?:l \ eached calico, There - s a great scarcity of hospital atten- The church , I lam informed, is sound for at An ppe^Cin niop, miLtceiiC mOp, ^ml 1 6haracters at random for a word of deserved 3jj- d. per yd. ; blankets, (Irish manufacture), dants, b.ving to ; Lhe frequent ie3ighatiotu least another fifty y?ars. There is now no approbation, but all were good. Although the lls. Ud. per pair ; counterpan > rugs, 3s. Sd. ¦ ¦ each - woollen rugs, 6s. wojllsn eentJ in by tnese girls. Dungarvan, Carrick- public h ill in the town. Some foolish people ' play -was . boisterously funny, there is riot tho lOJd. ^ach j 3- shawls (large), 33s . per doz.; ci rduroy, Is. 2d. on-Suir, Clonmel, : and Wateriord jreports contemn late, with dread, the idea of a town slightest tinge of vulgarity in its construction, ahow tha , halV bfii )g esta'b ished in it Instantly inde- per yd. attendants of this class lea re very 1p tni-At) tn6p fi , if ;put> IUC cOip (5, but there did appear to be a feeling that the S D A Y Cornelius J. Sheehan and Son , freqiientlk The last two vacancies in tlie cent theatricals'; they think, would pour into 'Woollen Fac- 'S& niDpotn Z AT tory, Dungarvan—worated thre td Is. 5d. per Dungarvin Workhouse Hospital could not be it, and scandalise the old building, and with cuif ^p 6 , An -6 \ niOp tmti part of the Polite Lunatic might be modified, . : : ' ' lb. ; blue flannel, la 2d per yd.- grey frieze. Is provided for locally, EO the guardians had to an utter want of common sense they say in t)'f^g edpnX . b ni-pce A' y cputtne^dc as far a3 the make up went, at all events. tho jnext breath ,: that if the old building was Gd per yd.; whits flannel , lO^d- per yd.; appoint in attendant from Fermoy £nd ah- j Mr. Harry Graham, who acted the part, did blankets (Irish manufacture), Hfa 5d per pair;', ollier' ' -iro n CharlevUle. Both pirls sedn well removed , and a;naw one erected, there would then no ibjectidij lie from a sentimental point A'p coipce miLtce ag^ipn 50 cuig, so in a very funny; manner, but the personnel blankets (single) 6s each; woollen shawls 30a. fittea for the work. It may be remenbered of tha lunatic was overdone. . !¦¦ . ' per doz. . - ' that! some time ago the majority of thd Board of y^ew, as regards whatever uses it might be A5 yj &p HA nx)ioifi(j 5A6 tute oniCe . . put to. Xow surdl y if the old building is razed Messrs. Tobin and "Son, Tho Qu»y—Grey of Guardians granted . two hours ofl duty if old cip^ ' AS 501T) 4p fcdip, to the f round, ,;^ind even tlie timber ^5 f5P'°r "A r frieze, Is. 6d per yd. : ; . - . . - ' daily to the attendants here. They (illowed u St u U : |t»6driU 'HA fgoptiAC theni to have a walk foundati ms arcj removed , new foundations •<^5 r 5-5V 5 ominlck's Industrial School, Waterfo ; Mra. Frances McNamaia, Wa «rford— ButU, to town and recreate will,only ' rjpean ' ' ' la 4d per lb;Vblay hemp, 1» ld per lb themselves from 8 to 10 p.m. At haye tojbe put in their place, and the , fin . . . . THErnE OUTCOMK of JH«» : ,ClrOV 'il TVC-Xfi Vl«it fo iked that similar orders be made in 11 the last meet- same mi.tarial will be used in the new build- f. ,t ; B. Gough, Georke'fr«ueet, Wateriord—Sole jing pf th j Board the attendants wrotejstating 'Se &&n An GfeAptA &n pp^AWn tTlOp. ' rH- n i- •• di-i'la* To^in'r. nl km.eh pattern ' a child named Fitzgerald, of Morr ing. An 1 then where will the great difference Toquf» , HH' H nrid l. ' onni-'n -nd an nM..