Sunday Dispatches. Soil, Kirkland & Blencarn, Kirkoswald, Langwathby. Keswick, Cockermout.h, , Kirkby Thore & Lazonby, Matterdale, :Melmerby, Middlesceugh & Temple Sowerby, 5 a.m.; all parts (general night Braithwaite, Mungrisdale, Mosedale, ~ ewton, Ousby, mail), 8 p.m.; with extra fee, 8.15 p.m.; Lcndon Penrith, Plumpton Wall, Renwick, Great Salkeld, .& the South, 9 p.m.; London, the South, Scotland, , Skelton, Skirwith, Staffield & Water­ ', , Workington, , Cocker­ millock mouth, & Ireland, II.30 p.m L"RBAN DISTRICT COU~CIL. Arrivals. .From London & all parts, 7 a.m.; from London, Man­ Elections take place triennially in April; all retire in chester, Carlisle, Newcastle &c. 11.30 a.m.; general 19°9· day mail, 3.I5 p.m.; from Carlisle & the .xorth, Meetings are held at the Town hall on the second thnrs­ Manchester, Preston, the South & local, 6.30 p.m.; day in every month at 6.30 p.m. sundays, from London & all parts, 7 a.m.; to callers Members. from 8 to 10 a.m "The office is open on week days for ordinary business Chairman, Henry Winter. from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; for telegraphic Lusiness, from North Ward. East Ward. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; sundays, from 8 to 10 a.m. & 5 James Harding James Altham ·:0 6 p.m. Postal orders are issued from 7 a. m. to William Scott Frederick Armstrong 9 p.m. & paid from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Money order, George Watson William J ohnston government insurance & annuity business tl'ansarted Joseph Simpson Yeates Calvert Turner & inland revenue licenses issued from 8 a.m. to 8 South Ward. West Ward. p.m. week days only Alfred Grisenthwaite William Forrester 'Town Sub-Post Office, M. O. 0., S. B. &; A. & I. Tom Smith Richard Hethering-ton Office, Middlegate. J oseph Dennis Chester, sub­ Thomas Thistlethwaite Alfred Atkinson ¥arriner postmaster. Letter Box, cleared week days at 8.15 Henrv Winter John Richardson • & 9·45 a.m. & 1.30 , 4.3°, 5·45, 7, 7.30, 8·45 & 10 p.m.; sundays at 7:15 p.m Officers of the Council. 'Town Sub-Post Office, M. O. 0., S. B. & A. & I. Clerk, George Wainwright, Town hall Office, 75 Brougham street.-Miss Be1l7lfartin, sub­ Treasurer, James W. Little, York City & County Ballk, postmistress. Letter Box, cleared week days at 8 & St. Andrew's place 9·30 a.m. & 1.3°, 4, 7, 8.30 & 10 p.m.; sundays at Medical Officer of Health, John Francis Haswell ~LD. 7 p.m The Friarage Suryeyor, Inspector of Nuisances & Waterworks Man- COL~TY MAGISTRATES FOR WARD. ager, John Joseph Knewstubb, Town hall Tane Col. Sir Henry Ralph bart. D.L. Hutton-in-the- Collector, William Scott, Town hall Forest, chairman Gas "Vorks Manager, Edwal'd Shaul, Old London road Brougham & Vaux Lord, Brougham hall, Penrith Market Inspector, Alfred Patrickson, Town hall Lonsdale Earl of D.L. Lowther castle, Penrith Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, Robert Bell, Erskine IIon. Augustus William, Bowscar, Penrith . Constabulary office

:Musgrave Sir Richard George bart. D.L. Edenhall, Lang- I Inspector of Dairies & Cowsheds, J oseph Pears wathhy S.O· I "M.RC.V.S. I Wordsworth terrace Aglionby Col. Arthur C.B. Staffield hall,Kirkoswald S.O i Brooksbank WaIter Lamplugh esq. Fir Bank, Penrith! PE~RITH RCRAL DISTRICT CO"C~CIL. Dawson-Scott Gen. Robert Nicholl RE. Brent house, : Meets at Public offices, Sandgate, every alternate tues- Penrith i day at II a.m. Dowson Thomas Erasmus IIead esq. Lattendales, Grey- Chairman, John Mounsey, Stainton, Penrith stoke, Penrith Clerk, John ""Villiam Smith, Public offices Ecroyd Edward esq. Low house, Armathwaite S.O Treasurer, Thos. Machell, 'Vhitehaven Joint Stock Bank ~arrlils JJolsePEhdesq·dD.L. GDreLysoDutlhen,.Cocpkel'I~toluth ! Medical Officer of Health, John Francis Haswell M.D. naSI' 0 In war esq. '. a eIIlUlIl, eIlrl 1 i Th F'

