Top Stories University Regulation
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'"48%4ii@dsntttt > .'Ar, jtnbht~'~stilt't~b"g,tsSos japan "est Friday, May 12, 1978 Moscow, Idaho 83843 Vol. 82, No. 62 ir .'t t':j I t ct Alcohol policy set: " '. ":<,'j(jyt.'jhy>>4 no containers allowed Beginning with the fall of cafeterias, have been con- 1978, the current "safe con- sidered off-limits to the legal tt tainer" policy, which allowed use of alcohol. spectators to in- /I carry alcohol According to Richardson, to the Kibbie-ASUI Dome, steps should be taken to clear [I- .'nt will become a "no-container" 't with the Regents and the policy, wrote Dr. Tom Richar- 11 i. Moscow C.ity Council dson, vice president for arrangements whereby "a student and administrative af- limited number of locations in fairs. the residence halls may be In steps to implement the reserved by residence hall Regents'lcohol policy, ef- organizations for 'private'n- fective since December 20, tertaining." The housing of- 1977, Richardson outlined in a fice would supervise these memorandum the dome, areas. university residences, and Greek houses are in- Greek houses as target areas dependently operated. where enforcement of the Though not under univer- II the policy must take place to sity's operation, they have assure the U of I's compliance been informed of the Regents'olicy I to the policy. and encouraged to en- II Since the new alcohol tertain . responsibly and policy became effective, con- 1/ "promote rush programs sumption of alcoholic where alcohol does not beverages in U of I owned, become the center of at- leased or operated facilities traction," said Richardson. and on campus grounds has Alcohol education i been prohibited, This Spokane Falls Community College tong not be for according to programs addressing respon- jumper may jumping joy Uof I the Regents. students will be after next week Spring .semester comes to s close nexf Friday For more sible drinking behavior have A main place of concern is on Thursday's trackmeet, see today ssports 'page. Photo by Rick Stainer been held on campus. Richar- the dome. "Gate keepers may dson supported their con- ask patrons to demonstrate tinuance. 'ut they are in compliance with Sometime in the future Top stories university regulation. An in- Richardson said he II „: hoped the dividual can be denied ad- Regents will consider licen- KUOI, entertainment high on Argonaut list mission if he or she is not sed vending of beverages in but Il:.': A liaisonofficer for KUOI- Ed Troxel resigned, creating s of which recommended a $3 cooperative, personal such areas as the golf course, searches will made," ;: FM, a $34,000 loss for the statewide furor. Academic increase, some a $6 increase. not be SUB; dome, and private par- '-: wrote Richar'dson in regard I ASUI Entertainment .Depart- vice president Robert The administration to ties in residences. The proposed dome enforcement. 'ent, and U of I's withdrawal Coonrod and director of a $14 increase, and the state situation "could be more (t University „'., «om the Idaho Student university relations Carolyn Board of Education-Board of residence areas responsibly handled under open to and most commonly Itll it Association ranked mth the cron ogden resigned. The Regents approved the portion licensed conditions than by 'used the such as 'I''i semester's top five news resignations, which become which asked for a $2 increase by public, different at tempts at '." lounges, hallways and prohibition "he said ir jj ,stories, according to an in- effective in August, were an- for men's intercollegiate 'o™alpoll of Argonaut sec- nounced last month. athletics. The portion tion editors. Fee increases were a major allowing a $ 10 increase for Senate delay s action on ': Resignations were in the issue throughout the student facilities was held in news, to~uring Christmas semester. The ASUI Senate abeyance, and the portion vacation head football coach considered resolutions, some requesting a $2 increase for in- proposing fee increase tramural athletics was not ap- The ASUI Senate v6'ted to override Harding's veto of a proved. delay any action on a bill stating that the president I (( The Regents also increased proposed ASUI fee increase cannot veto senate room and board rates for next in its final meeting of the resolutions. Harding termed II t Schmitz resignation given year. The change increased semester Wednesday night. the bill "reactionary" and said 'I/ the price of a standard room The senate resolved to not it conflicted with a ruling by by Max@ Jacobson problem this past semester has by approximately $ 100 per make any recommendation to ASUI Attorney General Laird been a result of the poor year. the Board of Regents on a fee Stone. Edward J. Schmitz, chief of