Kelly Cache Networks Milad Mahdian, Armin Moharrer, Stratis Ioannidis, and Edmund Yeh Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA fmmahdian,amoharrer,ioannidis,
[email protected] Abstract—We study networks of M/M/1 queues in which nodes We make the following contributions. First, we study the act as caches that store objects. Exogenous requests for objects problem of optimizing the placement of objects in caches in are routed towards nodes that store them; as a result, object Kelly cache networks of M/M/1 queues, with the objective traffic in the network is determined not only by demand but, crucially, by where objects are cached. We determine how to of minimizing a cost function of the system state. We show place objects in caches to attain a certain design objective, such that, for a broad class of cost functions, including packet as, e.g., minimizing network congestion or retrieval delays. We delay, system size, and server occupancy rate, this optimization show that for a broad class of objectives, including minimizing amounts to a submodular maximization problem with matroid both the expected network delay and the sum of network constraints. This result applies to general Kelly networks with queue lengths, this optimization problem can be cast as an NP- hard submodular maximization problem. We show that so-called fixed service rates; in particular, it holds for FIFO, LIFO, and continuous greedy algorithm [1] attains a ratio arbitrarily close processor sharing disciplines at each queue. to 1 − 1=e ≈ 0:63 using a deterministic estimation via a power The so-called continuous greedy algorithm [1] attains a series; this drastically reduces execution time over prior art, 1 − 1=e approximation for this NP-hard problem.