Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By ARDHIA DEWI NUR RAHMA Student number: 154214052





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By ARDHIA DEWI NUR RAHMA Student number: 154214052





-Albert Einstein-







First, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Allah SWT for giving me a great opportunity to study in English Letters Department of Universitas Sanata

Dharma. Having the experience of studying in this University was a miracle for me.

Every step in this University can be passed by God’s blessing.

Second, I would like to convey my appreciation to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka,

M.Hum for having spent so many hours reading and correcting this thesis. I also thank my co-advisor Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan, S.S., M.A for the corrections and suggestions in the process of accomplishing this thesis, as well as the Secretariat staff of the English Letters of Universitas Sanata Dharma for being very helpful.

Third, my special gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Bapak Suyanto and

Ibu Sridati who always give me endless support and love in every condition. I would like to thank them for their effort in earning money to pay my school fee in this department which I really dreamed of. I also thank my sisters, Rina and Iin who support and help me in accomplishing this thesis. My family is my motivation for me.

They are my motivation and will always be my precious people in my life.

Lastly, I thank mas Jati Kumbara for the support and love that he gives to me so I can be strong in facing the difficulties in my life. I also thank PR Squad for making my day colorful with laughter and happiness they give me.

Ardhia Dewi Nur Rahma




TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………... ii APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………. iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE …………………………………………………… iv STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………... v LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH …………. vi MOTTO PAGE …………………………………………………………… vii DEDICATION PAGE ……………………………………………………. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………. x ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………….. xi ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………….. xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………...... 1 A. Background of the Study …………………………………………… 1 B. Problem Formulation ………………………………………………. 4 C. Objectives of the Study …………………………………………….. 4 D. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………… 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ………………………...... 7 A. Review of Related Studies …………………………………………. 7 B. Review of Related Theories ………………………………………... 12 1. Theory of Racial Discrimination ……………………...... 12 2. Theory of Character and Characterization ……………………... 13 C. Review of Racial Discrimination in …………………. 15 D. Theoretical Framework …………………………………………….. 19

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY …………………………………….. 20 A. Object of the Study ………………………………………………… 20 B. Approach of the Study ……………………………………………... 22 C. Method of the Study ………………………………………………... 23

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ……………………………………………… 25 A. How the Characters Reveal Racial Discrimination ………………… 25 1. John’s Character Revealing Racial Discrimination ……………. 27 2. Winston’s Character Revealing Racial Discrimination ………... 33 B. How the Racial Discrimination Affect Characteristic of the 37 Characters 1. John …………………………………………………………...... 38 a. Clever ………………………………………………...... 38 b. Creative ……………………………………………………...... 40



c. Emotional …………………………………………………...... 41 d. Assertive …………………………………………………...... 42 e. Responsible …………………………………………...... 43 f. Ambitious …………………………………………………...... 44

2. Winston ………………………………………………………...... 45 a. String-minded ………………………………………………...... 45 b. Bad-tempered ………………………………………………...... 46 c. Stubborn ……………………………………………………...... 46 d. Jealous ………………………………………………………...... 47 3. Hodohe …………………………………………………………...... 48 a. Cruel ………………………………………………………...... 48 b. Mocking ……………………………………………………...... 49

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION …………………………………………... 50

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………. 52




ARDHIA DEWI NIR RAHMA. (2019). Racial Discrimination Revealed through the Characters in The Island by Athol Fugard. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

In this thesis, the writer analyzes a play written by Athol Fugrad entitled The Island which was published in 1986. This play describes the two black prisoners’ experiences of being racially discriminated by their warders. There are two objectives discussed in this study. The first is to find out the racial discrimination which reveal by the characters in The Island. The second is to find out the racial discrimination which affect characteristic of the characters in The Island. Library research was the method in this study. The primary source was a play, The Island. The secondary sources were books and articles on the theory of Racial Discrimination and theory of Character and Characterization. The Sociocultural- Historical Approach became the approach of this study. Based on the analysis, for the first objective, the writer finds out the racial discrimination which is revealed by the characters. John experienced the racial discrimination which is cruel and inhumanly. Meanwhile, Winston experienced the racial discrimination when he is playing the role as . The warders are ridiculing and underestimating him as a stupid person. As for the second objective, the writer finds out that the racial discrimination affects the characteristic of the characters. John characteristics are clever, creative, emotional, assertive, responsible and ambitious. Meanwhile, Winston characteristics are strong-minded, bad-tempered, stubborn, and jealous.

Keywords: racial discrimination, oppression, characteristics.




ARDHIA DEWI NIR RAHMA. (2019). Racial Discrimination Revealed through the Characters in The Island by Athol Fugard. Yogyakarta: Progam Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dalam skripsi ini penulis menganalisis sebuah drama karangan Athol Fugard yang berjudul The Island yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1986. Drama ini menggambarkan pengalaman hidup dua tahanan kulit hitam yang didiskriminasi rasial oleh sipir tahanan mereka. Terdapat dua masalah yang dibahas di dalam skripsi ini. Masalah pertama ialah menemukan diskriminasi rasial yang diungkapkan oleh karaker-karakter di dalam The Island. Kedua, menemukan diskriminasi rasial yang mempengaruhi karakteristik dari karakter-karakter di dalam The Island. Metode dalam skripsi ini adalah studi pustaka. Sumber utama dalam skripsi ini adalah drama yang berjudul The Island. Sumber lain yang mendukung anatara lain buku dan artikel tentang teori Diskriminasi Rasial dan teori Karakter dan Karakterisasi. Sejarah Sosiokultural menjadi pendekatan dalam skripsi ini. Berdasarkan pada pembahasan, untuk masalah pertama, penulis menemukan diskriminasi rasial yang diungkapkan oleh karakter-karakter. John mengalami diskriminasi rasial yang kejam dan tidak manusiawi. Sementara itu, Winston mengalami diskriminasi rasial ketika ia memainkan peran sebagai Antigone. Para sipir tahanan menertawakan dan meremehkannya sebagai orang bodoh. Adapun masalah kedua, penulis menemukan bahwa diskriminasi rasial mempengaruhi karakteristik dari karakter-karakter. Karakteristik John ialah cerdas, kreatif, emosional, tegas, bertanggung jawab, dan ambisius. Sementara itu, karakteristik Winston ialah berpikiran kuat, pemarah, keras kepala, dan cemburuan.

Kata kunci: racial discrimination, oppression, characteristics.





A. Background of the Study

Literature is a writing which, in the words of Russian critic Roman

Jakobson, represents an ‗organized violence committed on ordinary speech‘

(Eagleton, 1996, p. 2). In other words, literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech. Literature has been commonly used to designate fictional and imaginative writings—poetry, prose, fiction, and drama. In a more general understanding, it also designates any other writings (including philosophy, history, and even scientific works addressed to a general audience) that are especially distinguished in form, expression, and emotional power (Abrams, 2009, pp. 177-178).

The writer analyzes The Island that contains an issue about racial discrimination in South Africa. Racial discrimination is often used to describe an unjust treatment to a certain ethnic or race. Muhammad states,

Racial discrimination means to treat differently a person or group of people based on their racial origins. Power is necessary precondition, for it depends on the ability to give or withhold social benefits, facilities, services, opportunities, etc., from someone who should be entitled to them, and are denied on the basis of race, color, or national origin (2017, p. 1). In South Africa, the racial discrimination happens because of the different class of race. It means that one group is classifying as the superiority class while the other is inferior class. In this case, the superiority class is white people while the inferiority class is the black people. This also happens to the characters on The




Island who get the discrimination because they are classified as inferior class as black people.

In this study, the writer focuses on the two black prisoners on Robben

Island who spend their days in meaningless back-breaking physical labor. Their labor is interminable. They are digging sand in the coast, standing side by side as they are handcuffed together and are shackled at the ankles. Then, they have to do the rehearsals at night. They are John and Winston, the characters who get the discrimination from white people. In the play, John has been jailed for belonging to a banned organization, while Winston is jailed for burning his passbook in front of the police.

Discrimination is the biggest case in the human‘s life. Racial discrimination is caused by physical appearance based on their race. Races are distinguished from the individual‘s viewpoint. The only properties that count are immediately visible ones: skin color, body hair, and facial configuration

(Todorov, 2000, p. 65). The difference in appearance and physical point of view has become the main cause of discrimination between black people and white people.

In this case, the blacks and whites have the different physical appearance.

