Airy Faerie Winter, 2003

Now Presenting…Faeries on Ice Publisher’s Notes Publisher’s Notes The Airy Faerie is publication of WOOSH! OH MY GODDESS! LOOK Airy Faerie the Denver Radical Faerie Tribe. OUT! Oh my! That deadline just about hit me in the head. I hate it when deadlines go Winter 2003 For more information you can whooshing by. Well as you can see the Win- contact at: ter Airy Faerie didn’t make the December 21 Denver Radical Faeries 2003 deadline, but that’s OK ‘cuz it is winter, so we are still good to go! PO Box 631 I don’t know what it is about this time Denver, CO 80201-0631 of year that has me busier then a bee, but I just have not been able to properly manage or send an email to: my time. I’ll blame the holidays. [email protected] ANYWAY…Welcome to the Winter is- sue of the Airy Faerie, and what an issue it is! In this issue the Denver Faeries share or visit us at their Earthy thoughts with us. Some of didn’t even know they were sharing their thoughts. (Won’t they be surprised to read or visit us in person at: their thoughts in black and white?) Some faeries have blessed us with words of wit, The Penn St. Perk wisdom and beauty. Also this issue begins (13th Ave. at Pennsylvania), the adventures of a young prince, in a short Satyrday Mornings story, that will be told one chapter at a time. About 10ish to around noonish Thanks go to Tor for the meditation ar- ticle on page 14. He contacted the Children of the Law of One for permission prior to submitting this to us. Some Earthy Fun! Special thanks go to Monkey. He sends Just for some giggles and grins, place 6 “Yeah I like the Earth. So what about us such wonderful poetry on his own. Then, the Earthy quote with the faerie who you it?” as we are working on putting an issue think might have said it. 7 “Do you know you have something in together we find that we need that some- We sent our nosy, off the beat AF your teeth?” thing extra to fill in some of the layout holes, reporter to get some quotes on what the Den- 8 “Well let’s see, the earth is an element and Monkey has the gift of filling in our holes ver Faeries thought about the element earth. that blah blah blah and the God blah blah (in our dreams, sigh). This issue was no Here are the quotes that he came back with. blah…OK I have said way too much. You exception, we sent him a note one morning have enough for an earth novel blah blah and the Deep Earth Prayer on page 15 was 1“The Earth? Well, it’s kind of earthy.” blah… in our in-box that evening. 2 “The earth is our bodies, and our Once again the pages will be decked with bodies are temples…well in your case it’s **************************** some pretty sexy artwork, if I do say so my- the temple of doom!” pick the Faerie from the Denver Radical self. So if your upset by images of naked 3 “I like the Earth, it’s much better then Faerie Tribe that you think would be mostly males, or naked males having sex, go no fur- Mars, but not as nice as Uranus.” likely to say one of the above quotes. ther. However, if you enjoy that kind of thing 4 “The Earth is the element most often (and I am guessing you do), and your old associated with direction of North, and some- A Hank, Beast, McCoy Ph.D enough to do so legally do so, please pro- times with the color of green or black. Earth B Syn R. G. ceed. is our body, our , and our life. It is the C Turtle I hope you enjoy this issue, please grounding energy that keeps us connected D Tigerling remember feedback is welcomed. If the to the Goddess and God. Even thought the E Sadalia weather allows, find a cozy piece of earth to earth is where all life comes from it is com- F Lon plant yourself, sit back, and enjoy the earthy monly connected to the cold, barren winter. G Glenn winter issue of the Airy Faerie. While others connect it to the warm womb HTor of the Goddess.” XOXO 5 “What? You want my thoughts on the DS earth? Oh, OK. Well the earth is…Oh my

gawd look at the yummy bubble butt on now. laugh can you

that stud! WOOF! I would love to munch son, joke a It’s fun! for just was This Faeries.

on that hot ass! I’m sorry what were you Denver the of any by said being as reported

saying?” or submitted were thoughts earthy these of Page 2 none fun; of bit a just is This Answers: A Monkey Contemplates Earth by Monkey I sit on the Earth and ask Her for inspiration.

I ask Mother Earth, “How should I dress today?” She answers, “How do you walk in silence with your Kylee?”

I ask Mother Earth, “What should I have for lunch today?” She answers, “Have you heard about what is going on in Africa?”

I ask of Mother Earth, “Please help me get home in time to enjoy myself.” She replies, “How much is a gallon of my friends-gone-past these days?”

I don’t know much about Earth as in my mind I live my life far above Her grounding energy. Gemini-Monkey-Fucked-Up-Bouncy-Uncontrolled mind. I know that in my life, those who are connected to Her by birth sign have surrounded me.

There is Peace when I stand still and feel the movement of Her presence. There is Peace when I realize that I can never know the immensity of Her moving.

The Horned One stands in marvel of the creation that His has spent.

Mother and Father surround me and the immensity of it all makes me bow my head in .

What is an Enlightened Monkey in the realization of Mother Earth? What is the purpose of my whining pleas when faced with the grandeur of life abundant against the struggle of my very own actions?

Earth, she is my Mother. Earth, she is Genesis. Earth, she moves and replenishes independent of my worry. Earth, she longs for peace in the world. Earth, she longs for peace in my pace. (Slow down, you move too fast. You gotta make the moment last now.)

Earth. She is The Eternal. She is The Independent. She is The Inspiration of Impetus.

In longing, the Great Cock of the Horned One sent out His urge for connection. The Mother accepted the plea for generation and, long , I am here.

I am here.

I stand upon Her. She asks not of my income. She asks not of my appearance. She asks not of my accomplishments. She merely asks me to walk softly upon Her and to live in peace with Her Children.

“Am I a product of evolution and science? Am I possibly more than those around me are?” I ask. “Did you see the beauty of the light of the Full Moon on My Mountains just the other morning?” She replies.

Page 3 The Three Graces In This Season Hard as a Rock by Monkey By Orpheus Blustery, wintry day A body sculpted, as fine as any work of art, Muscles toned with perfection. Up and down the streets With each repetition of each little move, Wild winds do blow A human body can be shaped to look like a God. Bringing sheets upon sheets Of ice and worry With the patience of an artist, the body is refined. To find perfect symmetry and balance of form Delay finds me content The world stops to worship what you have created, To take my time and find A body to rival the finest Greek statue. The path of safety in a Dangerous world But I say give me the statue of stone, For with the block of marble, the artist softened the edges, Distracted by who knows what And with each repetition of each little move. I pace and stare and The stone can be shaped to look like a man. Miss the marvel of what is around me For the keeping of gold To give the stone life, the artist fills it with love, And those who see it, we expect it to breathe. Upon return I find a new (not new) scent But, you with the body of a God, At my threshold The human softness is gone, for you are as hard as a rock. And curse my own failings Knowing all the while that Habit awaits me at night

But there!

What is that?

Can it be?

The Great Spirit has given me a gift.

