Portland Daily Press: January 28, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18H2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND. MAINE. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1898._laLTKATOllU _PRICE THREE CENTS. had a in his efforts to show that General war, and hence the United Btatee Kagan solution for practical questions,! ne they nations “rise one SENATOR FRYE ON TREATY perfect right according to law of at tlinss was wholly irresponsible. A SPEECH FROM PLATT after another in the oouree of to of her or national acquire any part posees*lon» dramatic incident of the trial today was ox;**rlenoe and that starts out io WOMEN MUST TAKE IT. people In adjusting the balances after the VERDICT REACHED its consideration of all public questions the of the General's war was over. Hnator Berry In his testimony daughter with the assumption that the founders of speech, declared that the aoqosltlon ef in which she described her father's *p- our government did not Intend It to be the Islands was merely a speculative pearrince on the day be first read General anything less than a competent govern scheme more of the elements rnent Nor is It new which containing Miles'* statement. In the door Itw York Senator Discusses Ex- things only of of and standing are so Thousand on Paine’s Com- Maine Man Proeeediiipt landgrabbing than of patriotism resolutely opposed In the name of Rely Explains of her house with the contain* Celery the phllantnrophy. newspaper fathers It fs the old things witb new ing the evidence In his hand he had ex- pansion. faces, as well. Here we have been for a Commission. whole NOT A CANDIDATE. Court Martial Makes claimed wildly: "I have been cruel fled century annexing territory, annex to Them Well. Eagan log with a club or with a caress Just as General Miles." Koep by the necessities demanded and Henators pound yet Hon. Waldo Pettengtll Wo Idea of Try* Throughout the three days of the trial ars discovering to one another the most Decision. mem tiers TAKES STRONG GROUNDS FOR aente distress over what they de SAYS PRESIDENT WILL SEND SEN- To Go To the of the court sat In their boldly Ing Congress. scribe as a “departure from time* honors I places and listened to every word of the RATIFICATION OF TREATY. traditions. ATE PAPERS ASKED FOR. testimony. Only on two or throe occasions Hrrioui to thk ram] did they ask the witness any questions Mr. President It was not the main Hum ford 27.—The and then an answer of sir" or "no pnr* falls, January "yes, pose of the makers of the constitution to Ail <lrea« Wm a ft, | mimI PRKsSS man interviewed the Hon. Waldo sir" sufficed. Where their sympathies Thought Well out a wav In accordance with which He Derlarea That the Treaty Ought to WILL BE KEPT SECRET FOB point his return from New were, or what was in their minds, Considered Mtatauirnt nud Was \«- the problems of government were to be Hare Been Halt fled Ten Pettengill upon passing Days Ago In solved. Ibelr main purpose wa« to devise York and he stated that he had no Inten- THE PRESENT. was not disclosed by even the slightest corded L'ndlvldcd Attention- Which Came There Would Have a plan of government and not to ordain tion of his name to be used change of allowing expression. Another Resolution Offered on the policies; and whore they seemed to be or- Been IMo Danger of Trouble With as a candicate for Congress, nor Immediately upon the case being closed, daining policies, where they departed question. from the main work of the Philippines. did he know about the article wbioh ap- the court wont loto executive session to estaollshlng bodies which together should form the in the Boston Herald until he saw deliberate upon its Washington, January -7.—Particular Washington, January 27.—The Senate peared findings. government, they were doing precisely The court wss In executive session for a Interest was manifested in the Senate to- continued the consideration of the peace It in print. what every other executive assembly be Court Has In Executive Session little over au hour and reached its con- day In a brief speech delivered Senator fore their time and thereto, treaty in executive session today, the Mr. Pettengill Informs the writer that Only by subsequently known when Platt o' Now York on the has had to do—they were satisfying doors dosed for almost three hours. hls business Interests are worth more to clusions for It soon Locarno general subject popu- being an lar prejudiced, and looking forward to him than a ut and HoHr. the doors were reopened that the court of expansion. Senator Frye, a member of ths