Jacqueline Wilson,Nick Sharratt | 224 pages | 28 Nov 2006 | Random House Children's Publishers UK | 9780440867579 | English | London, United Kingdom The Story of Tracy Beaker (TV Series –) - IMDb

The Story of Tracy Beaker, p. Patricia Reilly Giff, consultant to this series, received her bachelor's degree from Marymount College and a master's degree in history from St. John's University. She was a teacher and reading consultant for many years, and is the author of numerous books for young readers. I am 10 years 2 months old. My birthday is on May 8. It's not fair, because that dopey Peter Ingham has his birthday then too, so we just got the one cake between us. And we had to hold the knife to cut the cake together. Which meant we only had half a wish The Story of Tracy Beaker. Wishing is for babies anyway. Wishes don't come true. I was born at some hospital somewhere. I looked cute when I was a little baby but I bet I yelled a lot. I The Story of Tracy Beaker inches tall. I don't know. I've tried measuring with a ruler but it keeps wobbling about and I can't reach properly. I don't want to get any of the other children to help me. This is my private book. I weigh pounds. I don't know that either. Jenny has a scale in her bathroom but it's in stones. I don't weigh many stones. I'm little and skinny. My eyes are black and I can make them go all wicked and witchy. I quite like the idea of being a witch. I'd make up all these The Story of Tracy Beaker evil spells and wave my wand and ZAP! Louise's golden curls would all fall out The Story of Tracy Beaker ZAP! Peter Ingham's silly squeaky voice would get sillier and squeakier and he'd grow whiskers and a long tail and ZAP! My hair is fair and very long and curly. I am telling fibs. It's dark and difficult and it The Story of Tracy Beaker up in all the wrong places. My skin is full of pimples when I eat a lot of sweets. The Story of Tracy Beaker a photo of yourself The Story of Tracy Beaker. I'm not really cross-eyed. The Story of Tracy Beaker was just making a silly The Story of Tracy Beaker. I started this book on I don't know. Who cares what the date is? You always have to put the date at school. I got fed up with this and put in my Day Book and wrote about all these rockets and spaceships and monsters zooming down from Mars to eat us all up, as if we'd all whizzed one hundred years into the future. Miss Brown got really annoyed. So why didn't some fantastic rich family make me their foster child when I was seven, then? My favorite color is blood red, so watch out, The Story of Tracy Beaker. My best friend is Well, I've had lots and lots, but Louise has gone off with Justine and now I haven't got anyone just at the moment. I like eating everything. I like birthday cake best. And any other kind of cake. My favorite name is Camilla. There was a lovely little baby at The Story of Tracy Beaker other home The Story of Tracy Beaker that was her name. She was a really sweet kid with fantastic hair that I used to try to get into loads of little braids and it must have hurt her sometimes but she never cried. She really liked me, little Camilla. A family picked her to be their foster child quick as a wink. I begged her foster mom and dad to bring her back to see me but they never did. I like drinking strong beer. That's a joke. I have had a sip of light beer once but I didn't like it. My favorite game is playing with makeup. Louise and I once borrowed some from Adele, who's got tons. Louise was a bit boring and just tried to make herself look beautiful. I turned myself into an incredible vampire with evil shadowy eyes and blood dribbling down my chin. I really scared the little ones. My favorite animal is Well, there's a rabbit called Lettuce at this home but it's a bit limp, like its name. It doesn't sit up and give you a friendly lick like a dog. My favorite TV program is horror movies. Best of all I like being with my mom. Oh, there's heaps and heaps of names I can't stand. Especially when it's got big fatty lumps in it. I used to have this horrid foster mother called Auntie Peggy and she was an awful cook. She used to make this slimy stew that looked like The Story of Tracy Beaker and we were supposed to eat it all up, every single bit. Most of all I hate Justine. That Monster Gorilla. And not seeing my mom. Stick a photo of you and your family here. This was when I was a baby. See, I was sweet then. And this is my mom. She's ever so pretty. I wish I looked more like her. The people in my own family are My mom. I don't have a dad. I lived with my mom when I was little and we got on great but then she got this Monster Gorilla Boyfriend and I hated him and he hated me back and beat me up and so I had to be taken away to a children's home. No wonder my mom sent him packing. My own family lives at I'm not sure exactly where my mom lives now because she has to keep moving around because she gets fed up living in one place for long. The phone number is Well, I don't know, do I? Funny, though, I always used to take this toy telephone in the playhouse at school and pretend I was phoning my mom. I used to have these long, long conversations with her. They were just pretend, of course, but I was only about five then and sometimes they got to be quite