In one unseen moment in time Art and beauty So frail and surreal Peals my eye in a moment of respite

And in this season I am still able to find A miracle to share With the one that I love

12/15/2003 Earth Memories Earth Thoughts by Darlene Fey by DragonSwan Warm winter hugs to all you earthy faeries out there. This Before I began to write my DOWN thoughts about the earth I quarter we pause to ponder the earth. My thoughts are quickly took a moment to ground myself, so that my thoughts would be drawn to the dirt. I feel so close to the earth when my feet are more focused. Although I don’t think any amount of grounding touching dirt. Walking barefoot in a grassy meadow, on the sandy could help my scattered thoughts. When I think about the earth, my beach, or in mud puddles after a rainstorm. Who doesn’t like the visions are of a thriving garden, where the soil is so rich and full of feeling of mud squishing between their toes? life you can feel the vibration of the earth’s heartbeat; the towering Of course there are mud baths so you can get the whole body mountains, that offer challenges, and rewards; the dry desert, which into the act! Now for some of us more “earthy” types, we require a often looks like a ocean without the water; the lush forest, full of life, larger mud puddle then some. It is bizarre to find out that your are mysteries and magic. The earth to me is the loving Goddess and really cleaning yourself when you roll around in the mud. I believe it Mother. She is the one who gives life, and heals the wounds of the has something to do with the mud drawing out the crude that is in world. I use the earth for grounding, healing or anything dealing your pores and what not. Do you know that some people in France with the physical. I am going to share a earth body meditation so I pay lots of money to be soaking in a mud bath? And to think I use to think this will do it for me for now. take mud bath for free about once a week down at my Uncle’s farm. I remember the time I took my first mud bath, I was just 18. It was a warm spring evening after a rainstorm. I had gone out after the rain had stopped to enjoy the fresh air. It all started innocently enough. I took off just my rubbers, shoes and socks to allow the cool mud to squish between my toes. Oh how wonderful that felt. Well, then out behind the barn I came upon my older cousin sitting naked in a deep pool of mud. I was surprised to see his tall, firm corn-fed body all covered in mud, naked as the day he was born. Well except for the mud, I don’t think he was covered in mud the day he was born, ANYWAY! He didn’t seem to mind the fact that I was watching him enjoying the mud; in fact he invited me to join him. When I protested, he shooed my worries aside like flies at the dinner table, and well, I never could say no to those deep baby blue eyes so I took off my frock, and slid in next to Hunk…I mean Hank! We had such a wonderful time that we started running out during a rainstorm, just to play in the mud. A few times we even pulled out a long hose and made our own mud! Ok, that is enough of me babbling on about mud baths with my cousin Hank! In closing let me just say; the Earth is an element that we should enjoy, so go on out and let it squish between your toes or whatever you wish!

Hm by Monkey may my garments be ones of mystery may my allure come from the fruit of my own imagination there is a state of bliss a stasis of the soul that is beyond beauty and possession may I find the place of peace in Love may my Love be the blossom of illumination


Page 6 Night Seduction

Meditation on the Sacred Sanctuary. by DragonSwan

Take a moment to make yourself comfortable. Breathe deep, appear to you. They tell you that you are to be the keeper of this hold it for a second then breathe out. Continue to breath deeply as sanctuary. You are to maintain and keep the temple clean and in you allow your body to relax. Imagine yourself connected to the good repair. The Goddess smiles softly, and touches your cheek. earth, feel yourself becoming one with the earth. Feel the rich life “Do you not realize that this building is nothing more then your giving soil feeding you the very essence of life. Imagine the forces body? There is nothing more sacred then the flesh and bone that of life pulsating through the soil and into you. Allow the energy of creates you. You are the holy temple where the God and Goddess the earth to fill you, and then pass through you, connecting you to dwell. And you must tend this sacred space, as you would any all of the creatures that share the magic of life. home. Be good to yourself, and be well.” Picture in your mind a holy sanctuary. A place that is very With this the Goddess and God give you a kiss, and they wrap sacred, and the presents of the God and Goddess are so strong, you you in their powers. Feel the energies swirl around you and then can feel their love, and their power just standing outside the enter your body. Let the energies of the God and Goddess fill your structure. Explore the sanctuary. What are the walls made out of? being. Know that you are whole, you are perfect, that you are a Are there a lot of windows? Do they open to the inside? How many divine child of the God and Goddess, and that they are forever with doors does it have? What are they made of? Walk into the you. In you, they have created a beautiful and wonderful treasure. sanctuary; is there an aroma in the air? Venture into the sanctuary Come back to reality and ask yourself: What is the current state and look around. Enjoy the beauty, and sacredness of the building of the sacred sanctuary that they have given you? How do you and all the items inside. You are in this building, but you can maintain this holy temple? feel the presence of the God and Goddess around you. As you Many Blessing, reach the altar, the heart of the sanctuary, the God and Goddess Blessed Be. Page 7 Quest for the Crystal Phoenix - Chapter 1: Of Gardens and Valleys by Orpheus

