Welcome to 4 The start of your GCSE journey… •GCSE is a 2 year course… Compulsory School Life

Still to go The Picture Now

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 1


Key stage 1 Still to go Compulsory School Life At the End of Year Ten Still to go

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 1


Key stage 1 Key stage 2 key stage 3 Key stage 4 Still to go The Hard Work Should Have Already Started…

• ‘I wish I’d worked harder from the start’ • ‘I didn’t bother much in year ten. I messed around. Now I have loads to do and I can’t catch up’ • ‘I wish I could start again’ • ‘Year 11 is tough. I’ve left it too late’ Grading System

• In almost every subject studied by your son/daughter the grading system will now report number grades and not letters. • 9 – A** • 8 – A* • 7 – A • 6 – B • 5 – C (Strong pass) • 4 – C (Pass) • 3 – D • 2 – E • 1 - F How else has the GCSE changed?

• In the majority of subjects there has been a big shift away from modules and coursework towards exams at the end of year 11. • Organisation and revision skills are more important than ever. • Students will find they are completing a lot more PPEs (mocks) and in class mini assessments from year 10 onwards. KS4 GCSE English Language and English Literature at Hampton College AQA ENGLISH LANGUAGE AQA ENGLISH LITERATURE Paper 1- Explorations in Paper 2- Writers’ Viewpoints Paper 1 – Shakespeare and Paper 2- Modern texts and Creative Reading and Writing and Perspectives the 19th Century Novel Poetry 50%, 1 hour 45 minute exam 50%, 1 hour 45 minute exam 40%, 1 hour 45 minute exam 60%, 2 hours 15 minute exam

Section A- Reading a literature Section A- Reading 1 non- Section A- Shakespeare Section A – Modern texts fiction text fiction text and one literary • 1 question (extract and 1 essay question from a choice One text to read non-fiction text whole play) of 2 • 1 short form question (4 The 2 texts will be linked by marks) theme Section B- 19th century novel Section B- Poetry • 2 longer form questions (2 • One short form question (4 • 1 question (extract and • 1 comparison question on x 8 marks) marks) whole novel) 1 named poem and 1 other • 1 extended question (20 • 2 longer form questions (8 from the anthology marks) marks + 12 marks) • 1 extended question (16 Section C- Unseen Poetry Section B- Descriptive or marks) • 1 question on unseen narrative writing Section B- Writing to present a poem • 1 extended writing viewpoint linked to the theme • 1 question comparing this question (24 marks for of Section unseen poem to a second content, 16 marks for • 1 extended writing unseen poem technical accuracy) question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy) GCSE SPOKEN LANGUAGE ENDORSEMENT

Non-examination assessment: Your child’s English teacher will assess their speaking & listening. Students will get a mark for their ability to: • Present • Respond to questions and feedback • Use standard English

They will be awarded a pass, merit or distinction and this mark will appear on their GCSE English Language certificate. What texts will my child be studying? English Language • A range of different fiction texts and genres, including: openings, endings, narrative perspectives and points of view, narrative or descriptive passages, character and atmospheric descriptions. • A range of different non fiction text types, including: journalism, articles, reports, essays, travel writing, accounts, sketches, letters, diaries, autobiographies and biographies.

English Literature Shakespeare- ‘Romeo and Juliet’ or ‘Macbeth’ 19th century novel- ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens Modern drama- ‘An Inspector Calls’ by JB Priestley or ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell Poetry- The ‘Love and Relationships’ or the ‘Power and Conflict’ collection in the anthology as well as experiencing a range of unseen poetry through different genres and eras. Y10 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Reading of Language Poetry Language Paper 2 – Shakespeare Shakespeare Modern Paper 1- including the Reading and Writing Prose/drama text Reading and Unseen (using extracts from a Writing (using section range of appropriate Assessment: Assessment: extracts from texts) Shakespeare mock End of year exam in the When will Modern drama a range of Assessment: hall Paper 2 Literature essay appropriate Poetry mock Assessment: Paper 2 my child texts) including complete mock Unseen be Assessment: section Paper 1 complete assessed? mock

Y11 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

C19th Novel Continue English Revise Drama and Revise Shakespeare LANGUAGE EXAMS C19th Novel Language Poetry and C19th Novel Assessment: and revise Paper 1 and C19th Novel Shakespeare Paper 2 Assessment: ongoing Assessment: ongoing mock revision in class at teacher’s in class a teacher’s Assessment: leading into discretion discretion Mock in hall PPE Pixl Wave on Paper 1 and LITERATURE EXAMS Literature intervention How can you help your child in English?

Students need to be dedicated to their studies from day one, ensuring that they are engaged Focus and taking notes that will be helpful to them for revision purposes at a later date. Talk to them about what they are learning in class and ask to see their books/notes. Check their planner / Show My Homework. Buy/ Support loan out copies of examination texts and revision guides. Encourage use of the PiXLit APP.

