


I· op First In I s ) " WAYNE , ,

The i City of -'values

I '[\':(;: \\'a~'I\l"" I ; illl''''':di~tl'lc'li,' '( "t' til\' LU"illl'''~ J.I ',ll'l'l!C'I'll}lIl "IX l,j()ck.-; }',\' t\\'" 1 ,ck,;, ";"\1 LL'H , "hil}lping i,; 1'<1';(,1' to,,: ' ' 5 lr , I l Heckl"'r and Da\"id and Ronnie An:: West Se\:(~nth and Mr. and Mr". i thE" ~n Ulons ~ld Wtttl ttlP ! ~~~~O~~~!~dh~a~~.saturday at the I ~\~ i;;.a~y a~~ve~l~~~m h~~~ ~~~~~n a~~tt~~n ~~~~eonC~I~II;(j~ ~ .., Mrs. Walter 8raclol.ensick and Albert Bahe apartment. in January. I Mr. and .:\oIrs. Robert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe were Mrs. Adam MCPherran, B~tty daught(,T, Oklahoma City, were at in Pender last Frtday afternoon at and WUma \ .... ere:in BattlecT0('k "I ~~~·.~;~·::~ll~~uf~~~~;.n~~J~:SO~f th~~~h~n~e~~.h°G!~rge Macklin ;y~t~~:x h~;;~Kfr!.t rJ~Ph~r .~ Waynf', weI''' In Wayne last and Judv Sheets weeP in Sioux City and Betty were in Sioux Cit~ .\1 'l. w('ek. last Saturday. day. Dinner guests last St,mday at the Mr. and M·rs. Paul McLear:t. OC-I Mr. and Mrs., Ben Meyer ;;nd I John Sylvanus home Were .'V1r. and onto, spent from last Wejneooay Mr. and :Mrs. H.!E. Ware \\'f'rr" ,. CITY -WIDE: :vIr.,;. EJnal' Jrnsf'n, Pilger, Mrs. until :\1onday \vith their son and i ner .guests at the Eugene J .' r , Gl('n Schwartz and family, Norfolk, famiJy, the Robf:'rt !\~Leans. Ihome in Tabor, la., last SUnd'I·. .\1!"'. and Mrs. Jake Karns and Oick Dioll. SN st...i..,tfoned in San Mr. and M.rs. Hartley 8m,t", Ji :\lal'Y, Frrmont,' and ~red S}"lvan- DIego. Ca1if-'l..~i&{ted. a couple days IHart.ington spen.t last Sunda\ ',' '11 GIFT us.. last week in wa\'"ne with Mts. Hat- the Charles Miilles. The )1. . Mr. and Mrs. .Jolln Gettman, tie McNutt. He left Ja.::.t Sunday to were in Hartington at th(· -'h ·FAIR Kf'nnebf'c, S.D .. :v.terlc Roe, Bell- spend some.~i~~~_~~~f~~~~th ~~~:..:Sl¥lday: __ H~r~e:~i~~~: ~~~~~~~1a~r~~2;~1~f.1 f~~'I,;~rI:Jm~~RITr~~;;0f:~f(',r~:~':':c",;~.'. ,L SATURDAY en'nmg at thl' I'~nc lbnmpson . Stores Open Th".5. N homr. . " Twelve ladies helped Mrs. WiJ-1 NO GUESSWORK Ham Sund ('('h'bral(' her birtt. :lay I • 11151 r~riday eH'nmg. I fa:::I~)',~~~: Z!;~'~ll~~kR~~:~e-n:~'~ /In ~-'------I ke and famil:,; and Margaret Sund I G ~------+------I;~~ra~a~~(~~~~~}kdtl{(, home in 'Vease- ter Guests at the Art Auker home .L~

Dcc. 1. ]927 .- F'o' the sec~nd,lime- in th(' hi.. ,,! i ~.~. S~~~~~"s C~T~/~Jay t~'c~se~~~ i LUiRICAII.ON of Dakota county, \ooters dp~eat('d ,the . lind ~r::,. Worley Benshoof anj I remove'the county s at from Dakota ' Kermit, Carroll, :\-11'. and Mrs. Don SiouX City. the mat er bein7~the issue i election held Tuesd y , .. WJirk on ------+------'------"1-----: Quinn and famJiy, 1\1r. and Mrs. last I ~:;:~~oil~~~, C~~~I~·~d a~~r~a~~~ i?g~i~f'~~rc~~~e~e~ ~~'~~n~ !J~~n~( arl . in: Gr~{':.. and Mrs. Art Auker and Mr. I ld Ike ~~~r~~I;:~~ ~~('~tt(' J7~; ~(~\~)r~~~~nal retur:n-I a'.1d :-'1r~: Bob ~rchanl W{'re In' shoW, the tJ'Jp bemg an a:wal"ld made tl\ th(' , thc Da- I SlOUX (IIY la,;1 fli'"r-.sda~ p\"ening I c.ornmelt, wpstern !'allroad co pan) [01' outstandIng club rrned i kota.. folks. I Ie.. mf'd :'I-1r and MIX E. J. Auk('r. ' dy lire indluding a th(' past year Gr dIng of 111(' 11f'\o\ 1\\[)-mlip I ~lasl I Timothy :Joseph' Sharer, five-' BYI.'on. !!l. who spenl Thanks­ pie 0 voted for govern r I way \H'st 0h Wmsldf' IS wpll umjpr \\.1\ thp . the I w('rk-olj son of Mr .. an~ Mrs. CJe- glnng With Ih. lamil) Hol:u... rt Johnson!'>. plans IG:. rC'· . Ius Sharpr, \\'.as lJaptJzed at St., Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rummel and' I have acc,epted the verdi~t ~~~~rg~~i~g~O~ .t.h~I#Jl~~ il;~~~;:~?n~ a~ a I main s.·ome Orne longpr b{'Jo]"r re-, Mary'!". CatholJ(' ch1,lrch Jast Sun- daughters, Omaha, s{J!·nt last \\t:'"" I and n?w WIl-lh the prr~tdent-' Sea siten in "Hula' wilh CIl\."(' Jirool{ at Cr) tuming 10 hf'r homr.' : day The Don :,\1e~n.-;' were god-, end with Mrs. Humm('l"!; parents the luck m the world In d~aIing' theatre thi" w('rl{('nd. Mr, and Mrs. August Siahn anti .parrllh Grandparpnts are :\1r. and th(' Walter Lernrr:o;. : staggeringly difficullt tasks that lie' ~ ~ I I him. . I ~~I~~1Sf~~'I~~~~ ~:~~p T~u~~~a;.e!~.~ ~11d' M\~i~!;r~l~~·. ~e~~~:il ~i1~~~: M~~n~n'k~~siI~~~a~e~;:;~~,7~at~ ('ning. IUrcharj. : Mrs. Amelia Lessmann at thr WiI-1 are, of course, certain notable eD<-, 20 Years Allo Mr. and Mrs, Otto Lutt called - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Otte, Leighl li!-i LR .... sman homr la.... t Tu('sday af­ such as Se'natfrl' M$rse of Otegol1,; 1"'0. I, 1932 'at thr Peter Jorge'.11st'n home last \'Ir .. and Mrs. Vv'rrl1p r' Cattau and t('rnoon. Mrs. Robert Frahm was ublican, nov}.. a .self-Rtyled "I~de-I ani SatUl'day al j Thur~lay rv('nlng. ,family. Columhus. werC" guests of th("'rp \Vednesda) aflE'rnoon. I who Rays the EIsenhower-NIxon firld. Most gl'aln Mr, a~d Mr...s ..Jay M. N.ash. M,a~-!Kad,,()ttPS last Sundar. Mrs. Rodney Love and Tommy I won by bamboozling a gullible ma- ;;;"~h~Rm ~ho shall. ;\llI1n .. \"lsltej lV(rs. Ada Cos- Mr. and Mrs. He~man IReeg and lefl Saturday by planf' fo:- DunneI- ' I tl'l'Isan und Mr~. An. n~ Larson last .\11' ard ~1r". Rlch~/"d Rcpg W(,l"l' lon, Fla., ,to. \ !SI! )lrs. 1..o\"("s par-I wrf'Krnd. . at fhp .\1r·s. Adam Itl'f'g: homl' last ('ntE. MI" anj '\1I"s. Charlf's Senter, It. I 00 k·S ~as 1·f th e. grea ttler I?ar ofthe toys "OW other t?#d.r~,:1:~1;rt~~~31 far are takmg the hlgh"- associaUon ,\\"~l~·a~ntdh('M~~~ne~1 ~flil~~~ ~~%a~! sugrna~e~0~~~!~2rl'~~t Sunday at the ~~i~?~:'~l~~~i;'~ b~~~· t~ baen~O~:! of Gove.rnor stevenson tertainmf'nt for la:-.t w(>f'kend E\·(·~(·tl H('r'i homf' \.\.(.("(, :vI!- and b) Jan. ·1. I the Eisenhower .ad- .. Rev. and Mrs. J. tH. Tenne3en, .\1r-;. Carl Arder'iOD and 1..pOl1('. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr bought p~ay th!1~ ~~~.a~le n~~~ r.a.urel. sp(>nt .last \\J.dl1c,>ja) r\"- WakcJ:f'ld, !wIr. ~:s~1s~~~ M~d;in ~~!~~~:~~;"~~·wash,, iI .. Whl'n Marcus Kroger -"v<>n! to hi" ojfl(,(, :-'Ton di'l.\ at tll(, Otto Sah: hom(' ",of! oj ::\lr.~ Gt'orgr Roggl'nhach . received exactly the righ~ amount of sped.. ' m()]'ni~,g he fOLind that intruders hRd.l ~lmprn'd j I J 6ed lubricant .•• a~d ~s is nq process of t!1f' flogl;(Jnhachs t M~~r~~~v~;~~lE~x~~,r~r;/~~~;~:~ ~\~~~:!~J I a" chance for every Skellymal) is trained to lub~n~·-iII~;!I!I!~~ ! ~;~li~'lrilf~~.('~::~~(~~~i~p('rC'ft~I.J~,~:,ll.~~~~~l,;(:.h~~1 . aftr':- ·spending HI di'!~s there. Mr. and Mn. Wah Rogers, Pcn· I man, in college audItorium fhi" :11. ~ ]I Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jensen were drl". \\(')P at t!w C [.I->. H()g('r~ home LENNOX :vJinnl(' D('nldn.f~r'T" Will "m;..; Ill!' ',IIlI' oj 'I,!'I allhp l.ylr Srymn(!l' II'PIlH' );I ... j Vll' li'! ... t Sl!nda~. , -.- ~~~~;.li~~ C:~ $wrrCH SIILI· wain." . da!v ('\·('nlng. Mr. and Mrs. Ro)i Lennart were Mrs. DIOn Means. entertained 11 ot Iht' i{ohf'!-I c:r!1nlhom(' last Fri- I i< ~ warm air conditioning !..:w· .... ts Illst ....;;rtlJrdfl\ (,POlng da!v (,\(·nmg'. ~~~~~:~~~- ,15 Years Ago aT a hnBh part~. Mrs. Fred Roeberl and Mrs. Don GAS OIL COAL .peci6~tions. and Save .' '.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McNamara John:-'!111 yi-;itrj at th(' Ern('st . " r I.t·,\ IDec. 2, '1937 HC'nI'y wa" appointrd Arlington. S.D we)",· ,11 th,' llRn ,Johl1:-"ln homl' In Alli>n last Sunday . I in,:I~I',eJld.mt votera, who a,r:e numer«>us (lr~1 chairman and. eommittN':" \\'Pl'f' I Shf'rr' home for la ... t w(·('k('nd:vIr. Mr. and Mrs, Milford Roeber and 1 Atk for Skelly Greas.-MIIder LuII,leatlon tocIil'~. any election. . CI1H-;tmas promOI jI'Jh acn vitlrs a 1 t1w f and Mr·s. McNamara and Mr. and, yIicha('\ and Mr. arid :Mrs. Gerald' knows he WtR Hlrpngly II mr('ting of Young Business Mrn's club , ~.~~-.-.-- I ,I;' . j. t, Stratton last W(>dIl('<;day . Th£' Community b mhnes~ corum I miy.o. .e I which rcprps('nts diffe["('nt local l'lub.,>. i~; . t mean ·ihai Intel I-I' e!"'ing thp l'C'sponf;ibility of Ilj)oking a~tf'l' t ECONOMY b~:i,~~~~lIJhei~",t~~~,',tha,t he favors a Ifare of 60 underprwjl('dgod (J'hiiJn'n l!1 A .8o·.rfar: aR bm;ine~s, ~rs. R,o:;':i Hanl{s and Nanl'Y. Freda Sund. Plumbing & Heating cerned ~ there I In'Y r~ Dearman. Blair. ,':-.cup('d \\'11h Langemeier h· cuts and brUises W(>dncsdav ('\"('nmg l BPi2 Ropmg 'to a mala they shot the \ 'orks I C!"~/SlOg at 200 ~Tlll~s ,an hour, landrd .at Rti'''''n.,on _ not l)~cal1se the Gov rnor mlhutes aftf'f c!l'clm/l:" around \Vaynr' . II ,I : as arl individual, bu be- -I< ~ Democrats' pro-, 10 Years Ago They took what, Business ~nd Prqfessloqal "the worst po itical I NQv. ~6, 1942 ._- Rov. W. F'. lliprki.nf.':. W)IO . ff d" H . I sel'vt'd Waynl' Pr!'sbytprlan ('(mgl'pg-alllll1 thr ever~l1 ere.. .0 evel, ,s('ven and a half y.ear5. PI'E'f,(,lltd ]"f'SlgnBt the umon hIgh com-, Sunday services. He ,!foes to Ma~O!l Ia .. to fom~nt war with I needs 40 \oluntref' air raid war'dpll" ani admini"trloti.nn. It~ alttitude i~ one unterj" auxiliary fir-emen at onc(> to prf'pa("C' . : test blackout· Occ. 14. Thf' blackolJl 1'(' I DIRECTOR)f i approxilmateiy one-fourth or the Unitf'd ' Nebraska as the' h-ub 01' cC'ntrel stalc i thr Npighbors and otht'r fri('nds of th,' (xpresspj thpir friendship when the~ \"oiu husked about 60 acres of corn \Nrdnrsda:y'" Post \\'ho is in a local hospital .. As a n1l'ans of CHIROPRACTORS PHYSlrlAN!! ing sale or war bonds and stamps. \VA..\'np WAYNE club spbnsors a viC1o,ry px,:-hangc and a dl CITY ,OFFICIALS ---- community sing Dec. 4 and 5. :'\I1I"S. Vv'. ('. DRS. LEWIS & LEWIS CHIROI'RACTORS wa~ 1~i~~ ~1eg~~~~~~ ~::,r:~~s ac~~~li;~(>t A. J Mayor- BENTHAdK CLINfC <1 IIo~pjl!ll 106 234 Tel. 46~W \Vayne, Nebr. POLICE _ ...... Call Qoerafor Pay all bills the EASY, SAFE; way - Geo. Bornhort. Dick Hansen. open your account today. FUNERAL-SERVICE WartH Pilipps, Wm. Eynon. FIRE ...... _'..... Call 300 RADIO rEPAIR MEMBER OP 'I ROBERTSON RADIO First ;, National . WAYNE SER'ICE 200 Main COUNty OFFI~.. Phon 617 13th & Main Assessor. Henry Arp ..,_ ... ~. Open .b: ~UUl". SeRVING NATION'WICK t98 Clerk. C. A. Bard ._. ____ ... __ 38 Modern, yet homelike funeral bODle ••• Flrlellt eQu1pllHmt Judge. Wm. A. CroSsland _. 258 TRUCflNG •.. ReH.80nable Drlc. Sh~rjff, Hans .Tietgen ,.. _, .. 233 'llhe Supt. Marie \Vright _____ ._ ~14 CONNER 1\RANSFER U'W"tlr %U ,rears l expel"1I:IlC~ '}Treasurer. Jean A. Boyd .• 232 BECKENHAUER to'or Omaha. and 81 ux City Frel8"ht Clerk 'of District Court- , SERVICE Da \·id J. Hamer ...... _._ ¥7 EF~~lbIl~.'\"T FHE GlIT SEnncli I Wayne Ph ne 1000 WILLARD WILTSJD Agricultural Agent- . Waketleld Pbol e 2:J4 anc1 II Llce[uled F.rubalmer Harold Ingalls .. _.__ .•• _ 564 Tour Bu.lneliS Appreciated Assistance Director- Altrl!c:J Kahler. Op ra.'_or and Me' NURSING HOM£S Myrtle Johnson .... _ •• __, 497 Attorney- VETERIN j\IUANS CharJes McDermott .. 317~W ,TRI-STATE NURSING I HOME Commlssioners-:- ~ Dist. 1 ...... _.•.. _ Emil Meyer Dis!. 2 . ___ " __ ,._. ~ H. Honey . .DIst ~ ... _.___ Oliv~r Reich~~ W.,.ne. Nebr ,. " q - RE;i\L.ESTA1'E . :; 1-- CAVANAU,Gll ii I •• i INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE t· -'. ;.:i .. ~~DII;U!I' • / Ii

~ , i .... '1' ...... 1\'1, "f .~ '.,",,,,,~<. "'"" 'I' < •• "".~~'" ••• - ...... " .,." ':"N,'., H"'.-t., .. .':'.1<'.,.;. ..•. :.:.:.:.~.7·:·:·~·:·:.~~f[·~·>~·:.:,:,:.~ ;0' ~7 :~ l I ::'r

....-!..;.-+-H- ....""-!+o .... .,oi;I .... *'"_ ....--r.-_ ...... -...j."son anrt S~O:Ft. Sfl, Okla., arf'1 • I . also guC'sts' thp Duff. iwnlf'. Thf') 1 I The "'alB" C;.ieltr.) Herald. Thursday. ec. 4, 1!t~2 3' cam~' to, s{'(' • I ". Fn;(rriC]H.;on'ji, .ra , I ther, C~~'iS }- ,'('dnch. on. Wit' "I See by The Herald" :urm·d f-om Omaha and were din. ' ; C'ntl(~

hri$tmas Shopping (SHAKESPEARE DIDN'T DONE IT)

l'. Twas a veek before Christ~as, and me like on pins; Aye hlj.d not yet bought presents for most of me kins. But Ave-I yust come to tink about de Wayne Book Store"_ Vit Pens and Typewriters and such things galore.

I So Aye yust grab my list,

i And Aye giv it a look­ For Hulda a game, , For Axel a book. I For Hans Aye viii get him Some kind of a toy . Because he has been Sush a good leetle boy.

Aye look at dot list, and Aye plan and Aye plot it, Children'. Toys Voteffer Aye want, dis hare Wayne _ Birthday Book. pietionari..... Book Store's got it! r Bibles ;Cook Book. M....,y Other. 'I Smith-Corona Und~r"'ood . stationery , And yen Aye get troo ,I The very fiDest ~ine5 Vit mine having dot fun Parker Wrappings I ' ) ~it da money left offer Many selectioJa of the best ( J~,ye'I1 haf myself vun Vie"1-Master Stereoacopes Reels Projec:t'l" Staplers Ask for Il fre~ reel list and Paper5,~ , I • Pamb . - -"'~ -IT- -~ ... _;.~_~'T. ""j" !:

Preferred Gifts


Thrifty. Giving

Lovely Lingerie for Your Christmas Angel '. MISS ELAINE k~ows she loves beautiful things desig~s exquis~IY plastics y sbft-as-a-sigh Genuine with the feel of pure luxury, calfskin need little care ...

JlJu~ tax cost little mon~y! L;Lq.::;(' ('IHHIg-h to carry her femi­ I ipil'lg Uri~s these cl'ease-' nine Irpasurts ...nnportanl I' al'~'lo 11 gabardine enough 10 hold the' fa"hion spot­ light. Complch,ly filted calfskln, arotjHV.nU\.'Y., bro~n. in ail il~ pnltshcd gloQ; or . $.1 ·L·XI, 895 plastiC. ~Iyle~ for ('Vf'ry n.ced f"\'ot'lit . ., . no rub-off. no crack, .JUst wear. Jaunt\! pouches, boxes, o\,{'r-Ihc-shou!d('!' hags. Clnd novC'lty !-h.

/{.!~(ln .lCd;L1I' c: (I'­ ,For yoJ Shopping Convenience f!,llama G()lrl-" i'­ per. turquoisc-\\ !In· ~','r;}l-wh.il(· L.: t, 'WE WILL BE OPE-\'I tl ) :~.~IX

UNTIL 9:30 P. M. I \!u!ttfd,m11'nt wh,1,' ~.'r('fJ(' slIp I'< fTlJ.,­ ncn!])" pj('at('ri n\j(,n THURSDAYS tricot hodllT h"l1'­ Im(' 3:]-:11" 3.!18 Dec.:' . 11 . UI

..Here's. a Gift Value Sa~t;~-p;~ vaoi(e ~~h~~i(~;~~t P~~~i]~~~~~ t' ami double' nYlon net I rim at heh1linf' Fro­ BtQaddoth PAJAMA ,.' ~ ; f9r go~d thy whitf' S-!\f-L '!.98 r.j .li~tle dirls 'Men's middy or coat style ~ew Doll ,,,ith Gripper Fasteners 2 !Keeps ~ife.Like FillC 100 x fiO-count fccl-::; luxuriuu~, \\'ean; aeauty favorite stripes and style. l'l"t'i have elastic waist; no b tu sew on. Size,,,, A-B-C-D. pare!

" Heal-looking hair is i ~~ part, of neW Vinyl ,i, H head, Body iH life­ \: like latex, take" .' hard play. She (ties, eyes move. 18·ill. tall, fully dressed.

