DEFENSIVE AND COMPETITIVE BIDDING LEADS AND SIGNALS EBL (Style: Responses: 1 / 2 Level; Reopening) OPENING LEADS STYLE 11+ F1 Lead In Partner’s Suit CATEGORY: i.e. Green / Blue / Red / HUM / : 1X – (Two Suits ) - ? Suit ATITUDE 1,3,5 NCBO: X = penalty at least to one of the suits NT ATITUDE 1,3,5 Lower = fit in X, 10+ PLAYERS: Fatima Alves 2 (1516) Upper Cue bid = 4th suit, 10+ Pedro Salgueiro 2 ( 2956) 4th suit= natural, NF Following Counting Fit to X = weak 6-9 Other:

1NT OVERCALL (2nd/4th Live; Responses; Reopening) LEADS SYSTEM SUMMARY 2nd / 3rd seat » 15-18 system on Lead Vs. Suit Vs. NT 4th seat (reopening) » 12-14 system on Ace AKxx,Ax AKxx,Ax GENERAL APPROACH AND STYLE King KQJxx; KQ10xx KQJxx; KQ10xx SAYC – Yellow Card Queen QJ10xx; KQxx; QJ9xx; Qx QJ10xx; KQxx; QJ9xx; Qx 2x1 GF Jack J109xx; QJxx; J108xx; Jx J109xx; QJxx; J108xx; Jx . /  = 3+ / 11H+ JUMP OVERCALLS (Style; Responses; Unusual NT) 10 10x ; J10xx; 1098xx; 1097x 10x ; J10xx; 1098xx; 1097xx  /  = 5+ / 11H+ 1NT = 15-17 Weak 9 9x; 109xx 9x; 109xx 2NT = 20-21 2NT (reopening) »» over Major = minors; over minor = Om + M Hi-X 2. = GF Lo-X 2  = Weak SIGNALS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY DIRECT & JUMP CUE BIDS (Style; Response; Reopen) Partner’s Lead Declarer’s Lead Discarding SPECIAL BIDS THAT MAY REQUIRE DEFENSE Modified Michaels. Suit 1 Odd - Even Counting Odd - Even Checkback: over 1NT forcing until 2NT; over 2NT GF 1. »» 2. = natural; 1. / 1 »» 2= Majors Suit 2 Odd - Even Counting Odd - Even Trial bids 1.– 2NT (Diamonds + Major); 1 – 2NT (Clubs + Major) Splinters

VS. NT (vs. Strong/Weak; Reopening;PH) Rubinsohl (over 1 ST) Cappelletti (2nd / 3rd seat) Puppet Stayman: over 2NT and all sequences that lead to 2NT Doble = Punitive; 2. = Unicolor ; 2= Majors (Criss-cross) 2   = Hearts + minor or Spades + minor; 2NT =2 suit minors Drury: over in 3rd and 4th seat (4th seat) Bergen: over Major in 1st and 2nd seat Michaels

3x = Natural VS.PREEMTS (Doubles; Cue-bids; Jumps; NT Bids) TAKEOUT DOUBLES (Style; Responses; Reopening) 1NT opening may have: Major 5, minor 6 and singleton A ou R Dbl = Standard / NT = Standard Natural 11+ 2NT idem Reopening 8+ Walsh Helvic (over 1NT doubled) 4th suit forcing VS. ARTIFICIAL STRONG OPENINGS- i.e. 1. or 2. SPECIAL SEQUENCES Mathe (over 2. » 1 step above) SPECIAL, ARTIFICIAL & COMPETITIVE DBLS/RDLS Double = two Majors, at least 4/4 depends on vulnerability Negatives: up to 4 1 /    = natural, 5 cards / 2. = natural with Clubs Takeout: up to 3 1NT = two minors, at least 4/4 depending on vulnerability Support: up to 3 OVER OPPONENTS’ (over M opening) Suit / lead: 4 IMPORTANT NOTES Support = 3 cards 5-7H Jump = 4 cards less than 7H 2NT = 4 cards 8-10H PSYCHICS: very rare RDBL = 11+ without fit; could have 2 cards

BIDDING LEVEL HIGH 3NT 3 3 2NT 2 2 2 INT 1 1  .   .  .

/ / / / /

 2 1 1   


5 4   Blackwood x NT N x

6X 5 T


a asks

ARTIFICIAL sks specificsks Kin = 6 8 6+ 6+ 6 5 3 2


A +u

+ useful ces 5 MIN. NO. OF

seful void Keys


following suit following

 gs

• NEG.DBL on

0/3 0/3 THRU


(ifbelow trumpsuit) side stopper side w suit Solid have Major May 5 singl rareVery A/K 20 5 5 FG have Major May 5 singl rareVery A/K (14) 11 11 ask DES • - -

10 10 - - - 1/4 1/4

21 21 21 s

15 eton eton

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- 17 •


pQueen /5 /5 /o /o



( • • • Standard/ 4 4 Anot 4 3 3 3 2 3 O =F 2ST Al 4 4 2 Stayman • • 2 2 A 2 1 .  .   .  . ST .  1 Splinter 2 1 the N . barran . NT 

=sign off / T = = = =transfer = ( Puppet /3 = = = , ces  -  r suit r , her suit her

2 Gerber asks Ge aks for » twosuits Quant 

-  =Transfer =

2 OGUST(stre = 6+ + =natural.F1 asks for 1 desc rber

. /1

F1 F1 2 FG

TrumpQueen In limi = Forcing 1 . , singleton   ve ita


= Forcing =8 =12+ shortness( c,0 3 . to NT to 3 • atleast Major 4 1 t rte

. tive ed

 m 2/1 = 2/1 -

- 10 H 10 = Minors d


5 (WJ 5 nor to Hearts orto Spades


8 GF



11 11 s • GF

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- ues - 2 7 .

• • • • Asking for Queen:Asking E Control 5 4 N Re 3 Su 3 O 3 3 3 3 = 2ST 2 2 2 A 2 3x 2 • •

.  NT .  S C .    xclusion xclusion Jump Jump 2 2 M 2 A Over ew ver fter NT

pport bi  N

  = / = ( f ( »» »» »» / =n =  g ter  bad

T /2 • • • d

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suit = o Hearts = =


= 2


= od, good od, . 3 3 3 =12 = opening suit opening o NT solid opening su opening solid 1 2/1 2/1 7222 sho =

  bad , NT

Ace of HeartsAce or of S solid max. NT , 3 Kings

Aces Cue Aceo

= fit =visfit o 3 splinter = fit =fit 6 in thansuittrump =lower Q 6 and K thatof trump suit of in trum 6 NT 5 in 5 trum or ,

 - Blackwood »opener rt He rt . 

- 1 =

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Respo 2 f Clubsf Diamonds or NT  minor 3 r ou 8+ ); ids ids  . arts or artsor Spades D

2 2 Majors

ca 3 w = l

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2 on M all other occasions : a : ( -

17 b 17 good, good it def def M 2 with


3 t de nSpades w . 5 NT ACTION pad

; 2 p X al.,3ST=18 ith4 cards f M,f def

(mandatory) Honor ); = denies Q =denies , 


es contro 3 ,

H (14+ =6

( w •

after fit established after fit

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 REPO  DEPO(Double D Direct RDB Pass (HardHelvic 2 erSpades

COMP . e nor

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> singl L


> RD le > (Redouble (Redouble



2 suits insuits 2

2 b = 0/2/


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BIDDING = ; Pass 0/2/4 ine) 4 ; 4 Pas »»

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 5