>rlmeot oi hails, Is! 6d. per 1,000; bend ule leather, U. ithat thcy would much prefer to be permitted oad , whose father was dead , nnd thre 3d. per lb; English bellies, 8d. :?er to spend these two take place, in Ijie minds of any person , as ' frlmmnfl Y*)u ancqi'.i-llf'l \i\h c fnr ttylc nnd moflp- ren named O'Neill, also of Morrisson 's ib^bazils, ! hours in their apartments, Aii pp^A(5 liiit*. Bluani-b , Cor.»cLt iiiiil employ their time better than Uadcrcloilnujj. Mrs. Ellen Wyley. •! MichafeUtreet—Wax to be out in town. This was; approved , as knocking dowrijbnd tuilding up, and all the extraordinary performances would entail? : ¦: 4- candles, 3a 4d per dot. lba. several if the guardians, at ' the. time the ; .' John Ega.n and Son, IBarronstrand-street— permission was granted, were of opinion that ' His ¥. onor County Court Judge Kane re- vised th; voters tand juror 's lists at Xew Ross "00 Ap ' T30 : pfiATJ HA pp^CAlt) Port wine, 21s. per doz.. the iatteTtdants could hot benefit bv the privi- ' f5 f f6 sccuiea me lonowmg purring wnu \>cic nueu lege' - on Itfon-lay. and at the conclusion : thanked Get your oiu umbrella newly covered. It thep granted. Experience , has shown 1 :5t6iSeAL j* .. each:—John Hyland, Upper Yellow Road; 10s. 9d. er ctvrt. . thati thelgirls Mr. P. A. Pope, for the care, and the accuracy will be quite novr again. Prices, 1B. ! lid. ; THE ONCE ROUND ^LATE of 10 80 themselves are sensible of the he hadjdisp' aycpl in his presentation of the T)o t)i 50 peAnmAp A t>^pp nA cp6, Joseph Flynn, 81ievekeal ; J. Nolan , Blake's . Richard Gough, George's-»tr:eet—Bine, 4d. impVoveijienttriat teust result from the altera- ^ 2s lid.; 33. lid. Heajne and Co., 63 Quay. per lb; popper ( list; . ¦ No public interest was taksn in the tug ton A' X >\A-6 tio'n cpeAtiOip U AC . Is. Id. per lb; «oap, £21 15s, tionj in tjhe arrangement , which was scarcely P per ton - 8anitas, 29a. 6d. per tewt. ; carbolic ' proceedings. . '! tujaon A'p tJiAti -oo'n p^ippln pCin. wise in; the first instance to he sanctioned by Oh 'Minday there died.in the Good Shepherd soap, 18s. per cwt.; aTrorwrodt, 6d. per lb; a pliblic body, when all circumstances are Convent here, Sister Augustine , aged 33 years. A6c ZA fiAt> vSAptji, itce A'r* f5AptA snufl, 4s. Id. ,,per lb;< pure Mix candlea. Is. considered. |. : ! : was of Ramsgrange, ¦oub ' Every official a id publi-o man in the A«T 8d. per Ib- blacklead, 6d. per lb. ; tea paper, ! Ai short Deceasefl amative and a ptoc:tA A'f totttA A'r 50 teijp *»y ¦ note appeared in your columns last sister ojf Mr. Aiden . Devereux, who, by the evil! ceo hiii rama in our lMrxif.ilif.i Quida 3«. 