The differences between blacks and whites are very prominent. Black people have dark skin, dark and kinky hair, wide mouths, and thick lips while white people have the opposite characteristics from the black people. The white people have light skin, blonde and straight hair, small mouth, and thin lips. Those difference physical characteristics sometimes make some people think that they are better or



greater from the other groups. In this case, the white people think that they are better than black people. The black people are assumed as unintelligent, rude, and uneducated people. These differences make the black people get different and unequal treatment from white people.

Every aspect of the native African‘s life was affected by these rules that aimed at segregating the blacks from the whites. Any opposition to from the blacks was put down ruthlessly. Apartheid is the name that was given to a policy of separating people by race, with regard to where they lived, where they went to school, where they worked, and where they died (Clark & Worger, 2011, p. 3). This is a policy or a system of laws implemented and continued by ―White‖ minority governments in South Africa from 1948 to 1990 (Marquard, 1996, p.


In South Africa at that time, extra judicial killings were common and the punishment dished out to the political prisoners aimed at breaking their spirit.

Shifting sand from one heap to another all day long or pulling a road roller round and round were some of the cruel and meaningless punishments devised. Edgar and Sedgwick describe racism as

a mode of classification of human beings in which distinguishes between them in the basis of physical properties (e.g. skin colour, facial features) which purportedly derive from genetic inheritence. Racists subordinate purportedly ‗significant‘ physical or normative (i.e. behavioural) differences to the pressuposition that the prossesion of one particular set of characteristics does not merely signify a physical difference but also an inherent difference of identity, nature, and ‗intrinsic value‘(1999, pp. 323- 325).

From the quotation, racism can occur because of people‘s stereotype of a group.



Racism includes believing one race is better than another. Direct racism can take the form of name-calling, withholding freedoms, degrading treatment, and physical assault. Racism can also be expressed in subtle ways through economics, politics, and the distribution of resources (Buckley, 2011, p. 12).

Racism is a harmful act because it judges and drops a person based on circumstances and physical differences.

The writer chooses Fugard‘s The Island because the racial discrimination in South Africa can be revealed through this play. Racial discrimination against blacks was carried out by white people in Africa, who are the minority. This unfair treatment attracted the writer to observe the social-historical background and the problems that existed in Africa at that time, which make black people oppressed in their own country by conducting research in The Island play.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study above, the writer proposes two research questions. They are:

1. How do the characters reveal racial discrimination in The Island?

2. How does racial discrimination affect characteristics of the characters in

The Island?

C. Objectives of the Study

The discussion is mainly to answer the two main objectives. The first objective is to describe the characters and characteristics of the characters which



are John and Winston. They are two black prisoners who suffer the racial discrimination. The racial discrimination is experienced by them. The second objective is to describe how the characteristics of the characters reveal the racial discrimination.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms often used in this study. The writer would like to define those terms to avoid misunderstanding. The first term is Racism. Reilly,

Kaufman, and Bodino (2003), state that racism is prejudice or discrimination against other people because of their ―race‖ or because of what is thought to their race (p. 15). Racism involves the assumption that people‘s birth or biology determines who they are: that behavior is based on biology.

Racism is ‗an ideology of racial discrimination‖ in which the presumed biological or cultural superiority of one or more racial groups is used to justify or prescribe the inferior treatment or social position(s) of other racial group (Wilson,

1999, p. 14).

The second term is Racial Discrimination. Ogene, Anyanwu, and Ojiaku

(2017) states that racial discrimination is an attitude of superiority by one race to the other as a result of having more power, language, culture, political and economic control and civilization than the other. This placed the weaker race in a disadvantaged position, thus compelling them to appear inferior and therefore deserve inhuman treatments, injustice and dehumanization (p. 344).



Feagin (1978), states that discrimination is ―actions carried out by members of dominant groups, which have differential and harmful impact on members of subordinates groups‖ (pp. 14-15). It means that there is no equality between the dominant group and the subordinates groups. The dominant groups tend to stand out and they assume that subordinates groups tend to be low.




In this chapter, the writer elaborates four major parts used to conduct this study, which are review of related studies, review of related theories, review of related background, and theoretical framework. The first explains two related theses and two related journals which are related to this study. The second explains the related theories that used to conduct this study. The third explains the history which related to the topic and analysis. Lastly, the writer describes the theoretical framework applied in this thesis. The theoretical framework explains the contributions of the theories involved in this study in solving the problems as formulated in Problem Formulations in Chapter I.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first related study is written by Sari (2014) in her undergraduate thesis discusses racial discrimination revealed through the major character and setting in

Kathryn Stockett‘s The Help. In her thesis, she discusses the three black maids‘ experiences that get the racial discrimination from their masters. The racial discrimination happens to Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson and Yule May is their separation from public facilities. For example: bus, barber, etc.

The library between black people and the white people are separated by the government. The colored library looks bad. Jim Crows also explains that the white people cannot marry the colored people, only the white people. The white people and the black people are not allowed to share the same water fountains, movie, houses, public restrooms, ballpark, etc (2014, p. 53).




The quotation explains that the difference between black people and white people was very prominent. It can be seen from the differences in public facilities used by white people and those which are not allowed to use by black people.

They also experienced verbal abuse from their masters. She used the three theories to analyze her thesis. There are theory of characters and characterization, theory of setting, and theory of discrimination. To analyze her thesis, she used the socio-cultural historical approach. In the analysis of the first problem, she finds out the characteristics of three black maids from their experiences on the racial discrimination. Second is the racial discrimination that seen through the setting.

The third is about the racial discrimination toward the black people. The racial discrimination can be seen through the separation of public facilities between the white people and the black people. The perspective of the white people about the racial discrimination can be the reason of oppression toward black people.

Sari‘s thesis is different from this thesis as this thesis discusses: The characters that revealed racial discrimination in The Island play. Sari‘s thesis focuses on the racial discrimination through the setting, the separation of public facilities, and the reason of oppression toward black people while this thesis focuses on the characters that experienced racial discrimination from the warders.

The second related study is written by Ardiyanto (2006) in his undergraduate thesis discusses apartheid, oppression, and class-consciousness portrayed in Athol Fugard‘s The Island. In his thesis, he discusses on apartheid, oppression and class-consciousness in The Island. It was experienced by the



characters in The Island play which are John and Winston. The play was written by Athol Fugard. In Ardiyanto‘s thesis, he tells that:

Fugard‘s works are his personal picture of the lives of South Africa people under Apartheid as a social system that gives terrible consequences to every aspect of the Black South Africans life, the works can be considered as literatures of protest (2006, p. 54).

From the quotation, it proves that Fugard wrote the play based on the condition of

South Africa at that time. Then, he expressed it with the literary work which is

The Island play.

In his thesis, he analyzes the three problems. First, the study is to know how the setting, characters, and tone in the play depict the criticism of apartheid system. Secondly is to know how the oppression in the play portrayed. Thirdly is to know how the class-consciousness in the play portrayed. After analyzing the problems, Ardiyanto finds that the setting can be divided into four places, which are , Cell, Quarry, and Solitary. John and Winston character represent black people who fight against Apartheid, who are being oppressed in the prison. Meanwhile, Hodoshe character represents the apartheid regime who oppresses and exploits the prisoners. The tones of The Island are critical, sympathetic, pleading, and urging. Those intrinsic elements support each other to reveal the picture of Apartheid history. The oppression in the play can be separated into two, which are physical oppression (forcing, hitting, and capturing actions) and mental oppression (mocking, threatening, and banning actions).

There are four class-consciousness that are suggested by John and Winston characters, they are: (1) to get freedom to speak and express their mind as the oppressed; (2) to remove exploitation and oppression in South Africa; (3) to prove



that Apartheid law is made to maintain and protect the authority of the whites in

South Africa; (4) to prove that Apartheid regime or the whites and the blacks have the same rights as human, so they do not have rights to control and exploit them.

The differences from this thesis can be seen through the focuses of the way he analyzes. Ardiyanto's thesis focuses on the setting, tone, and oppression in order to find the analysis. Meanwhile, this thesis focuses on the characters that experienced racial discrimination from the warders.

The third related study is a journal article by Ayan (2011) in her research discusses cultural logic of racism in Richard Wright‘s Native Son. In his study,

Ayan analyze focusing on racism, race prejudice, fear, anger and logic of racism in the white and the black worlds of America. Richard Wright in his astonishing novel, Native Son (1940) has created a controversial world shocking the sensibilities both Black and White American by presenting the cultural and logical realities behind racism that has been a matter of question in the United States for centuries.

