THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Oct. 7, 2009 • vol 25 no 1 Washington Marches: Past and Present With this weekend’s March on Washington coin- short distance from a 15th and I Streets staging and blogger David Mixner said earlier this week ciding with Gay and Lesbian History Month, Windy area, wiggling south, west and then south again he’s hoping to best the numbers of “tea bag- City Times is taking a look back at the previous down Pennsylvania Avenue to the U.S. Capitol gers,” a reference to last month’s Taxpayer Tea Marches on Washington and their impact. See for a rally, tentatively scheduled for 2 p.m. Party March on Washington, which drew an esti- each issue this month for more history-related Nobody knows how many people will show mated 40,000-60,000 people. Women & articles. up in Washington, D.C., for the Columbus Day “I don’t know if it’s going to be 50,000 or Kids gala page 7 by Chuck Colbert Weekend event which, in addition to the march 75,000 or 100,000,” who show up, he said in (, includes an a recent interview. “I don’t care.” Whatever “On your mark. Get set. Go.” offering of workshops, seminars, rallies, prayer the turnout, “It’s more than are out there now. Those six words may well be the marching or- services, media training and family-friendly Someone has to speak out and hold [the presi- ders at noon this Sunday, Oct. 11, when tens of events. (See for dent and Congress’] feet to the fire.” thousands of LGBT activists and allies— partici- a full listing.). pants in the National Equality March—trek the And yet longtime gay-rights activist, author Turn to page 8 Robert Allerton: Run Living well is of the the best revenge A new book about a Hawaiian garden chron- icles the little-known story of the Allertons of Chicago and the first “” of two Gerber/Hart City men in Illinois. Celebrates page 7 by LUCINDA FLEESON The Sunday Chicago Tribune crowned him “The Richest Bachelor in Chicago,” in 1906. Tribune society pages breathlessly chronicled the lavish life of Robert Allerton, from his opera atten- dances to his weekend parties at The Farms, his baronial estate in central Illinois’ Piatt County. “There are no more cherished weekend invita- tions in these parts than those issued by Robert Allerton,” gushed the Trib’s society columnist.

Paula Poundstone page 17 page 22

Robert Allerton (left) and John Gregg.

September 30, 2009 The Marshall Fields, artist Fredric Bartlett, Colo- #1002 nel and Mrs. McCormick, all eagerly arrived. One young woman visited so often that she and Robert became engaged to be married—an ar- nightspots rangement soon broken off. Gentlemen suitors also came calling, attracted to the young mil- n Approximately 7,000 individuals came out Oct. 3 to take part in the annual AIDS Founda- pick it up There’s Always Room... lionaire with movie-star looks and Saville Row ...for Bear Party Chicago Jell-O wrestling at Jackhammer. page 10 , take it home inSIDE tion 5K Run & Walk held in Grant Park. The event featured everything from a health-and- Answering The Call. About Face Artistic suits. British artist Glyn W. Philpot, infatuated, page 16 Director Bonnie Metzgar in Nightspots MAFIA. page 21 fitness village to various entertainers. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald (MysticImagesPhotography. wangled an invitation to spend the summer of com); see page 22. Turn to page 16

Brought to you by the combined efforts of

page 18 2 Oct. 7, 2009


OCTOBER 12 8:00pm • 18 & Over METRO 3730 N. Clark NOVEMBER 4 Tickets at METROCHICAGO.COM 7:30pm • All Ages 322 W. ARMITAGE • CHICAGO LLiinnddaa EEddeerr

“ A L L O F M E ” A b l e n d o f h e r s i g n a t u re s o n g s w i t h a n e x c i t i n g n e w s h ow t h a t a l l ow s h e r m u l t i fa c e t e d v o i c e t o s h i n e t h r o u g h

Special Guest: GARY GO THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 DECEMBER 3 7:30pm • All Ages 7:30pm • 18 & Over 322 W. ARMITAGE • CHICAGO

BUY All Ticketmaster Outlets • 800-745-3000 TICKETS online at AT Oct. 7, 2009 3 index COMFORT ELEGANCE FUNCTION NEWS Anti-gay groups scrutinized 4 LAKESIDE INTERIORS Obama speaking at HRC gala 4 National news 4 Steans’ marriage bill 5 A full-service interior design firm experienced in Evanston’s DP benefits 5 and immigration 6 AFC’s housing study 6 KITCHENS Oak Park trustees 6 BATHROOMS Gerber/Hart and WC&F galas 7 Local news 8 FURNISHINGS D.C. marches, past & present 8 CUSTOM BUILT-INS World news; Quotelines 9 Views: Baim, Worley; letter 10 Singer Bob Mould (above) talked with WINDOW TREATMENTS about his latest CD and ENTERTAINMENT about returning to Chicago. See page 21. Scottish Play Scott 11 Theater reviews 12 Elizabeth Keener 14 Knight at the Movies 15 Lucinda Fleeson; Allerton 16 1129 McDaniel Avenue Paula Poundstone 17 Evanston, IL 60202 Billy Masters 20 ph. 847-512-5045 Bob Mould 21 OUTLINES Calendar Q 18 Real estate; classifieds 19 Sports: Cleveland 22 Sports: Chicago’s loss 22 Sports: AIDS Run & Walk 22 State Sen. (above) has introduced a marriage-equality bill. See Cover photos and credits (from top): Ann Christophersen, page 5. Linda Bubon and Starla Sholl at the Women & Children First gala by Kat Fitzgerald (MysticImagesPhotography. com); Karen Sendziak and David Carter at the Gerber/Hart gala by Mel Ferrand; Paula Poundstone publicity photo

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September 30, 2009 Lessons begin October 29 BEARS IN #1002 FLEX APPEAL JELL-O Cleveland may be the host Starting at $105, you get four lessons of the 2014 Gay Games, Photo by over four weeks taught by top pros. graysong but it’s also home to what some say is the world’s You’ll also enjoy two parties, our There’s Always Room...... for Bear Party Chicago Jell-O wrestling at Jackhammer. practice lanes and fitness center. page 10 largest bathhouse, Flex inSIDE Answering The Call. About Face Artistic page 16 Director Bonnie Metzgar in Nightspots MAFIA. page 21 Hotel & Spa. Don’t have a racquet?

Photo courtesy of Flex We’ll lend you one. Busy schedule? MUSICIAN RACE AND SEX We’ve got tons of times LEVI KREIS In “Gay in America,” Bill to choose from. SHOW# 328 Healy talks with several LGBT locals—including Midtown membership Dalila Fridi (left)—about not required. www.WindyCity the issues of race and Space is limited. sexuality. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald 773.235.2300 OUT IN LEBANON TVN In a feature that will run occasionally, Matt French (right) will discuss his experiences in Lebanon, Check out our where will spend the next 2020 West Fullerton Avenue video channel for three months. new videos weekly Chicago, IL 60647 www.QueerTV Photo courtesy of Matt French 4 Oct. 7, 2009 its findings will likely be issued long after the Edward M. Kennedy, a staunch ally of the LGBT Maine will voting takes place. If the group or groups in- community. vestigated are found to be in violation of state “We are honored to share this night with Presi- scrutinize campaign finance disclosure laws, he said, the dent Obama, who has called upon our nation to anti-gay groups commission can either issue a statement an- embrace LGBT people as brothers and sisters,” nouncing the violation or assess civil penalties. by Lisa Keen said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Sol- Karger said that, because of the commission’s Keen News Service monese. “It is fitting that he will speak to our vote, the commission now has subpoena power, community on the night that we pay tribute if needed, to obtain records from the organiza- The Maine campaign ethics committee voted 3-2 to his friend and mentor Senator Edward Ken- tions backing Ballot Measure Number 1. Oct. 1 to launch a formal investigation into the nedy, who knew that as president, Barack Obama During the Oct. 1 hearing, Karger told the funding of an anti-gay ballot initiative in that would take on the unfinished business of this commission that NOM has sent out at least 16 state this year. nation—equal rights for the LGBT community, e-mails that “mention Maine and directly ask for The vote rejected a recommendation, from the and for every person who believes in liberty and money.” He said the group also tells contribu- staff of the Maine Commission on Governmental justice for all.” tors that their identities will be kept private. Ethics and Election Practices, that it not inves- The dinner is on the same weekend as the the “They’re definitely trying to go around the tigate the campaign funding practices of the National Equality March, a gathering of LGBTA Maine election law,” said Karger. anti-gay Stand for Marriage Maine group. Stand individuals that will take place in Washington Sharon J. Lettman. Photo courtesy of Cindi But Brian Brown, head of NOM, said his or- for Marriage Maine is spearheading support for a Sunday, Oct. 11. Creager ganization knows and follows state law closely. —Andrew Davis ballot measure in November to overturn a new nior at Lassiter High School in Marietta, Ga. He also rebutted claims that NOM has been law to provide same-sex couples with the same In New Jersey, delinquent in filing and making public its 990 Republican lawmakers want rights to marriage licenses and benefits as it does forms—Internal Revenue Service forms that re- Clinton: I was a constitutional amendment in 2010 that to straight couples. That staff recommendation, quire the reporting of money raised and spent would allow voters to decide if same-sex mar- issued Sept. 29, said “staff does not recommend wrong to oppose , according to PinkNews. by tax-exempt organizations. The organization’s riage should be legal an investigation of Stand for Marriage Maine PAC Meanwhile, Democrats are trying to get 990 forms are now available at www.nationfor- gay marriage or its contributors.” Its largest contributor, thus a vote on the issue in next month’s ballot. Gov. BY REX WOCKNER far, has been the National Organization for Mar- John Corzine, who is a Democrat, has said that During the hearing, which was streamed live riage (NOM), a group that was instrumental in he would prefer that the issue be decided by on the commission’s Web site, commission funding the anti-gay Proposition 8 initiative in Bill Clinton said Sept. 25 that he had been elected officials instead of voters. chairman Michael Friedman, who has no politi- California. “wrong” in opposing same-sex marriage. In Massachusetts, cal party affiliation, said national political party a professor at the Boston California gay activist Fred Karger, founder of Speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Clinton committees frequently contribute large sums of College Law School has generated controversy Californians Against Hate, requested the inves- said: “I realized that I was, you know, over 60 money to campaigns in Maine without disclos- by appearing in an ad supporting the Maine tigation. Karger’s group, founded just last year, years old, I grew up at a different time, and I , which is against same-sex ing individual donor names. He said he did not Marriage Initiative studied public records to identify businesses was hung up about the word (marriage). I had marriage, according to Professor believe Karger presented sufficient evidence to and individuals who contributed to the anti- all these gay friends, I had all these gay couple Scott Fitzgibbon—who is identified in the ad— suggest that NOM or Stand for Marriage Maine gay campaign in California. While doing similar friends, and I was hung up about it. And I de- said that “Unless question one [which opposes were doing anything different from that. work from public records in Maine, Karger told cided I was wrong. That our society has an inter- the movement to legalize gay marriage] passes, But commission member André Duchette, a the commission he believes NOM and Stand for est in coherence and strength and commitment there could be real consequences for Mainers.” Democrat, said he was “troubled by the slippery Marriage Maine are deliberately violating state and mutually reinforcing loyalties, then if gay In response to the subsequent outpouring of slope where these entities can kind of circum- campaign finance disclosure requirements. couples want to call their union marriage and emotions, Law School Dean John Garvey re- vent the true intent of what our laws seek to Two Democrats and one Republican on the a state agrees, and several have now, or a reli- leased a letter that stated Fitzgibbon’s freedom uncover.” commission agreed, voting for an investigation. gious body will sanction it—and I don’t think of speech, as well as that of any other faculty According to state campaign finance reports One Republican and one unaffiliated member, the state should be able to stop the religious member who opposes his view. A group of law filed thus far, Stand for Marriage Maine has raised Chairman Michael Freidman of Bangor, voted bodies from saying it—I don’t think the rest of students has already released an ad spoofing more than $343,000, only $400 of which came against. us should get in the way of that. I think it’s a Fitzgibbon’s appearance, according to the Law from individuals. The greatest bulk of money— “I’m very pleased,” said Karger, in a phone good thing, not a bad thing.” Librarian Blog. $160,000 (47 percent)—has come from NOM. interview following the vote. “The commission “I just realized that I was, probably for, maybe Another $152,000 (44 percent) has come from The Lambda Literary Foundation (LLF) has showed great courage today in agreeing to go- just because of my age and the way I’ve grown the Roman Catholic Church and $31,000 from announced new rules that exclude individuals ing ahead and launching an investigation.” up, I was wrong about that,” he continued. “I , the state chapter of Focus on the Family. who do not identify as LGBT from its awards Scott Fish, a spokesperson for Stand for Mar- just had too many gay friends. I saw their re- according to The foundation By comparison, the key group working against riage Maine, declined to answer any specific lationships. I just decided I couldn’t, I had an said, in part, that “[i]t is more difficult to be the referendum—“No on 1: Protect Maine Equal- questions concerning the commission’s vote, untenable position.” an LGBT writer now than it has been in many ity” has raised $143,290—76 percent of which including whether he thinks it will have any im- As president, Clinton signed into law the decades, more difficult to make any income from ($108,290) has come from individuals. (The pact on voters Nov. 3. He referred a voter to a Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits the our written words, much less a living. ... It seems amount of $25,000 came from the Human Rights statement issued by the organization following federal government from recognizing same-sex more urgent than ever that LLF be as active and Campaign and $10,000 from the ACLU.) the hearing. The statement, attributed to Marc marriages and affirms that states don’t have to supportive a service organization as we possibly The next financial disclosure report is due Oct. Mutty, chairman of Stand for Marriage Maine, recognize other states’ same-sex marriages. can be for our own writers, and that’s what we’re 13. says the group is in compliance with state law For video of a portion of Clinton’s remarks, see working on, with a Board that could not be more ©2009 Keen News Service and called the investigation an “abuse of pow- passionate in our commitment.” Also, LLF stated er.” —Assistance: Bill Kelley that writer Christopher Rice resigned as presi- “It is yet another example of the harassment Obama to speak dent of its board of trustees. that follows supporters of traditional marriage,” In Utah, it took a jury less than three hours said Mutty. “…It is an abuse of power for the at HRC dinner President Barack Obama is scheduled to speak to acquit David James “D.J.” Bell of kidnap- Commission to have allowed itself to be used as at the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC’s) annual NATIONAL ping two children, according to the Salt Lake an instrument of politics in this fashion.” dinner in Washington D.C., Saturday, Oct. 10, Tribune. The openly gay Bell was accused of tak- The No on 1/Protect Maine Equality had noth- according to an organizational press release. ROUNDUP ing two children, aged 2 and 4, from the home ing to say about the commission vote. Spokes- U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy will also present the BY ANDREW DAVIS of his next-door neighbor, who was holding a person Mark Sullivan repeatedly answered all first-ever Edward M. Kennedy National Leader- loud drinking party, in July 2008. Had he been questions for reaction with statements clearly ship Award to Judy and Dennis Shepard. The The board of directors of the LGBT organiza- convicted, Bell could have been sentenced to meant to distance the organization from the al- award is named in honor of the late U.S. Sen. tion National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) life in prison. legations against Stand for Marriage Maine and has announced that Sharon J. Lettman is the The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Net- its supporters. group’s new executive director, according to work (GLSEN) has released a report that states “We are not involved in any way shape or a press release. “We must bring our families that middle-school LGBT students are more form,” said Sullivan. Asked whether the inves- together,” Lettman said. “Gay and transgender likely to be harassed but less likely to have tigation might nevertheless influence voters, he people are our children, our brothers, sisters, access to helpful resources than high school said only, “We have nothing to do with the com- aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, parents, co- LGBT students, according to an organizational plaint and don’t have any opinion about it one workers and friends. They are a vital part of the press release. The research brief—the first na- way or the other.” Black community, and it is time for everyone to tional research report to look specifically at the No on 1 and Stand for Marriage both issued recognize the real issues we all face when our experiences of LGBT students in middle school— statements early in the campaign promising brothers and sisters are denied full participa- is based on data from 626 LGBT middle school to conduct polite, respectful, and honest cam- tion in the life of our community.” Lettman suc- students who participated in GLSEN’s 2007 Na- paigns. ceeds Alexander Robinson, who led NBJC for five tional School Climate Survey of 6,209 secondary Jonathan Wayne, executive director of the years. school students. commission, said he believes the commission’s The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education In Washington, D.C., openly gay councilmem- directive now is to investigate only NOM; how- Network (GLSEN) has announced that Austin ber David Catania unveiled his same-sex mar- ever, he said he would be consulting further Laufersweiler, 18, will receive its first-ever riage measure at a convocation, the Washing- with commission members in the coming weeks Student Advocate of the Year Award at GLS- ton Blade reported. Catania told the gathering to get a more definitive answer. EN’s fifth annual Respect Awards, which will of 300 people that most councilmembers favor Such investigations, said Wayne, typically passing the bill; however, opponents have said President Barack Obama. take place at the Beverly Hills Hotel Oct. 9, ac- take several months and, therefore, a report on cording to a press release. Laufersweiler is a se- they will ask Congress to kill the measure. Oct. 7, 2009 5 “It was in the works,” Tendam said. “It was Plaines and neighboring Wilmette—have only groups have a significant role in the fight for possibly overlooked at some point it but it was had two or three employees take advantage, she healthcare reform. We really have an opportuni- back on track pretty quickly.” said. ty here to determine how those living with AIDS All full-time city employees—including those Those who are eligible will be able to sign up get access to healthcare as well as the opportu- in the fire and police departments—will be eli- during the city’s two-week open enrollment be- nity to secure preventative care for all American gible for the health benefits. Evanston Director ginning Oct. 26. citizens.” of Human Resources Joellen Daley said those ap- According to experts who spoke at the tele- plying will need to sign an affidavit that must be Groups speak on conference, comprehensive healthcare reform, notarized in addition to proof of domestic part- meaning a total reworking of the American nership through three of five possible means. healthcare reform healthcare system to include a public insurance Some of these include joint leases or mortgages, by chasse rehwinkel option, would “increase access to consistent, bank accounts and shared living expenses. high-quality, affordable, and comprehensive care City spokesperson Eric Palmer said he believes In response to the U.S. Senate Finance Commit- for HIV and other health concerns” and increase the approval went smoothly because the new tee’s current debate over a national healthcare the overall life expectancy of those living with city council consists of rather progressive mem- reform bill, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago HIV/AIDS “vastly.” State Sen. Heather Steans. bers. (AFC), the Illinois Public Health Association and “This is a critical time for healthcare reform in “I think [the council] just decided ‘it’s time to the Health Care for America Now held an infor- the United States,” stated the Illinois director do this, let’s do this,’” he said. mational teleconference Oct. 2 to explain the of Health Care for America Now, John Gaudette. Sen. Steans Tendam said that Evanston has always been a need for immediate healthcare reform. “We are hearing now things like spousal abuse diverse city, which was likely why the resolution According to speakers from AFC, approximately is a preexisting condition for some women or introduces was met with agreement. 47 million Americans are currently living without that women of childbearing age have a preex- “I think [diversity] is another reason no one an effective healthcare option and that within isting condition for child birth; we are seeing marriage bill really questioned it,” Tendam said. “It was the the AIDS community nearly half of all those liv- an uncontrolled abuse of the system by insur- by CHASSE REHWINKEL thing to do. Hopefully, this will encourage other ing with HIV/AIDS do not have adequate cover- ance companies and they can do this because of communities to do the same.” age in order to remain healthy. the millions they spend on lobbyists. However, State Sen. Heather Steans, D-7th District, intro- Daley said Evanston has 840 full-time em- “The way our system is set up the insurance people should know that we are working hard to duced the Equal Marriage Act (SB 2468), a bill ployees, but she doesn’t expect a huge impact. companies are legally allowed to discriminate change this and that in the 100 year battle over that would grant same-sex couples full marriage Other Illinois communities currently providing against people with certain types of illnesses, healthcare reform this is the closest we have rights in Illinois, on the Senate floor Oct. 1. Ste- the same benefits—such as Carpentersville, Des such as HIV,” stated one AFC leader. “HIV/AIDS ever gotten to complete change.” ans’ action marks the first time that such a bill has been up for debate in the Illinois State Sen- ate and follows similar a House bill sponsored by openly gay State Rep. Greg Harris, D-13th District. “This bill provides equal marriage rights for Casa Vista Los Arcos same-sex couples across Illinois—a right that is Puerto Vallarta’s gay-owned, elegant Spanish hillside villa already enshrined in our constitutional language and traditions,” Steans said. “Currently, same- sex couples have to fight to visit each other in hospitals, make healthcare decisions, and raise children together—this must change.” The Equal Marriage Act has not gone without some controversy however, as both Republican Adam Robinson and Democrat Jim Madigan— challengers to Steans in her upcoming re-elec- tion bid—have claimed that Steans’ recent bill is a political move devised to pander to her con- stituents in order to gain more support before the statewide primary elections, which will be held on Feb. 2 of next year. Madigan stated, “Not once, but twice State Representatives have introduced a marriage equality bill in the Illinois House. Sen. Steans did not sign on as a Senate sponsor of those marriage equality bills since she was appointed in February 2008.” Steans responded to these criticisms by ex- plaining that the two previously proposed equal- ity bills had been introduced only in the House and, as a senator, she was unable to vote for such legislation. Steans also stated that her primary goal with this act was to introduce a bill that would “advance our fight in Illinois to Ask about our achieve equal rights for same-sex marriage.” boys’ and If passed into law the Equal Marriage Act girls’ weeks! would make Illinois the sixth state to grant full Nestled on a hillside with amazing ocean views, the beautiful, marriage rights to same-sex couples, joining open-aired villa accommodates up to 10 with 4 ensuite bedrooms, Connecticut, , Massachusetts, New Hamp- 3 kitchens, large outdoor area with heated pool (perfect for parties shire and Vermont. & weddings). English speaking staff, wireless internet and free Evanston approves calls to and from The U.S., Canada and parts of Europe. DP benefits Proud supporter of: by STEVEN CHAITMAN

