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The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Shreveport, State of Louisiana, was called to order by Chairman Roy Burrell, at 3:15 pm., Tuesday, July 9, 2002, in the Government Chambers in Government Plaza (505 Travis Street). Invocation was given by Reverend Rick Edmonds, of Calvary Baptist Church. On Roll Call, the following members were Present: Councilmen Huckaby, Stewart, Carmody, Serio, Spigener, Shyne and Burrell. 7. Absent: None. Motion by Councilman Shyne, seconded by Councilman Huckaby for approval of the Administrative Conference Summary Minutes of June 24, 2002 and the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2002. Motion approved by the following vote: Councilmen Huckaby, Stewart, Carmody, Serio, Spigener, Shyne and Burrell. 7. Absent: None. Awards, Recognitions of Distinguished Guests, and Communications of the Mayor Which Are Required By Law. Mayor Hightower: We obviously have a lot of distinguished guests with us today. I did want to recognize a couple that we have: Pat Chuck is with us again today. Pastor Rick who just gave the invocation and a couple of generations of Durons are with us as well, we welcome all of you down to City Hall. And also, I would like to call the Fire Chief forward. We’ve had a couple of young, distinguished brave guys in our midst and we look at the Fire Department and Police Department and call them heros often times, but a lot of times there are those ordinary citizens out in the community that have done something like take a CPR Class that actually helped someone to hold on until the Fire Department and the guys that really knew what they were doing, got there and the Chief has two fine examples of that with him today. Chief Cochran: It gives us great pleasure today to recognize two outstanding young men in the community. On June 14, 2002 at the Fox Creek Apartment, a little girl was attending a birthday party at the apartment complex pool area. And she went to the bottom of the pool and was unnoticed for quite some time. And these two young men rose to the occasions. Mr. Chavis Randal was the rescuer. He actually responded, dove into the pool, and found the four- year old little girl and brought her to safety and Mr. Petrick Fuller performed CPR until the Fire Department arrived on the scene. She spent a few days in the hospital and she was discharged and she is alive today because of the brave heroic action of these two young men and I think it is in order that we all, as citizens of Shreveport recognize them. So it is on behalf of Mayor and myself as the Fire Chief of the Shreveport Fire Department, that we recognize both Petrick Fuller and Chavis Randall for your heroic and life saving efforts on June 14, 2002 at Fox Creek Apartments: Whereas, the life of a four year-old child was saved after she was rescued from the bottom of a swimming pool and you performed cardio pulmonary resuscitation and rescued her and saved her life. Councilman Burrell: Mr. Fuller and Mr. Randall, do you have any comments? We always give you an opportunity. I wondered what had happened to you. The last time I saw you, you were wondering why, no one recognized you and I see that you made your way through the maze. And I think that there was another situation that you had explained to me that you were involved in earlier too, you might want to share with the public. Petrick Fuller: I didn’t really want recognition as much for myself as I wanted it for Chavis. At lot of times we do acts that are unnoticed and people don’t take an account for it and at least a pat on the back or a hand shake, as a job well done, is recognition enough. 2

The fact that she is running around and playing, in that I’ve seen her several times since, is the greatest reward in the world. I’m thankful for this award and I’m glad that I was able to help the other families that I’ve helped, regardless if it was a shooting at Union a