Racial differences and prejudice attitudes always cause problems between Black and White. They cannot be together because the images of racial stereotypes held in the mind/logic of the second group make them act in ways that are detrimental to both cultural groups (Ayan, 2011, p. 135).

From the quotation, the distinctions of Black and White are visible. They cannot be together because they have their own stereotypes that made them act or think negatively about others.

Thus, this study aimed to discuss how the racial stereotypical picture held in both groups‘ mind became destructive and double-edged racism by focusing on



racism, race prejudice, fear, anger, cultural conflicts and cultural logic of racism in Wright‘s Native Son.

This article discusses the racial stereotype on racism, race, prejudice, fear, anger, and logic of racism in the white and the black worlds of America. The setting of this article is in America. It is different from this thesis because this thesis only focuses on the characters that experienced racial discrimination from the warders.

The fourth related study is a journal article by Clair and Denis (2015) in their research discusses sociology of racism. This research aims to explain about the relationship between racism, racial discrimination, and racial inequality. In this study, the researchers analyze the two problems. First, the study is to know how the social scientists describe the race as distinct from ethnicity. Second is to know how the racial discrimination related to racial inequality. The theories used are racial stereotype and prejudice. These theories often acknowledge the history of racism in shaping contemporary inner city black culture but argue that subordinates culture behavior are at least one immediate cause of continuing racial inequality. After analyzing the study, the researchers find that:

A major distinction is the assumption of a biological basis in the case of race. Races are distinguished by perceived common physical characteristics, which are thought to be fixed, whereas ethnicities are defined by perceived common ancestry, history, and cultural practices, which are seen as more fluid and self-asserted rather than assigned by others. Racial discrimination concerns the unequal treatment of races, whereas racial inequality concern with unequal outcomes (in income, education, health, etc.). While racism is often implicated in both process, contemporary racial inequalities and forms of discrimination are not always the immediate result of contemporary racism (Clair & Denis, 2015, p. 857).



From the quotation, the researchers find the differences among race, ethnicity, racial discrimination, and racism in order to see the assumption of a biological basis in the case of race.

This journal article that the writer chooses is different from this thesis.

This journal article discusses the racism itself. It means that the racism that happened in the society of the era of colonialism. In this article, the explanation of racism and discrimination are explained briefly. Meanwhile, in this thesis focuses on the characters that experienced racial discrimination from the warders.

B. Review of Related Theories

Basically, theories are needed as a tool to analyze and support the analysis.

There are two theories used in order to analyze this study. The theories are theory of racial discrimination and theory of character and characterization.

1. Theory of Racial Discrimination

In the book Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies written by

Cashmore, the racial discrimination is also known as racialism, this is the active or behavioral expression of racism and is aimed at denying members of certain groups equal access to scarce and valued resources. It goes beyond thinking unfavorably about group or holding negative beliefs about them (Cashmore, 2004, p. 345).

According to Charmichael and (1967, p. 157), racial discrimination is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom (that is, social institution). Discrimination may include



segregation housing pattern, redialing by social institution, and the practice of minority groups being forced continually onto low job.

There are two types of discrimination; those are legal discrimination and institutional discrimination. Legal discrimination is the treatment of the law toward the citizens which is unequal, while in the institutional discrimination

(racism) is the unequal treatment based on the race in social custom. The institutional discrimination includes segregation between race, redlining by financial institutions, and the continuous practice of low-paying job experienced by the minority group member. The minority itself means any group whose position is in the disadvantage point (Roth, 1995, p. 232).

2. Theory of Character and Characterization

According to Abrams (2009), character is the main element in a literary work.

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it –the dialogue- and from what they do –the action- (p. 42).

The quotation above shows that characters are playing the important role in a literary work.

According to Barnet (2005), there are some vital factors that must be considered when learning about character in a fiction.

Those are: (1) What the character says, (2) What the character does, (3) What the other characters (including the narrator of the story) say about the character, and (4) What other characters do (p. 229).



We can conclude the role of character as the element of literary work is very important. In addition, to understand the personality of the person in the story, we need to concern what the character says, do, and how the character described by the other character or author. It is supported to what Redman said that the more we read the play, the better we will understand what the character does, and from this character we will get the meaning of the play or for what reason the play is made.

The more you discover him as the play progress, the better you will understand why he acts, thinks, and feel as he does and why his struggle was or was not successful. You will also gain a better insight into the meaning of the play – the idea, view of life, or commentary on human behavior that is dramatized through the words and deeds of the character (Redman, 1964, pp. viii-ix).

The author presents character inspired by the real person. In fiction, the author reveals the characters of imaginary persons. The creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist for reader as lifelike is called characterization

(Holman, 1972, p. 91). The ability of characterize is a primary atribute of a good writer.

There are three fundamental methods of characterization in fiction which are:

(1)The explicit presentation by the author of the character through direct expostion, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal through out the work, illustrated by action (2) the presentation of the characters in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author in the expectation that the reader will be able to deduce the attributes of the actor from the actions; and (3) the representation from within a character, without comment on the characters by the author, of impact of actions, and emotions on the character‘s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the atributes of the character (1972, p. 91).



The presentation of characters through actions is essentially the dramatic method.

It is traditional way of establishing character in the drama. In fact, that only by changing some of the dramatic conversations, as in the use of a chorus, or expressionosm, or in plays, can other methods of characterization be used in the theater.

C. Review of Racial Discrimination in South Africa

The literary work which is analyzed is The Island. The Island is a play that reflects the racial discrimination toward black people. The writer will review the history of racial discrimination in South Africa as the setting of The Island play.

South Africa has a long history about Apartheid. According to

Onwuzurike (1987, pp. 215-216), apartheid is an official policy of South Africa with a view to promoting and maintaining white ascendancy, the motive of which is to create an apartness between whites and blacks. By maintaining such as gap, the minority government of South Africa has indeed, initialed a hate syndrome, and by so doing has significantly suppressed the economic and psychological growth of native black South African. In general, apartheid policy does generate a conglomeration of other socially unacceptable conditions that have no less significant effect on the well-being, self-esteem, and self-concepts of black South

Africans. Prominent among the concomitants of apartheid ideology are variables of genocide, stereotype, segregation, racism or racialism, prejudice, and discrimination.



In South Africa the state is not only a condensation of the class relations but it is also an expression and institutional vehicle for the installation of race relations and ethnicity. It does not therefore seek to unify the white ruling class in terms of class interests only although these are the central magnetic elements, but also in terms of race. It is this that defines the South Africa state as racist.

Thompson and Prior state:

The Whites have a monopoly of politic power. Only Whites may be members of the South African Parliament and the South African Cabinet, which are sovereign over the entire Republic. Economic power, too, is vested to an overwhelming extent in the hands of Whites who own most of the land and control all the major industries and businesses. Every appreciable enterprise in the county employs Blacks, most of whom do the unskilled work at low wages, whereas Whites do the skilled work at high wages. Thus, though members of all the racial groups participate in the economy and are dependent on it, their opportunities, roles, and rewards are largely determined by their race (Thompson & Prior, 1982, p. 3).

From the quotation, it is understood that black people do not have rights to anything in terms of employment, industry, and business that controlled by white people. The work and wages that black people get are different from white people.

This is an act of discrimination committed by white people where they consider to work or whatever is determined by race. So, for black people, they have no authority or rights in industry or employment.

Africans are often specifically denied by law from filling various skilled jobs. From the point of view of the economy this limits their productivity to a much lower level than need be (n.d., 1974, p. 48). Many jobs previously done by skilled white workers were done by Africans for lower wages or were split up in order to avoid the job reservation laws.



The separation between Blacks and Whites are really pictured. It occurs that whites are having control and power in South Africa. As stated that:

South African rarely meet members of racial groups other than their own, except as white employers and black employees, white overseers and black laborers, or white officials and black subject. Members of racial groups live in different areas; they attend different schools and churches; when they are ill they are treated in different hospitals or different parts of the same hospital; and when they die they are carried in different hearses to different cemeteries. In most cases the facilities for Whites are greatly superior to the facilities for Blacks. Most of this separation is embodied in laws enacted by the sovereign all-white courts and enforced by police under the orders of all white senior officers (Thompson & Prior, 1982, p. 4).