The Evanston City Council approved a measure Sept. 29 to become the second largest city in Illinois to provide same-sex domestic partner benefits to city employees. The measure passed quickly and quietly with- out being pulled for questioning, said Evanston openly gay alderman Mark Tendam (6th Ward), who brought the issue to the attention of City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz. Tendam, who was elected last April along with much of Evanston’s current city council, said the previous council had nudged it in the right di- rection, but that it was Bobkiewicz, in conjunc- WWW.CASAVISTALOSARCOS.COM tion with the human resources staff, who made it come together so swiftly. 773-960-5721 6 Oct. 7, 2009 because of this constant emergency room use.” be. To do all of the things that make more sense: Will LGBTs be in The study postulated that if homeless adults like prevention, like early childhood services, as with chronic medical illnesses, such as AIDS or opposed to waiting until kids are involved with new immigration diabetes, were offered long-term housing with juvenile justice. Many of the kids who end up in measure? constant case management care they would be the juvenile justice system end up there because by SAMUEL WORLEY less likely to use the emergency room. After they have undiagnosed mental health needs. So three years of research and five years of work, it’s been a great job. It still, I think, will be Congressman Luis Gutierrez, who represents Il- researchers believe this study’s results speak a great job, but we are on the chopping block linois’ 4th Congressional District, plans to intro- volumes about what can be done to dramatically along with everybody else. duce comprehensive immigration-reform legisla- lower healthcare costs in America. WCT: Did you get any sense of resolution tion in the U.S. House of Representatives within “We found that those in the study who received from the budget that was just passed? the next couple of weeks, and LGBT groups are housing spent fewer days in the emergency room CL: No. I’ve heard two different things: I’ve seeking to make sure that it includes protections and fewer days in nursing homes on average,” heard the 13 percent really is a 50-percent cut. for same-sex couples and families. stated principal researcher Dr. Laura Sadowski. And then the governor has a billion dollars he “These are important results for anyone worried can cut from anywhere, and you have no idea Steve Ralls, director of communications for U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez. the Washington, D.C.-based group Immigration about rising healthcare costs and the homeless- where those cuts are going to land. And then Equality, said that he thinks Gutierrez’s bill will The version of the bill pending in the Sen- ness problem. Going forward I hope the study there’s the state employee cuts. So if you add in be a “progressive starting point” for immigration ate has 59 supporters, Ralls said, suggesting can be replicated across the country—I think it the employee cuts, it’s getting you up closer to reform. The White House indicated that it would that “when you include LGBT families, you gain could have a tremendous impact.” what the original doomsday budget looked like. like to tackle the problem of immigration around co-sponsors. The LGBT-inclusive bill is certainly The study was published in a May 2009 edition Ray Johnson: And as elected officials on the the end of this year, Ralls said; the Gutierrez bill leaps and bounds ahead.” Ralls said that Im- of the Journal of the American Medical Associa- local level, we see firsthand when the state ab- will be considered alongside a number of other migration Equality has been working with a tion and its success has even led to two of the rogates [its] responsibility, and what happens versions authored by members of Congress. number of other LGBT groups—including the Na- participating hospitals, Mount Sinai and Stroger on the front line. Although he said that Immigration Equality tional Gay and Lesbian Taskforce and the Human Cook County Hospital, to continue the program has not received any commitment from Gutier- Rights Campaign—to pressure legislators on the as a service to the community. rez, it and other LGBT organizations hope that issue. With program leaders looking to expand the his legislation will include provisions for the The Obama administration plans to address housing for the homeless plan, a call for help protection of LGBT families. “Our hope is that he the tangle of immigration legislation after some was made to policymakers and advocacy groups will include us,” said Ralls, noting that Gutierrez resolution on the healthcare debate is attained, at the meeting. has supported legislation in this regard in the said Ralls. He said that Obama has indicated his “Currently, the primary funding for this pro- past. support of LGBT families in the past; he antici- gram is coming in the form of a few grants from Although a spokesperson from Gutierrez’s of- pates the president’s support in the future. the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- fice declined to comment on the specifics of the “In the past two years, the playing field has velopment,” stated the AIDS Foundation of Chi- bill as it is in the process of being written, she really changed,” said Ralls. (The last attempt at cago’s director of government relations, John said that the congressman will be available for immigration reform, initiated in 2007 by Presi- Peller. “Those grants are stable, but if we were interviews around the time that he releases the dent George W. Bush, failed to pass through able to receive funding from the government to legislation (slated for Oct. 13). Congress.) He said that there are “lessons to be cover the cost of our case workers then the pro- The specific provision sought by Immigration learned” from the healthcare debate—and the gram could expand dramatically.” apparent healthcare impasse does not necessar- According to program organizers the cost of Equality is an allowance for U.S. citizens to Collette Lueck. sponsor same-sex partners for residency—put- ily mean trouble for immigration reform. covering the 12 case workers needed would be ting them on equal footing with opposite-sex The “principle of family unification,” Ralls around $600,000-$650,000 annually. couples. said, when applied to LGBT families, is a “natural The meeting was attended heavily by health- “Gay and lesbian families are either living sep- fit for immigration reform. We must try to keep care advocacy leaders, including State Sen. WCT: How does that trickle down? arately or facing separation,” Ralls said. “Forty- families together.” Heather Steans, State Rep. and RJ: In Oak Park, where you do have strong seven percent of LGBT binational couples have More information about Immigration Equality Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer. schools, those schools are supported by the children … facing the prospect of losing one of can be found at property tax. Eighty percent of our tax bill goes their parents.” Lueck, Johnson: to the schools, so people are feeling the pres- Such protections are included in several other AFC holds meeting sure from both ends—economically, their wages bills currently before Congress, including the A matter have not gone up or, worse, they’ve lost their Uniting American Families Act, formerly known about housing study job. And their tax bill is rising because educa- as the Permanent Partners Immigration Act. Its by chasse rehwinkel of trustees tion costs keep going up, as well as a lot of major supporters are Sen. Patrick Leahy, the By SAMUEL WORLEY other costs. When energy cost goes up thirty chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, AIDS Foundation of Chicago held a special meet- percent, or last year asphalt went up 40 percent, and Rep. Gerrold Nadler. ing for policymakers and advocacy group lead- Colette Lueck and Ray Johnson are two members that means we’re going to repave fewer streets Leahy held a full Judiciary Committee hearing ers at the John Marshall Law School Sept. 30 to of the LGBT community who happen to serve as because we can’t raise property taxes. So we’re on the bill in June, bypassing the usual subcom- explain the results of a recent study on housing trustees on the Oak Park Village Board. Windy faced with this choice: Do we do less streets, or mittee process to lend the issue greater urgency for the homeless and also to rally support for its City Times recently interviewed them to find out do we lay off a cop? And we’re not going to lay and visibility. “As comprehensive immigration expansion. what issues they face—and the wide-ranging ef- off a cop. So that means that our infrastructure’s reform is being written, [Leahy] wants LGBT The study, which ran from September 2003 to fects of the state’s fiscal trouble was at the top going to suffer. families in that bill,” Ralls said, adding that the May 2006, focused on rectifying the problem of the list. Lueck and Johnson also discussed CL: We don’t have a concerted public health Uniting American Families Act currently has 117 that many homeless adults with chronic medical public safety issues, the potential for regional approach to violence in Chicago. So you have no co-sponsors in the House and 23 co-sponsors in illnesses frequently use the hospital’s emergency LGBT alliances and the importance of electing trauma services for kids who go to schools where the Senate. services for their medical care. women to public office. somebody has been shot, or who’ve witnessed a Provisions for LGBT families are also included These emergency-room visits, according to re- Windy City Times: Collette, what do you shooting. All those kids go untreated, so then in a broad immigration reform bill authored by searchers, come at a very high cost to ordinary do? you start getting this cycle of more and more Rep. Michael Honda, who introduced legislation citizens in the form of higher medical fees and Colette Lueck: I am the managing director of violent behavior. in the House of Representatives in June. Ralls insurance costs. the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership. To read more of what Lueck and Johnson said that Honda’s bill, the Reuniting Families As one organizer put it, “the price of being I do a lot of advocacy work in my job around have to say about approaching social issues, Act, appeared to gain Congressional support af- in a hospital bed alone can cost around $3,000 children’s mental health issues. It’s an amazing see ter details were added to benefit LGBT families. per day, a cost that has become inflated in part opportunity—and a very rare opportunity—to make mental health what mental health should

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Marking the big 3-0

From left: , Karen Sendziak, Owen Keehnen and Kirstin Leiby. Image by Mel Ferrand Gerber/Hart’s gala with David Carter BY MEL FERRAND