real. Things about my family that I like I like my mom because she's pretty and good fun and she brings me lovely presents. There's no point filling this part in. I haven't got a foster family at the moment. I've had two. There was Auntie Peggy and Uncle Sid first of all. I didn't like them much and I didn't get on with the other kids so I didn't care when they got rid of me. I was in a children's home for a while and then I had this other couple. Julie and Ted. They were young and friendly and they bought me a bike and I thought it was all going to be great and I went to live with them and I was ever so The Story of Tracy Beaker and did everything they said and I thought I'd be staying with them until my mom came to get me for good but then …I don't want to write about it. I was so mad I smashed up the bike so I don't even have that anymore. And now I'm in a new children's home and they've advertised me in the papers but there weren't many takers and now I think they're getting a bit desperate. I don't care, though. I expect my mom will come soon anyway. List of The Story of Tracy Beaker characters - Wikipedia

The series is based on the book of the same name by . It ran on for five series from to The series was followed by Tracy Beaker Returns that ran for three series from to and then that has aired since She is strict, but cares for the young people a lot and secretly despises social worker Elaine "The Pain" The Story of Tracy Beaker. Jenny leaves at the end of the second series, for a new job. The Story of Tracy Beaker makes a couple of cameo appearances in later series as a cartoon character. Jenny was last mentioned in Tracy Beaker Returns. He became head care worker in Operation Careworker. Mike is the longest-serving and the only character in the Tracy Beaker Franchise being in the very first episode back in as well as appearing in the books although he left in Series 7 Episode 24 in Mike is tall and slim, with grey hair and blue eyes. He has shared many emotional moments with the children. He is seen as a father figure to many of them, in particular to Tracy, Justine, Peter, Carmen, Tee, Gus, and Harry, something they have mentioned. Mike makes his first appearance in the first episode of "The Story of Tracy Beaker"; he is a care worker at Stowey House, and has been for some time — he is already on good terms with Tracy Beaker Dani Harmerthinking she's a 'good kid on the whole'. He leaves at the end of series 1 after an emergency call in another care home. Mike returns in series 5 as Elm Tree House's new chef. When Head Care Worker, Shelley Appelton Nicola Reynoldsdecides to leave Elm Tree House she holds interviews for possible head care workers, who none of the young people like, so they beg Mike to take up the role, which he does. The character of Mike returns in "Tracy Beaker Returns", appearing in every episode of the show; it is implied that he never left Elm Tree House and continued to act as Head Care Worker. Mike is first seen with Gina Conway Kay Purcell when he is saying that they need more staff. He is then seen collecting Liam O'Donovan Richard Wisker from the local police station and met up with Tracy after she is arrested for fraud. Mike offers her a job at the Dumping Ground because it is short-staffed, with only himself and Gina working there. As a result of this, Tracy and Mike get to know each other again and become closer. In the third The Story of Tracy Beaker of the show, Mike is offered an MBE and accepts it, and later in the series, he only just survives when a roof falls on him. Mike continues to appear as Head Care Worker throughout "The Dumping Ground"; in the first episode he leaves to go on holiday, only for chaos to occur at Elm Tree House until he returns at the end of the second episode, although he knows nothing about it as Gina worries he may not take another holiday again. In the eighth episode of the fourth series Carmen Howle Amy-Leigh Hickman reports Mike to the police, as Mike's car has been broken into, with Carmen file inside the car, and it had been stolen. However, it is revealed that Ryan Reeves Lewis Hamilton took the file as revenge for Mike telling the kids about his history, though he was only protecting Ryan. Mike forgives Ryan and agrees not to tell everyone. They end their feud. He later marries Fiona whom he dated 30 years ago in Series 6 Episode In the Series 7 episode, "Reunion," it is revealed that he has a twin brother named Peadar, who both grew up in a bad care home. He returns to Ireland, where he was born. He meets his mother, Sheila, and patches up his strained relationship with his brother. In the finale, he decides to leave Ashdene Ridge to return to Ireland, to be with his family. This retcons the backstory of The Story of Tracy Beaker, whose character had originally revealed contradictory elements of his history in Series 5 The Story of Tracy Beaker The Story of Tracy Beaker. Formally, Mike had suggested that his father had walked out on his mother during his teens, and indicates to Jackie Hopper that he does not understand the perspective of living as a child in care. Mike does reveal the existence of his brother during this series, however, while not specifically indicating that this brother is an