From the quotation, the difference between white people and black people is not only in terms of employment but also in the public facilities such as schools, churches, and hospitals. The facilities obtained by black people who are very low and not feasible. It is different from the facilities that get by white people which seem special and superior. The separation carried out is embodied in law by white courts and this is in under control of white people.

The government in southern Africa where at that time was controlled by white people, as state:

South African apartheid government serves as the breeding ground for the aversive racist tendencies toward blacks. The racial policy of the South African minority government, with the aim of promoting as well as stabilizing white ascendancy over blacks, reflects nothing short of pathological obsession for power and superiority. It is apartheid policy. It is racism (Onwuzurike, 1987, p. 215).



The government policy on blacks made blacks feel oppressed because they were controlled by white people. The cruel treatment carried out by white people towards blacks was a policy that existed in South Africa at that time.

Discrimination in Africa is not only seen from work, business or economic factors, but also in politics. It means that the people who get case in politic will get the hard punishment. In this case are black people. The white people committed cruel act with the prisoners. The act is that the prisoners would be isolated in the prison out of Africa. This was supported by Thompson & Prior statement that the important African leaders had been killed, banned, imprisoned, or sent to other country in order to stop their action against apartheid system.

Thompson & Prior said ―By 1980 most of the other effective African leaders had died, had been silenced by banning or imprisonment, or had left the country‖

(1982, p. 214).

In that era, one example of prison for the political African Leader is

Robben Island. This place has a long history as a site where outcasts and rebel opponents of various settler and colonial governments were abandoned and imprisoned. Robben Island was the prison in which the most black‘s male political prisoners who opposed the apartheid regime were incarcerated from 1962 to 1961. Robben Island become the jail most associated with apartheid‘s incarceration, the prison played the greatest role in developing anti-apartheid politics (Buntman, 2003, p. 3). As such, it included inmates classified by apartheid as African, Indian, and ―Coloured‖ and excluded white men and women of all races. The Island has the largest concentration of political prisoners. On a



practical the various sites of political incarceration, the prison played the greatest role in developing antiapartheid politics.

D. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contributions of theories and reviews the problems of the study. Theories are needed as a tool or basic idea to answer the problems formulated in the previous chapter. The first is theory of racial discrimination.

This theory is used to answer the first problem. Theory of racial discrimination helps the writer to find out about how the black characters in The Island play reveal the racial discrimination.

The second is theory of character and characterization. This theory is used to analyze the second problem. The theory of character and characterization helps the writer to describe the characters and also the characteristics of John and

Winston. In The Island play, the writer uses the theory of character and characterization by seeing what they says, do, and how it is described by other character or author in order to see the characters and characteristics that are presented in The Island play.





This chapter consists of the three parts, namely object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. The first is object of the study that describes the play used with its physical description and what the play is generally about. The second is approach of the study that involves the approach employed in the analysis, the description of the approach, the reason of selecting the approach, and the produce of application of the approach. The third is method of the study that describes the steps in analyzing the play.

A. Object of the Study

This study uses the book entitled Statements, which was published in

1986. This book contains of three plays by Athol Fugard. They are Sizwe Bansi Is

Dead and The Island in collaboration with and , and

Statement After an Arrest Under the Immorality Act. The writer chose the play

The Island as the source of the play that is used as the primary data because this play tells about two prisoners in Robben Island prison which experienced racial discrimination by white warders.

The main source of this study was The Island play. It is divided into four scenes. It was published in 1986 by Theatre Communication Group, Inc. This play was inspired by as a Robben Island resident, Fugard and actors

John Kani and Winston Ntshona wrote the play collaboratively in 1973.



The first play was premiered in on July 2, 1973. It was directed by Athol Fugard with John Kani and Winston Ntshona as the actors, John

Kani and Winston Ntshona as Winston (Fugard, 1986, p. 46). It was performed again by them, the original actors, at the 1955 National Arts Festival in

Grahamstwon (6-19 July) as a twenty year tribute to the play (Wertheim, 2000, p.


In The Island, two prisoners, names John and Winston, in Robben Island in South Africa spend their day by digging sand in the cost. The relationship between John and Winston are strong. Even though they are not blood brothers, they are political brothers which belong to an organization whose motto is "Nyana we Sizwe" means "Brother of the Land.‖ They promise to the chaps or their fellows to do something. Thus, they prepare the concert scenes from Sophocles‘

Antigone in the in their cells every night in six days. Sophocles's Antigone is juxtaposed against the situation at that time in South Africa. The conflict between individual conscience and individual rights (symbolized by Antigone, whom the prisoners see as innocent although she pleads guilty) and governmental decrees

(symbolized by Creon) corresponds to the conflict between the individual conscience and rights of black prisoners and white government. In in the middle,

John told that he will be released soon and Winston feels that he will spend his entire life in prison, so there is a conflict between them during the practice.

However, they finally perform the drama. In the day of their performance of

Antigone, they give criticism, indirectly, to the prison chief and the warders



through the words they said. In the end, they are handcuffed together and shackled at the ankles to back to their cell. Then, the siren is blown.

B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing Fugard‘s The Island, the writer uses socio-cultural historical approach in order to know the relation between the work of the literature and its background knowledge. The sociocultural-historical approach is an appropriate approach. The important point of the sociocultural-historical approach is seeing a literary work from its relation with history of certain time and place. The approach deals with the history and the society when the author lives and creates the story.

The sociocultural-historical perspective relates the society and the history to the events occur in the story (Rohrberger & Woods, 1971, pp. 9-10).

Rohrberger and Woods (1971) states that:

Critics whose major interest is the sociocultural-historical approach insist that the only way to locate the real work is in reference to the civilization that produced it. They define the civilization as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people and point out that literature takes these attitudes and actions as its subject matter (p. 9).

From the quotation, it means that the approach is related with the society‘s condition, the history of the story and the reflection of the society at that time.

According to Durisin, ―Those phenomena which reflect the individual forms of social consciousness and which find a specific application in Literature‖ is focus on Socio Cultural Historical Criticism (1984, p. 197). Based on this statement, the approach tries to make the essence of particular culture, history or general environment within the literary work. It will make the relation and the



representation of certain literary work with its cultures, social condition, and the history of certain community in the story.

From those points, the writer is sure that the Sociocultural-Historical approach is the most suitable approach in this play because at the end of this study, the objective of this research is to evaluate the life of the black people who get the racial discrimination from white people as whole community and group, its social and cultural aspect from the history point of view just like the approach itself. It means that this approach will discuss or explain about their history, culture, social condition from time to time and these features can be analyzed from Athol Fugard‘s The Island. By using Sociocultural-Historical approach in analyzing the play, The Island, it is useful to discuss the characters and racial discrimination that are captured from the society of the play that happened in

South Africa and also the reader will be able to see the influence of the society to the work written by Athol Fugard.

C. Method of the Study

The primary source which is used in this study is the play, The Island.

Besides gaining primary source, there were some secondary sources which became important to involve. They were theory of Character and theory of Racial

Discrimination. Since this study was not field study, library study became the method to gather the data. The writer collected the relevant books, and browsed some sources from the internet.



In completing this study, there were some steps used by the writer. First, the writer read the play several times to get more understanding and idea of the play. Second, the writer determined research problems based on the play discussed. Third, finding references was done by the writer. The writer found some books in the library and browsed articles from the internet in order to find some related articles to this study. Fourth, determining the approach was involved as the basic approach to use in this study. Here, sociocultural-historical approach was chosen. Fifth, the writer analyzed the work by relating the theories in Chapter

II to answer research problems and support the writer‘s idea about the analysis.

Sixth, the writer concluded this study based on the analysis.




This chapter presents the analysis of this study. The writer intends to answers the questions which are stated in the problem formulation in Chapter I.

This chapter consists of two parts. The first part explains the racial discrimination revealed through the characters in The Island play. The second part describes the characteristic of the characters based on The Island play.

A. How the Characters Reveal Racial Discrimination

In the play, The Island which is written by Athol Fugard, they are two black prisoners named John and Winston as the center of the story. The two prisoners experience discrimination by the white warder, named Hodoshe. The black prisoners experience racial discrimination. They get the unequal treatment from the warder. They are treated inhumanly by the white people. They do the

Antigone‘s play to perform it in front of the warders mean to protest the system of

Apartheid in Southern Africa.

The racial discrimination is seen clearly. John and Winston get the bad treat from Hodoshe, as the warder in Robben Island Prison. John and Winston as the prisoners on Robben Island prison are also regarded as labor or lower class.