Gerber/Hart Gay & Lesbian Library & Archive celebrated its annual gala with keynote speaker The Andersonville institution known as the Women and Children First Bookstore celebrated its 30th anniversary Oct. 3 with a gala at The gay historian David Carter. Carter, the author of Breakers, 5333 N. Sheridan. Among the special guests were writer/cartoonist Alison Bechdel (known for the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out Stonewall The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revo- For); cartoonist Nicole Hollander (the mind behind Sylvia); and writer Dorothy Allison (who was written works such as Bastard out of Carolina, lution, spoke passionately in front of approxi- left photo). A buffet dinner and dance took place, which was preceded by a cocktails-and-appetizers event with sommelier and Check, Please mately 80 supporters. He urged that “we need host Alpana Singh. Top right photo: Bookstore owners Ann Chistophersen (left) and LindaBubon (right) with Bechdel (second from left) and to demand that our [LGBT] history be integrated Hollander. Photos by Kat Fitzgerald (; see many more images at into the overall narrative of American history, particularly American civil-rights history.” He added, “I’m not talking about ‘us’ individu- ally, but also groups like NGLTF and HRC. This needs to be part of the federal demands these organizations and [similar] state organizations need to send to governors, legislators, state ad- ministrators and agencies. Lastly, he said, “We need straight allies too. If they are not already, PFLAG, [it] would be very appropriate.” In discussing the Stonewall Riots, Carter sug- gested that the violence was necessary because gay men were (and are) relegated into a ste- reotype of being “insufficiently masculine” and that there was an expectation that they would respond to police intimidation meekly and in submission to the officers’ abuse. In a playful response to a recent quote by Carter where he said, “I’d be even happier if they’re teaching the history of our civil rights movement as an integral part of American his- tory. That would be the icing on the cake,” the Gerber/Hart board presented Carter with a cake complete with plenty of frosting. See more photos from the event at www. Howard Brown gala Oct. 10 Center will hold its an- nual gala, “Bertha’s Ball,” Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Palmer House Hilton, 17 E. Monroe. The benefactor reception will take place 6-7 p.m., while the gala will be 7 p.m.-12 a.m. The gala’s “Friend for Life” honorees this year are David Arzola, Designs for Dignity, and pho- tographer (and frequent Windy City Times con- tributor) Kat Fitzgerald. Tickets are $300-$500 each; see www.howard- Parade has ‘Mad Hatter’s’ theme Triangle Neighbors announced the theme of “Mad Hatter’s Ball”—everything from funny hats to Alice in Wonderland—will take center stage as the theme of this year’s Northalsted Hallow- een Costume Parade. The parade will take place Saturday, Oct. 31, at 6 p.m., an hour earlier than usual. Free reg- istration for the costume contest and parade for adults and groups will be at SPIN Nightclub, 800 W. Belmont, at 4 p.m. The parade route is Hal- sted from Belmont to Addison with a main stage at Halsted and Roscoe. For more information call 312-391-3355 or visit 8 Oct. 7, 2009 MARCHES from cover enacted to protect LGBT Americans from dis- Welther memorial crimination based on sexual orientation, gender set for Oct. 10 Six months ago, Mixner first floated the idea identity or expression in employment, let alone A memorial for the late gay-rights activist Earl of holding a national march, blogging on www. hate crimes protections. Welther will be held Saturday, Oct. 10 at 3 p.m. about the progress—or lack Even worse, federal law commonly referred to at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 621 W. Belmont. thereof—in Congress to advance LGBT civil- as “don’t ask, don’t tell” continues to codify a Call 773-525-0844 for more information. rights legislation. ban on openly gay military service members, In lieu of flowers, donations can be made for “There will never be a better year than 2009,” while the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) de- Welther’s funeral expenses, made payable to he explained recently over the telephone, refer- nies equal status and benefits for married Robert Welther, 4722 W. Berteau, Chicago, Ill., encing 60 Democratic senators and a substan- same-sex couples at the federal level, while 60641, or sent to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church tial margin of Democrats in the House of Rep- permitting states to deny recognize of same-sex with the memo for Earl Welther’s funeral expens- resentatives. “We’ll never have a better set of marriages now performed in Connecticut, Massa- es. numbers. And it’s essential that this community chusetts, Iowa, and Vermont. Many jurisdictions come together in force and make clear that we have gone further, banning same-sex marriage want it all now.” through state legislation and/or state constitu- Aware Affair Back in May, “I wrote that it was time for a tional amendments. raises $80K march, and I hoped that the national organi- And so the demands of this, the fifth gay Test Positive Aware Network’s (TPAN’s) “Aware zations would organize one before the year ran march on the nation’s capital are simple—yet Affair: Ultra Lounge” raised $80,000. out.” urgent: “Equal protection in all matters gov- The event—which featured auction items as And Mixner said, “It they don’t do it, I said, erned by civil law in all 50 states.” Now. No more The 1987 March on Washington protesters well as entertainer Kristine W—was held Sept. someone would rise up and meet the needs; and waiting. No more excuses. outside the U.S. Supreme Court Building. 12 at the Billboard Factory, 4011 N. Raven- that is what happened.” To ensure sustained activism and energy, the Photo by Tracy Baim swood, and kept with the theme by boasting a Displeasure with the congressional and the National Equality March Weekend (Oct. 9-11) classic car display and a top-floor VIP lounge bar White House foot-dragging on gay-rights legis- out there, said, Amin Ghaziani, Ph.D., referring aspires, moreover, to be more than a three-day called “The Mile High Club.” lation was not the only impetus for the march. to increased reliance on electronic political or- event. National march co-chairs Kip Williams Also at play was last fall’s nationwide eruption ganizing. Ghaziani, a postdoctoral fellow and and Robin McGehee and others, including Har- of fury and disbelief over passage of Proposition lecturer at Princeton University, is the author vey Milk protégé and AIDS quilt founder Cleve Oak Park church 8 in California, a constitutional same-sex mar- of a 2008 book, The Dividends of Dissent: How Jones, envision a permanent institution (www. to honor gay man riage ban, a ballot-box setback that galvanized Conflict and Culture Work in the Lesbian and Gay to continue advocat- Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church will a whole new army of activists, the college- and Marches on Washington, a sociological study ing full equality by creating a LGBT community host its annual Reconciling Service Sunday, Oct. post college-aged generation, young people and historical assessment of the four previous and grassroots structure in all 435 congressional 11, at 10:30 a.m. The theme of this year’s ser- used to attending gay dances and doubled dat- gay marches (1979, 1987, 1993, and 2000). districts. vice is The Great Cloud of Witnesses, and the ing with straight couples. What’s different about this march? For one But until participants in the National Equal- Reconciling Congregation will present the first Many twentysomething and thirtysomething thing, Ghaziani sees a generational shift. “If we ity March make their presence known, “It’s annual Bruce Scott Award posthumously to young people who, for the most part did not look at who is involved on Facebook and Twitter, very hard to know what to expect,” said John Scott’s longtime partner, Larry Bloom. personally experience discrimination, suddenly it’s the younger generation,” he explained. “And D’Emilo, Ph.D., professor of history and gender Scott was a government employee in Wash- became outraged—in fact, politicized—when that can be exciting” insofar as “there has been & women’s studies at the University of Illinois ington, D.C., in the ‘50s during the McCarthy the largest state in the union rolled back same- a buzz for the past nine months about what kind at Chicago. “I must say what is most unpredict- investigations, when gay and lesbian workers sex civil marriage rights. of momentum do we have in the movement or do able about this march is its occurring in this age were fired from their jobs because they were Communicating among themselves—venting we have in the movement the perennial question of Internet organizing because the amount of considered risks to national security. Scott— anger and turning their rage into community or- of how to get young people involved in political on the ground activity seems to be happening who joined the Mattachine Society—sued the ganizing and protest—rallies sprung up almost organizing.” online.” government and won in 1965. over night to protest what they perceived as Yet for baby boomers and seniors, the new or- He added, “I am interested in results. And The church is located at 405 S. Euclid in Oak Prop 8’s grave social injustice. ganizing can be frustrating. Ghaziani sometimes we will learn whether [online organizing] suc- Park; see Sure enough, in the brave new world of social hears from members of those two demograph- ceeds in getting people to Washington.” Assum- networking media, young activists employed ic groups a line going something like this: “I ing that the march is successful by numbers, he HRC Chicago new technological tools. And voila—the 2009 haven’t seen anything about this march. I don’t went on to say, “one thing that will mark this National Equality March makes history as “first know what’s going on. It’s not like before where march as different, I suspect, from all others, is shines on Nov. 7 Internet march,” an event put together primarily I did see fliers in coffee houses and read about that it will include large numbers of heterosexu- Human Rights Campaign-Chicago will hold outside the Beltway by using Facebook, Twitter the marches in the gay press.” als, allies, and younger folks in their twenties its gala, “Time to Shine,” Saturday, Nov. 7, at 6 and text messaging. Still, one common thread unties the post-Prop. and thirties, who came of age in the new social p.m. in the Hyatt Regency, 151 E. Wacker. For now at least, it is wait-and-see approach 8 generation with all others—increasing impa- and cultural world where queer seems pretty or- The annual gala draws more than 800 LGBT regarding turnout and numbers, although the tience with the slow pace of national civil-rights dinary in places and the marriage issue itself, is supporters in the Midwest and is one of HRC’s initial widespread reservations and criticism legislation. For example, forty years after the the issue they identify with.” largest fundraisers. It consists of a silent auc- have given way to a groundswell of support, es- Stonewall uprising in a New York City gay bar— What about the march’s timing at this point in tion, dinner with celebrity speakers and an af- pecially among bloggers and many national LGBT an event sparking a nationwide upsurge of gay- the movement’s history? “This is a very good time ter-party. community leaders and activists. rights activism that ignited a truly grassroots for the first time period around LGBT issues—as Tickets are $75-$350 each; see chicago.hrc. While mainstream and LGBT media coverage LGBT civil rights and liberation movement—not opposed to AIDS issues,” D’Emilo said. “This is org. has yet to crescendo, “There’s a ton of chatter” one single piece of federal legislation has been a moment when a lot could happen in Washing- ton, D.C. If there was ever a time a march could accomplish something by focusing energy and attention, this will be the time for it—specific Sunday, Oct. 11 and concrete [legislation] through Congress,” he 4:30 p.m. said, mentioning DOMA repeal, passage of ENDA Jacqueline Edelberg and hate crimes protection. How to Walk to School Historically speaking, however, successful marches are usually not connected with achiev- Saturday, Oct. 17 ing external objectives, such as passage of leg- 7:30 p.m. islation, D’Emilo explained. Agreeing with that Sappho’s Salon and assessment, Ghaziani said his research sug- Decibelle Present gests “Marches serve the movement as ‘activ- Sister Spit: ist defibrillators’ that jump start activism and The Next Generation Have your get people involved.” He added, “in previous marches the most vibrant effects of the march has been producing organizations in local areas Select Italy Travel premiums that end up staying in existence long after the march.” For instance, Ghaziani said, “Local po- increased litical organizations produced National Coming Italy. Out Day.” 5233 N. Clark Need we say more? recently? What else should observers of the National (773) 769-9299 Equality March look for as indicators of success? See me: The extent of coverage in the media (both main- Charles T. Rhodes, stream and LGBT outlets), the demographic pro- file of participants—and not just numbers but Your Italian travel experts since 1997 Agent age, race, and ethnicity—as well as the organi- 2472 N. Clark zational representation of participants, D’Emilo 303 W. Erie Suite 410 [email protected] and Ghaziani suggested. Identifiable indicators Chicago, IL 60654 773.281.0890 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company of “visibility” can also be telling. “Things like Parking Available (not in NJ) how many rainbow flags do you see on the Mall,” Wheelchair Accessible 800-877-1755 State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois added Ghaziani. Oct. 7, 2009 9 WORLD Gay-rights confab staged in Belarus ROUNDUP More than 100 people from nine Belarusian QUOTELINES by rex wockner cities and 10 other countries gathered at the Crowne Plaza in Minsk, Belarus, on Sept. 26 for BY REX WOCKNER an LGBT rights conference, report- New UN prez ed. Twenty-three reports were presented at the Q disses gays “The Religious Right is targeting mar- “At the beginning, when I came out to meeting, which was titled “LGBT Movement and The new president of the United Nations Gen- riage equality in Maine with big money my mom, she reacted with a sigh and said, NGOs: Prospects for Cooperation With Active Civ- eral Assembly, former Libyan Foreign Minister Ali and false attacks, virtually identical to the ‘You’re my son and I have to love you.’ But now il Society to Overcome Homophobia in Belarus.” Abdussalam Treki, expressed disapproval of gays fearmongering strategies in 2008’s Proposi- she says, ‘You’re the best son in the world, and The reports addressed such issues as public ac- Sept. 15. tion 8 campaign in California.” — People for we need to find you a man.’” — Blogger Perez tivism, GLBT identity, gay history, homophobia Asked about last year’s General Assembly state- the American Way, Sept. 17. A new poll shows Hilton to CNN, Sept. 9. in politics, psychological aspects of homopho- ment by 66 nations urging decriminalization of gays losing marriage in Maine 48 percent to 46 bia, education of journalists, gay business, and gay sex worldwide, Treki said: “As a Muslim, I am percent. “It is, I have to say, quite disgusting homosexuality and religion. not in favor of that. I believe it is not accepted that in America and in other countries The gathering was organized by by the majority of countries (and) it is not really “The anti-gay forces are pounding you cannot have a civil union or something and acceptable by our religion, our tradition.” Maine with exactly the same scare tactics that equivalent to marriage. I have someone I’ve “You are making history today,” Louis-Georges Treki reportedly went on to say that some worked (on Prop 8) in California. Most of the lived together with for 23 years. Recently he Tin, president of the International Day Against countries think allowing homosexuality is “a pro-gay ads are as lame as they were in Cali- was in the hospital for something. I had to Homophobia Committee, told the delegates. kind of democracy (but) I think it is not.” fornia as well—and the vote is close. Sigh.” carry papers on me at all times that he had Jean-Eric Holzapfel from the European Com- U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, ranking Repub- — Writer Andrew Sullivan mission’s Belarus delegation told delegates: lican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on his blog, Sept. 18. “The human rights situation in Belarus is of par- denounced the remarks. ticular interest to us. This applies of course to “The anti-gay bigotry spewed by this Qaddafi “We feel confident the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- Think of shill demonstrates once again that the UN has that we have the right gender people.” all the money been hijacked by advocates of hate and intoler- strategy and we’re At the conference’s conclusion, delegates ad- running a Maine- ance,” Ros-Lehtinen said. “Likewise, the leader- I’ll save from Granitz Steve by Photo opted a resolution that will be sent to Belarus’ ship of the UN Development Program is held by based campaign (to government and parliament urging passage of not having the Iranian regime, which denies the presence of save same-sex mar- laws banning anti-gay and -trans discrimina- gays in Iran even as it murders them and other riage here). We have or- to text-in tion, criminalizing hate speech, and extending innocent citizens. We must ensure that billions ganized an unprecedented my vote. spousal rights to same-sex couples. annually in U.S. taxpayer dollars no longer foot grassroots effort with —Ellen DeGeneres Representatives attended from the French, the bill for the UN’s anti-freedom agenda with- organizers on the ground Hungarian and Swedish embassies, and the out significant reform.” in every county, on every Swedish Embassy hosted an evening reception. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans college campus, in towns Later, Lika Milovski was crowned “Miss Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) said it was and cities across Maine and reaching out to signed saying that I could visit him in his Diva Belarus” at a local nightclub. “deeply worried and outraged” by Treki’s state- Maine people from Kittery to Fort Kent. Our room and make medical decisions for him if ments. campaign emphasizes Mainers talking to their anything happened. ... If I died tomorrow my “The worrying and serious implications of this Libel case against friends, neighbors, coworkers and families to estate would be completely taxed and then attitude, coming from the new head of an in- build the support we need to win on November the remainder go to him whereas if we were a stitution which is supposed to regard human Moscow mayor 3rd. The proponents of Question 1 are bringing couple his life wouldn’t have to change and my rights—all human rights—as the most sacred in all the outside, anti-equality forces. These entire estate would move to him.” — Designer value, cannot be overstated,” ILGA Co-Secretar- dismissed are organizations and individuals with nearly Tom Ford at a press conference for his film A A libel case against Moscow Mayor Yuri Lu- ies General Gloria Careaga and Renato Sabbadini bottomless resources and that’s why we need Single Man, Sept. 11 in Venice, Italy. zhkov over his having called gays “homos” was said. “We appeal to the representatives of the the continuing support of the netroots com- dismissed Oct. 2. states which signed the statement against crim- munity and others to remain competitive and, “I don’t want to get married because After a three-hour hearing the Tverskoi Dis- inalization of homosexuality, but also voted for ultimately, to defeat Question 1.” — NO on 1/ right now the institution of marriage feels trict Court said there was a lack of evidence in the election of Mr. Treki in his new position, to Protect Maine Equality Campaign Manager Jesse very one-sided, and I want to live in a coun- the case filed by Moscow Pride organizers. demand an explanation (from) the UN Assembly Connolly writing at Daily Kos, Sept. 18. A new try where we all have equal rights. ... I have Speaking on TV in June against the planned president for his words and react consequent- Kos poll shows gays losing marriage in Maine 48 so many friends who are gay and lesbian and parade, Luzhkov said Russian society ly.” percent to 46 percent. would so badly want to get married, and I “does not accept all these homos.” The president of the European Parliament’s wouldn’t be able to sleep with myself.” — Ac- Luzhkov has banned the pride parade for four Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights, Michael “Think of all the money I’ll save from tress Charlize Theron on TV’s The View, Sept. years and has sent riot police to aggressively Cashman, called on Treki to “think again.” not having to text-in my vote.” — Ellen De- 17. arrest those who ignored the bans. “He is there to defend the principles of the Generes Sept. 10 on being selected to replace He has said the bans are for gays’ own good United Nations and that includes the Universal Paula Abdul as a judge on American Idol. so that “radical Christians” don’t have a chance Declaration of Human Rights Act ... all following to “kill them,” but he also reportedly has called amendments and covenants of rights, includ- gay pride parades “demonic,” “satanic” and ing LGBT human rights,” Cashman said. “Such “weapons of mass destruction.” statements are totally inappropriate and unac- Local events ceptable. He must now speak on behalf of those Photo finish: Golden, 816 W. Newport, is —Assistance: Bill Kelley who do not have a voice and forget his religious hosting “Marginal Waters,” a photography show beliefs which must remain private. He must re- by Doug Ischar, through Saturday, Oct. 17. Read more world news online at www.Windy- alize that the implications of his words could The photos feature men on Chicago’s Belmont Among this week’s legitimize violence towards LGBT people.” Rocks. A closing reception will be held Sunday, items are: Oct. 25, 3-6 p.m. See —El Salvador’s rejection of anti-gay moves; or call Jacob Meehan at 773-209-8889. and Let’s talk about sex: “Sex-Ed for Grown- —Germany’s probable new foreign minis- Ups”—an evening of info about sexual health ter. for women (with a sense of humor)—will take place Thursday, Oct. 8, 6-8 p.m. at the Chicago Foundation of Women, 1 E. Wacker, #1620. Proceeds will benefit the foundation’s Young Women’s Leadership Council. See Brothas Saving Brothas sexedforgrownups or call 312-577-2836. Still fighting: Writer John Edward Hicks MW22 from “Marginal Waters” at Golden. Be Part of a Bonding will read from his book, I Ain’t Dead Yet: My 22 Experience Where You Will Years with AIDS, at the Illinois Medical District Commission, 2100 W. Harrison, at 7 p.m. on part of her 30th-anniversary tour. See www. ʈ Receive great incentives for time spent! Oct. 9-10, and at 3 p.m. on Oct. 11. See www. ʈ Experience a with What’s cooking?: Chef/entrepreneur Rick free, everlasting retreat “Honey” girl: Acclaimed singer/songwriter Bayless will prepare his favorite dishes at other men of color. Lucinda Williams—known for such CDs as Lit- Macy’s State Street, 111 N. State, on Thursday,

tle Honey and Car Wheels on a Gravel Road— Oct. 15, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $25, and pro- For information, contact Edwin Ervin at 773.293.4740 ext. 29 will perform at the Park West, 322 W. Armitage, ceeds benefit the Greater Chicago Food Deposi- Better Existence with HIV (BEHIV) Tuesday-Thursday, Oct. 13-15, at 7:30 p.m. as tory. 10 Oct. 7, 2009

VIEWPOINT VOL. 25, No. 1, Oct. 7, 2009 The combined forces of Windy City Times, founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, to shock the crowd, he would have introduced will vote for equality. founded May 1987. “Schwartz’ List”—naming all the social conser- Still, I agree with Equality Across America or- WAYNE vatives caught in tawdry sex scandals. But, alas ganizer Cleve Jones and long-time activist David PUBLISHER & Executive EDITOR he only had an hour, clearly not enough time for Mixner that now is the time to go to Washing- Tracy Baim BESEN this endeavor. ton. No matter how much state organizers would Assistant Publisher Terri Klinsky Schwartz called pornography a “blight” and prefer we march on state capitols, it is not the MANAGING Editor Andrew Davis a “disease.” Although he failed to point out it same. A rally in sleepy towns like Tallahassee or Business manager Meghan Streit disproportionally afflicts Republicans, with “Red Albany changes your afternoon plans, while a Director of New Media Jean Albright States” having the highest rates of pornography trip to D.C. changes your life. ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson account managerS: Amy Matheny, Kirk The March subscriptions. The porno politico then agreed Detractors of the big march say that not Williamson, Cynthia Holmes, Carlos Paret with an “ex-gay” friend of his that said, “’All enough organizing has been done to lobby Promotions director Cynthia Holmes pornography is homosexual pornography be- members of Congress. But, what exactly would NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING Editor Kirk Williamson on Washington cause all pornography turns your sexual drive in- these citizen-lobbyists say that has not already National Sales Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, Marie been said by Human Rights Campaign lobbyists Fresh off its wing nut wingding on the National wards.’ Now think about that. And if you, if you J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Peregrin, Lisa Keen, 1,000 times before? Besides, those who come to Mall, the far-out fringe held its “Values Voter” tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think Yasmin Nair, Emmanuel Garcia DC can always lobby the Representative in their TheatER Editor Scott C. Morgan summit in Washington last week. The highlight he’s going to want to go out and get a copy of Playboy? I’m pretty sure he’ll lose interest. district when they return home. Cinema WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. was jilted former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair The march is really about inspiring a new gen- starting a brand new religion—“MEvangelical That’s the last thing he wants.’ You know, that’s ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS eration. One of the highlights of my young ac- Christianity.” In her remarkably self-centered, a, that’s a good comment. It’s a good point and Mary Shen Barnidge, Jim Edminster, Steve Warren, tivism career was attending the 1993 March on Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Catey Sullivan, narcissistic speech, she cast herself as a martyr it’s a good thing to teach young people.” So, straight porn will turn you gay and ho- Washington. It moved me to a lifetime of advo- Zachary Whittenburg, Jonathan Abarbanel on a mission and repeatedly had to remind the Columnists/Writers: Yvonne Zipter, Susie cacy and I believe that today’s youth deserve audience that she wasn’t as stuck up as she ap- locaust nudity is erotic. Just plain, homespun Day, Jorjet Harper, Lee Lynch, Steve Starr, Joe the same opportunity I got to come to DC and peared on stage. common sense. Rice, Dan Woog, Marie-Jo Proulx, Lisa Keen, Chris be counted. Crain, Charlsie Dewey, Michael Knipp, Mark Corece, Prejean’s introspective idolatry was almost Now that the loons have finally left D.C., there is the question of whether the gay, lesbian, bi- Let’s not be jaded and forget how mesmeriz- Sabine Neidhardt, Sam Worley, Billy Masters, John outdone by Michael Schwartz, the chief of staff Fenoglio ing it was to step on the lawn and witness a for Sen. Tom Coburn. For those who do not re- sexual and transgender community should march PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel Ferrand, sea of homosexuals and their allies campaigning member, Coburn is the Oklahoma Republican who on Washington. The main event is scheduled for Steve Becker, Steve Starr, Emmanuel Garcia for equal rights. I think those who oppose the ARTISTS/CARTOONISTS Alison Bechdel, Mikeoart once criticized the movie Schindler’s List for its October 11th and it is highly anticipated by a march should close their eyes and relive the ex- CIRCULATION nudity. Thank God for our watchdog, Senator Co- new breed of Internet-age activists. There is, however, opposition from many lo- perience. Circulation director Jean Albright burn, or lusting after malnourished and gaunt Distribution: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, This march will likely be smaller than those in holocaust victims might have caught on. cal LGBT organizations and movement activists Sue and Victor the past due to the economic recession. It will With a mentor like Coburn, it was only natural who believe that resources spent in Washington likely not spur an overnight legislative victory. for Schwartz to become an expert on pornogra- would be put to better use fighting battles in But, it will invigorate and initiate a fire inside phy, and we were fortunate to have him share the states. thousands of activists that will burn long after his wisdom at a Values Voter discussion on “The I am highly sympathetic to statewide leaders the last candle is blown out on the National New Masculinity.” who have performed heroic work, even though Mall. And, as a bonus, compared to the crazies On the cusp of insulting gay people, Schwartz they lack crucial resources. And they are cor- who marched last week, a gay-pride march will told the rabid right crowd that he was about rect that the LGBT movement needs to continue finally seem positively boring. to get “politically incorrect.” Why bother with fighting and educating at the local level. This a disclaimer, as if gay bashing is actually con- will not only bring us victory in the states, but Copyright 2009 Wayne Besen will change the facts on the ground in congres- See Copyright 2009 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media troversial at such rallies? If he really wanted Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. sional districts, increasing the chance Congress Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. queer people that they particularly objected to: whose goals are, after all, quite laudable. All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy This was simply a matter of zoning process. If It seems an odd sort of community project: City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing SAMUEL only Mosier had gone through the proper chan- Some people, by way of comparison, garden. and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, nels, in other words, there would be no problems Some people cook or jog. And some apparently cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City WORLEY in the neighborhood. spend their time making sure that no person Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of Given the diversity and content of the neigh- with dependency problems will ever live in their a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the bors’ complaints, this piece on zoning seems, neighborhood—as long as that person admits sexual orientation of such person or organization. While at best, dishonest. And trying to tease out any it and resolves to doing something about it. we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make larger reasons behind all of the vehemence is It’s clear that by creating such an unwelcom- this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims. A home’s difficult. Mosier herself seems confused: When ing space for the kind of community-building (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 she talked to Windy City Times in June, she said naturally fostered by LWP, the house’s neighbors e-mail: [email protected] uncertain future that her neighbors’ complaints struck her as aren’t only hurting its inhabitants—though they vague. “We don’t have any [specific] concerns,” surely are doing this—but in the end, hurting Given the demeanor of members of the Chicago she characterized the complaints, “but we have themselves as well. radio: Zoning Board of Appeals at a hearing in Sep- children.” video: tember, it seems unlikely that Living with Pride Is this, then, about safety? The threats from WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, (LWP), the sober living space for LGBT people, Living with Pride seem largely spectral: by de- Letter to 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 USA will remain in its current location on Chicago’s sign, the place is quiet, quite well-policed and, (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) North Side. above all, sober. And trying to rid your commu- the editor: The house, which opened in March, inhabits Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. nity of substance abuse and trying to rid your Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. an important social service niche: a space for community of admitted substance abusers are In the wed Identity (BLACKlines and En La Vida): Now queer people in recovery from substance abuse, two very different campaigns: evicting a group online only it is the only one of its kind in Illinois. It was of people who have made to themselves—and, I am writing in response to the views for Deadline The 10th of month prior. founded by Dr. Claudia Mosier, who defended it OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE in effect, to those surrounding them—a com- equal marriage rights by State Sen. Heather before the board against a panel of her neigh- mitment to sobriety is surely the worst way to Steans and State Rep. Greg Harris. bors and 47th Ward Alderman Gene Schulter. create any sort of community culture of respon- You hear it all the time from politicians: “I The objections of community members who sibility. support civil unions, but not gay marriage.” have tried for months to remove LWP from their Is it about money? Property values? A 2002 Even the president of the United States takes neighborhood remain obscure. Those who tes- study commissioned by the D.C. Prisoners’ Le- this view. Thank God we have reasonable tified suggested that Mosier holds Alcoholics gal Services and undertaken in conjunction with people like Bill Clinton around who have the Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings George Washington University found that in a courage to say they were wrong for support- at the house; in fact, she stopped months ago number of areas researched, property values did ing civil unions over same-sex marriage. at the behest of neighbors who, as one area not fall over time for houses located close to any Getting gay marriage passed at the state “Windy City Media Group generated resident said at the hearing, want to keep “un- sort of “community-based facilities,” as they’re level may satisfy our local politicians, but enormous interest among their readers wanted traffic” out of the neighborhood. called; in many cases, they rose. that will not achieve complete marriage in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index It was also insinuated that Mosier provides But it’s probably no coincidence that Celeste equality. Survey. Out of approximately 100 counseling to inhabitants of LWP—as if the Morawski, the neighbor who initially publicized I am concerned about their overarching rea- print and online media partners who very idea of counseling for substance-abuse is- a complaint, is herself a realtor. Though incor- sons for publishing their views on gay mar- participated in the survey, Windy sues was as socially hazardous as those issues rect, fear of falling values may be as real, and as riage at this time. It is my hope that same- City was the best performing regional themselves. (Mosier, a clinical psychologist, is motivating a factor, as any actual depreciation. sex marriage is not being used as a political media in the U.S. Only survey partners ethically prohibited from providing counseling This is speculation; the stated complaints football to promote anyone’s political career. with a nationwide footprint were to people who live in the house). against LWP are pretty incoherent. What is ul- able to generate a greater number of On the other hand, neighbors stressed that it timately so shocking are the time, energy and —Joe Murray responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research was not 12-step meetings, therapy, alcoholics or anger that have gone into opposing a project Director, Community Marketing, Inc. Oct. 7, 2009 11 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo courtesy of Peter Coombs and the Marriott ‘HAIR’ ESSENCE Theatre Marriott Theatre’s Hairspray (above) is one of the theatrical productions being reviewed this week. See page 12. MOVIES MUSIC SPORTS ‘Whip’ service. What about Bob? Walk this way. Page 17. Page 21. Page 22.

