Fresh 2012.Indd
Welcome to Lancaster Popular legend has it that once you have lived in Lancaster you’ll either never leave, or have to keep coming back. Whether or not that’s true in your case only ti me will tell, but in the meanti me you’ve got three or four years of life changing excitement, personal evoluti on, good ti mes, new friendships and relati onships, and at ti mes, more than a litt le bit of hard work to be going on with. Freshers’ Week at Lancaster is an energeti c and fun packed week aimed at easing you into student life, and this guide details the main events run by the University, the Students’ Union (LUSU), and any other notable events run for everyone. Keep it safe: You’ll need this to know where to go, what to do and when you should be doing it. University is as much about the experience as it is about getti ng a degree - you’ll get a lot out of it, and there’s always the opportunity to put a lot back into it. Those Freshers’ Reps you meet on day one were probably in your positi on last year, and could be the fi rst of many friends you make here. The JCR Exec are all current students that will be around all week to look aft er you, and don’t forget about your College Offi cers and your College Advisor: These people may be staff members but they also put a lot into making sure that your student experience is as good as it can be.
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