CITY· wnim GIFTFA/~ Thursday • Friday. . Saturday

, Lutcx-back chenille ruJ?;5 Cor awk"-a,'d 1 " ISeth_une and LDI,~r,i'HlIiilli!n. """ning] n.ey' "were din~r guests t9;::~. Ollie I, l'hllrsd8.'Y evening at the ilo Mey· for·J)~bU Thanksgh'ing •. " FF<>mont. at'Pcnt, the ;Th~e~w~a~yn~e;;(;X;e;b~r~)~n;e~r~a;;ld~'.~T;;h;u;rs;d~a~y;,~,~.;;:4;.;;1;;:9;5:;2:;;.;;;~S i .'r homa. -.' ' home, I I~:~~d 'I Mr. and MI"S; Willard Slecke and Mrt. Ernest Brammer, , family *pJ)c at the Charles Njchols George- Brammer 1er. ! home last Monday cvenin~. It's About Time to Say "Me~ry Cl>ri"tnla.!I" I~obby i ~rs. \V. J, Echten- iRay Mr, ar,.d Mrs. Charles N:ichols and at the Lawrence Ruwe Jimmy shou'ld also be Ifamily, ~r~. ¥ary Nichols, Henr} last Thursday for Mrs. a seventh has been ill I~utt and Emil Lutt W~l"e- at the birttlday, We Can Barely Rememb~r Dad, with polio not,. attending om. e oJ ?,Irs, .Johanna I l.~utt school. Thanks~nn~ dinner, BUT ..• . 0; Oct,ObC'l! :·a:i'i;.a \\~'r~r~ ~~~I~~on ' '1 hOSl : II thl' GI'orgf' SummE'i"S hom£', Th,r~ He Sure Remembered Us! : :nok l\I1~S SUmm£'l"1 to the> city ar. : tf'r sh,.. had \"i::~ilpd al the homp of / , hl'r daughtcr. )011"s, Presion. fOJ B",e\~:/~v~~~ i -;:::t.~::-::;:-;::;------1i1. Dandv \\Puirl wanl them la ha\'c)f he were Fi.an~ i ing. I " Dur,y.ca and: ,. ~ ~IIJJ !~(~rf'D. ;\1 UJ"J"a} Sunday, , ED M. HART t hpI' h;ls \.·Isij('d dflUghteJ". Ml"!' .•Joe: Mrs. Morris Sandahl and, and ICorbit. sinc€' last Monday I at the Lloyd .J.-lorrh I INSURANCE AGENCY 10 I.; Jon!el! m;gh~l~, n ~ s da} I Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Eliason and! for dinner Sunday, I at the Marris Sandahls were at the Wayne I ! ~~~~~~'~n~'~Sii{'u~.~a~o~~d:!y i Sandahl home 'vV'cdn(· ...,da;. 's~, a~tor rj~e was aMaysro~gh! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierson and I G uf 4nd GI10uchy as a bear, ~e ~ re a locjlk that meant, Beware! +

Th(~(' jt('mR hnvc been check('rI hy Pnr­ ('nt$' l\1ngHzillC' Consuml"'r Sr'l'\'le(' Hur. ('ilU~ 1'11('.y abo appl'

Miracle Ha'." Life-Like Doll IS-in. Tall 598 An adorntne rloU. so LJ;::::ht flJuminum will not break! Plasttic nnimals. sl

the "Music Maker" Man ·198

JumQ - up • Jodw the mon~ey r.IOPs up, as mu~ sic nlllYs'

Musical Pu.h Toy Medicai Play See why you (on b_e,-su_r_e":""--=_-f __ Kit., Doctor 129 Nurse ea. 59c you deserve here. See how you gel [n (,("'Mful mplal \~'ith (hevrolel •.. puy 'le55 wilh our low ')right wood push stkk POCt01'" ~aichd is hlack. :1lli:'I"S j"('d'simulated il'ath· SII! . ,'I". e See for yourself ••• "Hook and Ladder" .. 159 I Pumps Water ~f fiRe E'IuiVpcil fJO ('afnt'" 0\\ ,1('­ l"heres lis n Innl, lu;dly ,fUmrS \\"~lel". 1.;nl­ 398 -~~rsBlt! CHEVROLET Va ue/ dl r ("lends 10 16 Inr'hl'S

Like he S(,,'S on th(' hig-h~ Boxed Hankies way trucks to haul all sorts o[ things. In stJl'dy rlastic 59c and 98c LHTI and cmbro:dcry; lift·llp flow¢rs; P

co(l'1" 'awn. I (

Fou,r ~~l[les in Women's 100 Gi~t Wallets Novelty ,Long"vcaring plastic Candles ea. 5% in. tall

The&!' colorfu~ littl£' life-like characters add much to Christmas, cheer!

Gift.Boxes ...... 10c and up Tinsel Ribbons lO~, 25c Christma& Paper .IOc and 15c Arti.ficial Holly SpraY•. '...... 25c ea. CITY-WIDE GIFT FAIR THURSDAY. FRIDAY SATURDAY

I Stores Open ThuT'. Nile

'til 9 lo'c~ock THE D-X Paul Moorhelld WAY and hi. band i Let us give your car a thor· ough D-X check.up for colder Sun., Dec. 'if weather. We'll .see that you have the right weightlof better Drive D-X lIlotor Oil with 1Extrinol Adm. $1.00 tal( J1ald in your crankcase ... 'the right I in anti-freeze ... and we'll check your battery, tin's, plugs and '1 To See 1 wipers. To top it off, we'll give I' Us your car a D-X GuaFanteed Lubrication. To be sude to start TODAY! this winter, b. sure to get your D-X Fall Check-Up 110wl

HEAD OF engines with high horse­ and Wgh compression a of them brand~new. cooling capacity~ in· displacement, twin car_ B N. SWISS available on larger :dATTlE

. Cows, two-year-olds, bred heifers. calves and buns. Both grade and l' rred animals at •••


AT., DEC.ill. f I I • " , .. ,,"1 I I I

i(fuit I ~iI1 sen the }ollowith!; puhlic anction on th'e farm '0",.' ..'· .. 4 miles north' and 4% we!'jt 0 Wayne _ or _ ] Grace Luther'an Aid mile I1(wth am] 4% east of 1-or - 9 mile .. ,,()uth at~d % westl of L~urel ... Canoll. will i'eI'Y(, Originally Schedule November 26 .. Po~'poneclTo Lunch on Gl·ound .. I , S AY.D ,CE:MBIR 9 LE'Go arm Machinery , Cultivator 1944 John Deer~ A Tractor ; Recently Overhauled John Deere Tractor Cultivator for Model A :12-ft. Ottawa Elevator, with speed jack 15-ft. Tractor Disc, nearly new 22-ft. Harrow, 4-section with folding drawbar, new 2-section Harrow "- McColmi.ick-Deering 10-ft. Power Binder usell only 4 seasons

, 1wo John Deere 999 C :f~cijjl~~.'" M~COIrmiJk.Deering Endgate Seeder Planters Hay Rack on John Deere Steel Gear 2~14 with John Deere horse-drawn MJwer IOW :. 160 rods wire 2 Rubber-tired Flare Box Wagons, one steel box, one wooq 10-ft. Hay Rake Dempster Hay StJcker 2 Tractor Sweeps Miscellaneou's Electric Pump Jack 3 Feed Bunks Daywest Feed Grinder 2 Hog Self· Feeders I 4 Hog Troughs 8 x 12 Brooder House • Water Tank Wood Bros. Corn Picker 2 Hog Waterers - Tools U sed Only Three Seasons Other Miscenaneou~}tenis

I - 1 ,j II I, I

City-Wide Gift Fair, D'ecember 4-6.

I Walyne's Complete Gift Center

Sensible, Lo~Prreed Long Lasting Doll Authentic Design With Realistic Details ":' .: G~~S 'f~i- ';:~!~ LAZY DOLL ~. ; TRUCK Can Stand a ~of Abuse 6.95 Value , 79(Y 499 19" 50ft, stuffed doll. Shirt Has front headlights, signal If is made of plastic - pants lights and 14 wheels. Cab and cop of percale. Hond. is mode of die cost zinc pointed plastic face (an be alloy. Heavy gcuge steel il':'~ washed. body 22" !cng. -(


Give a Deluxe B~ke w~. air lined style tank, b II bearing pedals, rigid y braced fenders, v~yl sod­ I die top,headljght,f~flector.

More featuresl I

Pretend Fun-Noisy They Really Work! let Them Have Music Steel· Tradors Steam Shovels Tots' Phonograph 295 295 945 Junior c~n pick up morbles. iocks. Ploys standard speed record1 other toy, because this big 21" from kiddie sife 10 12 inch ,iut shovel works! Sturdy metal. Strong metal cOle. Electric!

Two Holsters Cork Pop Guns 169 595 98c lever odion gefs,,"oQ" Sliding, synthetic board Inslde-ouhide u~tl 5.ttel T.o Stor S,ogle Shot leotherefle 'wo lone 1385 .t ,nary b.g go .... f\nf withcholk,eroser,pegl, hoop won', bend. Sim. pistol I. teOlher holster v,,,ored hood. Foo' ";"e' 5 (orlos, Ccubine molleh, booklet. "t,lh ulated lealher, inAat. with sheriA bodge on brok~ ond !ileo,of olu· ( f1pe. 23' long... peg board, able boll. ' sheep skin. minum. 23'12" long.

Give the Radio That's Tops in Performance'fesignl CORONADO LADY HELEN STEPSTOOL Resists Tarnish, Rud, Heat, Scratches Ranger

S•• ml ... " •• I-N.R"S' 1245 Edg.s,Won'ISnagCtothn 1995 Chrome plated over heavy nickel ",,,,ge greeT" 8a~ efi'e cob""" .base. Red or yellow Duran uphol· ~ 1:~~le~~d~::~gg"-r::,~»j~~~: stering is waterproof, colorfast. DC U.L approved.

Plugs Into Lighter Reliable ·"Counselor" "Sport-Lite" Bathroom Scare 495 695 Eosy.to-read magnified dic;.r.l~rOo On a 10 ft, cord Ihol permih light. .stot dial control. White eno~ . . in9 inside or ouhide of car. v.E. 'With chrome trim. aealed beom. Vorcon.. .

CrfY -WIDE GIFT FAIR Thurs. Fri.-Sat.' ) Section tWdL- __ H RA.LD six pages

Cop~ right 1:1:;2, by 1'h(' Ws,.-ru> H"rald. ft partll~rllhlp, of ~"' .. yn ... Nl'torallkil. NUMBER THIRTY nquet Tuesday New Cars I Expect 300; Registered Dean ~Guest A. G. Sydow, Wayne, piymouth - I w. c, Swanson, Wayne, Ford T S k Pau' Leiting. W;n"de. P'ymouth pea er dhristmas Seasoh Dixon County William Cavner, Wayne, Mere, Activities Sched4le • W held at the On,l:oh'«. f)l'('('nllJ(~I' 7-13 hel\(' !J('I'J1 ,>.;t'! for ~~~Is ;aSm~710~~~~a~ ed~~:~~ ~~~ CROP \\'!'.:-i, 111 J Ji.'WIl county, a-c· I • • I ;;~~~. ~\~IIIS~~tI~u?s~k~::ak~:~- ('()I'tiJl1g 10 It(,\. T. H Budlllcr, ~~~~~ '~~Id~~ta::i~tt~~~~e:. f{)r (·(Jl.nt~ ('llI~lf')nan f ! ~X ped Itlon I !Jon Cunmngham. fOrTTlPr Way,," ' With this week's extended cov­ During the week, canvassers in : WaYIH' KIW,lnIS hrili'rJ _;1 erage, the Herald will go ~o hun­ qlJ~- ~~~~~n~i~~rl ~~~;:{;/.t;r:wzf ;~~ all parts of the county Will call ,m;Jn nf the i-\nrl (l..Jrk f'X- E:rlucalion is sch('dWf>rj dreJs of families beyond the on everyone for help in allevlat- Lp\~I~ foundation~ normal trade area Inviting them IPf>dlllon at theIr !\londny noon '10 br toaJ'lmast£'r for thp (,Yt"ninl.: to partic'pate In the thrice-day ~n~Q~~jt~cea~Plt~~rta~~sre~~ I:~~a~ I luncheon. Thp banquf't dinnf'r will,hf> spr\'­ "Gift Fair". Arab refu.gees in the middle east I Prnf. K ~. ~wdt. .. ulwrintpnd- cd b\' women of the' First Mf'tho­ f>nt or SC'hnfll", lit Suuth S!ou'( dlst church Youngsters will be to a and Iron Curtain refugees 10 treat~d ('tty, \\a... ~uP~t !q)ellkf't at the If~e movie, candy, and nu~s Sat­ Europe. Tlrkets for th .. annual ,,"YfOnt An urday when the annual r:;hrist­ The \\'('I'k \\'111 beg-in \,I;jth CROP iss Robertsl a klndergart- i ~w~~~t;. ~~orra:~~'!~I~~; ";;t::'~ art' now on Mle at all banks in Sherri ! ,'mas party is stallJed her~. Two Sunday, DI'c. I. when n1any of the thf' county and from any or tbl' of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Howell Roberts, I ~~e~:~~~ fT:!i y~~hrO~~deS:~ ~If with ('\'pry d£'tall ('nn~'prn- , 'more movies arc planllicd for count 1') '~ ('hurdll'~ Wll!. recognize (':\op"ditton up dlrN·tor~ or tbp Feeders 88!W­ Wayne, as she IS presented w,th ing thp famOll .. the I Dec. 13 and 20. ' the l1L'{'d fOr thl'> program oJ Chris­ dation.. JalIlf:"§ Troutman. Wln­ a stlve~ dollar by Ardath and Ar­ rms d~~:~~r t~~II=~o~~ :~~:~ !\1i",'OCmri rinr, tian lH'lp, "ide. l"i pre~ldent of the group. Remember, Wayne storbs will dyce Kpch at Wayne Book store Sliter Dollar days held here Fri- He told rnernb('r~ {If thl"' dub be o;pen ton Ight and eadh SVc­ Pa.'>to)'s will i here_ !!turday_ Ceed~g Thursday night until pic to supporl da~ and Saturday, i ~:71~~ ~~df>C~7f~:\~~~,n~~~~~~~~~ iqU~~:~~~('~~ra;:d~~~tSt~~t J~:~~'~ to fepd hung:.' : ,of 111P JoUhH'Y. la! n rf'Cl:'nt m~ting hf'lrj hNf' ilt ~~r~~~ ~a~·on~~,;esan';i II ;~::d~; CROP 1$ a jJlog1'oIl1 of tile Cl'n­ Il'al dplHlI'tIl1rnl of ChuJ'('h World ;0 0 ,It ,ccm, "ce,' ''''0 ""no who',h,' RF.A hUlldm~, bat· i pari of fclt L(,wis hao takf>n thr RutiN II£'"" I.a.'j;t )'car !'t'I,\,ICI' rno:-.l major 'fund" of>:-,Ig'natrd for ttH' (',-[)('ril' La"-l Yf'ar around ;l30 pr'rv,n" Pl'otc'stant Expec over e ers t 10 tH>n Cong-rrss s('1 a!'lclf' ~2.500 fot hrard Sf'nator Hugh Bufi('T k1\ (' ;:ADee.~ I::~s til(' jnurnf>Y \I, hl('h !r)(,k two l1nn lh(' mnin l1drif'{'s. l!\u rnament ;;~,~"~~"~i(;~a~0::n'~'kn~:;,r;,n,"1~ • For €ollege Ty h""meal tnp 'hrou,h 'he "Llricr· rganizi!ng ; V"I";bu""" i, m"d,' . ,c,"l' 'han 100 ,Iudenl spoakcrsl'''';·ror",,,.tt ",ed a ,,,,",,e "'ale 180 Pe. rsons Agent Harold lng-ills ~ t:'~oups on 11]( 1)11"1.... ______fr1.)l~, IX colleges WI,II come to, lila I). ('on'rin~ mu .. t or on(' \\ aU 4-H clubB han' n'- I without n'~<'lrd 10 ran' Pl'ck$' Two Wa nr Stall:' Fnday for a two-day I In IIII1~tmtf' hb talk. the comiru~ year, I' • I"ou 0 of of'hlltc and discussion in: Thf> lRwis and nC:lrk f'xpedltion T A ' Merry ~ilk:ers rlre I 8t b . lhr> ,\Vayn(' Slatp Invltational dc~, took piacT' In lH01-()f) aftn th.1:' 0 ppea' 'r 'or~14~'~Hi'z=W:';,o~rck:';nros,,'I'1 Dat'es Set 'I raw errles I hatd lournament sponsored by the, Louj<;j;;nn purchase made hy Presl- re ~ s'e~~':i~j~~vf: h~~~: i~f ~nlyOnne~ I col!~~ ~~~~~h \\~~~~r\~ftth(' dp- ; dt'~h;~[:~rs~rcg~~~trtan~~as pro- but Tuesda" John Barnes,picked I h;I~('d by thf' students is the Sa- Igram chair,man. His f ... thf>r-IO-law, I ',MessIOah' I two half-ripe strawberries· under tiona) lnter(·olll:'f"oiatf> df'bate ~ Geor~r r: L(' glJ('sh. reorg-a;nized but has F 1953 yard, wlhich is just about as com· I That thl' CUI1g-TPSS of thf' L~nited I all of the, paper or, ! Wayn!' To""nl.,for, Mon Statl's Should Enad a Comptll- • "~ , ... . lub I s0rty t-Ilir EmlJ!oyuu"ot PMl('ttees '\ DJ(' I.>th p~sentatJon of thp , and Mrs, AI-II II <,lay night c He picked the first ones thiS 'I L,l\' " F F d oratOllo Handel s "The M{'!... slah leaders, of tb.c ' , ~~DogmCIS ,'n Mart~ WlnterfOV 18 and reports three hy the Wayne Slate chOir aUg:· v MeDer-I more a most ready for picking. In the dlScuS:.lOn sectIOn of the,arm 00 I d b f m \\'a)nc Mrs. Sdhmodc Set -f. mott \\.'as toa,stn"astc~ for the C\- The arnes' lIve at 715 Lincoln I ,.oufnamf>nt ! hI:' "JX'ak€'rs \1,111 dls- l,m,nCdnICsurrolu' nSd'\nn~rsfVOfF,rOon ",u' .... making al1,d COOk_I, I "n·,n., I ff ~ .~". v-.; 00, n V 'aU " ~ • l--street. _ $ I (U:-'l 1 1! mo~~ e cct I'\C way to 0 t I k - 1 <;Iagcd at the CltV Rudltorium,.. ~"11n- I, . -"- f ' Vogel top speaker' ~on lial the '~l('at o'T Communism I U 00 5 da) c\'ent~ DeC: 11 at 8o'clock • '1' the critics: Jame., I riO ri3 proceeds 1:'0 to '= atnKIRll"k -1 O' h the dates ~pt asio(' for th(' 1953 Oth('r' L) 1(' S('}- I And 'I {PI Friday morntng and the pro-I "'Ill be Ihe IOPIC for dl~u."slon at l~r:~t'l~h::~,:~ I;~;,!~~ !lllmcd I '. on "H~s l~ de ~I ay~e ~t~ ~~":~1(?11 t S~~~~~~!~ ~)d : ;~I~ ;~~I:'e~~~~ :f ~:~ui~~ts!~~r~~~ i ~~~J~l~ DC'C 8, 10 the mlJegc audl- ~~"I~~ltr thc col 4 t~~i~~ ~b~: pres!dC'nt; Martin HlI1gC'I', dee I' a : 1'U1'ioa) that 31 'i!udl'nt" madp thclnO(l Richard Ford and Mrs Clara panymg the be , pr(,sld(~nt,;, tj'('a~urt"]' HI'Ill'y Ley, Herman I s~(ond six \\ ("I.'k s honor roll Tho~(' I Irecto! of the tournament 1<: 11 Leopold staff members of the dlr£'Ctcd by B.ern.'itclO I 'md AI-R hiT . Herman dl-I iI<:tcd oli! thc v.. ii' ne High honol I Ja es (' McCnrth) professor of unlvers:ty of Nebraska Exten- professor of musIc at Wayne State. student4 -will ~g£'r. T~ t', ~(c'l'" Hry - man- r('ct~~1Cthe di~('ussion; roll arC': I_ 1""X'('C'h and ciebate coach at Wayne I sian service, will conduct the dis- SololsLo; K~~~'" P,I'~~r~'j~~:' WCVI,i,I.'~,C.loDl·~'''k:·('I·}('''~'k'',',:,·,',I" "W'eI~"I!(l"'I~ "\VThhacf cW'uib1.1.. KOl'{'a",1 Avera,gc of 1: Harbal'a f'!Jl~, l..ar- Stak· Sturien!s and townspeople, cussion. Sol(lists for the annual prf>scn- " I ..., ." IV " the Ia..<;t i r~ Iiofeldt, Donna Lage, Paul I.,{'o- <,1re' H~vitrrl to attend the dchates Iwy J A~ Bar):larH Ritthaler, Valiant". Onl" play IeI' and IvaI' Anc!t'I':-.on, Hoskms, (j)[ thc ) ear: is :'v1onday, Dec I na.I·~. ;\~qrJoli~' :'vlatlhes, JO~(', \Ves!eyan Unl\"ersity, ~:aYda~s \\~'n ~~tho(rit) on roo'ci tenor; and Robert Hansen" SIOUX nC Elainc PeteJ'se'il, : h"gAhg. 'aiCnudIIUf""'"' I, hr','. h[i"I,',",',,',' I h"milc,a"" r:'. ' Wa yn HOg h I' 1.25: Sondra J:1aas, ::\lanl).n ~lat- I, omf,~n l'ni\'el'sity, Peru Teachers. lrl'lld... City,: WilHam Byers, Allen, and ., '-. I thes and BC\'erl~ Ann O\\CI1:>. I Ha tmgs college, Creighton Uni- )1cml}{'rs of the farm school Roher-t Ste\'en8, Yretna,. • cent years, a profIt was shown, I 1.4: q;ayle Grubb. \"t>r It), Wayne State, University hl'Ard a {lI~("ussi()n of practical An of the SI;dOl.sts., With thc.ex- .. The tl'easur('I"S reporl shoWed a p . 1 1.5: IDe-ann.'!. BAlt'r. fkrnlCc ,of :-;ebraska, Drake Vniver~ity, mollt'v-making Idl'Bs In farm man- ceptlOn ?f M., Cummgs, r('C'('I\'('d balanee of SRR9 Part of t hIS was rese In 9 Brad('I', Ph~ lis Coo~, JH!'. J );,\\ l:'-. ,Lutjher college (Decorah. la.). ag(,nl~nt la~! :\to,nday nJl{hl. when th(>ir framing under Profes!"or An- N Um b er " att~ibuted ;'0 t'I~(' !'to('k ('ar 'race~, I JeIT~ arubb, Jud., Hl'IIWnulIlIl.' AU$ustana colle~ r Sioux Falls, In II'" S. ::\1cKlnlcy and DaYI' derson. , Calls Made rJr!'t hPirt durjn~ ttw foil' IG1ell,HOUd,el~h.('ldt (,.harll'~,~ll'IlOl",~S: ,D.I, .MacaTester college .'St. EWln'i:. of thl' Hill FCll'nl ~1f1nag'{'- ~Ion" tban 180 penom "III 1I1I\\'p\'l-r, rllir hoard nffidals Voca I t 5.1('\ ~ Pa'\\cl,.skl. MI'IYI"n RI: ~. 1,..01-, pa*, Minn.>' Mankalo (Min':.) ml'n't {'Onlplln.\, kd 11 prl' quid( to point out that oncer I ral)H SaLtI and J)OnlM W( n1.-:( I T(,1 Ch~rs" Augsbutg cOllegc, (Mm- sion 011 bnlalwl'd (annlllt..: . n(' of "Tbe Messlah." InqludinJ;' higH during pUI·t nr thai Ilrorit \\a.. 11ONNlbh' . , 1.75: Ga\'lt' Wt'hr('I' , nl' oilS, Gustavus Adolphus IS1. ·~O ")i("('('~ tn 'the ofthC5tra and 'llhhIJl""i'vi,;" holiday.s, BelliI hl'('IHISP or thl' Inc't("IIo!,,:d llU,ot. chOIr and! 2: r)'l'..J Prot'tI. J-klt'll Shull-II Pet'r. Mlnn l. HamlJn(' Unlv('!'Sity • ItO I. I . t the choir Audentoll W, G. Schulz IH('Int rront thfl ('nullty. lind tbllt will ~~~ I and lJonHld Wq.:hlman, 41Stl P~U~), and the Uni\'crsity of W'll sald~o n."!\ n • the fnir board still oue!'> $8,000 fun-:.' ~!rrlne>,;oIH Congressman I Thc two \dirl'dors a~~in .imite on tht1 hmd, ('0 .. 1Iy r('pal~ arl' auditoriUm ~ • • Speak Here Monday illl former "Messiah·· pa.r1inpants nhlo on til£' I\~(>nda {nr th1" {'I()m- 1EconomIsts to Speak to attend the last two re'hl'arsals. Ing yo...... Baptist Youths Hosts Repro"n'ali"c Robert HardsoD. Reh rsal 8 da Bill Petcr!', Wake(J('ld, \.\fas s~~~: I Here Saturday' representative for the third C!()04 A r~hears~w~ be held at the named delegate to th(' county fair I At Sunday Meet gressional district, \\;11 speak at nd LJ t 'L" I J four I A "Farm and Homl' (lUllnok" an International Relations club college 8udit<¢um' Su a)', e,c- sat£' COJl\'PI111OJ1 <'11 ~nco nan, me('ting will be hl'ld at tlw court- \~'aynp Daptbt Youth fellowship meeting Monday, D('c, R at 7 p_m. I at 2.30. The' final rehearsal will 350 ~~'tc~alt l\Iill(,I' \ViI'> namcd alter- e\'('nt are Jan- house Saturday beginning a.1 1U will br host .Sunday 10 40 guests Th£' mceting will be at the YWCA be held at the' city auditorium Sun- dur-I Secl'etary-manager Al Bahe and Temme. Janet a,m. r"rojn PilgPl' and Obert at the local room at the student union on thc day, Dec, 14 at 2:30 p,m. th del ! 'J1 It d th and Larry I Richard Ford and Clara N. , ChUI'Ch Wayne State campus, • t n here' VCC"I"oncgaandc ,'r'y' loa 1"Pnno up ccnCloe ,'. , I Leo po Id' , ex " enSlon e canom,'", ,""1 ]'~" \"v.'l II ac!' H'Ug.l("j 'IS Ch' alr- Rl'p. Harrison wiD speak on STUDENT MUSICALE SLATED ~Il !tainment [or O('xt year's fair. admission but fram J..incoln, will summarize mar of the !,(,I'Vlng, group of l'ight "lhSlI("~" FadD,::' the SC\\· Admin4 tak('n for a the national ,:,utlook conference (ad~C" from Bapti<;t chun:-h b.tration." , A student musicale ff"8turmg \'0- I 6eld redently In Washington, D. IR~V, Morton Work, Omaha, Dr, J. R. Johnson is sponsor of cal and instrumental solos and (>'1)4 I . . wi" be guest speaker. the colJege club and Dick Thomp- sembles will be neld at the ~Iiege Thl' ,tt('~ulaJ' {'xtenslon h(la)~d l~ari'\' Bo, ('(' IS pre"jdent of the $.on is president. auditodum Thursdfly· DC;C- at Youths I ~~e-!~7:,,~~~, be held at 3 p.m. 111 loc~1 g'roup' _ _ ..... __ ~~~~~<:...is i'2.~i~£,~:....._ .. _ ._~~~..:.. _ __ ._____ "". __ ~I '52-Cons~rvation Work· Summarize~ : ' - ~------;------.-~-- '---,-'.,.---