Photo by Kat Fitzgerald (

About Face Queer poaching Scottish Theatre’s Oct. Speaking of Holly Hughes, the infamous NEA- 2008 benefit nine performer is also set to return to Chicago Play Scott reading of The next March for her performance piece The Dog BY SCOTT C. MORGAN Laramie and Pony Show (Bring Your Own Pony). Project. Photo Now that Bailiwick Repertory Theatre no long Laramie Legacy by Kat has its own space, Victory Gardens Theater has Monday, Oct. 12, marks the 11th anniversary Fitzgerald stepped in to be a host home for a number of gay college student Matthew Shepard’s death. (Mystic of LGTBQ artists as part of its 2009-10 Fresh To mark the solemn occasion, more than 100 Images Squeezed Series of late-night events targeting theaters worldwide are producing a new play Photography. younger and more diverse audiences. called The Laramie Project: 10 Years Later (An com) Other LGTBQ artists set to appear include Terry Epilogue), created by the same team that made Galloway (performing Out All Night and Lost My Shoes on Nov. 15), Michael Kearns (performing The Laramie Project. ture an interview with Aaron McKinney, one of Back from the brink Intimacies on Nov. 22), Charles Busch and Ju- Back in 1998, the Tectonic Theater Project and Shepard’s convicted murderers. At the time of Be grateful that About Face Theatre is still lie Halston (doing a retrospective of their work its artistic director, playwright/director Moises the sentencing of McKinney and his accomplice, around. Earlier this year, the company faced on Dec. 7) and Tim Miller (performing Lay of Kaufman (Gross Indecency: The Three Trials Russell Henderson, were specifically barred from economic collapse with a $300,000 budget the Land in March 2010). Victory Gardens also of Oscar Wilde, 33 Variations), headed out to speaking to the press (arranged as part of the shortfall. hosts local company The New Colony for a queer- Wyoming and Colorado to interview community agreement that spared them the death penalty). Luckily, a fundraising campaign helped bring themed Walk of Shame show on Dec. 11. members following the brutal beating death of Yet ABC’s 20/20 controversially broke that ban About Face back from the brink, and now it is in For more information on Victory Gardens’ Fresh Shepard. Their intention was to create a piece in 2004 with a much-condemned interview with the midst of a sprawling festival as if proudly to Squeezed series, visit of documentary theater not unlike Anna Deavere McKinney that argued that Shepard’s murder was say, “We’re Back!” freshsqueezed. Smith’s works like Fires in the Mirror and Twi- not a hate crime, but a drug deal gone wrong. The XYZ Festival of New Works features just light: Los Angeles 1992. The Tectonic Theater is performing The Laramie that. Many components are in various stages of The Laramie Project premiered in Denver in Project: 10 Years Later (An Epilogue) at Alice production, from a Lesbian Playwright Series of 2000, later transferring off-Broadway. The work Tully Hall in New York’s Lincoln Center for the readings to a full-fledged production of Adam was subsequently adapted into an HBO film that Performing Arts. But Chicago audiences can see Bock’s The Flowers (a comic drama about a long- opened the 2002 Sundance Film Festival. And this Epilogue courtesy of About Face Theatre, time gay couple running a theater company that much to the surprise of the play’s creators, The which is staging its reading at the Goodman is set to play Stage Left Theatre Oct. 15-Nov. Laramie Project has gone on keep Shepard’s Theatre as a fundraiser for About Face Youth 8). name and memory alive since it has become one Theatre. Instead of being based at the Center on Hal- of the most-produced plays in colleges, high About Face is the local company of choice, es- sted’s Hoover-Leppen Theatre, About Face opted schools and community theater groups across pecially since it helped Kaufman develop Doug to spread its reach with various XYZ events in America. It’s quite an accomplishment for a Wright’s award-winning play I Am My Own Wife different venues in Logan Square and Uptown. work that brings up the uncomfortable issues of before it headed to Broadway. About Face also At press time, a venue was still being worked hate crimes, homophobia and murder in every collaborated with Steppenwolf Theatre to pro- out for a signature performance art piece called community where it is produced. duce Kaufman’s One Arm, a stage adaptation of Let Them Eat Cake by activist Holly Hughes and Yet The Laramie Project creators were curious a Tennessee Williams short story. AFT artistic associate Megan Carney (set to run to return to Laramie, Wyo., to see how the com- About Face Theatre’s staging of The Laramie Oct. 30-Nov. 1). The title hints at its purpose: munity has changed since Shepard’s death. So Project: 10 Years Later (an Epilogue) plays at an interactive wedding experience. a year ago, Tectonic members started compil- 6:45 p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, at the Goodman To find out more information on About Face ing another set of interviews, many from the Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn. Tickets are $75, Theatre’s XYZ Festival of new works, visit www. same people they first contacted for the original while VIP tickets range from $125-$500. Call play. 773-784-8565, ext. 109, or visit laramieproj- Charles Busch (left) and Julie Halston. But most controversially, the epilogue will fea- for more information. 12 Oct. 7, 2009 witness his office blown to bits in his absence. Faced with the romantic prospect of fleeing his Arts Center has responsibilities, which include a wife and chil- dren, he makes the mistake of asking his par- eclectic season amour to join him in his flight. It’s a mistake The McAninch Arts Center (MAC) at College because this is a Neil LaBute play, and so Abby of DuPage, 425 Fawell, Glen Ellyn, has an- Prescott is also his boss—a status that not only nounced an eclectic line-up for its 2009-10 endows her with more to lose by taking to the season. hills, but spurs her to vent her ambivalence on Among the acts slated to appear are Joan her boy-toy like a premenopausal Aunt Polly, ex- Osborne, The Holmes Brothers and Paul Thorn coriating him for his selfish response to tragedy on Friday, Nov. 6; Paula Poundstone on Satur- while simultaneously mocking his attempts at day, Feb. 6; Moscow Festival Ballet in “Sleep- compassion. ing Beauty,” on Sunday, Jan. 10; Ladysmith A playwright’s allegiance is only to his play’s Black Mambazo on Friday, Feb. 12; and Susan universe, but LaBute’s universe is so blatantly Werner and John Gorka on Friday, March 26. artificial that any empathy generated for his For more information, call the MAC Ticket characters risks being eclipsed by indignation at Office at 630-942-4000 or visit www.atthe- his unabashed manipulation. Who wouldn’t want to run away from a home filled with ball-busting estrogen-huffing clutchers? And who wouldn’t Hairspray. Photo courtesy of Peter Coombs and the Marriott Theatre be outraged at a slackerly squeeze’s casual pre- sumption of feminine loyalty? After stacking the THEATER REVIEW this musical adaptation of the John Waters film deck so shamelessly, LaBute tries to lure us back employ a structural idiosyncrasy almost unique into the game with an eleventh-hour revelation Hairspray to the genre, in that just when we anticipate the reducing the disaster outside to a mere catalyst Playwright: music by Marc Shaiman, end of a melody line, the phrase instead contin- in the domestic quarrel that is its real focus, but lyrics by Scott Wittman & Marc Shaiman, ues for several more bars, making for a spilling- by then it’s too late. book by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan over-with-sheer-glee ambience transporting Under Joe Jahraus’ direction, Darrell W. Cox At: Marriott Theatre, 10 Marriott Drive, audiences back to a stage of growth when hith- and Cheryl Graeff struggle to inject a hint of sus- Lincolnshire erto-unimagined emotions gushed forth oblivi- pense into LaBute’s gender-games, but when an Phone: 847-634-0200; $45 ous to obstacles. With music like this to spur author refuses to deal fairly with his audience, Runs through: Dec. 6 her on, why should we be surprised when zaftig the stakes never escalate to the point where we little Tracy Turnblad not only wins the television care about the outcome. Unlike Ben and Abby, BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE dance contest and the handsome prince, but we know enough to get out when the going’s Susan Werner. Photo by Asia Kepka strikes a blow for racial integration and personal good. Unrequited love was a predominant theme of fulfillment liberating all generations? pop music in the early 1960s, girl groups like In-the-round staging inevitably makes for un- The Piano Lesson). Parson masterfully blends a the Shirrells, Crystals or Marvelettes and lonely equal sightlines (the northeast corner gets the THEATER REVIEW cast of Wilson veterans with newcomers, adding males like Gene Pitney or Ray Peterson lament- best view this time), but under Marc Robin’s immensely to one of the plays conflicts of brash ing adolescent yearnings thwarted by authori- direction and choreography, the mostly en- Ma Rainey’s youth clashing with experienced elders. ties indifferent to their urgency. Not until 1963 semble hoofing revels in the kinetic ebullience As an early entry in Wilson’s monumental 10- Black Bottom play cycle documenting African American lives would the Beatles’ defiant assertion of “A love characteristic of his period’s increasingly youth- Playwright: August Wilson in each decade of the 20th century, Ma Rainey’s like that/you know it can’t be bad” rally post- oriented vox pop (while still contriving to work At: Court Theatre, 5535 S. Ellis Black Bottom bears the distinction of being WWII children to throw off their parents’ repres- in a tap number). Marissa Perry’s Tracy leads Phone: 773-753-4472; $32-$56 Wilson’s only Chicago-set work. And though the sive upbringing. So when our humble teenage her high-school crusaders with the stamina of a Runs through Oct. 18 heroine cheerfully announces, upon awakening percheron and the voice of a Belting Betty Boop, real-life bisexual “Mother of the Blues” Rainey (a.k.a. Gertrude Pridgett) is in the title, the play in her family’s Baltimore home, that on this day flanked by Heidi Kettenring and Billy Harrigan BY SCOTT C. MORGAN in 1962, she will determine her own destiny, her Tighe as sidekicks respectively mousy and hunky. is really more about her fictionalized back-up musicians at a “race division” recording ses- declaration reflects not only the hormonal stir- Representing the grownups are Hollis Resnik as Producing Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom can be a sion. rings of approaching maturity, but an era usher- a Cruella DeVille-tinged Velma and E. Faye But- risky proposition. This classic 1984 August Wil- Hearing actors Cedric Young (as the trombon- ing in widespread social changes in the world ler, singing up a thunderstorm as Motormouth son drama set in the 1920s not only calls for ist Cutler), A.C. Smith (bassist Slow Drag) and surrounding her. Maybelle, along with Ross Lehman, whose drag superlative actors, but a good portion of them Alfred E. Smith (pianist Toledo) spin Wilson’s Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman’s songs for turn as mama Edna blossoms only after Gene also have to be top-flight blues musicians. dialogue is practically poetic. They all play to Weygandt’s daddy Wilber puts him in touch with So go now to marvel at Court Theatre’s out- each other’s rhythms and cadences so convinc- his feminine side. The show’s real stars, how- standing revival of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom CRITICS’ PICKS ingly that you buy them as long-time friends ever, are the costumes and coiffeurs designed by while you can. Court’s talented ensemble pulls and band mates. Michael Bottari, Ronald Case and Gerard Kelly, off all of the play’s demands with such élan and Where the conflict comes is with hot-headed The History Boys, TimeLine Theatre, whose invocation of the title product generates polish that you shudder to think of the material young trumpeter Levee (a fiery James T. Alfred). through Oct. 18. Two teachers fight for a perfumed glow to warm us through a chilly performed by a lesser-caliber cast. Impatient with playing what he calls “jug band” the hearts and minds of eight bright Brit- autumn. With Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, director Ron music, Levee is burning to achieve success with ish boys bound for Oxford and Cambridge in OJ Parson helms another winner and builds upon his up-to-date musical arrangements and jazzy a dazzling examination of the purpose of THEATER REVIEW his recent Wilson successes at Court (Fences, education, with a gay subplot. In its final songwriting. Levee is so sure of his impending extension, don’t miss it. JA Mercy Seat success that he blows an entire week’s wages on The Hostage, Griffin Theatre at Theatre Playwright: Neil LaBute a pair of shoes. Building Chicago, through Nov. 1. “Oh, At: Profiles Theatre, 4147 N. Broadway But Levee unwisely clashes with Ma Rainey (a death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling?” Phone: 773-5449-1815; $30-$35 note-perfect and domineering Greta Oglesby), sings the innocent martyr in Brendan Be- Runs through: Nov. 15 since she has the power to fire him. And though han’s rollicking satire on Irish—or any- Rainey knows she can make or break this record- body’s—partisan wars, now rendered more BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE ing session, she knows exactly how the record timely than ever. MSB producer Sturdyvant (Thomas J. Cox) and her Mistakes Were Made, A Red Orchid The- One of the urban legends to arise from the holo- manager Irvin (Stephen Spencer) are exploiting atre, through Oct. 31. It wasn’t for nothing caust of the attack on the World Trade Towers in and profiteering off of talented African-Ameri- Mike Shannon was nominated for an Oscar. 2001 was that of citizens alleged to be occupy- can musicians like herself. And with Wednesday performances just add- ing the target buildings, and afterward assumed Adding extra comedy to the proceedings come ed for playwright Craig Wright’s pitch-black- dead, but who were—for various reasons—ab- from Ma Rainey’s entourage of her stuttering as-a-black-hole comedy about a producer sent during the crucial time frame, and who saw nephew Sylvester (an amusing Kelvin Roston, who puts the “tense” in “intense,” you’ve in the disaster an opportunity to abandon their Jr.) and her young good-time gal girlfriend actually got a shot at getting tickets. CS previous lives and forge new careers under as- Dussie Mae (a very sensual Kristy Johnson). Rhymes With Evil, InFusion Theatre Com- sumed identities. Hey, isn’t the dream of every John Culbert’s multi-leveled set fits cozily onto pany at Storefront Theater, through Nov. 8. American male since Huckleberry Finn to “light the Court stage (even if the recording studio- This Midwest premiere of Charles R. Traeger out for the territories” far from the restrictions portion feels a tad skeletal), while Jacqueline tale of an off-kilter father who creates fan- of “sivilized” society? (It’s not just a “guy” Firkins’ 1920s costumes look picture-perfect. tastical puppets for his daughter promises thing, by the way—migrant “mail-order brides” With Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Court The- to be a scary and spooky evening of the- likewise answered the call to self-reinvention on atre once again proves that it has the goods to ater. Just look at the freaky puppets! SCM the frontiers.) produce wonderful Wilson work. Miss it at your —By Abarbanel, Barnidge, We meet mid-level corporate drone Ben Har- peril. Morgan and Sullivan court during the wee hours of the night where, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. Photo by Michael the morning previous, he dropped in on his Brosilow mistress for some pre-workday nookie only to Oct. 7, 2009 13 assorted others, each with a chance to warble and cast indubitably work in this vastly enter- well. taining show. The little six-piece orchestra (a true orchestra discussion of all of these themes, and throw in with strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion) some sex to raise the stakes a little more. Animal is under musical director Doug (impeccable) The dramatic device of the same five actors Crackers. Peck who not only provides his usual tasteful playing both the Edwardian parties-of-interest Photo by orchestrations but also has the good sense to let and their cold war-era counterparts makes for Eric Y. the romantic numbers quietly and sincerely sell ironical overtones, since—surprise!—the dis- Exit themselves. believers of one age are the proponents in the Wishcamper and forces provide more of the other. And except for our feminist newshound original Animal Crackers than the classic film, cussing in jarringly modern idiom, the unities and also have brought in bits and pieces of of time and place are invoked with an impres- other Marx films. There are very few false steps, sionist accuracy sufficient to coax us into brain although one song could be cut and, yes, it’s a exercise as intellectually stimulating as the co- shame that Brennan/Harpo doesn’t really play nundrum inspiring it. the harp (Brody/Chico does play the piano), and that the big, old-fashioned chorus line has been THEATER REVIEW To succeed, Animal Crackers requires actors eliminated. Still, Wishcamper’s clever concept who can be the Marx Brothers. Unerringly, Wish- Animal Crackers camper and clowning director Paul Kalina have Playwright: George S. Kaufman, landed actors who channel the Marxes without Morrie Ryskind, Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby doing slavish impersonations. Lookingglass En- At: Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn semble member Joey Slotnick is fast-talking Af- Tickets: 312-443-3800; $25-$76 rican explorer Capt. Jeffrey T. Spaulding (Grou- SPOTLIGHT Runs through: Oct. 25 cho), Jonathan Brody is piano-playing Emanuel Ravelli (Chico) and Molly Brennan is the Professor BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL (Harpo) in brilliant genderfuck casting. Master- ing more than mere mannerisms, they have tim- If you treasure the Marx Brothers, you’re gonna ing, slyness and teamwork. The usually comedic treasure Animal Crackers. Guided by director Ed Kross is Jamison, the bland role originated by Henry Wishcamper, the Goodman Theatre re- fourth brother Zeppo. But Kross doubles as a ro- creates the Marx Brothers as a showbiz act (or mantic lead, and it’s a treat to here him sweetly phenomenon, rather) and also a period musical crooning “Why Am I So Romantic?” comedy, nailing them both. Indeed, Wishcamper’s big reinvention of Ani- Dating from 1928, Animal Crackers is a typical mal Crackers is to reduce the cast to only nine 1920s show with a thin story, several romantic versus more than 60 in the original. With most interludes and broad opportunities for specialty playing multiple roles, he uses the actors’ quick- dance numbers and comedy routines having no changes as a source of fun in this inventive direct bearing on the story. The Marx Brothers staging, elegantly costumed by Jenny Mannis How would America look like in the future if slavery reparations were paid out to scores of themselves were one such specialty act emerg- on Robin Vest’s art-deco, 1920s-style wing-and- African Americans? Playwright Shepsu Aakhu has an idea in his futuristic drama Ten Square, ing out of vaudeville, but they were made the drop set. The already-named players are joined now receiving its world premiere in a collaborative production between Pegasus Players and stars of the vehicle rather than supporting play- by the expert likes of Ora Jones (in the Margaret MPAACT. Ten Square plays 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays until Nov. 22 ers. The story—a familiar Marxist attack on High Dumont society matron role), Tony Yazbeck and at Truman College’s O’Rourke Center for Performing Arts, 1145 W. Wilson. Tickets are $17-$25; Society—is episodic at best and dispensed with Mara Davi as the Charleston-mad dance leads, call 773-878-9761 or visit www.pegasusplayers. Photo by Shepsu Aakhu quickly to make way for the real entertainment. and Jessie Mueller and Stanely Wayne Mathis as