identical twin. He likes to think he is Tracy's 'best friend', however Tracy often disagrees and brands him a 'weed'. In one episode, Jill and Terry Brown, take Tracy out but they decide that they don't want to foster her, but they want to foster Peter instead. They eventually foster him in the episode The Story of Tracy Beaker series 1 however he returns back to the Dumping Ground out of being afraid and missing the Dumping ground. Tracy convinces him to Stay with Jill and Terry Brown. He made his final appearance in the series 1 finale. Ryan moved to The Dumping Ground with his non-identical twin brother, Zac. He speaks in a Cockney dialect and is interested in judo. He gets up to mischief with his twin Zac, and Maxy. Ryan doesn't usually take no for an answer. Ryan leaves The Dumping Ground with his brother Zac, between series 1 and 2. She was put into care after her father, Steve Littlewood, couldn't cope after the death of her mother. He visited her occasionally. Carmen Howle took a liking to Justine and Charlie and thought they'd be the perfect foster parents for her. Mike invites Justine and Charlie round for lunch, or as the The Story of Tracy Beaker called it an Engagement Party much to Tracy's disgust. At lunch Justine continues to talk about herself making Tracy feel jealous, but Justine crosses the line after she tells everyone that when Tracy was a kid, she used to lie a lot about her The Story of Tracy Beaker being a big Hollywood star. And that she'd join her in Hollywood to be a star too. Justine then added that she almost believed her, seemingly trying to make out she wasn't being mean but it was obvious to Tracy that she was. During lunch Justine's fiance Charlie gets a phone call, Rick Barber who was already suspicious of Charlie sneaks out the dining room to listen in on Charlie, and it sounds dodgy. Especially when Charlie comes back into the dining room saying his mum has had a fall, which didn't sound like what Rick overheard. Rick then follows Charlie out telling him he knows what he's doing as his parents were con artists too. Charlie The Story of Tracy Beaker Rick and bribes him not to tell Justine by giving him a new laptop. After lunch Justine takes Gina ConwayCarmen, Lily KettleTee Taylor and Sapphire Fox shopping, they come back with loads of clothes and jewellery from Justine and while they were out, Justine told the girls about the time when Tracy dared her The Story of Tracy Beaker steal Jenny Edwards ' clothes while she was in the shower. Which later the girls decide to steal Tracy's clothes while she's in the shower, thinking she'd find it funny. Which she didn't find amusing in the slightest. Later in the dining room Justine is discussing her wedding day plans to Carmen, showing her pictures of the venue and her wedding dress, and even invites Carmen along to the wedding. Carmen then asks Justine about fostering which freaks Justine out a little but says she'll think about it and talk to Charlie after Carmen said it worked for Cam and Tracy. Tracy overhears this and grows a little jealous but also thinks Justine is just saying she'll foster Carmen to get one over on Tracy. Justine then says that Tracy hasn't changed and that she still thinks the whole world revolves around Tracy Beaker and then starts mocking her book she wrote, which starts a classic Beaker and Littlewood Brawl. Carmen stops them and shouts at Tracy and saying how much she believes that Justine and Charlie are going to foster her. Rick then The Story of Tracy Beaker in a decides to tell the truth about Charlie. Rick tells Justine that Charlie is a con man and has loads of other girls on the go and twists things and lies to The Story of Tracy Beaker all these girls for their money, Justine refuses to believe her husband to be could be this evil, but agrees to team up with Tracy to find out the truth. Justine ends it with Charlie and goes up to make up with her The Story of Tracy Beaker. Justine later goes back to the Dumping Ground to tell Mike and Gina what happened and what Charlie The Story of Tracy Beaker up to, and that she found out Charlie's mum was in on the whole scam as well. Justine then goes to speak to Carmen to apologise that she won't be able to foster Carmen anymore after what's happened. Carmen calmly accepts the decision and reminds Justine what Tracy always tells them, that Dumping Ground Kids can cope with anything. Justine then tells Carmen to never to The Story of Tracy Beaker anyone she said that "Tracy Beaker's right". Before Justine leaves, her and Tracy have a heart to heart and reminisce their times in the DG. Tracy then goes on to say that she is a complete failure compared to Justine, but Justine says she doesn't think Tracy is a failure because her job The Story of Tracy Beaker makes good money, while Tracy's job changes lives, then tells Tracy she's doing OK. Louise Goven[2] portrayed by Chelsie Padley, [ citation needed ] made her first appearance in the first episode of series 1. Louise was best friends with Tracy before she The Story of Tracy Beaker fostered by a couple called Ted and Julie. However, Tracy never contacted Louise whilst she was away, so when Justine Littlewood arrived at the Dumping Ground, she became her new best friend. However, when