It was a cold December when the prince was born. The prince’s As Apollo grew, the summer visits grew longer. The King and golden locks shone brightly in the gray morning light. When King Prince would time riding around the countryside. Still not Adam Solari saw his son, he proclaimed, “Just as the Sun King was satisfied, the Queen questioned the royal physicians. Each born on this Solstice night, so too is my son born. His name shall be confirmed what the others said. Iris had refused their services Apollo in honor of the Gods of our Ancestors. May his light shine saying that she did not trust their chemical medicines. She was a forth in times of darkness.” child of the earth and only wanted potions made of things she After the birth of her son, Queen Iris never regained her herself grew or gathered from the forest. youthful health. Each day she would consult with the At the end of the seventh summer, the Queen, being frustrated herbalists of the land to see what alternatives could be found to in her search, finally asked Lady Jedra, mother of one of the pretti- ease her pain. Each day a new potion would be tried. Some provided est maidens in the court, if she thought the King was sleeping with a momentary relief, but in the end none could prevent the final trag- her daughter. She was quite bewildered by the question and said, edy. Early in the autumn, as the harvests came in, the Queen ordered “Your Majesty, I don’t know how things are done in your country, a basket of apples to be brought to the nursery. Later, when the but we here in Adbalm learned long ago that our Kings and Queens, Queen’s maid went to help her prepare for supper, she was found for all their royalty, are still people. So much of their dead, having choked on one of the apples that had been said lives are on display that the one piece of humanity were good to keep the doctor away. that we can give them is privacy. We have seen The King laid his wife in a glass coffin and sent word our neighbors embroiled in scandal over to her royal parents in the northern kingdom of Rianglet. innuendos and rumors and decided that the As was the custom of the time, the Queen was to best way to maintain harmony is to not return to her homeland to be cremated. Her ashes engage in gossip. If the monarch chooses to were to be scattered with those of her foremothers make public those whom they share physical in the Garden of the Queens. A special pink iris companionship, that is something that is had been cultivated to honor her birth, a white discussed by the couple. Otherwise, all one to honor her marriage, a yellow one to honor parties keep silent and no one knows for the birth of her son, and a black dwarf iris would certain who is ‘most favored’ by keeping score be grown to mark her death after a short life. Each of who gets how many royal visits. Sorry, but if of these special iris would be placed in the gar- you want the answer to your question, you will den with her remains. Through the flowers, those have to ask King Adam directly.” who visit the garden will know the story of her That summer, and each one thereafter, the King life as well as the stories of the other Queens who joined Rose and Apollo on the return trip to Rianglet. went before her. The Kings would sit with Apollo’s teachers to plan out his Much was discussed about what to do with course of studies for the following year. It was on one of the young prince. Both King Adam and King William these northward journeys that Queen Rose finally asked her wanted a hand in raising the child as he was the sole heir of both son-in–law if he was ever going to remarry and give his son a mother. kingdoms. In the end, it was Queen Rose’s arguments that won out. To this he replied, “My Lady, how can I think of think of settling for She insisted that the child needed a mother’s care. As it would be less than perfection? Iris was the fairest of the land. To settle for incorrect on many levels for King Adam to remarry so soon after the less than the standard she set would be to dishonor her memory.” death of his Queen and she, on the other hand, was a mother “Surely, Adam, there is a new ‘fairest of the land’ that could sit without a child to care for, it only made sense for her to step in and by your side.” raise the child. “Aye, there is one that rivals Iris’s beauty. But alas, King Each summer, Queen Rose and the young prince traveled south William is still alive and his widow is not yet available for marriage.” to stay with King Adam. While father and son were honing some of With that, the Queen blushed and was diverted onto other the finer skills of life, such as skipping stones on the pond and subjects. She knew it would be folly to ask again. For if she did, the toasting marshmallows to golden perfection, the Queen would spend answer would be the same. In her heart, she knew that something time trying to ferret out the dark secret of her daughter’s death. She was not being said about her daughter’s death. What she wasn’t knew that the marriage had been one of royal duty for both Adam certain of was who was the person who wasn’t speaking? She would and Iris. She also knew that hers was a long line of women blessed in let the matter rest for a while. Maybe a son searching for answers childbirth and the fact that Iris was after the birth of Apollo was could find out more than a mother. She would use the next few years highly strange. With the heir born, King Adam would have no need to teach Apollo to ask the right questions. to keep the wife he didn’t love and could take up with his mistress The young prince was an eager student. History was his (or mistresses) once again. The queen spent her time chatting with favorite academic class, which was a good thing. As heir to two the ladies of the court and even the maids and serving girls trying to thrones he had to learn the tales of both countries. Apollo had find out who dared win Adam’s affection over her daughter. She always loved the adventures of knights going off on fantastic quests. watched the ladies flirt with the king, but never did she hear gossip Now he loved them all the more as he learned about the real lives of Pageof who 8 warmed the king’s bed late at night. the heroes that became the legends he heard as bedtime stories. For all the fancy embellishments of the bards, they were real live people knees. At that point, the enemy will be laughing so hard that it will and if he was lucky, one day he might get to hold something that be easy for you to win the battle.” belonged to one of them. One class was a challenge for Apollo. It wasn’t that he couldn’t Geography was another of subjects that fascinated him. With memorize all his lessons. It was that he could never understand why the yearly travel to Adbalm, the Prince often asked his grandmother it was important. Add to that the fact that the teacher for the class where did that road go or what was over that hill. She quickly learned was Queen Rose herself. Each morning they would meet in the throne that giving him a map of their route would quiet most of his room for an hour of “Royal Etiquette.” The Queen would go over all questions. In class he was amazed that for all the distance between the details of the proper behavior of royalty, all the little things one his two homes, there was that much more to the world than he could needed to remember when greeting guests. One slip of protocol have imaged. He dreamed of the day when he could travel to some could mean the start of a war. And then there were the sessions of the more exotic lands such as Timlirados and Simbacucu. before the great banquets each month…which fork was used for Weapons work was a mixed blessing for young Apollo. He had which course. While the Prince loved the pageantry, he never quite a steady eye and arm for the bow and arrow. Once he learned the art understood the need to spend fifteen minutes introducing each of aiming it was rare that he missed this target. Alas, his sword work guest at dinner when they all had sat down for lunch together that had much room for improvement. One day after an extremely same afternoon. If they would simply announce the names like they frustrating session Sir Rondar, his weapons teacher, threw up his did in his Father’s court, they could finish the meal in the time it hands and said, “Class, please take note of this and burn it in your takes to herald in the first four guests. Apollo knew better than to memory. One day, Prince Apollo will be King and may need to lead ask his grandmother about this. When she was in her royal finery you into battle. If the fight comes to a point where he is forced to and holding court, she was at her best. None would doubt that she draw his sword, keep your eyes firmly on your opponent. For as was the most regal Queen in all the lands and Apollo knew that he certain as the sun will come up in the morning, when he draws his was fortunate to have her expertise to learn from…if only it didn’t sword, he