Encourage your child to revise early and often Revision on their own as well as attending the after school revision sessions that will be on offer by the English department. Useful resources

• Your local library • Suggested revision materials: CGP AQA English Language and English • Literature for the Grades 1-9 course Copies of the set examination texts Revision Guide • Changes to the GCSE have included: • 3 papers instead of 2 • A-level content dropped down into the Higher Paper • Higher content dropped down into the Foundation Paper • No formula’s are given now … so students have to remember everything • Some previous calculator only topics can now be non-calculator questions • More emphasis on worded questions and real life situations Maths Exams – AQA Exam Board

• End of May – Non Calculator Exam (1h30)

• 1st week after half term – Calculator Exam (1h30)

• 2nd week after half term – Calculator Exam (1h30) Assessment

• End of Topic assessments • Exam question, written papers • Maths watch video’s and worksheets to strengthen areas of weakness • End of year 10 exam • Year 11 PPEs • In November and March Revision Websites

• MathsWatch … A website with video’s to help students & electronic questions which are marked straight away • PiXL Maths App … A phone, tablet and web based app. This has Video’s and PowerPoints to help students. There are also questions and Past Papers for the students to complete.

For both websites you can target questions at particular grades Ways to revise …

• Practise, Practise and more Practise!!!! • Post it notes of key facts put in prominent positions around the house • Use the Therapy Videos on the PiXL Maths App to help • And then … Practise, Practise and more Practise!!!! KS3 SCIENCE

Mr P Musson Head of Science AIMS OF THE CURRICULUM AREA • For the students to be scientifically informed citizens

• For the science that they learn to be a basis for further study

• To help develop an “enquiring” mind

• For Science to be enjoyable, stimulating and carried out in a safe environment

• Prepare students for further science studies should they choose to continue Science modules

Biology 1 Chemistry 1 Physics 1 Cell biology; Atomic structure; the Energy; Electricity; organisation; infection periodic table; bonding and Particle model of structure; quantitative and response; chemistry; chemical matter; atomic bioenergetics changes; energy changes structure

Biology 2 Chemistry 2 Physics 2 Homeostasis and The rate and extent of Forces; waves; response; inheritance, chemical change; organic chemistry; chemical magnetism and variation and evolution; analysis; Chemistry of the electromagnetism ecology atmosphere Ongoing Assessment

• End of Topic assessments • Exam question, written papers • Marked, constructive comments given, improvements expected

• End of year 10 exam • Covers the year 10 content in entirety • Year 11 PPEs • Topics included will be told in advance Final Exams

• All students will sit 6 papers

• Combined science papers are 1hr15 each (70 marks)

• Triple science papers are 1hr45 each (100 marks)

• The scores are totalled and grade boundaries applied How can you support?

• Encourage discussion about recent lesson content – talking through it will help it move to long term memory

• Encourage revision – this could be quizzing them using flashcards, positive recognition of effort, etc… Resources

• BBC Bitesize - while slightly outdated, still contains a lot of good, relevant content

• Kerboodle – an online package provided by the school with access to the textbooks and other resources.

• Revision guides – we have a stock of CGP revision guides and workbooks that can be purchased at 50% retail price. Letters for this are available from their class teacher. GCSE Modern Foreign Languages : French and German

Year 10 Curriculum evening The relevance of M.F.L. “The•Languages limits are a life of skill, my teaching language you how to communicate mean the limits of my •They develop cultural awareness world.” •They can provide opportunities to travel and Ludwigwork Wittgenstein abroad Importance of succeeding at MFL GCSE • Modern Foreign Languages are rigorous, academic subjects • Studying them demonstrates resilience and the ability to be adaptable

• French and German counts towards the Ebacc … • They are important for pupils going onto higher education as some universities – particularly Russell Group universities – look for a GCSE in a M.F.L. How we will support your child in succeeding at GCSE MFL

• Relevant and suitably challenging lessons. • Regular marking of work in line with the AQA exam board mark-schemes, with individual feedback given directing your child on how to improve. • Weekly home learning tasks to consolidate and build on class learning.

• Thursday MFL Clinic : runs after school every week and covers key grammatical points and exam techniques. • Thursday lunchtime revision session: specific focus on speaking and writing exams. How your child can help themselves to succeed at a M.F.L. GCSE • Attending all lessons, arriving on time, ready to learn and ready to work with their teacher and other• departmentWorking staff. hard! • Being organised – keeping categorised folders of reference sheets, colour- coding notes in books for future reference. • Completing all homework set and on time – coming to ask for help if unsure. • Consolidating class• learningStaying by reviewing positive! notes. • Attending all revision sessions – there is a M.F.L. clinic every Thursday after school and it is expected that your child will attend.

• Daily vocabulary focus• – itBeing is recommended resilient! at least 15 minutes (vocab express/quizlet/memrise are recommended). • Speaking the language as much as possible! How you can support your child in succeeding at GCSE MFL • Check they are doing their home learning every week. • Ensure they attend the revision sessions after-school and/or lunchtimes • Test them on vocabulary every week. • Speak with them in French or German (if you can) or asking them questions in English and they respond in French or German. • Buy them a revision guide/workbook and dictionary and ensuring they use it. • Contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns – we welcome an open dialogue  •Stay positive!

Helping Your Child at Home

• A quiet, designated place to work. • Class texts/study guides can be useful but are also stocked in the library. • Not believing the ‘I have nothing to do’ mantra as there is always work to do in year 10 and 11. • Acknowledging that ‘time out’ from study is healthy too. • Helping them create a study/home-learning timetable – good habits for year 11. • Limiting screen time revision. The Internet is a brilliant resource but it has its limitations. The Triangle of Success



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