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JOFFREY DANCER FABRICE CALMELS PHOTO BY HERBERT MIGDOLL 14 Oct. 7, 2009 THEATER REVIEW ious gamboling. Apparently, we need a scantily clad harlot onstage in order to understand the Richard III situation. The addition of Mistress Shore shows Playwright: William Shakespeare us two things: a) Gaines doesn’t trust Shake- At: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, speare to keep the audience interested on his 800 E. Grand Richard III. own and b) There’s gonna be a lot of unneces- Phone: 312-525-5600; $55-$75 Photo by sary pandering in this Richard III. Runs through: Nov. 22 Bill And so there is. In the key battlefield scenes, Burlingham Gaines literally resorts to smoke and mirrors— BY CATEY SULLIVAN and copious amounts of both—in a misguided attempt to—well, to what, exactly? Create a The opening passage of Richard III is one of seasonally appropriate zombie scene? Shakespeare’s most vivid, goosebump-inducing Equally baffling is the inclusion of generic and wickedly funny monologues. Three sentenc- head-banger rock into the proceedings. We know es in, and we know we’re face to face with the the crucial Battle of Bosworth is at hand because quintessential sociopath, a fellow as charming the sound design starts sounding like a Sons of as he is deadly. Insisting he is too ugly and mis- Osiris cover band. Instead of simply telling the shapen to ever be loved, Richard vows to devote story and giving us a multilayered, monstrously his life to evil. Rather than being crushed by charismatic antihero, Gaines overwhelms the the prospect of going through life deformed and is the winter of our discontent” speech with a fussy, unnecessary prelude wherein the royals stage with special effects, eye-popping cos- alone, the bunch-backed toad revels in it. He’s an off-hand tone more suited for transcribing pose for a family picture. She then adds a scene tumes and cinematic lighting. But strip the show a merry devil, gleefully promising himself he’ll a computer manual than delivering the thrill- that has strumpet Jane Shore prancing about in of its bells and whistles and million-dollar pro- slaughter his way to the English throne. He’s got ing intro to the bloodbath that is Richard III. slut-red, thigh-high stockings, King Edward in duction values, and you’ll find little semblance the heart of a reptile and the brain of a genius, What was director Barbara Gaines thinking? Who hot, frolicksome pursuit. Apparently audiences of a compelling central character. The emperor, in all, one of the most deliciously fascinating knows? can’t be trusted to come to their own under- or the King, as it were, has no clothes. villains Shakespeare penned. This is what we do know: She begins by toss- standing of Richard’s opening condemnation of Now is, indeed, the winter of our discontent— So it was with increasing dismay that we lis- ing the text aside, opening the production with an England full of happy lute playing and lasciv- and not in the way Shakespeare intended. tened to Wallace Acton deliver the famed “Now

WCT: You have appeared in movies such as Steppenwolf to Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Friends with showcase award- Money. What projects do you have coming up? winning playwrights EK: Movies are slow because of the writers’ Steppenwolf Theatre can now add the com- strike. As far as television there is a one-hour pound-adjective “Award-winning” to herald two FBI agent show on Here! Network that I am star- playwrights in its 2009-10 season. ring in and producing. I also have a couple of Bruce Norris and Tarell Alvin McCraney were Web series that I am excited about. One, called two of three playwrights jointly awarded the The Greenbergs, it has a Curb Your Enthusiasm first Steinberg Playwright Awards for writers feel with Danny Duchovny, who is David’s broth- “at various stages of their early careers.” David er. The other one is called Venice, where char- Adjmi (Stunning, The Evildoers) was the third acters continue on from [the recently canceled playwright awarded the honor Sept. 17. soap opera] Guiding Light. We have been talked Norris has had plenty of his works debut at about in the New York Times [and] CNN, and it’s Steppenwolf, including The Infidel, The Pain and huge. You can go on The the Itch and The Unmentionables (his latest, A Web page, on the first day, got 300,000 hits. I Parallelogram, is set to open in July 2010). am on Twitter (Keener18) now because of that Out playwright McCraney (Wig Out!, Without/ show. Sin) makes his Steppenwolf debut this season Elizabeth Keener. WCT: How did you get involved with Stage with three plays under the billing of The Broth- 33 Chicago? er/Sister Plays. These are set to run in repertory Pam Ann. EK: Well, I know Christin Baker from Telefilms. in Steppenwolf’s Upstairs Theatre from January NUNN ON ONE Last year they were here for Pride weekend and to May (they are also being separately produced they wanted to interview me. Someone had said at The Public Theater in New York and the Mc- Pam Ann takes off Elizabeth Keener that they are really fun. I didn’t know them Carter Theater in New Jersey). Caroline Reid’s asset and liability is a willing- before, but since then I now consider them all The Steinberg Playwright Award is set to al- ness to go as broad as a Dreamliner’s wings in takes the stage friends. I had seen them at Dinah Shore and ternate each year between honoring distin- one-woman shows that are wildly-popular over- by JERRY NUNN they are just great. Christin was here a couple guished playwrights (out scribe Tony Kushner seas. Sunday’s one-night-stand is the second of months ago and we were hanging out in West was the first recipient last year) and emerging layover on her first-ever American tour, which Stage 33 Chicago, 3655 N. Kedzie, is presenting Hollywood [Calif.]. I told her that I had always playwrights. With the award comes a cash prize. isn’t likely to mess with her success at gid- a 60-minute improvised game show hosted by wanted to host a game show. It was a kid dream Kushner received $200,000 in 2008, while this dily giving in to air travel’s inherent set-ups Elizabeth Keener for its first production. Windy of mine. We decided to do an improv game show year Norris gets $50,000 and McCraney and Ad- for riffs on race and class. A stiff cocktail of City Times talked with Keener—sister of actress bawdy shamelessness and perfect timing makes so that’s exactly how that came out. It was one jmi each get $25,000. Catherine Keener—about The L Word, family and the best Australian comedy sing and, in her best of those weird L.A. things that came about from As reported in the New York Times, there was the show (called Keenerville). moments, Pam Ann can lift an audience of thou- talking. much debate within the Steinberg advisory com- Windy City Times: Hi, Elizabeth. Do you sands to cruising altitude. She’s at the Harris WCT: So it’s called “Keenerville?” mittee about what constituted an “emerging” miss playing Dawn Denbo on The L Word? Theater for Music and Dance, 205 E. Randolph, EK: I didn’t make that name up, Jerry. I am not playwright. Interestingly enough, some of that Elizabeth Keener: Absolutely, best gig ever. Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $38-62; call 312- a narcissist or anything. [Both laugh.] Christin debate came from committee members from the You get to be nasty as you want to be. [Laughs] 334-7777 or visit texted me and said “Guess what the name of same theater. It was fun to play the villain. To come into a [Note: Also check out www.WindyCityQueercast. it is? Keenerville.” So I said, “I have to do it Polly K. Carl, Steppenwolf’s director for artis- show with everyone is liked and you have to com for an interview with Pam Ann.] now.” tic development and former member of Minne- ride that fine line because it’s you against all —Zachary Whittenburg WCT: What prizes can audience members apolis’ Playwrights’ Center, pressed for writers of them. I never had a bad experience with the win? with maybe two or three major credits. In direct fans. I would hear, “You were such a bitch on the EK: I don’t think I am allowed to know all that contrast, Steppenwolf artistic director Martha show but I loved you!” Jeff Awards stuff yet. It is a surprise for me when I pick Lavey advocated writers who were considered WCT: I interviewed Jane Lynch. She said the someone out. Whatever they get, they randomly more “mid-career.” (Other committee members Oct. 19 wrap party was fun. included Andre Bishop of Lincoln Center Theater, get. The 41st Annual Jeff Awards ceremony—which EK: Love her! Yes it was a great bunch of wom- David Emmes of South Coast Repertory, Oskar WCT: What are the dates for the shows? honors excellence in professional theatre pro- en, very strong, great at what they do. Eustis of The Public Theater, playwright Eduardo EK: [It’s running] Oct. 14-18. The Wednesday duced in the immediate Chicago area—will be WCT: How’s your sister, Catherine? Machado of INTAR Theatre and Marc Masterson through Saturday shows are at 8 p.m. The Sun- held on Monday, Oct. 19, at the North Shore EK: She’s great, busy as ever. She’s plays the of Actors Theatre of Louisville.) Center for the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie, day show on the 18th is at 7 p.m. There are only mom in the movie “Where the Wild Things Are.” Ultimately, the prize was divvied up among Skokie. 25 seats, so it is a small theater. Get your tickets So many of my friends love that book and Spike three instead of two playwrights. The awards A pre-show appetizer buffet will take place when you can! Jones is phenomenal. will be handed out at an Oct. 26 ceremony at 6-7:30 p.m., and the awards ceremony begins WCT: I will have to check it out. WCT: I heard Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theater. at 7:30 p.m. Advance purchase tickets, which EK: It’s going to be fun. They will have amaz- Yeahs are doing the music. —Compiled by Scott C. Morgan include the ceremony and the pre-show buffet, ing improv actors. I was able to improv a lot on EK: I think they are. She has the coolest tat- are $75 ($55 for members of Actors’ Equity As- the L Word so I come from that world. too. I have to say, it looks like a fly on her arm. sociation, United Scenic Artists, Stage Directors Tickets for the performance and post-show It’s awesome. I love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. They and Choreographers Society and The Dramatists party are $30, with post-show party tickets are fantastic. Guild of America). See being $20. Visit Oct. 7, 2009 15 Reeling 2009 Nov. 5-15 KNIGHT Reeling 2009, the second-oldest LGBT film AT festival in the world, will run Nov. 5-15 in Chicago, according to a press release. Reeling THE will take place at Landmark’s Century Centre MOVIES Cinema, 2828 N. Clark; Film Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash; Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport; and the festival’s home base at Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark. This year’s opening-night film will be The Big Gay Musical, which features a cast of Broadway talent; the closing-night movie will be Evgeny Afineevsky’s Oy Vey! My Son is Gay!!, which features Lainie Kazan, Bruce Vilanch, Carmen Electra, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’s Jai Rodriguez and Vincent Pas- Whip It; Coco tore from The Sopranos, among others. Tickets are available; see www.reelingfilm- Before Chanel; film notes By Richard Knight, Jr. Coco Before Chanel. Drew Barrymore is having a great year at the movies. She started off with one of her signa- ture ditzy roles in the stereotypical but easy- petite little Gabrielle abandoned by her adored to a rarely screened Val Lewton classic starring going relationship comedy hit He’s Just Not father, we cut to 15 years later when Gaby, now Boris Karloff, Isle of the Dead, to David Cronen- That Into You (which her company produced); nicknamed Coco, is a saloon singer with her berg’s The Brood and Brian DePalma’s Carrie (at triumphed as Little Edie Beale, giving a career- sister, Adrienne (Marie Gillain). Soon Adrienne 10:15 a.m., no less!). Stuart Gordon, star of the altering, Emmy-nominated performance in HBO’s catches a French nobleman but the obstreperous 1985 cult black gore-comedy Re-Animator, and Grey Gardens; and now, brings forth her directo- Coco has only been a diversion for her rich, el- others will appear in person throughout the rial debut, the slight but endearing grrrrl-power derly suitor. Kicked out of her job for refusing to marathon. As always, horror-movie memorabilia comedy Whip It. sleep with the customers, Coco brazenly arrives dealers will be set up in the lobby and patrons The movie stars Ellen Page, who plays Bliss at the estate of her rich suitor unannounced and are encouraged to arrive dressed in costume or Cavender, a shrinking violet high school teen in moves into the guest room and proceeds to be- in their pajamas and spend the night. Complete tiny Bodeen, Texas, driven by a pushy, pageant- witch his titled guests. schedule and ticket information are at worshiping Southern belle mother (Marcia Gay But Fontaine’s one-note movie never veers Harden). Bliss yearns to break free of small-town much from its portrait of a contrarian. Chanel Check out my archived reviews at www. Opening night of Reeling 2008. Photo by life and the traditional role mom and pop (Dan- seems less inspired than dogmatic and, though or www.knightatthemov- Kat Fitzgerald (MysticImagesPhotogra- iel Stern) have mapped out for her. What Bliss it works toward the moment when Coco creates Readers can leave feedback at the really, really wants to do is join the Hurl Scouts, the first of her signature black dresses (this one latter Web site. the local female roller-derby team. After a night for a dress ball), we never see how this sour, in nearby big-city Austin, watching the team in determined fussbudget charmed the pants (or action, Bliss gathers her courage and aces her skirts) off anyone. Independent she may have tryout. Soon she’s renaming herself Babe Ruth- been but, as essayed by Tautou through Fon- THE ONE, THE ONLY, THE ORIGINAL less and trying to learn how to toughen up and taine’s lens, this Chanel is dry as toast and the go for her dreams, following the examples of the antithesis of her sensual sartorial creations. other players who have names like Rosa Sparks, Bloody Holly and Maggie Mayhem. Film notes: Along the way Bliss finds romance with a —The Halloween movie season has kicked cute indie musician, learns about life from her off with a bang. Paranormal Activity, which is teammates, how to overcome adversity thanks rightly being touted as this year’s Blair Witch to a competition with the nasty reigning derby Project, is now playing midnight screenings queen Iron Maven (Juliette Lewis) and even per- around town. Paramount’s packed late-night haps, figured out a way to tell mom and dad screening at the Music Box a few weeks back what she’s been up to all those nights she was helped convinced the studio to release the film supposed to be studying for her SATs. here—especially after a host of jacked-up au- Barrymore, not surprisingly, shows her great- dience members no doubt clicked the “Demand est strength as a director in the way she handles It!” button on the movie’s Web site afterwards. her actors. The normally whiny Page is suitably For thrillseekers, this low-budget, gore-free flick toned down. (This is the first movie I’ve actually is worth staying up for. You can read my com- been able to tolerate her.) Alia Shawkat, as the plete review at gal pal, really shines, as does Andrew Wilson as —Suspiria, Italian horror director Dario Ar- their hilariously serious coach. Barrymore also gento’s 1977 masterpiece—which centers on gives herself a great little comedic part as the a witch coven up to evildoings in a European ditzy but fearless skater Smashley Simpson, who dance academy, starring Jessica Harper, Joan enters with a bloody nose and never hesitates to Bennett and Alida Valli—will be shown Oct. 9 jump into the fray. at 8 p.m. at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. Whip It doesn’t really have much of the vi- State. The screening will feature a rarely loaned, carious thrill and fun, salacious, tough vitality archival Technicolor 35mm print which will no of the riveting female roller derby action I re- doubt showcase Argento’s striking, bold use member watching on local TV as a teenager (the of color and the film’s baroque set design. The Hurl Scouts being so non-competitive that they unnerving but beautiful music score by Goblin cheer when they lose) but this charming, light heightens the creepiness while gore fans will film skates along just fine without the blood- surely appreciate the over the top violence in sport, nevertheless. many of the movie’s famous set pieces. This is a Director Anne Fontaine’s Coco Before Chanel rare opportunity to see Argento’s masterwork in could have used some of Whip It’s lightness. its original and most potent form. This is highly Fontaine’s dry biopic of the early days of the recommended; see BEGINS TUESDAY! OCTOBER 13–18 fashion doyenne hints at the legend in the mak- —For the full horror-movie enchilada, film- ing but the by-the-numbers script and Audrey event promoter Rusty Nails is back Oct. 10-11 800-775-2000 • Tautou’s performance in the title role straps her with Music Box Massacre 5, his annual 24-hour into a personality so cranky and unsatisfied that horror movie marathon at Chicago’s Music Box it’s a wonder the little pugnacious Chanel ever Theatre, 3733 N. Southport. This year’s edition TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL BROADWAY IN CHICAGO BOX OFFICES OR ANY TICKETMASTER OUTLET: rose beyond her humble beginnings. includes everything from the Lon Chaney silent #!23/.0)2)%3#/44 (/44)8 3%,%#4#/#/.543&9%34/2%3s'2/503   After a prologue in which we see the orphaned, classic version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame 16 Oct. 7, 2009 ALLERTON from cover ‘Eden’ author 1913 at The Farms. There he painted one of the few portraits of Robert, now hanging in the Tate coming to Chicago Gallery in London. Entitled The Man in Black, it by tracy baim shows Robert in artist’s black cape and turban, looking sideways, flirtatiously. Lucinda Fleeson’s life as a journalist took an in- Robert Allerton officially remained in the teresting turn when she realized that the chang- closet. But protected by great wealth, style and ing nature of her profession was leading to more social standing, he lived as openly as social limited choices. After more than 20 years as a convention allowed. His father, Samuel W. Al- reporter in Philadelphia, she packed it in and lerton, was the force behind the founding of the moved to to work at the National Tropical Union Stockyards and the First National Bank Botanical Garden. of Chicago. A former cattle driver and livestock Flesson’s new book, Waking Up in Eden: In speculator, Sam built a vast network of farms Pursuit of An Impassioned Life on an Imperiled connected by rail lines that stretched from Wyo- Island (Algonquin Books, 320 pages, paper), ming to New York. Ruthless and crude, he never chronicles her years living in rural Kauai, discov- lost the pirate’s gleam in his eye. ering the intrigue, infighting and beauty of life His son, Robert, was different. People said on the islands. We learn about a range of plants the father excelled at making money; the son and animals, the history of the region, and how at spending it. Artistic, Robert spent five years even in paradise people fight for their share of in Europe studying painting before declaring he the turf. lacked talent, and returned to create his Piatt For Windy City Times readers, we also learn County estate, now called Allerton Park and op- The Allerton Garden estate on Kauai, Hawaii. Photo by Lucinda Fleeson about the secret lives of Robert and John Aller- erated as a conference center by nearby Univer- ton, a gay couple, through documents, old films sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. To research and a former employee. Fleeson wrote about the and I needed him.” was viewed as a mental aberration and its prac- Georgian halls, Robert spent a year traveling in Allertons for Chicago magazine several years Allerton introduced his young protégé as his titioners equated with psychopaths and child England with a young male architect; to fill up ago, and her essay was republished in my book, foster son at parties and operas, and on their trav- molesters, all grouped together as “sex morons” his new estate, he took another young artist for Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the els around the globe. Something reminded them and “sex fiends.” Police stepped up surveillance a grand European shopping spree. And when he City’s Gay Movement, last year. of a favorite restaurant in Paris? They flew over of theaters and cruising spots, and routinely ar- met John Gregg, the man who would become Fortunately for us, Fleeson’s nose for news for a meal. They wanted inspiration for building a rested men seeking consensual same-sex sex. his life partner, they lived as father and “fos- was intact in Hawaii, and she followed that lead new garden? They wandered the gardens of Italy. A bill to castrate sex criminals gained momen- ter son.” Years later, Robert and John Allerton to Chicago, where she researched Samuel Aller- Allerton bought hundreds of gifts for the Art In- tum in the legislature; others called for at least became the first adults in Illinois to have their ton—Robert’s father, a mighty force in Chicago’s stitute of Chicago, bestowing on the museum its prolonged incarceration. In early 1937, Michigan union legally sanctioned as father and adopted business world—and his son. The Allerton name first Rodin sculptures (six) and its first Picasso passed the nation’s first Sexual Psychopath Law, son, utilizing a quirky change in adoption law— is still prominent all over town as they were (a drawing), and paid for a new wing, becoming allowing anyone even suspected of deviance to a loophole that was later repealed to prevent big donors to Chicago institutions. But Robert, the facility’s largest donor. Today those extraor- be sent for an indeterminate length of time to a more such civil unions. as a gay man, possibly felt unwelcome in this dinary gifts are only minimally remembered. psychiatric hospital or penitentiary. A year later, city, which may be why he and John retreated A plaque hangs on the sidewall near the main just as the Illinois Legislature prepared to enact to Hawaii. Interestingly, Robert “adopted” his entrance, unnoticed by museumgoers streaming a bill to lock up homosexuals, Robert Allerton younger partner as a way to have a legal part- past it. and John Gregg sailed for a long trip to Austra- nership with him. They were big philanthropists While researching a new book about the Al- lia. and much-sought-after donors, thus well-known lerton’s final garden masterpiece, built on the On a stopover in Honolulu, they flew a small people often flocked to their famous island remote Hawaiian Island of Kauai, I tried to un- plane to Kauai to look at a vacant beachfront parties. As Fleeson documents, in death, their derstand why the refined and elegant Allertons estate. Driving through sugar cane fields, they legacy lives on in both Illinois and Hawaii. would leave Chicago in 1938 to move to a rural gasped as they approached a pristine crescent While the Allerton subplot in Fleeson’s auto- sugar plantation isle. I had a hunch that some- beach of white sand, enclosed by high cliffs. The biographical work is minor, it is worth the price thing must have been going on in Chicago that bay was startling sapphire blue, turquoise and of admission for its important contribution to would precipitate such a break. People seldom celadon, silvered by the sun. understanding gay life in Chicago and later in travel to such extremes, unless they are escap- Appraising the sun-struck bay, and the pools Hawaii in our not-so-recent past. ing something. of leafy shade under the palms, Allerton said to Separate from the gay intrigue Fleeson stum- University of Illinois at Chicago Professor John Gregg, You could build us a house. Whatever you bled upon, this book is a treasure for lovers of D’Emilio, one of the foremost historians of gay want. And a garden. We can fill the valley. nature, especially of flowers and plants. We learn history, pointed me to the archives of University “This is going to be my paradise,” Robert Al- about the danger native plants are facing from of Chicago sociologist Ernest W. Burgess, who lerton said. He wrote a check for $50,000, and foreign invaders, and why Hawaii is known as predated Albert Kinsey’s work at Indiana Univer- bought 86 acres and one of the most private the extinction capital of the world—valuable Robert Allerton. sity by a decade, leading the earliest extensive coves in all Hawaii. lessons in this time of global climate change. studies of American homosexual life. Burgess Was the alarming intolerance of gays in Chi- Lucinda Fleeson, director of the Hubert and his students recorded a growing gay under- cago their primary motivation? We’ll never know Allerton and Gregg liked to tell the story of Humphrey Fellowship Program at the Philip world culture, which peaked in the late 1920s for certain, but Hawaii, with its relaxed sexual how Allerton had been invited to attend a “Dad’s Merrill College of Journalism at the University and early 1930s in what came to be known as attitudes toward straights and gays alike, pre- Day” football game and dinner held in the Zeta of Maryland, will be at the Center on Halsted, Chicago’s Pansy Craze. By 1930, Variety reported sented an attractive contrast to the straight- Psi fraternity house at the University of Illinois, 3656 N. Halsted, Sunday, Oct. 11, National that there were 35 “Pansy Parlors” in the Bohe- laced Midwest. in the fall of 1922. It seemed entirely natural to Coming Out Day, 5-7 p.m., to discuss and sign mian district now known as Near North. The Allertons originally envisioned Kauai as a pair Allerton—the childless 49-year-old—with copies of Waking Up in Eden. The nighttime entertainments enjoyed a cache winter retreat, but moved to Hawaii year around an orphaned student, handsome Gregg, then 22. among high society and the middle class who after World War II. And when their Chicago at- Years later, Gregg recalled how a friend, “real- visited gay nightclubs, drag shows and lesbian torney spotted that a new adoption law had ized how lonesome Robert was. So he threw us cafes. been passed in the Illinois legislature to allow together as much as he could so that Robert The Pansy Craze and the accompanying toler- adoption by adults, he drew it to Robert’s atten- would have companionship ... He needed me ance by the straight world didn’t last tion. long. As the crush of the Depression On March 4, 1960, The First National Bank of “UNUSUALLY VIVID AND CONVINCING. descended, reformers demanded Chicago issued a press release: CHRONICLES THE EARLY LIFE OF THE that Mayor Edward J. Kelly clean up “Robert Allerton, a distinguished Illinois citi- WOMAN WHO WOULD BECOME PERHAPS THE SINGLE MOST INFLUENTIAL nightlife, and campaigned against zen who was born in Chicago in 1873 and who FIGURE IN 20TH-CENTURY FASHION.” strippers and female impersonators. has been a long time resident of Monticello, has –A.O. SCOTT, THE NEW YORK TIMES In early 1935, police padlocked gay at last realized one of his greatest dreams. Un- “SMART AND SUMPTUOUS! AUDREY TAUTOU IS PHENOMENAL! IT’S A SPECIAL night spots. In October 1935, police der a recent change in the Illinois law, effective PLEASURE TO WATCH THIS VIBRANT COCO.” raided two State Street drag shows, the first of the year, he has finally been able to -Joe Morgenstern, WALL STREET JOURNAL “AUDREY TAUTOU IS AMAZING.” ordering drag queens to “Put on legally adopt John Wyatt Gregg who has stood -Roger Ebert, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES pants or go to jail.” in the relationship of a son for thirty years.” AUDREY TAUTOU Beginning in 1936, Chicago Lucinda Fleeson’s book, Waking Up In Eden: and the rest of the nation hurtled In Pursuit Of An Impassioned Life On An Im- COCO BEFORE CHANEL into a full-scale sex panic, over what periled Island, was published this year by Al- A FILM BY ANNE FONTAINE was named “the Moron Menace.” A gonquin Books of Chapel Hill. She directs a SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON VARÈSE SARABANDE WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM CDS series of crimes, petty and heinous, program for international journalists at the STARTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 by peeping toms, rapists, child mo- Merrill College of Journalism at the Universi- LANDMARK’S CINEMARK LANDMARK’S CENTURY CENTRE EVANSTON 12 / CINÉ ARTS 6 RENAISSANCE PLACE lesters and murderers surged onto ty of Maryland, and lives in Washington, D.C. Chicago 773-509-4949 Evanston 800-FANDANGO #942 Highland Park 847-258-7282 VIEW THE TRAILER AT WWW.COCOBEFORECHANELMOVIE.COM tabloid front pages. Homosexuality