1 , i F thl~ \'t 11 DUllug -19;::-~;~~~~' tolil of the 1\\0 forms '2f 111,110- ~'BI RTH Ii 1- ion are, sotj\'\.I arms 19f1(('nwllt \\as apprm('d which dgC amounted to ubout 3,,0 clcrcs , I' ' and! "11 d. • I,10 a ne year of even greater ad- ! \1af!1. conservatlOrValds, i llC'res: approl'ed crop rotaUon. • i vances in soil and \.\ ater conserva- i ' !Work accompll:shed bt 195Z"" 4.000 Dcres; and rotatJonhay and , tion I atriounts t.o 65 miles of terraces ~ p3"1ure. 1,500 acres. Concord Youth I f 11 lace(1 3.! establishment of 150 acres t For'the protection -of game fo;r • '1--1----++-----.- I G('~g'eefr.e:::i;:nb-;:: H~sld~S. on of ;"''Tu.. -.st''d \\aten\-a~"s and f'e::: future, huntmg. the sup('['Vt!';ors elf Heads Fr~ternit)j' a,m.) I th bo T • . Iitl.l e outlets. These ,\ill sene the dIstnct ha\e an agreement L , e ~nd of SUl)e~rs. I~O ('onuol nmoff water aud \\'lth the State Game commiSSlon o{...... ld B S~ __ I,,' r-:, W" Bervtee f I Alvm ,Wagner. Hoskm!;. was ~h reby ~n'e the son. ' !whereby five wildlife areas are cs- Valparaiso, lInd. - Roland A- I appomte to 'tm a vacancy earIlet' I or protection from the «;:old \ tablished each year. I Hen-mann, son 0{ Rc~. 811d :Mrs. in the ar Other members. Al- 1'1la ts of wmter winds Z7 acres of Those farmers receIVing such Rudolf Hernnann.. Oonoohl~ 15 one bert Wa on, Wayne~ David Rees, 'le s and shrubs were planted_ areas planted thls year were! of ,the studcntlleaderss ol~mg O~- • Carron; and BernhardkPIittger-1 m~rked increase of inte~t George 'Langenberg. Hoskins; flC~ at ValpatplSOl-_~uruyehilltY tplS ber. Ipi! r. are of se" raJ years a shown in the field Of,fitiJe Fred, Marquardt. Hoskii\S; Mlii'VIn rall.,. f ~ __ ' 11 standIng, nage .lor low w¢l.lands is Dtfitklau, Wayne;- Joe Hinkle, Herrmann. B1 gradnate o. ',A:l.d'O, 50 - I ed \ ';e r34~·feetoftilearai~ ere Sholes; and Glen 'Vingett. Car~lhighISChOO1. Carroll. Ia...

;'eather ;Sotes- if :Report onl 1 Our Hats Off "rd Hav I ,: To the Street :\ien ,GAY THEATRE nesdayre~o~I~~~'.;';;'n;,';'hr~hdW~~~ was giving ,everyone a News Wayne is bll'!ssed with.3 fin/! T.H. bad time when The tier-ald' went rtreet dl'!partment. 1:0 press Wednesday nOGn. - Bodies--<:ar and human-we", -t I hous(> OpC'n Monda} through Fnr'j;n I bl:;i::o~hea\~~!. w~nr~u~Pia~ · 1 ,suffering dents ;md' prUl8eS as a I $ each \\"('(>1<. week the street men began at- Thurs. - Fri. - Sal. result of ICy street and slde- Now on T ur'. 0 tacking the dl"'ifts. Dec_ 4· 5·6 (I walks. t ! The w::'Irk began Wedn~ay al ID-rnld f< RN-d.l r\lh rnto Weather Recdrder A,. chi e ::-:-1" ".. New Disease I and continued late the nigh-I. Omaha World- er rd Wert reports h6 slgnlf1caht pre- , Lincoln-Work has begun at the st:arteJ agait1 early Thul"Ulay Nphraska's al Clpltatlon during the week. University of Nrbraska collf'ge of Seen in Corn morning, Thanksglv!ng day. (~I~I~II~\~ 7~!~ d~ ~ I %d~~lt~~e ~~ ~X:~~I~~tut~al hCrol~ - Courte~y 0'11ah.1 Wr,rld Yo·,ln woB";t o;:~~r:na:.... hr;;r~:~ hat~l~ 19~1~52 tax ye rllwayne Man Buys show which ,til take to the high~ A condition that hjl<; p]i-lnt pil~ ed away and the city was "dOing , th~;1 Out Partners ;ea~<; t~hzr;tr N! e:asV:: :~~~1~<; the i~~~~~iS:;~~Z~~~nh~~~~I~ ~.r:.al; I bU!llnbees~ a~r~~~~I'~Ok oVl!r vaea. by" n I Ed Bahe is now ~Ie own~r Ofl The p,"ojrf't. pon~rp.,.d by thr Thr> ('ondltlon rpf.ltdt'i In har~ tlonlng "Hel",~" Victor's spot and apltare tl Wayne IInp,lernent C He bought lTnJve"itY'fi A i('tlltural E",tpQ- rt'n"p"" or -.omf' c'orn'italk.. and did a crack }":lb. 'bav~H.'t for th(> m JU 'out hiS par nern, W Coryell and Rlon ,",h.. t('~ nd flnun(,"f'd in nuhhln .. fir ()Oorl), df>\'plopf'll f"31"01 ______ey ·tha~ I to thp-m, IRa:,. Shulandpr. e'ffertiv~ "Novem- Ia.rge mea~mrp by Ah:-F\ar~Bf'n, 011 othpr... thm. rf"filldng- rorn Reports ~'om across the, ta e I ber 1 Complt>-tion Q thp h~hs- "III fp--3tuT"f' t t" lawst dp"\,f'lop- ylf'"hts. Stalk" of tilt' nrrpt'tC'd 'lr... _ n, U. Bnnl ... tn "'fU'ut thp ihd. icate th .t jn some. co.untl S actions We're nmdc dUring thC'j mf':ntA in IhP.fhWk pT"odurtion. Illant" 111m purpJp. \\·(pkpnd In S·nux Cit ... '.'o'ilh her ® litt):e as on -third of the ref n s I month. ~n CO"-,Wr\.l1t1 n, youth nl't1vl~ Thro ;1f[('{·I(>n !>I;)lk<; ~{'pmNj tn ~1~lf'r. \!r~ H H ;..;un ... mak.·r have been c aimed, . i Bah(' plans to manage the firm ,tlP.Pi, poultry br, pdlng. and hOlnf'"- rwrll!" ~(ln('r~lly th1"Ouchnut thc =;1§;;,;1§~~1§1§~~~g; T.nxpa¥e~ are entltl~d to t Ihy hhnselr. Shalander wUl leave makJn~., fi('ld. ralhrr than only In sCBttf'r-1 ~ I H!4 17 ROge~s ~ack any !!1(lm~y they p~lId bet en for shortly and plans to A. group of top·f1ight collcgr of ,rd !rr> for about sbt w~ks, !agrIculturr> ~:";Mrls Will HCCOmp<1~ rif'llr~ or r('~planf('rl fil'ld!< arpear- CO E0 der the IB¢gal 1949 rura~ e I after which he plans to Investigate I ny the exhlhlt~ 10 nnswr'r qut's~ pd hardr)..! hit PI to visit the C'olleg(' be rf'sponslhl . Fri. - Sat. - Sun.' (·nn'lnu ..... ':' .s~)'.\".' ~\j"'·i· .set: an elght-mtmth I e Tu('sday In Grand Island for Mrs. Ito ~ and dL~us~ innovation~ in Thf' fun I" \\u<; found In thr i for r,ural g~Qde "choo) ~sl- Margaret Schroeder: mother of agncu)tural prOduction and ('on- kf'mr-I'l 0 mo.. t nvbhlnfi, It Dec. 5 . 6 . 7 to. fIle their refund cJ rrns Paul Schroeder, sr.. Wayne. jscn:atlon methops. b tbf' gro\\1h \\hkh ('auhe major ,{If thc Extcnsloh se~vJce, said the But:-.1r Sh£'rf list£'d 1hc>sp olhrr » • ; su{gC'rY an~ of county ~:-itcn.slOn ag~nts and possiblr (,BUSS(' which ha\(' not yrt Funeral ServIces i Th·S h •• ~~'I I rt St. CIVIC .groups IS bemg enllsted. 10 bcpn rulNi nut: $50 $150 : J f' C !,Oeu.er UlIJlil yea u: I explam th(' purpose of the proj('C't 1 Thr soil mnv not furnish For Brother of W d~)~ and Will n:>tUrn to Wayn<, thiS locally. enough fert illty fnl: plant.~ to dc~ . are \\0(k£'nd JrUipnNttnurruUih;i>xpe-:rtn_ \plop normally whrn 1he "tami is Ladies'and Men's Watches Persons Wednesda • tiobs. the carava.n ,,111 be mrule so hpa\y as it \\(IS thiS JC'Clr. or Funrral ri'·/"'s wrn' held \'C'f;1(~r. Anderson Guest ~t a~~~ln:':t~h;'l:!~~p~ dlffrr. ::;k h~rf;a~!~~~d mf~~l~~~·~ ~~~~ft~ ~wn~ HAMILTON - WAKMANN day al 2 p.m. rm· FI·pdf'"rick E I W D L . j of Ak mg m nuhbms anrl poor fill , WC'ndt. 63. at I1l'ckenhauer ch~pel. Critic, Conductor .Sar~Ben: sa~~~·"JZ:~ab:{i;\·p grr>at :2. There ma~ h;l\'C bPen mfestn- Price. 'Start at $:18 M I ,'.-. Wendt I~ a brother of .:';lrs. Prof RLl<;... e] Anderson, \'ocal in_lbf'n~flt eon result from bringing tlOns of corn aphld_~ and corn rOO1- I \\ III Bayk. Wa~n:. ~n~ .'\1:s. f'\. J strurtor at Waynf' Stat£". \-vill bf> agricultural college experts into di. \'·orms. The"""r also result in poorly LundqUist. for~~l Wa~ nf' I f'"sll!5"nt. g-u('s-t Spf'akf'f and conductor of thf' j rect contact with farmers and li\"e~ dr\-(>loDf'd pars and redu('pd yiclds . . i Imperial Candlewick Glassware . ~r. Wronctt dl~ d 1.11 ),Iurdo. h.D., annual \'oc81 mLL,dc clinic at Loup IstOrs \\'('[(> Allan Fe due. LoUD City and BUJ"\\'IJ"IL :. It's fAlsp r>('onomy to cut down I IWnson ankrZippo Li~'hters on ff'rt i1i7f1'r whf'n farm pl'i('Ps I ~:~~~ I~~T:~' g~·7(Th~~ 111~1\ Farmstead Water drop. Thai's thf' npinion of Dr :'-.t I . ,and 13a.,'] OSh;Jl11 D \\,pldon. Extension Soils sP('­ Jhose Whowans Avl),ilable (,lUllst at th£' Vnlvf'ri<;ty of j'>.;('­ hrnska. '.~ - - Loans to finuncl' w('Il~, pump<; 1/2 and less Price pressur£" tanks, :stol'ag"f' tanks. dl<;- En>n if ru nn priCf"<;. \\ prp rut e tributihg pip('S.'ptC' .• are a\·ailable In half llnd ff'rtilizf'r pri("f'S rp­ II 4 H L~B SERVE mllinf'd thf' "amf', thf' average Onl Goods I I ___- __ ~E S 1 In Our • •• i~~~~~.th;hfsat~r;~~%~~fr:i,~~ !\·pbrnska farmf'r \\ould g"f't Gift ======-*= madl' todav by WIJliam L. Ow(>n5. S 1.50 to $2.50 in in('rea.8Pd ('"rop Come in o,nd See' How M"ch valup for fl8('h doUar spf'nt for 1~leasant Valley 4-H Club i Armed :f.'orces ,w~~~~ :~f;:i~~~t ':!t W~~e~kota. ferti1l:tf'r, Dr, \\'pldon said. :l!5c' • 50bl' $1 Will Btlly i Thf' mf'eil:Lng wa<; hpld atl til''' I Such loans are available to 0.'"ebraska could use profltahly 200 thousand Ions of fertiJizf'r a 1~~'i~('B~~~t~~:~'(~~~t\~~m~}J· ~~~ IWayne farm owners ~r to tenants who IS I 1 year. he believes. PresC'nt use I RE'i"'d.le"lr I Ilnd !Hf'tJ- :\Iat1in Aaronson formcr Waynf' I have adequate tenure I: arrange~ about 80 thousand Ions a year. In I ' . jr, ~, .. ,:.lant le~('r. ~ ISt~t{'· Teachers college student. is! ments. These loans draw three 1940 only two 1housand tons were hav(1 (Air nl"\\" me he~s, bf'mg discharged from the armed I ~a~n~nin:~~e;: c~:t~el r;;~Y re~~ used in th1s stalc. ' ~H·(' .1~ nH'~bE'l"s altogether. i services after sC'rviI1g in Unjte-t: JEWrELRY {he mertlng-. games e I Stat('s and Alaska. lie will return"! estate $ecurity' or both, 'FANSKE ~~(' I . • and lunch was ~('T\·r>dl (' to hiS hamp in Brooklyn N.Y, I Farn1(>rs in nl('ed of such fadli. Mr. nnd ~rrs. Raymond Ottl' nnd ~~§§;§~~§~~~~ will be' held ate _ _ ' . I Ji('s may obtain fm'ther information rnmily_called at UYe Howard Mnu '~l')'''f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=l!I~~~r~~~~~~''.o_:'':D£'('('mh('r 1. I Pvt. :\Ial"\"in 1I. M(.iC'I"s addresS I a~h('--..!:2~of~iCt' at thf' Court- home l\londay evening. ,_ . has bl'pn ehangp;l. rCj10rfs his wife,' ."~"'''"*:te''''~"~."~tlK*"~,",,~*":r.::::K:~~:~,.-.r!f4C~~":r.c~~~~~~~~~~~~~:r6~~~~~t. . who livrs WiTh ht'r parenN,. the Ii ~ Hudolph Tlnmn1<'N. TIl(' ad-! ~ drrs<; j,,: . Po , it Po ~:n'(~r~~;i,:o~ f:a¥ir: ~ YOU'RE INVITED _ ____ ~ Jor IXllCh l1as r~'cpntlv bPe-n·1 ~ tramf(,fI~f'"d from .thf' USS· Pocono 1 ~ 10 Cleveland, OhlO, where h. ha> To Help U s ~ chiirg.e' of th(' laboratory associ at- 'I ~ ! ('(I WIth th(> Nand hurC'[lu of !lC~ " :~~:~~,,,-nd ,upl'li'~ : Celebrate ~ Cpl. Roof'rl L. Hampton was ii 0 F· ~1 transfC't'1'c? to Yokah"ama, Japan., \if ur .rst ~ uftf'r s/T\'lng- 16 mortlttls in Korea. l ~ t!~~~~ ~;~h~~~\~ig~:~t~~l;!n:r~\~ I! R His work IS railroad hClnSportation: iI ~

Cpl.Hi< newRober.t a"dre"i" 1.. Hampton, if i.P- H A. 17302:112, I FR EE FR E E p-

I San FranC"iS<.'p, Calif. + + p. , • • ! COFFEE 5 BASKETS PRIZES FOR ~ OF I i ;~~;~~;',~~~!~dS; AND CAKE d GROCERIES LUCKY CUSTOMERS i Llnooln - Discardf'd stOl'agt' bat-' St· ~ teri('s may b{' ,usl'I£'SS for stoning' a· u ray ec ~ ~~~~;·'P!';.'h ~~~~n C~t c~:;;~ ~~C~i1~ •it .' ~' • ~ ~~8o~\'~~oClnl~~lA~~7t~anw~i~ ~I D 6 ~ fannC't"s today. i ~ "Batteries left lying around i- Po ~:~n,:r~S'd!:~1~O~%u~.p:r~::~ . ( Take Advantage of These Specials Friday· Saturday R poiso~ing to ~arrn animals," I says the foundatnm. Ii ,.a "Lead Doisoning elm OCCUr wh('n I SUPREME =

elf~~c~;~:;'~~~k~h~:dh~:t~~~~ir:~I'1 witlh Ie-ad RI'S<'1Bte. or licks' SlA,LAD"'1· i WAFE· RS 10 LBS. SPUDS ,.~

1 box (1) ercury pOlS nlng from leat_ ~ ~~g ~~~ ~~~;:.at pas bccn treat.-- I f (21 Rat pm,ons, including ~ar. - i pI1;ASMOtt, ~ arm, if suffiCient amounts are .., 1.0 k 1·· '5 c ~umcd over a ong )J<'rlOd of, MA' SHMA, LLOWS ' OZ. p g. ~ (3) Chemic~ w kiU£'1's whu:il I ~ may ('Ontain subst nces pbtSOhous .. I ... Itostock. , I ' ~ t ari.:~i~G;::.:~:I.. b:~. iSO.ns, such as, e wish to thank all of you for ,your patronage, jn the past year and lobk : ' (5) ighwaY'5\1i'f "m; 0/1 whiCh I I '~ rains ~ash,int'· tlNs. , forward to serving-you a long time •.. i! ,F"ar erS'w ~ ~ ." a ease of ! .. : ~ v I ii! lI esto,ck pois ntn were lI,rl{cd i ","y: £\ i· . _---. _ n ··1 ""'di.. I! l~~~~S::f~~~~)1:=1 I " Clete -= vU~,- '~\'Itft I,' De"'ffY~ I!."F~ .' i

·at/tbe~h;r~;I:;;~~i~7~:.H.·. Ralj)h S. OOJ'!! h""", [or A" IE.. ,· ..1·'5 , GIO,.CI.RY iII 'l1IllUillSglvlilg va tlon.Otliers ': I . . "In, Business for Your Health" ~., II Present were m.r sister of I ' Phone 5 I m, ernpero and er: fe.lnily. the' . I '- II M~, l D"J. Ml1J1l~ .. per. Wllo. and II . . i, . ". II ,pareit~s'Jfth"la)il. ,$fi-..llllli'.:WS. I .. ' ~~~.". a_...-.. ~Si!l~. M'IJ, Llllouett". Hi rtt~1'd, KaIi,. I( J 11.'1 I." . ". ' i ' I 'i~ \ , 'I' "I !I Ii, Ii' :! I· . " l, J . r' •• ~u •••• :~.,1'. ~ "''''T'" f'\f~"f"7"-"'f f P? f t l' f ;: rh ?f+ri PPffFPFP+iFf ;S;S PfLrlf';a; WI. ;c;f>>>mf';C,.u"~','>>.4J'.,',QNN'i4*N/7i+i'4-"1itfl:.}f7~1'" , 1 with "ictories This Week Wayne Prep IThe Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, Thursday, Dec. 4.1902 3: Hartington Shades Sports News Falls to Wakefield Local Cagers at College, Wayne High

I'r··;th L!()\r] Horton's \Vnvne' H:~h I ;-]!.!p h·ilm j!T tie-d up at 3D all nlth ahout a mlnu1.c lert in Ih.· g"anlf'. ( I-,jr<-'~ PrlCl' Jr.! go ~ tw~point_ , r hrr"k Ihf' tip and give his t.. rr;r:llP:- the e-dge needed for

~Tan.c;k(' wa.'; fouled jlL';t bi1mf'l- endf'd and sank hIS ~ n;~II~~'O~~i;ll~~~:~, h~Y 1~~~~ NI"I( four-point marg-ln.

Above are members: of Wayne Henegar and Jim Atkins. High's varsity cag~ sq\Jad for the' Back row: Assistant Coach, 1952-53 season. ,JClod Love, Rod Tietsort, Jerry Members of the Is~ad coached iKorff, Larry Hofeldt, Lowell by lloyd HOrton :re. Johnson, Larry Johnson and Coach Horton. I I K:,,~oanr~ ~o;~k~, '~O~dO:ie~~o;~: The Blue Devils opened the I Bill Palmer, Charles Price, Jim

}<'arn1l'1''' li, \Vilkt'fi(,jd Rull R\dl:'r" " SII[p,\\:a; ------"""':---- All Stal" High Scores "S('\'!E'rs f ! Kathryn Rushy 171 I Fa'rml'!''> L , Enwl'''on Paul Edckson 247 • Ilf It pC Men's Scratch Leaque 6 1 3 , W 0 2 3 2~ 3 0 0 ~n 1 0 ]3 3 3 1:5 1 I H 1 0 11 13 18 lQ 7 Z2 ~]5 .1.1 14 30 39

Coin' KiJl)..;,,,ton, i~' son or \1r..; 1 ~'f'slpnl

Do you pay your bills

'\ a cozy gift' bound to j.st~r beneath the Christ. " . tre'e ... our toasty-w~rm slippers in smart styles' to suit levery member of the family. by CHECK or CASH? ) • If you're one of those folks who's ~earned the advan~' tages of our special checking accou~t, your checkbogk enables yo'u to pay bills by mail, to carry f~nds without. pers. r~isk of loss or theft, to keep an accurate account of expelll*' ~ through cneck stubs, and g~t a receipt for every pur­ chase in tl;te form of a can~eUed check. ~ If you ~till run the risk and in€onvenience of paying by cash, we urge you to come in and get details on a checkin2 i account tad a; !

