Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


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Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton



A Neighbourhood Plan is a set of Policies and Guidelines, generated by the community, to help shape future developments within the Plan’s area, in this case the parishes of Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet. The Localism Act of 2011 provides the right for all local communities to develop their own Neighbourhood Plan,

Planning Policies are set at Central Government, County Council and District Council level. Obviously these cover the larger areas that these administrations cover, and cannot by definition, be bespoke to the exact place where we live. That’s where the Neighbourhood Plan comes in.

The Neighbourhood Plan can expand on and supplement those Policies already in place in order to create a local community steer on future development proposals. For example, it can promote specific architectural styles, the use and appearance of open spaces, encourage business and highlight community aspirations.

Without a Neighbourhood Plan, all future developments would have to comply with the higher level Policies only, which may not be sufficiently specific to align with local views. Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


In 2016 the Parish Councils of both Lound and Somerleyton with Ashby and Herringfleet decided to embark on the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan for the combined parishes – the Plan Area.

A separate group of volunteers from all parishes formed the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. The members were –

From Lound Rita Flatt, Louis Smith, Paul Strowlger, Miles Thomas

From Somerleyton Mike Brackenbury, David Cook, Maureen Gibbs, Paul Johnson (on behalf of Somerleyton Estate), Jenni Livingstone (Chair), Chris Morris, Jason Wharton

The Committee commenced by having open days at Lound and Somerleyton Village Halls to determine what ideas, aspirations and concerns exist within the community

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


The informal Open Days were held in November 2016 and a number of topics were offered up for people to express their opinions about. They were –

HOUSING LIVING IN THE AREA ENVIRONMENT and HERITAGE COMMUNITY FACILITIES EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT HEALTH from which 330 comments were gleaned, that helped form the basis of a Questionnaire that was distributed to every household in the Plan Area. (The responses are available to view on the Lound website)

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Developing the Questionnaire took a great deal of discussion to formulate, to ensure that the answers would effectively direct the development of the Neighbourhood Plan policies. The Questionnaire was distributed to every household in the Plan Area along with other stakeholders and businesses.

A response in excess of 50% was received, providing the Committee with sufficient data to sensibly analyse. Software provided via Council allowed the Committee, that was divided into work groups, to effectively review and summarise the results. From this the first formulations of policies commenced.

None of the Volunteers had experience in developing a Neighbourhood Plan, although some experience existed in the Planning arena, so assistance was given by WDC Community and Planning Officers, and professional help was sought to advise and guide its development. Hence an independent Consultant was engaged, Graham Nourse, who attended key meetings and reviewed drafts and third party feedback.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


At around the same time as the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, Waveney District Council was developing its (now adopted) Local Plan. This involved identifying sites within the whole Waveney area for development, to assist in the UK’s strategy to build more homes. Rural areas were included along with urban areas and WDC took a balanced view in allocating sites in smaller communities, resulting in three sites being confirmed within our Plan Area, two in Somerleyton and one in Lound.

Because these sites had been allocated, it was a requirement that the Neighbourhood Plan included development principles for these and so, a Masterplanning and Design Gudelines report was commissioned, which is issued as part of, and is referred to within, the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Masterplanning and Design Guidelines was developed by a specialist Consultancy firm (AECOM), who visited the area and each site.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Although the Volunteers, by definition, are not paid, there were a number of costs involved in developing the Neighbourhood Plan. The principal items were –

Professional Fees (Consultant) Printing Cost to develop the Masterplanning and Design Guidelines

Funding came from Department of Communities and Local Government, SCC Locality Budget and WDC (now ESC) and was managed via Lound Parish Council

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


A great deal of discussion and drafting was carried out to finally craft the wording to meaningful and effective Policies. It was sometimes extremely difficult to align aspirations with Policy statements that neither duplicated nor contradicted existing WDC policies and remain purposeful.

This is a planning document which is fundamentally about the use of land. The document can prescribe how that land is developed and reflect the aspirations and desires of the local community.

Once a first draft of the document had been completed it was distributed for review by the main stakeholders, eg WDC, SCC, Broads Authority, English Heritage, etc., Comments from these were reviewed and adjustments made and redistributed. Further comments received were considered and a final review round with East Council (formerly WDC) Planning Officers was undertaken.