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ALL.CBC-A1-WCT.1007.mail jm jm jm sm Oct. 7, 2009 17 NUNN ON ONE PP: I hate that word: “real.” Whether I am the sound like Jackie Gleason when I say that I have adopted parent or not, I remain real. It’s funny; the best audiences. Paula Poundstone I was watching The Bad Seed with my daughter WCT: You have always had a strong LGBT fan the other night. I told her they had a different base. reflects view of adoption back then. My daughter Alley PP: That’s part of why they are so great. I do by JERRY NUNN said, “My friends think it’s really cool that I am have a lot of gay and lesbian fans. They are ter- adopted.” rific audience members. Paula Poundstone recently brought her stand-up WCT: Explain the whole “a sexual” descrip- WCT: Some fans of yours told me about the to Illinois with multiple shows tickling audi- tion of yourself. NPR show that you are on. ence’s funny bones. Windy City Times spoke and PP: It would mean that I don’t have sex. Every PP: It’s called, “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” on joked with the comedian Nunn to One before she day I thank my lucky stars that I have no sex NPR. It’s a weekly news quiz show. I am not on performed in Woodstock, Ill. drive whatsoever. I don’t have to be a slave to every week, unfortunately, I wish I were. All of Windy City Times: Hey, Paula! How is the this aspect of life. I would never want to com- the panelist rotate, there is about twelve of us. tour going? mittee my decisions about my children with I am on like twice a month. Paula Poundstone: I don’t have a tour like on someone. I can’t even imagine saying, “Honey, WCT: And you have a comedy CD called I the back of a sweatshirt or anything. It’s sort what do you think?” Heart Jokes: Paula Tells Them in Maine. of ongoing. It officially started 27 years ago. It WCT: What comedians do you admire? PP: I happen to have been in Maine when the goes on and on and on. But it’s fun! PP: My favorite are Bob and Ray, the old radio show was taped. It’s not about Maine. I think WCT: Did you ever think you would be doing team, although Ray is dead now. They were so it is funny, but that is not for me to say. Many Woodstock? brilliant and so funny. I was lucky enough to people have bought the CD and told me that PP: I did Woodstock, N.Y., in the spring. Now live at a time when “Laugh-In” was on. There they have enjoyed it. The ones that bought the I am doing Woodstock, Ill. So I am on the all may be someone as good as Lily Tomlin, but CD and hated it have not communicated with Woodstock all the time tour. nobody better. Also, [I admire] Robin Williams; me. WCT: What can fans expect from your many people would not be working at all in the WCT: And people can purchase the CD and show? comedy industry if not for him. He reignited an follow what you are doing next at www.paul- PP: I talk about raising a house full of kids audience’s interest in stand up comedy back My friend wanted me to and animals. I talk about trying to inform myself in the ‘80s. He played everywhere and created tell you that she still says, “Pokin’ at ya, Paula Poundstone. well enough to vote. Sort of hanging on to the the illusion that he might just show up in your pokin’ at ya.” news as best I can. My favorite part of the show town, most of the time, he did. PP: Well, I am very flattered. People actually is when I do “what do you do for a living?” with WCT: How is your family these days? WCT: Would you ever want a celebrity roast request for me to do that routine. But you know the audience and find out about the community PP: They’re good. They are glad there is an- honoring you like they did with Joan Rivers what? I can’t remember it anymore. I have to where I am. It’s sort of little interviews with other month of summer left because the school recently? find a videotape of the show where I did it. They people. year is a bit grueling. PP: No, I don’t really like the format of roast- are out in the garage somewhere. WCT: You are known for your improvisation WCT: They are approaching teen years? ing. I have roasted and been at roasts for other WCT: Well, that’s the spontaneity of work- with the crowd, right? PP: I have one daughter that is 18. I have people. I only find it mildly funny. The last guy ing with a live audience. How are you sup- PR: It’s how I know me! a 15-year-old and an 11-year-old, also. We left on the panel is just stuck because all the jokes posed to remember all the Pop-Tart jokes? WCT: I heard you joke about your arrest in elementary school behind last year. It was heart- have been done at that point. You are performing three different times to your act, also. breaking. We had been there for 14 years. WCT: Women in the comic industry have Illinois so every show will be different. PP: I don’t joke about it as much anymore. WCT: I am adopted, and I hate it when peo- changed so much since you started out. PP: My shows do vary from night to night. I Thank goodness it was several years ago now. I ple say “your real mother.” My real mother PP: Yes but my audiences are much the same. love that. Lincoln would love that! am happy to let it fade into the sunset. raised me from a baby. They are great in spirit and enthusiasm. I always CULTURE CLUB

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It’s the end of the world. Do you have a date? Through November1, 2009

