Can You Hear $1 Me Now? Weekend Edition Cell Service Saturday, Debated Dec. 31, 2016 at Rainier Serving our communities since 1889 — / Life 1 Swearing an Oath Interstate 5 Cold Case Fund, Jackson Sworn in After Victories in State Patrol Still Seeking Leads in Road Rage County Commission Campaigns / Main 10 Shooting That Occurred One Year Ago / Main 5 Centralia Couple Charged After Years of Alleged Neglect and Abuse; Child, 16, Weighed 54 Pounds COURT DOCUMENTS: Medical Staff A Centralia couple made their first S. Foxworth Sr, 44, made their first ap- a child in their care by “withholding any court appearance Friday on charges al- pearances out of custody in Lewis Coun- of the basic necessities of life,” according Disturbed by State of Teen Who leging that they severely neglected a child ty Superior Court Friday on suspicion of to charging documents. Had Not Eaten in Weeks or in their care for a period of approximate- first-degree criminal mistreatment, do- Both were granted $10,000 unsecured Seen a Doctor in Nine Years ly nine years, leading to serious medical mestic violence. bail, allowing them to remain out of po- issues and delayed physical and mental It is alleged that between January lice custody. They were appointed attor- neys Friday. By Natalie Johnson development. 2007 and January 2016, the Foxworths
[email protected] Mary G. Foxworth, 42, and Anthony recklessly caused “great bodily harm” to please see NEGLECT, page Main 12 Judge County 911 Dispatchers Advised to Wear Dismisses Masks After Water Leaks, Mold Growth Rape Case After Deputy’s Conduct During Trial MISTRIAL: Lewis County Deputy Accused of Trying to Influence Testimony of Victim By Natalie Johnson
[email protected] A jury will not have the opportunity to deliver a ver- dict in a rape case after a judge ruled this month that a deputy from the Lewis Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office engaged in “governmental misconduct” during a trial.