SHOE WA 'STORE -.' 210 Main Phone 482-W , \

T: - I. j ~ ',~ ~ -, "'~>_l_ .. , ...... , .. - , ......

- ~'nf'~dllY, DN', 9 th(' play, Next meeting will e J;tn. 6. ~~ ~~~. Fortnigh1J!'. PEO PNG, W~~;pn~('htttlr~~~~¥ho~~t~h~ :~ \Vl'dnf'sdl~)!. 0('(', 10 !';istf'd were Anna B£'ckE'nhau r OED. and \1l"~ .•J. G Miller' MArk C '1- GrtleE', Luthernn Aid. r~f Y(>nr'::; phfy. Alhrrt Baf:tiAn home Tuesd y, P'1'1~lny. Df-C", 1'! All members prf'Rent voted to 1\ton lly, 0('(:. 8 Pun Maurinl" Gord(' ami rarnl)n Kah- lOr comlJ13ndpr I .... ollard C!\\"~., :inri $OOAL E\1ENTS Caau",e; recorder, Mvs. G. L, ler and Tom Bah(' and :\larll'l1(' \11' ..... (J' \II·n". Lincoln. dl~T n(' ("(,m RO~[ls; r~(>lve[l, Mrs, j ck - Herald Staff Photo Sieckmann, \\hr) "i1n~ dlH·j.; n,Hnd"1 :Llo\d \\·,·..,t ;\nd ;-'\1'" \\·' .... 1 51 yea'rs I Billie Milander,' above, son of The COleridge, youth is j':lst one The Balle" hin'(' 11\I,d hl',l(' "lTlCI ('rl·l.a.:-hIC:I. :,1n; FITd"r,('k \\"'C:I)I r DaWson; chancellor. Mrs. Ja ps I , T.. Man-ied Grier; past oracle, Mrs, J lia Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Mitander, of the many fl~st year students 1938 \\ hen IIH') mO\ cd from \\' 11- ('r"(':~h' .011. lJI~t lief I'rr'''''lrh nt ;1Ild TRY THE HERALD \VANT Be HaAS; mar!'ihall, Ml's. HattiE' Cw Coleridge, receives a free silver to come from oiutlying territory sidf'. ·\ ...... r ... l~1 :"'allyn: inner sent inl'J, Pal Gn r: of the FI restone store here Sat­ ~~r~est ~~~~~~r ~~]a:e~~~r; :;,~~~ ~ ,~~~:r&~,-..::f.I[~-U~14:~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 28 at ~ p.m. in Wayne Rf'\. () from now out Pr- sf'ntineJ, Mrs. Frank H r­ urday. Sitver Dol1ar d~ys. I ~ B. Pr'o('tl \'\,iH pfCiciRtf' at til(' rC'I~. mUsician. ::\lrs. Fr;:jnk servj(,l'. Miss Trastt-'r IHIS hf'pn H('lne: niflnflgC'r. :vIrs Julia Prr­ of W01"e 3 III 1:0\\"11 Yor]; hl,,('1 and (~)Iors USl'd in o('e- ' j! suprn'i!>nr of fifth gn:H\(I at J r. hnnl)J' g:('pn <..:;. Ronhld Fi h­ Gullj\'pt' \-vas principal of Hahn \\hit(' ca rri.a \ Ions. :\o1rs. Enln (';II­ I! ~,ou111 thank ('r. mode~ty, Mr:-.. Hay i\'or\ 111; !';ten .... , PIf'rcr'. as hl'id,·smi-llo. \\or,' Tht' Imde gr11ctuatcd from Hahn high Unlil 111(1 war wl1<'n he ~ unselfishness, Mrs. Bill Ji'J('f,h­ High ~('hool ann r~('('i\'('d hrr BS ,~ coo·trihUko to tIl(' \\ Tue-scl:1\'. ,\'orl' \\ hll(' on'hld., .~ with ,Jann{'n{' Gnf[ith hosl!'ss. MI~ fZ. R Smith rp\ipv,'(:rl \\ .II In (. In New York, .~ Socl

  • ans ann :\11:-1. Jilll ,-) ;It Ihe Mrs. (']11r8. Hr\"l­ n('lu<.; Sh,l[p]" hnrl charg(' of f'n­ m~!n h()~l(> Mrs. }-illJ't' St'f'l'(' unit('d in mar­ In VD nlOnl. :-"'0\' 2R Ofrltpl''' of ru'lwkah" · Edgar Schreiner I'I(·IT,· .\IT anrl '\lrs. L1o\d CII'lson. ('ketf'd F,'irlOl\" f'Y('ning' 1', hllng \\['J"(' atTendant". and Rl' .... irwlur\f' i\ll's. J\ I I. IA'\\ i~ · Married In WinSide • JJn:!lllan of Trin:t\' Luthf'ran ! i:r;lnd, .\lr-~ .fohn Nwhlll .... ,huh:1 u:flrlaled. - grand; Ml'j.;. Wn\tf'r FhIPPo.;, ~('I'­ Joseph I ne Ahern TIll' Tlf'wll,'w('ds lett foJ' C'alifor­ I'l'fal'y; an~i Mrs. Wrlit('t' LnnN, r['lal1\('.,. Thf'\ wlill1'lc RAD"IO I,'('asur('r. Ihl?' ~~~ Rest of offi('('l's d k on thl'll rC'tul"ll. t"'oI'MrHo~kins, :J.rp appointpd :vfrs. Hatti(" An­ and We s New Yor er ".______AND c1{'rsOl'~ hildt the program at the meeth~g. Next mel'tin'g will be ~o::I·~ni/',;'" November 22 Busines~ Notes th(' Christmas P~l'ty at tht:"' club N()\ Josc>phlllC' AhP'l·n. Nt'\\' Yr,rk ]'(.... om'" Dp~ 12 Thf'rp will h£' an "P\'~nir'lg. I (':\:chnng-f' of gifts. ! angelical CIty. clalle;htcr of :\1r'" John Ah('rn, T. V. Winside. I \Vuyne ...... ns uhllf'O in maITiHg" to The fl rst sHowinq of the 1953 \\ lIt 1)(' Jwld at lh(' Ed A:cme The R('\ II \1 HIl"cl't offiha1pct' Pf'tCt· Zdt. "on (If :·... 11'. :1ncl :,,1' .... at the douhle ling ('(T('mon~, Bas-,Bfl."l1 %111. ))"1'\\' York {'lly.;';;O\ ~::' Sf'I"\'i('(' ~ ('g,~ san- p a I Hu",c;ltln ()r t hndlD:>. (' program "Facts 'I tt1e ~huI'('h altar .\In,: H ... HiJ- Thf' Cf'J"f'm(ln.\' \\";1" d()uh1r ring : About! Nt>\praska. '. Next rneeilil1g office at pt'l't plaYC'd thp m'rd!l(':f;,' I, anrl, ;In a cappelt;\. ('twi!" prf'sC'nt('d \\'~ddln!7 hHs b('en \\)HI be ~he C~ri8t'ma6 pal'ty, .r<:enn~~~ Ras~:hl~e sang- Oh pr~m- 'mu<.;ic Whit.. ("hrY~Hntll!'n111n,C; IP<'c. 16. a one o'clock luncheOl~ ilse Me ~I]d ()n Ifappy lInrtw .J 'd('(·or;J.1E'a Ihe church • 30 Metallic-Foil Seals) I! llt the R. J. Rrantlstf'ttE'r home. Th(l bl'Ic!,· gl\ ('1] In I TII(I hnr!p ("hos(, ;1 • 5 Gilt Tags I h£'r fatht'l". \\"111"(' (l ~o\\'n £'mhrmdf'lf'd In('1' t Il-ed'eemer M)'ssi'onary i satin fa:-.hionNI ..... II h a tf'ngl Ii Her • 5 Gift Cards i GUE'st night and annual I satin bertha coilal' fInd a I'd !Ind ~h(' Too Late to • 6 Sheets (20x30 in.) Gilt FIRESTONE Chl'i.'~tli1as party of Rf'dC'emer bodlt'e. Lnng-Illt('rj 1,1Ct' \\ hilt' (JIThlfi ... Wrapping Paper 4: Missionary was held Tuesday (,\'- poinrl~d at ttl!' \\I"I.,ls (Jl~a Zlll skirt C'ndl'"d In a Ilf CLASSIFY • 4 Sheets (20x25 in.) De luxe .I. STORE itlg, Ho$tcs!-.t's ",'PJ1(> M'rs. Arlen itch. MIl'S, Ross Jaml's, Mrs. The FI'ell(>h illUSIOn Gilt Wrapping Paper. A. R. Ellis, fhntf'l' ina It>n~th. ~he f'st('r Vath find Glarlys Vath. • 2 Sheets (20x30 in.) Red n.sue" rs. P:rl aflht:"', Frt:"'o bouquet of I'O;;('S 2~Z "}laln Phmm P!O Mrs. Ellis md Esther Jensen Wt:"'I'f' pro­ JE'av('s. • 1 Sheet (20x30 in.) _..... ~te Tissu'! gram~ If'aders and had charge of , EilC"€'n Kleensang

    Doepke "Helliner" 95 SCRAPER 9 95 !frock hal Cl'ank and chain tcf Sand pile 0\%0 t Body 15 pull IUam shovel up onte) ElECTRIC PHONOGRAPH ra1.!!s a.nd loWel'S lJke latbed. ADotber _cr~nk. operate. Ready-to-Eat iCI~ tone1 Pla}"3 tIP tiiD 1$JD. the bii modell. P1CNICS ~~ ••• 78 lUX tl).lnch "Sunbabe Lb. ... 34~ ~ • So-Wee" Wish to Congratulate ) ·-.d DOLL DA VID RATZLAFF ORl~GES I , 298 ,.,~ hv WOI/,1l 18ft' m. \IIalional Bake Conle.t 3 Lb•• 23c SPALDING OFFICIAl. BASKETBALL All rubber with Cudahy Puritan Lt. ~~~. ~W.CfJ';lIg 95 ~~ov1ng hnd, arms. lep. :W1\Z1, A'vbberCover .5 Pc?rk Sausage Roll ti&per and bottle. DOCTORS. or tiHRISTMA:S' TREES NURSES' KITS Trluh' the best selection of beautiful trees ever =1.:.~ ~Ylry. rel,ch Wa·yne. ChOORe yours today. _",,-.. thing YD. Flnd I~ a Doctor'., otIl.. 1 . Tom ComH SPACE SHIP Wind it nf ••• shoots' hatml.. Ill""" .. 1\ =1 • own good ta';Le'--tI,Uo eOlT"etne,,, and 8m o",""HH)llS to your order. AIRo and calling cards. I . Come inJor 9"om pt FI.REI!STONE 'STOR-E '- .'A R Ell' Owner rhone 126 WaYJle 222 Main . . IS, _ ,_. -r, i I •• " •••••• T Y T ...... T ...... T T T T T • T ...... T P ~ ~ • r''' '" ~..--~ , \0,

    The Wayne (:\ol,L) Herald. Thursday, Dec. 4. ID:;2

    ('nd of th .. 191.1 spa"on when. dls- th .. Senat(' in 1901. ~lr AII"n ro­ "all,.,!I('d \\Ilh 11U' S35()O he v. a,., gel· turned to '~1adison and tn,· prac- ~l;~'lt~~ ~~~7::('~d~~ ~~O·II:h~~ \~:,~ I ~Ifcet~: ~~:~ri~1' e~'~~ ~11~Clt9~du~~~ ::)llthm pHck!'d up Rnd 1('[1. ,again in 1920 lie rll('d In 1921

    Nebraska's Senators Nebraslsa Co.unties

    \Vrlilam V. Alit n. :\",·bra."ka·s 1 Bo:;..d county wa..:- crr'alr'd :2l11 n[ flr~1 and on I:;.. POPUlhl L"nll('d I an a.I-('a of appro.Xlmat('i}. 6,1) ~q 'Stafh ;.malor \\a5 a ko·\ n"urr- In mJi£'S Iransferrc·d 10 ':-";C'bra'lk", lhr> pol1llC'<; dunn!.! I~(' ear- from Dakota T(,':llor:;.. b:;.. Cnn~,(',." · h In lRX2. When ;-";I'br~ka had he-f'n I . I admItled to the Cnion In H~!)" 1 stery Farm No. 37: Out of ! HOI n _In \f:rlway. OhIO, Ja-nuaI) I nOl thprn boundar) had foilon-"d 2l:'I' lX44. hI' r .. m()\pn IO\~a Wllh thc :\"Iob-ara Rl\cr from 11,.; mOUI:l h15 far11l1~' at the age H .. al· I, thl' moulh of the h:"~a Pnha ;l,nd tend('~ LpPf'r' Io,\a ,for Ihal ~!rf'am 10 I'n,· Un! parall' I Old Nebraska a whl]£' ar.dlhf'n ""~,{-d In lhr' (.'" Though Ihe' e!forl~ of S!'nclI0: Ii War Aftl'r lh(' \\iH. hf' rf'ad L·H\. \ ill ~aundf'r~ and a;I/'r d '\.\'a<; adm 11 If, 1hI' bal 'ind prar" pn prOlllll£;f'r1 df'bal,· ('Jnt:n'~~ \\ '" OCPd l!l rona 1m'.! 1""'-"1 \\h, ') hi' i"!! "jcld,'r! 1,' "\,T"llrj :"'-1"1-)1 I"et ~ caml' 10 '\( h·;l'... kcl rl" Ih' TJl hnl~nd;jT\ jr, lh, 1"\111' 1..(I'"'all11·": In \llldl"nn 11" ('nfl"Il· "h"rp Ihl' nrcl ra~a:I('1 (r'J~,', 11'.. UNj Ihl' prrrrllr'p nl 11\1 lind rl. .\ll'.;~()un T 1\ 1'1 ,H'III ('I~ In! rJ pllIIIJ{ ~ Ai lhf' ,.j r'hd': n1:11l n: I ~l' 1.\ I{,

    400 H 'ad of Cattle , , '!OO OF GOO~) II REFORD f'AL\,Jo:S-. IS('IX'))IN£:: Hereford siteCf 1I nd heifer calvps, onf' brfllld stQf'r ca~\'f's st('('rs, lpeluding s1.*ers, ~.t. 700 lbs., Ol1f' llr:1nrl st¢prs, f' ne orand 20 heifers,,, \\'t. 650 Ibs., one brand or nm fOWS n d mixed C'attlf' ~alf' ~tarh at 1 :30

    Auction 117 acre wen improved Elkhorn LET THESE AMA Valley drmiadjoining Meadow ~U4ine44 ~ Grbve, o~ Bighway 275, Level SAVE You Mo IJnd. 85 acresl in crop. ~ottagel Good Will be sold to the

    Qe(~ 15 I 2p.m.1 P.RE~ISES ' MOORE . An easy system for the use and i ,: part vocational records and other I Hrl~:Uln~i Realto~ "Off-TH.-S"Elf" ·DELI Auctioneer: "THE RIGHT BUSIt-/ESSFO FORM OF DU~I'Nc:;):n Norfolk, Nebt'. ! d4t~

    ·1- ! .• ~ •., .... ,•.. , .. ·· .. 1.. ·· ...... T.~. I

    Formation of

    • i

    lUNG SAi o& GRAVEL I ' CORP. and .


    \ i

    i, • READY- IX CONCRETE ~ I Quality Mate Is For Homes, Commercial Buildings and Farm Buildings

    . ,'I" EfFE(TI,V JANUARY 1, 1953

    i LOCATE 15 MILES SOUT~ OF WAYNE For our Construction Needs )


    I" ( P·HONE . ,I I / I

    I !' , , , 3 2'1 i , I I , ~ I I I, WISNE' , I '

    , ' .1 i QurStlores Win Be 0 en Thursday Night 'Til 9:30 V~sitOur Colorful Costume Jewelry Apron \.. ..~~\,,~ , ~ f/' Dozens at ~'t .; "-. / ~,··~u-. ~..~;Q'i.' ~ ~.,-~~ $100.. ea. .P,,'~ 'lr,e, ~ "~ ~

    1II'P dozC'lls H.1)(11 0[, bpl.utilul JI(T'~ dn"('n~ 111 <>lJl" [('\\\·11\ d"pilrtTTH'il' ;'

    Washed and Mangled

    Flour Sacks Practical Gift 100 lb. Si'ze 1.1<1 \'C t iml' to em­ t h~'''l' pcdcct w"uih­ 111'\\ ("01<11 .... III ; miilng-lerl flolN' sl"lcks t'l;, )I.ill 111,1 111.'~:!·,~~t~~~1 ikl's 't~~:~~(,,~~f~; Proportioned GLOVES • Full Fashioned

    • Sizes 9 to 10 1/ 2 PiUbw Cases Lovable Fahrics A, limitl'd quantity rtf stanlpNl pillO\\ CHSCS. Si/.(' 1:2 b) .11-; '.! lor ~t\"!(''' III !«'iI!JllfIl1 Ld'ri" )..:1 ,\ ('" thaI )UU would (')t.p('ct to pa) mUch more fur. AU colon:. r('Cl~ turing- the :;mClrt cuff .... 1:- linf:: of Squares Ih!s .::eA."Ol1., Sli':.e~ til_~ Til ~i~.!. Dot Dryers White or Colors Whii;%CI'i~i'(aps Useful Gift ,,"r'"d !Ik!' I" hi-i\'f' \ ()U "'i't)W"'l' St·(, l'IH'.~l' 1)('l1'Uliful ~tll wool h('ad squares in dot dryf'J"s Tl' .... I, ~I Illl}S manY.1l month. T)w lll!!sl J plastic ('101)11''' )lIn \\ hili' 01 ; "' .... oded colbr5. Extra largf' sin' and !noin·. ~!nd t!lev an' not prlCf'd ill Pl!ck('n In a \1"" r<',1<1\ ,Ill Id~'al It m In give iIV10m or Sis. 1101f', t'tl('~ an:' lOW, run' \\"onl and r::;1\ In!.;' . POYS' Ladies' Handkerchiefs Collored Sweat Shirts ·"Box of 3" Buy Them by the Box Sizes 6 to 10

    I I('!"(· .you will find r~d I and hlu(' sweat shirts for Illr boy ..." 6 to 10. These hilV!' the popular 4 Goucho collar. A .good weight and a low 5100 pI i("(, for on yn~r fhri!>t mas pocke1.hook. liNITIAl

    \\. i' 1Jt'11~'\ i' \\(' 11,\ \!' IIII' 1" ..... orlnH'nl of 11\ autl(\ll 'us FOR YOUR ) [11 ('lttH'r plilm .... or pnllb Wool h,l\f' !-.I'('n Lal hI' "IZI'S ('rt,,} glvlnJ..: F('UI 'Footwear HANKS. (lnl~ $1 Dn

    if!'rl'S ;. glf! that Uaf! or iln,till'r Lined \\ould Hpprecwtl', A hox of Ilul''' kit h his OW~l imt tal. Bf' pt'rsonn] t i1l" Ladies' y('ar ,Inc! bu~' him mit iHI('c\ hankl(" I , Satin Rayon Fuzzy and Cuddly TIES Panties 'A.nimals j Men's 3 Dress Dogs pairs Bears

    Socks, , You'll amazed when ·You ~pe this big assort­ cuddly animal dulls. Assorted bright coJ­ animal doll is packt>d with extra valpe. Larson's low gift price of only $1.00.