847-475-1875 Call 773-761-4477 or visit 18 Oct. 7, 2009

Clark/Belmont Music Fest mid-autumn en- core. Hip-hop/rock Vanilla Ice, adult rock band national finalists of The Next Ameri- can Star ( and Chicago rockers Treaty of Paris and Fashion Bomb. Host Q101’s Steve Tingle. $5. Noon-11 p.m. Belmont between Clark Brought to you by the combined efforts of and Sheffield. or 773-868-3010 Marginal Waters photography show featur- GETTING PERSONAL ing men on Chicago’s Belmont Rocks, by Monday, Oct. 19 Doug Ischar, through Saturday, Oct. 17. Closing reception Sunday, Oct. 25, 3-6 p.m. or 773-209- Sandra Bernhard will be the 8889 special guest at the Personal Wed., Oct. 7 Howard Brown Health Center Annual Gala, PAC 20th Anniversary Awards Kylie Minogue UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine; Bertha’s Ball, named in honor of Chicago’s ALBRIGHT-Y, THEN! Luncheon at the Chicago Hilton grande dame of philanthropy, Bertha Hon- and Towers, 720 S. Michigan. Thursday, Oct. 8 ore Palmer. Benefactor reception 6 p.m. , Thursday, Oct. 8 gala 7 p.m. to midnight. The gala’s “Friend 45th Chicago International Film Festival Madeleine Albright will speak at for Life” honorees this year are David Ar- Photo by Stan Barouh through Oct. 22. 10 admissions, $80 for the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. zola, Designs for Dignity, and photogra- Cinema/Chicago members /$110 for non, Washington. pher (and frequent Windy City Times con- 20 admissions, $155 members / $210 for tributor) Kat Fitzgerald. Tix $300-$500. non. (Advance $10 off with promo code Palmer House Hilton, 17 E.Monroe St. Info Tuesday, Oct. 13 45FEST09, valid until 9/23) $5 Matinees, LaughOUTloud, gay comedy showcase in Photo by Kat Fitzgerald and tix at Special Presentations $12/$15, Gala Pre- conjunction with the laughOUTloud com- ( Sarah Schulman, important voice on con- sentations $20/$25 AMC River East 21, temporary queer life, author of The Mere edy series; “Qweirdo.” The comedy show- 322 E. Illinois St. www.chicagofilmfesti- Future, a new novel crosses many genres. case will recur the second Tuesday of ev- 5:30 p.m. Women And Children First Book- ery month at Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Amy Kelly, winner of Chicago Gay Idol, store, 5233 N. Clark. www.womenandchil- Halsted. live , 8:30 p.m. Briejo, 211 Harrison in An Anthology) and Mark Richard Zubro Women only, please. 6 - 8 p.m. $5. Prezes. Lucinda Williams, critically acclaimed Oak Park. Briejo is an eclectic American (Schooled in Murder) and a staged read- Benefits Chicago Foundation for Women’s singer/songwriter and Grammy-winner, restaurant and bar created by Jody Andre ing from playwright and author Rick Kar- Young Women’s Leadership Council. www. Sunday, Oct. 11 through Oct. 15, Park West, 322 W Armit- previously of Tomboy, Speakeasy Supper lin’s newest work (Witches Among Us); 312-577-2836 Empowering Spirits Foundation Fund- age Ave. 773- Club and the Room. Hosted by Tavern Boy Craig Rathwell and Speed Dating event for gay men, co-spon- raiser: Empowering Spirits Foundation, 929-1322 Fire Ink III Cotillion will bring together author Drew Ferguson. Sign-up for open sored by Out Alumni Chicago, the Chicago-, and the American Cancer New Play Readings, Newtown Writers. 7:30 hundreds of LGBT writers of African de- mic begins at 7:30 p.m. Readings start land Gay and Lesbian Singles Meetup, and Society have joined together for “Running p.m. Strawdog Theater, 3829 N. Broadway. scent whose work spans the genres. Aus- at 8 p.m. Wild Pug, 4810 N. Broadway; the Chicago Professionals Meetup. Daters for Equality” on October 11th in conjunc- tin, Texas, 773-784-4811 should arrive around 6:45-7 p.m. through tion with the Chicago Marathon. 10 - 2 Straight for Equality in the Workplace, Freedom Museum presents Madeleine Al- Prose, Poetry and Pints at the Pug A 8:45 p.m. Tix $12 at door, or $10advance p.m. , Grant Park, 337 E Randolph www. PepsiCo program: culture change; every- bright, noon, Chicago Cultural Center, 78 queer-focused, straight-friendly open at [email protected] or 773- day life at work for GLBT people, barriers E. Washington, GAR Hall, 2nd Floor. www. mic reading, featuring special readings 661-0763 Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church that keep straight allies from showing from Darwyn Jones (contributor, Sin: annual Reconciling Service and presen- support, strategies to overcome barriers Lolene at Circuit, 3641 N. Halsted www. An Anthology) and Mark Richard Zubro Friday, Oct. 9 tation of first annual Bruce Scott Award and conversation as catalysts for culture (Schooled in Murder) and a staged reading CONNECT, Levi Kreis, currently starring posthumously to Mr. Scott’s long time change. Refreshments and light snacks. Omega Sigma Theta, Youth Pride Center’s from playwright and author Rick Karlin’s in the Apollo’s Million Dollar Quartet, is partner, Mr. Larry Bloom. 10:30 a.m. 405 2:30 – 4 p.m. at the PepsiCo Sustainabil- fraternity for Black gay teens, 18 and un- newest work (Witches Among Us); Hosted special musical guest at Bodhi Spiritual South Euclid Avenue, Oak Park ity Center, 555 W. Monroe St. RSVP by Oct. der is accepting new members during this by Tavern Boy Craig Rathwell and author Center’s new LGBTQA spiritual experience. National Equality March Washington, DC. 8 at orientation. 5:30 p.m. Call 773-382-0511 Drew Ferguson. Sign-up for open mic CONNECT presents monthly services with or www. qIVlEV90kIR_2btHQkUYidQ_3d_3d for info begins at 7:30 p.m. Readings start at 8 music, message, and spiritual tools for LG- October Prose, Poetry and Pints at the p.m. Wild Pug, 4810 N. Broadway; 773- BTQAs. 7 p.m. Free. Bodhi Spiritual Center OUTwrite LGBT literary program reading Wednesday, Oct. 14 Pug. Queer-focused, straight friendly 784-4811 2524 N Lincoln, www.bodhispiritualcenter. and book signing with Lucinda Fleeson, National Latino/a AIDS Awareness Day & open mic reading, featuring special read- Sex-ed for Grown Ups. Info about your org 773-248-5683 author of “Waking Up in Eden, In Pursuit Latino Heritage Month, for the Latina/o ings from Darwyn Jones (contributor, Sin: sexual health with a sense of humor. Rick Pickren, Cowboy, rail and traditional of an Impassioned Life on an Imperiled Is- LGBT community, by the Latina/o LGBT folk songs, and award-winning originals! land,” , 5 - 7 p.m. Center on Halsted, 3656 Community of Howard Brown Health Great guitar, bouzouki, banjo & harmon- N. Halsted. Center. Topics include: sexual health, ica. Two Way Street Coffee House 1047 Pam Ann USA Tour, A-list Pucci clad air nutrition, coming out, and harm reduc- Curtiss St. 630-969-9720 or info@two- hostess to the stars, glamorous, glitzy and tion. Food and testing, free. 5 p.m. - 8 hilarious. 7 p.m. Harris Theater, 205 E. p.m. Howard Brown Health Center, 4025 More Bear Cookin’: Bigger and Better Randolph; N Sheridan Rd, book signing with PJ Gray, food writer and 312-334-7777 773-388-1600 author. Tappas, cocktails and fun. Franks Put on Your Sunday Clothes honoring Kar- Scooty & JoJo Show’s Carpenters Hallow- Diner, 508 58th St., Kenosha, Wiscon- en Mason. Doors 5:45 p.m., cocktail show een, a spine-shivering send-up of John sin. Reserve seating by contacting eat@ begins at 6:15, event 7 p.m. Park West Carpenter’s slasher classic set to the The Theater 322 W. Armitage Carpenters’ classic songs, through Novem- National Coming Out Day UIC Reception ber 7. $15-$20 at and Kellogg Rainbow Merit Scholarship, Monday, Oct. 12 Mary’s Attic, 5400 N. Clark St Award Presentation. Noon - 1:30 p.m. Part Laramie Project: 10 Years Later Epi- Youth Pride Center, About Face Youth The- of LGBTQ Heritage Month at UIC. Cardinal logue presented by About Face Theatre atre joins for Drama Club improv work- Room, Student Center East; 750 S. Halsted in a historic event that joins over 100 shop, 5:30 p.m. Ages: 19 and under. 1525 St. RSVP to Liz Thomson, lthomson@uic. theaters around the country. Mayor Rich- E. 55th St. Suite 312, Chicago edu by Oct. 4 ard M. Daley will serve as the Honorary Rebecca Brown, American Romances: Essays Chair of this one-night only benefit for Thursday, Oct. 15 by Rebecca Brown, and Chicago essayist About Face Youth Theatre that will take Decibelle Music and Culture Festival, four Christine Simokaitis. Women & Children place at the Owen Theater at the Good- nights of music, performance, rarties and First Bookstore, 5233 N. Clark St. 773- man. or call Indie acts. Kickoff party, 10 - 4 a.m. Emi- 769-9299 www.womenandchildrenfirst. 773-784-8565 lie Simon (score for March of the Penguin com Speed Dating event for women, co-spon- film plus writing, arranging and producing Virtual Rainbow, redefining the LGBT com- sored by Out Alumni Chicago, the Chicago- two albums), Chicago Debut; Daisy O’Dell, munity in the digital age through art and land Gay and Lesbian Singles Meetup, and ZEBO, Heather Doble. Stardust’s One year performance, opening 6:30 p.m.– 9:30 the Chicago Professionals Meetup. Daters Anniversary and Edie, Scott and Zach’s B- p.m. in the 2nd and 3rd floor art galler- should arrive around 6:45-7 p.m. Tix $12 Day Bash. $10 Berlin 954 W. Belmont Ave ies at Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted. at door, or $10 advance at culture@cen- Show through Nov. 15. A part of Chicago or 773-661-0763 Monday, Oct. 19 Artists Month. www.chicagoartistsmonth. “T Talk” the 2nd Monday of the month, free, Personal PAC 20th Anniversary Awards org. casual peer-led conversation group for Luncheon. Sandra Bernhard will be the those 18+ who identify as transgendered guest speaker. Jeanne Tiller, the widow of Saturday, Oct. 10 or are dealing with a gender identity is- Dr. George Tiller, is attending our lunch to It’s a Bitch to Quit, Chicago’s only LGBT sue. 5:30 -7:30 p.m. www.centeronhal- accept the Personal PAC Lifetime Achieve- HAVING A BALL smoking cessation, first of eight meet- ment Award. Chicago Hilton. Tix at www. ings 11 a.m. Howard Brown Health Center, Saturday, Oct. 10 4025 N. Sheridan; bitchtoquit 773-388-8682 Howard Brown Health Center’s annual gala, Bertha’s ball, will take place at the Palmer House Hilton, 17 E. Monroe. Get Photo from the 2008 gala by Kat Fitzgerald ( : online Oct. 7, 2009 19 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE BEDROOM EDGEWATER/ANDERSONVILLE 2/2 WITH BIG GARAGE. ROGERS PK. 2,200 SF. GREAT AMENITIES HUGE, UNBELIEVABLE RENT! - $675 One-Bedroom: incls heat -will provide all the details three bedrooms, two baths, NEW appliances, granite, OUT OF TOWN and water, five sunny rooms, hardwood floor, amply and contact info. for the 2/2 top floor condo with no cabinets, breakfast nook, AC, ceiling fans, heated, NEW SAUGATUCK GET-AWAY Purchase your own Saugatuck closet space, mini-blinds, on site engineer, controlled common exterior walls. $1650 month, 6 or 12 month hardwood floors, NEW windows, FREE laundry, FREE getaway. Double wide manufactured home with 3 front door access, 24/7 laundry room- close to bus, lease. 5806 N. Broadway at Ardmore. 6 min walk garage, housebroken pet ok, excellent transportation, bedrooms, two baths, vaulted ceilings, skylight and “EL”, and lakefront- 1351 W Touhy Ave- Call Linda to red line stop and/or express bus to downtown. shopping, $1,520, 773-407-5711 (09/16/09-1) UPTOWN DUPLEX WITH PARKING: Two parking spaces, garden tub. Appliances included! Just off Blue Star 773-764-9510 (9/23/09-4) (9/30/09-2) gas fireplace/heat, central AC, front/back porches, LAKE SHORE DRIVE VINTAGE TOP FLOOR CONDO BEAUTIFUL MAYFAIR PARK, KENTON & SUNNYSIDE, Highway only two miles from Downtown. Just $558/ jacuzzi, ADT security, stainless appliances, washer WITH FABULOUS VIEWS of Belmont Harbor, Park and lovely brick two flat, first floor, walk to montrose el & month for the first year including lot rent. Call and dryer, ceiling fans, nice view, big closets. 1228 blueline. Large Two Bedroom PLUS Bonus Room, New Maggie at 269-857-1191. (10/21/09-4) Lake Michigan! Spacious 1 bedroom 1 bath featuring W. Argyle $1,575 availble Nov. 1. 773-398-9929 Appliances, Laundry, FREE HEAT & STORAGE! $1100 hardwood floors, original crown moldings and decorative (10/14/09-4) per month; available 10/1. 312-771-3512. Cats ONE BEDROOM fireplace with beautiful millwork. Separate dining room. ROGERS PARK, FREE PARKING: 3BR 2Bath. Easy OK. BRIDGEPORT 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH PLUS DEN. Kitchen Large room sizes. Loaded with closets. 773-348-1680; commute. Own laundry & indv. lg bsmt. Fenced yard. (10/7/09-2) with granite counters, ss appliances, 42” cabinets, [email protected], http://chicagosold. Hardwood floors. Avail. now or Nov 1. $1,150+ HEAT breakfast bar. Laundry hook up. Oversize balcony. Park- com (9/23/09-2) & UTIL. JACK: 312-305-5473 or 773-338-5473. ing space included. $175,000. Coldwell Banker, Ken (10/28/09-4) Petrich, 773-988-0299. (9/30/09-2) TWO BEDROOM THREE + BEDROOM ANDERSONVILLE WOOD LOVERS DELIGHT: Updated 1750 SQ FT EDGEWATER VINTAGE huge 6.5 rm apt FOR RENT vintage with hardwood floors, stripped woodwork, owner occupied 3 flat. Eat-in kitchen. dishwasher. decorative FP, 2BR/1BA, large LR and DR, laundry, laundry. Close to redline, Hollywood Beach. Heat, gas HOUSE garage parking, walk to Jewel and Bryn Mawr Red Line. and garage parking included. $1500. 773-682-4692; BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN HOUSE $2300 REHABBED VIC- Quiet building. $1,450/mo includes heat. 1416 W. [email protected] (09/16/09-2) TORIAN: 3beds, 3.5 baths, dr, kit w granite counters Catalpa. 312-836-4074 or [email protected] & SS appl. fin. basement with bath & Laundry. Mas- for more information. (09/23/09-2) ter bath, hardwood floors. Huge deck & yard. 2car ga- EDGEWATER - BEAUTIFUL, COMPLETELY REHABBED 2 rage. 847-563-8200; [email protected] BDRM. APT ON RIDGE & ARDMORE: Central air/ heat, (09/23/09-3) great sun light, security alarm, new white cabinetry, granite countertop, new appliances, hardwood flooring, DUPLEX spacious living & dining rooms, brick fireplace. Laundry GREAT FOR ENTERTAINING 1 OR 20. OWNER FINANC- in the building. Near Lkshore Dr. & Red Line. Must See. ING AVAILABLE. Must see ultra modern low main- Available Now. $1000/mo. Please call 312-666-2330 tenance. Kolar River Bath, in Master BR, 5’X5’ Steam or [email protected]. (9/23/09-4) Shower, heated floors in Master Bath, Granite custom HOLLYWOOD BEACH 2BD 2BTH $1400 PENTHOUSE: maple cabinets, doors and trim. 2 BR, 2 ½ bath, fin- private rooftop direct from unit. New stainless kitchen ished basement, Joliet West Side $229,900.00. For pics (dishwasher, microwave), New stone bath. Parking and more info; Jack Tezak available. Pets OK. Doorman, cable, storage space, 815-474-0118, Agent Owned (9/30/09-3) common laundry, bike room. Sheridan /Ardmore. [email protected]; 773-878-9789 (10/07/09-4) CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE HERE CLEANING SERVICES HELP WANTED TRAVEL ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, service, CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning WEDNESDAY MORNING NEWSPAPER DELIVERY: Four THE BEAUTY OF DOOR COUNTY: beckons for your romantic etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in the Windy service for homes, small businesses and small buildings. hours, $56. Must have car and insurance. Please call stay in the warmth of Birchwood Lodge. Elegant suites City Times! We offer affordable rates, convenient service, We also have fabulous organizational skills (a separate Jean at 773-871-7610, ext: 801 include a king size bed, in room whirlpool and fireplace. and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online section for function at a separate cost that utilizes your assis- OUR COMPANY NEEDS male or female representative to Some suites are equipped with walk in showers. Visit us free. To place an ad, contact Terri at 773-871-7610 tance) for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months act as our opened position bookeeper. Contact asap for at (8/22/10-52) ex 101, [email protected], or go to or years due to long-term illness, depression, physical/ more details about this job. Email: willyindustry@ LOG CABIN, SAUGATUCK SLEEPS 8: fireplace, kitchen, our website mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have down- (9/16/09-2) decks, bath w/ Jacuzzi, one bedroom, walk-out lower sized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? level with windows three sides two queen beds. 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS We can organize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, INTERPRETER minutes from Saugatuck, beaches, shops, restaurants, LESBIAN HEALTH STUDY RECRUITING lesbian women help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean FOR YOUR AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE/ENGLISH recreation. who have abused their intimate female partners for re- what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded and INTERPRETING NEEDS: To consult with you or your p250786 search study and focus group. Call: 1-866-849-7716, insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575 company with your ADA needs. Diana Thorpe CI/ (9/30/09-4) leave message with contact method that protects (4/30/10-tk) CT/NIC Master, Nationally Certified Interpreter, your privacy. (10/7/09-2) 773-401-1339, or e-mail [email protected] WINDOW TREATMENTS CONSTRUCTION/PAINTING [P-TB] WONDERING WHAT to do with those windows?: ANTIQUES PAINTING SERVICES. WE’LL MAKE REAL YOUR DESIGN- Call me! I take care of it all from design through instal- ERS IDEAS! PAINTING/DECORATING SERVICES. Interi- MASSAGE THERAPY lation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE Inte- GRAYSLAKE - 2 BIG DAYS or/Exterior Residential/Commercial, Wallaper Removal, CHICAGO MALE MASSAGE REVIEWS: Find over 50 riors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty in Installation, Wood Staining, Varnishing, Finishing, Car- male massage therapists in Chicago on MassageM4M. window treatments for over 24 years. 773-271-2361. ANTIQUE pentry Designers Consultation upon request. ALWAYS com - Hundreds of reviews of each gay friendly male (10/21/09-52) ON TIME, CLEAN WORK, WITH GREAT REFERENCES. massage therapists. & COLLECTIBLE MARKETS ACTIVE PAINTING,INC. (847)414-4186 email: ac- (11/11/09-8) October 10th & 11th [email protected] (11/11/09-8) HEALING DANCE OF TOUCH!: A very relaxing, therapeu- Sat. Noon - 5PM tic, full-body massage. 10 minutes SW of the Loop. Take Deborah A. Sun. 8AM - 3PM / $6 CONTRACTORS care of yourself. $55/hr. Longer sessions available. Call KGM PLUMBING, INC. 847-583-8988: Professional Tim 773-368-9798 for appointment. (9/23/09-8) Early Buyers: Sat. 10AM-Noon/$25 NEW - Lake Country Fairgrounds plumbing contractor offering Residential and Commercial Murphy plumbing repairs, complete sewer & drain rodding, REMODELING/CONSTRUCTION GRAYSLAKE flood controls, toilet repairs, water heaters, sump- REHAB & REMODELING KITCHENS & BATHROOMS: Over Accounting (Rt. 83/Peterson Rd) pumps, repiping and more. Licensed*Bonded*Insured. 25 years of experience serving Chicago and surround- (11/11/09-26) ing suburbs. Emergency plumbing services available. Tax Services CPA NEW VENDORS WELCOME Fully licensed and insured. Free estimates. Contact * FLEA* COUNSELING Steve 847-791-2216 or [email protected] Financial MARKET LICENSED PSYCHOTHERAPY: 20 years experience (12/16/09-52) Consulting ANTIQUE providing counseling and clinical hypnotherapy. I OUTCONSTRUCTION IS A FULL SERVICE GENERAL CON- specialize in relationship issues, childhood trauma, and TRACTOR specializing in remodels and additions. No job Business SUN • Oct. 18th Planning 8AM-3PM /$5 recurrent patterns that inhibit potential. Individuals too big or small, OutConstruction does it all, from re- Early Buyers: SUN. 6AM-8AM/$10 and couples. Starla Sholl, LCSW, PC, 773.878.5809, modeling you bathroom to adding a 2nd story. OutCon- DUPAGE COUNTY [email protected]; struction has the experience it takes to turn your home FAIRGROUNDS, Wheaton, IL SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING: Individual or couples into your personal palace. OutConstruction has served 773-404-8401 counseling by licensed psychotherapist in confidential, the GLBT communities for 6+ years. Fully insured, li- (Country Farm & Manchester) safe environment. Anxiety, depression, body image issues censed and bonded. Call Mark at (773) 960-0528 2155 W. Roscoe ZURKO • 715-526-9769 and relationship problems. Lakeview. (773) 528-1777. or email us at [email protected] for a 1 South (10/14/09-3) free consultation and estimate. (10/28/09-4) 20 Oct. 7, 2009 BILLY MASTERS “Prison obviously agrees with you.”—Billy about the role. Who will get the role? If you ask Masters compliments Mark Dalton at his recent me, I say Jessica Biel is the front runner—and appearance at Micky’s in West Hollywood. After since I’m thisclose with Timberlake, I think you being told he’s looking for a good porn project, can trust me. Masters observed, “Well, if nothing else, I’m sure Was Mark-Paul Gosselaar on steroids? Was Ma- we can now call you versatile!” Look for Billy’s rio Lopez a rapist? So says former Saved by the upcoming book: “How to Say Practically Any- Bell co-star Dustin Diamond. In a preview to his thing to Anybody”! proposed autobio, he makes quite a few insinu- ations. About Gosselaar, he writes, “He suddenly 8 exploded with manliness, loading 25 pounds of 18 10 muscle on his once-scrawny frame in, oh, about 2 a month.” Of Lopez, he says, “He hit on every

4 co-star, every extra, every production assistant and every fan he found himself sitting next to.” 16 11 9 1 Clearly he means only females. Screech also says that network brass paid a teenage girl $50K in 17 12 3 exchange for dropping some date-rape charges. 6 19 55 14 5 Oh, the drama! 15 13 Do you remember model Joseph Sayers? He’s

7 the one who is, like, five feet tall, has a great body, and did those nude photos in a Florida

58 motel room when he was a teenager. Well, I just 46 48 47 described most of the male models in the biz. 60 44 45 And, perhaps I’m slightly exaggerating...but not

54 about the nudity or his body. Sayers is the new 59 face/body/crack of Rufskin jeans, and the pho- 50 tos that have been leaked to us are proof that 52 25 49 he’s hotter than ever. We’ll post those pics on 37 Want to get soapy with actor James Franco? 22 51 24 26 Thanks to General Hospital, you’ll get your And, since I never get tired of 32 chance... kinda. looking at his hot cock, I’ll post that too! Our “Ask Billy” question this week is from