This draft is now out for “Regulation 14” consultation with the community and stakeholders, from which any comment will be considered prior to its final draft to be submitted formally to East Suffolk Council.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Following the formal submission to East Suffolk Council the work of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is largely complete.

Thereafter, East Suffolk Council will engage an Examiner, who is an independent Planning Officer, who will review both the Neighbourhood Plan and compliance to the regulations in its development.

The Examiner has to be satisfied that the Neighbourhood Plan policies do not contradict higher level policies, are not ambiguous and can be implemented. Subject to the Examiner’s findings the Neighbourhood Plan will be offered up for referendum to the Community.

Final endorsement by referendum is necessary to enshrine the Neighbourhood Plan as law.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 1 Housing Mix

Preference will be given to the provision of smaller scale 1, 2 and 3 bed dwellings within new developments.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 2 Development of Allocated Sites Development proposals for each of the allocated sites shall follow the AECOM Design Guidelines, specifically - WLP7.5* Land North of The Street, Somerleyton local plan allocation should be in conformity with the concept masterplan in section 6.2 of the design guide and demonstrate how it has taken account of the design features in part 6.3 WLP7.6* Mill Farm Field local plan allocation should be in conformity with the concept masterplan in section 6.4 of the design guide and demonstrate how it has taken account of the design features in part 6.5 WLP7.12* Land East of The Street, Lound local plan allocation should be in conformity with the concept masterplan in section 5.2 of the design guide and demonstrate how it has taken account of the design features in part 5.3 *Refers to Waveney Local Plan Site allocation identification number

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 3 Public Open Space in new Residential Developments Where developments include areas of public open space these shall be designed in a manner which maintain and enhance the existing villages’ character. The provision of public open green space in any new development shall incorporate appropriate native trees and planting to enhance biodiversity. Planning applications for development which includes public open space should demonstrate how this open space will be appropriately managed and maintained.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 4 Design of new Residential Developments New residential developments shall harmonise with and reflect the character of the existing housing stock and any new dwellings shall be similar in scale, type, and use similar materials to existing traditional local houses. All new development will be expected to comply with the requirements of the Masterplanning and Design Guidelines. The key design principles for new residential developments shall be those regarding street patterns and layout, boundary treatment and built form. All proposals shall demonstrate that these principles have been understood and incorporated into their design.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 5 Provision of Footpaths Any new development must preserve existing footpaths, bridleways and cycle paths and where appropriate, include new provision on the site to connect to the existing network.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 6 Parking Provision for new Residential Developments For all new residential developments, in addition to any garages provided, the following minimum standards shall apply for the provision of off road parking 1 bedroom dwelling = 1 off road car parking space 2 bedroom dwelling = 2 off road car parking spaces 3 or more bedroom dwelling = number of off road car parking spaces equal to number of bedrooms minus 1 Unallocated visitor parking shall be provided in configured locations within the development at the rate of 0.25 spaces per dwelling.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 7 Provision of new Village Hall and Changing Rooms* The proposal for a new community centre including changing facilities on the playing field will be supported subject to the provisions of the Waveney Local Plan, including Policy WLP8.29 - Design, Policy WLP8.30 – Design of Open Spaces and the general principles of the Masterplanning and Design Guide. *Policy applies only to Somerleyton

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 8 Support of Local Community Facilities Proposals that retain, enhance or provide local services and community facilities such as meeting places, village halls, sports venues, public houses and places of worship will be supported.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


Policy 9 Support of Local Businesses Development proposals for small scale employment uses within the settlement boundaries or adjacent to the settlement boundaries, and the expansion of existing employment premises will be supported provided that: - any such development must be of an appropriate scale and sensitive to the character of the area. - proposals for rural tourism and other businesses that will benefit the local economy shall be in locations that are sustainable and do not harm the visual character or amenity of the Plan area.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN


The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group wish to give their appreciation for the inspiration and hard work of Louis Smith.

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

Regulation 14 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Lound, Somerleyton, Ashby and Herringfleet NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN