1982 Target North-West: Civil Defence & Nuclear War in Cumbria
Digital Archive digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org International History Declassified 1982 Target North-West: Civil Defence & Nuclear War in Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside, and Cheshire Citation: “Target North-West: Civil Defence & Nuclear War in Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside, and Cheshire,” 1982, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Robert Poole and Steve Wright, Richard Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, University of Lancaster, 1982. Reproduced with the permission of Robert Poole and Steve Wright. http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/110194 Summary: Pamphlet by the Richardson Institute for Peace and Conflict Research detailing the effects and aftermath of a nuclear war on Northwest England. Describes emergency defense plans for the post- attack government. Original Language: English Contents: Scan of Original Document By Robert Poole &. Steve Wright, The Richardson Institute Study Group on Civil Defence. I TARGET NORTH-WEST Civil defence and nuclear warin Region 10 By Robert Poole and Steve Wright CivilDefence Study Group, Richardson Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, University of Lancaster. 1982 la1til11te lor Policy StudlM "-.--=- Prol•Ot Arml Race and Nuclear Weapon.I 1901 0 Street, N.W. Wa1hin9ton. D.C. 20009 ©Robert Poole and Steve Wright 1982. Permi sion to reproduce will be freely given to movem nt pre provided full acknowledgement is made. We would like to thank all th e who cannot be named who h Ip d with this research. We would particula rly like to thank Dr C.H.W. Fairfax of the N rth West Regional Health Authority and Mr R.B. Batty and Mr C.H. Stannard of the North We. t Water Board for their time and their specialised help.
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