will slice his belt in two and his pants will fall around his seem so boring. He decided that maybe that understanding would come when he actually had to preside over a function. All was not hard work in the tedious training of a Prince for Apollo and his grandmother. They often spent long afternoons in the Garden of the Queens. They would trim the dead blossoms and save the seeds to be given to all who wished them for their own gardens. While at their tasks, Rose shared each of the stories of the past Queens and taught the Prince the secret language of the flowers. She told him how this white flower with a blood red spot represented a Queen who died while giving birth. These shimmering white flowers were the symbols of true, pure love and it is said that those who knew the this particular Queen said she glowed when she was with her love. If Queen Rose took extra care to foster Apollo’s interest in the herb garden, no one noticed. When he was twelve, King Adam took his son on a camping trip to the mountains. Apollo loved these trips for it was just the two of them. This was a time for father and son to be alone without all the hubbub of the court. The guards would follow them to a base camp but then Adam would lead his son to a second camp several miles away from the guards so they could be alone. This year’s excursion was special, for they were going on a month long trip to the “Valley of the Kings.” Unlike the Queens’ garden in Rianglet, this valley was for the living. Ashes weren’t scattered to honor the dead. The valley was a pristine retreat where the King could sit in solitude and allow the fresh air to cleanse the mind. When Apollo saw the water- fall cascading into the crystal lake, he gasped and said, “Father, this is so beautiful. Why haven’t we come here before?” To that King Adam said, “It has been the tradition of our family for generations on end to introduce our sons to the valley on the last summer of their childhood. You are now far enough into your studies to be able to appreciate coming to a place that is filled with quiet. As you get older and start to take up your duties as Prince, –continued on next page Page 9 Quest for the Crystal Phoenix continued this valley will be one of the few places where we can totally forget skin. I could wish that I never had to put clothes on again.” for a moment that we are King and Prince and we can simply be a The King said, “I can’t give you forever, but I decree that until father and son.” we go home, no clothes will be allowed in the campsite.” They stored they supplies in the small shelter nestled in a grove Over the next few days, they had many long talks and Adam and headed to the lake. When they got to the shore, the King would quiz his son on some of the fun historical trivia about his noticed his son’s reluctance to strip and jump into the water with his ancestors. Sometimes they would practice with swords. With his usual enthusiasm. He asked his son about his sudden shyness. father’s patient guidance, Apollo began to lose some of his “My Father, Queen Rose has told me that it is unseemly for one awkwardness with the blade. Sometimes they would just sit and to be naked in the outdoors. It might be tolerated in the babes who watch the sunset, imaging the pictures that the Gods were painting don’t know better. As a Royal, it would be scandalous for someone with the clouds. Looking at one spectacular sunset, Adam said, to come upon me and find that I am romping around as a child. As “Son, we don’t always have the luxury of being able to leave the you said, this is the last summer of childhood, and I thought should castle and come to this place to clear our minds. Sometimes we need start to act as befitting my station. Besides, I didn’t to bring the valley to the castle.” Adam spent time think to bring proper bathing clothes.” that evening teaching his son some of the medita- With a heavy sigh, the King realized that he tions he had learned that allow him to sit in the had not been paying close enough attention to castle and recapture the stillness of the place. what his mother-in–law had been telling his son. One evening, Adam saw his son staring at “Apollo, your grandmother and I disagree on the evening star and asked him if he was many things and this is but one example. Let us wishing for something. “Not really,” was his look at what you have said in a logical manner. reply. “I was wondering something, but I don’t “First, yes, you are royal, but never let that know if I have the right to ask.” make you forget that you are human. While “Son, you can always ask. I may not always the people would be upset if you acted like a be able to answer, but you can always ask.” child having a temper tantrum when a toy “I see the other children doing things with broke, none would think twice to find you their parents and I often wonder what it would be splashing around having fun. If one of them were like to have a mother. Why haven’t you ever remar- to stumble upon us, they would apologize for in- ried? Is it true that you are waiting for Grandfa- terrupting our reverie. ther to die so you can marry Queen Rose?” “Second, you are growing into manhood. His father laughed and said, “I knew that Don’t ever forget that you were once a child. would come back and haunt me one day.” He Yes, the child doesn’t know better about then explained how he had distracted Rose being naked, for it is innocent. Think about when she had asked a similar question. “I it a moment…if they, who are innocent really should remember to not joke with want to be naked, what is it that we as her. She always seems to take things adults should be guilty of that we need literally. The answer is a little more to remain clothed at all times? The child’s complicated than that. naked romps are not merely ‘tolerated.’ “Long before I met your mother, Most adults look at them with secret there was another that I loved dearly. longings, wishing we too could have Unfortunately, for reasons I can’t ex- that child-spirit and recapture the days plain without their permission, they when we too stripped and ran around were unable to provide me the one naked. thing I needed most…an heir. I was “Last, on many levels, it is good to be rid of clothes. We are twenty-five and hadn’t made a suitable marriage yet so my parents born into this world naked and we honor the Gods when we can step took matters in hand and contracted with King William for me to into the world in our skin. We are here in this most natural marry Princess Iris. I know I hurt the other deeply when I turned my environment. The creatures of the forest are clothed only in their back on them and married your mother. The few times I’ve seen them skin and shouldn’t that be good enough for us? We do not wear in the years since the marriage we have barely talked. ‘Nice weather’ clothes when we bathe so why should we be required to wear some- and chit chat about how you are growing kind of conversations. thing when immerse ourselves in the pool of the Forest Gods? Never have I seen them with the love in their eyes that tells me that “And besides all that, it’s fun!” With that, the King had fin- I could ask them to forgive me. My biggest regret in life is that I ished stripping, and pushed his son into the water, clothes and all. couldn’t have found a way to be true to my duty as Prince and not After much splashing about and wrestling around, Apollo shed his hurt another. Until I can figure that out, I decided that I would remain clothes and left them on a branch to dry. Later, as the two stretched alone.” out on the grass to take an afternoon nap, Apollo said, “Father, I “What was my mother like?” have to admit it feels good to naked. The sun feels so good on my “You have seen the paintings, and she was even more beautiful Page 10 than the most skilled artist could capture. She was the perfect Queen, that we can’t deny.” gracious, poised and all who met her loved her. As a King, she was “If you know who they are, then by all means let us invite them everything that I could ask for from a Queen. As a husband, well, I to join us. Does this mean I have to get dressed now?” think her mother was too perfect in her education of her daughter. His father replied, “You just did the first and it’s too late for the For all the time that we were together, I don’t know if I ever met ‘Iris second. Turn around.” the Woman.’ I think I only got to know ‘Queen Iris.’ I often won- With that, he saw his father drop to his knee and bow his head. dered if she too had some great tragic love that was denied when her Apollo turned around and saw the most handsome man standing parents ordered her to marry. She never said and I couldn’t ask.” next to a golden steed. He didn’t know why, but he knew it was right Father and son got quiet as they each thought about what was to pay homage to this man and dropped to his knee as well. said. After a while, Apollo broke the silence, “Do you love me?’ “Adam, you silly fool. You know better than that. I may be a “Of course I do,” said Adam. “Why would you God, but while we are here we are just two old friends. Just as you wonder about that?” like to come here to forget about being a King, so too I like to forget “You said that the only reason you married Mother was to once in a while and remember what it feels like to be human and to be produce an heir. I thought, well maybe you might not love me with friends.” because I represent what you lost.” Apollo looked up to see the visitor pull his father up from the “Life is so complicated. You might not be the son of the person ground and give him a big bear hug. It was only after they pulled that I loved the most but that doesn’t mean that I love you any less apart that Apollo noticed that the God was as naked as the two of for it. I did love your mother in my own quiet way. I wish that them. Apollo cast his eyes down for he felt embarrassed. The God’s she hadn’t died so young so that she could watch you grow into body was perfect in every way that a young adolescent could wish manhood.” for that they didn’t have themselves. Tall with broad shoulders and “How did she die? I know that she choked on an apple, but deep chest with every muscle rippling with energy. He had seen the Grandmother seems to believe that there was more to her death than guards without their shirts but other than his father, he had never a mere accident.” seen a nude male. It didn’t seem right to stare at a God. Even more Adam paused a moment and then said, “As I said earlier, there embarrassing was that his father was smiling in a way that he hadn’t are many things that Rose and I don’t agree on, but this isn’t one of seen before and some of the sorrow of the past seemed to have them. All the years prior to your birth, Iris was in the best of health. melted away. One day while she was pregnant with you, a courier arrived with a “Adam, don’t you think it’s time you introduce me to my name- special letter for her. After that day, her spirit seemed drained and sake?” she went about her duties with little enthusiasm. After you were “Son, I want you to meet His Most Excellent Holiness, Keeper born, she received another letter and an ornately carved box. When of the Solar Chariot...” she read the letter, all color drained from her face. Her health got “Adam, cut the bull. Do that again and I’ll do something to progressively worse after that and she was like a person already embarrass your son even more than simply giving you a hug. Hello dead.” Apollo, I’m Apollo. See how simple that is.” “Do you know what was in the box?” With the appearance of the God, the other spirits of the valley “I don’t know. I asked, but she wouldn’t tell me and it would came out of hiding. The Prince met his first fauns, elves and cen- have been rude to ask again. When she died I could find neither of taurs. It all seemed too wonderful to him and he wanted to stay up all the letters nor the box. The only thing I found was this key that I night until it was time to leave in the morning. The excitement proved wear around my neck. I’m hoping that it belongs to the box and that too much and all too soon he found himself drifting to sleep. As he someday I might find what it contains.” crawled into his bedroll, he saw his father and the God stand and “Thank you for telling me about Mother. Maybe she sent some- embrace once again and head towards the forest. thing to the castle in Rianglet and I will find it there for you. All this When the Prince awoke in the morning, the sun was high in the talk has given me much to think about and there is something that I sky. His father was sitting by the fire looking out to the lake. “Good would like to give you as payment.” With an impish gleam in his eye, morning, sleepyhead. I trust you had a good rest.” he pushed his father into the lake. “Father, I had the strangest dream last night where a God came After much frolicing and splashing about, the two pulled them- to visit us, and elves and all sorts of magical creatures. It seemed so selves out of the water to settle down for the evening. “Thank you, real that I could even feel their touch.” son. I needed that. After all those memories, I needed the laughter.” No sooner had the words left his lips when he saw the golden All too soon they came to their final evening in the valley. steed. “No, young Apollo. It was no dream.” He felt a pair of power- “Father, thank you for sharing this place with me. It is all the more ful hands on his shoulders. “Come with me. You too, Adam.” The special to me for the fact that it is just ours to share. But something God put his arm around each of their waists and he led them to the is bothering me. Even though it is just the two of us, I have often felt top of one of the hilltops that overlooked the valley. that there is someone watching us.” “Thank you for sharing this time with me. It is not often that I “I was wondering if you would notice. Actually there are many get to relax in such company. You have been so successful in the who have watched us these past weeks but they have stayed away task that I nearly forgot to tell you the things I came here to say. because we haven’t invited them to join us. There is one here now –continued on next page Page 11 A Special Date Quest for the Crystal Phoenix continued by Mr. Cell O’Bane “Adam Solari, you once could light up a room with your smile. Have I been waiting long? The clouds of pain have dimmed it in recent years. It has been good No, just got here myself. to see you smile and hear you laugh, if only for a short while. There Isn’t it amazing that this restaurant is one that longs to see that smile again. Once, you were forced to hasn’t changed in twenty years? make a choice and had to make a decision knowing that one day you would be King. While you have said that you wish that the other Remember back in those first years would come back into your life, in your heart you know that it is you We would go out on our monthiversary. that needs to take that first step and go to them. They have been We’d come here and then go dancing. waiting for you all these years. What are you waiting for? You are Each month it was our special date, the King and it time for you to act like one.” If someone asked us to dance, we’d say “I know,” said Adam. “But there is still that little boy inside that “Sorry, not tonight. We are on a special date.” worries that they won’t want me after all these years.” “When you see them next, look into their eyes and you will The years flew by and we stopped dancing, know that your fears are groundless. You are filled with so much But still, each year we came here for our special date. love. Let your light shine once again and give your people a reason We held hands across the table to celebrate.” And said I love yous so all could hear. He turned to face the Prince and squatted down so that he So here today, after twenty years could look directly into the Prince’s eyes. “Young man, you are in I say to you, “I love you still” every way your father’s son and I am proud to share a name with you. I was worried that you would become dependent on what And then you hang up your phone, Queen Rose said and not learn to think for yourself. I am glad that I “Oh, Happy Anniversary, dear. What were you saying?” was wrong. For you, I have two gifts. One for now and one that you The phone rings again, can use in the future.” “Hi, how are you?” “My Lord, seeing my father smile is all the gift I need. Being And you are lost in another conversation. with you this past day is all the gift I need. There is nothing more that I could want from you.” Happy Anniversary to you too, dear. The God laughed. “Adam, I said that he is your son in every How I miss those special dates. way. He certainly has gotten your gift of flattery. I stand corrected then, four gifts I give you. The first is your father’s smile if he follows my advise. The second is a promise of many more visits and we can gift each other with gay company in the years to come. “Third, you have a fire inside of you that no matter how people will to bring you down and put it out, you will find a way to burst into flames and rise above it all. For this, I give you your second name.” The god reached over and traced a design on Apollo’s upper arm. The God’s finger felt warm on his flesh. When he looked down at his arm there was bird shape etched into the skin. “Henceforth, you shall be known as Apollo Phoenix. Let my mark be a symbol to all that you have my blessing in all that you do. “And the last gift is for some hope in the future. The Fates have seen that you, like your father, will have to make a choice between Love and Duty. They have seen many possible paths for you. When things look darkest, if you look for the Crystal Phoenix you will find a way to be true to both.” With much to think about, the three descended the hillside in silence and began the sad task of packing up camp and putting on clothes.