4d. per reran. . week ori the contemplated departure' of Mr. A5 An GAn rri6it t>p4T)A(i cS ceaCc Af Also ran—Mr. J. Hayes's Harold's Cross ; Elizabeth Byan, Michael-atrert—Loaf sugar,, wa\ , lately joined the Benedicts, and who was : (McGrath), Mr. P. Cullinane's Tommy Lynch Cartwright from Dungarvan. We are glad wel : knbwn for! many ye*rs secretarj- to the : i SAcrAtn; at 2M. per lb. ;. jam. 2Jd- per Jb;»taxch, 2Jd^ to be in] a position to1 state that the, change rj (M. Walsh). - . - :j: ¦ ¦ - ' old Land and iNational League Branches of 'S gup 'S A Ainm An ppGA&An ITJop. Fables, eren« per lb;: blacking, 4a:- per grots. ia for ifr. CartwriEht'a benefit, -while at the Ratnsgmnge. 'Bister Augustino was for over Betting—6 to 4on Oueon of ;: Bichard CwUnane, -. iiici el^tpstr^alk sanie tine we feel -that his lops to the toTTi, corjD a iviv.Kia Little Jim, 2 to 1 The Rival, JO to- 1 Other*. sugar, IA. - per - lb , ^ ^^Zr tenT years in the Convent, nnd had for same An piAfiAdin triOp, miticeAC mOp, "jml. easy , p where h • has shown such;public spirit for the conaidft -able tinie been in poor health. Tlie In this eveht Little Jim secured an James O'Connor, Johnstown-pWhaskey, 6s. pasjt -few years, will be keenly felt. Foremost victory. He- led Irom the start and held ! tho per gall., ex-duty ; sherry wine, 22s per doz. funeral obsequies were presided over by the ;¦ in lever movement' for the amelioration of Bispop, and there wa3 a large attendance of 5- position to the end, winning by a lenffth from , Walter Walsh and Sona, Barronstrand-itreet or ¦ Queen of Fables, who was separated by threp —Scrubbing bruahes distress for the advancement of sport. Mr. .fricjnds. [ | . TaJlo Day. f their emoloVees in the discharKe ol . Is. 2d. ber set; aho« Cai'twri p hf- was h general favourite. Kind ' C|ur corresp(>tident says the the Most CigfOe le 66ile, -d , CESAREWITCH. Loveiaco Is. 9d. each; galvanized basin . 3d. eadt. ; 1G to agst. Gyp (t.); 0 ran—Tommy Lync .' continue] to take fin interest in its nrosperity,: he ,was mot atith s station by his nephew tDuAiL^niAC e, ileAn ¦] cpeAC e. Messrs. Coonan and Co. Bar >n»trand-«treeti and that : 16 to „ ! Rambling Katie (t.) —Whitewash brushes. Is. 3Jd each ; sweep- he will from timo to time nay R ] (Rerv. lames Kelly, recently ordained) and 1r> nirhAit) cSd e; ' visit to Old Borou' , ' x> f45 «nitce 1 rribpOn 25 to I „ Herminius (t.) ing brushes, Is. 3rd. each: bl cklead, Is. Id. pe ch whore he will ever some oi his lay 'relatives and friends, includ- 50 tici An cip per pair; beet receive a cordial welcome. ! ' 'S nAp -fittni tofii^e -peo 25 to „ 8inopi (t. and o.) ground pound pai it brushes, Ifi, 1 ing Hr Patrick Gannon U.C., and Mr Michael 4d. each ; sash tools The playing of 'the band on Friday evening An r5'"PrA |niUtce<.