    Three pair of fancy dress sox 'I ready packaged for only $1.00. Complete size ranges from 10~; to 12.

    q I I , , \III MI • UIKt ,\-11,., Hal !.)ld t ill hun I ~IJI III ] ht "t/ld' 1 till Iii) Iii (). [,,11(1 ,iJ,d. Limit) ,\. I L ~,II':I hut:,.,IS ."f. and .\1/::. blt \\ dlf'l" ~1Il1 .\1, .. ct:~L:::~~d ~:ml~~d a~rs F~~~~~ I~~'> D~~,ll~?kH ~d1e~~~( Atl~d~~~~p~t ~~~t~~~~I.ng at the Ward Gilli- ~~~I? ~~\~~'ho!:rbr ~~~x ~~~k If-I(olden I noon 'IN. "iUiam Vahlkamp RJ)("nt \\"plwr and Bill for dinner h~t Mr an::l ::\1rs Franklin MeDon- Guests at Ith€ 19I,n"latl Kraemer 1<1<;\ FInd? .... \\lth thf' Hrp at Ihp Emil \\·('c;tf>rmCl.n home inelll, Tuesdav on -her 82nd bi'rth- ~Ir and \Irq John Ta\ lor L-1.ur- fdmJly. Mr a d \Ir ... Gl"org(' J-lugh- 11<;1 ~bndil\ IftPlrtOlln day- rll and :\Ir<; lI(\\rl) Finn and bo\ .. p<; and Mro;; R It SmIth WRvnp 'fr lncl '\-lr (" R Vag('l, home Sunda ('\enmg '<1m l\ 'v\ahtlr) \11 ilTld \'Irs Rob- homr hr Ihank"'<""l\lnfl" rllnnff Singli;~1)l CITY -WIDE :vIr anli rs Winton Wallin Icrt :\1(':-';(>\\ i8nd fre SUilda dinner gU{'sts Jh the houn anrl Mrs lIma Kt'RPmC't" • the Waynt! 8erilld \""~ more Wa tin horn£' :\1r and I Dixon S th ' \Xl :GIFT :vI,-,. Alvin Pet<'T!lon an~ ,ons cal-I tI • ou east '. ayne on sale eV'M"y Wefflt at- . 1('~11; ':n('d/a~~~oX~·lon GranquiQ': Soutbw~st W ayne C!n~~irt~~,~~t r;l;l~~,I~O~n(f~~mi~;: HOTEL MORRISON and ann. .\lr, and Mrs, Paul B()sc andi "\fr, nnd ,t)-.., AI Kpm sma fam- \ .... akr·flpld. \~r·:-p ;11 thp f'j"j \Vphl"'T F£LBER DRUG STORE fAIR Ilflmily w(>re \'isitors in Ihl"' Vir-gill j)y ;Ind Mr ~nrl :'.11':-; Wayne GiI1i- f,nmr' fr.r Th:lnk-gl\·ln(.': THURSDAY - FRIDAY I P'~~~~O~n~o~~2'~:,i;:;~:~(c.'~'~;/;~hd! -~-':-!-- -~-- --~------I ~ SATURDAY fflmily and ::vIr. and ?'.1rs. Cat .rlo~1r I C~~;!~~~~C'h"'Ch «'pre Sunday dinn£"r guP...;ts II) the I ,r··"IW.{1 C :--.;,,1 ... '111. pastor) 'I Sundflv "chool I j.A'~~~}?_l"~I~ sha~:~'n ;Inri ~ RI'T \~()a'shlp~ 11 am. : 'lnkle wrrf' Sund'-"""""' .... ""' ...... iii.~;;.1 I the Georg(' Volle!",; homp afternoon l . ,Don~ Fletch£'r. \-11;;_ Martm Ro-. AS A USUAL THING 1(£"11 and:-~y.rtle Mac ana John D;:II! \JI(I-I,.':'·(·): 'iPl:viC'(' I ~ _ Ia Norma Jroan \\'£>rp rallpr<., in Ihe' Alden Sel"\"('n 110nw V",','dn(',,· People don't 8Hsociate a lumher yard with Christmas \~'"m(1n'~ !V11SSionary' Is('rvic(', R p.m. pi (,,,I'nt W('I'p ::vIrs. ~lore-nce dB\". ,Mr. and :VI,...; ;\I,u'tlh R;l'lfjpll Wf'dnp"f\rf' 111 'Max Holrlorl"'; To C.tlifornla ,;)1 hllOl"oj l[f'jrninnd \1al\ An_:Har\PY nus/prjr' and [(lmll .... litH! for dinner SundH:'> In tl1;f' ;Irtf')-nl)()n You can't put a pile of lumher under a Christmas \11". alld :\1rs. Gl'orgt"' (J1;"(Jn If-j t i dl'I'>;()ll, S 'p 01, ! - I Mr., and \11'" CJlIf'nlln 1·:1'\\ In ;Inr! Ihe'y visit£'d :'11' r:rWln.., falh('! In ;'\Jar'folk ':\'lullt!ft\ luI' MeTced. Calif.. wh(:rr 1 .. rJI'(' 13.11111:- tree and no on(' wants a hundle of shingle;, a win-­ SUndiJ~ 1~Unrlil\ ~('hO()l.l' \11-1\ In :vIagnu<.;on, C'::lrrolJ. W!1 Ryiin, IklroJ! rn'ri John'>on. \1r There are many items we sell that do make splendid \lr. and :vIr" C :V1 C"1a)"~on 'v\'ak.·f](·]rl .\11 dlld \11'" 1.-1"" !llnn"I' t:1]("...;h In thf' HlIg-l.'! Sehl,]I/ and 1,lm!], \\,'1:1' "\' n.lll: --­ Attend Wedding Thanks~I\'lng da} .\Ir and :'.1r~ \VR1Jo·Jnhn .. on .\11" >Ill.) John Carli-lOn and ;vrr~ Roy .John<;on ;111('nil!'ri tiH' 1':1' " f "II ~()Il f'njo\"(,;j a ('oOpf'rall\ I' \\l'dding of Vil·ginl~ V"rm' .lohn<;on, :Inri 'rh;mk..,gi\·ing- da\ Mr~ rllai'l,', ( Don;ild 1)1(,1'<, ,It F!'('mnl1t S-cr.tlll"ll:l·. .\T· Hili :vir .. (iPOl'£,;(' :\fflgnU,on : Gllnnar<;on dtld family illld :'111'<; C J ;-..tflg-TlU- :\11" and \11 ~ To Icrwa Rites That "Extra" Room New Floors PI'If'r"on..; f~' \11 .:vIr and :\lr~ Cle'\('lHlli :I:)(i ill AIYld 1">0\..., anrl rlinnpr 1\11" and \1r \1ag-nlJ~nn iWd Can Don rlrm ,. I ~il"{"hwnod, L; .\ I{('creation R()(jm Storm )llln('d IhC'm 1 l' rlinJH'1 ,=,:11" .. 1:" Jll &sa Sunda\' to altt'nr! lunrrl-ll !;pn IC'!''' "'UPi"lf'J ...;on h(,nll' ~~ ------for' :VII: ("l{'\''--'l,IJ, "nrl \1,·, Wallncc Magnu,on I Altona (·)II].(1I·('n l'lnrl \11" linn Mrs Wv- Thanksgiving \\lI1III11 Ilnr! ,t,:~I;~nW\~;;]I~ii~~! • By Start ClJrrf'"Spondf'ni

    Mr, and Mrs. MelVin Johnson and Guests .J '\1;!"llLh.on . .JJm N(,I-I Jannrn(' KH.;' \\ "1" d:nll"r FULLERTON LUMBER '1 :Ill 1 vIr" E\'('rl .Jnhl1' at The' Anrlr('\\' .I··l1n'(1I1 ],\J].'11,' \\, 1'1' ,c.;unna,· din- Thlll'<;day COMPANY ~:II,· ... i..., t hi; ){;(:~/~ho~:~O~;rl I th,~\~~~~~:t\~~tgherr~('~I~'~l~:'~;t ~S,P~i~.t !-\:"nlll'lh Olson and I FJ .-illk pnu('g("'~ them in the after- I Mr. and Mrs. E, p. Caauwe were 113 So_ Main Phone 78 <1("('

    ~~~~'d~)~nda~ 111 'I , NOW ON SALE AT ;1(;~~1(~~~ ~~~S;~ljl;l- !( The low-priced FORD F-6 carries up to )1011)(' In L.-1.un·1 ~\I'·...;I'-, III thl' ('llf The Waynta Her Id \\""1" :'11' and \'Llhl, anrl \11 I· I L A SI:IR than other leading 2-tonnersl yes I ">0-';: II's flte only 2-lo""er with Douhlp Chann~l (ramp and (;)-,o-Gr:p rlutch~ And tb,~ Foro F-6 gl\"1'S you roll­ MR. FARMER WANTS ... a("'tlOn ~tE'E'r:nR. rhoir-p of thrr-e whr+!­ \. b.'L

    ~\ ). p~ACTICAL \ .~. (j:~ "\

    New power! Your choice of famous GIFTS ... ~)~,Jl3 239 cu. in, Truck V-B, now 106 h.p" or the BIG SIX, now 112 h.pJ 3 out of 4 F-6's had running costs for gas, oil and service (but not indyding flxed expenses, such as taxes, depreci­ • HEAT ~OlISF,RS (iOMFORT ation, licenses, etc.) of less than4c a mile, (:()VF,RS m- CARETTES See PROOF in the Economy Run book! Up to BOO Ibs. less deed weight than other 2-tonners. Load .uP to that much more payload, ..... ithin 16,000 Ib, G.V.W, I I he low-priced FPRD F-S • . RAiD(;ER ITRAcrOR JACKS , .: KN~EOtER TRAcrOR SEATS E l HERI~' NNERS • and PLA 1'FOIU1S Only I If,-.on.rude w~h""";teof 106-li:l>_ V-B or new Low·FRfcno~ lOl-fi.-p. Cost Gipper Six! Saves up to 1 golJort 1ft ·71 • ~RIjASE (;lINS The Economy R.", I>_.lf that 3 oUt 'Of 4 Ford f·S's'-·n,m fOr ~$$ 'han ·~nif· 0 mile, (gas., oil and sNvite cos'ts~ bVt nr,,. including Axed expenses,. such os hlxe; depreciation. licenses, e-1t.)! SEE OUR SEL~CTION G,V,W, 14,000 Ibs--J"l)'lOcd coptlc:ltY -goes over 8,600 IbsJ TPOAyt • Discs I : , • Spreaders I : D TRUck.IIG coSts IllS ••• F~D TRUCKS LAST LC~NGER! Using (atest registration ~-ari 8.069JOOci1iv~~' J.·,rb Son life insurante experts prove Ford T1'Um (a"'Oh~ ~,.c..a:. I Ypur John Deere Deale. 1 I .,.. R J~fOTORI\ Wi'ltSid~ . i W/

    Smart, pra1:tical gifts that "Tittle he-men" go for in a big way! Come see our trem:::-r.d· ow:{ selection of gift-wearables for active boy!.. Christmas gift wrapped without extTa charge.

    '-In, ••s,tm,asiShoppin-g need not be a worty wh'en you take advantage of Larson's of ou~ cou..,teous ascistants give you many helpful ,suggest ions to complete your gift list.

    Just bring in your ,:: HE'S BEEN HINflNG gift list and let one I of our clerks help For A you f~nd the cor­ rect gift for . . . loc'ttIIID5 SPORT COATS by SPORTS Dad JA!CKET Son CRICKE'FEER by Brother and Weatheraef;t Unde or CLOTHCRAFT Grandpa l\'orth COlmtry Friends 25001 to Ro"... · L('~h('r ( .. hWM4 1995 to . ~ : ~!I 111' 2995 f,f in doubt on what 39~0

    I"' pry jiH'j{I't b,:. \\'(':lttH't'­ Bo' ... • ""it.l",> jj-'~II ;Intl ~i)rlh Country I" 3JI5 up \\ 1111 ;1 luxurIOus 10-oz USE A 11111l1'~ WI' f{'aIUrf' a 1"1:, III pallC'rns Larson's (~ift Il{'ill dll'cl<;.-;, rwll I)HI 1\\ I;!." ('\'('1 y Certificate

    Beau Brummel Beau Brummel (;ABARDINE SPORT SIIIRTS ·'ORDllROY SPORT . r'Y s(lm('lhin~ dH I'] r nl H~'I('S (l rractlCal shirl :1 (>ompll'll.l) \\,I"!ldld(' IlLS '!(>\\' C(),rrillf').\ \"IILI touch (If a con- glabardln(' In

    Takellthom Us ARROW GIFT A .... Jw ("lwek.. (1 .. ki (·all. "'it.h ".11" White Shirts flal'.... Frel!! 1.!I.'i 1111

    With· .thf' hest-look- I ing,' bE-st-n!ling ('0]­ lar_ st.yles in thf' world. Fine "sAnf.or~ iZI,r!" lahricB.

    ~95 up:, A~W Striped and Arrow SoHd Color Hanks

    Shirts A. l-\\ hllp ..... whitf' with Inrrif'r rieslgn ...; and \.Vondf'rful I s('1f'ctiOll ifllllnl "IvIes Cho(1."t· of colors. land pal~ from the· finE' cottons tt~rns. AI! Itnp('cc-ably and pur(' Irish Im('n:, tailored ftlr 11('<11, trim fit.

    a1.95 i up I "·p .. tNn outfit. H~t. shIrt. \(f) trousf'n., hoot'!. AU stull. , ~f"·I·r.ll (·nl-or..

    ~hirt~ 2.95 Arrow Pant ... 3.90 to 5.~.3 BOllh 9.95 Underwear Sup('r - ('omfortahl(' shorts with contour('d seat. no irritating .cl"ntf'r s('sm. Shorts 1 00 up T Shirt~ .011.25 Ath. ~hirts .. 1.00

    Remember Larson's Cash pblicy

    1 I' I

    I i. \ . . 1 I: I o • 0 - ••••• - ••• ~~.. ~.~.~.-.~~~ ...... _$lII ..._ i ,1 II I!

    4 he :Wayne (Nebr.) antiw'it~nad the dDarv·:in M... ,. Lau'encp Nimrod Cad,on!family I I I See by The Herald' spent th ev('ning in the' Gordon Bard ho e. Items about Wayne fo!k~ you know r('t:ri~:('~ d;,~a~;ll:h~I~~~:m~:~~~~! ---______hom(' fa dinnf'T. !'t1r. and 1\1". Ito.... rt Lutt, Oak· l'\Oilkps', :rrd '~lr and ~11

    sn~l;. t ~Il~,\·:~r~~ :-'~~'h'Wlf' F~~~~.~~ ~~~~ ~~~daR}~. the Eugene &>eman Al~~;:/ J:hll ~lIak{' .. :Hul (" rI r Ring ho C Th ... flarlnn Farr('n~' \H'r£> In ~rcf~;H'h('r L'ncnlr. \\ ('I ~ Mr a d Mn; Floyd ,Johnson ~ pnueger and ~ul("h. PClld('r, '" {r', " I Mr fllld Mrs C. R A:-h had H~ (nm1ly w('rr' rilnnt.'r., !:,uests Sunday Branri<;lf'TTf'r nu:-w I ! r~~c~.~ ~(;.~. t~!~~~7~~(tl~y~U~(r~ill~~[;· tl ~~~ ~:;n~~u~:n~O~~d..aY ~n~~Jf" .. :\~(i\~~~ldna~h·,rn "n', II , l'lnd Mrs, Hf'nry Tarnow. Mr'. and :tnd Johnm' Wf'rf' .k,-.nn- with hrr malher :'olrs. "-tnri ddllc:ht(·r ....'nri .\1 homr fop. Smolskl Rnon E\\Inh \\PJ' '_.' Thr Lnn'nee' Fiseh{'f famIly Mr. and "n. .. \rthur Aukf'"r aqd da~ of'Ir H!,r] :'Ill, \\'d '\\(,J{' wdh :'IIJ.'". Chnslin{' Fj~('h('r '\1r. and !'wIn; Hoh;)rt Aukcr ;)('- thf'i~ 1[01' dlnnrr Sunday oq:1' ·lnrl In ( ,:-, IpfT r"1 1\"lr fOl· Ihf' I"l-t n;tn1<,d \11 Mr. ,' \1r Mr. Rnd ~frs :'-.fllrtJll Ilnlmhf'Tg P"[Jllllll'. 'I" T;" Werf' dinner (lnd o.:upprr J.:u('~t" of IJon \\ 11:1 "'~, ;' j" 1 • Mr. nnd Mrs \\"rllter FI"f'rln,ckwn. Mr. and Mrs. Eug The K('nTIJl J'lh'n"on fn! tilt ',' """"~lri \\ ' with Tea Timet Crackers .•."tbe rirh~ll, trisptll crackers you lnyC'd a C"OOf)f'rn!n/' supJ1('r in the ('nt", ihl' J '.1 ("lid,' .\frs. :\faric Hansf'n h0mf' Mr. and Mrs. Tully Str" '] net tUted!" There's a fREE Coupon at the right that saVej ;\lr. and :\1rs. F: W. Lundahl 'am Juri .. H- 1;, you lOCi on tbe purchase of a 1 lb. package of and Jpaninp \\I'r(' ilf Rr>]rirn for lFl"1 \\ rl j;; \\ .Tn Tea Timers. Take the Coupon to your nearest Safeway Store. thp hoiHlay dmncJ' CiT the Carl In \\'i!\ n, r'l Lunprthl homr Sillurd~, Do it tOday! This offer is limited! Save 10e on Tea Timer 'fro and :\tN. J.,rlrf'I".'f' Fi,,·hl'r. Mr. an:! Mrs, Ddlc T'l" Crackerf: ....tbe ricb~t, ctispesr crackers you ever tasted!" Oaleand Dann), \\f'rp In thf' 1'. Cnnn,(' \'.( II >,:;UPPI'i 1-: 1• :0\. Ob{>rl' hom", rllr 1\ rnmll;r d,n ,'\"tlltL· .1; the (J, rllnn~r. Thf' Humral fiuMtafson" home hrnucht Ronnlfl hom*, from an Lavern H.uder called .at 1'"-' .,.- • • Omaha ho"pltal thnt day. 1.\ SI r·al.:h! h"m(' Fr:rl-n Chill qOJl Carne The richest, crispest crackers you ever ,asted------~------~1r. n- :\tr ;.J.nd ;-'1:-> Ho\~ Flrrl (; Everyday Low Pr:ices ••• at Safeway . •• help you save· trl"t;.J.JJ)f'O at ninn('r ;\Ir. and ;\fr~. I daug-hlPr ... \\ ( rl' rhl'l"I' MR.rYIn ?l.lortf'n-;nn ;Jnd dfl~ht(>r~. ('\f'nmg l~a"n~ '35c Mpr!ln Holm anri Erv.m ;\Iortcn· Mrs. M. B. Surber Coffee A""~>,, B.g 77c ! ~;~ $2.2(; Pancake Mix ~~~t~~~~~~~". l~~. 24c Armol\Lr Staq with bealUll Coffee N.,' ~:';B" 79c !~;', $1.57 !'o~fr ~nrj ;\1ro.:. rr A ~Imrod ~:a~~~;I~~~t ;:~'~~~~ ... ' Snup ~!~cP~;~Q~:;ic.. . ~~~~ 8&c sp(!jll Fndil)' ('\rning- !-It Laur('nce Graham Crackers Z::;:,"'; ~~. 55c American Cheese .~l\'h~:: 99c Carl sons. ·Chopped Ham TIEA TI ER hJrlhna\· For ;-'lrs G')rfir))1 B,qrd'~ Dried Beans ~~~~~. ~~I~;'hrl1l ~~~ 29c Paper Napkins z.. 1Wn":':O:;' 1411 r~nd::J\". -'fro and ;\lrs C' L. Bnrd 12~~· and Ih ... Harlf'Y Rarel f,qTl1l1) v.cr(' 491: Tomato Juice Ubb,·, "c~,'~ 29c Paper Napkins S''' .•he<. "";':;' 1411 ('\·pning- \·j"jtnrs. tA.rm.our Star; reo.dy-to-oorvG Tomato Juice S"'Y Dm .~:::; 27c Facial Soap Wood',,] ~~; 36c '1r 'In.i \-1!"'.;. 1-:1\ 1:- (Ij...nn :-Ind lU MB ER CRACK! &S ~lr~ .\ rt flor): \\ err ilJ)lflng" til(' Corn Meal Mammy !Au; ~cuow~~·~;: 25c Modess . ... 2 i~~~~';;':. ne Cnvpni-ln! SUl1rl:!,' schonl 1('ad1('rs Vienna Sausage \\'ho mrl \\ ilh rtf" }'prj''rsnn Fri­ Oookies O\el\kI~t. as.mled .~ ."~.~:: 17c Bor~ ;?ak~:~"it:~~/ .. ~.~ 180 d'!\" ('\'rnJll~ II) m;lkr' ('hn<;lm:1s plnn.." FOR All ~~. 21e Oats QUD.~cr. 'lUllk I., "" ... 2! ;;~~ 35c Sweet Pees ~r:.:':.:~~~ .. 2 :.'~ 35c birthday all the lumber and other ...... ~~g 29c 1\fr. and \11"". AII}('rt Sundell. 10· Currants Bonner, dnrd ..... ,:.l~~~. 16e French F",es B.l·,". 1m" ~;:: 20c ~':, 29c 'let her with 1\lr. and :'I'lr!'. EJm('r materials you will need. Fleet Mil ~:re~~;:~.\:"x ~ .o.~z. 45c Golden C~rn ;:~;7.~ 2 :;."".'; 3&c Kinl!Sburv. Sioux C'it'", and ),fr ...... '8':. $1.69 '.m.' and l\1rs. 'F:d Caauw('. \',':rt ann NRncy Ring Jumbo Walnuts Co",d. • ~~~ 49c Salad Dr¥Sing 0",... '~ 49c were in lhp (' L. Hard homr

    37! ~.Q2:. OIOP'SJf!ING Pkg. 73,

    39·m:. Surf Pkg. 5c 59c Cheer for Her Solve your Christmas gift problem! Thrill her with a 25c 79c Sunbeam Coffeemaster. A Spic and Span . l·[b. Pkg. perfect cup of coffee every 2St litne-automatically, 1 cup Am,.,;". c:lcancr for painted walls .. Lb.45c· '0 8. Simply pu, in t.be water' and coffee, set it­ and fOf8l't it. All gelp..1ike "" ...... 3 c,,.. 23c -(Ieanser .. 2~· 25t' ...... i.b.55c chromium plate. No glass bowlS to break. .. '.~ .. Lb.33c Perfed Coffee .; oS ...... EveryTime ~ CUu . . .. CARHART L W McNatt' .. · .. : .. 0 ' • . Ha.'rdware LJmber Co. --I051lr~ Phone 6H . 203 llfaln' Phone lOS' .:.:.:...:.....------1 5

    PrQtects against moisf\Jre, fV'S'. ~lllins and $cra1ches. Easy on clothes. Stays new looking for yearl I


    NO.1 RED POT A-TOlES lO~i~49c KODAK PONY 828 '·..,f.• CAMERA The New Take, grand color pictures us· Brownie ing Kcdochrome and Kodocolor Films. Has f, 4.5 lens, flash 200 shutter. 531.15 here. including Federal TQlt. ~~:~,e:~ o~~~~~, ~Ue~i~n ,10'1 lok,ng p;,lu,e, nghl

    two rolls of Kodak Verichrome klet. Complete, in gift box, I Tox.