Hevwood-Thompson Richard esq. ~unwick hall, Penrith I let rlarafgNe . & H' h SEt · k R b H d S lk Id h II L hb· nspec ors 0 Ulsances 19 way urveyors, as dis- H orroc s 0 ert 0 gson esq. a ea, angwat y t' t Th UT t K' k • Id SO, W t dl·'.'- S.O r~c, .o;nas n a son, Jr oswa ", es . ~ 'th tnct, Wllham Lee, 17 Brougham street H oward H y. Chas. esq. D..L G reyst0 k e castle, P enn Jackson Lieut.-Col. Edwin Threlkeld Leys, ES'"l1A.BLISHME~TS. Little William esq. Hutton hall, Penrith PUBLIC Longrigg William esq. Winderwath, Temple Sowerby, Cemetery, Thoma;:: Long-Iey, curator; Christopher Penrith Fairer, clerk to the burial board Lowther Rt. Hon. James William M.P., D.L. Hutton County Constabulary (head quarters for &; John, Penrith Westmorland), Charles de Courcy Parry esq. chief ~arkham Francis esq. Morland, Penrith constable; George Sanderson, superintendent Marshall William H. esq. Patterdale hall, Penrith County Court, His Honor David Fenwick Steavenson ~elson John Watson esq. Eden bank, Langwathby S.O LL.B. judge; Christupher Fairer, registrar & acting Oliphant-Sheffield Robert Stoney esq. Broadfield, Car- high bailiff lisle, Southwtite i A County Court is held here monthly at the Court Parker Chris. Juhn esq. L.L. The Laithes, Penrith house, St. Andrew's hall, & comprises within its Parker Edward Wilson esq. Carleton Derrick, Penrith jurisdiction Penl'ith union (except Threlkeld parish) Parkin William Hugh esq. Raven Cragg, Penrith & the West Ward (Westmorland) union (excepting Riley Hamlet esq. D.L. Ennim, Penrith Bolton, Crosby Ravensworth, King's Meaburn, :Mor­ Riming-ton George Arthur esq. Bishop yards, Penrith land, ~ewhy & . Sleugill), viz. :~Addingham, Ain­ Rutherford Rev. William Alan D.D., RN. Cockelle stable, Armathwaite, Askham, Bampton, Bampton house, Penrith Grange, Barton, Barron Wood Cottages, Bennet Head, Seatree William esq. 52 Arthur street, Pfmrith Birkfoot ""Vreay, Berrier, Birks, Bleawick, Blencarn, Scott James esq. Abbotsford house, Penrith Blencow, Blunderfield, Bowscar, Bowscale, Blacken­ Stanley William esq. D.L. Southwaite Hill, Penrith l'igg, Braithwaite, Broadfield, Brougham, Brow, WaIton John Pears esq. Acomb High house, Hexham Butterwick (Bampton), Calthwaite, Caberslack, Carn The Chairman of the Penrith Vrban &; Rural District Head, Carleton, ()astlerig~, Carlisle Brow, neaT Pen­ Councils are ex-officio magistrates. rith, Castle Sowerby, Catterlen, Cliburn, Clifton, Clifton Dykes, Cowrigg (Castle Sowerby), Croglin, Clerk to the Magistrates, Rowland WaIton Slack, I Uulgaith, Dacre, Dalemain, Dockray, Douthwaite Ilrunswick road, Penrith. (Patterdale), Dolphenby, Drybeck (Armathwaite), Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessional Justice Eamont Bridge, Edenhall, Eden Lacy, Egdale, Ellonby. Room, Constabulary offices, every tuesday at II a.m Forrest Hill, , Gill, Glassonby, Greystoke, The following places are included in the petty sessional Greystoke Head, Greena Cragg (Berrier), Greensid~ division: -Ainstable, Alston &; Garrigill, Berrier & (Patterdale), Hackthorpe, Hardingdale, Harescengh Murrah, Bowscale, Castle Sowerby, Catterlen, Croglin Castle, Hartsop, Helton, Helton Dale, Hesket (High), &; .Newbiggin, Culgaith. Dacre, Edenhall, Gamblesby, Hesket (Low), Hewer Hill, How Town, Hunsonby, Glassonby, Greystoke, Hesket-in-the-Forest, Hunsonby Hutton End, Hutton Roof, Hntton Soil. Hutton John, & Winskill, Hutton, Hutton Roof, Hutton John, Hutton Hutton Moor, Hyde Park Farm, Johnby, Keld Shap, CUMB. 15