To be continued…

Page 12 The Fur Closet by Cubby Every year on January 12, I celebrate the anniversary of my say. Well, girlfiends, how would you feel if society started saying coming out of the closet. I have been so proud to be part of the that anyone bigger than an “A-cup” was way too big and they Gay Community for all these years. They have been so supportive should seriously think about getting a breast reduction? Would and do everything to help people accept who they are. We have you still feel as proud of your tits? If that seems a bit extreme to made many strides to get to the point where it is becoming you, then why should men be made to feel diminished because acceptable to be openly gay in mixed company. Being part of this they have something that makes them masculine. And you guys community, I’ve learned that I am still a good person regardless of out dancing without your shirts, showing off your smooth skin, whom I love. It is in the loving that we become special. And least I’ve got news for you–I’ve got the fur to prove I’m an adult male. I forget, there is always that big Pride Party every June as the When you reach puberty, then we can talk. Community holds its own annual Now that I’m finished with my soap- celebration of coming out of the box, I will let you know that I have found collective closet. Oh, so many gorgeous a solution to my anger. I discovered an men…and wherever do they go the rest alternative to all the loathing that allows of the year? me to move about society freely and Every year on July 24, I celebrate without fear.. I have found Bears Anony- the anniversary of my coming out of the mous. Each member gets the phone num- “Clothes Closet” and accepted the fact ber of two other closeted Bears. You never that I am a nudist. The Naked Commu- know their names, just the phone num- nity is wonderful. They accept people ber. Any time a member is feeling fuzzy for who they are. Without clothes, there and needs a shave or they have to go to a are far fewer games of “I’m better than dreaded pool party where one is expected you because I can afford to have $500 to be shirtless, you call your buddies and suits.” Who cares about the cost of the they help shave the hard to reach spots. I clothes? It’s what’s inside that matters. found the group purely by accident. I was Every year on September 13, I cel- at the bar one evening and a gentleman ebrate the anniversary of my coming out came over and said, “I know you. Aren’t of the “Broom Closet” and stepped into you a friend of Ray Zor?” Ever since that my first Full Moon Circle. That first time night, I have had regular maintenance was a Friday, naturally, and every Friday sessions with my buddies. the Thirteenth I have a mini celebration You know what? Once upon a time I as well. The Pagan Community is was proud of my furry chest. It felt enlightened and gone are the fears that smooth to my touch and not so stubbly I’m a bad person because of my all the time. I miss the days of furry men sexuality or my desire to be naked. I am gracing the pages of my favorite porn closer to the Divine (by whatever name magazines that I hid from my parents you choose to call it) than I’ve ever been before I came out. I can tell you it is really before. weird sitting on your bed with your May 10, is also special. That’s the day I earned my Faerie Mother after she finds the magazines and you start comparing wings. And then, August 3, the day I got my first kilt. I never notes. I will say, she had impeccable taste in men. Weirder yet was realized that being almost naked in public can be one of those sitting with Father later that night and he agreed with our choices. naughty pleasures that is almost more fun than being naked. When He pointed to Mother’s and my favorite, Steven S. Long, and said someone asks if I’m wearing anything under the kilt, my standard that was him before he met Mother. Gads, what a difference a beard reply is, “Look if you want to. I’ve got nothing to hide.” makes–well, that and about 40 pounds of Mother’s good cooking. There is one day that I wish I could celebrate…my coming out I guess even parents have a few skeletons in their closets that of the “Fur Closet.” I am so tired of hearing my friends air their need to be aired out once in a while. disgust at anyone who shows the slightest amount of body hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Worse yet is their opinion of those with hair on their backs. When Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he? Seems kind of childish, don’t you I’m out at parties, I just want to hide in the corner when they start think? The Divine gave Bears fur coats. We do the Divine talking. To me, it sounds just like a meeting of the Klu Klux Klan. dishonor by leaving them in the closet. They aren’t planning to tar and feather an ethnic person. No, they If anyone is organizing the Stonewall of the Bear world, let me want to find a Bear and get out tweezers to pluck each hair out by know. And please give me a couple of months notice so I can let its roots. What happened to “be who you are?” When did it the fur grow back. When the day comes, I want to be able to stand become “We only love our smooth chested friends?” on the Capitol steps without my shirt on and shout, “I’m one of the I want to scream at the television when one of the college girls people with hair on my back and I’m damn proud of it.” Mean- tells her friends about how great the evening was until her beau while, it seems to be open season on Bears, so I’ll go back into the took off his shift and he had hair on his back. “Oh, gross!” she’d Fur Closet and wait for my buddy to show up. Page 13 Meditation - The Ultimate Preparedness for Future Changes —as relayed by Tor from the works of Jon Peniel If you “sense” that big changes are coming, you’re right. And the ?chatter? by consciously, softly, saying the word, ?THINK- consider this: You can physically prepare until you?re blue in the ING?,? in sort of a questioning way of the chatter, then bring your face, but you can lose it all in an instant. Social, political, or natural mind back immediately to your meditation practice, slipping between forces could disrupt or wipe out your preparations. Even the most thoughts, with no self admonishment, frustration or anger. powerful governments can’t withstand the forces of nature and the ?Universal Energy? that sustains us. We aren’t saying to ignore 1) Counting Breath Meditation physical preparedness by any means. But everything can be taken Concentration is a prerequisite to true meditation techniques/ from you, or destroyed, EXCEPT your consciousness, what you meditation exercise and an invaluable aid in anything you do. The have made of yourself within, and what might be called your soul or development of concentration is a primary purpose of the counting spirit. So THAT should be our first priority when it comes to breath meditation, it has integrative effects on the entire being. preparedness. This breathing meditation technique can be done with passive Consider this: We will all die someday anyway, disasters or not, or active breathing - you can either just let your body breathe nor- and again, spiritual preparations will be all that matters then. Fur- mally, or take conscious control of your breathing. Do it both ways thermore, we’re also not just talking about preparing yourself for for a while, and you?ll discover which is best for you. some kind of possible “doomsday scenario” - Sit with your spine straight. As you inhale, count to your- we have our day to day lives to deal self silently, “one”; as you exhale, again count “one”. with right now. What kind As you inhale again, count “two”; exhale, count of world do you want to “two”. Continue like this until you get to live in now, in the future, “ten”, then start the cycle over again an “afterlife,” or when with one. Your reincarnated? If you want to live in a kind, caring, objective is to be loving, creative world, then you must have made able to do five sets yourself into that kind of person in order to of one through ten without your mind wandering. belong in it. We aren’t talking about religion, When you can do that, your concentration is well devel- we’re talking about spirituality. Things like oped. Don?t expect to be able to do it right away, it takes - what kind of person you are - what time, it takes practice, but like you think you are - what you are everything else, the more you practice the better you get. aware of - what your personal “ Remember, when you find that you have drifted off reality” is. True preparedness somewhere, acknowledge where you went by softly should cover all possibilities and or silently saying the word, ?THINKING?,? and improve our life even if nothing immediately go back to counting your breath ever happens. Realizing the without wasting concentration. If you will “real” you is not just a body, just be persevering/consistent with personality, or accumulation your meditation exercise, you of memories and program- will get results, but be pa- ming, is the first step. Be- tient. Waiting IS! coming a spiritual being (who just happens to be in- 2) Mirror Exercise Medita- habiting a physical body right tion-Chanting now), is the next step. Just follow the Golden Rule of unselfishly “Modern” science loving others, and become an unselfishly loving, fearless, harmless has only recently discovered that the body has bio-electric and person - THAT is the purchase price of your ticket to a better world. energy fields, and even the brain gives off electricity in the form of It’s a “win/win” situation, regardless of what happens in the future, brain waves. or when your “time is up”. We have always known that people are always transmitting If that all sounds like what you want in life, one of the best ways various energies, and always receptive to various energies. to get started is through meditation. Three forms will be presented This meditation develops: Concentration; Self-discipline; Your here with the first being very Zen and what you?d think of in a abilities to “read” higher frequency vibrations/”auras”; Your visual Buddhist or Yoga tradition and the other two, maybe not thought of communication abilities; Your abilities to influence others via ener- as meditation so much and #2 is like your own private ?Vision gies transmitted through the eyes; Your abilities to defend against Quest.? others influencing you through the eyes; Awareness of previous As you practice meditation, remember not to get frustrated if incarnations of yourself and others; Your circumvent force (the area your mind “chatters” with thoughts. That is a common occurrence of vibrational influence that surrounds you like a giant aura). when learning meditation. The mind will interfere with your medita- This meditation technique should be done in a darkened room, tion, and if you let it bother you, it will hamper your training. If you using a candle or two in front of the mirror you?re using. The mirror notice a lapse in attention or concentration, simply acknowledge needs to be large enough to see your entire face. The mirror should Page 14 Deep Earth Prayer by Monkey be placed one to two feet from your face. Have you been maimed Our Mother? Let me heal You. If you can, burn a little pure (resin, sap, or powdered resin) Have you been shamed Our Mother? Let me praise You. incense before starting the meditation technique. Have I been vain to walk upon You You may either sit on the floor or in a chair, whichever is most and feel that I should be admired? comfortable for you; the important thing is to keep your spine straight & erect. Here, in a moment of reverence, I ask that You cast but a pebble in To begin the exercise, look into the eye of your reflection that is my path to steer me in the direction of peace upon You. on your right side (this would actually be your right eye) and start chanting a mantra. Refrain from blinking if you can, especially when I ask that I be reminded to view every person I meet as a beautiful you are seeing phenomenon or other faces (it can jolt you out of the extension of an infinite miracle. altered state that is allowing you to see these things). Continue doing the meditation exercise for at least ten minutes. A half-hour I ask to remember always that every ounce of the essence of life will generally yield more results. existing on this planet should be revered with quiet respect.