    I ) \ I,' I, ~ , 'c I in Sioux _ City :\Iorr;:;ay, ha\'ing! Glenn anj Ed ~rISon. Wakc-fidd. I stock on the market. ~ jo-i-ned them for afternoon Ipnch- 1---- eon. ". " . _ ~ I To Decatur . ::Mr. and tirs. Eldon McGu-iiT' and ~ 1 M~. and !-ofrs_ .A.doloh ~fO';jlan!IDd bab!r' wc;·[·.Monday dinnt;'r g"Ue::;t..:; (amdy weTe VISitOrs of re1atl\'es of Mrs. Charl('s SL-h'en;; m \Va!-:,·- at U('('alur Sunday. field. I------~tr. and ;\oIrs, Dan Dolp~ and .. family and Kay DoJ-ph, LaurpL 1, Tha n ksglvlng I were Sunday dinne, guest, of 'I,·. i '.and l\lrs. A, W. Dolph in- Wa) nf' 1 G t Shal'"Qn Swanson SPetlt 1h(' w(·,·l-:- 1 ,nd wi.h 'Iary Beth Longe. . . ues s . .. ~ 'I d - '_. , Elaine Boll":mpcr, WnlH'fll'ld . • r: an ~lr,.,_ F...d K.u."'f'ma!~ ('n· Iwa" a S (';I'r to Bancrof't Tu( ..:;. ;"'!I' and :\Ir:;. Df~rnid Thoms('n rlay Thur,:da) _ t.h;~ Wf'rr' dlnn,,,, lnd ram I! had Thank;-,gl\'mg din- .zu~<..h; at Ed h.al5 l~ Pcnd(1! .1('1' at Eal"l J;)hn"on<;' Thp Adolph ",fr. anct :--'fr~. Emli Tarnow an j ~'Io' nno.; spent 5a.turdav (.\·C'n.ng ~augTIt('rs w('rE" Sunday dinner \I~· at the Thom"('n homC'. - 1101'''; at .Earl Johnsans and -pC'nt ~Ir and Mr". August Kai 2nd 'hp ewniflg at Df'rald 'T]l0m",·n-. ]ud~ v.'Ne rntprtaltw'j at dlnne- ;J\ \lr and y/-o.;. Gordon !\jJPmbl'l- ~~~ .Dan nolph !lome ThHnk"gi\"iflg ~~. ~~~J:l:~" ~;. :~1 ~l:~. l~~:~: :"lrs Amrlia Longe was wlfh I t~ Bu!>h and O('[o:;s, Eh In Clau­ jne He;man Rakf>rs' '[0, Thank-'-I !.pn. Ho,..... arrt. Art an,d ArlenI' Gre\ (' This photo proves a qar cannot ,)he crossing just west of Concord, Austin suffered cuts and brOis- ginng. Tv,.·pj\'P others w("'r(' unahk \~('r(' Sunday f'"\'.=:mng \ I<;Jl1ll-. ;11 push a locomotive arou,nd and get WeCnesday night, Nov, 26, es. He was brought to Wayne for 10 bp pn~f'nt on account of blo::-k- £h\ond Samp~ns. away with it-, , The crash demolished the fronlt . Gerald Austin, Plainview, was end of the car and tore the step:3 tr:;~::':~~ravif1g was ·ordered for .'d road~ I ;\fr. and :-'1,0;. Er.:in B,llt;::t'I- <'Inri enrou1e to Wayne to a natlOnal off the engine and broke the eo­ last week's Her~~ but the sno,v I fa~~I~~' '\71~rl :'I~l.~;.~ W~:ll \~nfln~~~k~~~ ~~~.~Ch~~dw~:~ ~~~~r ~lt~~~:I.~.)~~I~ guard meeting When his auto centric bar which jOlns the drivelr storm delayed rlivery, JP8Id. T!1u- ... tnn \'\'P!'P dinner Ihenng TUl"'Sda) (>\"(>mng f()] \11'" stru~k a lo:omotive broad3ide at wheels. -- -.-- --_____ I t~~~~).~~~'ln~I~~~· \1:11') Ifans('n· ... 1 ~f'~rl~~'~:~J('~n_~~fDlenroi~at~[.~:~~ ,Hld :'Ilr- anrl :'I1.r~ (~('orgf' BUJ.;klr.k an..:laaug-h~f'r ,\\'Te ~unda;,. gu,''':' .II ~\Ir an.d :'-[1"'.. Clarc' Buskirk :'Ilm-, "\lr~ .F.r! (.a-l~o:1 s at DIxon. _ 1('aI>OII". wrT.· din n (' r guf'!'1s: Th", r.!v.o(}d S~mp..;on<; "p('n! S;j'­ n1H.nk"gl\ lng dC\\ 0: :'III". and Mr .. ,urda,\ ('\'cnlng WIth the Gkn Samp-

    By Mrs. George Buskirk A. \V Dolph \\'a} Ii(' \Irs Clan.' I "On~ Phone No. 250-F2Z, Wakefielt;! Bu ... ';;irk 11'1)ol"le(t that lhf' rose' . ,,,how ?_~ :\1.nnpapo}lo.; wa ... a gn>at! WOlb I ')bsf"rvancf', Return from Excelsior Springs rNi lOSt':;: J-oa.n Blatchford I~~:e~~~prl~u~~~f~~:t I U r I I h(' uniwTiltty for :VIr. an:! :\·I:s. Eiwood Sampmn! :\11" and :--'In; Dick L'tt-'cht an": ~ • by Start CC~POlJd.rDt ·f.tunH'd Thul'sdrt\, from Exc-elsior \11' and :"ofr!' Paul 1..... ·\\"111 Wf"r(' 1 ______~ :ng vacation. Leola QUALITY teaches in Otd. Spr'ings. :\fo. where ::\11' Samjl- jinnPf gU.p:-.ts ,'I Alfc Ut""C'ht~ l,g'ren, who teaches i.n AxtelL :0,011 undt'("\\'-{'nt mpdlcai ('. wcrr VALUE .H'!·" gu('~r,; of l('latl\l'~ at Pw.'rc(" \\f'('kl'nd \Isltors of Mrs, In/ln I fu~~~~R§~~~~ \T:~~~~~on, They or Thctnk ... gn In': Bu,h and Jim ~ff!'. Portf'r h :1 :,\11"~. :'III-Ir:(' H:.tIH(·n Pf'noif'r. In <1v('nmg I Mr. Hnd Mf'R. Harry Rami" ~. - Joins Husband For the loveliest girl you know . Marilvn Ann W('l"(' nmn('r TilE WA1'XE HERALD Ro't-' lIolm'R :'Itr:;. NOn al C\(>nlHrk acC"Ompan­ \fl' and Mr<;. LlOYd Carl-;on and ipd hpl- hu ... band 10 Fo!"t Rilc\,. for 3 yean I choose SELECT. the beoutiful 1\11'. and MrR, Cal Swagprty ramJ!:, L'{'hl1r. ...: 1\ {' r l" Sunda\ I TC'rry were dinner gUC"Sifi in Kan~, Th.·\ ha':(' nn Hpartmcnt ~t ii~ne" \'isitors at thE' AdQltJh En'­ :'vIanhatlan-. ~AVE~ YOU A'DnLLm! DIamond Ring. SELECT is Q )~l'pntnl Her.man Longe home '.{hs"h 'hom€', ~h'. and ~Irs_ Robt'rt \ I r)ak0ta Clly rare COl1jblnation of a brilliant Mr. and MrR. Uoyd And~on I ('hildrf"n W(>f(, ~ul1-fWr gUMh at , RUPTURE diamond 'of good color in an ~('ph Erickson·~. I MI'. Hnd Mrs. VC'rnon S(,hultz t('rtainC'd ut ·dlnner, Mr. and lel

    Menv's tbe Dav you m~ke this yOU1'$ "GIVE FURNITURE "

    Televi~jon'treet- the 8tJIO:: CIRCUS HOUR_' every fourth Tve~doJ" --./

    th\1t's - and also high­ week,.tomake the most of this goodideal ow w~uld you like the n lof va~ve·ln.head while it klIIt5. . . Ohris.tmastime to last all the y~ar cornpresstOn~ rough? , ' Tile cheel' of riding wonderfully bu'tY­ ~ not drop in ttJdnvor romorro~ and ant; level an steady - with a ride that see how much cheer is to be foun~ in 11 hat's the way it seems to '1~, when )lflu l Bruck showroom right now? wel~.ome Q. H9ME.. GIFT'. __ • a lovely piece to live with day ~ feels like the million dollars it cost to _c~1\ thi~ Bllick beauty y~ur~tyn-w~t EljllipmimJ. {fCcesJoriu /rim models ._~ :.,i~. Qnd:9ay'ov~,for many many yeah to ca,me. ' ~jth the constant cheer It bhngs to perfect. l 4" week after: week, month a!~' mon h. The cheer of taking your travel free and '" ~ wi1hoJlt fI"ic.. *SumdaIt's ,cl).j}r,fis in Ie ~f1erfe4 smoOlhness­ bright and; gay as a llO]jdaJiwappi/t~. ':wiih Power Steering""" assisting to Ro~kers ' The cheer10f having rich and spaci~us m~ke par,king and slow-motion maneu· i 'comfo'1t - plus the cheery thought that ~rs no task ht aU. 1 1 ,13 reakf as-t r Sets nowhere else can you get as nwch Even for th~ m~ey. , . -low t B~d, D~ning The of knowt'lg ahundant i , is on call; I :Pict~res ' of a Fil'eba.ll'8 n 7 :~ ~s:J~;i;~fj:;~~~;"~, IA! ~ ::W~~RI!!wW;:::~:~:"T>curSdhaY'De,c, 4. Ih",2 ~ ,He holdets and drape" was pre, Call t'O Winside Post, ure es 'i S'i":~' Mr and'Nlrs Che"tet Wylie en, ,.. 'pn'ed tq the Method"t ehure~ . 'I" "',' _ ~l\IUlt~-).. . d tertamed Mr. and Mrs R. 1<;. Mel~ i Ja~t sund~ by Mrs. Minnie Mor1 Rev. M. \V. Peterson. Plattp Cen- : ed Citurth II 11'.', ' I IiC.tt. Noriol~. Mr. and M~s. :p, C. rotV and er niece and nePh(>\"~ 'j ter. has acclfpted a call to ~('n.'(' as ~mmanut'J Bef?rm M'1_ An~' A A- "-"" ...... n. ___ I I, , Janer.~~~... an."dd~ittfi'i1ie. FrancIs WIIY.he ,:VCr!';. Roy, itte and Frank Bright; !lasto: o.f Tnnity Lutheran church: George HelL~nger. pastor) .1 '" 1;.U'1;;'",,'V 'u 1de. 1 Sunday. Dec. I: SundaY ~hool f'lC'C'trd noble gl'il'hd a the t'"egu ~ . and ~ Clmy . ! were tl'J'~on ft nf'W YP~rcHon n d Pin~o se- r]h"n :nmt:M and family. Thr("e-Iro~~. Thp Pelpr<;ons hnvf' thrf'f' 'nns., S:J:lrla). Dt'c. 7 SundUilr.P ri. D!HTPII .J ann f)pnnl' 1. 11 HJ Worship at 11 Church n F ~ auction ":as he d with Verne and fahiUS" nb«l Mrs. Anno. A:iI. i 1 "'T'rinfty: Lutheran Airl. T('ilChf'rg • Workers assn(liatlon rl, as auctlOneer Lunch was' der8~'"e1"edlilnetgueHt81rt1lie I. 11'hnrsda~. OPe'. 11 Glad)s Rf'lchrrt \t3S;; Tu('!'nay mpt TU('1:rlay f'vrnins.t al thr pflr- Thp lh:.v. Wmiam oede, 1tl1 s, SOld,' GroJl:S proce(>d~ werp -$86.80.! .€IirJbl' NI4>lf>en h<'liIe, ' N('ighh ring CircJr- (,Vf'rnllZht \·I,jlor at 1hf' Erlwln Bro., ,nnday. npf'. 1'6 ,flilp('rt Sr'"'DsON 9.'('rf' '-1r. ann :-:t. Paul'" E\ an. Luth. Churc'h _~ I fu:rr11a H€'willt~kehlsbasletram_ had as theJt gU{,!olts, Mr. d Mrs Par('nt-nand. ,\1 r" , Ilf'I'm;m Jaeger and ;\1anan 'H :'11 HJlpcr1. pa$tor) Illlh(lok-Gu~gtg ~ ~ h${ ~here. Fl"e~ Hains: and fa'MUy, orfolk I I Roh('rl~ S~Turdw\;; Dlllrch school at 1 .Mrs Marvm }ens and e ·h. '--- "'---" I Dmner guests In th De~ey I Mr Rnld Mrs, Paul Li}yong~ Supppr g11f'sts. Sundrt' ),lr and 'It 9.:{1) Sundav school at 10. F.ng- 'f',(-'ral weeks m~, mes C J n Mr. and Mrs AMI Fisher who D W Hoffman and f ·ly, r 1,1-,'" e'lnt'ng~o,4h'·<;'VmakO~fh,p"rl"I_ Mrs. Ann~ \-lrs. Max Lam50h at 11 "rn home. returned 0 her ho J acconltpanied th~lr s n-m-law and and Mrs Ora Wax and fa I r. I g 11 .... ~- - ' rpl. Mr. and M'r"s Leo ~plson and r ~1.1\lrday. Mr. and l'S. De .l ~:ugH.ter,. Mr and Mrs Henry and Mr,; Albert Lalnbt"~ nd at1d family Mr Mr. nnd Mrs Lponarn Simmon~L f£lmily anct Mrs. Clint Troutm!'ln ..-\1 Gl'Hnt1rm~"'tt; tr'n~f'n aha Mrfl Jaln Ii C Jel1. ~II acker, }1:, Call'roll to Selah, fnrOlly, Mr and Mrs Man]GI ss Reed and Harold 'mrl VicJ{j. Rand'dph. w('re Sun :'I-lr,} TroutmAn d Mrs HelE'n ,(1r. Ross Petersen Lo(>b~ck wnd family dnd Don M d inYNi <1t thf' pnrson;"{ge hy R(·\" IT Wt'lb!e Will ('ntel'tam th(' club III , _ Langenberg. h d r anh Knauh ancl fAmily anrl m{>mhrrs of t\\'n wff'ks. ~I Otnl~ha GIU'<;ts 1\1~~. "~PIr"dlnaltd Knlil was· a ~R:~y ~a~'i~lr thf' ('hurch cnum:il Sunday.,Ne\\-"man GovC', Mt, and Mrs. 1. F, ~n~1 h~r(> gu('sts In lh('\' \\·ill spend 1he ~·('('kend pllrlt'd ~atisfactory. fJ '------~-·--I Gaebler, M.rs, J. G. Neely, Mrs., e { me. \\ith r('1<1tl\"('<; 'to I\-finnr.sota Clinic Ros!.>mary l\Iintz and l-.1ylen Jon Mr. and lVII'S. Rfl Witll('f BP\·(·r]y B hn f () h t ".,.,.n"."J-.".anl1t'. -- Family tI1f're .: I Mr, a,nd Mrs. Richard 7\1illC'r and. and. ,Mr. an, d Mrs. H, L. N't!~Y. i had as th.l'lr gUl'"I".l J 1 '. ;'.'lr Thanks~;\ in~n~,;\('::t ·Ion m~'17il S[l~:;r Don Gillespie, whQ ~e-nt to 1_ JUleen arltMr. and Mr:;. F. <3. Dim~ I, ;\~I·. an? .Mrs. L. w. Ka'hl-we1'e eve--' ~'hd M'rs. Arnold ~\'11 , ....,r,ntn,,~: ~~,a,o,eonrt.." :vIr Hnn :Vlrs. Ben R('n- IlIla)"burg, Pan. last: 'eek retu _ mel left ':Inday mornin~ for Ro- nmg Vl$;ltOtis. : Ily, Mr. < and !\IJ,~. ~~, ~ . prl 'home Sunday ·ace mpanied creste!'. mn. JU1('0n will NIr. and Mrs. H. J. Podbll and family, Mr. dnn ;'1.1 Mr ~IS F'rallCrs aM >II', ano M,'" atl Ritzp wero'n .... r...... vMP II'< 0 "'fHnP~II'<. will jivf' in Norfolk. _ . wa~~ ~~r~~if.r~~f~:~~~l1k-~a~dRs~~ I \\"aynf> Sat1'Irda'y find W('rp CAlirI's . I, . anti M'I"'R. (;1 C FranCIS. - . In ~~ntoh?~r~~~~(' ~~:f' n dinnf'r vV·' " ' , IMt, and Mrs, Roy Witte had as . nnct .' ""eFt in 'he Wa"l<' 1me' home Ed. olske Auto Serv,'l'e LI~;~'~- (httllitf'FJ .' ;'" ~~~~.o~~~~Pn·(lrF-gur"'~~I,tRorMt':hSt·_ It. N. ~g~~O'h, TIHll"d:J.)" Mr. Bright and MI'. '* M 1M· " to> • ,~O ,1nd Mrs. ITht'1 ,·isitf'd Ml'$. Bright 216 1st Wayne, Nebr. Pb'o-·.• ·•. 9. S famh-·.~~ Llneoltl, ~~i-~~IM~a~~~~~~~~~~ ntlci Mr; nnd Nl1·R. and family, . Mr. and Mrs. John I~g .suppet· gu('~ts i ;td'~h~P~h~O~~~it~.~I~~~~~.~.f~~~r~n~~~n~·~=~~t~~~~~~~;==~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~=~1-~'~; Niel):;en. o~klns, Were FJAnl_ nnd fnmlly ilnd MI". and !VIrfi. ,r·,mil Koll Iwnw dhittth· guesl· 111 the I~ow. fI\lh('rt Lib<>ngood nnd family were I MI-., and l\lrs. f.. , hbrhl:'.' Ittrtter1Hihf'd at dinne-r in the" W. M. ~:tlht{>d MI'. a: d , lVrlrti. Mf'yrr Nit!" ])ale (';lrslt'IlS . ('\"{>ning ~ , Att8=~! 'h], Otto Carstenfn Ur.rrle ~

    I .

    ~ tOi Pour Molasses ·-lOUt of a Cup

    whl> greased th~ cup before measuring mo­ but aJj1)r1lp'riate medal for ingenuity. tlt0ught t

    even win the price of a new car. marked "Cash Ibt- SUggestioF" has IleI!n Tiny piquE' 'Iac~ , $'I'.()()(II.()()() by efuf/loyeell in past ye/IX8. LalIt year, print on th~ I 12·20. SUI!gestit)ns we.e accepted and relvardl!it. 1'hi!! full sl;rl. 'iI>l», p~, back in 1922. ' ile belt. S;Je .I... t. podoot. J{ed. I b . in Our Schenec~dY'Plllnt haw. Hill ilUltgestn lilli li<> aft SUpp6rt11 agi ht gOOM'll'bor. hb\1v he plll.rined Ito I!P!'hd' tlie ~~ exciting holiday out of this, too. You want prod. GIFT COJ-rPNS ' "I , ...... ,."'~ performanct!, do more, behave , I ,",rn.,,';;'~,ill.' peopl: backstage add their POP ON® ~le"\\' QUilt.like print to wear dw~·P1oa\~ctc!tliie1li\Clelicy. And only an Ilm¢l~nt company for you ...for sifts as a h-Iousf". smock. a:p'ton at tio\~iverlll)m\,fulinil extra' in the pacli:~ge; 4t OUT fitlfe price $2 home Or the ()ffice~ Ric r3.e. .," I bin4in~ !ti·m. ~ I New ma"es i" ~isses' I , Red. blue. I.. 'en- i· tit"'- ~,.. lt.d in j der, Small. med. . ! lum.larae. - $198

    I 'Open Open Every • j T6nite I. Thursday Nite ''JIil9:3'O 'Til 9:30

    .: '"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CoronCido 'Mayfair' ~ ~ ~ ~ il ~ i! 284~,~.", 8.00 jl W'r \\cC'k R j! ~ l! t1 Super Power For Fringe Area R /! Il * 11 IHo Booster Heeded r. I I * LOW - COST INSTALLATION * , • 21" "Mayfair" wilh Mahogany-Veneered Cabinet * • New Strbto-Mati~ Tuner Adapts Easily to UHF * • Gll.re-Prbof ScrtJen, 6" Speaker. • P~werful Chassis, iAsk for Free Home Trial Today * \\ hf'JI ~ 011 ('an * ~/ " turn it into cash * with a * __-.--1 _ Wayne Herald Want Ad Tagged S~Perior Value, * Light oj;'" Price, Long on Wear! Misses' All Wool 30-llnch,I. ..' S_1 * CARDIGAN SWEATERS • Mouton Dyed' Lamb Collar i . • Favorite Classic Styling * • 8 Color-Matched Buttons • He!;* Wool Interlining'j;l i 1495 I • Shape-Retaining Neckline NOTICE • Qu~"t~dl!ayon Satin L= I * I I • Taup~ N,:vy, ,Sag8 Green' I • Red, Pink, Aqua and Whit. Expensive!fealures at a "low pric ! Enjoy ilS easy fitting * Tops them all for warmth, look< and popularity! long IWayne Implement Co. comfort ard_ its warmth wifho~1 bulk. Sizes 36-46. * sleeves and grosgrain rIbbon facing. Sizes 34~40...... ,Ff Christmas -and Long After, Boys' Gay Flannel ~ Und~r NeJ Management RLAID SPORT SHIRTS I N ovembel' 11, 1951 I became sale owner of Co., having bought out my part­ • RAIN-PROOF, and Hil-Y D. Shalander. • RAT-PR.)O,F • CLOG-PIIlO'OF I • Tailared Just Like Dad', to take this opportunity to thank the many Eosy-fo-Care-For • Smooth CoHon Flannel Estron Slips' customers 1e have made during the past HUDSON • Colorfast, Sanforized tf coritihue making the Wayne • Choice of Bright Plaid~ Yltt-$ua SELF. FEEDERS 298 headquarters for implements. Grect favorite for school ewe Mode of estron (ocetate, nylon,. Self-fed hogs gain! faster on up ploy_ 2-way coUar, lon~ royon)tNylon net trims the top to 20% tellS {cetice market. Hudson Self-F,ccd~t$ last longer, as,many calls in the country ~s r have operate berter, C;bsts less per year. ~bsolutel)' w, ill nO(~clOg. appreciate it very muc~ if you I nen With ground ~ed$. In erted I -V" ,bottom always keeps feed. i when you have implement 'needs BOWIng [0 pigs. Larger models 'I have comf>artmc~tS with feed I feel sure this procedure will save flow regulators .for different I feeds. Built extr, strol1g. On uced Prices SkiQSf., ~o- 25-, 'Dd ! '~rall).:laple', ~im~ i:lnd will aHow us to g~ve even 35'·b~hcl sizes. - I ildren's Snow Suites ~! SEE ;TJilEM AT I I .1 I CITY - \yIDE GIFT FAIR Thurs. .. Fri. - isat. 1 'I"', 1 ""-"'T"'" OJ.> ," , , i ,I I'

    BER The G~eaf New 531" I "THr AMERic AN BEAUTY" 1Hew!curve-Control Front suspen1ion • ~ew Longer Wheelbase '

    i , I' , ,'. '" • New IgnitiGn Key'Starh

    .INew One-Piece Wi dshield

    • Wrap A~ound One-Piece Rear Window • New Luxurious Interior

    I ' • New PowerSteeiing I .' New Eleetronic Headlight Dimmer

    :- 0llti(llla! Eqt111111!!'llt

    ( I FREE FREE CIGARS -" Affiqrican Beauty + . LA*EL ~INS ~ for the I • I for the I

    ,GENTS "I, I •••••• , .••••••••••• "I" •• " • 1'" .. -. -"v·' I

    I I

    ! I i'Wes"Ma' a~, lOt: your order .1_ . We'I'1 sen:d th,e Gift: -Subsript:ion

    , ICard today!" . ,

    "I ... ~ ;(.,~ i I I

    This year~ r your relatives; your ~r'jef1ds, itha gift they can'-' a I 'enioyf . I ,~his ~ttractive Gift Subscription ~'~'rd, 'prin;ted in green color,

    For Christ 195, '." aU'ltf cd your request . . . ! ·,:,:·.. t: v ' \ Give! Thl Hercfld. --- !t @ift tn 1!tfU ...... --..' ... ,,;, . _. =*"1 A .__ .. _._ ... _.. _. year subs~tl1>tiMl to I , ,I ~ T'flE:WAYNE HERALD ) EverY week)or 52iweeks, they will I have ,: , , been gi~en t&'1 Y'dtt by - (' the s~me pi sure you ~et

    1 ur copies

    . i

    '1 "

    ! '. , ,", • . I ; " , IThanksgiving ,The Wa.me ("ebr.) Herald, Thur,da~', Dec, 4, 19Q~ 3 c Clar('n('p Sti'lpf'lman home were 1Thursday dinner gU<.'st.<; ill the' Prl f':!~ I al1ers.in ;1ne ij)a~~1 Gra. f horne.! :\fr. anrl :\1r<:. A.lvin YOWlg. pnanz home. 1 Mr. Rnd, mrs. Ted LC'aplC'y and ~h'S. ltadrH;'Y. Leapl~' vIsIted in Thur::dny dmner guests in the Mr, and Mrs. Rohert liaq:rr ;lI,rl i t~e Jens fl,roderson hOJl1c in Colo.-, John Wrlhb('nhor~' home wt:'rp Mr. family wert' Thun:-day rl!nwr ndgc Thll'~sday evening. j !~;~.~ral~F~~~M~~n~~d,j!r~~!=!~ in the> Flands r.nlrif'''l,:C\{ Thur:day dinner $'uests in the> d IHarold M~honey h~me W('Tf' Mr.! 11~~~"r-r:~da~?rl~~r.<;. Robert WOOben.; :M~r~~ndM~~~~:II; I;~~~~ ~~~i din~~r! i1 Mrs.;G. J!;;. Barks. EVf'ning' ~1r. T~ursday dinnpr gu,estg in t.he I: fantiJY . were 'ThUrsd.. flY dmnf'T . Sauser ' Mr. and Mrs. John M,r ErVin Stapejman h01)1e were ~Ita guest!; m the Bei'1: Fnnk home. fomJl St;r.pC'lman. LInca)n, Mr. and Mrs. Nqney praper, Lincoln, and ;"'1r d; AlfrC'd Cnrl!1on, Laurel. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Draper and son", and :\lrs. Dirk . , were JI'hunro-ay umn('!" Mr. and were, in the R. K. homf'.