\er doz.; iron An ppGAtAn rnflp, mittceAd mop, *;Tnt. spoons, 8s. per gross ; rim iocb, Is. 4d. to 3s. areinunctu.il in their attendance¦ on practice Re-j . I T. Kavpnagh), and tho Aujfustinian 63 to „ ' St; Amour (t.) nitrhts. I ; j G6 to „ Damocles ucket, out as ne naa noi one ne reiuseu ia each ; press locks, 3d. to 0d. i ach; women's j | | Fathers . On , Saturday his Grace drove to ' per lb; juartexxx tin dwllinirR ha« . be Ap An OiteAn, allow defendant to pass the barrier, he imme- each; cans, 8d. ; galvanized, b icketi. Is. 2d. to theiLocal'Govp'Tin'"nt Board : when an |in- can at ibout tci> o'clock end proceeded direct ; ' ¦ ¦ 20 to 1 „ ! Merry Methodist (t. and oO ouir" ; FOf, diately struck him with bisfist in the face, each; enamelled- ba»in«, 8d, ei ch: cut nail*. u'ill be. hejn o'dpr to iv"^ fho ¦ bUf, ¦ .•i3 to 1 „ Sebendria (t.) oil duty at ondc and reniain . the follow- necessities of peon ' four h IUTB . He then bade farewell to the inc day, and the company had to procure a it; 6d.;.laundry basieU (extra ixe). 5s. each ; ttye : ' e of Diinep^'nn. \ A Aplf 50 h-4pt) or ctonn An ftoif.. CG to 1 .. Damocles (t.) do. (large size), 4a. Sd. each : do (second size). houpp. qt this fienrp will not havs iho effaci Bishop of Wateriord and drove to. the Queen's 68 to 1 „ Sonatura (t.) person to do duty in his absence. j\ nmnvmlna r\K 3s: M. each : do. (third siie);Ht of fpliev'ni? conccfiatio" in the plum--.. *. hoiiprj TXnHnl Moll Innri Y^i V..I.!AI. 1ir« tit t>6td TOpod-fi0 1 |Ap -jreA-6 no. mbltATiAn ¦"In reply to Mr. Jones, witness said he somo- St. Hubert, 8st 121b fD. Maher) .! I ' mAp P. Bedmondl at. pa . or ?". 6d. n-nn 'rl ton'd to dnif trr vpni Micha< 1 Kirwaii, T.C., is a relative of the SoitlfeoCAtiS -: n^piAn Apff dp, Orphrey. 8st 91b (V/ybrow) ; ,! 2 ¦nle! frorn . 'hR unH^BUbv surroundings of Laurel Leaf cott 8st 121bp. 3 bnclf Ar old ^r TSP'Of, , ppeA^An ent colt. Bayard, Golden Goblet, Doubli friends , with! 'whom he • spent more than a EDMOND : POWERy i nr ¦ : ealcr. Flying Hampton, Absentee colt, .Car IAV i ' :¦ ! ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ I difficult^ t^ . , . eov pie of veryljhappy hourg. At half-past five DECEASED. . | .Even in Pemhroke Township, Dubbn, the o'clock he started for New Ross, which was An pp6A<5in| m6p, mittceAC tnOp, ' ¦ going to Clonmel, and from thence to progreB iive members of the Council con ^ reache l in good time. To-day Archbishop ' An ACIU \ mdp ¦ouO iWnA TTF this xboald most- the ays of nny of the rclatlma sider 4:. a week [ too much for an artizan to ¦ P\ \6 , iL of EDMOND POWEB, »ho formerly resided ront. All her family, went to the station Ke ly rent to Kilkenny to vjsit his old friend, gAn , and she nnd ¦ two others were Vdters pay for his hous". buti the Conservative mem- An ppfeAd^n rrj op 5A11 ceApc cdtp M DoMitoitE EAST, | County of Watorford, Iwltinaj 5 him ofl bers of [he board succeeded in carrying ttyeir BIE IIOP Brownrigg, and it is his intention next 1 UuAigimlt) 6;tAp ! nr Duumari East, yillago of BRllymacav7,Pariah' nf ed on the platform without tickets. Her Won by a length and a half; foul the fAite