Day by day, they are forced to dig the sand on the beach. Each prisoner digs the sand in one place on the beach while the other brings a wheelbarrow to take the sand and empty it into another place on the beach. It means that what they do is




like the work which will never end because the sand never reduces. It proves that the warders make them doing something which is futile.

Each in turns fills a wheelbarrow and then with great effort pushes it to where the other man is digging, and empties it. As a result, the piles of sand never diminish (Fugard, 2986, p. 47).

From the quotation above, it shows that the warders like to force the prisoners to do that job. The warders oppressed the prisoners physically. They, who considered them self as superior class, try to make the black prisoners become a tool who can be ordered to do something, as they give to the black prisoners who is digging the sand.

The warders also beat the black prisoners if they make a mistake. The black prisoners will stop their job on the beach when the whistle is blown and they will gather, stand side by side to be handcuffed together and shackled at the ankles. John and Winston do not run fast to gather, so they are hit by the warders.

It said ―they do not run fast enough, they get beaten . . . Winston receiving a bad blow to the eye and John spraining an ankle‖ (Fugrad, 1986, p. 47). It shows that

Winston gets a bad blow on his eye and John‘s ankle is injured. The reason is because they are late to gather so that they get the bad treatment from the warders.

They are forced to do something, if they do not do that, it means that the warders will beat them. It shows that the warders are doing the discrimination to the black prisoners.



The whites isolated the political revolutionaries in order to make them not to oppose the Apartheid.

JOHN. … Puling through the big gates, wives and mothers running next to the vans, trying to say goodbye … all of us inside fight for the last look through the window. (Fugard, 1986, p. 66)

From John‘s dialogue above, it shows that the prisoners are oppressed by the

Apartheid policy by imprisoning them to jail they can endanger the position and authority as the class or race who charge in South Africa government. They, as the prisoners still have rights to get the trial and lawyer to defend and find justice, but in contrast, these prisoners are caught and put into jail in order to keep the silent for protesting the apartheid law.

Based on The Encyclopedia of Ethics International, it is considered as legal discrimination. Legal discrimination is the treatment of the law which is unequal (1995, p. 232). The black people in South Africa experience the unjust treatment. They cannot fight against the white people and the system of Apartheid in South Africa. The description below explains how the characters reveal racial discrimination in the play.

1. John’s Character Reveal Racial Discrimination

John is a black person who experience racial discrimination from the warders.

JOHN. Those bastards will do anything to break you. If you wheelbarrows and the quarry don‘t do it, they‘ll try something else. Remember that last visit of wives, when the lined up all the men on the other side. . . ‗Take a good look and say goodbye! Back to the cells!.‘ (Fugard, 1986, p. 65)



From John‘s dialogue above, he mentions the words ―those bastards.‖ Those words refer to the warders. He said that because he hates the warders who treat him and Winston brutally. The warders is did the discrimination to the black prisoners because they have a power to controlled the black people. The white people are regarded themselves as superior class so they can do anything to oppress the black people. It is supported by Onwuzurike.

South African apartheid government serves as the breeding ground for the aversive racist tendencies toward blacks. The racial policy of the South African minority government, with the aim of promoting as well as stabilizing white ascendancy over blacks, reflects nothing short of pathological obsession for power and superiority. It is apartheid policy. It is racism (1987, p. 215). The government policy on blacks made blacks feel oppressed because they were controlled by white people. The cruel treatment carried out by white people towards blacks was a policy that existed in South Africa at that time.

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is in scene… John said ―Yes? Okay. It‘s my rag, Sir. When you wash, use your shirt‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 50). When John imitates what Hodoshe says to them – when he sees their rag and says ―When you wash, use your shirt‖ –that Hodoshe wants to ridicule them, John and Winston as the prisoners. By ridiculing them,

Hodoshe feels that he has a power to dominate them as the oppressed class. Racial discrimination is shown above as Hodoshe gives unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom (Charmichael & Hamilton, 1967, p. 157).



Another proof that reveals racial discrimination experienced by John is seen in scene one which in John‘s dialogue.

JOHN. This morning, when he said: ―You two! The beach!‖ . . . I thought, Okay, so it‘s my turn to empty the sea into a hole. He likes that one. But when he pointed to the wheelbarrows, and I saw his idea . . .! [Shaking his head.] I laughed at first. Then I wasn‘t laughing. Then I hated you. You look so stupid, broer!. (Fugard, 1986, p. 49)

From John‘s dialogue above, the word ―you two, the beach,‖ shows that Hodoshe is giving the order to him. By giving the order, it proves that he likes to dominate

John, as a black people. The discrimination that Hodoshe did to him is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom

(Charmichael & Hamilton).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is seen in scene two which in John‘s dialogue.

JOHN. Hodoshe‘s talk, Winston! That what he says all the time. What he wants us to say all our lives. Our convictions, our ideals . . . that‘s what he calls them . . . child‘s play. Everything we fucking do is ‗child‘s play‘ . . . when we ran that whole day in the sun and pushed those wheelbarrows, when we cry, enough. No one is going to stop me doing Antigone. . . (Fugard, 1986, p. 62) From John‘s dialogue above, the word ―child play,‖ means that Hodoshe underestimates them by saying that. He considers that whatever they do is not important and futile, especially when John wants to perform Antigone‘s play. The effort given is not regarded by Hodoshe since he holds negative beliefs about person from different race (Cashmore, 2004, p. 345).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is in scene four which in John‘s dialogue. John said ―But have you ever paused to



ask yourself whose responsibility it is to maintain that fatness and happiness? The answer is simple, is it not? . . .‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 74). The words ―fatness and happiness‖ give sense of individuality or meaning only for personal interest or prosperity. It shows that the Apartheid policy is only to make the other group become oppressed. It was experienced by the black people. They get unequal treatment because of the Apartheid policy. They have been jailed and isolated in

Robben Island. John, as the black people wants to criticize that what he gets is not fair. Racial discrimination above means any group whose position is in the disadvantage point (Roth, 1995, p. 232).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is seen in scene two which in John‘s dialogue.

JOHN. Hodoshe‘s talk, Winston! That what he says all the time. What he wants us to say all our lives. Our convictions, our ideals . . . that‘s what he calls them . . . child‘s play. Everything we fucking do is ‗child‘s play‘ . . . when we ran that whole day in the sun and pushed those wheelbarrows, when we cry, enough. No one is going to stop me doing Antigone. . . (Fugard, 1986, p. 62)

From John‘s dialogue above, Hodoshe as the warder underestimates John and

Winston by performing Antigone play. Hodoshe says to them that everything they did is just child play. It means that they will do something stupid. The discrimination that the warder did to them is about thinking unfavorably about group or holding negative beliefs about them (Cashmore, 2004, p. 345).

The Apartheid policy in Southern Africa also banned the black people. It happened in John who banned by the Apartheid policy. He does not get the freedom to communicate with his family. John said ―… Operator, put me through



to New Brighton, please … yes, New Brighton, , The number is

414624 … Yes, mine is local … local …‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 56). John makes a fake telephone call to his family. He wants to know the condition of his family.

Since he was jailed on Robben Island, he is being isolated. He cannot do anything even communicate with his family. The discrimination that experience by John is the purpose of the Apartheid policy. It is aimed at denying members of certain group equal access to scarce and valued resources (Cashmore, 2004, p. 345).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is seen in scene one which in John‘s dialogue. John said ―… I haven‘t received a letter for three moths …‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 57). From John‘s dialogue above, it shows that he really cannot communicate with his family. He does not receive a letter, or even to have call with his family. The Apartheid policy makes the black prisoners are really isolated and banned to have communication with family or others. It supported by Thompson and Prior ―By 1980 most of the other effective

African leaders had died, had been silence by banning or imprisonment, or had left the country‖ (1986, p. 214). Since Apartheid happened in South Africa, the black people get the different treatment and also experience the discrimination.

The black people who have the mistake will be isolated and jailed on Robben


Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination is seen in scene two which is in John‘s dialogue. John said ―Jesus, I‘m so mixed up, man! Ja . . . the door opened and I saw Hodoshe. Ooo God, I said to myself. Trouble! Here we go again! All because of you and the noise you were making … (Fugard, 1986, p.



64). From John‘s dialogue, it shows that Hodoshe scares him. Hodoshe is known as a cruel person. When Hodoshe come to him, it means that something will happen. He can do anything he wants. He likes to treat the black prisoners cruelly and inhumanly. The discrimination that Hodoshe did to him is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified is social custom (Charmichael &

Hamilton, 2004, p. 345).

John gets the racial discrimination from the warders and also the

Apartheid policy that happened in South Africa. The racial discrimination experienced by John is a form of political discrimination. John is jailed because he wants to criticize the Apartheid policy. He gets the discrimination in Robben

Island. The person who did the discrimination to him is Hodoshe, the warder.

Hodoshe is known as cruel person and like to treat John, as the black prisoner brutally. John also gets the bad treatment from him. Hodoshe treats him cruelly and inhumanly. He also has the negative beliefs about him. He thinks that John is only a stupid person as his race which is black that can be classified as the inferior clas, lazy, and uneducated person. John is being oppressed by the warders. The racial discrimination experienced by John is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom (Charmichael & Hamilton, 1967, p.


2. Winston’s Character Reveal Racial Discrimination

Winston is also the black prisoner who experience racial discrimination from the warders. Winston said ―I want Hodoshe. I want him now! I want to take him to the office. He must read my warrant. I was sentenced to Life brother, not



bloody Death!‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 48). From Winston‘s dialogue, it shows that

Hodoshe does not care about Winston‘s warrant. He takes Winston in Robben

Island. In that place, he will get the unequal treatment from him. In dialogue above, Winston is mentioning the words ―I was sentence to Life, not bloody

Death‖ which mean that Winston is not has the freedom or cannot do anything to fight for something that he did because Hodoshe will not read his warrant.

Hodoshe will take him to jail and treats him brutally and inhumanly. The effort that Hodoshe did to him is the treatment of the law toward the citizens which is unequal (Roth, 1995, p. 232).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by John is seen in scene one which in Winston‘s dialogue.

JOHN [Trying to be careful]. Now look, Winston, we‘re not going to argue. Between me and you, in this cell, we know she‘s Not Guilty. But in the play she pleads Guilty. WINSTON. No, man, John! Antigone is Not Guilty … (Fugard, 1986, p. 53)

The quotation above shows that Winston thinks he and John are not guilty. They are considered to guilty because of the system of Apartheid that makes them get the racial discrimination. Racial discrimination that Winston and John get means any group whose position is in disadvantage point (Roth, 1995, p. 232).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is seen in scene two which in Winston‘s dialogue.

WINSTON. …There you go again, more laughing! Shit, man, you want me to go out there tomorrow night and make a bloody fool of myself? You think I don‘t know what will happen after that? Every time I run to the quarry . . . ‗Nyaah . . . nyah . . . Here comes



Antigone! Help the poor lady! . . . ‗ Well, you can go to hell with your Antigone. (Fugard, 1986, p. 60)

The quotation above shows that he does not want to laugh by the warders. He knows what will happen after he is playing the role as Antigone. The stubborn character of John is because he experience racial discrimination from the warders.

Racial discrimination that Winston gets is unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom (Charmichael & Hamilton, 1967, p. 157).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is seen in scene one in Winston‘s dialogue. He said ―Jesus, John! We were down on the beach today. Hodoshe made us run …‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 51).

The word ―Hodoshe made us run‖ means that Hodoshe gives him the order.

Winston will do the futile job which is digging the sand. Hodoshe is not only making him digs the sand on the beach but also he makes Winston run. The job that Hodoshe gives to him is to discriminate the black people by doing something which is futile. The discrimination that Winston gets is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom (Charmichael &

Hamilton, 1967, p. 157).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is seen in scene one in Winston‘s dialogue. He said ―Jesus Christ! Learn to dig for Hodoshe, learn to run for Hodoshe, and what happens when I get back to the cell? Learn to read Antigone!‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 52). It shows that Hodoshe likes to mock him. Winston is doing the futile job on the beach after that learn

Antigone‘s play. It gives the proof that Hodoshe wants to mock his ideal and his



life. Winston tires about the condition that he faces. He cannot do anything to fight it. He can only obey his order. The order that Hodoshe gives to Winston is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom

(Charmichael & Hamilton, 1967, p. 157).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is seen in scene two which in Winston‘s dialogue. He said ―… If I go out there tomorrow night and those bastard start laughing I‘ll fuck up the first one I lay my hands on …‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 63). The words ―those bastards start laughing‖ refer to the warders. Winston will play the role as Antigone. He knows that what he did will make the warders laugh. It means that the warders underestimate him. They think that the black people are stupid so Winston as the black people does something stupid. When they laugh at Winston, it will embarrass him. It is the aim of the warders which is to oppress the black people.

Racial discrimination above is thinking unfavorably about group or holding negative beliefs about them (Cashmore, 2004, p. 345).

Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is in scene two which in Winston‘s dialogue. He said ―What‘s the matter? Are we in shit? Solitary?‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 64). It happens after John buys by Hodoshe to Prinsloo‘s office. Winston is afraid that he will give another bad treatment from Hodoshe. When John mentions about Hodoshe, Winston knows that if Hodoshe calls the prisoners, something will happen. The word

―solitary‖ above is the place for the warder to intimidate the prisoners.



Another proof that reveals the racial discrimination experienced by

Winston is seen in scene four which in Winston‘s dialogue.

WINSTON. [to the audience]. Brother and Sisters of the Land! I go now on my last journey. I must leave the light of day forever, for the Island, strange and cold, to be lost between life and death. So, to my grave, my everlasting prison, condemned alive to solitary death. (Fugard, 1986, p. 77)

From Winston‘s dialogue above, he performs an Antigone‘s play. He is playing the role as Antigone. The dialogue above is means that he speaks his mind as a black people. He criticizes the Apartheid policy to keep and make their power stronger, they will arrest and isolate everybody who against them to break the law.

They are imprisoned because they defend their race from the oppression of other race, the whites, by making a protest or demonstration that oppose the Apartheid policy in Southern Africa. The whites repress another class, the blacks. The way of repression is such as force them to go the quarry, mock them, prohibit making a contact to the outside, or arresting them for endangering the position of the white as the government of Southern Africa. The discrimination that the whites do to the blacks is any group whose position is in disadvantage point (Roth, 1995, p. 232).

It also supported by Onwuzurike.

South Africa Apartheid government serves as the breeding ground for the aversive racist tendencies toward blacks. The racial policy of South African minority government, with the aim of promoting as well as stabilizing white ascendancy over blacks, reflects nothing short of pathological obsession for power or superiority. It is apartheid policy. It is racism (Onwuzurike, 1987, p. 215) It is experienced by John and Winston who is jailed and isolated on Robben

Island. They are the black people who want to protest about the Apartheid policy



that happened in Southern Africa, but they are jailed and get unequal treatment for the warders.

Winston also gets the racial discrimination from the warders and also the

Apartheid policy that happened in South Africa. The racial discrimination experienced by Winston is a form of political discrimination. Winston gets the discrimination from the warder who is Hodoshe. The discrimination that he gets is same with John. Winston also gets unequal treatment from Hodoshe. He gives

Winston the order to dig the sand on the beach. The job that Winston did is futile.

When Winston wants to play the role as Antigone, the warders are ridiculing him.

By ridiculing him, it means that they underestimate him and think that the play that he did is only something stupid. The racial discrimination that Winston gets is a deep form of unequal treatment based on race that is fortified in social custom

(Charmichael & Hamilton, 1967, p. 157).

B. How the Racial Discrimination Affect the Characteristic of the


The people who are described in a literary work are called characters.

Character is one important element in a work of literature. The reader needs to know the character of literary work. Abrams (2009), states that the character is:

the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it –the dialogue- and from what they do –the action- (2009, p. 42).

From the quotation above, Abrams tries to explain that character is the element in literary works that gives information about the people who are included in that



literary works. Character is an important element in the literary work because without characters, the story cannot be made. In this sub chapter, the writer analyzes three characters in The Island play; they are two black prisoners and the warder. The two black prisoners are John and Winston. The warder is Hodoshe.

He is a white person who does the racial discrimination to the black prisoners.

1. John

John is a black person. He works at a company in New Brighton. He makes a mistake by following a banned organization. From those mistakes, he has been jailed in Robben Island prison.