    Wayne's City - Wide GIFT FAIR • Thursday • Friday • Saturday ~CHRISTMAS_ $ CJAL OCCASIONAL Chairs 50 , BEDROOM SUITES $22 To $45 4-Piece Sets Sd Reg. $179.50 She'll Love Her Value. $139 Cosco • Bed • Chest ~,v Mrs. Robe,t l"n1Jbenlwrfj~ I S'tools ip~:aOJ~ers Iowans Visit at 8 pm. Mr. 'Inn Mrs. R. E. Muma, Sioux City. \\'['1'(' Sunday dinnf'r gu('sts I ' in ~~~~_~:. E. Bnrl{s home, ITo IIOI1WT fOT Visit KROEHLER SU schoql, IMT" nnd Mr. s. Shirky Eri.Ckson Wor- and· girls 1('[1 Thursdny nnd sppnt a fpw nays In llle Ed El'lcl<50n home' fl t HonH'r. I" - I Traillin~ Pt (ln'at Lakf''O Magazine DH\'id SIE'J"kal jpft Slltlll'da~' i :~~~~;~g(d();h/\ ~;~~I-t~~~~L,~r~~~\\~~! Our Special ling statjon_ Dec. P:,ice Racks , m('mbrr~ i trl1dI'rRl\'S Apllf'll(ll'd,(nny '. ' 00 00 ~~;istmall Emm Mae Bring, oaught(>r of $2 To $10. I . Coni Mr, an Mrs, CArl Bring, undrr-, . , WC'nt rn appl?nd~ctomy Sunday at " in Ig~~y,M!'lh()c1i"t ho~pilfll in Sioux RELAX IN ) I·~~t. i~~,irn" III r n,n 'I ~1rs. Vv'I:I.Jtpl' Roland recC'iv(>d I COMFORT clu!),lword from her son, Sgt. LaMonte I DROP LEAF TABLE With A flS I rc;~:~~~:er~a~a~: b~~~us~O~i~~::a~ ! tt'~ubJ(' at Fort Lawton, ·Wash. ! HASSOCK Ideal for Holiday E~tertaining IRoy tIl 1\.·ei~hhors I The ROYIlI -Neighbor lodgC' met The Perfect , ThWe were. 10 membe,-rs A Reg. $\09.50 Value :.: Luncn was sC'rvC'd hy Mrs. Gift For bpI'. truplcy and l\.frs. Elmer Sur- Any Home "r~u"""'''''I''1l SUll- Wareh';-r'n Club youth I Wal:C'ham. club met Thur!:'day 110\'. Nov. :.:!O at MI's. Gordon Casals. Now bring ~a rrls \'\rere played with pri7...eS go­ ad- Ing' to ]\.1I'S. Bill Jorg(,l1sen nnd Only .,, , , or I :\'11':-<. _Ch:llles Lehnoff. \1"

    Sunday dinner guest~ In the El_1 mer MaDonald horne wtre Mr. and IMJ s Darrell Johnson and DianE . I dUct 1\1J and Mrs CIa) ton I-lail(>en and family I PLASTIC Mr and Mr s Darr!']! Harrison Waynf', dnd MI Hnd Mrs ClarencE' SMOKERS ! Bolmg \\(>1(, Norfolk VISItors Sat-I ,\ urday evening: I Now reduced l\1onct~y dmner and supper r 25 ii' !{u('st,; In tIle Robf'rt Gifford! $1 homp \VPI'L' Mr. and Mrs. Chris I " i Graf. E\Tning caJ1('r~ \\'cr(' Mr. PLATFORM and Mrs. Kermit Graf and family To Mrs. Frances Broderick and I' rllmily and Mrs. Robert Harpcl' ROCKERS i. and family wen' \V

    Knee - Hole DESKS

    END TABLES lAMffS And Coffee Tables For E vel'f Rim 9 x 12 Wool Floor Mod ·11> RUGS $99~ To $ 200 TableMo~els To ~o $1500 CHIL,DREN' FURNITURE G FTSUGGESTIONS Child'sRock~r , ; Do11 BUggies. .. $5.00 Mirrors Linoleum - ...... $10.50 Cabinets I, Foldin~ Chairs Card TaiblesV.enetian Blinds E .FREE , ", ... , . • l J' I I' \ I ' . i

    JNi!ijtJ'if~.!~Jd[ Th~rstl~;/.~~.ii:'J:' '952 Hos~;l'A :p~la d' . , .... -'fd\f1n~r. -;'~d ;ur;p;-~~~-'''~~thel'a~'~'th~':Howar~ Morris"4~~e near~·· 'I S L 'rt gi'H . Id" I Vlcto~ K ~v. hom,,' WinSIde. II' , ee uy . e era I Th H " Rec~~r Awar s 'I 1\1:r~ a M.ra. Vi~r Klpg,were: ;Mr. and lirs. Rcinhold~ Weiher 1 Upm." Ilbout WaYDP fulks .fOil kn".\ >., ,'. ~i S,:I" SJ '. • • Mr. and IMis. Reuboit Buss and ~~~.' :d~~~eVl:r~~rf~k,thCr~~~e~~~a~= vis~:~; ~~iii ~j k -"'R ':'1" .1· 'M '"'1 'peggyattCJjd~dtheStantoncounty J; "II Ii" V·'(I '. '. i. 4-H achievgnt day. Fnday CV~ . i ha~~', N ~foiJ!~~'e~~~d:y ~~~:! ~::~~y in the Charles Fuhrman rol~~r~ndn~~~~~~(f~l.~· ..~~~rl~·li·~ ( I I ·, I tim" .I s I emo'I ria'i r cning at th~ uditorium. ling visit rs a~thc Herman Opfer II Mr. and ¥nL CarJ wittJe>rentcr-!man Wr'.E' al·the BIll Echl;'r~ • ' ',.; :'. I. .' ,tyP:~U::.l:. Irf~c:I;;~d t~~e~~~~ ,home. I tained Sunday afternoon in honor I home f duck supper Slln".I:. ~. I~, ,. L . tlon. Other', awards went to Car· i Mr. anti Mrs. Leland Anderson. of Carolyn's birthday anniverSB:ry. I ning. f' {{In' .. ' S d _, 'llr. and frs. Charles were: Flay NIPl· lUr. and Mrs. Frr·d .... Fuh~n and Pres(>nt Norma Arl~nc a d Mr. and .Mrs. "Remh~ld.t Isen. Darlene Woockman. Margaret I and Mr. and ~Ir<;. FrN! ~!,., .;i,rlce Set or un '~IJ ;¥~;;r~~!~~ ~~:~e~b~~~'~f CITY -WilDE i WClher nd Rodne}. Kl;lnsas CIty, Jorgensen, Frances Voecks. Donna'1La.urel. \\Jere al the Fr::tnk I, YIo. weI' Friday evenmg supper Rae Frink. Carrol Rathman and I horne ~londay. Mc,/,ori I sentices ~or Rhoda ~. I ; Th k .. gUf'sts a the Louis WJnk home. Ruth Nurnbcr:g, The afternoon ~,,·as: Mr. and Mrs. Ge~rge Weier, .. Kieckr:uscl,whichwer postponed I an sglvlng GIfFY" :-'lr. anr :\1rs. C. H. Walker. N?r-: spent playing "Bunco" \ .... ith prlZes at thC' G('orge .Thterolf becaTlc of weather aDd oad condl· k"" I, folk, andtL. C. Scheurich were din-I going to Darlene Woockman and Cr(,ighton for d. mnpr Th'~I' tions, will be h.C.ld at Tti~ity Luth· OS In~ , n('r g\.1('S s in the George Wittler [:Margaret Jorgensen, Games and :Mr. and. 'Irs.• Iohn lI"r,!r cran hur ,Sunday m rnmg, Dec. I G' t FAIR home Su day. contests were won by Carol Rath- cel('braterl th('ir 33th \\('ri,' 7, :;. sO.. kb h' i h f By 311'8. J, E. logbl ues s ... , Mr. an Mrs. Harry Drevsen an.d man and Norma Flay Nielsen. niver:;ary !';o\· 2~ anrl :';11I'~I, ,n'J ' -I C usq was ~eac cr 0 'I ·Plaone '., . . R" d THURSDAY· FRIDA Janet. Ka;?, and Mr. and_ M:s. ~~s. :Mr. and Mrs. Ahin Wagner and that evening werf' :\11" .tr Trini .v ner'an SChOOl~! Hos.killS.' Mr. and Mt. s. Wilhii. ItZIC an Sh w. stricken with polio and t .' ' '. family were Thur_sday. afternoon Bcndln \,"ere Sunday e~enmg \lSlt- i family were Sunday e\'eninP'" visit. M. A Jarr('11. Cf'lrroll \' SATURDAY ors at t Delmer Kr,?mke home. ors at .thp George WagnC'r home. Mrs. Bill Echt('nka.mp \1. died ~t a fOlll8hd'hOSPi 1 Nov: 22•. M«!I:.Cf to.!-. .New.,.Home , viSiltors at the' John RitzlC home at She W:8 ut'ied at Win na, Minn. '. mF. and Mrs. E. A. Strate mo\'cd Wayne. Mr. ~lrs. Edwm Buss and ::\1r. and :Mrs. \Voodrow Mahan :-.tr~ Anrlr('w Park!'l·. ~, l.n1jb'.~'D,r')lk, were ,S.w:'day Jo."Up- and Daryle I.ep were Sunday din- Holt and Donna Ma('. (,I I'~ her nati c home. the,r household gQOds into town Mr and Mrs. Han'y Scmvede at the Wilham ncr g1.J<'sts in the l)\.1,;ght Ulrich Mann anrt Sandril and \11, Tu~sday to the home they li!cently went' to Alvin Blatterts near No!,- ~~s -----Hosk ~'sI School News pu~chas"d f~m RC. Mittelstaedt. folk fo, dian.,.. This was al~o m a:~r~~~;e~j~gn \rs:~~~~ hom·e. i('~ Holt, ~r 1 ~ i Th¢y sold .thelr farm to Henry Lan.. honor of the 70th birthday ~nmver- p. erfcqt at ~danc£'. certificates ~en:'berg, Jr., woo will move there sa'rie's Of. Mrs. Carl Oestreich and " .. ____.. ___ . _ I for 1he S 0 six wfeks, were In ~he near futu:re.. Mrs. Carl Blattert. . II ---~---- I : i ~rs'~i!;I~~'i1~~ie;i .::;;.=:....::w=.=o.:..y-n-e--L-i-o-n--s--C--I-u-b----' awar~J. e () lowing pl/-pils' in the ~-i---- H . Mr a*d Mr~ Dwight Ulrich and Behmer's bi'rthday anni- itors in the Harry Schwcde home. Hosldns IP1 1m IlV room: I Hansens to New orne . Bri~ d Mr. and Mrs. James : Mr. and Mrs. E, O. BC'h~ Mr. and Mrs. G!>1c Whitcomb.! Jon C a k, : Jeanne 1..a,"'Scn, Dan- M:r. afld ~s. Hans .aansen roO\· Jeans ·~re hanKsgiving dinner .and Mrs. Henry Asmus Wisner, .Mr. and. Mrs',T. Whi1comb ~ ny Lor~', Marsha Ma n, Nancy ed Monday mto. the hornet they rc- ests'hiCthe E.t'\vin Ulrich home. . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon and. Stank,},. Wisner. land Kenn£'1h I and December Birthday Winner Opfe~, a dl·a.. YVooc , Mary. cpeonti~r. purchased fron/l Mrs. Anna gUThanksgiving dinner gtlC'his at ,. and Mrs. I-Iertwl1 WhltCOn;t~, Pla~t);mO~lth, W£'rf' Sat-! to . June Fa!lk Malc~a Beh cr Fran t.,. Mr , Stillman Valley, Ill. Pitch urday \'1sltors In th('! Hans A.smu~ 1 ; cis Lan 'e bier, Billy re'nz and ------.:. 'the Reuben Suss hom: were. to Ml"K Vernon Hl'h- home. ~ were Mary Fox~ JaJ'lice g Wisner, Plattsmouttt Quests and Mrs. Ed sr., Behnwr. I ;\1rs. Erwin Ulrich .... isil£>d in the I hon1(' 1fi~c.t.. I 'j • Mr. and Mrs. GC'ne Whitcomb Mrs. Herman·~hmcr, Buss, Mr. an~d' ~d . PJilPII,s . !'to e~rne~ 10 In apel- and Mr and Mrs. T. Whitcomb Ed Schaffer and family and . . and -'1t·s. Wal'lH'1' Stnllllhl'Ig:, :\1rs. LOuisa Stl'ate orne Frida~ \\'ill receive $;) from the Lion:--; if ...;he takv:- f" ' ling Ifor t e ent.re s.)(~ eka pe,.~y and Stanley Wisner 1m. Kenneth and Mrs. Art Behmer and Yvonne. Norfolk, wen' S.unctR~: . , , lad we~e: Jeal'1ne Larse "Dann .W hitcoml), PlattsmoU1Jh,,,,rere Sat. Mr. and M~s. Willis Ritzi.c> and gU('sls In the i Lions Cale~dar to Everett Ret':-; 011 ht'r Birthd" Lonlnz11 aryl Mahan IMarsha urday dinl1cr guests in the Hans family spent I.the weekend In thc Mflnln; N ncy Opfer, Sta ley Seh- Asmus home Krist Jensen Ihome at Grand Is- Watch The Herald for January Lucky Birthday aff.er, $ardra 'Woockm n, Mary ~ ___ -.:...... ~ . land. A family Thunksglving dlnnC'r F,lk and Ellen Visit in Denver' at the Lc'lcy ,FrlJU~l nd'l I Ma.y . Mr. and Mrs. John Kudcra were wasMr. held and Mrs. BernardFrank Jens-:n.home. and !I;II ~~~ii;~~~~~iil"~~iil"""~"""~~F"""""iil:""'r.i"'~""Fmk.. ' (Robert Holbrook. pastor) 'famil;y, MI'. and Mrs. Ado~ph Brug- In ops .!l',\:ance.,ol bool< we~i<, SOOl(' I S1.Jnday. D('{'. 7: Sunday school,! g<"man, ~\1('rlyn fwd DWight. ,!VII'. I o.f j]1~~ PJ.I:JI~ .OI~If"I~('.d Ihr: <-.olden 115' ~.m. MOlTltn.g wars.hip. 11 a:m, I !l,lld Mrs . .Robert. Tho~s and ram~: SLOI'* '. IJb)flI) booJ,s youth fpllowshtp, 7 pm. Evenmg illy, ;\1r. and Mrs. W?-~,Jw Thomas, I 'I-nd~~~cst '~1·~II;t;~ffi~el'S~·m. Annual ('lec- ~ :~g J!~;OI:~~~ N~I;:~OJ~.l.n('r Pl'tl'I·~. ;,\11Is.' Martha ltohrkc and .:'\1l':-i·1 Thul's..iay: Choir rc-hearsal at 8. Mr, and J\tn.;. Carl RllllP had as :.lartin Stoeplel~'o('rth, MeCOl;d- p.m. 'Young aduTt fe-lloW'Ship. Idinner guests Thursda~: Mr. :md " \'lilp, und., were Sunday dhmer Rev and MI'S. Rob&rt· Holbrook Mrs. £dgar Marotz. Mr .. and ::\1rs. ':guests af till' Paul Zutz !home and invite membNS and friends of the- Warren Marolz and !>on. :vtr. and '>jn tl!'te ,Pb.ul Hoh~'I~C' homt'"o TIleY I ('ongre-gation to attend a Chrisbnas. :vin, .. Martell Pf(,lff'"r, :vIr, and Mrs. month before Christma, and all thruugh ·ctUl'ru;od Mondar. t('a fl.t thejr home- Sunday, Dec,' Norman SW("n);on and daughtC'"rs.' - ._. -- . 1 14. El'om 3':5 and 7-9 p.m. I Mr. and 111'3. Adolph Rohlf and ------! sons and Can'oll, MI'. and :Mrs., hCI~ dteams an' runlling \'iRiol1~ of l'xquiliite City- Wide ; Mllrlam ~nlJ~th d~ughler of ),11.: !Trinity Lutheran Church I C~rl. Rohlf. .:\11:.. an~ ~~'s', Hennan I (and Mrs. Edwm KOllatlh, wlder-! (W. F. Sprengeler. pastor) RltzlC and Doris. ~~ilg( I. and HRr- L w('nt. a tOllsill('cLoIll" Fl iday at a i S~nday. Dec. 7: Church ser.... ice ! old Ritzie, Sioux CIt.\". ~r. an~ :\11'5. lill*(lric ... our dt'licatcl~' ~hel'r nrlon._ tric()t~ Norfolk 11o~pita!. IlO. :::junday schooJ. 11. 'I WilliS Ritzie and fflmll~ wC'te c .... - HI1(1 crcpCli ... flowing rayon kl]it... and crepe:-; I GIFT A~~-;Md;ctomy Kj~~u~~~~~~j~hS~v~~cic, ~i..~~~~ en~~: ~t~('ci'>l~r~. Willia.m. Bu~~ and Et'lna Jpan SII·atl'. daughter 01 i h ..ld' last \veek Tursday e\ ening.1 family \\ ETC ThanlnC') Hppenjcctomy lng- the mOl11ing sprvice. Dec. 7, I Jolk. , :\fontlay morning at a Norfolk Bit:le cla!'i.\! and choir Wednesday, TC'rry Kudl'l"l:I. h'ft .:::;dlur~d:'> to FAIR h()~pJtal. e\'en llJ:!'i at 8 Rnd 9. ,:.-ncnd unllJ ThaJlk:-'''I\ 11l~ ".Ith hl~ ill remininit .., a frothy gift of lingerie \. - ,'- -, - . Thursday, Dec. 4: Ladies' Aid no-, gl'andmotht'l', Mrl). fkssl{' hudl'l'R, Thursday - Friday Jlu", ITO"n~lII~etomy, . Ihost IChri~1ma5 part~'. 2 p.m. Every' at O!>mond. ._. Harry.. Mllll'r, who It1akCS ,h~8 memib(>r. is requftifC'd to bring a: .LVII"': and ;\1~·s. r.d\', 1!1 .. Stl·llt~' ell­ f1'Op1 our so· \·er~· beautiful group ... will rc- honw WIlh :\11'. Hnd Mrs. ErIe I nmllct.Y gift for 01d People's homes.] l(,l1.amNi at r.hanl{s~"\ mg" dl Saturday M('1{4I'h~,lJI!..\·, ulldf'I'\\'('nt ~ tonsilec- I Thr annual 11)(,f'ting- of (h(' 001)- Thursday 1'\ ('lllng:.;\lr and Mrs. mi,id her of .HJU alwa~·s. 1(lm~ flli'tr'lU,'sdu)' III a ~o~'folk hos- i gTe-galion will be held Tuesday C\'. I }<:;d :vIaas find Ph.\ illS. :\11'. and Mrs. )lllal ,.' .' I(~nil1lt ..1)('('. 9, at 8 pm. in ,thf" un- '1IaiTY :::;ll'al(' and fHmll~, :\11". an_d. • II JNcifolt of our day schooL ~ Mrs. Ed nf'I'nhardt and MI'. find Farewell Party I I' : :VIrs. Han;.' Sdl\wd(' and JC'IT) :\Irs.• J. E. Pingf'il e lterta.ined I Return from Benedict I LC'C. Nylon New Dusters at ',( Ino·llOst lUncheon at lCr nome, I 1fl~. and :\lrs. Hans' Asmus Ar-: ::\1r. and ::\ll"s. Charles Fuhl:n-:an , Go~n, Tu('sdaY-,·aftemoon. A )!TOUp of: lene and Gary retUI1le'd home' Fri-, ent('J'laine(\ at uinl1C'r ThanhgJ\"I.ng In Quilted Gold Ton.. Iwig-l~bor-Ladies sUl"prb;ed Mrs. An· :day *[tPl'noon after spendinf!" since da~: :\tr. and 1\1rs. R('m~"lol~t .""'e1h­ ]kl·e·.~ rt ~ift to I·('all y . thrill I.l('l a fin(' nylon gO\\ n With fit ted rnldl,ff o\"('r· na It'ottel', who will .lea 'e Fridaj" nlUrl>.i.aj" in the Horace Wright PI" and Rod..nc:,>. Kansa!-i Clt~. ;\10., Delight her with on(' of tll('$(, ne\\ \\·" ... h­ 10 make her JlOme with h r bl''?thct"! nomq at Df'ncdict. 'Mr. and Mes. Louis Wink and Jan* raia With dainty ('n\broidered n)tlon n('t. oble Gold Tone Print Dusters. Lasting R('autfully ~rap('[1 bu.!.! lin(' and fU~1 dlrndl(' S~~~l! ~~\~~~~;:~~m~t;~. ~~s~ ~~~' vi~lt:'I;Battlc Creek : ~:i?l~('~~~~~g:/otk :\1 ... an~ beauty In the latest quilted J;"old lone~. Sp(' l-kil't. Blusll Pink or Sky Blut'. I .sent Iwere ~lrs. ErnC~jt ufoS, Mrs. M~, and Mrs. Alvin Wagner and I kim;, Mr. and Mr);. our Shirt Fl:1I1nel Plaids. trimmf'd in Em"/ia Schmi"'t, . 1\'11':". Mal"1.ha famil~' wel'e Friday ,e\'ening \'isitors !'>on .. Hosl

    GIFTY COSTUME Open Thursday 'Til 9:30 p.m. JEWELRY

    1°~) piu:-; tax New Sweaters Warm as toast.. these stylish sweaters Just tile thing to highlight herLholiday wa!lrobf.' by Bradley and B)TKay. Fashioned of all 2 Andre'wl'Mann and Moves to Omaha~ 98 wool. all nylon and culton in pullo\'('r an~ theil' Satjri Nelson, Omaha"ca~llc :Mon­ 1\ dazzling piece of costume jp\\·clry. Sye the' Mann day and his sister, Mrs. Apna Pot. ('ardigan sty1es. See these \nth the ne\\i Cp Peart Chokel's in white or colored (pearls, Dolman slecv'es and neck. wheretel'. qccompanini she plans to him make to l1erOmaha home ~=;:~~~~===±=~:M with the Nelsons. 2,3, 1. G or R slrands. You must st'£' our collection, of ('ar buttons. bracelets, pins and brooches 10 BP-,' precia!e them. Wool Skirfs , Ideal companion fo['" her n(>w sweater one of our )Jld I or plaid wool, rayon gabardine or nO\'el!y tweed .skit 1- See OUr selection now.

    Fancy Gift Holiday ~resses ···HANKIES Perfect for holiday crltertaining and visiting , .. Sf'C (lUI' Linens, S\-viss, new dresses in the latest materials . and colors: Sizes 9 ttl Plain or 17 and 10 10"20. Embroidered

    i ...... y ..... " .'~


    .Missionary v. ill brinf.; c:ookj(,'i for Chrislma:; boxC's at ing or Bapti,,' :'1is- 4. Th(' m(>plmj.!; will A. \Varlc hom('


    We Musl Be Sonia's Favorile!