Tracy returned, she became jealous of Louise and Justine, resulting in arguments and Tracy breaking Justine's clock. Louise leaves after she is fostered by the Morris family, in The Long Goodbye. However she makes guest appearances in series 3. Zac moved to The Dumping Ground with his non-identical twin brother, Ryan. He gets up to mischief with his twin Ryan, and Maxy. Zac leaves The Dumping Ground with his brother Ryan, between series 1 and 2. Norman 'Duke' Ellington[4] portrayed by Clive Roweis a care-worker and also the Dumping Ground's chef and gardener. He is nicknamed after the jazz musician with whom he shares a surname. He first appeared in the first The Story of Tracy Beaker of series 1 and departed in the final episode of series 4when he went to visit family in the Caribbean. Like many of the staff, he maintains a disliking aura toward Elaine the Pain, having once locked her in the pantry to hide her from an inspector. He is Tracy's best friend. He seems to be living on the streets. Then, in the episode, 'Birthday' he tries to make it up to Tracy by saving her birthday party. He departs in the final episode of series 2. He did not appear in series 3 but was mentioned by Tracy that he went to boarding school in the first episode of that series 'Leavin' on a Jet Plane'. Adele Azupadi[2] portrayed by Rochelle Gadd, [5] made her first appearance in the first episode of series 1. Adele is the eldest resident of the Dumping Ground in the first series and works part-time in a clothing store. Adele usually keeps herself to herself however intervenes if she has to. Adele returns in series 2and is seen to be living in a bed-sit on her own. This is until, Tracy visits her and she admits that she is lonely living on her own. Adele then returns to live in the Dumping Ground. She is not seen in series 3as it is thought that she had now moved out. Maxy King[2] portrayed by Jerome Holder, made his first appearance in the first episode of series 1. The Story of Tracy Beaker (Jacqueline Wilson) » Read Online Free Books

All the children are invited to Cam and Gary's big day, but Tracy is The Story of Tracy Beaker determined not to attend. From " Veronica Mars " to Rebecca take a look back at the career of Armie The Story of Tracy Beaker on and off the The Story of Tracy Beaker. See the full gallery. Title: The Story of Tracy Beaker — Tracy Beaker is a 10 year old girl who has been placed in a children's home. Tracy makes new friends along the way, and causes mischief where ever she goes. It's a good TV programme. It about a feisty girl named Tracy beaker who lives in a care home and has had many failed fostering attempts. She was fostered by a writer named Cam in series 4 but still came to visit her friends at the home. She used to make out that her mum was a famous Hollywood a-lister during the early series but ended up growing out of it later on. She has some friends which include a bad tempered boy nicknamed Crash who always smashes plates and stuff when he's angry and a young girl named Jackie who likes running and sports. Her worst enemy is a girl named Justine Littlewood and the pair of them have been rivals since series 1. Before she came, Tracy was friends with a girl named Louise who became friends with Justine when she came to the care home but still stayed friends with Tracy and she sometimes would stick up for her if Justine was saying mean things to her. Other characters include Elaine the annoying social worker, Duke, the large cookNathan, the trainee care worker and the Wellards, a trio of Siblings who cause misery and pain to another residents in the home. This is a good programme, if you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you watch it. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Added to Watchlist. Top-Rated Episodes S5. Error: please try again. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. My Childhood Shows. Childhood Movies Not Disney Animation. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Dani Harmer Tracy Beaker episodes, Montanna Thompson Lol 84 episodes, Ben Hanson Duke 79 episodes, Nisha Nayar Crash 65 episodes, Chelsie Padley Jackie 55 episodes, Lisa Coleman Marco 50 episodes, Sharlene Whyte Edit Storyline Tracy Beaker is a 10 year old girl who has been placed in a children's home. Edit Did You Know? The views on the video stand at 15, views as of right now. Quotes Tracy Beaker : So, where are we The Story of Tracy Beaker Camilla "Cam" Lawson The Story of Tracy Beaker How about a picnic in the park? Tracy Beaker : Call the news crew, warn the paparazzi! Tracy Beaker is going to the park! Camilla "Cam" Lawson : Well, I like the park. Tracy Beaker : Of course The Story of Tracy Beaker do, you're old. I bet you enjoy the cemetery as well. Camilla "Cam" Lawson : Are you this cheeky to everyone? Tracy Beaker : Yeah, don't go thinking you're anyone special. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add the first question. Country: UK. Language: English. Runtime: 15 min episodes. Color: Color. Edit page. Add episode. October Streaming Picks. Back to School Picks. Clear your history. Tracy Beaker episodes, Lol 84 episodes, Duke 79 episodes, Crash 65 episodes, Jackie 55 episodes, Marco 50 episodes, Jenny 48 episodes,