r and defendant (her brother) were prc- point, T ith the risult 'that for the present the to proceed ,tb Armagh on a brief visit to the : i ¦ ! I Cortnlly said County of ^Vatcrtord, ftnd who CUCJO lividing second and third. ' id. " scheme has beenj blocked1 , and some members Cardinal, at ;the seat of the Primatial See. An CHAOIOTH Aommti. to Victor a nboot tho ycar , 18(59. they nr« reqneojed Winner trained bv DarlinR. Beckh who we e actuated byj a mostgenerous spirif ) to oommnnlrttto rtitli tho underolgned Solioitbra McCoy said the offence was most senoua After hat ho: proceeds to- the charge of his he excuse put forward that other people to\yards the artizana who voted in the mino- t6:geAn with a Tiew of provluff tbe!r Identity and rolatlonoblp ty of Waterford. rity resigned their position on the j Council 1. import int ArchepiBcopate under the Southern 6ipeAti Seiips, No. b. nith tho 8&id Bdmood Power and tboy V7ll) bear of allowed on the platform had no welsh' There i;, no doubt, a great want forj a 2s. !6dL Cross. i' . '. i ¦ i something to tticir fcdvantogo. . . .! ; ; aver. There was no doubt whatever thai j ihnrata nannult was made on the checkei T«. that Uia RwrMofr Bar. house or artizans in. this and surrounding BOBBYNi^; McCOY. I i Carnroe, 7st 61b (H. Aylfn) mty and towns, pismore has a :nice lot of such houses, j diy of WatttiorA TALLOIV * 1» own land. Tallow has A row of houses enter- Taj lovN is like a!place undsr martial law. He Hcamo and Co., j S^la A^ento. I ;jVl1Ilai^B)D-(;!rcot , Benai(-o, Won b- a lentrth and a halt : t rto^ tb. *tatnerai ing the town, some of] which are prettily kepj ! ¦j U*»<* says t iere are, f Peelers to the right of us, ¦ • j ' Victoria, Aci?iralifc. |tr«W Intnf- tat' M wit by; the occupiers. Such a class of house! it ¦ ¦ ' DV peilen lo thele' tof us, peelers in front of us, : 1 I ¦ " ' '! i i inner irainea onaaier, jr., ISMS iM ifau^bmta tttcr Dungarvan would be a boon to the tradesman peign«i 09 ' 0! : Easl, ' reference to Jthe establishment ot : { j , * ... ! 0 , 6re,-in:Connection (with itthe fishery.. Jhk Croi'lty andiJS|iely were lined' 21a ' r o W.lEshCorromn " SUMM KY IRO(IEEDING ~! Palmer, olt 41b \O.\JTenktoi) cp^nmiitee recommended for itvvour^ble . and coste ro%S •'A'te* ' ' ° . 7 A | Thuttfar ...... 1 81 9«{ {QjMadderi) for! in erferini'jvlth.Sergeant Sreedon whilst' Will bo Uk, ' James- By order ture anld Technical Instruction, to -ffnich- ceij- Kennj was fine'4 7a 6d. and costs for drui-ken-j of this / ummittee, ' ' ; : e ¦ " p|^bioS:n& ^^ ^ ' n tain piwers under the Fisheries Act hav ne$s oil the -puHlic road. ¦ .- ¦' | J ! ::: .? MICHAEL F FIT^GBBAL1>.) ft iu,: ' ' ' ; ¦• ¦ ¦ ' i' Fl»Tt9 b Dobhrn j.. 3 b Coroomn ... . I s ./ iein transferrea; ' i ' I • . :' The fishing-season on this part of tlie coast J ISamj o .Iforrijbi ; EVOAH ;,W ; CLAMPliXT, Clleotor *. a ofS Avi-.S inM.Vanl$pwTS^li;- It wak decided that! a deputation, i compno- ' ' ' > I BatU 1 ; is very dull just now.! . i ! 'DobbyD ...] |...;0 bDibbjn ... ; ... 