    An Interesting Selection Of Fine

    In New Stylings 3.98 to 19.98 FOR ITHAT HAPPY HOLIDAY Choose a verso tile suit dress by Jeon lang. Cleverly styled with flattering petal peplum and hand embroidered Bugle Pajamas beads on the jacket. Or wear it as a dress. New ~~ length Styled by Luxite and Shrank locket sleeves. "Bora-Crepe" in sizes 12 to lB. In :\"'lon Tricot. Crepl':->, Brushed Bcmher:,r, F~m('y Cotto·n,. Challie". 29.95 3.98 to 12.98

    Slips Styled by Lu~ite and Miss Swank "YLOl\. :\,YR01\. NYSTRO:\, lavi,hly trimmed in litce ;{.98 to 10.95

    Smmtly Tailored Leather & Cordul'o} Jackets Styled byField & Stream Give SAMSONITE A Grand Gif~ fo, that S~meone 18.9$ to 39.95, ... ~lighty good ad\"ice from Santa and wc'ye got stte'am­ , .. lined SA;'.ISONITE Iliggage to soh·e e"ery gift prob- lem. ,ihl Glamorous Pieces for Her. . . i)JJ Gift Wrapping ... Handsome Pieces-for:Flim·

    fQr the ChoQs~ from OUI' compl~te stocks, as adVeljised na; tionall)' in Saturday E,'ening Post, Holiila~·.; l..Bdies. Asking Home Journal and Life. On All :your


    I >~" , e. '11 .•\Ion·~s ~ml had uin]~u' ~~l'J. Inay '''ith Rev. and ,..\irs. J.m G:;!- . res, i . :I,'I~. and Mrs. ;\Ierlin .I~enny and Ru~h W('l C" guests 13J Mr. ilnd ~lrs. Jo.m Paulsen for ;dinner Sunday );lr. and lIrs. Frank Loberg WN" Mania .. \'jsjtOf3 in the ~1:Ix Stahl home. - - Mr. an~ ?>tIrs: 1\Iarlin Lflndangl'," I and Bun y and' ),lrs. Margan'! _L Hecker d family were Sunda '. CITy -WIDE ,,:";to"' ;n the Roy Landan'CO" Thursday, Dec. 4 d·I hom£>. ~1rs. Edna RasmussPTI' and Social Neighbors with AIrs, -,1FT". 'Ed"ie Nelson spent Sunday ('\'(,11- Rudcbusch. J ing in the Landanger home. : Loyal : Neighbors with : )OIr. and Mrs. Gust Johnson ani w'p]'ner Janlw. FA I R :\otr. and llrs. John Pauis('n ~rft'nf e;·O.T. with Ylrs, George I ~~~~~i;/i~gp-~~~~e~it~tt;~l; \i~~t~ so'::£' F~ with ~1J·s. THURSDAY _ FRIDAY '~~~~u~~~;('th~I~~(>e~~ ~~tauII~~~ erPs.elta ~ek with Mrs. T. P. Rob- SATURDAY ~~~~sk ~na~J!~;i~·~. ~~d ~f~~ j\~17-' Calf CIl-ib with Donald Leidman Stores Open Thurs. N,'le i \~Illigan ami '[Llmily ar.d ~.1-1', :'1011'- FriC:'ay, ~ec. 5 . \'m Paul!'len. Card party .with Mr. and M:-s. GOpsls of :\1r. and Mrs. F.~ll Wayne KjerstinC'. IDflvi~ fr)r,d,!nnl:'(," Sunday w~n:"Mr<; KnittinR club \\ Ilh ~I's. [mma Da\'j" and Evereft. Mr. and Johnson. l\fr<; Eddte Jonr'~ and Rdt\ ,hm··. Sunday, De':::. 7 'I\~ -~, :\lmnJ(> Jones, :\1'1'. and \11 ~ 13 & B wiTh ::vI:', ann Mrs, Don 1)8V;5 unj Te; r~, Rnd ~nr t1 " Phillips, ~nrf(Jlk ilnrl \Il ";:!nka Thompso:l homp, Jean Drake. Monday, Dec. B h'nkm<; an J fam h :'11', and :'11'" () n. :'Iorris and' ~fr, and :\ \Va\lw \Vdllam .on.; a.nd 1..0,' '.I()rr,~ \,\'er,', ~ue-S,t,': .;;ppn,t W(,dnf>l'd,a.. Y ,e\f'nln ,,\.: 1 Tltes-jay, De:::. 9 and Gay .. R~e{> ~pf'nt Thursday e\-I and D('lm I harl SaiUld.. and ~ ,~ famli~ 1\11 and :\lrs. J H 0\\£'n5 \i ~ find famll) :\11' antl Mrs On d \i ~ 'O\\'('ns, Waync, and EdwaI'd J('n- 'l ~ 'c'l'l all1cd, Pinorhlp club at 1 heir kl~S. HOlro~'·1 CO~O. The latter ~ ~ Li d bel just a .,' :n~~.t~ll~~S\ f~/~~l:~~ ~~~I~'~ ~~~'~~ . rf' :\~~~~d ~:-s~ ~.\I~ ~~~~~~ ~I'll', ·1 fe~e of ou~wm~r;y auto. ~ wisch, .vlr:,. Gl('n Hall Hnd Mrs, and. Mt's. IRo Bar1;lC'tt anj sons," ~ HarrY:'\I'I"on 'I h(' gl'Oup will mppt I camf' fI'om DrrTver. aOlo '. 'Yc-dnc-s- ,!C motive gift idea& - '.: With :vIr, and ).ll's Hallec'n tn two; ~ay 10 s,?md the ',I'ha,nksgH'mg hol- tt 60m~ at Iped.t reduced t. w(,L'ks ; ! toays WIth relatl\'es hf're, They i ~ prices. Stop in today t~ . " 'Ar'r(> m·cmig-ht guests of )fl'. and' \'C and choose your gift. ~~ .1 rn('QI!~g. 7·30 p.m, I ~Il's, T, P: RobPr:ts and w('rf' amo~g I ~~ ISonjg, , !llHi on(' ~~u('st. 311 gUI'"ls rOl' dtlln('~ Thur~dJl" til it ~~ 'i homl'. ,Wednf'sna;\', Dcc. 10: LadiC" ai :\ll'ri(' H.Of', 1!H' hpml' 01 :VI:". , til(' hom,· of :\lr, amid Mrs, Da\(' ;.t ~~ . and MI'.':~'I dlllnf'l' meeting. Host (',<.;,.<.;£'s, ).11'5, J.I dnj ;'vll'.." A. \\l(\dne-.;day {'\,_' J!f',CS, Th,C' DI'Il\'('r fo ks had dinner « ., :\1I's. Bob H b\\'{'ns. Mrs. ,G£'orgf' Owens, I C'nlllg, ('ontlC' \\'a:-, pla:-.I'o fOl' en- F nnay In ~hf' Frarll< ReE'S home if ~! and :vII'S, I::vIrt{, E, A, :vrOI"I'IS nnd ),11'S Ralph I il'r(ainnlt'nt. fJI;!n" \\'f'I·[.' n1l-1df' Jor a.nd call('~ ,In sf'v.('I'al homes in th(' \t ~~ Mr. and Olscln, 11)(' nl'''! 1l1l'1'llllg \\ill('il \\111 bl' an Cal 1'011 vlcmlly h('f0l1f' ti1PY retunl- ~ ;'!

    and ~('g'" 1 .. - - ny~"'r sup]lpr al lll{' hnmp ot :\1L' crl ~Ionday. _ it ~~ :Vlwl'Is and, Denver Guests and :\1r'-;, 1-:, (' Ph 11111", Ike, 1.') . R('\': and Mr~, Chatlle Norris and ~ ~~ \tll'!- Alfl'~'d I :\11', and Mt's. Carl Eldhd< nnd !amil:-,. HUlltsnlle. ;\1.0., and Wilma \\ ... , I('ft for tlw famlly and :\11','1. FOI'I'('SI Allf'n and Woman's Club C,'mmell Blrminghl1;1n. Ala.. Qam£' it "" ;.innC'l'Sat-!jaughler. all of Denn.'I'. cam£' Thf' ('hn:,tnn" mf'('!ln~ fo" thp Thul'sdaytospendalfew'::::avswith H ~~ and ::vII's.! Thursday to Visit :'11', and Mrs. Carmll Woman',:; cluh Will be rl'lali\ ('5. A family dinner \\=a." held, it ~~ ,WarI'C'1l \Vingett, l\Irs. Eldfrick Thursda~ altE'r'n!)on at th(' hom£' 01 FI'lday in thf' Robl:'rt Gf'mmelJ!i! ,~ I and Mrs. Alll'll are daughters 01 Mrs, Joy Turl<(,J' Mrs. I ClaiI'c home. GLests other than the out-of- i it ;': ::\-11'. and )'Il's, \Ving£'t1. Thf'Y I'C- T~('ophil,u,; and .\l)·s: Otto lA'agner state folks werC' ).H', and ':\Irs. ,it t': anlloullC'€,-: IUrnrd to D£'O\'('r Satuniay. I wdl be m ehal'g(' .of the prog['am~ I Charip.., VV'hitney. anti Stanley and, it ~ dau~hl('r. I .'Th('re \\ Jlj b{" a gIl t ('xchangC", \\;th :'-lrs. :\1. S, Wh1tnqy, The same Iit ,! amd. ),11'5,1 Pvt, Leitlng Recej~e~ Badge I no gift ('xC'('('dinp;: ,'50e in pnc(' group had suppe:- tl~at ('\'t'ning In '\i ~: . 24~ I.n tile i YJrs. Donald, I..eltmg has l'E"c('iv- Tho'>C' to SPI'H' an' :vIr-s, F, C. Win~ the Ch~rl£'S Whitn('~fom(', Mr. and ,'it ~! ChIcago, 'cd worn tl~B:t her husband. . tersleIn. :.\lrs, hol' )'lorI'is, Mrs, I :Mrs, F." L. Pear'son anj Mr. and: ft r- fo:- 's?;! ~~('~:lff.'j ~;~lsn?;>O~a~h~e('n ! ~nadIT~lr~!'I~~' I~II~·oh~:~.m~ ~r\:~~" ~;~ :-,~~~~o~h;t:\~~~. g al~~r!~l!i-i~t ~ ~ MI', Ste-- in Korea, He is now~ ; uflenng will tw lakl'n 101' n chil.;!1, Norris [1~mily wf'nl I Red Oal{, 1a ~ i~ 1 i,n til(' Mc-; wh,('!'(' he dooms cl,c'riral , 'dr£'n's hom!' gill. . .1.:;pvnd thl,-.; ,\\:t'ei{ hl"rb. ,it ~ . Chlc::Jgo for a, Lpltmg has reccl\'ed the 'I Thanl.;sgwlng day !guesls of }l41'. \i : ~nfantry ba,dg-e.after serving in GUI'sts in Ihi' 1'00.1(' of Mr. and {Ind Mrs, Ralph OISOf,were Mr. nnd it f: Iront lIIl('S m Kama since Sept. ': :vII'S, .Jamp~ StrphL'ng for dlnnelt, !\II·S. G('ol'g(' Monk, IKon, Mr. and ~ MIRRORS ~ '1- -, -. I Sunday \\'('re :\11'. and MI's. Led i 1\11'''', Dick Augu<;1 a d family, :'lr, i \t '" ~ " ,MI'. Slt'phen!' and famil~, MI', and :\lrs. I an.i !\oIl'S, George 1\ onk, sr., cnd I ~ I! ',dm)1f'1' , Kt'nnf'th Ectilc and lamily and Dan son, and ~1t', and Mr .. GM'ald ivlonk i:( ~ r;~~1iIl~Ui~~iiif~~~~~~~ii:i~~~~~ii

    --YELL BII.ma.. in Vi ~f11~ ~er 30

    " , I . t ~ ------':"'"r:--"-----~ The Wa,·ne (;';ebr.) Herald. Thursday. Dec. 4. 1952· 7

    WATCHI 1HE SWINt;' OR $ALE, 20 acre, I miles IE CarroH, Hot watdr in house. Art :ivfag'danz. I I Phon(> 2S2J' d4t2n I \10 : F'OR SALE: Bungalow t~ , ii.1...... tfMiJ I fIt ~O JNf'braska. ~\'o bedrooms and batfi. New ga.q furnaef'. Ex- I ce~lent condition. Shown by aD- i :I pomtmen~ Ohfy. Call 352-J. n20t3 I I------~·--· ._---. - .- I FOR S~E: Modern 2-bE'droom I home. Gas forcf'd air" furnace, ' ~v,"lter he~t~r, complete neW wir- I1O~. FUm]h">.ment. Fir:;t floor re- I df'corat this fall. Garage 12x2O. ; '259x150} ts. Immediate possession.

    "':=:=7====*:t:::~=r;;~t::r.~~~~~~~i~~f~~=:;~~::~::;~;"';:~:j.'::;':::::::'-'" ___ ..:::~~ .i walnut·l.Pneed n ht. S('('I W. R. L('st('r, 414d4. WE HA F. rn house, full I ~~;~~~~I'\~~P~\~i~:~~n~ou~~ g~~ : ~ ppn hog housp, ot hPr}man hUIM­ SALE 'ngs. h'J cit y wat('r and light. '10\1,(' h, s

    ("Ialm Yout RuJ€' Date , CdrdsLOf Thanh F,a'l'ly ..• ChN·k Thf><;e Datf>'i First: Il\1Y Sl~tERES'"t GRATlTtJ'DF.: i~, 1U ('xlpndrr! to toe kind p~rsdPH I ) D~Ct:MB£R tl / '~i~ro~o;J;:~lulp~~~~f~l~a~~ v~,; t:;= I c,a1 "I hank vou·' 10 \V. C. Swan-' ft, Your nl"\Hipapl"r ad in Im- <:on thf' DT"iOlf' ('ontrihutnr, Roml of; pf'r gi\'p~ fal'mPtg opportlln_ to Boh John!'on. editor of Th~ I-ft>r­ &e it 'fOwi fiIIIL Oeolds Jty to study yOUr IULle lilrt 'lId. Rtdph Bishop. d4p o\·pr c-nrf\fuHy. in thplr own I .-----~-----~-~­ homps, aml df"ddf' on th-e MAY \\-+ EXPRESS our gTatetui AND lfl'ti(')PS thpy mny wish to appr('qiation to all who remctn- huy. h('rf'rl us· with cards, gifts and: ,fis- t it~ dUJ j~g our sta\' i.n the hoo- WednesddY; Dec."" 10 0, ~(>~~I(~ :~~;~~\~~~,Ijll!; ~:l~ ,~)ila1 =--n·s. John Ritz(' and Ct- :\T~r8ER ISO and \\l" \\iII nll' Sw'.! ~ YOU WILL SEE tHE NEW' ('omp tn \'our FAR)l! r \\.'ISH ;TO EXPRESS my sincere •fI ; th.ut ] ar~ SlIlf>. Located I milt'"! my slav! in the- Im"sDifal and at At Our Showroom ~;~!.,Q.~~~,:.Ynp on 98. Troutman i '2.~~_€' _~leor!_ J~~ g~~r..:. 4p ~pp I.ast \,"Pl"k's .~nr L'stin~'IWE \v~SH. to niANKi. ftie."dS I Greatest Mercnry Yet - DEC. 9 _ TTO RO!';ACK£R. st. Troutman Bros.. .,'plh: .Jl"linpk, Wakt>field 4 Auct. I A.. T. ('a\'anllugh, \\'a~e USED CAR BARGAr.,S _ -W~t('ft !~:_ f!~"'::~ f~~ Us~ -----~------.- We're offering during our annual JA.i'''. 6· . CARL PFEIFFER Clos· THE TRUTH lsi ing Out Farm Sa.le. Located 6 Clean-up Sale I milesl south of \Vayne and }12 .. it is casirr to buyout or In­ Wf'St. Troutman Bros., AItIet. (,OOH"' rather Ihan pay. cash. 1ro,\V­ All Late Model. Carry A FLIES! WHY DOlIn (,\·f'r. do not horrow any m6rp _=w$t!~!.~~-.!r~~.~ist~ than you n('('d nnd !'tay witllin S~YL£R MOTORS WRITTEN GUARANiEE YOU? ! lIlt' ld)j)jly of )'nur budget Ito ml'l'l tlhl' paym('nl.<:. ('onS11lf Ius Hbnut .your financinl proh!prhs. 1952 ~ord 1947 Ford '-·''''~nPI~'''.>'Iic''c·.-·"I''''!''i ... ~3Sp.!tAii .SeJ;Yief . HllITU\\: at thf>. I Prh"-": ,.. r · .. -. _...... ····~~...... ,.'!"TTT·T,'!'r~.,...... - i I, . ,

    a~ternoonovernight, ~en until,the 11'«':="0"':'.,-.== ." .. ,'j •..•.••_ '.' .~~~5.~~~~tttI:::tti=t;*1~~t;,:;:~j~i~~~in~~F~l"eIT1.0ntWere cl~arcd. ' Ithimksg ivi'ng i N g~~~t' GuE;istS ... textures, Mrs. Mr. and lV{~. Harold Olson and daughters joi cd Mr. and Mrs. , I Bob Paul at hanksgiving dinner smart and supper in the Ed Paul-nome. Mr. and 'r5. Charif'g Pierson were luncheon guests in the Dean styles Pi(>r~on home in WaYnL' Thanksgiv­ ing day. To Iown. I Zen()ra Strand and Gayle Han- son, KingsburY,f., Ca'lif. spent the 'h:" ...... ,_,:-:- I Mrs, WaIter Chi.\1n ac<;ompan!ied Thankfgiving: vacation "in the Phil­ ~~h~s~~lit/'W~r1o~gg:c,G laAlftaet~ Ig;;;~;jdau;d,t;:l;., , lip Rill home. Miss Strand, R niec~, urday to VISI(]an launt, MrR we~lha ~1rs. Ken-I i-: stu< ying music in Chicago and DONFIEL, ~Vinters, Whil1e\ I the Jahnsons ~alt­ i~~~ (~~~~ ~~. t~ n:~:;;in\I~Vcp~e~'o~t aI~tl~~~~ led Mrs c.1 A Munson and daugh~ f tters They returned home last I tIrs. Hflr-I IVTr. find Mnl. A. W. Carlson, Mr. ' Monday r • ~r eldhack- ~~;~3 ~~~ ¥r~ilbt~~~!>~~c;cn1r~~~~~ glving din'n('r gupsls in th{' Lau· , ifMioltt'sotal I SUits , ;, Reuber Goldberg accompn· i FlePiwood I I J. ,'Mr~, ~'~.o~~s~:\~~~~7,(~oh~~t,:I~~~1\~d~;I~~ , Fleet· I TUe!';day, ! W:~to~,r M)gg,11 ~~Ss;neJa~ ~j~i. ~3 I who Mr. and Mr". FI'(,o Harrison! Iyt~s, Harold ~)j~on and i 1;0 a~C~d thel 25th wedding anni-I' spent vIsIted In, the AI H('lkes I STILL glvingl vcrs ,ry of Mr, and Mrs, Chester weN" City, ,~~C'IS'(?;;~~lk~.~~,~::,l~~gh~~1(~~o~~~sts I C'yelllng. ,tan, who i~ tnin~ l..a1'8; n at th(}jr horne, Sunday af~ route J , MI', i'lld :'Tn;, .fohn Bmden and I you the tcrnoon, , ! Ott 0 M!'::;, ellaril's FJcl'twood \\'('rc ' haspitnl in ! Mr. and Tllankt"givlng dlllllO'T' gUl'sts in the oyerni~ht i PrJnied hy Donald Flf'ctv\"oocl hnnw: I ' rknsnn, and Mt·s, Waltcl' OIl<' and i enhau('t', I ::\i11' ;-lI;d :'111'),; .111hn I y n~JI('d in t he Lloyd lJugcl~ ITu('~riay PI' ,llid Sllll.~ W,'I'C ,------hllnll' FndltY f'vening and i\lro.;" ,Jolln Boec\{onhau. Suit. with inrr! ;11 Sunday dinnpr .' J ',;\11'. ;jnd Mrs, Wrlrlon many points of t' "nn :mrl family, Mrs. Jif'len I' 'SOil illr, anrl Mrs. RcuhC'n HAND-tailoring I I I and JaNohn r hom(' tn Sioux City, a Jated Thanksgivtng nay ninnC'r Mr ann Mrs, TE;'d Hnr~is nand G:llY W~'l'(' Sunday ('vening. inl'lpr $JANTA ',.:u('sl.-; In the Raymond Richards home for Tt'd's blrfHday of tI;wl d~llPper in 1he R. A, Ni i -j IAllon 10 I feeds for t em in your pickup or. 85 lv~l<~~~n~o~~s~!('\;~ns~~~~~o~'i~~~I: I YO' CAN EXPECT PRODUCTION 1;;~ ~gd i ~~I';~('~O~~~soSW~~~~ ! w('\ (' Sunday l'vening visitors ,in I LARGER Ray HnHgren home, j I

    , The Vern 'I' LADIES' COATS Carlson family visited MEIN'S S .ITS That Imeans m.ore }Jrofit.~ and mOl·~ m I, i :f'l'dell Lund ,home - C1h1-istmas - if )'ou p["ovide tlle Frid~y Go On Sale best for you. , Oak wns fl Wednesdllv su~. I I overnight visitor with Ga~y I Eh;in(' BokempC'r nnn HOhe~ I Jhur~dayf I'~:~n~C'1l WN(' SHturday C'nnlrlg' Dec. 4 FEED \'lsiton; in Ihr' Dick K;.d hOl11(' 1 : PURl A F~bs MI', '"ntl Mr.:;, Pnul Everingha?l I Th~rsday, 4 a~ld Chl~dl'f'n WSl'l' entertain('n qt I Reg. $29.95 dll:nf'T' In Ill(' Ed Schnassc horrlf' '. Fnday evrning, < I ' 88 ,FoT' K('nnf'th Evrringham's third NOW blr! hday of Nov, :iR, a group of lit~ tle folk~ and mothers w('re ('ntet~ 19 t~ined In the' E\'eringli!lm home At F r:rlrtY afternoon, Nov. :21, Reg. $t9.95 WavneGraih Feed Co. Only 111 ISo. l\jIain tr~Eji$Qliiitlil,y(}? . 88 ~hone 60 NOW f1~:-~ Ilj': ! 43 :n1\'i Ii! \. Reg. $59.95 88 • 100% Wool NOW 53 • Regular $45.00 i • All Sizes I • 100% Wool • All Sizes, 36 .: 46 • Full and Short Lengths • Many Colors, Plains, Fancies • Blues, Browns, Grays Tans SAVE TODAY!! FREE NOTICE FREE NOW! 21-Ineh '-'Ull~Ulle $80 Less Than Last ": ';1 At 9 p.rn.on Thursday, Dec. 4 We WiH Give Away ! I HUGE 21-INCH HOFFMAN C .... It's to- A L~DIES' $8.95 DRESS' perforl1l~:tnce. bea,uty alid value! ture. Wit famous Hoffman Easy­ and· QX chassis. Be the first to PAIR pF MEN'S $9.95 SLACKS 195~ H ffman .:. : come in r~uired. You need not be present to win_ All you do Modei'21M305 il1:be"utiful M ' !.;elow, sign your name and address, bl'{ng,it to Me- . t in one of the boxes in our men's eloth~ng or ladies' -",r,~