evaluations he received from The Regents made news increase until: (1) the final Harding's veto of a bill t- I Campus Security since Oc- employees in the Campus when the board was granted disposition of the 1979 ASUI requiring the election board . t «ber let- of 1974r submitted a Security department. Richar- an exemption from the Ad- budget is determined; (2) the chairman to notify candidates ter of resignation to Thomas dson declined to comment on ministrative Procedures Act, carryover to the general reser- of election results within 48 Riqhardson, student and Schmitz's past evaluation. which establishes guidelines ve fund is determined; and (3) hours was upheld. ', . «min6trative vice president "The resignation will be ac- for state agencies in arriving the exact purpose for which After moving briefly into p1 on May 1, The A rg o naut has cepted and we will conduct a at policy decisions and the additional income would executive session, the senate , learned. Schmitz's resignation search as soon as possible," changes. be used is stated. passed a resolution formally has been accepted and will saisd Richardsn. "The ap- in the semester, the ASUI President Bob Har- reprimanding ASUI Assistant I Early become effective August 31 pointment has to be agreeable National Collegiate Athletic ding opposed the resolution. Finance Manager Greg Rice In ll an interview Thursday, to both the city of Moscow as Association handed out a one- He said if no fee increase is for violations of the ASUI Richardson confirmed that well as the university," Richar- year probation to the univer- requested at the Regents'une Rules and Regulations. II Schmitz had resigned. In a dson added. sity for basketball recruiting meeting, it will be at least a In other business, the March 3 story in the Schmitz also serves as a violations. year before there is another senate approved ap- 'rgonaut Richardson had lieu tenan t for the Moscow The University also made chance. pointments of Linda Triem- refused to comment on the Police Department with Cam- news when it was discovered The resolution passed the stra as Argonaut editor and subject and Schmitz had told pus Security serving as a about one-sixth of the univer- senate by a vote of 6-4. Rick Stejner as Photography the Argonaut that he was not Moscow Police substation. sity's private endowment is in- Senators Nuttman, Tucker, Dep'aanent manager. Also '=- in theprocessof resigning.. Schmitz refused to make vested in American firms Howard, and DeMeyer voted approved were 29 ap- Reliable sources have said any comment on — his which operate in South * against the measure. pointments to student-faculty that much of Schmitz's resignation. Africa. The senate voted to commit tees. 2 Friday, May 12;1978 Gibb may fill only three VaCanCieS!,: "I Got Mor un- by Marty Tjrillhaase ch,"(and that was open: bring in a retired I". The U of I may have found 'uccessful) "I'm not con- ~" A Tan Last sure business dean from another a solution to filling four upper ducting another national sear- 'chool for a temporary period ",.'i administration vacancies —fill ch would be very productive," or begin another search. Summer!" three. only he said. Gibb has been approachinl Ii That's the word President ',I The summer Gibb added he expects to retired business deans. He ad. Richard Gibb gave members name an acting academic vice ded he may have four, Wi session at of the local pr'ess yesterday. president by late July. That prospects. But he added, ni'm .":,'ot John. Robert The university ad- would put the acting vice sure whether or not wc i; Powers ministration is facing the president on the job by will be successful." can look following vacancies: August. But in view of the The Board of Regents'I help you academic vice-president, university's difficulties in rejection of a proposed $ 1(j It'ee better, feel better, Ii graduate clean, asso'ciate filling three dean positions, increase'or student express yourself be graduate dean, and coor- Gibb tempered his optimism. disappointed him, );~'acilities dinator of research. In ad- "By ...and it only take late August, I may wish I But Gibb added he wasn't sur. I: dition, the hadn't i-'. of hours, university has yet said that," he said. prised. The U of I executive couple a to fill dean slots in the College A larger job pool is one committee had been reluctant I-'; of days oinights a of Business and Economics reason to be hopeful, Gibb to approve the increase. Gibb I': and the College of Law. Can- said. Vice president's salary is said he told the committcc I:: didates for the three dean not much more than a dean', "We do need but we can gct One more thin it, positions have so far rejected he noted. But more people along without it." the personal impro the university's '"': offers.