Selecting a Mantra Forgive me of my neglect, Our Mother. Select a mantra (word or words used for chanting) that you feel Forgive me for my lack of respect, Our Mother. drawn to. “Om” and “Yod-He-Vau-He” are both excellent mantras. A mantra helps develop concentration, and can effect you in many May the path of peace that is upon you for me, ways through the vibration of sounding the words. Ancient Persian be apparent in your graceful turning. and Indian Sanskrit words also make good mantras or make-up a phrase that causes a vibration above your throat and behind your So that the wonder of it all not be lost on me, eyes. It can stimulate upper chakras, stimulate your attunement to I ask these things of You, Our Mother. the “sound current” of the Universe and thus Universal Consciousness, and invoke the energy of all the chanting that has So that it may harm none in my conversations with you, been done throughout time, by those who have used that same I ask these things to be. chant. But it is also important that you understand the meaning of the mantra you choose, and it is best if it represents a profound idea or ideal. The meaning of Yod-He-Vau-He can be found in the book, “The Children of the Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis,” which I have a copy of and can loan out (or buy one from ?CLO? on the internet).

You may experience a great deal of phenomenon doing this exercise, i.e., seeing all kinds of faces from past lives, “auras” etc. Whatever you experience, stay focused on what you are doing, don?t allow anything to lure your attention away. You may come to experience what some call “The Dweller on the Threshold”, a “hideous demon” that is nothing but your own selfish separate self, your fears, desires, etc., (discussed in the chapter on the death experience in the above book). If you do, let me remind you that the Dweller is also “The ?Spirit? guarding the Gates of ?Paradise?”, and the only way you can pass, is through love, Unselfish Love. Look that beast right in the eye and love it. In this way you can transcend self and return to Paradise, the Oneness with the Universal Spirit.

3) Kind for a Day This simple little exercise also develops Unselfish Love, by directly accessing it through one of its attributes - kindness. Every morning, choose one person in your life, who you will put out an extra effort to be thoughtful of, humble with, and kind towards. All through the day, stop and consider their feelings, their needs, what it?s like to walk in their shoes. And treat them special. Maybe get them some tea, or give them a massage, or make them a special meal, or a gift from your heart. The next morning, choose a different person. Page 15 Falcon’s Journey - Lessons From the Silence by Falcon

Silence… Silence Equals… Silence Equals Death… Silence Equals Death…Silence Equals Death… Silence Equals Death…Silence Equals Death… Silence Equals Death…Silence Equals Death… Silence.

The room was strangely quiet after the past few days. Gone here the cries of pain that filled the room. Gone was the labored breathing, the sound of the marathon runner at the end of the race. Gone was the hustle and bustle of the day shift. Filling the room was the solitude of the night. We lay there in that silence, he in the hospital bed and I in the chair with my head in his hand. Two hearts still beating as one. We were both breathing, not in sleep, but in anticipation; rapid, shallow breathing, but silent. Just the two of us, together, as we always knew it would be. The silence was filled with memories of the dreams we had, the good times and bad. And the love. Thoughts rippled back and forth along our bond. How I wished I could do more to help, but I knew that my being there was enough for him. Then, like in some old movie, a voice shattered the silence. It came from nowhere…everywhere…somewhere other than here. It was a voice that I felt more than heard, yet it sounded familiar. “I am here,” it said. I sat up and saw that the room was filled with a soft mist. On the headboard was a giant owl, staring at me as only an owl can do. The the look of having seen all of life, yet they still sparkled. She beck- voice spoke again, “Are you ready to go?” I knew that in many oned me to sit beside her and we sat in silence while She finished the cultures the owl was an omen of death, so I started to say my final spot She was sewing. good-bye to my love. When She finally spoke, it was with a voice filled with love and “There will be time enough for that later,” the voice said. “It is compassion. “My child, I asked you to come so that I can help you not time yet. Someone wished to speak to you.” The owl then spread help someone else. We know his time is near, but he loves you so his wings and launched from the bed. He circled the room and deeply that he never wants to hurt you. I want to set your mind at brushed my face with a wing; then off we flew into the night. The ease and share with you the peace that will come after the pain has Owl and the Falcon, together. passed, so that you may be able to say the words that will set him As we flew through the mist-shrouded night, twisting and turn- free.” ing, there was always the same bright star in front of us. “My friend, We sat and talked–well, I talked and She listened for the long- what star are we following.” I asked. “That star is you. Never lose est time. Then She spoke and told me of my future, showed me faces sight of that star, for with its light you will always be able to find of people I would meet and even the face of my next love. “You will yourself, even when things are darkest.” not remember much of this,” She said, “until it is time to put the past After some time…eternity…minutes…hours–who knows time to rest. Only then will you see the future. On your way here you saw in timeless space?–we came to an island rising above the mists. “We your star. Always keep that star in front of you and never look back. are here,” the owl said. The island was the most glorious, colorful If you turn your back on your star, it is so very hard to find it again. garden I had ever seen. “You will find Her among the roses. I will Each star in the darkness is a life, past and present. Always look to wait for you here.” As we landed, I found myself once again in my the stars to remember that even in the darkness you are not alone.” own form standing on a sunlit garden path. “Just follow the path I looked up at the sky above me and it was no longer mist- and you will find Her.” shrouded. It was filled with more stars than I have ever seen in my There was a Presence around me as I walked the path that life. As before, no matter which was I turned and looked, there was opened up before me. There was a hushed silence, the silence of my star, directly ahead. “My child, when next you gaze at the night awe and wonderment. I never realized that there were so many forms sky, you will see a sign of his eternal love for you. It is my gift to you of silence. It was a silence of peace, of love, of serenity and all that so that you will always know, and will never need to look back. is good. I walked into a garden filled with every shade of rose imag- “When you return, you will once again be in that silent place. It inable, and there She was, sitting on a bench, working on some will be up to you to end the silence. He needs to hear the words that embroidery. She was the grandmother I never knew. Her eyes had will release him.” she embraced me and sent me on my way. As I left

Page 16 Pieces of We by Okapi We is such a simple word. It is made up of only two parts–you Sounds pretty gloomy, huh? It doesn’t have to be. If we always and me. When it comes to making a we, I am me and you, well, you remember that they are really part of us, then we will find a way to are the you. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Even better than survive. that, there is always only one me and we can add as many yous as I have to wonder about the concept called Democracy. Is it we want and we will still only have one we. Truly amazing. really fighting for? No matter who wins the fight, there will be But sometimes, I notice something strange about you–when a loser and they will wait for a moment when they can reclaim what you are speaking, you are me and I become you. How can that be? Is they lost. The moment may be in the weeks after the war, or it may it possible that no matter what is being said there is always a we? No come generations later, but it will come because they didn’t agree matter what happens, I am part of a we. with what we did. Then what happens when we becomes us? Somewhere out It seems to me that Democracy perpetuates the we-they mental- there is a they. We are us and they are them. But something is still ity. No matter who wins, there will always be someone who stands wrong, for when they are speaking they are us and we are them. So, up to say, “Don’t blame me. I voted for the other guy.” They think while we and they are together, we are still part of a much bigger we. they can wash their hands of what we decided. Even as we fight for I admit it, this sounds fairly silly, but I am never alone in my Democracy in distant lands, we don’t have it here in this country. If actions and neither are you. Whatever I do will impact us. The you we did, the other guy would be President right now. of the statement could be a human, or maybe a monkey in the tree. When I first learned of the Faerie tradition of consensus, I When an I chops down the tree, the you loses out We don’t even thought that was a burdensome way to conduct business. Now, I have to see each other to still be a we. think we need to abandon the “Fight for Democracy” and take up How many of our world conflicts started because they did some- the “Fight for Consensus.” Think about it, in a consensus based thing to us? Wouldn’t it be nice if they stopped to think that they are world, the Germans couldn’t have put the Jews in the concentra- part of us and thus, they are doing something to themselves as well? tions camps without both sides agreeing that is what needed to Does it really matter who started something? No, because in the happen. Rape would be eliminated since both parties would need to end, we have to take responsibility to end the conflict. There are agree, which would then mean that consent happened and therefore those that would have us believe that the only real way to find peace it wasn’t rape. Likewise with murder. is to make all of them go away. That will never really solve things for Democracy is mostly about them. They are bad and we need to as soon as they are gone, we will break apart until there is a new we do something about it. Consensus is about we. We have a problem and they to enter into conflict. If this happens enough times, we and we work on finding a solution that maintains the we. This part of would be back to just you and I, and one of us would have to go to we likes the later much better. How about your part of we? Is this make final, lasting peace. something we can live with?

Lesson From the Silence continued the garden, Her words we fading, the faces She showed me turning into shadowed memories. As the owl and I returned to the room, I saw myself still sitting in the chair with my head in his hand. Effortlessly, I flew back into myself, realizing what I must do. “My love, it is time,” I whispered. One…two…three breaths…then silence. As I watched him take his final breath, I saw the owl sitting on his chest. “Always look to the stars, and remem- ber that you are my star.” As I watched him fly into the darkness, I noticed something. There was my star as always, but it was now joined by a second star. No matter where I looked, I saw two bright stars shining together. When people say “silence equals death,” they are only half right; I know they are talking about other people’s silence. But si- lence really is a kind of death, but not in the negative sense. Silence is potential, waiting for a transformation into something else, just as a seed is the last of the old plant, waiting for the right time to spring forth again. Silence is not eternal; it is not static and unchangeable. Neither is death; it is but a transformation into something else

(Note from Falcon to AF Readers - The art accompanying this story is by a friend of mine, NightFeather. He created the art for when this story was run in another publication several years ago and he gifted me with the original art to use in future publications such as this one.) Page 17 Earth Recipes submitted by Potsan Panz Dirt Pies Mud Pies

I have found several versions of the potluck favorite on the I think there are two basic types of mud pies: the ones you get internet. They all have a similar base with their own twists. I am away with and the ones you don’t. Within each category, there are going to combine them and let you pick which options you want to three main variations: free form, in a pan without a crust, and in a pan include. without a crust. I will take a quick moment to describe these three For the most fun when using this recipe, you will need a clean variations, and then we will look at how to make more of the pies you flower pot or two. First choice would be one that you haven’t used get away with than the ones you don’t. for plants already. If you have one of those beautiful ceramic ones A free form mud pie is the simplest. You simple take some mud that are just “too pretty to use” this is a good use for them. Substi- and make pie shapes and let them dry. A thicker, slightly drier mud is tute vanilla wafers for the Oreos and a light colored pudding like better for this variation. Most often, these mud pies more resemble banana or lemon for the chocolate, get a child’s plastic sand bucket mud cookies but the name sticks to them no matter the shape. and you get the same effect for a summer pool party. This recipe lets The pan pies are made in some form of container. If you go with you be creative. the crust version, you take pebbles or grass clippings and line the pan before adding your mud. If you want the crust, a slightly wetter, Basic Ingredients: sloppier mud is easier to work with in order to get a smooth top 1 lb bag Oreo Cookies (regular) The first rule for eliminating mud pies that you don’t get away 1 box instant chocolate pudding mix with - don’t use your mom’s favorite pie dish. It is bound to be 1 cup cold milk discovered missing and it is usually a one-way trip for the dish. You will never see your mother using it for your favorite pie again. You Ingredients Option 1 may never see your favorite pie again for that matter. 8 oz Cool Whip (thawed) . The second rule is that mud pies are best served al fresco - meaning outside. Mother’s seem to have this thing about dirt com- Ingredients Option 2 ing inside the house. No matter how beautiful your creation is, you 3-4 oz of soft cream cheese are likely going to hear, “Get that mess out of my kitchen.” So why 1/4 stick softened butter invite trouble. Enjoy your pie in the great outdoors. (internet recipe called for 12 oz and 3/4 respectively, but then The last rule is simple, don’t call attention to yourself. Keep as they also were using 4 packages of pudding - what army were they clean a possible. That commercial with people splashing flour in feeding?) their face to make people think they slaved in the kitchen to make the food would not be a good idea when working with mud pies at Additives Number 1 home. One look at your face and they will never see your creation. “Rocks” - such as granola chucks, chocolate chips, peanut I’m not sure what it is about adults and mud pies. I don’t know butter chips, or peanuts if it has something to do with puberty, or if it is that moment when they become parents. Whichever it is, why is that parents feel the Additives Number 2 need to discipline a child for doing what they themselves did when Gummy Worms they were that age? Now if your house is on top of a Super Fund site, well, I can understand their concerns. But then, Glow-in-the- Additives Number 3 dark is a fairly valid kind of mud pie. Silk flowers or edible flowers/foliage I don’t know if the world is better off for the mud pie shortage I see today. Maybe parents should spend time with their children Grind or smash Oreos into small crumbs. This is your “dirt” so showing them how they did it “back in the old days.” Maybe the the smaller the particles, the better the effect. parents could learn a little more about that child spirit inside that Make the pudding mix according to the package. At this point once knew that one of the funest pleasures on earth was playing in you can add the ingredients from Option 1 and/or Option 2 depend- the dirt and making mud pies that no one really expected to eat. (oh ing on how rich you want to make this. You can also add some of the - and before you grammar queens get you knickers all twisted - I “rocks” if you want. mean funest - if you are full of pride, you are proud, and then its Line your flower pot with wax paper. Pour your pudding mix prouder and the person with the most pride is the proudest. Since into the pot, about 3/4 full. Fill the remained of the pot with the this activity is the most fun it must be the funest.) cookie crumbs, burying additional rocks and worms as you feel inspired. Silk flowers, or sprigs of mint or nasturtiums (or any other edible decorative plant) can be added for effect. It’s easy and lends itself to creativity. Have fun.

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