33 Jay in Rhode Island: “Have you seen that guy 31 30 56 23 I think it’s safe to say that I’m in the midst of a from ‘Kyle XY’ is on ‘Eastwick’? What do you know 53 39 28 38 41 57 media blitz. Last week, Access Hollywood. This about him? Will he be showing more skin on the 36 40 29 27 week, The View. Lord only knows where I’ll end show?” 21 43 up next—“Issues with Jane Valez-Mitchell” or You mean our little Matt Dallas? Yes, he’s ma- 42 34 “Axe Men,” I reckon. Thanks to Sherri Shepherd, turing quite nicely, indeed. And, in person, he’s 20 who so subversively tossed out “my friend, Billy a scruffy little thing. I was recently behind him Masters” without a single explanation—as if to in a grocery store check-out line. He was buying say, “You don’t know who he is? Where have you two six-packs of beer. I had a pound of pastrami. 35 been?” Where, indeed. Anyhoo, he’s looking good on Eastwick, a show I’ve been quite a number of places. We just had I’m enjoying—it’s like if Charmed took place on the annual gala for the Point Foundation, the Wisteria Lane. But, if you want to see a differ- ANDERSONVILLE 18 Touché 35 Manhandler 52 Jeffrey Pub 1 @mosphere 6412 N. Clark St. 1948 N. Halsted St. 7041 S. Jeffery Blvd. nation’s largest academic scholarship program ent side of Matt, go to and you 5355 N. Clark St. 36 minibar/winebar for LGBT students. Emmy winner Cherry Jones can watch a video of him being taken out in the 19 Wild Pug 3341 N. Halsted St. THE BURBS 2 The Anvil 4810 N. Broadway Ave. 53 Club Krave was honored in a hysterical presentation by Lily middle of the night, shirtless, hosed down, and 1137 W. Granville Ave. 37 North End 13126 S. Western Ave. Tomlin. Swoosie Kurtz and Adam Shankman did buried alive—all courtesy of photographer Tyler 3 3733 N. Halsted St. Blue Island, IL such a good job on stage, they should take their Shields. It’s all very intriguing, disturbing, and 5024 N. Sheridan Rd. BOYSTOWN 20 3160 38 Pie Hole 54 Hideaway act on the road. And my darling Frenchie Davis yet sexy. Have some tissues handy. 4 Cattle Call 3160 N. Clark St. 737 W. Roscoe St. 7301 W. Roosevelt Rd. brought down the house with a fab version of “I Could it be that sexy James Franco is joining 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Forest Park, IL 21 Berlin 39 Roscoe’s 55 Hunters Am Changing.” The uplifting evening raised oo- the cast of “General Hospital? As implausible as 5 Crew 954 W. Belmont Ave. 3356 N. Halsted St. 1932 E. Higgins Rd. dles of dollars to help put deserving LGBT youth it may seem, the answer is yes. While the actor 4804 N. Broadway Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 22 Bobby Love’s 40 Scarlet through college. is taking classes at NYU (where he’s taking a 6 Eagle 3729 N. Halsted St. 3320 N. Halsted St. 56 John L’s Place I also went to see the Odyssey Theatre’s pro- course in Queer Cinema, btw), he wants to flex 5001 N. Clark St. 335 154th Pl. duction of “The Receptionist”—which has been his thespianistic muscles—which sounds kinda 23 Bucks Saloon 41 Sidetrack Calumet City, IL 7 El Gato Negro 3439 N. Halsted St. 3349 N. Halsted St. 57 Maneuvers mounted as a vehicle for Megan Mullally. Hey, dirty to me. He’ll debut Nov. 20 and do a hand- 1461 Irving Park Rd. 118 E. Jefferson St. when Meg calls a 99-seat theatre and offers to ful of appearances over the next few months 24 Cell Block 42 Spin Joliet, IL 8 The Glenwood 3702 N. Halsted St. 800 W. Belmont Ave. do a show, the answer is, “Anything you want.” as a business associate of Steve Burton’s. That 6962 N. Glenwood St. 58 Moda VIP The performance I was supposed to attend was sounds dirty, too. 25 Charlie’s 43 Steamworks 2409 N. Mannheim Rd. cancelled because Mullally was in a car accident When no one is wondering what ever hap- 9 Hamburger 3726 N. Broadway Ave. 3246 N. Halsted St. (bath) Franklin Park, IL Mary’s/Mary’s and broke her wrist. After two days off, some pened to Dustin Diamond, it’s definitely time Attic 26 Circuit 59 Rumors quick reblocking, a quickie rehearsal, and a num- to end yet another column. And back to me— 5400 N. Clark St. 3641 N. Halsted St. DOWNTOWN 2433 Desplaines Ave. 44 The Baton North Riverside, IL ber of pain pills, Megan and company were up I’ve got some news—it looks like I’m going to 10 Jackhammer 27 The Closet 436 N. Clark St. and running and none the worse for wear. Call- be spending quite a bit of October down in San 6406 N. Clark St. 3325 N Broadway Ave. 60 Velvet Rope ing this a “black comedy” would be like saying Diego. Despite my previous publication hitting 28 Cocktail 45 Second Story Bar 728 W. Lake St. 11 Joie De Vine 3359 N. Halsted St. 157 E. Ohio St. Oak Park, IL “Naked Boys Singing” has partial nudity. Oh, it’s the skids (and, the courts from what I hear), 1744 W. Balmoral Ave. dark. It’s also funny. It’s also disturbing. And it’s I’m more popular than ever with our Southland 12 Man’s Country 29 FireFly NEAR NORTH 5017 N. Clark St. (bath) 3335 N. Halsted St. 46 Club 2506 INDIANA extended through Nov. 21. BTW, Megan is pretty hotties. On Oct. 14, I will be at FilmOut San Di- 2506 N. Clybourn Ave. 61 Dick’s R U Crazee? busy these days—in addition to the play, she’s ego at the Birch North Park Theatre for a special 13 Scot’s 30 Halsted’s Bar & 47 Crobar 1221 E.150th St. also joined the cast of Party Down on the Starz screening of “Mommie Dearest.” Not only that, 1829 W. Montrose Ave. Grill 1543 N. Kingsbury St. Hammond, IN 3441 N. Halsted St. 48 The Prop House network. but I’m the celebrity judge for a Joan Crawford 14 SoFo 1675 N. Elston Ave. 62 Encompass Megan ain’t the only Will & Grace alum to be look-a-like contest! Details can be found at 4923 N. Clark St. 31 Hydrate 2415 Rush St. 3458 N. Halsted St. Lake Station, IN turning her attentions to theatre. We reported The following week, 15 Spyners THE SOUTHSIDE months ago that Sean Hayes was in talks to I’ll be at Universal Hillcrest for the launch of 4623 N. Western Ave. 32 Kit Kat 49 Club Escape 3700 N. Halsted St. 1530 E. 75th St. headline a Broadway revival of “Promises, Prom- an online gay publication— So, if 16 Star Gaze ises.” At the time, Anne Hathaway was attached you’re in the neighborhood, come by and say 5419 N. Clark St. 33 Little Jim’s 50 Escapades to the project and they did a hush-hush reading hi. To keep track of all my comings and goings, 3501 N. Halsted St. 6301 S. Harlem Ave. 17 T’s 51 InnExile for some investors. But since she’s doing both a go to And if you’ve got 5025 N. Clark St. 34 Lucky Horseshoe 5758 W. 65th St. film and stage musical about Judy Garland, she’s a question, write me at [email protected] 3169 N. Halsted St. currently unavailable. However, don’t believe and I promise to get back to you before Sean the reports that Scarlett Johansson will replace Penn turns up on As the World Turns! So, until Hathaway. Despite what less-plugged-in scribes next time, remember, one man’s filth is another say, Johansson hasn’t even been approached man’s bible. Oct. 7, 2009 21 MUSIC OR W AV FR W AILTICKET Events Benefit OM W SIDETR. ABLE Mould-fashioned E S by JERRY NUNN Q ACK IL A .O T BAR R Singer Bob Mould is returning to Chicago Oct. TENDEGRS 12. He sat down with Windy City Times to dis- cuss his new CD, Life and Times. Windy City Times: Hi, Bob. How have you been? I haven’t talked to you since the Blow- off event. Bob Mould: Things have been good. The last Blowoff was during Halsted Street Fair. I have N been busy trying to get my autobiography fin- Bob Mould. ished. That has been the major project for the better part of last year. I have spent a lot of in Europe solo but this is the only full band tour time in New York working on that. I am in San for the year. Francisco this weekend for a Blowoff event out WCT: Isn’t the Metro a great space to play here. I go back to Washington, D.C., for a few I G in? days, then start off the band tour. BM: Yes. I first played there in 1984. It has WCT: Explain how your solo tour is different been 25 years that I have been playing in that than when you tour with Richard Morel and room. It’s a great neighborhood and the Metro is Blowoff. a world-class venue. H T O BM: First let me say, Chicago has always been WCT: I have been listening to your 2008 CD, my strongest market for my music. [Radio sta- Life and Times. Tell our readers about it. tion] XRT has always been a big supporter of BM: Life and Times is the most recent solo my work. Whether it’s working with JAM or the F O N E H record. It’s a guitar-based album, mostly elec- Metro, I have been playing Chicago since I was tric but some acoustic guitar songs. The tone 20 years old. is introspective, confessional autobiographical This is a three-piece rock band. My drummer is and observational. It’s a darker point of view. It U N D R E D D Jon Wurster from the group Superchunk. My bass looks at the downfall of a relationship. player is named Jason Narducy, who is actually WCT: Speaking of relationships, are you cur- R A G Q U E E N S from Chicago. rently single? The music that we play on this tour runs the BM: No; I have been in the same relationship spectrum of things that I have written and re- for almost four years now. It’s getting started; it corded over three decades. Whether it was Husk- presents is getting revved up. I have had two long rela- er Du in the ‘80s or Sugar in the ‘90s or my 10 tionships in the past so I am kind of wired for solo records. This is muscular aggressive guitar- ALPHABET SOUP! that. based pop music. That has been my life’s work. Tuesday, Oct. 27 & Wednesday Oct. 28 WCT: So you are performing with Griz- It is in sharp contrast with Blowoff, which me thanks to our friends at zly Bear in San Francisco. I really like that and Rich Morel started seven years ago in D.C. group. when I moved there. Blowoff is primarily a gay BM: Yes, on the Treasure Island Festival. I ® club event. It usually skews to a bit of an older Sidetrack The Video Bar • 3349 N. Halsted • know their stuff from the beginning. They are audience to guys in their 30s and 40s, some in great. Flaming Lips, The Decemberists, Yo Lo their 20s and some in their 50s—more of a bear, Tengo and Grizzly Bear, if you like indie rock it’s leather, masculine, beer-drinking crowd. pretty much the show. My rock and DJ life are both part of what I do WCT: Tell me about the book. but they compliment each other quite well. WCT: Well, welcome back to Chi-town with WCT: When are you ever off tour? this tour. We are looking forward to the BM: Blowoff is a constant tour. We are in Chi- show! cago five times a year [with another Friday, Oct. BM: It’s Columbus Day, so [it’s] a holiday. I 30]. The same with New York, San Francisco and, hope everyone can come out to see the concert with D.C. it is every month for years. I did some since they are off work. solo and acoustic shows in March when the al- Bob Mould is returning to Chicago at the bum was originally released. This tour is pretty Metro, 3730 N. Clark, Monday, Oct. 12. Visit brief. It is only three weeks but covers all of North America. Once that is done I have a tour NEWS: Kylie venue has changed Kylie Minogue’s first-ever show in Chicago on Wed., Oct. 7, is being moved at the last minute to the UIC Pavilion, 525 S. Racine. The Spectacular, originally scheduled to be staged at the Congress Theatre, sold out months ago but the sheer scale of the production just won’t fit into the Congress Theater, necessitat- ing the upgrade. All tickets purchased for the Congress Theatre show will be honored at UIC Pavilion. Tickets will be available at the pavilion’s box office Oct. 7, starting at 6 p.m. Further information may George Takei (left) and Brad Altman. be available online at, www.tick- and www.billsilvaentertainment. com/kylie. and skater Lloyd Eisler. The episode will air Tues- day, Oct. 13, at 5 and 8 p.m. Photo courtesy of Sean Jennings ‘Star’ power MUSIC George Takei (Mr. Sulu of the original Star Trek TV series) and his husband of one year, Brad Alt- Tegan and Sara man, will compete on The Newlywed Game on the Game Show Network. It’s the first time a releasing ‘Sainthood’ same-sex couple has appearance on the show, Canadian pop-rock act Tegan and Sara will which originally debuted in 1967. Other celebri- release its eagerly awaited sixth studio album, ties scheduled to appear on the show, now host- Sainthood, on Tuesday, Oct. 27, on Sire/Vapor ed by Carnie Wilson, include Christopher Knight Records, according to a press release. and Adrienne Curry; and actress Kristy Swanson See 22 Oct. 7, 2009 Jeff Sheng, a tennis player from Los Angeles Plaza for the announcement. Cleveland awarded who competed at the 2009 World Outgames in “I am glad Chicago was not awarded the Olym- Copenhagen and is scheduled to play next sum- pic bid,” said Marcia Hill, president of the Chi- ‘14 Gay Games mer in Cologne, was thrilled to learn Cleveland Marcia cago Metropolitan Sports Association (CMSA). By Ross Forman won the bid. Hill. “The city of Chicago and the Chicago Park “That’s awesome,” Sheng said. “I hope every- Photo by District do not fulfill the current needs of out- They boast the Indians in baseball, the Browns one in the LGBT sports community is really look- Hal Baim door park space for any of the adult or children in football and two of the biggest names in bas- ing forward to Cleveland, and not negatively. leagues, including Chicago MSA [and] Chicago ketball history—LeBron James and Shaquille I think it will be a really good experience for Sport and Social club, to name a few. The city O’Neal—as teammates on the Cavaliers. Cleve- everyone.” of Chicago lacks adequate recreational facilities land now also has the Gay Games. However, several former Gay Games partici- committee in Copenhagen included politicians, to host any kind of national 11” or 12” softball The 2014 Gay Games was awarded to Cleve- pants, from Chicago and elsewhere in the United past Olympians and, of course, Oprah. tournament. If Chicago had won, Chicago MSA land, Ohio, it was announced Tuesday, Sept. States, declined comment for this story because, Tokyo was the second to present its bid and would have lost the softball fields at Waveland, 29, in Cologne, Germany, site of the 2010 Gay as one multi-time medal winner said, “I don’t the second eliminated. Tokyo was the only city which [are] used for our women’s softball league Games. Chicagoan Dick Uyvari made the official have anything favorable to say” about Cleve- of the four to have previously hosted an Olympic and our Senior Cup softball tournament. We can announcement. land. Games. now focus on our needs of improving our current The other finalists were Boston and Washing- A crowd estimated at 12,000 packed Daley facilities.” ton, D.C. 2016 OLYMPICS The announcement by the Federation of Gay Games came after a year-long site selection pro- Chicago’s bid cess that culminated in formal presentations by Here comes the run the three bidding cities to the FGG Membership. “Cleveland demonstrated to the Federation of falls short By Ross Forman Gay Games that they understood the mission of the Gay Games and our principles of ‘Participa- It wasn’t just sadness that ran rampant through tion, Inclusion, and Personal Best’,” said Kurt Chicago and the United States Oct. 2, but also Dahl and Emy Ritt, FGG co-presidents. “We were shock and disbelief. highly impressed by the facilities and infrastruc- The International Olympic Committee (IOC) ture, the widespread community sport, their fi- eliminated Chicago in the first round of voting nancial plan and the city’s experience in hosting to decide the site of the 2016 Summer Olympics. large scale sports and cultural events.” The committee ultimately chose Rio de Janeiro The announcement was carried live worldwide to host the 2016 Olympics, marking the first via webcast, and Boston appeared to be favored Olympic Games to be held in South America. Rio among online viewers. also will host the 2014 World Cup. “The City of Cleveland is prepared to roll out “This is clearly a sentimental choice,” ABC-TV’s the welcome mat to the LGBT athletes, their Jay Levine said after the Rio announcement. families and spectators from around the world,” House Democrat Mike Quigley of Chicago told said Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “Fans of the Chicago Tribune: “Chicago was a world-class the Gay Games will find that Cleveland is a great city before today’s decision, and Chicago will be place to celebrate sports and culture and that a world-class city tomorrow. Although disap- we have tremendous assets and amenities for pointment hangs in the air, this is not the time them to enjoy. The sports and cultural environ- for regret, but rather to see opportunity in the ment here is truly a uniquely Cleveland experi- incredible work that was done across Chicago ence, one they will cherish for years to come.” over the past months. Gay Games IX Sports & Cultural Festival is “We now have the chance to move forward, scheduled to take place August 9-16, 2014. The free of the demands of the IOC, but equipped eight-day event will feature 30 sports; four cul- with plans that can address the real problems tural events, Opening and Closing ceremonies; Chicagoans face on a daily basis. Chicago is and community and cultural events throughout now armed with an organizing capability never the Cleveland metropolitan area. Gay Games seen before, and an opportunity to continue the generate $50 to $80 million in estimated local momentum and create better schools, more ef- economic impact in additional to significant on- ficient transportation, and safer streets.” going travel and tourism visibility benefits for The defeat marked the first time since 1980 the host city. that the United States has failed in consecutive “We are extremely honored and pleased that bid attempts. Los Angeles lost to Montreal in Cleveland has been selected to host the 2014 1976 and Moscow in 1980, but then was award- Gay Games,” said W. Doug Anderson, spokesper- ed the 1984 Games when it was the only viable son for Cleveland Synergy Foundation, the bid- candidate bidding. ding organization. “It is truly a privilege to con- “I’m sure the many people who worked hard tinue Dr. Tom Waddell’s legacy and vision in our on the bid are disappointed,” Chicagoan Shawn city—an extremely enthusiastic sports town— Albritton told Windy City Times. “But for our gay where the guiding principles of personal best, community, we have a lot to look forward to inclusion and participation are held dear. We are with the Gay Softball World Series, the Gay Bowl also pleased to be considered and selected from Flag Football both [in Chicago] in 2011 and also among two of the greatest cities in the world— the 2014 Gay Games in nearby Cleveland.” Boston and Washington, D.C.—and greatly ap- Added Chicagoan Jack Neilsen: “Chicago had preciate the support of both cities as Cleveland a great solid bid for the 2016 Games. It is an hosts the Gay Games in 2014.” extreme disappointing that the IOC has let an “Congratulations, Cleveland,” said Uffe Elbae, amazing opportunity pass. Good luck to the win- president of the 2009 World Outgames. “It is a ning city for the 2016 Games. Hopefully, Chicago big opportunity for a city to be a host for an will regroup from this experience and progress event like this. I’m sure they can create a won- forward with another bid. If at first you don’t derful event. But I’m still looking forward to the A crisp fall morning brought a record-breaking 7,000 participants to the annual AIDS Founda- succeed, try, try again.” day when a non western city will be the host for tion (AFC) 5K Run & Walk Chicago Oct. 3 in Grant Park. “I think this is a temporary disappointment either [the] Gay Games or the Outgames.” Prior to the race, AFC organizers welcomed the masses, announcing the $2 million the event for the city of Chicago,” said Chicagoan Brian Multi-sport athlete Shawn Albritton of Chi- had netted for over 100 community organizations that benefit those with HIV and AIDS. The Reder. “Most people will look back in a few years cago said, “This is fantastic news for our fellow stage was then introduced a variety of motivational speakers, entertainers and political fig- and recognize we dodged a large economic bul- gay athletes in Cleveland. I’m sure many here ures. U.S. Congressman (and Cook County Board President candidate) Danny Davis was among let. Sometimes, the best thing is not getting in Chicago are excited at this news, especially the guests who highlighted the “urgency” of fighting this epidemic. The pre-race continued what you want. If you remember, most Cubs fans since Cleveland is so close.” with participants gathering in the Health & Fitness Village, a section of the park sponsored really wanted [Alfonso] Soriano when he was a Added Chicagoan Brian Walker: “It’s nice to by the Illinois Department of Public Health that was dotted with tents and booths featuring free agent. Unfortunately our wishes came true see the Gay Games back again in the Midwest, a variety of HIV/AIDS organizations. and now we’re stuck. I hope that all our elected in a city that values fairness and human rights, Race winners for the run portion of the event were later announced. Marcus Thomas was officials, business and civic leaders head back and one that historically is an important sports the top male runner with a time of 18:12 while Kristen Scolarici was the first woman to cross to Chicago with the same resolve to solve our city.” the line, with a time of 20:49. City’s problems as they did trying to win the Kien Tran, a past Gay Games competitor from The event closed with more after-race refreshments and entertainment featuring spoken Olympics.” San Francisco, is excited to compete in Cleve- word by Young Chicago Authors. This was AFC’s eighth Run & Walk event in Chicago. Text by Chicago was the first of the four cities to make land, though nervous about the city’s summer Byron Flitsch and photos by Kat Fitzgerald ( See many more its presentation to the IOC, which included emo- weather conditions. “I will be running in that photos online at tional appeals from President Barack Obama and crazy muggy heat,” he said. First Lady Michelle Obama. The Chicago 2016 Oct. 7, 2009 23

Ray J. Koenig III and Clark Hill PLC A widely published author and speaker, Ray is a legal authority on all of his practice areas, which include probate, trusts, CONNE IONS guardianship, estate planning, and elder law, X including the litigation of those areas. MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS He is a longtime advocate for and member of the LGBT community, and is involved in several charitable groups, community associations, and professional organizations. Clark Hill is a full-service law firm consisting of a diverse team of attorneys and professionals committed to our clients and our communities. Count on Us. Count on More.

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About Face Theatre Cattle Call Hydrate Pam Ann Active Painting, Inc. Charles Rhodes, State Farm Insurance Iloilo Custom Framing Roger V. McCaffrey-Boss & Associates AIDS Foundation Of Chicago Charlie’s Imperial Windy City Court of the Rosemont Alexander Weaver & Associates Chicago Botanic Gardens Prairie State Empire Select Italy Travel American Airlines Chicago NOW Joffrey Ballet Sidetrack American Library Association Chicago School Of Professional Lakeside Interiors Spin American Theater Company Psychology Lifeline Theatre Starla Sholl, LCSW Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt Clark Hill PLC Linda Kuczka Insurance Steppenwolf Theatre Company University Cocktail Live Nation Susan O’Dell, PhD BEHIV/ Better Existence With HIV Creaoke Man’s Country Theatrebam Chicago Berlin Cupid’s Treasures/Leather Sport Midtown Tennis Velvet Rope Birchwood Lodge Gay Games National A-1 Advertising Women And Children First Bookstore Broadway In Chicago Gilead Next Theatre Carrol Smith Hamburger Mary’s Of Sound Mind, Inc. Download each issue of Windy City Times and Nightspots at 24 Oct. 7, 2009

controlling the climate

Easier said than done? Not at the Chicago Botanic Garden, where plant conservation scientists are using new environmental growth chambers to conduct experiments with temperature, light, and carbon dioxide to test how plants will respond to environmental changes. is research will help plants survive in a changing climate.

e opening of the new Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center confirms the Garden’s role as a world leader in plant conservation science. A 38,000-square-foot laboratory building designed to earn a gold LEED rating from the U.S. Green Building Council, the Plant Science Center offers expanded research facilities, dynamic exhibitions, a 16,000-square-foot green roof garden, and public accessibility.

One of the green treasures of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County