In South Africa, banning the organization was a very serious violation. Banning, in South Africa was an administrative action by which publications, organizations, or assemblies could be outlawed and suppressed and individual persons could be placed under severe restrictions of their freedom of travel, association, and speech. Banning was an important tool in the South African government‘s suppression of those opposed to its policy of apartheid (, April 12 2019). From the quotation above explains that banning organization is a serious violation as John does. Because of that, John is isolated in Robben Island prison and he cannot get the freedom to communicate with his family. a. Clever

John is a clever person. He is described as a clever person because he thinks that the discrimination whose done by the warder is to break the belief and identity of the blacks.

JOHN. Those bastards will do anything to break you. If you wheelbarrows and the quarry don‘t do it, they‘ll try something else. Remember that last visit of wives, when the lined up all the men on the other side. . . ‗Take a good look and say goodbye! Back to the cells!‘ (Fugard, 1986, p. 65).



Clever character supports the character of John because as the person who realizes that he is black, who is exploited by the whites because they consider the blacks as an inferior class. Black people are useless. Black people are only treated badly and consider as a slave. John realizes that he should be clever to see about his surrounding, about the system of apartheid.

Another proof that shows the clever character of John is when his sentence is reduced. He will be released in three months, but he knows that it is just a trick.

JOHN. … Look, in this cell we‘re going to forget those three months. The whole bloody thing is most probably a trick anyway. So let‘s just forget about it. We run to the quarry tomorrow. Together … (Fugard, 1986, p. 67).

From John‘s dialogue above, John knows that what he gets is only a trick. They only give John a hope. They think that black people is stupid. So, they do those kind of trick to fool him. John as a black person realized that his clever character gives the proof that he does not want to be oppressed and underestimate by the white people. So that John is not too serious or happy to respond about his sentence which will be released soon.

Clever character of John is because he experienced racial discrimination from the warders. The effect of racial discrimination that he gets is affecting his characteristic. He became clever because he knows what the warders did to him and Winston is because they are black people which stupid, lazy, and regarded as a slave. So, the warders as a white that have a power could do anything to oppress them.



b. Creative

John is a creative person. It is because he has the idea to perform an

Antigone play. The purpose is to make a protest about the racial discrimination that he and Winston get in Robben Island.

WINSTON. [taking the nails] What‘s this? JOHN. Necklace, man. With the others WINSTON. Necklace? JOHN. Antigone‘s necklace. (Fugard, 1986, p. 50)

From the dialogue above, John wants to show about his idea to perform Antigone.

Another proof that shows the creative character of John is when he wants to give the role as Antigone to his friend, Winston.

JOHN. … I was preparing you for … stage fight! You think I don‘t know what I‘m doing in this cell? This is preparation for stage fright! I know those bastards out there. When you get in front of them, sure they‘ll laugh … Nyah nyah! They‘ll laugh. But just remember this brother, nobody laughs forever! There‘ll come a time when they‘ll stop laughing, and that will be the time when our Antigone hits them with her words. (Fugard, 1986, pp. 60-61). John gives the role as Antigone to his friend, Winston because John knows that

Winston is suitable to get that role. John also thinks the racial discrimination that they gets make Winston hopeless. So, to make a protest about the racial discrimination that they get, John gives that role of Antigone to Winston. In the end of their performance, Winston can speak his mind as the black people which being oppressed by the warders.



c. Emotional

John is an emotional person. It can be seen when John tries to explain about Antigone‘s play to Winston. John has explained several times, but Winston cannot understand it.

JOHN. Haai, haai, haai. . . shit, Winston! [Now really exasperated.] How many times must I tell you that Antigone is the sister to the two brothers? Not the mother. That‘s another play. (Fugard, 1986, p.51) John is emotional to Winston's attitude who does not want to obey his orders.

John asks Winston to practice the dialogue and play the character of Antigone in the drama later but Winston does not want to obey him. It makes John becomes emotional.

Another proof that shows an emotional character of John is seen in scene one. JOHN. Stop moaning and get on with it. Shit, Winston! What sort of progress is this? [Abandoning his wash.] Listen. Listen! Number 42 is practicing the Zulu War Dance. Down there they‘re rehearsing their songs. It‘s just in this moer cell that there‘s always an argument. Today, you want to do it, tomorrow you don‘t want to do it. How the hell must I know what to report to the chaps tomorrow if we go back to the quarry?. Fugard, 1986, p. 51)

John decides to make Antigone‘s play for their performance. Antigone is the right play because the story of Antigone has the same story and experiences as John and Winston. Through Antigone play, John hopes that he will get his freedom.



d. Assertive

John is an assertive person. Since John decided to make Antigone play, he has been strict with Winston. John asks him to be serious in memorizing the dialogue.

JOHN. Come! And shut up! [He pulls the reluctant Winston down beside him on the floor. Winston continues to clean himself with the rag while John lays out the ‘plot’ of Antigone.] If you would just stop moaning, you would learn faster. Now listen!. (Fugard, 1986, p. 52)

John stressed that Winston must be serious in playing the role of Antigone. He does not want if Winston is lazy and underestimate his role. John‘s assertiveness is very clear when he threatens Winston. John will report him to the warders if he does not want to practice the dialogue seriously.

Another proof that shows an assertive character of John is seen in scene one.

JOHN. Come! I‘m putting this plot down for the last time! If you don‘t learn it tonight I‘m going to report you to the old men tomorrow. And remember, broer, those old men will make Hodoshe and his tricks look like a little boy. (Fugard, 1986, p. 52)

Winston will get the trouble if he does not want to learn Antigone‘s play. John is strict with Winston because John wants to make the drama of Antigone success.

He wants to show that through Winston‘s character as Antigone, the blacks will realize their position and they should like Antigone who braves enough to get their position.



Another proof that shows an assertive character of John is seen in scene one. John said ―And don‘t throw the rag, there! [Retrieving the rag and placing it in its correct place.] Don‘t be so bloody difficult, man. We‘re nearly there. You‘ll be proud of this thing when we‘ve done it‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 53). The character of

Antigone in the play is used to open the eyes not only the character of Winston but also the warders too. John and Winston are suffering from the condition in prison but here, Winston is more hopeless and tormented about the stretch life on the island and sees the reality of it. It is the reason why John wants to make

Winston become the character of Antigone. They will show their right as a human. They should not be jailed on Robben Island with the labour condition.

Through Antigone‘s play, John hopes that the play can reach the warders and the black people who experience the same thing with them. e. Responsible

John is a responsible person. He is responsible for what he has promised.

For him, to have a promise means to have a commitment to be accomplished.

John has a promise that he and Winston will perform the drama of Antigone as a means to criticize the warders and apartheid laws that make them get injustice. In the show, Winston as Antigone will speak his mind as blacks who get the discrimination from white people.

JOHN. Hey, don‘t stop any nonsense now. You promised. [Limps over to Winston’s bed-roll and produces a half-completed necklace made of nails and string.] It‘s nearly finished. Look. Three fingers, one nail. . . three fingers, one nail. . . [Places the necklace beside Winston who is shaking his head, smoking aggressively, and muttering away.] Don‘t start any nonsense now, Winston. There‘s six days to go to the concert.



We‘re committed. We promised the chaps we‘d do something. This Antigone is just right for us. Six more days and we‘ll make it. (Fugard, 1986, p. 50).

This responsible character of John helps to show that as a black, who believes that his race is being oppressed by the white people in the Apartheid regime, assumes that he has a responsibility to defend his race from the authority. Through the drama of Antigone, It represents black people who experience the same as them and they should get their rights. f. Ambitious

John is an ambitious person. The ambitious character of John shows that he really tired because of the hard condition in prison. He decided to make

Antigone's play and no one can stop that.

JOHN. Hodoshe‘s talk, Winston! That what he says all the time. What he wants us to say all our lives. Our convictions, our ideals . . . that‘s what he calls them . . . child‘s play. Everything we fucking do is ‗child‘s play‘ . . . when we ran that whole day in the sun and pushed those wheelbarrows, when we cry, enough. No one is going to stop me doing Antigone. . . (Fugard, 1986, p. 62)

John feels that the treatment of Hodoshe to him and Winston make their lives suffered. He does not get freedom. He only gets bad treatment and wasteful hard work. All and long day, Hodoshe torture him and Winston. John wants to play the drama for strong reasons, through Antigone‘s play; they can express their heart's content and they're suffering in the jail.

The characteristics of John which are clever, creative, emotional, assertive, responsible, and ambitious are because the effect of racial discrimination that he



gets in Robben Island. The warders in Robben Island prison are oppressing him and make him suffer. So, John could have those characteristics because he experienced racial discrimination from the warders.