4 . Offices , Town Holl Bcpteiibtfr, 10.H. : '¦ ' ' ing Ve yRev. Archdeacon Sheehy, Rev,1 T.. ^ , I ¦ McCann. P.P., Rine- Rev. P. F.iWalsh. P.P.;, CARRICK ..Core(>no ...: \\.. 3 not nnt .„ . Q Mr. Flavin.;, B Pii.Un h Pmlon ]ji. Ardmorp:;Mr. Power, Mr. Hayes; 17 0 MflQr.fi b Corcoria 0 ; 1 M H*nn ttw«i Wf Bf««-> ¦ , inter- Bxtws ...I ;:„ 0 Ei:» . ... : The Killaloo anil Victoria (Irish) slate, trad ^** Mr. Vt iher. J. Vi, and Mr. E. O'fJh.Ba The JTortnijjhtJy Ssssions were hejd j iarg ... fl ' 1 ¦ !vieW the Chief Secre'dar" on the occasion o! ' ¦ |ia looking up. Amongst the recent order 3i« Jf li;!; ;;>:; •!!. winter iraim a :py . ya^teraay, when iihe magistrates in dttendauoe- .T»U1 ¦;.! ' ' ; visit1 to the southern c6asl i : . ; |i. 37 Total ...... flx securedihy , tl e formerJfinn 'tvas one frota !a hiS aprtriraching; to vfie Col. E-ninson, HM:: rfin the. chair) ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ^and ask him to ^flotdi facilities the. fisherl- Mes«ri. .Matthenv Drohan ; AVilliarn Britton. i ;. . . : jj j cmidlUHB c*i ' architect's off iea jlor slates .for a laiigfe; chui;c; Fife ?ij?!m b^j, . Ballinaaoul ¦ fend Helviik - to obtBio , and; Frank Minderville. ; ; ; man ati ' \ ,kt Bellast, a meeting j hall, and twaniy-tw loans oh pasy tetms for providing boats frnd A! w< nian nBimed Catherine Hennebarry ; Was! ' ; Coim,- )ned ! Icottages, all thbj slateB being cut' in en\n: fohing hear, and' also (waist the County ; auinm by' paniel! Joy for aasauJt 'at' it ( 'Wnnf " TTiiip :cii; in ¦ 11 Th> ¦ W WU IH ' .4 r iiSi ¦ dmdr . ' ' ¦ - . I;- - : ' adjdurned.foi ai month, by;, using'Iri¦ sli « at«B. ; , • I' -'. - . - - r » '- .j : jj . ^ 1 fishery jpier tor ^r e., ._ ; . j j and warned ' the- ' ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ^ court- o he otj ubod behaviour i' 1 ' . •: !. ¦' ¦ ¦ < {'' . i . . : ' . :iWSHj< for the future. ¦ ' ¦ Tboiias Shells' was summoned by WiUiim: '< : PiOKiD Vnai In Uljr'j i.Oip"1. TIM . twf Mifl ' " ¦ ' ¦ MsW[ler 'r iring, in To).in • -J' }.p: i- ¦/¦¦W j *IP^' I'?- '\ < ! .- - {i ior]ha oil -ilie 18th eepteijiber' tptm a mbit to «r«Miii)( H iipUjr '4 TiJt* t' Umtmit Pl :L-w ' ^ unlawi ul}y 'allpWdd. on 23 head pi^cattl*. Ws-f plrb.- rpuiD«4 TljtT l iMeibeenVeiecteil•! «> tbehl It Us wr^WttiM&M hUJindAtBallinroSitr,; care by tbq Vai UAit onW ftwin* Writ li>L4o ¦ town bon. oni f »ch krticjb U ttji»lw- > i- ¦ - ¦" ¦ ;•!¦¦ ¦ f tfelie?i.l to^ -W?i¦ ?»pJ?inant, and fifT.i*- F.! ¦; . . ''j . i *¦ . , .i - ?}; MJOfoUtyiay ¦iW&ftor/. detended;* jrHw . fc£ e i i ii'TbJ a'lilfiirt i- W iiMl^Af.-iDooUn'i 1 :iJW iff lonlffea mmmm ¦ * ;: ¦¦ v ™ -w.tdr hi© o^«« eral ^Misnj.'nrf »5wi& -!" •'T: ;N!. '.-: - '•-' ¦i T- ^''- 'Yyvl™'^. }r:i"r% I«h ched I: and Oh^hd ln«t, :!The ooaii^Wsit II Op'-ZllPfV**1*? «•» ¦>¦ •Uted, Xbtxm '>op ,hhii- b^eiiVdrittrfiltba d ; lartalb^Pathuj P lit Sfe Sii^fe i :j ;^^ -iiaii*i*i , m$*&&Mmm* inm 'i*uf3 Wi botindcdviKwl imi I mmAim ::Utm m tMhalC.;o< ,$br«' OWJl ieit jlo: H iMEm