Pails position Washington, the day when their work would be passed It would not be itiHrtlal had made Us findings. Mr. Platt took for his text the anti ex- minds less trained than their own peaoe commission, and naturally a strong Indeed possible for him to upon by was the an- resolution offered In the consideration of great of the held the attention of spend so much time uway from the many The fact confirmed by pansion by Mr. Vest of principle 9~!end treaty, and more subject than theirs to nouncement from the advocate that Missouri but In the course of big temporary Senate the of this business which he is so active- judge speech and not mean to 1 e daring greater part enterprises local prejudice. I do In at the time. the court had adjourned without day. It merely touched upon the constitutional Mr. President that such uma. Constructively be occupied the ly engaged present suggest. legtfla ENTIRE TRIAL CONSCMEO LESS ran be recalled to oorrect a fault in Involved In the decla- tlon as does occur iu thj constitution Is the entire session, but he was only questions proponed floor during any less binding us because It wa- MERCURY RUNNING LOW. the proceedings which Is a rare occur- ration. Me spoke in a clear, resonant upon frequently interrupted by other Senators. TUAN KIUBT HOI'Its. put there as a concession to the sen t imer rence. Of the nature of the findings voice, and not only because this wan the Most of these Interruptions came In the of the hour, but I do affirm without hesi- This To Be One of nothing is known positively outside of first speech he.had delivered in the Senate tation that the inferences which we draw way of questions, but some of them took Morning. Likely the members of the court who are all since his return to that be- not from such legislation limiting th«* Coldeot of Winter. body, but also the form of speeches. This was notably power of the general government and under oath to ke«p the proceeding* secret. cause the address was a thoughtful and the case with Senator Perry's tending to render our government le- Interrup- and In the regular order, the findings well considered statement, he was ac- competent that other governments need tions. lie spoke for some time and In do- Til* Defence Kndravort to Prove that Boston, January 87.—The sharp drop 1o proceedings must now be carefully gone corded the undivided 'Attention of his col- to be drawn fully and need to be con- so denounced the In severe ing treaty Den. Was Inaane sidered in the light of the whole schema the temperature forecasted last night U Kagan Practically over by Judge Advocate Davis. He leagues on the tloor and a large audience terms. Senators Mason and Caffery asked of federal authority. all over New this afternoon that it was A general England tonight •-Hu Daughter’s Testimony on the thought In the galleries. pleasing though quiet It Is true that we ars a © many questions. government and before daylight Is likely to develop possible to conclude his task tomorrow or vein of humor ran through the limited power but the purpose of the devoted himself to Hand Wai a Dramatic Incident of speech, Senator Frye largely limitation to reserve to the one of the coldest days In the winter thus Monday. He will place the papers In the sharply pointing his statements. Ms took is .Imply an explanation of the pioceedlngs of the Court peoples of the states such ample j>owsr as far. Tonight the local weather bureau the Trlal-»The Adjourns hands of Judge Advocate General Lieber, strong ground for the ratification of the commission, reading liberally from the woulu enable them to deterrni. e their reported that the wind reached a velocity Without Day. wnose duty lb win os to make a most osndlnu treaty of nance. A rnsnlutlnn own affairs in the own way. It was not record as already printed, but stopping as of 30 miles, at a temperature which by careful examination of every part of the was offered Mr. Sullivan of the purpose of such limitation to hinder — by Mlsslslppl, he proceeded to explain the quotations Washington, January Si7. The casa of the federal government In providing us sundown had dropped to 12 degrees or a reoord and llndtng* with a view to the declaring that the rutl float ion of the which he had made. He bod not ueuerai oanuu, nmr^u whu might w«em best and wisest ror the gener- proceeded Uutniulunar/ of In the difference of 8J degrees from the noon day detection any irregularities treaty should not commit the government al welfare of the whole country. a great way in hie exposition of the sub- conduct unbecoming an officer and a thermometer.