2. Winston

Winston is also black person. He has been imprisoned for burning the passbook in front of the police. ―…I didn‘t walk with those men and burn my bloody passbook in front of that police station, and have magistrate send me here for life so that he can dress me up like a woman and make a bloody fool of me …

― (Fugard, 1986, p. 63). He is considered to burn his passbook – ―passbook,‖ or called as reference book, contains with up-to-date particulars of name, identity number, employment, domicile, etc. The purpose of passbook in South Africa is a state-sponsored way of controlling their movement and oppressing them. This is part of migrant labour policy, which basically aimed at containing Black people in certain areas. a. Strong-minded

Winston is a strong-minded person. John decided to make Antigone as their performance. When John makes a rehearsal for the concert, he asks Winston about what Antigone pleads. Winston answers that Antigone is not guilty because he considers that she is not guilty of burying her brother, while according to the play she is guilty. This is proof that Winston shows his strong-minded character.

JOHN [Trying to be careful]. Now look, Winston, we‘re not going to argue. Between me and you, in this cell, we know she‘s Not Guilty. But in the play she pleads Guilty. WINSTON. No, man, John! Antigone is Not Guilty … (Fugard, 1986, p. 53).



The strong-minded character and the sentence above help to show that Winston and John as black prisoners have a belief that they are not guilty as Antigone who pleads guilty because they trust what they have done, defending their race from the system of Apartheid is not a crime. The story of Antigone is the same as John and Winston who are not guilty. John and Winston is only the victim from the cruelty of Apartheid in South Africa because they are blacks. b. Bad-tempered

Winston is a bad-tempered person. It is described after he and Winston hit and sent to their cell by Hodoshe. He shouts that he wants to report about what

Hodoshe did to him to the office. He believed that he is not sentenced to death, but Hodoshe did make him suffer. Winston said ―I want Hodoshe. I want him now! I want to take him to the office. He must read my warrant. I was sentenced to Life brother, not bloody Death!‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 48). Hitting the prisoner is a cruel action. It is oppression towards blacks. The oppression, which Winston had, emerges bad-tempered characteristic on him. This characteristic appears because of his self-rejection toward discrimination. He really hates Hodoshe. He does not accept Hodoshe's treatment to him. He should not get it. He loses his rights as a human. He is convicting and place on an island full of suffering. c. Stubborn

Winston is a stubborn person. Winston does not want to play the role of

Antigone because that character is a woman. He does not want to be laughed at by those who saw him, especially the warders. Winston said ―It‘s finished! I‘m not doing it. Take your Antigone and shove it up your arse! (Fugard, 1986, p. 59).



The stubborn character of Winston shows that he wants to protest to John about the role of Antigone that he gets. John asks and forces Winston but he remains stubborn and refuses to play the role of Antigone. Winston thinks that John wants to embarrass him because he plays an Antigone who is also a woman. Even though John gives the role to him so that at the end of the performance, he can speak his mind for what he feels and experiences that he gets in prison.

Another proof that shows the stubborn character of Winston is seen in scene two. Winston said ―I don‘t care what you say John. I‘m not doing

Antigone‖ (Fugard, 1986, p. 62). He does not care about what John says. He is still stubborn and does not want to play his role as Antigone. He does not want to do that. He thinks that it just child play and futile. d. Jealous

Winston is a jealous person. It can be seen when John‘s sentence has been reduced. After John comes back from Prinsloo‘s office, Winston considers himself to be betrayed and left behind. Then, he feels jealous about John‘s freedom. Winston said ―. Fuck slogans, fuck politics … fuck everything, John.

Why am I here? I‘m jealous of your freedom, John. I also want to count …‖

(Fugard, 1986, p. 72). The jealous character of Winston support the author to show the effect of the breaking beliefs and identities of the prisoners as the oppressed class. With jealously, the warders want to make a clash between John and Winston. By clashing them, John and Winston would break up and ignore their aim as group because each of them would busy for their own aim. As



individual, each of them is powerless to crush the warders‘ authority or Apartheid policy.

The characteristics of Winston which are strong-minded, bad-tempered, stubborn, and jealous are because of the effect of racial discrimination that he gets from the warders. The warders in Robben Island prison treat the prisoners brutally. So because of that, Winston can have those kinds of characteristics because of the oppression that Winston gets in Robben Island prison.

3. Hodoshe

In Robben Island prison, there is a warder who is frightened by the prisoners. His name is Hodoshe. He is the warder who always treats the prisoners badly so that the prisoners are always afraid of him and avoiding being dealt with him. They must obey the warders‘ words and rules. a. Cruel

Hodoshe is a cruel person. In the quarry, John and Winston get beaten by the warders because they do not run fast enough to come into the prison.

Winston‘s sentence proves that the warder whose beats them is Hodoshe. Winston said ―. I want Hodoshe. I want him now! I want to take him to the office. He must read my warrant. I was sentenced to Life brother, not to bloody Death! (Fugard,

1986, p.48). From Winston‘s sentence, it shows that he is angry and does not accept the treatment that he gets from Hodoshe. He beats them brutally till they get bruise in their ankle, their eye is injured, and John‘s ear is bleeding. The warders in Robben Island prison was treated the prisoners cruelly and inhumanly.

The prisoners could be killed because of the warder‘s cruel actions.



Another proof that shows a cruel character of Hodoshe is seen in

Winston‘s dialogue which in scene one. Winston said ―Broken us. Men get tired.

Hey! There‘s a thought. We‘re still alive because Hodoshe got tired (Fugard,

1986, p. 49). The cruel action that the warders do is showing that the apartheid regime in South Africa can do anything because they regard themselves as a superior class who can oppress the prisoners or blacks by doing the violent things. b. Mocking

Hodoshe is the person who likes to mock the prisoners including John and

Winston. The way to make the prisoners suffer is by oppressing them. It can be in many forms, one of that is by mocking them. Hodoshe likes to mock John and

Winston of what they did, their ideals, and their lives. He says that everything they do is ―child play‖ or it just stupid things that only make them a fool of themselves.

JOHN. Hodoshe‘s talk, Winston! That what he says all the time. What he wants us to say all our lives. Our convictions, our ideals . . . that‘s what he calls them . . . child‘s play. Everything we fucking do is ‗child‘s play‘ . . . when we ran that whole day in the sun and pushed those wheelbarrows, when we cry, enough. No one is going to stop me doing Antigone. . . (Fugard, 1986, p. 62).

Hodoshe‘s character shows that he is cruel and likes to mock the prisoners, especially John and Winston. He wants to make the prisoners realize that all of their life, their beliefs, their principles, and their bravery to speak their mind as the person against apartheid are just ―child play.‖





After analysing The Island play, the writer comes to the last part of the thesis, which is the conclusion. In this thesis, the writer focuses on racial discrimination revealed through the characters in The Island by Athol Fugard. The characters are John and Winston, the black prisoners. The black prisoners experience the racial discrimination from the white warder, Hodoshe. The black prisoners always suffer for racial discrimination in the prison.

First, the writer finds the racial discrimination revealed by the characters.

John and Winston as the black prisoners experience racial discrimination from the warders. John experienced racial discrimination from Hodoshe, the white warder.

Hodoshe is a cruel person. He likes to dominate the black prisoners. John gets the racial discrimination which is cruelly and inhumanly. He makes John do the futile job which is digging the sand. The job that he did is futile and interminable.

Meanwhile, Winston is depressed because of the hard labour that he experienced in Robben Island. The racial discrimination that he gets is digging the sand. He also gets the racial discrimination when he plays the role as Antigone.

The racial discrimination is found in the form of political, legal, and institutional discrimination.

Second, the writer finds the characteristic of the characters as the effect of being discriminated by the warder. Every character has different characteristics.

The writer uses theory of character and characterization to understand their



characteristics and the writer also sees their experience of racial discrimination to understand the characteristics.

John‘s characteristics which are clever, creative, emotional, assertive, responsible, and ambitious are the effect of racial discrimination that he gets from the warders. In Robben Island prison, the warders are oppressed him. The condition that he experienced creates his characteristics.

Winston‘s characteristics which are strong-minded, bad-tempered, stubborn, and jealous are also the effect of racial discrimination that he gets from the warders. In the prison, the warders make him suffer. The hard condition that he experienced creates his characteristics.

This thesis suggests futures researchers to observe the play deeper by comparing the play to another one which has similar theme.



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